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In biomedical research, events revealing complex relations between entities play an important role. Biomedical event trigger identification has become a research hotspot since its important role in biomedical event extraction. Traditional machine learning methods, such as support vector machines (SVM) and maxent classifiers, which aim to manually design powerful features fed to the classifiers, depend on the understanding of the specific task and cannot generalize to the new domain or new examples.


In this paper, we propose an approach which utilizes neural network model based on dependency-based word embedding to automatically learn significant features from raw input for trigger classification. First, we employ Word2vecf, the modified version of Word2vec, to learn word embedding with rich semantic and functional information based on dependency relation tree. Then neural network architecture is used to learn more significant feature representation based on raw dependency-based word embedding. Meanwhile, we dynamically adjust the embedding while training for adapting to the trigger classification task. Finally, softmax classifier labels the examples by specific trigger class using the features learned by the model.


The experimental results show that our approach achieves a micro-averaging F1 score of 78.27 and a macro-averaging F1 score of 76.94 % in significant trigger classes, and performs better than baseline methods. In addition, we can achieve the semantic distributed representation of every trigger word.



Biomedical extraction based on supervised machine learning still faces the problem that a limited labeled dataset does not saturate the learning method. Many supervised learning algorithms for bio-event extraction have been affected by the data sparseness.


In this study, a semi-supervised method for combining labeled data with large scale of unlabeled data is presented to improve the performance of biomedical event extraction. We propose a set of rich feature vector, including a variety of syntactic features and semantic features, such as N-gram features, walk subsequence features, predicate argument structure (PAS) features, especially some new features derived from a strategy named Event Feature Coupling Generalization (EFCG). The EFCG algorithm can create useful event recognition features by making use of the correlation between two sorts of original features explored from the labeled data, while the correlation is computed with the help of massive amounts of unlabeled data. This introduced EFCG approach aims to solve the data sparse problem caused by limited tagging corpus, and enables the new features to cover much more event related information with better generalization properties.


The effectiveness of our event extraction system is evaluated on the datasets from the BioNLP Shared Task 2011 and PubMed. Experimental results demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance in the fine-grained biomedical information extraction task.


Limited labeled data could be combined with unlabeled data to tackle the data sparseness problem by means of our EFCG approach, and the classified capability of the model was enhanced through establishing a rich feature set by both labeled and unlabeled datasets. So this semi-supervised learning approach could go far towards improving the performance of the event extraction system. To the best of our knowledge, it was the first attempt at combining labeled and unlabeled data for tasks related biomedical event extraction.



Biomedical named entity recognition (Bio-NER) is a fundamental task in handling biomedical text terms, such as RNA, protein, cell type, cell line, and DNA. Bio-NER is one of the most elementary and core tasks in biomedical knowledge discovery from texts. The system described here is developed by using the BioNLP/NLPBA 2004 shared task. Experiments are conducted on a training and evaluation set provided by the task organizers.


Our results show that, compared with a baseline having a 70.09% F1 score, the RNN Jordan- and Elman-type algorithms have F1 scores of approximately 60.53% and 58.80%, respectively. When we use CRF as a machine learning algorithm, CCA, GloVe, and Word2Vec have F1 scores of 72.73%, 72.74%, and 72.82%, respectively.


By using the word embedding constructed through the unsupervised learning, the time and cost required to construct the learning data can be saved.



Reliable information extraction applications have been a long sought goal of the biomedical text mining community, a goal that if reached would provide valuable tools to benchside biologists in their increasingly difficult task of assimilating the knowledge contained in the biomedical literature. We present an integrated approach to concept recognition in biomedical text. Concept recognition provides key information that has been largely missing from previous biomedical information extraction efforts, namely direct links to well defined knowledge resources that explicitly cement the concept's semantics. The BioCreative II tasks discussed in this special issue have provided a unique opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of concept recognition in the field of biomedical language processing.


