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Friederich Wilhelm Benedikt Hofmeister (1824-1877) stands as one of the true giants in the history of biology and belongs in the same pantheon as Darwin and Mendel. Yet by comparison, he is virtually unknown. If he is known at all, it is for his early work on flowering plant embryology and his ground-breaking discovery of the alternation of generations in plants, which he published at age 27 in 1851. Remarkable as the latter study was, it was but a prelude to the more fundamental contributions he was to make in the study of plant growth and development expressed in his books on plant cell biology (Die Lehre von der Pfanzenzelle, 1867) and plant morphology (Allgemeine Morphologie der Gewächse, 1868). In this article we review his remarkable life and career, highlighting the fact that his scientific accomplishments were based largely on self-education in all areas of biology, physics, and chemistry. We describe his research accomplishments, including his early embryological studies and their influence on Mendel's genetic studies as well as his elucidation of the alternation of generations, and we review in detail his cell biology and morphology books. It is in the latter two works that Hofmeister the experimentalist and biophysicist is most manifest. Not only did Hofmeister explore the mechanisms of cytoplasmic streaming, plant morphogenesis, and the effects of gravity and light on their development, but in each instance he developed a biophysical model to integrate and interpret his wealth of observational and experimental data. Because of the lack of attention to the cell and morphology books, Hofmeister's true genius has not been recognized. After studying several evaluations of Hofmeister by contemporary and later workers, we conclude that his reputation became eclipsed because he was so far ahead of his contemporaries that no one could understand or appreciate his work. In addition, his basically organismic framework was out of step with the more reductionistic cytogenetic work that later came in vogue. We suggest that the translation of the cell and morphology books in English would help re-establish him as one of the most notable scientists in the history of plant biology.  相似文献   

A 60-year-old male physician is self-referred to your office for evaluation of his erectile dysfunction, which has been worsening for 5 years. He reports his erections rarely achieve fullness for penetration, and he is unable to ejaculate. He has tried sildenafil citrate (Viagra(R); Pfizer Inc, New York, NY) with mild success in the past. He has a strong libido and feels healthy. He rarely exercises, but is on his feet most of the day at work. He has been healthy his whole life and never seeks a doctor's attention. He has no other medical problems. His only medication is a baby aspirin once a day. His physical examination, including genitalia, is normal. As part of his initial visit, should his serum testosterone level be checked by his urologist?  相似文献   

Main vistas of Academician M.Kh. Chailakhyan's inquiry into the problems of plant growth and development are reviewed with the emphasis on the input of his research in elucidating the mechanisms of flowering, tuberization, sex expression, and the integrity of plant organism. The pioneer studies conducted by Chailakhyan and his colleagues on agricultural applications of phytohormones, their synthetic analogs, and other growth regulators are considered. Highlighted is the role of theoretical papers written by Chailakhyan, his lectures, and his brave fight against pseudoscientific trends in the Russian science is stressed.  相似文献   

A wild, group-living 8.5-year-old adult baboon was found to have only a single palpable testicle, the only case of cryptorchidism found among more than 200 males that we have examined. This young adult had an unusually small body size for his age, one that was comparable to that of immature males two years younger, and during maturation his body mass was increasingly small for his age. As a young adult, he also had very low testosterone concentrations, which, in combination with his small size, history of impaired growth, and the absence of any obvious scars around the scrotum, suggest that this is a case of spontaneous unilateral cryptorchidism of unknown cause rather than one of monorchidism arising from injury. Despite striking differences in his growth, adult body size, and testosterone levels, the male's cryptorchidism seemed to have relatively little effect on his social and sexual maturation in his natal group. Nonetheless, it may be related to his inability to gain entry into another group after dispersal.  相似文献   

This paper invites the reader to consider the marriage of art and science as antidote to much epidemic disease, for our greater personal and societal health. The history of arts medicine is reviewed, identifying its persisting although often tenuous link with health care from pre-history to the present. The author describes his personal encounter with art at the bedside, and how it led to his establishing a comprehensive artist-in-residence program at his university hospital. The scientific evidence underscoring the efficacy of art-making for physical and psychological health are outlined, together with the physiological and biochemical data. The author describes his own program, and offers examples of healing art in action.  相似文献   

This article briefly summarizes the scientific contributions of Nori Satoh, the winner of the 2005 edition of the Kowalevsky Medal, to Developmental Biology and especially to Evo-Devo with his 30 years of research on tunicates - a primitive chordate species. His research began with his pure developmental interest in the clock mechanism of cell differentiation and later expanded into various aspects of evolutionary and developmental phenomena. He is not only known as a founder of molecular biology-based tunicate studies, but also for his world-wide service to education and his prestigious publications in international scientific journals.  相似文献   

Gene Conversion of Deletions in the HIS4 Region of Yeast   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
G. R. Fink  C. A. Styles 《Genetics》1974,77(2):231-244

The recent rise of a high-ranking adult male chimpanzee to the alpha male position of the Gombe National Park's Kasakela chimpanzee community is reported. The male Figan is the fourth individual to assume this status in the wild chimpanzees' social hierarchy during Goodall's 16 year study in Tanzania. The paper describes the overthrow of the previous top-ranking male, and the manner in which Figan has maintained his new position after the take-over. Emphasis is placed upon his relationship with his elder male sibling, Faben, and the second highest-ranking male in the community, Evered.  相似文献   

