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Most lemurs yet studied in detail exhibit some mode of adult female social dominance over males. The known exception, a brown lemur subspecies known as rufous or redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus), forms multimale–multifemale social groups within which unambiguous dominance relations are not observed among adults. Resting groups of redfronted lemurs consistently include huddling adult male–female pairs whose males selectively scentmark and rub their heads in the scentmarks of their female huddling partners. Quantitative observations confirmed that some of these male–female pairs maintain special relationships satisfying all criteria originally developed in research on cercopithecine monkeys. Observations before, during, and after mating season, intergroup encounters, male transfers, and changes in male–female affiliations illuminated developmental and functional aspects of male–female partnerships. Each adult female in two semi-free-ranging study groups shared high rates of association, grooming, and agonistic support and low rates of agonistic interaction with one unrelated or distantly related adult male partner. Such affinity characterized small proportions of adult male–female relationships. Several males directed not only support but also aggression toward adult females with whom they sought to affiliate. All bonded males sought to copulate with their partners, and some appeared to ignore estrus in nonpartners. All females accepted copulation attempts from partners and some seemed to prefer their partners as mates. Partial synchronization of brief estrus periods together with concealed ovulation appeared to minimize chances for polygynous mating. Results support the view that the male–female pair is the fundamental social unit of E. fulvus and suggest that female partnership with individual males obviates dominance behavior, including female dominance, in this lemurid primate. Am. J. Primatol. 43:239–258, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Non-agonistic social interactions in an unprovisioned troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) were analyzed with the spacing between individuals, leading-following interactions, and exchange of social grooming. The most frequent interactions were found between kin-related females. Unrelated females stayed with one another rather frequently, but rarely exchanged social behaviors. Interactions between males and females were infrequent though they were occasionaly observed between high-ranking males and high-ranking females. Very frequent exchange of grooming was observed between males, and even high-ranking males exchanged grooming more frequently with males than with females. Most non-agonistic social interactions in the study troop were based on bidirectional exchange of social behaviors, in which no clear tendency relevant to dominance or sex was found; while in provisioned Japanese macaque troops, associations between males and females, between unrelated females, and between males were formed mainly be subordinates' active roles in associative behaviors. This seems relevant to the idea that dominance grealty influence social life in provisioned troops. The present study provides guidelines for interspecific comparison of social interaction patterns of macaque species.  相似文献   

Female dominance is a well‐known trait of lemurs, although it has not been reported from all species and is still often unexplored, especially in the nocturnal species. We examined the intersexual dominance relationships in Microcebus ravelobensis, a congener of M. murinus who is well known for its female dominance. Given the many similarities in biology, it was predicted that M. ravelobensis should also possess female dominance. Seventeen unfamiliar male–female pairs were formed with animals captured in northwestern Madagascar and kept in a two‐cage setting (one cage for each animal) for up to 1 week. Four encounter experiments were conducted with each pair. In contrast to the expectations, females were not consistently dominant over their male partners. Only 3 of 17 dyads developed a clear agonistic asymmetry, among which were two cases of male dominance and only one case of female dominance. Because body mass differences did not explain the findings, various other possible explanations are discussed. It is suggested that food may not be the driving factor of female dominance in mouse lemurs. Instead, it is hypothesized that species‐specific differences in the quality of sleeping sites (i.e., tree holes) and in social grouping patterns may better explain why some mouse lemur species have female dominance, whereas others like the golden‐brown mouse lemur do not. It is concluded thatthese arguments and hypotheses may even hold true for other solitary foragers and may thereby lead to a better understanding of the variable social evolution in lemurs and primates in general. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that several types of agonistic and affiliative behavior covary as a set of species-specific traits, and have used the term dominance style to describe the covariation. We compared measures of dominance style between a group of Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) and a group of rhesus macaques (M. mulatta), though kinship information was unknown. Assamese and rhesus female-female dyads each showed a low proportion of counter aggression and a low conciliatory tendency, suggesting that they have despotic social relationships. They also showed a despotic pattern on several other types of agonistic and affiliative behavior, such as approach outcomes and grooming distributions, which is consistent with the covariation of dominance style traits. Assamese male-male dyads showed relatively high levels of reconciliation and counter aggression versus other macaque males portrayed in the literature, suggesting that Assamese males have a tolerant dominance style. Insofar as macaque dominance style depends on the behavior of females, we suggest that Assamese macaques, like rhesus macaques, have despotic social relationships, which contrasts with evidence of a strong correlation between phylogeny and dominance style in macaques. Further, our results indicate that strong male bonding and tolerant dominance relationships among males are independent of female dominance style. Lastly, some measures of agonistic behavior, such as rate of aggression or proportion of bites, are likely altered in competitive environments and thus are not useful indicators of dominance style.  相似文献   