Through the modular construction of a protein interaction relation extraction system, we present several use cases of concept recognition in biomedical text, and relate these use cases to potential uses by the benchside biologist.


Current information extraction technologies are approaching performance standards at which concept recognition can begin to deliver high quality data to the benchside biologist. Our system is available as part of the BioCreative Meta-Server project and on the internet http://bionlp.sourceforge.net.



Data integration is a crucial task in the biomedical domain and integrating data sources is one approach to integrating data. Data elements (DEs) in particular play an important role in data integration. We combine schema- and instance-based approaches to mapping DEs to terminological resources in order to facilitate data sources integration.


We extracted DEs from eleven disparate biomedical sources. We compared these DEs to concepts and/or terms in biomedical controlled vocabularies and to reference DEs. We also exploited DE values to disambiguate underspecified DEs and to identify additional mappings.


82.5% of the 474 DEs studied are mapped to entries of a terminological resource and 74.7% of the whole set can be associated with reference DEs. Only 6.6% of the DEs had values that could be semantically typed.


Our study suggests that the integration of biomedical sources can be achieved automatically with limited precision and largely facilitated by mapping DEs to terminological resources.



We study the adaptation of Link Grammar Parser to the biomedical sublanguage with a focus on domain terms not found in a general parser lexicon. Using two biomedical corpora, we implement and evaluate three approaches to addressing unknown words: automatic lexicon expansion, the use of morphological clues, and disambiguation using a part-of-speech tagger. We evaluate each approach separately for its effect on parsing performance and consider combinations of these approaches.


In addition to a 45% increase in parsing efficiency, we find that the best approach, incorporating information from a domain part-of-speech tagger, offers a statistically significant 10% relative decrease in error.


When available, a high-quality domain part-of-speech tagger is the best solution to unknown word issues in the domain adaptation of a general parser. In the absence of such a resource, surface clues can provide remarkably good coverage and performance when tuned to the domain. The adapted parser is available under an open-source license.



The subcloning of a DNA fragment from an entry vector into a destination vector is a routinely performed task in molecular biology labs.


We here present a novel benchtop procedure to achieve rapid recombination into any destination vector of choice with the sole requirement of an endonuclease recognition site. The method relies on a specifically designed entry vector and the combined action of type II and type IIs endonucleases with ligase. The formulation leads to accumulation of a single stable cloning product representing the desired insert carrying destination vector.


The described method provides a fast single step procedure for routine subcloning from an entry vector into a series of destination vectors with the same restriction enzyme recognition site.  相似文献   



Images embedded in biomedical publications carry rich information that often concisely summarize key hypotheses adopted, methods employed, or results obtained in a published study. Therefore, they offer valuable clues for understanding main content in a biomedical publication. Prior studies have pointed out the potential of mining images embedded in biomedical publications for automatically understanding and retrieving such images' associated source documents. Within the broad area of biomedical image processing, categorizing biomedical images is a fundamental step for building many advanced image analysis, retrieval, and mining applications. Similar to any automatic categorization effort, discriminative image features can provide the most crucial aid in the process.


We observe that many images embedded in biomedical publications carry versatile annotation text. Based on the locations of and the spatial relationships between these text elements in an image, we thus propose some novel image features for image categorization purpose, which quantitatively characterize the spatial positions and distributions of text elements inside a biomedical image. We further adopt a sparse coding representation (SCR) based technique to categorize images embedded in biomedical publications by leveraging our newly proposed image features.


we randomly selected 990 images of the JPG format for use in our experiments where 310 images were used as training samples and the rest were used as the testing cases. We first segmented 310 sample images following the our proposed procedure. This step produced a total of 1035 sub-images. We then manually labeled all these sub-images according to the two-level hierarchical image taxonomy proposed by [1]. Among our annotation results, 316 are microscopy images, 126 are gel electrophoresis images, 135 are line charts, 156 are bar charts, 52 are spot charts, 25 are tables, 70 are flow charts, and the remaining 155 images are of the type "others". A serial of experimental results are obtained. Firstly, each image categorizing results is presented, and next image categorizing performance indexes such as precision, recall, F-score, are all listed. Different features which include conventional image features and our proposed novel features indicate different categorizing performance, and the results are demonstrated. Thirdly, we conduct an accuracy comparison between support vector machine classification method and our proposed sparse representation classification method. At last, our proposed approach is compared with three peer classification method and experimental results verify our impressively improved performance.