A rigid sheath that extends deep into the prothorax of male Parisoschoenus expositus serves to receive the horns of opponents in battles over females. The male cannot use his own horn unless he receives his opponent's horn in his sheath. The length of a male's sheath is always approximately equal to the length of his own horns, so his body design is appropriate only for horn-locking battles with males whose horns are equal to or shorter than his own. Horn length and sheath length are dimorphic with respect to each other and to an indicator of body size. The switch points between morphs are very nearly the same for several relationships, so the different aspects of fighting morphology are tightly coordinated.  相似文献   

To some, a misguided Lamarckian and a fraud, to others a martyr in the fight against Darwinism, the Viennese zoologist Paul Kammerer (1880–1926) remains one of the most controversial scientists of the early 20th century. Here his work is reconsidered in light of turn-of-the-century problems in evolutionary theory and experimental methodology, as seen from Kammerer’s perspective in Vienna. Kammerer emerges not as an opponent of Darwinism, but as one would-be modernizer of the 19th-century theory, which had included a role for the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Kammerer attempted a synthesis of Darwinism with genetics and the chromosome theory, while retaining the modifying effects of the environment as the main source of favorable variation, and he developed his program of experimentation to support it. Kammerer never had a regular university position, but worked at a private experimental laboratory, with sidelines as a teacher and a popular writer and lecturer. On the lecture circuit he held forth on the significance of his science for understanding and furthering cultural evolution and he satisfied his passion for the arts and performance. In his dual career as researcher and popularizer, he did not always follow academic convention. In the contentious and rapidly changing fields of heredity and evolution, some of his stances and practices, as well as his outsider status and part-Jewish background, aroused suspicion and set the stage for the scandal that ended his career and prompted his suicide.  相似文献   

In this autobiographical sketch, the author discusses the development of his interest in the biological sciences, crediting his father, his first employer, his high school science teacher, and his college pharmacognosy professor with initially shaping his career. His early work on ergot alkaloid biosynthesis and subsequently, together with students and colleagues, on the toxic constituents of basidiomycetes is detailed. This is followed by comments on his developing interest in the therapeutic utility of herbs and phytomedicinals. A concern with the beneficial use of such products stemmed largely from observations made during sabbatical leaves and frequent travel in Germany. The importance of such botanicals (not currently recognized as drugs in the United States) in our developing health-care system is emphasized. The author concludes his comments by thanking his wife, his teachers, his students, and his many colleagues and friends for their unstinting assistance and support during his entire career.  相似文献   

After field dressing a rabbit in the state of Upper Austria, Austria two members of a family were infected with tularemia in November 2010. The patients were a man in his forties and his father-in-law in his sixties. Tularemia is a rare disease in Austria. In the last 10 years between 2 and 8 cases have been reported annually. Of the total of 40 cases none was reported in the state of Upper Austria. Thus, this case report documents the reemergence of tularemia in Upper Austria.  相似文献   

Genetic events associated with an insertion mutation in yeast   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
D T Chaleff  G R Fink 《Cell》1980,21(1):227-237
The his4-912 mutation shares similar genetic properties with mutations promoted by procaryotic insertion elements. This mutation lacks all three his4 functions. Many different classes of His+ revertants have been obtained from his4-912. The most frequent class of His+ revertants results from a site mutation which confers a cold-sensitive His- phenotype. Other classes of revertants contain translocations (one between chromosomes I and III and the other between chromosomes III and XII), a transposition of the his4 region to chromosome VIII, and an inversion of most of the left arm of chromosome III. Another class contains deletions which extend from his4-912 into the his4 region. In each of these classes of revertants, the his4 region is closely linked to the chromosomal aberration. Many of these revertants contain additional changes in chromosome structure (duplication, deletion and aneuploidy) that are unrelated to the reversion of his4-912 to His4+.  相似文献   

Conclusion The results of this study indicate that the reputation of W. K. Brooks was aided significantly by historical circumstances. The first of these factors was the unique historical role of Johns Hopkins University in American graduate education. The second was the impact of European experimentalism on American biologists and the consequent increase of experimentation in this country.Johns Hopkins, as an institution, greatly aided in the selection, nurture, and placement of Brooks's students. To these institutional forces, Brooks did add direction toward marine biology and facilities for marine research. Also, his teaching methods—which were reinforced by his own natural quietness and his poor health—did encourage self-reliance: Brooks simply could not dominate over the day-to-day activities of his students.The impact of European experimentalism was largely responsible for giving American biologists new approaches to problems which were beginning to assume major importance in biology. Several of Brooks's students, notably E. B. Wilson, T. H. Morgan, and Ross Harrison, were involved in this transfer of approaches and problems to America. In addition, a large number were influenced by working at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, where many of these new approaches were being used—in some cases for the first time, in this country. Both of these historical circumstances detract from Brooks's personal importance as an influential and directing force.That Brooks allowed his students to pursue their own research with comparative freedom is indisputable. Perhaps this is the criterion for an outstanding teacher. But the fact remains that none of his best students followed Brooks's own line of investigation or his own method of research. It is less important here to evaluate Brooks as a teacher than to understand his influence on the direction of biological thought in the twentieth century. This study suggests that his influence was less important in terms of setting a direction for research than has previously been believed. What it is apparent that Brooks accomplished was the setting forth of biological topics in a larger context through his insistence on the relevance of philosophy to scientific research. How much this directly influenced his students, especially those outstanding individuals who later made important advances, is difficult to determine. This paper has tried to show that, in terms of available evidence, Brooks does not seem to have had the profound influence on early twentieth-century biology that some historians have claimed.  相似文献   

