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Distribution pattern of rare earth elements in fern   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All the lanthanide elements (REE) in fern (Matteuccia) and in soil were determined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in order to discuss REE behavior in fern. The fern sample was divided into three parts: root, stem, and leaf; the soil of the same site was also sampled and the soil sample was divided into two parts: HCl and HNO3 soluble part (soil[HCl]) and HF soluble part (soil[HF]). REE in each part was determined by ICP-MS after solvent extraction separation. The overall variation of the REE pattern of the root does not resemble that of the whole soil, but that of the HF soluble part. A tetrad effect variation (W-type) was found in the REE patterns of root, stem and leaf; more conspicuous tetrad effect variation was observed in HREE region than in LREE region, and was so in stem and leaf than in root. Negative anomalies of Ce were observed in the REE patterns of root, stem and leaf, with bigger anomalies in stem and leaf than in root. The results of this study suggest that REE in fern has come from silicates of soil and has once been in dissolved state.  相似文献   

The mechanisms behind the evolution and maintenance of conspicuous visible polymorphisms comprising tens of morphs present a challenge to evolutionary theory. However, for cryptic forms Endler (Evol. Biol., 11, 1978, 319) conjectured that complex backgrounds facilitate polymorphism because in such habitats there are several ways to resemble the resting surface. We use computer simulation to explore the evolution of cryptic morphs on increasingly complex backgrounds under regimes that include selection for crypsis, apostatic predation and dietary wariness. We show that there is a monotonic increase in the number of morphs evolving in a population as the potential number of cryptic morphs increases. The relationship is very weak with selection for crypsis alone, but much stronger with the addition of apostatic selection. In contrast, when dietary wariness is added to the model the plot of number of morphs maintained, as a function of the potential number of cryptic forms available, is minimized at an intermediate number of cryptic forms, i.e. is V-shaped. These counter-intuitive patterns are robust to varying strengths of apostatic selection and different implementations of dietary wariness, and are more pronounced when predator and prey generation lengths are similar.  相似文献   

The palmoplantar keratodermas: much more than palms and soles   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The inherited palmoplantar keratodermas (PPKs) are a diverse and often clinically confusing branch of the genetic skin diseases. As the name suggests, the lesions of PPK primarily affect the palms and soles of the feet, although a number of the PPKs are also associated with a genetic predisposition to other conditions, including cancer, hearing loss and heart failure. The mapping and identification of genes that underlie the PPKs reveal new insights into the biological interactions of the structural components of the palmoplantar epidermis and further our understanding of epidermal disease. More significantly, by genetically characterizing the PPKs, genes that have a role in life-threatening disorders might also be identified.  相似文献   

Summary Somatostatin has been shown to inhibit the release of various polypeptide hormones including insulin, glucagon, gastrin, thyroid stimulating hormone, and growth hormone. The mechanism by which somatostatin inhibits the release of these various polypeptide hormones has not been fully eluciadated. It has been reported that somatostatin increases the level of the second messenger cyclic GMP in rat brain and in the anterior pituitary gland. The present investigation was designed to determine if these responses seen in the anterior pituitary gland and brain were due to activation of guanylate cyclase GTP-pyrophosphate lyase (cyclizing), E.C., the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cyclic GMP. Somatostatin at a concentration of 2 pm enhanced guanylate cyclase activity two-fold in rat cerebrum and anterior pituitary gland. This enhancement of guanylate cyclase activity was also seen in rat liver, pancreas, stomach, and small intestine at the same concentration of somatostatin. Increasing the concentration of somatostatin to 20 m, caused a marked inhibition of guanylate cyclase activity in all these tissues. Dose-response curves done on gastric guanylate cyclase activity revealed that over a concentration range of 2 pm to 0.2 m, somatostatin had a stimulatory effect on guanylate cyclase activity while at concentrations above 10 m somatostatin was inhibitory to guanylate cyclase activity. The biphasic pattern of enhancement of guanylate cyclase activity at lower concentrations of somatostatin and inhibition at higher concentrations may help to explain some of the discrepancies seen with previous investigations with somatostatin, hormone release, and cyclic nucleotide metabolism.  相似文献   

Dialectical Anthropology - The thesis of value neutrality is logically untenable and anthropologically naive. It is logically untenable because it does not attend to contextual (i.e. historical,...  相似文献   