I describe bridging behavior and social relationships between adult males and infants in a free- ranging group of Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana)at Mt. Huangshan, China. The subjects performed bridging in which two adult males simultaneously lifted up an infant, sucked or touched its genitalia, and then groomed each other in nonagonistic contexts. Males also expressed social behaviors with other males, such as mounting, penis-sucking, and embracing while touching each other’s penes. Males also employ bridging while exploiting an infant as a social tool, not only to reduce the probability of an aggressive response from dominant males (agonistic buffering), but also to develop and to maintain affiliative social relationships with other males. Use of male infants in bridging contributed to frequent male-infant interactions such as holding,grooming, and penis-sucking. Although these interactions might not have a positive influence on infant survival, they may facilitate the maintenance of affiliative relationships with adult males until they reach maturity. The development of bridging might have a close relation to the high socionomic sex ratio (adult male/adult female) and frequent affiliative interactions between males, especially among the adolescents and adults.  相似文献   

Researchers have demonstrated the neighbor effect for affiliative and agonistic neighbor vocalizations in captive chimpanzees. We extend the investigation of the neighbor effect to New World monkeys, Callithrix jacchus. We collected data on vocalizations and behaviors of 31 focal individuals and concurrent neighbor vocalization within three behavioral categories: intragroup and intergroup aggression and intragroup affiliation. We investigated whether there was an influence of neighbor vocalizations on focal behavior within the same behavioral category. For data analysis we used approximate randomization of paired‐sample t‐tests. We found that marmosets performed intergroup aggressive behavior (bristle, anogenital present for neighbor loud shrill only) for significantly longer, and emitted significantly more intergroup agonistic vocalizations (twitter, loud shrill), at a high frequency of intergroup agonistic neighbor vocalizations (twitter, loud shrill) than at low. The marmosets were also significantly more likely to engage in bristle behavior immediately after hearing a neighbor intergroup aggressive call (twitter, loud shrill) than directly beforehand. High neighbor intragroup agonistic calls (chatter) were associated with significantly longer spent in related behavior (composite of: attack, chase, steal food). Affiliative behaviors (share food, grooming invite) were engaged in by marmosets for significantly longer at higher frequencies of affiliative neighbor chirp calls than at low. Marmosets were also significantly more likely to perform food sharing and active affiliative contact immediately after rather than before hearing a neighbor chirp call. Our findings suggest that neighbor vocalizations influence marmoset behavior through social contagion and indicate that the neighbor effect for affiliation and aggression generalizes to the marmoset. Am. J. Primatol. 72:549–558, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Immature indivuduals influence the formation and maintenance of social relationships within groups in diverse ways. Because of the increased interest of group members toward newborns, lactating females may use infants as social tools to temporally gain rank positions in matrilineal societies, and differential support received by the mothers may bias the network of immatures born to females of different ranks. In this study, we investigated the changes in proximity, grooming, play, and agonism networks of lactating females and immatures of different developmental periods, sex, and mothers’ dominance rank. A semi-free-ranging group of 22 capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp) was monitored for 12 months, totaling over 300 hours of observation. During this period, the age changes of 13 immatures were monitored and recorded. Best regression models showed that an increased number of grooming partners while lactating did not translate into changes in the proximity or agonistic network positions for females. Age was the main predictor of social network changes, while sex had a minor influence on the play network and no influence on the grooming or agonistic networks. Finally, mothers’ rank predicted differences in the affiliative but not the agonistic social network. This pattern points to a more affiliative and individual-based rather than agonistic and nepotism-based strategy for social network insertion, which can be explained by the decreased competition faced by the focal group and by the behavioral flexibility of the clade.