The paper discusses A.W. Howitt's position as an amateur of science in colonial Gippsland, and explores connections between his geological and anthropological endeavours. Two contexts contributed to the kind of anthropology he did. and the kinds of works he wrote. One is the point on the trajectory of the colonial history of Victoria when Howitt joined it and began his researches. The other is the moment in the development of anthropology when he and his sister Anna Mary Howitt began to read and correspond about the discipline, and he began to correspond with other practitioners. Geology was linked to Howitt's anthropology in two ways: through his working life in Gippsland, and in models that informed the evolutionary paradigm within which his anthropological research and writing were situated.  相似文献   

In many biological and other scientific journals, a reader's understanding of a paper to the argument of which statistical methods and analyses are important is often impeded by confusions of terminology and ambiguities of symbols. This is not solely because statistics is a difficult subject for biologists! If an editor were to formulate and make known a code of statistical symbols, abbreviations, and technical terms that in his journal will be regarded as part of the normal language of science, an author could use these without need for explanation each time. Every author would remain free to depart from the code, provided that he defined clearly his own usages. Such a policy, supported by the journal's referees, would do much to remove the frequent necessity for a reader to guess an author's meaning. Similarly considerations apply to the use of statistical software packages, where there is an evident need for an author to declare what software (if any) he has used, in much the same way as, by established custom, he will carefully specify his experimental materials and methods where these in any respect differ from the obvious. The present paper is written to stimulate constructive debate, and in no way to dogmatize on the merits or faults of particular statistical methods. Its underlying spirit is that the author of a scientific communication has a duty to describe the making of his observations, the conduct of his computations, and the performance of his computations with a clarity that would permit their repetition by another scientist who has access to the appropriate facilities and resources.  相似文献   

Hirokawa, Hideo (Southwest Center for Advanced Studies, Dallas, Tex.), and Yonosuke Ikeda. Genetic recombination of transforming deoxyribonucleic acid molecules with the recipient genome and among themselves in protoplasts of Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 92:455-463. 1966.-Re-extraction of transforming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from protoplasts of Bacillus subtilis is much more efficient than from intact competent cells. This facilitated the detection of physical recombination between donor and recipient DNA molecules, as indicated by a high cotransfer index of ind(+) and his(+) markers which were originally located in exogenous and endogenous DNA molecules, respectively. This recombinant DNA was extracted after 30 min of incubation of ind his(+) protoplasts with ind(+)his DNA, previously extracted from a corresponding mutant strain of B. subtilis. The intracellular formation of recombinant molecules (ind(+)his(+)) bearing markers from two different exogenous DNA species was also detected 15 min after exposure of ind his recipient protoplasts to a mixture of ind(+)his and ind his(+) donor DNA molecules. The unity of the recombinant molecule was ascertained by dilution experiments and by its being resistant to ribonuclease and trypsin treatment (but being sensitive to deoxyribonuclease). The formation of recombinant molecules showed an inverse kinetics to that of the intracellularly induced loss of linkage between the corresponding markers in the wild-type DNA, thus suggesting a breakage and reunion process which is also favored by the absence of DNA synthesis in the protoplasts and the effect of some specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Tomas Lindahl completed his medical studies at Karolinska Institute in 1970. Yet, his work has always been dedicated to unraveling fundamental mechanisms of DNA decay and DNA repair. His research is characterized with groundbreaking discoveries on the instability of our genome, the identification of novel DNA repair activities, the characterization of DNA repair pathways, and the association to diseases, throughout his 40 years of scientific career.  相似文献   

M. Enomoto  Y. Komoda    A. Tominaga 《Genetics》1991,129(3):631-638
Strain 1485IN carries a chromosomal inversion which corresponds to 35% of the chromosome and includes proC, trp and his genes. The termini of the inversion lie between the lac and proC loci and between his and cdd of the normal strain. Using Tn10 and Tn5 in transduction crosses between the normal and inversion strains, the termini were mapped to sites located approximately 0.25 min and 1.6 min away from proC and his, respectively within a region of roughly 4 kb long. The crosses where the normal strains carrying Tn10 near the terminus are donors and the inversion strain is a recipient, yielded unusual Tetr His- recombinants, which arose from illegitimate recombination leading to the replacement of a chromosomal his+ region with a transducing fragment carrying proC. Another rearrangement was detected between the normal and inversion strains in a region outside the inverted segment near the cdd locus.  相似文献   

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