Compared with conventional image features that do not exploit characteristics regarding text positions and distributions inside images embedded in biomedical publications, our proposed image features coupled with the SR based representation model exhibit superior performance for classifying biomedical images as demonstrated in our comparative benchmark study.



Due to the rapidly expanding body of biomedical literature, biologists require increasingly sophisticated and efficient systems to help them to search for relevant information. Such systems should account for the multiple written variants used to represent biomedical concepts, and allow the user to search for specific pieces of knowledge (or events) involving these concepts, e.g., protein-protein interactions. Such functionality requires access to detailed information about words used in the biomedical literature. Existing databases and ontologies often have a specific focus and are oriented towards human use. Consequently, biological knowledge is dispersed amongst many resources, which often do not attempt to account for the large and frequently changing set of variants that appear in the literature. Additionally, such resources typically do not provide information about how terms relate to each other in texts to describe events.


This article provides an overview of the design, construction and evaluation of a large-scale lexical and conceptual resource for the biomedical domain, the BioLexicon. The resource can be exploited by text mining tools at several levels, e.g., part-of-speech tagging, recognition of biomedical entities, and the extraction of events in which they are involved. As such, the BioLexicon must account for real usage of words in biomedical texts. In particular, the BioLexicon gathers together different types of terms from several existing data resources into a single, unified repository, and augments them with new term variants automatically extracted from biomedical literature. Extraction of events is facilitated through the inclusion of biologically pertinent verbs (around which events are typically organized) together with information about typical patterns of grammatical and semantic behaviour, which are acquired from domain-specific texts. In order to foster interoperability, the BioLexicon is modelled using the Lexical Markup Framework, an ISO standard.


The BioLexicon contains over 2.2 M lexical entries and over 1.8 M terminological variants, as well as over 3.3 M semantic relations, including over 2 M synonymy relations. Its exploitation can benefit both application developers and users. We demonstrate some such benefits by describing integration of the resource into a number of different tools, and evaluating improvements in performance that this can bring.  相似文献   



Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is typically considered to mediate aversive aspects of stress, fear and anxiety. However, CRF release in the brain is also elicited by natural rewards and incentive cues, raising the possibility that some CRF systems in the brain mediate an independent function of positive incentive motivation, such as amplifying incentive salience. Here we asked whether activation of a limbic CRF subsystem magnifies the increase in positive motivation for reward elicited by incentive cues previously associated with that reward, in a way that might exacerbate cue-triggered binge pursuit of food or other incentives? We assessed the impact of CRF microinjections into the medial shell of nucleus accumbens using a pure incentive version of Pavlovian-Instrumental transfer, a measure specifically sensitive to the incentive salience of reward cues (which it separates from influences of aversive stress, stress reduction, frustration and other traditional explanations for stress-increased behavior). Rats were first trained to press one of two levers to obtain sucrose pellets, and then separately conditioned to associate a Pavlovian cue with free sucrose pellets. On test days, rats received microinjections of vehicle, CRF (250 or 500 ng/0.2 μl) or amphetamine (20 μg/0.2 μl). Lever pressing was assessed in the presence or absence of the Pavlovian cues during a half-hour test.