The form of animal social systems depends on the nature of agonistic and affiliative interactions. Social network theory provides tools for characterizing social structure that go beyond simple dyadic interactions and consider the group as a whole. We show three groups of capuchin monkeys from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, where there are strong connections between key aspects of aggression, grooming, and proximity networks, and, at least among females, those who incur risk to defend their group have particular "social personalities." Although there is no significant correlation for any of the network measures between giving and receiving aggression, suggesting that dominance relationships do not follow a simple hierarchy, strong correlations emerge for many measures between the aggression and grooming networks. At the local, but not global, scale, receiving aggression and giving grooming are strongly linked in all groups. Proximity shows no correlation with aggression at either the local or the global scale, suggesting that individuals neither seek out nor avoid aggressors. Yet, grooming has a global but not local connection to proximity. Extensive groomers who tend to direct their efforts at other extensive groomers also spend time in close proximity to many other individuals. These results indicate the important role that prosociality plays in shaping female social relationships. We also show that females who receive the least aggression, and thus pay low costs for group living, are most likely to participate in group defense. No consistent "social personality" traits characterize the males who invest in group defense.  相似文献   

In social animals, intergroup interactions, whether through agonistic and competitive behaviors or affiliative ones, can influence important parameters such as home range, territory sizes, and access to resources, which may directly affect both female and male fitness. We studied the intergroup interaction patterns of a wild group of black-tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) in central Brazil. Agonistic interactions occurred at low frequencies during intergroup encounters. The marmosets directed agonistic interactions without physical aggression primarily against same-sex individuals, suggesting that male and female aggression patterns are shaped by their sexual interests. However, females of the focal group also directed agonistic behavior toward extragroup males that attempted copulation. The marmosets appeared to use intergroup encounters to gather information about possible partners and extragroup reproductive opportunities. Intergroup sexual interactions occurred mainly in the form of copulations or attempted copulations by all adults, with the exception of the dominant female. Our results suggest that a possible reproductive strategy used by males is to attempt fertilization of extragroup females. Adult males copulated with the same extragroup female during several opportunities, which suggests sperm competition or the establishment of social bonds with neighboring females.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between male agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors and female estrus condition in captive adolescent and young-adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Data on agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors of 11 males living in three social groups were collected during daily 45 minute observations over a 5 month period. Female estrus condition was assessed daily using the relative size of the female's ano-genital swelling. It was hypothesized that the presence of maximally tumescent females would generate conflicts between males, so an increase in inter-male agonism was predicted. Males exhibited higher rates of agonism toward other males when at least one female in the group was maximally tumescent. Male affiliative behavior directed toward other males and social play with males were affected by the presence and number of maximally tumescent females. Male sexual behavior increased when maximally tumescent females were present.  相似文献   

Relationships between group-living primates depend strongly on their position in the group dominance hierarchy and on their relationships with other group members. The influence of various behaviours on social relationships of immature rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was investigated here. Dominance ranks were established and related to the degree of affiliation in a dyad. Older monkeys were mostly dominant to the younger ones, regardless of kinship. Subordinate monkeys left proximity of their dominant members more often than they were left by them both among siblings and non-siblings, but the effect of dominance rank on the amount of play initiation and grooming in a dyad differed between these two types of dyads. The amount of agonistic help two individuals provided for each other was low among immatures. Nevertheless, pairs of siblings gave help to each other in agonistic conflicts more often than non-siblings, and such help was more often reciprocated between siblings than between non-siblings. Help in agonistic conflicts was positively correlated with the amount of time monkeys spent playing, grooming, or in proximity. Adults tended to interfere less in conflicts of frequent sibling play partners or non-sibling grooming partners. No evidence was found for young monkeys to exchange reciprocally grooming for agonistic help. It is argued that the time monkeys spend interacting with each other in affiliative interactions increases their familiarity and thus promotes close relationships between them. On the whole, young monkeys' relationships, like those between adults, are influenced strongly by their kinship, and position in the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

