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The habitat use, seasonality and demography of the broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus were investigated in central Patagonia, where a data gap exists for the species. Catch and effort and video‐derived indices indicated high relative abundance of sharks during warm months. Video stations revealed differences in the spatial use by sharks, being more frequently observed in the inner section of the bay. Complementary tagging efforts evidenced both a seasonal residence pattern and site fidelity between consecutive warm seasons. Juveniles outnumbered adults, which suggests that they may use the study area as a secondary nursing ground. Evidence from spontaneous regurgitation further suggests that prey abundance may be driving the seasonal occurrence of sharks in the region. This study allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the population structure and dynamics of sevengill sharks in the Southwest Atlantic. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Despite being a large, relatively abundant predator, the distribution and seasonal occurrence of the broadnose sevengill shark, Notorynchus cepedianus, in New Zealand is poorly understood. During 71 sampling trips conducted from July 2013 to May 2015, sharks were attracted to coastal sampling sites in southern New Zealand at ōtākou/Otago Harbour and Te Whaka ā Te Wera/Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island, using chum. Using a logistic regression model, water temperature was identified as a key predictor of encountering sevengill sharks. In addition, location, cloud cover and sea state were also identified as influential predictors. At ōtākou, a clear seasonal pattern of sevengill shark sightings emerged. Sharks were detected on 86% of survey trips in summer, whilst no sharks were detected in winter or spring. At Te Whaka ā Te Wera, sharks were sighted throughout all seasons, but a decline in shark encounters occurred during winter. This study represents the first systematic data on seasonal habitat use by sevengill sharks in New Zealand.  相似文献   

An exceptional catch of 97 broadnose sevengill sharks Notorynchus cepedianus in Samborombón Bay, Argentina, in 2013 is described from a single overnight gillnet fishing operation. Sixty‐five female and 32 male N. cepedianus, ranging in size between 105–201 and 112–190 cm LT, respectively, were recorded in this catch. Fishers' observations and published information suggest that this species aggregates in the area seasonally for feeding.  相似文献   

Understanding the links between external variables such as habitat and interactions with conspecifics and animal space‐use is fundamental to developing effective management measures. In the marine realm, automated acoustic tracking has become a widely used method for monitoring the movement of free‐ranging animals, yet researchers generally lack robust methods for analysing the resulting spatial‐usage data. In this study, acoustic tracking data from male and female broadnose sevengill sharks Notorynchus cepedianus, collected in a system of coastal embayments in southeast Tasmania were analyzed to examine sex‐specific differences in the sharks’ coastal space‐use and test novel methods for the analysis of acoustic telemetry data. Sex‐specific space‐use of the broadnose sevengill shark from acoustic telemetry data was analysed in two ways: The recently proposed spatial network analysis of between‐receiver movements was employed to identify sex‐specific space‐use patterns. To include the full breadth of temporal information held in the data, movements between receivers were furthermore considered as transitions between states of a Markov chain, with the resulting transition probability matrix allowing the ranking of the relative importance of different parts of the study area. Both spatial network and Markov chain analysis revealed sex‐specific preferences of different sites within the study area. The identification of priority areas differed for the methods, due to the fact that in contrast to network analysis, our Markov chain approach preserves the chronological sequence of detections and accounts for both residency periods and movements. In addition to adding to our knowledge of the ecology of a globally distributed apex predator, this study presents a promising new step towards condensing the vast amounts of information collected with acoustic tracking technology into straightforward results which are directly applicable to the management and conservation of any species that meet the assumptions of our model.  相似文献   

The broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus) is a high-order marine predator distributed worldwide in shallow coastal waters of temperate seas. Recent reports have suggested it may be a prevalent component of Pacific Northwest coastal estuarine communities, although biological characteristics of the shark population remain undocumented despite growing interest in recreational harvest of the species. Longline sampling was conducted in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, Washington, USA seasonally during 2003–2006 to collect sevengill shark size, maturity, and sex ratio data, and establish some baseline catch rate information. Sevengill sharks were collected on 65% of longline sets and catches were composed of subadult and mature individuals (122–283 cm TL) of both sexes. Most male sevengill sharks were large sexually mature adults, based on external clasper calcification levels, whereas most comparably sized females were considered subadults, based on literature-based size-at–maturity estimates. Neonates and young sharks <120 cm were not collected, nor have they been reported in other historic estuary sampling efforts. Sex ratios were skewed toward males in Willapa Bay and suggest some degree of sexual segregation for the species, as has been shown for populations elsewhere. We suggest sevengill sharks are a largely ignored but potentially important predator in Pacific Northwest estuaries. This study therefore provides some of the first, basic information for guiding management decisions associated with a late-maturing, slow-growing shark species in these coastal habitats.  相似文献   

