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The use of progestins to suppress endogenous testosterone production to reduce agonistic behavior and prevent semen production was studied in gerenuk. Five male gerenuk (20 months to 3 years of age), housed as a bachelor group, were treated with 3 monthly injections of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA; 2.5–20 mg/kg), followed by a melengestrol acetate implant (MGA; 0.3 g/kg) for 2 months. Blood samples collected monthly were assayed for serum testosterone and cortisol using enzyme‐linked immunoassays. Quantitative behavioral data were collected for 30 min 3/week starting 1 month before treatment. Body weight, testes volume, and semen traits were measured before treatment, after MPA treatment, and after MGA treatment. Results showed lower (P<0.05) mean serum testosterone concentrations after MPA (4.34 pg/ml) and MGA (5.02 pg/ml) treatment compared to pre‐treatment values (65.9 pg/ml) in four of five gerenuk. The remaining sub‐adult gerenuk had low testosterone initially (4.9 pg/ml) that did not decrease further with treatment (1.4 and 7.8 pg/ml for MPA and MGA, respectively). Mean serum cortisol concentrations decreased markedly after treatment with MPA (6.0±3.7 ng/ml) and MGA (0.8±0.3 ng/ml). Cortisol concentrations were regained rapidly post‐treatment (42.8±4.8 ng/ml) and were not significantly different from the pre‐treatment value (60.6±12.6 ng/ml; P>0.05). The mean incidence of combined aggressive/dominant behaviors (horning, sparring, supplanting, threat) was not different before and after treatment. Body weight, total numbers of spermatozoa produced per ejaculate, percent motility, and percent normal spermatozoa declined maximally 8 months after treatment. Mean testes volume decreased (P<0.05) after MGA treatment (10.53 cm3vs. 11.96 cm3 pre‐treatment). Elevated hepatic enzymes and bile acids were seen in three of five animals after progestin treatment and anorexia was noted in two males after MGA implant removal, however two of three males had elevated liver enzymes before progestin treatment began. Results show that reducing serum testosterone concentration does not seem to modify agonistic behavior in bachelor gerenuk groups. Zoo Biol 26:245–257, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Monet A. Gomes Stephen S. Ditchkoff Sarah Zohdy William D. Gulsby Chad H. Newbolt 《Ecology and evolution》2021,11(10):5320
Testosterone is strongly associated with the annual development of antlers in cervids, but endocrine research on wild, freely breeding ungulates is often done without repeated capture of known‐aged individuals. As a result, our knowledge on how testosterone fluctuates over the course of a lifetime and variation in lifetime patterns among individuals is limited. We investigated patterns of testosterone in a freely breeding population of white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Alabama, USA, that breeds in January. Testosterone peaked during the height of the breeding season, despite this period occurring approximately 2 months later than in most temperate‐region white‐tailed deer populations. Age‐related differences in testosterone were only prevalent during the breeding season, with bucks ≥3.5 years old having greater testosterone (853 ng/dl ± 96 SE; p = 0.012) than bucks 1.5–2.5 years old (364 ng/dl ± 100 SE). Additionally, an individual''s testosterone level as a yearling was not positively associated with their lifetime maximum testosterone level (p = 0.583), and an individual''s mean testosterone level was positively associated with lifetime testosterone variation (p < 0.001). To our knowledge, our study is one of the first to assess how testosterone early in life might relate to individual testosterone later in life. We believe these data provide insight into lifetime hormonal patterns in cervids, and that these patterns may indicate intraspecific variation of lifetime reproductive strategies. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to evaluate behavioral and physiological parameters of reproduction in a breeding colony of pygmy lorises. To this end, nine male and eight female adult pygmy lorises were kept under natural lighting conditions and monitored through five consecutive breeding seasons. Behavioral data were collected continuously throughout the year on all loris pairs. Behaviors associated with estrogen peaks in females included approaches, leaves, and lunges by females. Whistles were more frequent during estrus, but there was high inter‐individual variability. Males responded to estrous females by persistent following. There was a higher percentage of births in pairs that were together for more than 30 days before onset of estrus, compared with pairs that were put together when females came into estrus. However, these results may have been influenced by factors such as previous familiarity and social compatibility. Fecal testosterone levels were measured using radioimmunoassays and correlated with estrogen peaks and labial swelling of the females. The data showed an annual