I conducted a longitudinal study of hormones and social behavior during pregnancy in 8 female pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) living in a captive social group. Females exhibited reduced grooming activity after the first month of pregnancy and reduced aggressiveness in the last month. Female-male hindquarter presentations and male-female foot-clasp mounts decreased steadily during pregnancy. The week before parturition was associated with lower involvement in all social activities. Monthly changes in plasma concentrations of estradiol and progesterone are correlated with some changes in sexual behavior and grooming performed by pregnant females. Altogether, the findings suggest that pregnancy does not bring about a major disruption of female social relationships with other group members and that the influence of pregnancy hormones on female affiliative and agonistic behavior is less marked than that previously observed for infant-directed behavior.  相似文献   

In captivity, male bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) frequently express "friendship" toward one another, including affiliative behavior such as huddling, grooming, coalitionary support, and sitting in close proximity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether wild adult male bonnet macaques also express "friendship" by investigating whether or not (1) adult male bonnet macaques have affiliative social relationships with other males, (2) the strength of social relationships varies among dyads, (3) there is time-matched reciprocity in allogrooming among dyads, and if so, whether the level of reciprocity occurs within a bout of grooming, a day, or over 2 months (the limit of this study), and (4) a correlation exists between the strength of social relationships and dominance ranks among adult males. Focal samples totaling 150 hr on all seven adult males in one study group were conducted to record both agonistic and affiliative interactions. Agonistic interactions were used to construct a dominance hierarchy, whereas affiliative interactions (sitting in proximity to within 1 m with and without grooming) were used to quantify the existence and strength of social bonds within dyads. Results show that adult male bonnet macaques had differentiated affiliative relationships with other males in their group. There was little reciprocity of grooming within a bout of grooming or within a day, but greater reciprocity over the study period of 2 months. There was no correlation between dominance ranking distance and the strength of affiliative relationship within dyads; however, within dyads lower-ranking males groomed higher-ranking males more than vice versa. This study suggests that friendships in male bonnet macaques are characterized not by immediate tit-for-tat reciprocal altruism, but by reciprocity over a longer time span, and that affiliative social relationships may be less constrained by agonistic relationships than is the case in more despotic species of macaques.  相似文献   

Adult females in a female-bonded, cercopithecine species such as baboons are characterized by hierarchically ranked matrilines, i.e., female offspring assume rankings just beneath those of their mothers. In this system of closely ranked matrilines, a female should engage in significantly more affiliative interactions with those individuals who are closely ranked to herself than with those individuals who are more distantly ranked. We examine the hypothesis that females in this troop of feral yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) who are closely ranked will also show close social affiliation. We collected focal data on 23 feral, adult female subjects (253 possible dyads) over approximately 1 year at the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya. Following Bramblett's [Behav Brain Sci 4: 435, 1981] method of dominance tabulation and utilizing a modified version of Smuts' [Sex and friendship in baboons, Hawthorne: Aldine Publishing Co., 1985] preferred partner index, we describe and compare the dominance matrix and hierarchy, preferred proximity partner and grooming partner sociograms, and the social networks of these 23 focal females. Over 1,400 interactions were utilized in the dominance tabulations, 41 statistically significant proximity partner preferences were documented, and 100 grooming dyads were recorded. We examine both partners' ranks and the presence of an infant as possible factors influencing proximity and grooming partner preferences. We find that in this population there is no direct correspondence between females' ranks and their affiliation partners. Neither proximity nor grooming preferences are consistently predictable from partners' ranks. While proximity preferences were not significantly influenced by the presence of an infant, grooming partner preferences were. Females with infants had more grooming partners and were more often involved in unidirectional grooming relationships as the recipients than were females without infants. We conclude that females' dominance rankings are not good predictors of either proximity partner or grooming partner preferences and that the presence of an infant does have a significant impact on grooming partner preferences in this population.  相似文献   

