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Plant epidermal wax forms a hydrophobic layer covering aerial plant organs which constitutes a barrier against uncontrolled water loss and biotic stresses. Wax biosynthesis requires the coordinated activity of a large number of enzymes for the formation of saturated very-long-chain fatty acids and their further transformation in several aliphatic compounds. We found in the available database 282 candidate genes that may play a role in wax synthesis, regulation and transport. To identify the most interesting candidates, we measured the level of expression of 204 genes in the aerial parts of 15-day-old Arabidopsis seedlings by performing microarray experiments. We showed that only 25% of the putative candidates were expressed to significant levels in our samples, thus significantly reducing the number of genes which will be worth studying using reverse genetics to demonstrate their involvement in wax accumulation. We identified a beta-keto acyl-CoA synthase gene, At5g43760, which is co-regulated with the wax gene CER6 in a number of conditions and organs. By contrast, we showed that neither the fatty acyl-CoA reductase genes nor the wax synthase genes were expressed in 15-day-old leaves and stems, raising questions about the identity of the enzymes involved in the acyl-reduction pathway that accounts for 20% of the total wax amount.  相似文献   

To identify estrogen-responsive genes in somatolactotrophic cells of the pituitary gland, a rat pituitary cell line GH3 was subjected to cDNA microarray analysis. GH3 cells respond to estrogen by growth as well as prolactin synthesis. RNAs extracted from GH3 cells treated with 17beta-estradiol (E2) at 10(-9) M for 24 h were compared with the control samples. The effect of an antiestrogen ICI182780 was also examined. The array analysis indicated 26 genes to be up-regulated and only seven genes down-regulated by E2. Fourteen genes were further examined by real-time RT-PCR quantification and 10 were confirmed to be regulated by the hormone in a dose-dependent manner. Expression and regulation of these genes were then examined in the anterior pituitary glands of female F344 rats ovariectomized and/or treated with E2 and 8 out of 10 were again found to be up-regulated. Interestingly, two of the most estrogen-responsive genes in GH3 cells were strongly dependent on E2 in vivo. #1 was identified as calbindin-D9k mRNA, with 80- and 118-fold induction over the ovariectomized controls at 3 and 24 h, respectively, after E2 administration. #2 was found to be parvalbumin mRNA, with 30-fold increase at 24 h. Third was c-myc mRNA, with 4.5 times induction at 24 h. The levels were maintained after one month of chronic E2 treatment. Identification of these estrogen-responsive genes should contribute to understating of estrogen actions in the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Physiological roles of the two distinct chloroplast-targeted ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana were studied using T-DNA insertion line fnr1 and RNAi line fnr2 . In fnr2 FNR1 was present both as a thylakoid membrane-bound form and as a soluble protein, whereas in fnr1 the FNR2 protein existed solely in soluble form in the stroma. The fnr2 plants resembled fnr1 in having downregulated photosynthetic properties, expressed as low chlorophyll content, low accumulation of photosynthetic thylakoid proteins and reduced carbon fixation rate when compared with wild type (WT). Under standard growth conditions the level of F0'rise' and the amplitude of the thermoluminescence afterglow (AG) band, shown to correlate with cyclic electron transfer (CET), were reduced in both fnr mutants. In contrast, when plants were grown under low temperatures, both fnr mutants showed an enhanced rate of CET when compared with the WT. These data exclude the possibility that distinct FNR isoforms feed electrons to specific CET pathways. Nevertheless, the fnr2 mutants had a distinct phenotype upon growth at low temperature. The fnr2 plants grown at low temperature were more tolerant against methyl viologen (MV)-induced cell death than fnr1 and WT. The unique tolerance of fnr2 plants grown at low temperature to oxidative stress correlated with an increased level of reduced ascorbate and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging enzymes, as well as with a scarcity in the accumulation of thylakoid membrane protein complexes, as compared with fnr1 and WT. These results emphasize a critical role for FNR2 in the redistribution of electrons to various reducing pathways, upon conditions that modify the photosynthetic capacity of the plant.  相似文献   