rhythm in testosterone that was consistent with a July–August mating season. Captive births were significantly higher during January–April than they were during any other months of the year. The earliest testosterone peak in a juvenile male was detected at 58 weeks, while the youngest male to sire offspring was 73 weeks of age at the time of the conception. Zoo Biol 22:15–32, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Limited data are available on long-term, seasonal changes in testicular steroidogenic activity in nondomestic felids, primarily because of the difficulties associated with longitudinal blood sampling (e.g., handling, restraint, anesthesia). Therefore, a noninvasive approach for assessing testicular androgen production was developed using the domestic cat (Felis catus) as a model. Two adult males were injected i.m. with 4 μCi14-testosterone to determine the time course and relative proportions of androgen metabolites excreted in urine and feces. Peak urinary radioactivity was detected 13 and 19 hr postinjection and accounted for ∼8% of the total radioactivity recovered. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis detected multiple polar urinary metabolites, none of which eluted with the 3H-testosterone reference tracer. The majority of urinary testosterone metabolites consisted of nonenzyme-hydrolyzable, water-soluble (presumably conjugated) forms. In feces, radioactivity was detected in the first sample collected at 22 hr postinjection for both males, although peak metabolite excretion in one male was not observed until 61 hr postinjection. HPLC analysis detected several fecal metabolites consisting primarily of nonhydrolyzable, water-soluble forms (84.4 ± 0.9%) with some ether-soluble forms (15.6 ± 0.9%). None of the fecal androgen metabolites were associated with free testosterone. However, one or more of the water-soluble fecal metabolites was quantifiable using a commercially available testosterone radioimmunoassay. The biological relevance of this immunoactivity was confirmed in the domestic cat; concentrations were high in adult, intact males and nondetectable in intact females and castrated males and females. In addition, fecal androgen concentrations in a male Pallas' cat (Felis manul) exhibited seasonal fluctuations that corresponded with parallel changes in serum testosterone and ejaculate quality. These data indicate that testicular steroidogenic activity can be monitored non invasively in felids, providing a potentially valuable tool for endangered felid management to: (1) assess pubertal status, (2) determine the influence of season on reproduction, and (3) diagnose possible causes of sub- or infertility. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
The geographic distribution of Japanese macaques includes populations with the most northern range of any primate species. Not surprisingly, females of this species are characterized by physiological adaptations and unique fat deposition mechanisms that facilitate their survival through the sometimes‐harsh seasonal conditions of temperate climates, as well as sustaining the metabolic costs of mating, pregnancy, and lactation. Here, we explore the relationship between nutritional status, seasonality, and reproductive status using anthropometric and leptin measures from 14 captive female Japanese macaques. No seasonal patterns were found in the levels of leptin, but there were differences between seasons in anthropometric measures, specifically between the beginning and the end of the mating season. Females gained weight and accumulated energy reserves in fall to prepare for mating activity, and to survive the severe conditions of winter, which is also the period of gestation if pregnancy occurs. Lactating females had larger total skinfolds relative to nonlactating individuals, and females with older babies at the beginning of the mating season had larger abdominal skinfolds than did those with younger babies. There was a relationship between the likelihood of conception and nutritional status, with females that conceived during one mating season being in better condition at the end of their previous mating season. Together, these results suggest that, even in captive settings, seasonal breeding has a cost on the energetic demands of mating, and that higher condition (i.e. fatter) females could afford the demands of lactation and reproduced more rapidly. Am. J. Primatol. 72:277–286, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Michelle Sousa Cunha Luiz Carlos Fernandes Carla Almeida Vivacqua Maria Bernardete Cordeiro de Sousa 《Biological Rhythm Research》2007,38(5):373-381