The presence of four sharks was documented in coastal waters of Antofagasta (Chile) using an unmanned aerial video camera. Fishers took advantage of this aggregation to catch and sold three adult broadnose sevengill sharks Notorynchus cepedianus. Species identity was determined by using the cox1 gene. One additional video was later recorded 3000 km south of Antofagasta, and shows a large female interacting with a salmon farming facility. Shallow water records of N. cepedianus were previously undocumented in Chilean waters, yet historically have provided an opportunistic event to fishers in Chile.  相似文献   

Serum corticosterone was previously studied in numerous elasmobranch fishes (sharks, skates and rays), but the role of this steroid, widespread throughout many taxa, has yet to be defined. The goal of this study was to test whether corticosterone varied in response to acute and chronic capture stress, and across the reproductive cycle in the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, and Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina. Serum corticosterone in S. tiburo increased following capture and again 24 h post-capture, possibly caused by interference with 1α-hydroxycorticosterone, the primary stress hormone in elasmobranchs. Higher serum concentrations in males compared to females were observed in both species. Variations in corticosterone also occurred during the reproductive cycle in both species. Consistent with other taxa, elevations in male bonnethead sharks and stingrays coincided with peak testicular development and mating. Elevations in female bonnethead sharks occurred from the time of mating through sperm storage into early gestation. In contrast, corticosterone levels in female stingrays were low during their protracted mating season, but elevated through late gestation and parturition. These results indicate that corticosterone has a limited role, if any, in acute and chronic stress associated with capture in S. tiburo, but likely has physiological functions associated with its glucocorticoid properties across the reproductive cycle of both species.  相似文献   

Archival tags were used to study the movement and depth behaviour of school sharks, Galeorhinus galeus, in southern australia. Thirty fish were tagged in late 1997, and to date there have been nine recaptures (30% recapture rate). Periods at liberty varied from 8 days to 18 months. The sharks spent about 80% of their time on the continental shelf, and appeared to swim close to the bottom during the day. At night they often ascended for periods of up to several hours, except at times around the full moon. When in deep water, the sharks typically descended at dawn to depths of up to 600m, before ascending at dusk. It was not possible to use the light data from the tags to estimate position when the sharks were in deep water, because they were often at depths beyond the sensitivity of the tag. In shallower water, longitude was estimated from the light data but latitude was estimated from the maximum daily depth, assuming the fish were on the bottom. The timing of the dives in deepwater appeared sufficiently regular to offer the prospect of using it to estimate longitude. We propose future research using archival tags on this species should address questions about female reproductive migrations, pelagic behaviour and vertical movements.  相似文献   

Shark take, driven by vast demand for meat and fins, is increasing. We set out to gain insights into the impact of small‐scale longline fisheries in Peru. Onboard observers were used to document catch from 145 longline fishing trips (1668 fishing days) originating from Ilo, southern Peru. Fishing effort is divided into two seasons: targeting dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus; December to February) and sharks (March to November). A total of 16,610 sharks were observed caught, with 11,166 identified to species level. Of these, 70.6% were blue sharks (Prionace glauca), 28.4% short‐fin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus), and 1% were other species (including thresher (Alopias vulpinus), hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena), porbeagle (Lamnus nasus), and other Carcharhinidae species (Carcharhinus brachyurus, Carcharhinus falciformis, Galeorhinus galeus). Mean ± SD catch per unit effort of 33.6 ± 10.9 sharks per 1000 hooks was calculated for the shark season and 1.9 ± 3.1 sharks per 1000 hooks were caught in the dolphinfish season. An average of 83.7% of sharks caught (74.7% blue sharks; 93.3% mako sharks) were deemed sexually immature and under the legal minimum landing size, which for species exhibiting k‐selected life history traits can result in susceptibility to over exploitation. As these growing fisheries operate along the entire Peruvian coast and may catch millions of sharks per annum, we conclude that their continued expansion, along with ineffective legislative approaches resulting in removal of immature individuals, has the potential to threaten the sustainability of the fishery, its target species, and ecosystem. There is a need for additional monitoring and research to inform novel management strategies for sharks while maintaining fisher livelihoods.  相似文献   