Salt-responsive genes in rice revealed by cDNA microarray analysis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Chao DY  Luo YH  Shi M  Luo D  Lin HX 《Cell research》2005,15(10):796-810

Elevated CO2 decreases seed germination in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The impact of elevated [CO2] on seed germination was studied in different genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana from natural populations. Two generations of seeds were studied: the maternal generation was produced in the greenhouse (present-day conditions), the offspring generation was produced in two chambers where the CO2 concentration was either the present atmospheric concentration (about 350 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm). The seeds were tested for proportion of germinated seeds and mean germination time in both chambers to study the impact of elevated [CO2] during seed production and germination. Elevated [CO2] during maturation of seeds on the mother-plants decreased the proportion of germinated seeds, while elevated [CO2] during germination had no effect on the proportion of germinated seeds. However, when seeds were both produced and germinated under elevated [CO2] (situation expected by the end of next century), germination was slow and low. Moreover, the effect of the [CO2] treatment differs among genotypes of Arabidopsis: there is a strong treatment × genotype interaction. This means that there is ample genetic variance for a selective response modiying the effects of high levels of [CO2] in natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana. The outcome at the community level will depend on what seeds are available, when they germinate and the resulting competition following germination.  相似文献   

In higher plants, cell-cell recognition reactions taking place following pollination allow the selective restriction of self-pollination and/or interspecific pollination. Many of these systems function by regulating the process of water transfer from the cells found at the stigmatic surface to the individual pollen grain. Interspecific pollination studies on the cruciferous weed Arabidopsis thaliana revealed only a broad specificity of pollen recognition such that pollen from all tested members of the crucifer family were recognized, whereas pollen from almost all other species failed to hydrate. Genetic analysis of A. thaliana has identified three genes that are essential for this recognition process. Recessive mutations in any of these genes result in male sterility due to the production of pollen grains that fail to hydrate when placed on the stigma, but that are capable of hydrating and growing a pollen tube in vitro. Results from mixed pollination experiments suggest that the mutant pollen grains specifically lack a functional pollen-stigma recognition system. All three mutations described also result in a defect in the wax layer normally found on stems and leaves, similar to previously described eceriferum (cer) mutations. Genetic complementation and mapping experiments demonstrated that the newly identified mutants are allelic to the previously identified genes cer1, cer3 and cer6. TEM analysis of the ultrastructure of the pollen coating revealed that all of the mutant pollen grains bear coatings of normal thickness and that tryphine lipid droplets are missing in cer1-147, are reduced in size in cer6-2654 and appear normal in cer3-2186. Temperature shift experiments revealed that the block in the recognition step of the mutant pollen grains can be suppressed by pollination at lower temperatures but not by reduced temperatures during pollen development. These results suggest that the lipids which are altered in the cer mutations may be important in regulating some biophysical property of the pollen coating.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the fate of nitrogen (N) remobilized as a result of ozone (O3)‐induced accelerated senescence in hybrid poplar subjected to declining N availability concurrent with O3 stress. Cuttings were grown in sand culture where the supply of N to the plant could be controlled on a daily basis and reduced in half of the plants when desired. Plants all initially received 3·57 mm N daily until approximately the 20 leaf stage after which daily supply of N was reduced to 0·71 mm . Plants were grown in open‐top chambers in the field (Rock Springs, PA, USA) and received charcoal‐filtered air, half also received supplemental O3 to a level of 0·08 µL L?1. Allocation of newly acquired N was determined with 15N. The specific allocation (mg labelled N mg?1 total N) of labelled N to upper, expanding leaf N was not affected by O3, but was strongly affected by N treatment. However, O3 increased the relative partitioning of labelled N to the expanding leaves and the roots. The balance between partitioning of newly acquired N to the upper leaves and roots was not affected by O3, but was reduced by N withdrawal. Calculated net N flux was strongly negative in the lower leaves of O3‐exposed, N withdrawal plants. Nitrogen uptake was not reduced by O3. The allometric relationships between the roots and shoots were not affected by O3 or N availability. The relative contribution of newly acquired versus remobilized N to new growth appears to be determined by N supply. Ozone exposure alters the allocation of newly acquired N via alterations in plant size, whereas N availability exerts a strong effect upon both plant size and N allocation.  相似文献   