Microinjections of the highest dose of CRF (500 ng) or amphetamine (20 μg) selectively enhanced the ability of Pavlovian reward cues to trigger phasic peaks of increased instrumental performance for a sucrose reward, each peak lasting a minute or so before decaying after the cue. Lever pressing was not enhanced by CRF microinjections in the baseline absence of the Pavlovian cue or during the presentation without a cue, showing that the CRF enhancement could not be explained as a result of generalized motor arousal, frustration or stress, or by persistent attempts to ameliorate aversive states.


We conclude that CRF in nucleus accumbens shell amplifies positive motivation for cued rewards, in particular by magnifying incentive salience that is attributed to Pavlovian cues previously associated with those rewards. CRF-induced magnification of incentive salience provides a novel explanation as to why stress may produce cue-triggered bursts of binge eating, drug addiction relapse, or other excessive pursuits of rewards.  相似文献   



Identification of discourse relations, such as causal and contrastive relations, between situations mentioned in text is an important task for biomedical text-mining. A biomedical text corpus annotated with discourse relations would be very useful for developing and evaluating methods for biomedical discourse processing. However, little effort has been made to develop such an annotated resource.


We have developed the Biomedical Discourse Relation Bank (BioDRB), in which we have annotated explicit and implicit discourse relations in 24 open-access full-text biomedical articles from the GENIA corpus. Guidelines for the annotation were adapted from the Penn Discourse TreeBank (PDTB), which has discourse relations annotated over open-domain news articles. We introduced new conventions and modifications to the sense classification. We report reliable inter-annotator agreement of over 80% for all sub-tasks. Experiments for identifying the sense of explicit discourse connectives show the connective itself as a highly reliable indicator for coarse sense classification (accuracy 90.9% and F1 score 0.89). These results are comparable to results obtained with the same classifier on the PDTB data. With more refined sense classification, there is degradation in performance (accuracy 69.2% and F1 score 0.28), mainly due to sparsity in the data. The size of the corpus was found to be sufficient for identifying the sense of explicit connectives, with classifier performance stabilizing at about 1900 training instances. Finally, the classifier performs poorly when trained on PDTB and tested on BioDRB (accuracy 54.5% and F1 score 0.57).


Our work shows that discourse relations can be reliably annotated in biomedical text. Coarse sense disambiguation of explicit connectives can be done with high reliability by using just the connective as a feature, but more refined sense classification requires either richer features or more annotated data. The poor performance of a classifier trained in the open domain and tested in the biomedical domain suggests significant differences in the semantic usage of connectives across these domains, and provides robust evidence for a biomedical sublanguage for discourse and the need to develop a specialized biomedical discourse annotated corpus. The results of our cross-domain experiments are consistent with related work on identifying connectives in BioDRB.  相似文献   



Automatic disease named entity recognition (DNER) is of utmost importance for development of more sophisticated BioNLP tools. However, most conventional CRF based DNER systems rely on well-designed features whose selection is labor intensive and time-consuming. Though most deep learning methods can solve NER problems with little feature engineering, they employ additional CRF layer to capture the correlation information between labels in neighborhoods which makes them much complicated.


In this paper, we propose a novel multiple label convolutional neural network (MCNN) based disease NER approach. In this approach, instead of the CRF layer, a multiple label strategy (MLS) first introduced by us, is employed. First, the character-level embedding, word-level embedding and lexicon feature embedding are concatenated. Then several convolutional layers are stacked over the concatenated embedding. Finally, MLS strategy is applied to the output layer to capture the correlation information between neighboring labels.


As shown by the experimental results, MCNN can achieve the state-of-the-art performance on both NCBI and CDR corpora.


The proposed MCNN based disease NER method achieves the state-of-the-art performance with little feature engineering. And the experimental results show the MLS strategy’s effectiveness of capturing the correlation information between labels in the neighborhood.



The hierarchical clustering tree (HCT) with a dendrogram [1] and the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a dimension-reduced representative map [2] are popular methods for two-way sorting the gene-by-array matrix map employed in gene expression profiling. While HCT dendrograms tend to optimize local coherent clustering patterns, SVD leading eigenvectors usually identify better global grouping and transitional structures.