In contrast to numerous studies showing breeding seasonality for animals living in temperate zones, few have addressed the effect of annual environmental changes on hormones and behavior related to reproduction for animals living in tropical and equatorial regions. In order to expand information on other primates living near the equator, we used 13 adult common marmosets, eight males and five females living under natural climatic conditions in a colony located in North-Eastern Brazil. Blood samples were collected monthly from July 2002 to June 2004. Cortisol assays were performed by ELISA. Cortisol levels varied according to environmental temperature and rainfall but were not significantly affected by photoperiod. After separating out these environmental effects through an analysis of covariance for repeated measurements, a marginal significant difference in cortisol levels according to the seasons of the year was detected. A significant difference in cortisol levels between females and males was also observed. The results suggest that annual variation in cortisol in common marmosets is influenced by temperature and rainfall and might be associated with the mating season. 相似文献
Effects of zeranol upon testicular function in bulls were studied. In Experiment I, young bulls (104+/-1.7 days of age) were either implanted with 36 mg zeranol or served as controls with reimplantation on days 56 and 112 after first implant. After a 168-day treatment period, half the bulls were orchidectomized with the remaining bulls assigned to a 168-day recovery period, after which they were also orchidectomized. Zeranol inhibited testicular development during the treatment period. Testosterone (T) concentrations were lower (P<0.01) in treated bulls. Spermatozoa were absent in testes of treated bulls while control bulls averaged 27x10(6) sperm per gram of testis. At the end of the 168-day recovery period, testes weights and sperm concentrations were similar (P>0.10) between bulls previously treated with zeranol and controls. Implantation of older bulls with either 36 mg (267+/-3.4 days of age: Experiment II) or 72 mg (16 months of age: Experiment III) of zeranol had no effect (P>0.10) upon spermatogenesis or T production over a 168-day treatment period. The results indicate that the inhibitory effects of zeranol upon bovine testicular function are age-dependent and suggest that there may be an increased sensitivity of the hypothalmic-pituitary-testicular axis to zeranol in the prepuberal bull. 相似文献
Three domestic cats were given i.m. injections of 3H-cortisol to determine the time course and relative proportion of excreted 3H-cortisol metabolites into urine and feces. Most urinary radioactivity was detected in the first sample collected at 3.9 ± 2.5 hr postinjection and accounted for 13.9 ± 2.1% of the total radioactivity recovered. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) detected four urinary metabolites, one of which (13.7% urinary radioactivity) eluted with the 3H-cortisol reference tracer and was quantifiable using a commercial cortisol radioimmunoassay (RIA). The majority of cortisol metabolites in feces (85.9 ± 2.1%) was excreted at 22.3 ± 6.2 hr. HPLC analysis detected several fecal metabolites consisting primarily of nonhydolyzable water-soluble forms, none of which eluted with 3H-cortisol or 3H-corticosterone reference tracers. No immunoreactivity was detected in HPLC-separated fecal eluates using the cortisol RIA; however, two of the more polar metabolites were quantifiable using a commerical cortisosterone RIA. The physiological relevance of the immunoreactive fecal metabolites was determined in four domestic cats given an adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) challenge. Increased serum cortisol concentrations were detected within 30 min of ACTH injection, which was maintained for at least 6 hr. A corresponding increase in fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations (ranging from 238% to 826% over individual baseline values) was observed 24–48 hr later. These data indicate that adrenocortical activity can be monitored nonivasively in the cat by measuring cortisol metabolites excreted in feces. This procedure is a potentially valuable tool for endangered felid management to help evaluate responses to physiological and psychological stressors associated with environmental conditions and husbandry practices. (This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.) © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2014,8(9):1456-1461
Leptin is a tissue-derivative adipokine that regulates appetite, food intake and energy expenditure. It is still not clear how exercise affects plasma leptin concentration in horses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exercise intensity and duration on plasma leptin levels in working horses. A total of 38 horses were prospectively included in the study and grouped according to the type of exercise they performed: dressage (six stallions, group D), jumping (12 stallions, group J), race (12 Thoroughbred horses, six stallions and six mares, group R) and harness (10 light draft stallions, group H). Blood samples were taken both before and after routine exercise (immediately after the exercise, 30 min and 24 h after). Blood lactic acid (LA) and plasma concentration of leptin, cortisol, uric acid, triacylglycerols, glycerol and free fatty acids were determined. Immediately after exercise, group R had the highest level of LA, whereas groups D and J had the lowest levels. A significant increase in plasma leptin concentration was stated only in group H in samples taken immediately after the end of the exercise period and 30 min after the exercise period, as compared with the values obtained at rest. A significant increase in plasma cortisol concentration was found immediately after the end of the exercise period in groups R and H. Leptin exercise-to-rest ratio was significantly correlated with cortisol exercise-to-rest ratio (r=0.64; P<0.001). The increase in plasma leptin concentration in exercised horses was related to the increased plasma cortisol concentration and took place only during long-lasting exercise, which was not intensive. 相似文献