Morphology and reproductive strategies of a population of invasive loricariid catfish, Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus, in Volusia Blue Spring, Florida, were examined using morphological characters, gonado‐somatic indices and batch fecundity. This species has cystovarian ovaries, a left ovary that is significantly larger than the right ovary, and is highly fecund. Ovaries contained multiple oocyte size classes and completely spent females were not found, both of which indicate that this species is a multiple spawner. Reproductive patterns changed significantly between the first (2005) and the last (2007) years of this study; female fish became capable of spawning at a smaller size, a greater proportion of the captured population were capable of spawning each year and female batch fecundity increased, as did male and female gonado‐somatic indices. Plasticity of P. disjunctivus reproductive patterns is discussed in relation to resource availability and environmental stability.  相似文献   

Fishery-dependent and -independent data collected since 1975 were examined to explore the spatial distribution of 30 shark and ray species in the west coast of Australia. Bigeye sixgill (Hexanchus nakamurai), tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier) and spinner (Carcarhinus brevipinna) sharks, and scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini) were observed >1000 and 300 km to the east of the edge of their reported distributions. Broadnose sevengill sharks (Notorhyncus cepedianus) and southern sawsharks (Pristiophorus nudipinnis) were observed >1000 km to the west of the edge of their reported distributions. Our study highlights the value of collecting and examining long time-series of data for understanding the spatial distribution of large marine predators.  相似文献   

To provide updated information on life history for improved fishery management, the reproductive cycle of the finetooth shark Carcharhinus isodon from Northwest Atlantic (NWA) populations was investigated by examining temporal changes in morphology and histology of reproductive organs. Changes in plasma concentrations of gonadal sex hormones in relation to reproductive stage were also examined. Increases in testis width, epididymis head width, plasma testosterone concentrations and occurrence of mature spermatozoa were observed in male sharks between December and April, suggesting a seasonal pattern in reproduction that culminates with copulatory activity in May. Increases in maximum follicular diameter, oviducal gland width, plasma 17β-estradiol concentrations and occurrence of vitellogenic follicles were observed in non-pregnant female sharks during the same time period along with the occurrence of newly pregnant females in May, demonstrating strong synchronicity between male and female reproductive cycles. Pregnant females bearing full-term embryos were also observed in May, indicating that parturition occurs between mid-May and early June and gestation requires 12 months. Only transient temporal changes in follicle size and oviducal gland width were observed in pregnant females, indicating that reproductive periodicity is biennial; nonetheless, a single female exhibiting signs of concurrent vitellogenesis and pregnancy was observed. Mean brood size ± S.D. was 3.9 ± 0.9 offspring/female. Fecundity was not significantly correlated with female size, in part due to an unexpectedly high rate of early embryo mortality, which occurred in 11% of pregnant females, and was more common in larger individuals. Changes in ovarian activity during mid-pregnancy were observed, suggesting possible roles for the ovary in regulating some aspects of early to mid-gestation. This study confirms that earlier characterizations of the reproductive cycle and fecundity in NWA finetooth sharks remain valid for use in fishery management. This study also highlights unusual features of finetooth shark pregnancy (e.g., early embryo death, mid-pregnancy changes in ovarian function) that may have broader relevance to understanding elasmobranch reproduction.  相似文献   

Relative to the volume of studies concerning the function and evolution of male‐biased sexually dimorphic traits, instances of female‐biased sexual dimorphisms remain largely unstudied, especially in species with conventional sex roles. I investigated the signal function of a female‐specific ornamental trait using the striped plateau lizard (Sceloporus virgatus, Phrynosomatidae) as a model system. During the reproductive season, female S. virgatus develop orange color on their throats that is absent in conspecific males. I established the relationship between color expression and female reproductive state, and determined male response to female color. I show that dynamic changes occurring within the color patch can potentially identify each stage of the female reproductive cycle, largely because of a lag in patch growth relative to color intensification. Sexual receptivity is associated with intense patches rapidly growing in size; ovulation occurs near peak color expression; and the unreceptive period is associated with large patches fading in intensity. Because females express orange color during both the receptive and unreceptive periods, the pattern of color expression is consistent with the courtship‐stimulation and courtship‐rejection hypotheses of signal function. Males may preferentially associate with females that have more highly developed color patches during the courtship season, and/or ignore such females when they are unreceptive. An examination of male behavior towards unfamiliar females indicates that female color has a role in courtship stimulation but has little, if any, role in courtship rejection. During the pre‐mating season, males maintained significantly closer affiliation with, and tended to perform more social behavior towards females with more intense color. During the post‐mating season, female color had no apparent effect on male behavior. The evolution and current function of female ornaments may vary among taxonomically‐related species as a result of differences in ecology, social system, and life‐history.  相似文献   