This study proposes a flipping mechanism for a conventional agglomerative HCT using a rank-two ellipse (R2E, an improved SVD algorithm for sorting purpose) seriation by Chen [3] as an external reference. While HCTs always produce permutations with good local behaviour, the rank-two ellipse seriation gives the best global grouping patterns and smooth transitional trends. The resulting algorithm automatically integrates the desirable properties of each method so that users have access to a clustering and visualization environment for gene expression profiles that preserves coherent local clusters and identifies global grouping trends.


We demonstrate, through four examples, that the proposed method not only possesses better numerical and statistical properties, it also provides more meaningful biomedical insights than other sorting algorithms. We suggest that sorted proximity matrices for genes and arrays, in addition to the gene-by-array expression matrix, can greatly aid in the search for comprehensive understanding of gene expression structures. Software for the proposed methods can be obtained at http://gap.stat.sinica.edu.tw/Software/GAP.  相似文献   

Murad  William  Singh  Rahul  Yen  Ten-Yang 《BMC bioinformatics》2011,12(1):1-13


The identification of drug characteristics is a clinically important task, but it requires much expert knowledge and consumes substantial resources. We have developed a statistical text-mining approach (BInary Characteristics Extractor and biomedical Properties Predictor: BICEPP) to help experts screen drugs that may have important clinical characteristics of interest.


BICEPP first retrieves MEDLINE abstracts containing drug names, then selects tokens that best predict the list of drugs which represents the characteristic of interest. Machine learning is then used to classify drugs using a document frequency-based measure. Evaluation experiments were performed to validate BICEPP's performance on 484 characteristics of 857 drugs, identified from the Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH) and the PharmacoKinetic Interaction Screening (PKIS) database. Stratified cross-validations revealed that BICEPP was able to classify drugs into all 20 major therapeutic classes (100%) and 157 (of 197) minor drug classes (80%) with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) > 0.80. Similarly, AUC > 0.80 could be obtained in the classification of 173 (of 238) adverse events (73%), up to 12 (of 15) groups of clinically significant cytochrome P450 enzyme (CYP) inducers or inhibitors (80%), and up to 11 (of 14) groups of narrow therapeutic index drugs (79%). Interestingly, it was observed that the keywords used to describe a drug characteristic were not necessarily the most predictive ones for the classification task.


BICEPP has sufficient classification power to automatically distinguish a wide range of clinical properties of drugs. This may be used in pharmacovigilance applications to assist with rapid screening of large drug databases to identify important characteristics for further evaluation.  相似文献   



High-throughput technologies, such as DNA microarray, have significantly advanced biological and biomedical research by enabling researchers to carry out genome-wide screens. One critical task in analyzing genome-wide datasets is to control the false discovery rate (FDR) so that the proportion of false positive features among those called significant is restrained. Recently a number of FDR control methods have been proposed and widely practiced, such as the Benjamini-Hochberg approach, the Storey approach and Significant Analysis of Microarrays (SAM).


This paper presents a straight-forward yet powerful FDR control method termed miFDR, which aims to minimize FDR when calling a fixed number of significant features. We theoretically proved that the strategy used by miFDR is able to find the optimal number of significant features when the desired FDR is fixed.


We compared miFDR with the BH approach, the Storey approach and SAM on both simulated datasets and public DNA microarray datasets. The results demonstrated that miFDR outperforms others by identifying more significant features under the same FDR cut-offs. Literature search showed that many genes called only by miFDR are indeed relevant to the underlying biology of interest.


FDR has been widely applied to analyzing high-throughput datasets allowed for rapid discoveries. Under the same FDR threshold, miFDR is capable to identify more significant features than its competitors at a compatible level of complexity. Therefore, it can potentially generate great impacts on biological and biomedical research.


If interested, please contact the authors for getting miFDR.



