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陆哲明  崔戎  沈存  赵鸣 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8158-8166
结合生态学基本原理,综合分析各类要素与感知,并以可持续发展为目标研究土地利用规划、建设与管理的"景感生态学"是湿地公园规划设计的重要指导理论,综合景感生态学与湿地规划设计两方面的研究构建了基于景感生态学理论的湿地公园规划设计路径框架。以河南省长垣市王家潭湿地公园为例,探索了基于景感生态学理论开展湿地公园规划设计的过程中,结合生态学原理与人类生理感知、心理感受进行协调环境、社会、经济三大效益的规划设计。以"源-汇"理论划定生态功能主分区,采用集聚间有离析模式结合现状设施、景观效果、地脉文脉传承进行空间边界调整,形成整体空间格局;以生态岸线发育系数、地形旷奥度结合观赏体验、空间感知创造动植物优良生境,构建湿地公园生境基底;以生态位宽度为重要指标并结合民风民俗、季相策略配置湿地公园中的优势种、伴生种采用近自然造林方式完成植物规划设计;以适度干扰原理,采用轻干扰和产景融合策略规划人类社会、经济活动的介入;同时以"智慧公园"体系初步构建物联网系统采集各类信息数据,构成信息循环反馈、场地时序更新的渐善式模型,推动场地的持续完善。从理论路径的构建、空间格局的形成、生境基底的打造、植物种群的规划、人类...  相似文献   

当前,国内外对于国家公园旅游可持续性的定义及其评估指标尚未形成共识,已有的部分指标存在可操作性较弱、管理成本较高等问题,无法直接应用于中国国家公园旅游可持续性的管理与评估。从三条路径构建国家公园旅游可持续性管理评估指标体系:以实际需求为导向,分析国家公园所在区域对旅游可持续性管理评估指标的需求;以国际共识为导向,检验《全球可持续旅游目的地标准》在国家公园的适用性;以实践为导向,梳理世界主要国家及地区国家公园旅游可持续性的管理重点。以色林错-普若岗日冰川国家公园(简称"色-普国家公园")潜在建设区为例,建立国家公园旅游可持续性管理评估指标体系。从经济、社会、文化、生态环境等方面明确了色-普国家公园潜在建设区对管理评估指标体系的需求。经过适用性判定,识别在色-普国家公园潜在建设区具有较强适用性的可持续旅游目的地评估指标。通过频次统计,从经济、社会、文化、生态环境、制度建设等方面遴选世界主要国家及地区国家公园旅游可持续性的重点管理指标。所建立的色-普国家公园潜在建设区旅游可持续性管理评估指标体系包括5个一级指标,15个二级指标,36个三级指标。在此基础上,建议逐步建立健全监测与统计体系,为管理评估指标体系的应用提供支撑。  相似文献   

刘旭  张文慧  李咏红  高鹏杰  李黎  王彤 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4404-4411
北京地区处于全球候鸟东亚-澳大利西亚的迁徙路线上,是候鸟重要的迁徙路线,近些年,随着人为活动的影响,该区生境破碎化问题愈发突出,直接威胁着本地鸟种和过境迁徙鸟类的生存。为达到保护鸟类多样性的目的,需开展相应的栖息地恢复工作。不同生态类群的鸟类对栖息地有着不同的要求,相同鸟种在不同空间、季节和生活期对栖息地的选择也有着不同的特点。因而,鸟类栖息地恢复应针对目标鸟种根据其繁殖特点、巢位空间分布、食性特点、活动空间特点等进行规划营造。以北京房山琉璃河湿地公园为例,针对项目所在区域的鸟类分布特征,确定目标恢复鸟种,结合项目区现场条件,围绕目标鸟种对于栖息地水系、植被等方面的需求,从岸线重塑、水深设计、植物配置、生态鸟岛等方面规划设计鸟类栖息地修复措施。  相似文献   