In various plant materials changes in turgor pressure, following hyper- or hypo-osmotic stress, were associated with the activation or inactivation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, respectively. To see if the turgor changes might indirectly influence H+-ATPase activity by regulating ion fluxes through plasma membrane, we investigated, in cultured cells of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the early effects of hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress on Cl? fluxes in comparison, in the case of hyper-osmotic treatment, with its effect on net H+ extrusion. The results obtained showed that hyper-osmotic stress (200 mM mannitol) quickly reduced Cl? efflux (?70%) from cells preloaded with 36C1? for 18 h. This inhibiting effect was independent of the simultaneous mannitol-induced stimulation of Cl? influx and rapidly reversible after removal of the hyper-osmotic treatment. The inhibition of Cl? efflux was associated with a stimulation of net H+ extrusion, and these two effects showed the same dependence on the external mannitol concentration. Fusicoccin (FC, 20 µM), which stimulated H+ extrusion to about the same extent as 200 mM mannitol, did not affect Cl? efflux. When cells preloaded with 36C1? for 18 h in the presence of mannitol (from 25 up to 200 mM) were eluted in a mannitol-free medium an early and strong increase in Cl? efflux was found. The increase of Cl- efflux was already detectable for a small hypo-osmotic jump (25 mM), and was reduced (?50%) by the anion channel inhibitor A9C (300 µM). These results lead to exclude a direct causal relationship mediated by Em changes between the effects of osmoticum on Cl? efflux and net H+ extrusion, and favour the view that the changes in turgor pressure induced by hyper/hypo-osmotic stress may respectively induce an early inactivation/activation of stretch-sensitive anion channels.  相似文献   

Decomposition of soybean grown under elevated concentrations of CO2 and O3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A critical global climate change issue is how increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and ground‐level O3 will affect agricultural productivity. This includes effects on decomposition of residues left in the field and availability of mineral nutrients to subsequent crops. To address questions about decomposition processes, a 2‐year experiment was conducted to determine the chemistry and decomposition rate of aboveground residues of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) grown under reciprocal combinations of low and high concentrations of CO2 and O3 in open‐top field chambers. The CO2 treatments were ambient (370 μmol mol?1) and elevated (714 μmol mol?1) levels (daytime 12 h averages). Ozone treatments were charcoal‐filtered air (21 nmol mol?1) and nonfiltered air plus 1.5 times ambient O3 (74 nmol mol?1) 12 h day?1. Elevated CO2 increased aboveground postharvest residue production by 28–56% while elevated O3 suppressed it by 15–46%. In combination, inhibitory effects of added O3 on biomass production were largely negated by elevated CO2. Plant residue chemistry was generally unaffected by elevated CO2, except for an increase in leaf residue lignin concentration. Leaf residues from the elevated O3 treatments had lower concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates, but higher N, fiber, and lignin levels. Chemical composition of petiole, stem, and pod husk residues was only marginally affected by the elevated gas treatments. Treatment effects on plant biomass production, however, influenced the content of chemical constituents on an areal basis. Elevated CO2 increased the mass per square meter of nonstructural carbohydrates, phenolics, N, cellulose, and lignin by 24–46%. Elevated O3 decreased the mass per square meter of these constituents by 30–48%, while elevated CO2 largely ameliorated the added O3 effect. Carbon mineralization rates of component residues from the elevated gas treatments were not significantly different from the control. However, N immobilization increased in soils containing petiole and stem residues from the elevated CO2, O3, and combined gas treatments. Mass loss of decomposing leaf residue from the added O3 and combined gas treatments was 48% less than the control treatment after 20 weeks, while differences in decomposition of petiole, stem, and husk residues among treatments were minor. Decreased decomposition of leaf residues was correlated with lower starch and higher lignin levels. However, leaf residues only comprised about 20% of the total residue biomass assayed so treatment effects on mass loss of total aboveground residues were relatively small. The primary influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations on decomposition processes is apt to arise from effects on residue mass input, which is increased by elevated CO2 and suppressed by O3.  相似文献   