Conclusion The thesis of value neutrality is logically untenable and anthropologically naive. It is logically untenable because it does not attend to contextual (i.e. historical, sociological and political) meaning. It is anthropologically naive because it does not take into account that values are culturally mediated and historically situated, i.e. it assumes that values are the result of arbitrary choices. And, one must add, it is morally objectionable because it eliminates the notion of responsibility, though it pretends to defend it.Rather than attacking the thesis of value neutrality by following the more usual procedure of unmasking specific substantive theories, I have dismantled the logic of value neutrality itself by concentrating on the insurmountable formal contradictions of the fact-value dichotomy. In neglecting social, economic and cultural constraints, while stressing the freedom of the individual, the thesis of value neutrality emerges as liberal ideology. Whatever the liberating effect of decisionism may have been, it has de facto become the ideology of a scientific establishment which was conditioned to sell its services to the highest bidder. Decisionism has promoted a division of labor between those who determine the ends and those who supply the technical means without being concerned about their application . Thus it supports the status quo, and becomes a means of repression and exploitation .Decisionism is an inherent aspect of positivism . The subjectivity of ethics is the counterpart of the objectivity of science. Both are the result of a subjective idealism which takes the individual subject as point of departure. It is the individual subject who constructs his world on the basis of sensory impressions and his reason and who chooses his values. This implies not only the autonomy of ethics vis-à-vis science, but also an autonomy of facts vis-à-vis theory, and an autonomy of both science and ethics vis-à-vis history. This epistemological position is, therefore, elementaristic, individualistic and ahistorical.A radical alternative has to take as point of departure that cognition in its diverse manifestations (scientific and epistemological paradigms, logic, etc.) and value systems are interrelated historical products. It has to reject the compartmentalization of fact and value, fact and theory , subject and object, and it must place these relations in a truly dialectical perspective. Such a perspective does not provide us with unshakable moral and political precepts, but — since it does not take what is historically given for the eternally valid nor confound history with mere arbitrariness — it does point to the possibility and necessity of transformation and emancipation, i.e., the historically ly possible.Cornelis J.J. Vermeulen is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam.

A chronological relationship between the annual profiles of oxidative stress markers, the key regulator of stress physiology has been sought in a terrestrial mollusc (Nerita articulata) under natural photothermal conditions. The hemolymph samples were collected at two different times in each month (from January to December) and the same was repeated for two consecutive years throughout an annual cycle. The fluctuations in the concentrations of certain heavy and trace metals (zinc, copper, cadmium, mercury, lead, and nickel) in both soil and hemolymph of Nerita are also estimated accordingly. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the rhythmic responses of oxidative stress marker to assess the impact of different trace and heavy metals on selected mollusc species. We tries to develop a realistic conceptual idea to analyze and predict the effect of changing environmental pollution on the possible shift in the rhythmicity of aforesaid antioxidants in terrestrial mollusc and their adaptive responses to thrive in such environment. Our results indicates that the amplitude of circannual rhythms of all the selected stress markers varied accordingly but the pattern of annual fluctuation is noted to be similar, and correlated with the metal accumulation. Therefore current information might help to frame the adaptive strategies for invertebrate species under similar toxic circumstances.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were (a) to determine group and individual differences in oxygen consumption during heel-toe running and (b) to quantify the differences in EMG activity for selected muscle groups of the lower extremities when running in shoes with different mechanical heel characteristics. Twenty male runners performed heel-toe running using two shoe conditions, one with a mainly elastic and a visco-elastic heel. Oxygen consumption was quantified during steady state runs of 6 min duration, running slightly above the aerobic threshold providing four pairs of oxygen consumption results for comparison. Muscle activity was quantified using bipolar surface EMG measurements from the tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius, vastus medialis and the hamstrings muscle groups. EMG data were sampled for 5 s every minute for the 6 min providing 30 trials. EMG data were compared for the different conditions using an ANOVA (alpha=0.05). The findings of this study showed that changes in the heel material characteristics of running shoes were associated with (a) subject specific changes in oxygen consumption and (b) subject and muscle specific changes in the intensities of muscle activation before heel strike in the lower extremities. It is suggested that further study of these phenomena will help understand many aspects of human locomotion, including work, performance, fatigue and possible injuries.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiments was to study the plasma glucose-insulin relationship in eu-, hypo- or hyperthyroid broiler chickens. None of the thyroid states modified the fasting plasma glucose and insulin levels. Hypothyroid chickens exhibited a normal glucose tolerance and a normal glucose-induced insulin release after oral glucose (2 g/kg body weight) administration compared to euthyroid chickens. In contrast, hyperthyroid chickens exhibited an improved glucose tolerance accompanied by a lower insulin release. Insulin injections at a concentration of 0.1 U/kg body weight was only hypoglycemic in hyperthyroid chickens, which confirms the observation that these chickens are more sensitive to insulin. From this study it can be suggested that alterations in body composition according to thyroid status are at least partly mediated by changes in the control of carbohydrate metabolism by pancreatic hormones.  相似文献   