何舸 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7406-7416
生态空间是维持城市可持续发展的自然基础,其组成、规模及分布对国土空间生态安全具有重要影响。国土空间规划和城乡规划建设管理必须遵循"山水林田湖草是生命共同体"理念,优化国土空间开发保护格局,合理保护与利用生态空间。以南宁市为例,在梳理国土空间用途管制相关概念的基础上,提出了以生态控制线为核心的生态空间管控体系,通过生态安全评价与生态敏感性评价,识别研究区关键生态问题与核心生态资源,构建区域生态安全格局并划定生态控制线,制定空间管制方案,建立了一种基于"本底评价-格局构建-底线管控"的生态空间规划方法。结果表明:(1)研究区整体生态安全状态较好,但建设用地侵占生态空间的问题有待解决。(2)研究区生态高度敏感区占比40.70%,在空间上集中连片分布,生态连通性较高,是生态安全格局和生态控制线的主要载体。(3)研究区生态安全格局由"一轴、一环、五区,多廊道、多节点"的生态要素构成。(4)研究区生态控制线占比达86.03%,通过实施分级管制,严格保护核心生态资源,合理利用次级生态资源。(5)生态控制线实现了对全域生态空间的管制,是国土空间规划和城乡规划建设管理的前提和基础。研究成果可为南宁市国土空间规划和生态保护修复提供技术与决策支撑,也可为其他城市的生态空间规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Moshe Shachak  Sol Brand 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):620-626
Summary We explore the demographic consequences of site selection by animals on their abundance among habitats. We found that pre and post settling survivorship are important links between the behavioral decisions where to settle and the distribution of a population among habitats. This was demonstrated for 10 generations of the desert isopod, Hemilepistus reaumuri, in three habitats in the Negev Desert, Israel. The populations exhibit low survivorship before settling (12%) and high survivorship (55%) after settling. According to our model this implies high site selection. Theoretical considerations and the case study led us to suggest the following relationship among settling, demography and habitat selection: 1) Individuals search for suitable settling sites to inhabit and reproduce. 2) Their decision where and when to settle is a cost benefit decision. They weigh the benefit of searching for a high quality site against mortality due to increased searching time. 3) The individual's decision to settle determines the pre and post settling survivorship pattern. 4) Survivorship pattern dictates density pattern in time and space. 5) Density pattern in a given habitat determines its quality for the individual. 6) Settling selection among habitats and the number of safe sites controls the distribution of densities among habitats.  相似文献   

Aim The study examined the potential for change in biome representation within Canada's national park system under multiple climate change scenarios and subsequent potential vulnerabilities in Parks Canada policy and planning frameworks. Location The study was conducted for Canada's 39 national parks. Methods The vegetation change scenarios were based on modelling results from the BIOME3 and MAPSS equilibrium process‐based global vegetation models (GVM), run with multiple doubled‐CO2 climate change scenarios. The six vegetation distribution scenarios were calculated at 0.5° latitude–longitude resolution and the boundaries of 39 national parks superimposed in a geographic information system (GIS). Park management plans and other planning documents were also reviewed as part of the analysis. Results The proportional distribution of biomes in Canada's national park system was very similar (within 3% of area for each biome) using BIOME3 and MAPSS under the current climate. Regardless of the GVM and climate change scenario used, the modelling results suggest the potential for substantial change in the biome representation in Canada's national park system. In five of six vegetation scenarios, a novel biome type appeared in more than half of the national parks and greater than 50% of all vegetation grid boxes changed biome type. The proportional representation of tundra and taiga/tundra in the national park system declined in each of the vegetation scenarios, while more southerly biomes (temperate forests and savanna/woodland) increased (in some scenarios doubling to quadrupling). Results for boreal forest varied among the climate change scenarios. A range of potential vulnerabilities in existing policy and planning frameworks were identified, including the national park system plan, individual park objectives, and fire and exotic species management plans. Conclusions Climate change represents an unprecedented challenge to Parks Canada and its ability to achieve its conservation mandate as presently legislated. Research is needed not only on ecosystem responses to climate change, but also on the capacity of conservation systems and agencies to adapt to climate change.  相似文献   