We investigated hormonal and behavioral changes in wild male and female northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, during a 6‐mo period that encompassed the onset of the 1998–1999 mating and conception seasons. Individual females resumed mating with the resumption of ovarian cycling, which was not synchronized among them or related to their cortisol levels. Females experienced two to seven cycles prior to conceiving, and the first conception occurred 2 mo after the onset of the group's mating season. There were no differences in female cortisol levels across their premating, mating, and conception conditions. Cortisol levels were significantly higher in females than in males prior to the conception season, consistent with the prediction that energy reserves may be associated with breeding readiness in females, but not males, in this species. The sustained elevation in male cortisol occurred after the peak in their sexual activity, which resulted in the first conception of the year. Male cortisol levels were positively correlated between years that were similar in rainfall, but differed in the timing of sexual and reproductive events. The timing of cortisol elevations in males appears to be generally regulated by environmental cues, but is responsive to fine‐tuning by social and behavioral cues related to the unpredictable timing of reproductive opportunities within their extended mating season. Am. J. Primatol. 61:85–99, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Energetic reserves, leptin and testosterone: a refinement of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) assumes that testosterone (T), required for the expression of sexual traits, can also incur a cost due to its immunosuppressive properties. However, T-dependent immunosuppression could also arise as an indirect consequence of energy reallocation from the immune system to other metabolic demands. Leptin is mostly produced in lipogenic tissues and its circulating level is positively correlated with the amount of lipid reserves. Leptin also has an important role as immunoenhancer and we suggest that this hormone could play a role as a mediator of the immunosuppressive effect of testosterone. In particular, we propose that only the individuals able to maintain large lipid reserves (with high leptin levels), while sustaining high testosterone levels, might be able to develop sexual displays without an impairment of their immune defences. Here, we tested one of the assumptions underlying this extension of the ICHH: leptin administration should attenuate testosterone-induced immunosuppression. T-implanted and control male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) received daily injections of leptin or phosphate buffered saline. T-implants initially depressed the phytohaemagglutinin-induced immune response. However, T-birds injected with leptin enhanced their immune response to the level of control birds. These results open a new perspective on the study of the ICHH. 相似文献
R. Herbert Wiebe Lawrence E. Williams Christian R. Abee Richard R. Yeoman Edward J. Diamond 《American journal of primatology》1988,14(3):285-291
The squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis) has a well-defined breeding season during which adult males undergo androgen-dependent morphological changes, with acquisition of active spermatogenesis. To assess the hormonal events of this annual cycle, blood samples were obtained weekly from ten adult males, and serum was assayed for testosterone (T), androstenedione (ΔA), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). A significant seasonal variation was noted in mean serum T (P < 0.02), ΔA (P < 0.02), and DHEA (P < 0.001) concentrations. Mean ΔA concentrations increased from a nonbreeding season nadir of 91.4 ± 12.9 ng/ml (mean ± standard error) to a prebreeding concentration of 139 ± 10.5 ng/ml and breeding season peak of 167.5 ± 15.4 ng/ml (P < 0.05). Mean DHEA concentrations increased from a nonbreeding season nadir of 8.3 ± 0.8 to a breeding season peak of 14.3 ± 1.2 (P < 0.001). Mean T levels in the nonbreeding (52.2 ± 11.6 ng/ ml) and prebreeding season (48.6 ± 7.4) were similar. However, T significantly increased during the breeding season to 103.5 ± 12.8 ng/ml (P < 0.05). Progressive changes in body weight and morphology paralleled the rise in serum ΔA levels. The pattern of peripheral serum androgen concentrations throughout the year would suggest annual activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and/or hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axes. 相似文献