The creation and modification of genome-scale metabolic models is a task that requires specialized software tools. While these are available, subsequently running or visualizing a model often relies on disjoint code, which adds additional actions to the analysis routine and, in our experience, renders these applications suboptimal for routine use by (systems) biologists.


The Flux Analysis and Modeling Environment (FAME) is the first web-based modeling tool that combines the tasks of creating, editing, running, and analyzing/visualizing stoichiometric models into a single program. Analysis results can be automatically superimposed on familiar KEGG-like maps. FAME is written in PHP and uses the Python-based PySCeS-CBM for its linear solving capabilities. It comes with a comprehensive manual and a quick-start tutorial, and can be accessed online at http://f-a-m-e.org/.


With FAME, we present the community with an open source, user-friendly, web-based "one stop shop" for stoichiometric modeling. We expect the application will be of substantial use to investigators and educators alike.  相似文献   



Imbalanced data classification is an inevitable problem in medical intelligent diagnosis. Most of real-world biomedical datasets are usually along with limited samples and high-dimensional feature. This seriously affects the classification performance of the model and causes erroneous guidance for the diagnosis of diseases. Exploring an effective classification method for imbalanced and limited biomedical dataset is a challenging task.


In this paper, we propose a novel multilayer extreme learning machine (ELM) classification model combined with dynamic generative adversarial net (GAN) to tackle limited and imbalanced biomedical data. Firstly, principal component analysis is utilized to remove irrelevant and redundant features. Meanwhile, more meaningful pathological features are extracted. After that, dynamic GAN is designed to generate the realistic-looking minority class samples, thereby balancing the class distribution and avoiding overfitting effectively. Finally, a self-adaptive multilayer ELM is proposed to classify the balanced dataset. The analytic expression for the numbers of hidden layer and node is determined by quantitatively establishing the relationship between the change of imbalance ratio and the hyper-parameters of the model. Reducing interactive parameters adjustment makes the classification model more robust.


To evaluate the classification performance of the proposed method, numerical experiments are conducted on four real-world biomedical datasets. The proposed method can generate authentic minority class samples and self-adaptively select the optimal parameters of learning model. By comparing with W-ELM, SMOTE-ELM, and H-ELM methods, the quantitative experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve better classification performance and higher computational efficiency in terms of ROC, AUC, G-mean, and F-measure metrics.


Our study provides an effective solution for imbalanced biomedical data classification under the condition of limited samples and high-dimensional feature. The proposed method could offer a theoretical basis for computer-aided diagnosis. It has the potential to be applied in biomedical clinical practice.



Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder with a lifetime prevalence of 3-10%. in European studies. However, the diagnosis of RLS in primary care remains low and mistreatment is common.


The current article reports on the considerations of RLS diagnosis and management that were made during a European Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (EURLSSG)-sponsored task force consisting of experts and primary care practioners. The task force sought to develop a better understanding of barriers to diagnosis in primary care practice and overcome these barriers with diagnostic and treatment algorithms.


The barriers to diagnosis identified by the task force include the presentation of symptoms, the language used to describe them, the actual term "restless legs syndrome" and difficulties in the differential diagnosis of RLS.


The EURLSSG task force reached a consensus and agreed on the diagnostic and treatment algorithms published here.  相似文献   



We present a C++ class library for Monte Carlo simulation of molecular systems, including proteins in solution. The design is generic and highly modular, enabling multiple developers to easily implement additional features. The statistical mechanical methods are documented by extensive use of code comments that – subsequently – are collected to automatically build a web-based manual.


We show how an object oriented design can be used to create an intuitively appealing coding framework for molecular simulation. This is exemplified in a minimalistic C++ program that can calculate protein protonation states. We further discuss performance issues related to high level coding abstraction.


C++ and the Standard Template Library (STL) provide a high-performance platform for generic molecular modeling. Automatic generation of code documentation from inline comments has proven particularly useful in that no separate manual needs to be maintained.  相似文献   

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