Europe has the greatest concentration of botanic gardens in the world, they cultivate extensive collections of plants that include samples of European threatened plant species. This study looks at the effectiveness of these collections in supporting species conservation. A three part study is presented: (1) the results of a survey and assessment of threatened plants in botanic gardens, as defined by the Bern Convention; (2) case studies illustrating current issues in the ex situ management of European threatened plant species; and (3) presentation of policy recommendations on further improving botanic garden contributions to European plant conservation. The survey indicated that of 119 European botanic gardens in 29 European countries, 105 are cultivating 308 of the 573 threatened plant species listed by the Bern Convention. The survey identified 25 botanic gardens in 14 countries undertaking 51 conservation projects focused on 27 Bern listed species. In particular this survey has established that the majority of taxa are held in a small number of collections, dominated by non-wild origin accessions, and are not adequately documented. The majority of specimens in botanic gardens are cultivated out of the range country and not contributing to a specific conservation project. We review the genetic representation and documentation of origin in collections. Existing plant collections contain representatives of populations, now lost in the wild and maintain samples of at least nine European plant taxa identified as 'Extinct in the Wild'. However, inadequate standards of record keeping has compromised the conservation value of many collections. We highlight the dangers of hybridisation and disease in ex situ collections. The results suggest that botanic garden collections are skewed towards horticulturally robust and ornamental species and do not fully reflect priorities as defined by the Bern Convention. Recognising the limitations of traditional botanic garden collections we propose that botanic gardens more effectively utilise their two core competencies, namely scientific horticulture and public display and interpretation. The unique horticultural skills resident in European botanic gardens could be more effectively utilised through the application of horticulture to the management of wild populations.Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society  相似文献   

A character-selection procedure initially applied in vertebrates (viverrid carnivores and murid rodents), but with a potential, more general application, was used to select appropriate characters for a morphometric investigation of weevils on Marion Island. An initial set of 23 linear measurements, adopted from a previous morphometric study, was subjected to cluster and ordination procedures to summarize patterns of correlations between measurements. Criteria were developed for the selection of representative measurements within cluster analysis-generated sub-clusters, after the exclusion of redundant measurements. This reduced the 23 initial variables to a final set of 15 measurements. The general grouping of variables was broadly consistent across all weevil species examined. Apart from economizing, by reducing the number of characters that have to be measured for subsequent analyses, the procedure also provides a way to adequately represent the phenotype, and to investigate morphological integration.  相似文献   

H S Sandhu  E A Tonna 《Acta anatomica》1986,127(2):133-136
Tibiae from 11-day-old chick embryos, injected with 3H-tetracycline, were autoradiographically analyzed at different stages to localize and study the dynamics of the initial phases of bone mineralization. 3H-tetracycline was localized within newly formed trabeculae, but only at the surfaces of older trabeculae, indicating that the incorporation of tetracycline into bone occurs at active sites of calcification. It takes between 24 and 36 h for injected tetracycline to become stabilized and incorporated into the mineralized matrix. Absence of 3H-tetracycline grains over the osteoblasts suggests a paracellular pathway for incorporation of tetracycline into the mineralizing bone matrix.  相似文献   

刘畅  唐立娜 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8141-8146
城市生态系统服务和可持续发展是当前城市生态学研究的热点问题。景感生态学作为联系生态系统服务和可持续发展的桥梁,可作为研究城市生态系服务和可持续发展的一种有效途径。随着社会发展所伴随的人们经济生活的生活压力增大,城市居民的亚健康状态日益突出。城市公园作为城市生态系统的重要构成,其设计目的应考虑应对城市居民健康问题和促进人类精神文明建设方面的作用。以城市公园景观设计为例,从园路、建筑、植物、水体景观和小品等方面探讨景感生态学在城市公园景观设计中的应用价值。景感生态学作为探索城市公园景观设计的新思路,以实现生态效益和居民福祉的提升,丰富和提升城市公园的生态系统服务功能,从而有利于促进为人类当代和后代提供可持续的福祉,以期驱使人类行为和言行规律朝着对生态系统有益的方向演化,自觉维护和改善生态系统服务,从而可持续地保障城市生态系统服务。  相似文献   

The recovery process of Messor aciculatus (Fr. Smith) harvester ant colonies from habitat disturbance by construction work in an urban park was investigated from 1989 to 1994. Colonies located in 1989 were considered to be survivors of the disturbance, and colonies located for the first time after 1990 were considered to be recruits. The colonies continuously increased in number after the disturbance, and the population size more than doubled just after the disturbance. Analyses of the nest site distribution of colonies in 1989 and 1994 suggest that landform modification destroyed some of them, and that the changed nest site distribution in 1989 affected the distribution in 1994, or, in other words, the disturbance indirectly affected the nest distribution 5 years later. Analyses of the nearest neighbor to each colony suggested that established colonies would obstruct newly recruited colonies around their nests. Construction may open up space for recruitment colonization by removing established colonies, and may also create suitable conditions by destruction of original vegetation, or returning vegetation to the early stages of plant community succession. As a result, the disturbance may facilitate the subsequent recruitment of new colonies and rejuvenate the population.  相似文献   