The effects of gonadal hormones on the sexual and aggressive behavior of adult macaques are reviewed. Similarities among findings from field, colony, and laboratory studies strengthen the view that testosterone facilitates the sexual and aggressive behavior of males, while sexual and perhaps aggressive behavior by the female is mainly dependent on estradiol, which increases both the sexual motivation of the female and her attractiveness to males. Differences between results from different settings help to emphasize the role of environmental and social factors in modulating the effects of hormones. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Metin Ozata Cagatay Oktenli Necati Bingol I. Caglayan Ozdemir 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2001,9(11):662-667
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of combined hypocaloric diet and metformin on circulating testosterone and leptin levels in obese men with or without type 2 diabetes. Research Methods and Procedures: Twenty obese men with type 2 diabetes (mean body mass index [BMI]: 35.5 ± 1.1 kg/m2) and 20 nondiabetic obese men were enrolled in the study. We measured serum follicle‐stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH), total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT), sex‐hormone‐binding globulin (SHBG), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and plasma leptin levels before and 3 months after metformin treatment. Both groups were placed on a hypocaloric diet and 850 mg of metformin taken orally twice daily for 3 months. Results: Metformin and hypocaloric diets led to decreases in BMI and waist and hip circumferences in both groups. A significant decrease in TT levels in the diabetic group and FT levels in the control group was found, whereas follicle‐stimulating hormone, LH, and DHEAS levels were not changed significantly. A significant increase in SHBG levels was observed in the control group but not in the patient group. Leptin levels also decreased after treatment in both groups. Decreased testosterone levels were not correlated to changes in waist and hip circumference, waist‐to‐hip ratio, BMI, and levels of fasting blood glucose, leptin, SHBG, or DHEAS in the diabetic group. However, a decrease in FT was correlated to changes in the levels of SHBG (r = ?0.71, p = 0.001) and LH (r = 0.80, p = 0.001) but not to other parameters. Discussion: We conclude that metformin treatment combined with a hypocaloric diet leads to reduced FT levels in obese nondiabetic men and to reduced TT levels in obese men with type 2 diabetes. Increased SHBG levels may account for the decrease in FT levels in the former group. 相似文献
Cerda-Molina AL Hernández-López L Díaz-Díaz G Mejía-Varas F Chavira R Mondragón-Ceballos R 《Zoo biology》2012,31(4):490-497
The black‐handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) is a seasonal reproducer that requires a seclusiveness to copulate and has a fusion–fission social system. These features impose important restrictions to achieve reproduction of captive animals. We investigated if group composition in captive spider monkeys has any endocrine effects. We compared testosterone and cortisol concentrations during the mating season in all‐male and multifemale–multimale groups to study if the former condition impairs reproductive potential and increases stress. Concentrations of testosterone and cortisol of males living with females were higher than those of all‐male groups. In the multifemale–multimale condition, dominant males had the highest levels of testosterone, while the youngest males showed the highest concentrations of cortisol. Results show that males adjust well to isosexual grouping, this being an appropriate condition to keep animals when controlled reproduction is sought. Zoo Biol 31:490;–497, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Horst D. Steklis Michael J. Raleigh Arthur S. Kling Ken Tachiki 《American journal of primatology》1986,11(2):133-145
This study examined the relationship between dominance rank and several physiological and behavioral measures in stable, captive, all-male squirrel monkey groups. Four groups, each containing three males, were observed for 12 weeks during the breeding season. Relative dominance ranking among males in each group was based on the direction of agonistic behaviors displayed. For each subject, whole blood serotonin (WBS), plasma testosterone (T), and cortisol (C) were sampled 4 to 6 times over the course of the study. Samples were separated by 1- to 2-week intervals. Each group had a stable linear dominance hierarchy. WBS had small intraanimal variance and was positively related to dominance rank. In contrast, T and C were highly variable within subjects and were unrelated to dominance rank. Among alpha males, concentrations of T and C were positively correlated, and WBS and C were negatively