We lack information on how elevated CO2, and its interaction with other factors like herbivory, affect levels and patterns of trait integration in plants. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 disrupts and restructures functional associations among plant traits, in the selfing annual, Arabidopsis thaliana. We tested for these effects both in the presence and absence of herbivory by larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. Elevated CO2, both alone and combined with moth herbivory, modified integrated trait responses. In addition, integration under different environments was genotype‐specific. These results imply that global changes in CO2 are likely to cause divergent evolutionary outcomes among populations of plants that differ in the initial structure of their quantitative genetic variation.  相似文献   

Rubinelli  Peter  Hu  Yi  Ma  Hong 《Plant molecular biology》1998,37(4):607-619
Relatively little is known about pollen development at the molecular level. For the purpose of gaining understanding of the molecular control of pollen development, a number of Arabidopsis cDNA fragments were isolated using subtractive hybridizations. DNA and RNA hybridizations and sequence analyses indicate that we have isolated cDNAs representing 13 genes. Sequences for 8 of these genes are novel, while those for the remaining 5 genes have substantial similarity to genes previously reported as anther- or pollen-specific. RNA in situ hybridizations with 5 genes revealed that four of them are tapetum-specific with differing temporal expression patterns during pollen development and one is pollen-specific within the flower. Sequence analysis of full-length cDNAs showed that one of the novel genes, ATA7, encodes a protein related to lipid transfer proteins. Another gene, ATA20, encodes a protein with novel repeat sequences and a glycine-rich domain that shares a predicted structure with a known cell wall protein. The full-length ATA27 cDNA encodes a protein similar to the BGL4 -glucosidase from Brassica napus. The ATA27 protein is predicted to have an ER retention signal and an acidic isoelectric point, suggesting that it may be localized to the ER lumen. This may be a means of compartmentalization from its substrate(s). Our studies demonstrate that subtractive hybridizations can be used to identify previously unknown genes, which should be valuable tools for further study of pollen and anther development and function.  相似文献   

This paper describes the expression analyses of the AtSTP3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, the functional characterization of the encoded protein as a new monosaccharide transporter, and introduces the AtSTP gene family. The kinetic properties of the AtSTP3 protein (for sugar transport protein 3) were studied in a hexose transport deficient mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. AtSTP3 represents a new monosaccharide transporter that is composed of 514 amino acids and has a calculated molecular mass of 55·9 kDa. Kinetic analyses in yeast showed that AtSTP3 is a low affinity, energy‐dependent H + symporter with a Km for D ‐glucose of 2 m M . RNase protection analyses revealed that AtSTP3 is expressed in leaves and floral tissue of Arabidopsis. This expression pattern of the AtSTP3 gene was confirmed in AtSTP3 promoter‐ β ‐glucuronidase (GUS) plants showing AtSTP3‐driven GUS activity in green leaves, such as cotelydons, rosette and stalk leaves and sepals. Wounding caused an induction of GUS activity in the transgenic plants and an increase of AtSTP3 mRNA levels in Arabidopsis wild‐type plants. Polymerase chain reaction analyses with degenerate primers identified additional new AtSTP genes and revealed that AtSTP3 is the member of a large family of at least 14 homologous genes coding for putative monosaccharide‐H + symporters (AtSTPs).  相似文献   

In populations of D. subobscura , a species that is know for its high chromosomal polymorphism, the O5 inversion has a rather erratic frequency distribution in the Palearctic region. An O5 lethal chromosomal line obtained from a Balkan population near Zanjic (South Adriatic, Montenegro, Yugoslavia) was tested for lethal allelism with other O5 lethal chromosomal lines derived from American (USA and Chile) colonizing populations, and from the French population of Taulé. No allelism was found between the Balkan lethal gene and those from America and France. Thus, the lethal genes of the O5 inversions are not of the same origin and it is most probable that the American colonizations did not start from the Zanjic population. The general difference in the chromosomal inversion polymorphism corroborates this conclusion. The cytological analysis confirms the assumption that all O5 chromosomes studied are identical with respect to breakage points.  相似文献   

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