Various neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by the accumulation of amyloidogenic proteins such as tau, α‐synuclein, and amyloid‐β. Prior to the formation of these stable aggregates, intermediate species of the respective proteins—oligomers—appear. Recently acquired data have shown that oligomers may be the most toxic and pathologically significant to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. The covalent modification of these oligomers may be critically important for biological processes in disease. Ubiquitin and small ubiquitin‐like modifiers are the commonly used tags for degradation. While the modification of large amyloid aggregates by ubiquitination is well established, very little is known about the role ubiquitin may play in oligomer processing and the importance of the more recently discovered sumoylation. Many proteins involved in neurodegeneration have been found to be sumoylated, notably tau protein in brains afflicted with Alzheimer's. This evidence suggests that while the cell may not have difficulty recognizing dangerous proteins, in brains afflicted with neurodegenerative disease, the proteasome may be unable to properly digest the tagged proteins. This would allow toxic aggregates to develop, leading to even more proteasome impairment in a snowball effect that could explain the exponential progression in most neurodegenerative diseases. A better understanding of the covalent modifications of oligomers could have a huge impact on the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases. This review will focus on the proteolysis of tau and other amyloidogenic proteins induced by covalent modification, and recent findings suggesting a relationship between tau oligomers and sumoylation.  相似文献   

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin important for vision, reproduction, embryonic development, cell differentiation, epithelial barrier function and adequate immune responses. Efficient absorption of dietary vitamin A depends on the fat-solubilizing properties of bile acids. Bile acids are synthesized in the liver and maintained in an enterohepatic circulation. The liver is also the main storage site for vitamin A in the mammalian body, where an intimate collaboration between hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells leads to the accumulation of retinyl esters in large cytoplasmic lipid droplet hepatic stellate cells. Chronic liver diseases are often characterized by disturbed bile acid and vitamin A homeostasis, where bile production is impaired and hepatic stellate cells lose their vitamin A in a transdifferentiation process to myofibroblasts, cells that produce excessive extracellular matrix proteins leading to fibrosis. Chronic liver diseases thus may lead to vitamin A deficiency. Recent data reveal an intricate crosstalk between vitamin A metabolites and bile acids, in part via the Retinoic Acid Receptor (RAR), Retinoid X Receptor (RXR) and the Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR), in maintaining vitamin A and bile acid homeostasis. Here, we provide an overview of the various levels of “communication” between vitamin A metabolites and bile acids and its relevance for the treatment of chronic liver diseases.  相似文献   

The interrelationship of growth and frost tolerance in winter rye   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The reduction in growth of winter cereals that occurs in the fall is thought to be required for the development of frost resistance. In the present study, the interrelationship of freezing tolerance and growth was examined by raising winter rye ( Secale cereale cv. Puma) plants at 20/16°C (day/night) and at 5/3°C under 8-, 16- and 24-h daylengths to vary growth rates and frost tolerance. Temperature and irradiance were quantified as thermal time, photothermal time and photosynthetic photon flux and examined by multiple linear regression in order to determine their effects on growth and frost tolerance of rye shoots. At low temperature, both growth and frost tolerance were markedly influenced by daylength and irradiance. Plants grown at 5/3°C with a short daylength accumulated shoot dry weight and increased frost tolerance at a greater rate per unit photothermal time or photon flux than plants grown at longer daylengths. Moreover, 5/3°C plants grown with a 16-h day grew more slowly and were less frost tolerant than plants grown with a 24-h day. We conclude that the interrelationship between growth and frost tolerance is a quantitative one. Frost tolerance is induced only by low temperature, but the development of forst tolerance is dependent upon both irradiance, which affects the amount of photoassimilate available, and daylength, which may affect the partitioning of photoassimilates between growth and frost tolerance.  相似文献   

Complex systems involving many interacting elements often organize into patterns. Two types of pattern formation can be distinguished, static and dynamic. Static pattern formation means that the resulting structure constitutes a thermodynamic equilibrium whose pattern formation can be understood in terms of the minimization of free energy, while dynamic pattern formation indicates that the system is permanently dissipating energy and not in equilibrium. In this paper, we report experimental results showing that the morphology of elements plays a significant role in dynamic pattern formation. We prepared three different shapes of elements (circles, squares, and triangles) floating in a water-filled container, in which each of the shapes has two types: active elements that were capable of self-agitation with vibration motors, and passive elements that were mere floating tiles. The system was purely decentralized: that is, elements interacted locally, and subsequently elicited global patterns in a process called self-organized segregation. We showed that, according to the morphology of the selected elements, a different type of segregation occurs. Also, we quantitatively characterized both the local interaction regime and the resulting global behavior for each type of segregation by means of information theoretic quantities, and showed the difference for each case in detail, while offering speculation on the mechanism causing this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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