correlated. The effect of dominance rank on the relationship between within-animal fluctuations in WBS, T, and C and behavior was also assessed. In dominant, but not subordinate subjects, intraanimal fluctuations in WBS correlated with agonistic behavior initiated, and fluctuations in C and T correlated with huddling. In beta and gamma males, C was related to agonism received, and in gamma males to food stealing received. Dominance status also affected endocrine response to the stress of capture but not the rate of sneezing. Sneezing was positively correlated with T concentrations irrespective of dominance rank. These results extend the association between WBS and dominance rank previously reported in Old World monkeys to a New World monkey species, support previous suggestions that mean T and C titers are not reflective of dominance rank in well-established groups, and indicate that dominance rank affects adrenocortical response to the stress associated with capture and anesthesia. 相似文献
This study tested the "challenge hypothesis" and rank-based predictions for temporal steroid production in male tufted capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella. Fecal samples (n = 209) collected from six wild males were analyzed for testosterone and cortisol concentration by enzyme immunoassay. The temporal pattern in male steroid production was compared to female sexual activity and rates of male aggression. The top-ranking adult male did not differ from other adult males in testosterone or cortisol concentration. Mean adult testosterone was significantly higher than mean subadult testosterone throughout the year. There was a clear elevation of testosterone and cortisol in both adult and subadult males during the peak of adult female sexual activity after the birth season. In fact, the magnitude of increase in testosterone was higher than predicted for a species with low male-male aggression. However, there was no difference between nonbreeding baseline testosterone levels during the birth season, and the "breeding" baseline of testosterone in males found during asynchronous female sexual activity. Of all behavioral indices examined, the distribution of female-maintained consortships was the best predictor of mean adult male testosterone concentrations. Although in many species, elevated testosterone coincides with increased male-male aggression, in the present study, the sustained high-magnitude increase in steroids during the peak of adult female sexual activity was associated with a relatively low rate of male-male intragroup aggression. 相似文献
Joan B. Silk 《American journal of primatology》1989,19(3):137-146
Captive bonnet macaques housed at the California Primate Research Center reproduce seasonally. The chances of producing surviving infants were substantially reduced among females who conceived at the peak of the mating season compared with females whose conceptions were more isolated in time. Primiparous females and low ranking females were most consistently affected by the extent of reproductive synchrony. Behavioral data suggest that harassment of conceiving and pregnant females may have contributed to the correlation between the extent of reproductive synchrony and infant mortality as the levels of aggression toward females were highest during the months in which conceptions were most common. 相似文献
Previous laboratory studies have shown that photoperiodic adult songbirds experience seasonal variations in singing frequency that correlate with plasma androgen levels, as well as changes in the brain regions that control singing (vocal control regions). The present study investigates naturally occurring seasonal changes in the sizes of these regions in a wild migratory species (dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis), with samples from adolescence to post-breeding fall migration. In adult males, the volumes of the vocal control regions area X and the higher vocal center (HVC) were large during the breeding season when birds were singing and androgen levels were high, and decreased in size after the breeding season when singing had stopped and androgen levels were low. HVC volume in adolescent males caught in the fall (no singing), when plasma androgen levels were low, was smaller than in breeding adults, thereby following the seasonal pattern of change in plasma androgen levels. In adolescent males, however, area X volume was the same as in breeding adults. Thus, area X size in adolescent male juncos may be testosterone independent. The seasonal pattern of robust nucleus of the archistriatum volume was similar to that of the HVC. The volumes of neither the magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum nor the nucleus rotundus, a control region, differed seasonally. Castration of breeding adult males caused both area X and HVC volumes to decrease compared to castrated controls with testosterone replacement, indicating that maintenance of these two region volumes is testosterone dependent in adults. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 391–402, 1997. 相似文献