徐凌星  杨德伟  高雪莉  郭青海 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4328-4336
工业园区因物质能量的高度集聚,生产-消费过程的网络关联,以及区域示范带动效应,在循环经济发展中受到持续关注。本研究以福建省蛟洋循环经济示范园区为例,应用物质流、生态网络和生态效率等测度分析方法,综合评估了2012—2016年间园区循环经济的网络关联和生态效率。研究结果表明:(1)园区物质流结构单一,关联度和稳定度明显较弱;(2)园区网络的韧性不足,关键节点的级联效应显著,尤其对中下游企业的影响程度大;(3)生态效率指数分析发现,园区关键节点企业在循环经济效益方面带动能力不足,影响园区循环经济的前景。为此,从园区网络关联稳定度和企业生态经济效率优化提升的角度,探讨园区未来的循环经济发展策略。可为处于起步阶段的专一化工业园区探索可行的循环经济模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the enantioselectivity of Candida antarctica lipase B for 3-hexanol, 2-butanol, 3-methyl-2-butanol, 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol, and 1-bromo-2-butanol revealed that the differential activation entropy, deltaR-SdeltaS, was as significant as the differential activation enthalpy, DeltaR-SdeltaH, to the enantiomeric ratio, E. 1-Bromo-2-butanol, with isosteric substituents, displayed the largest deltaR-SdeltaS. 3-Hexanol displayed, contrary to other sec-alcohols, a positive deltaR-SdeltaS. In other words, for 3-hexanol the preferred R-enantiomer is not only favored by enthalpy but also by entropy. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and systematic search calculations of the substrate accessible volume within the active site revealed that the (R)-3-hexanol transition state (TS) accessed a larger volume within the active site than the (S)-3-hexanol TS. This correlates well with the higher TS entropy of (R)-3-hexanol. In addition, this enantiomer did also yield a higher number of allowed conformations, N, from the systematic search routines, than did the S-enantiomer. The substrate accessible volume was greater for the enantiomer preferred by entropy also for 2-butanol. For 3,3-dimethyl-2-butanol, however, neither MD-simulations nor systematic search calculations yielded substrate accessible volumes that correlate to TS entropy. Ambiguous results were achieved for 3-methyl-2-butanol.  相似文献   

刘晶茹  聶鑫蕊  周传斌  石垚  刘瑞权 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4891-4896
生态产业园已成为我国循环经济建设和可持续发展的重要载体之一,但我国的生态产业园明显存在着产业结构趋同、区域特色不鲜明等问题。提出了农工共生型生态产业园的概念,这是一类以工业园区为核心,集园区周边各类型农业相关企业、合作组织、农民、乡镇及农田为一体的一种"社会-经济-自然"复合区域产业共生体系。农工共生型生态产业园可以实现核心园区与周边腹地的协同发展,可以提升区域整体的生态效率。给出了农工共生型生态产业园的发展模式、建设意义及设计原则。并以农业大省河南省中唯一的国家级经济技术开发区为研究案例,结合当地区域特色及资源优势,构建了由3条产品链及一条服务链所组成的农工共生型产业生态系统。农工共生型生态产业园是产业共生理论在区域层面的具体实现,是复合生态系统理论在产业园层次的创新性应用。  相似文献   

An autotrophic biofilm has been investigated for over 10 months in a biofilm tube reactor. The objective of this investigation was the verification and improvement of a biofilm model. The use of a Clark-type oxygen microelectrode in situ allowed the determination of the substrate flux in the biofilm. Also, the population dynamics of the autotrophic bacteria could be evaluated by varying the substrate conditions. Simulation of the experimental results showed that the liquid phase of the biofilm decreased with biofilm depth. This could be described by a logistic function. The density of the inert volume fraction was found to be higher than that of the viable bacteria. This was verified in a nonsubstrate phase of 5 weeks. Growth and decay of the autotrophic bacteria could be described by the growth, endogenous respiration, and death processes. Mass transfer coefficients at the bulk/biofilm interface were evaluated. They were found to be one order of magnitude higher than those known from hydrodynamics in tubes without a biofilm. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 53: 363-371, 1997.  相似文献   