In recent years genotyping analysis using mini‐ and microsatellite markers has provided robust DNA‐based support for facultative parthenogenesis (FP) in several lineages of squamate reptiles (snakes and lizards) and sharks. Rather than incidental cases of reproductive error, there is growing evidence that FP is an alternative reproductive strategy and an important mode of reproduction in these phylogenetically divergent vertebrate groups. Because documentation of FP in vertebrates is in its infancy, additional instances supported by molecular genetic methods provide insights that advance our general understanding of this phenomenon. Here, in a female checkered gartersnake (Thamnophis marcianus) reared in isolation since a juvenile, we describe five successive parthenogenetic litters produced over a 7‐year period that resulted in several viable male progeny. Cross species microsatellite amplification was performed across 30 primer pairs derived from Thamnophis spp. and related natricines to the female and nine available progeny. Five loci proved heterozygous in the maternal sample with the progeny differentially homozygous at all but one locus. Combined with evidence pertaining to captive history and litter characteristics, our analysis supports a specific type of FP, terminal fusion automictic parthenogenesis, over the competing hypothesis of long‐term sperm storage. Importantly, we document that a single individual was capable of producing successive litters composed of live parthenogens. In two cases, males achieved adulthood and showed the anatomical potential to demonstrate reproductive competence (normal looking hemipenes and testes). © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 566–572.  相似文献   

For over a decade, we have been studying the reproductive behavior of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, in the Dry Torugas off the Florida Keys, an important mating and nursery ground for this species. In the course of these studies, we have used a variety of tags and tagging protocols to monitor individual animals. Here we report the use of molecular methods for the genetic analysis of nurse sharks. Specifically we have analyzed genetic variation at the MHC II alpha locus using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified products. We found this technique to be a relatively rapid and reliable method for identifying genetic differences between individual sharks. Applying this method to a family of sharks consisting of a mother and 32 pups, we demonstrate that at least four fathers must have fathered this brood. Multiple paternity in the nurse shark suggests a mechanism by which populations of this species may maximize genetic variability. This seems especially valuable for philopatric species whose migratory movement, and thus potential for genetic diversity, is limited.  相似文献   

The reproduction of the sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus in the U.S. south‐eastern Atlantic Ocean including the Gulf of Mexico was examined using a combination of histological and morphological characteristics of C. plumbeus collected through fishery‐dependent and ‐independent sampling programmes (n = 1,567). Indices of maturity were constructed using measurements of gonads, reproductive tracts and claspers, and sandbar sharks exhibited 50% maturity sizes of 140 and 148 cm fork length for males and females respectively. Gonado‐somatic indices and variation in reproductive tract condition were used to determine seasonal trends in reproduction of mature C. plumbeus. Sandbar sharks have discrete seasonal reproductive cycles in which males produce sperm from January to May with a peak in May and females develop eggs from January to May with ovulation occurring in June. Females were shown to exhibit a >2 year reproductive cycle. Embryonic development was assessed through measurements of masses and lengths of uterine contents. Gestation was 12 months, from July to the following June, with parturition in late June. This research highlights a difference from previously reported data on the periodicity of female reproduction in C. plumbeus in the U.S. south‐eastern Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, which may have major effects on future C. plumbeus stock management.  相似文献   