Seyfarth’s model of social grooming proposes that by grooming females higher ranking than themselves, females can gain access to important rank-related benefits, such as agonistic support. This, in turn, produces a distinctive pattern of grooming in which females direct their grooming up the female dominance hierarchy and compete for access to the highest ranking individuals. We aimed to test to what extent the grooming behavior of female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) fits the assumptions and predictions of Seyfarth’s model. During two 1-yr sampling periods (October 2007–September 2008, May 2010–April 2011) we collected >2100 focal hours of data from a single wild group in their natural habitat at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Subjects included all adult female group members (N?=?12 in 2007/8; N?=?15 in 2010/11). We collected detailed data on grooming interactions, approaches, and departures as well as all aggressive and submissive behaviors between all subjects. We found no evidence that grooming was exchanged for rank-related benefits. In line with this we found no evidence that the grooming of female Assamese macaques fits the pattern predicted by Seyfarth’s model. These results are surprising given that such deviations from Seyfarth’s model are relatively rare among macaques. We propose that our findings are best explained as a lack of a need for rank-related benefits by females in this group.  相似文献   

Agonistic interactions and postconflict behavior of moor macaques (Macaca maurus) were studied in their natural habitat, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Individuals were involved in 0.28 agonistic interactions per hour. Forty-two percent of agonistic interactions were followed by affiliative contacts between the former opponents. Such affiliative contacts occurred within 2 minutes of the agonistic interaction and were most often initiated by the victim's approach to the aggressor. The most common postconflict behavior was grooming of the aggressor by the victim. The present study provides further evidence of a positive correlation between a high tendency for postconflict affiliative contact and a relaxed dominance style. Captivity might not alter the expression of postconflict behavior. The present study suggests that it is possible to demonstrate the occurrence of reconciliation a posteriori by using data obtained by general focal observation protocols. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A field study of 64 assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) was conducted at a temple site in Assam, India. Focal and all occurrence scan techniques were used to collect data on agonistic, grooming, and sexual behavior. More than 1,000 hr of data were summarized into agonistic dominance, grooming, and mounting matrices. Rank hierarchies were constructed for all three and compared. We also directly compared each cell in each matrix with the corresponding cells in the other matrices. A nearly linear agonistic dominance hierarchy was found, but it did not correlate with the directionality of mounting or grooming. Adult males mounted females, generally were dominant to females and groomed females more often than they were groomed by females. Younger males groomed older males and were also generally subordinate to older males. These age and sex effects produced some inter‐correlations among grooming, mounting, and dominance but only for specific age‐sex classes. Theoretical models of social exchange were not considered useful in predicting the complex patterns of grooming, mounting, and dominance seen in the present group. Whereas such models may "explain" existing data for some groups and have gained widespread acceptance, they must be empirically tested. Am. J. Primatol. 48:283–289, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies of captive chimpanzees have demonstrated the "neighbor effect," or social contagion, with respect to agonistic vocalizations and behaviors. The present study considers whether there is a relationship between behavior patterns in focal animals and the auditory signals of neighboring social groups. Using focal-group sampling, we collected 172.5 hr of data on 51 subjects (25 females and 26 males) housed in 10 social groups. We performed two-tailed Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank tests to determine whether the relative frequency of the vocalizations (high vs. low) affected the behaviors. In keeping with past research, we found that agonistic noises and vocalizations from neighboring social groups had a significant effect on the rates of focal-group bluff displays, pant-hoots, and aggression (P<0.05). In addition, we also found significant relationships between grooming behavior and vocalizations in focal groups, and grooming vocalizations from neighboring groups (P<0.05). The results suggest that social contagion is not limited to aggressive behaviors, but also occurs for affiliative behavior patterns.  相似文献   

Grooming is the most common primate affiliative behaviour, and primates compete for accessing grooming partners. We studied a captive group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) to evaluate the role of different types of competitive interactions in shaping the distribution of grooming among females. Mandrill females preferentially groomed high‐ranking individuals, but low‐ranking females were less able to do so. Interference in others’ grooming and a (consequent) reluctance of low‐ranking females to access dominant group mates occurred frequently and contributed to the observed pattern of grooming distribution, while takeovers of grooming partners was relatively rare. Interference in others’ affiliation was possibly used to prevent the formation of revolutionary alliances. Difficulties in accessing individuals already engaged in grooming exerted a strong but rank‐independent effect on grooming interactions. These results highlight the role of competition in determining access to preferred social partners.  相似文献   

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