The modeled structure of penicillin acylase from Alcaligenes faecali (AFPGA) was constructed by comparative modeling with the Modeller program. Candidate positions that could be replaced with cysteine were estimated by scanning the modeled structure of AFPGA with the program MODIP (modeling disulfide bond in protein). The mutant Q3C/P751C had a higher optimum temperature by three degrees than that of the wild type AFPGA. The half life of the double mutant Q3C/P751C at 55 degrees C was increased by 50%. To our knowledge, this was the first structure-based genetic modification of AFPGA.  相似文献   

Inadequate venous outflow is the factor most responsible in digital replantation failure and is a common cause of tissue loss in general. An experimental replantation model utilizing the rabbit ear was used to study the extreme example of venous congestion: absent venous drainage in the replanted part. Results of this study support the use of single arterial inflow along with an efferent AV fistula for outflow in the management of replants with absent venous drainage. Potential indications for the use of an efferent arteriovenous fistula in digital revascularization include the following: (1) the finding of distal veins too small to reanastomose, as is often the case in children and at distal levels in adults; (2) preferential destruction of distal venous structures, as commonly seen in degloving or other dorsal injuries; and (3) in the management of postreplant venous thrombosis.  相似文献   

Summary From 40 habitats within a waste stabilization pond system for the treatment of sewage from a small institutional dormitory and dining hall, samples of sewage, sludges, pond waters and effluents, and undisturbed and disturbed soils were collected. From these samples and from samples of materials from an adjacent stream, 54 categories of yeasts were isolated in a year-round survey. Although all of the commoner species have been isolated from human clinical materials in past work, none of the species found has been associated with human disease conditions in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.All of the commoner and some of the less-common species were isolated from shaken cultures in YNB broth, with 1% and 20% glucose used as paired media. Other species, as well as all the commoner species, were obtained on broths made of YCB and YNB media to which were added different nitrogen or carbon sources. For routine surveys of populations the shaken YNB broth cultures seem adequate, but quantitative techniques must be developed for more critical delimitation of populations.In general, within the sets of samples tested,Candida krusei, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, Rhodotorula glutinis, R. mucilaginosa, andSaccharomyces cerevisiae appear indicative of organic enrichment of waters and soils.  相似文献   

城市住宅建筑系统流量-存量动态模拟——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地面建筑物的累积与更新是城市化过程的结果与显性特征之一。城市建筑系统在不同层面上与外部环境系统进行着物质能量交换,对这种交互产生的资源压力与环境胁迫的关注,使其成为城市代谢研究领域中的热点问题。系统分析与模拟城市建筑物流量-存量的动态变化过程及其资源环境响应,对于揭示城市建筑系统代谢机理,提高城市总体规划精准性、强化资源系统韧性管理、提升废弃物处置效率等宏观战略具有重要意义。以北京市为例,基于Stella建模平台,构建了城市居民住宅建筑系统流量-存量的动态模拟模型,定量模拟了不同管理情景下钢材需求量与建筑拆除垃圾产生量的变化区间。结果表明:(1)基准情景下,北京住宅建筑新建流量前期增速较快,2005年达到峰值3024.1万m~2,而拆除流量约于2057年达到峰值,拆除面积为2073.14万m~2;城市住宅建筑存量最高值出现在2075年左右,面积为7.51亿m~2;(2)与基准情景相比,如果人均住宅建筑面积提高到45 m~2,从现在到模拟期结束(2019—2100)将增加钢铁需求量3251.65万t;而如果延长住宅建筑寿命至设计值,同期可减少钢铁需求量3022.9万t;(3)基准情景、大面积情景以及长寿命情景下,北京市城镇住宅建筑拆除垃圾峰值产生量分别为0.29亿t、0.39亿t、0.20亿t,政府管理部门应采取有针对性的应对措施,提前做出综合利用和处理处置方案。  相似文献   

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