The morphological and histological features of the unusual reproductive tract of the female lesser anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Myrmecophagidae, Xenarthra), are described for the first time. The present study aimed to establish the main similarities and differences between this species and other xenarthrans. The populations of this species are declining rapidly for a number of reasons and our study is relevant to diverse programs related to its conservation. Studies were carried out on five female genital tracts of adult specimens. Ovaries were ovoid, presenting a medulla completely surrounded by the cortex, differently from that described in other xenarthans. Like in Dasypus but different from all other armadillos studied, single oocyte follicles were observed and a simple the uterus. The uterovaginal canal connects the uterus with the urogenital sinus. The simple columnar epithelium of the uterovaginal canal ends abruptly at a septum which resembles a hymen, where the transitional epithelium of the urogenital sinus appears. This ancestral feature is shared with that of other armadillos, except Tolypeutes matacus, which has a true vagina. Characteristics of the reproductive tract and sperm morphology of other Xenarthra are comparatively discussed. These observations suggest that important reproductive features are shared between the family Myrmecophagidae and the genus Dasypus, a basal group in the phylogeny of Xenarthra. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The captive population of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) is not self‐sustaining. The reasons for suboptimal reproduction and high mortality need to be investigated. This can only be achieved by cross‐institutional analyses of environments, behavior, and performance. In this study, we collected data on 23 zoos with black rhinoceros to compare zoo environments with reproductive success, mortality, and behavior. Institutional variation was characterized by enclosure area, percentage of walls around enclosure perimeter, percentage of public access along enclosure perimeter, climate, noise level, number of years zoo has maintained black rhinoceros, frequency of chlorine use, and number of male and female black rhinoceros at a zoo simultaneously. Birth and death rates for each institution were calculated from studbook records. We found that the breeding success of a zoo since 1973 correlated positively with enclosure area, and zoos with two or more females had a lower reproductive rate than zoos with only one female. Females residing during their pre‐reproductive years at a zoo with another reproductive female gave birth for the first time on average 3 years later than sole females. Mortality since 1973 correlated positively with percentage of public access. In Part I, we developed behavior profiles of 29.31 individual black rhinoceros from keeper ratings. Scores for males on the behavior trait Fear also correlated positively to percentage of public access, and we suggest that this aspect of black rhinoceros exhibits is a stressor for this species, especially the males. We found that different aspects of captive environments are associated with male and female black rhinoceros behavior. Male scores on the behavior trait dominant were higher in smaller enclosures, and female scores for a group of behaviors suggesting agitation (chasing/stereotypy/mouthing) were positively correlated with percentage of walls in their enclosure. These two behavior traits were found in Part I to be negatively correlated with the breeding success of an individual male or female. We re‐surveyed the behavior and husbandry of 29 black rhinoceros pairs in zoos 2 years after the original data were collected. The re‐survey confirmed that compatible black rhinoceros pairs are those with assertive females and submissive males, and that enclosure area and a low percentage of concrete walls around the enclosure are positive predictors of a pair's reproductive success. We conclude that temperament traits of individuals and characteristics of their captive environments both have an impact on a pair's breeding success. Our study demonstrates that cross‐institutional comparisons of zoo facilities, when integrated with behavioral assessments of individual animals, are a valuable tool for investigating potential causes of poor reproduction and well‐being in zoo animals. Zoo Biol 18:35–52, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In butterflies, male reproductive success is highly related to the quality and the size of the spermatophore transferred to the female. The spermatophore is a capsule produced by the male during copulation, which in many species contains sperm in addition to a nuptial gift, and which is digested by the female after copulation. The nuptial gift may contribute to egg production and offspring quality, and in some cases also to female body maintenance. The production of the spermatophore, however, represents a cost for the male and, in polyandrous species, ejaculates are sometimes allocated adaptively across matings. Nonetheless, although the ecological factors affecting the reproductive success of female butterflies have been the topic of numerous studies, little information exists on the factors affecting males’ contribution to reproduction, and the indirect impacts on female fecundity and fitness. We used the Glanville fritillary butterfly, Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae), in order to assess variation in male allocation to matings. In this species, smaller males produce smaller spermatophores, but variation in spermatophore size is not correlated with female reproductive success. We show that spermatophore size increases with male age at first mating, decreases with mating frequency and adult food‐deprivation, and is not influenced by developmental food‐limitation. The length of copulation period does not influence the spermatophore size nor influences the polyandrous mating behavior in this species. Male contribution to his spermatophore size is clearly influenced by his condition and adult‐resource at the time of mating. Despite this variation, spermatophore size does not seem to have a direct impact on female reproductive output or mating behavior.  相似文献   

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