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Throughout Western societies, policy‐makers who address the problems of disadvantaged ethnic and immigrant minorities confront norms that prescribe equal or preferential treatment for these groups. Variations in these norms make significant differences in policy‐making. Based on evidence from housing and planning policies and a standardized survey of local élites in comparable German, French and US metropolitan areas, this article analyses how these norms altered logics of policy‐making. Normative differences help to explain why policies to house minorities proved more successful in the German setting than in the French. Contrasts in central‐local relations, in local government, in political parties and in the social and economic background of policy‐making fail to account for the difference that these norms make. In the American setting normative ambiguities combined with institutional, social and spatial differences to render parallel norms comparatively ineffective.  相似文献   

The contamination crisis of 2008 has brought to light several risks associated with use of animal tissue derived heparin. Because the total chemical synthesis of heparin is not feasible, a bioengineered approach has been proposed, relying on recombinant enzymes derived from the heparin/HS biosynthetic pathway and Escherichia coli K5 capsular polysaccharide. Intensive process engineering efforts are required to achieve a cost‐competitive process for bioengineered heparin compared to commercially available porcine heparins. Towards this goal, we have used 96‐well plate based screening for development of a chitosan‐based purification process for heparin and precursor polysaccharides. The unique pH responsive behavior of chitosan enables simplified capture of target heparin or related polysaccharides, under low pH and complex solution conditions, followed by elution under mildly basic conditions. The use of mild, basic recovery conditions are compatible with the chemical N‐deacetylation/N‐sulfonation step used in the bioengineered heparin process. Selective precipitation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) leads to significant removal of process related impurities such as proteins, DNA and endotoxins. Use of highly sensitive liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analytical techniques reveal a minimum impact of chitosan‐based purification on heparin product composition. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1348–1359, 2015  相似文献   

Infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa foremost among them, constitute a major worldwide health problem. Bioinformatics methodologies are being used to rationally design new antimicrobial peptides, a potential alternative for treating these infections. One of the algorithms used to develop antimicrobial peptides is the Joker, which was used to design the peptide PaDBS1R6. This study evaluates the antibacterial activities of PaDBS1R6 in vitro and in vivo, characterizes the peptide interaction to target membranes, and investigates the PaDBS1R6 structure in contact with mimetic vesicles. Moreover, we demonstrate that PaDBS1R6 exhibits selective antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria. In the presence of negatively charged and zwitterionic lipids the structural arrangement of PaDBS1R6 transits from random coil to α-helix, as characterized by circular dichroism. The tertiary structure of PaDBS1R6 was determined by NMR in zwitterionic dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. In conclusion, PaDBS1R6 is a candidate for the treatment of nosocomial infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, as template for producing other antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Reliable estimates of feedstock resources are a prerequisite to the establishment of a biomass based-industry for energy and non food products. Field trials in the European Union (EU) show that Miscanthus spp. can produce high yields. Here we use a model (MISCANMOD) coupled with a GIS environment to estimate the contribution that Miscanthus could make to projected national electricity consumption. We describe the integration of different data sets, transformation procedures, and spatial analyses using GIS to produce energy statistics for the EU-25. Overall, Miscanthus grown on the 10% of arable land which is currently in set-aside could generate 282 TWh yr−1 electricity. This would meet 39% of the EU-25 target of 723 TWh yr−1 of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) by 2010. As RES targets rise, land available for energy crops is also expected to increase. We consider three additional scenarios where Miscanthus could be grown on 10%, 20% and 35% of all agricultural land and we estimate it could generate respectively 345, 691 and 1209 TWh yr−1 of electrical energy. At a national scale France, Poland and Germany have the highest potentials for Miscanthus production based on agricultural land area (respectively 83, 52, 49 TWh yr−1 when 10% agricultural land is used). Finally, we reduced the scale to the EU NUTS2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regions to examine regional generation capacities. Key regions have been identified where national RES targets are exceeded. These regions could become net exporters of renewable energy.  相似文献   

The Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 584 subjects from 111 multiplex families at three sequencing centers. Genotype calling of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertion-deletion variants (indels) was performed centrally using GATK-HaplotypeCaller and Atlas V2. The ADSP Quality Control (QC) Working Group applied QC protocols to project-level variant call format files (VCFs) from each pipeline, and developed and implemented a novel protocol, termed “consensus calling,” to combine genotype calls from both pipelines into a single high-quality set. QC was applied to autosomal bi-allelic SNVs and indels, and included pipeline-recommended QC filters, variant-level QC, and sample-level QC. Low-quality variants or genotypes were excluded, and sample outliers were noted. Quality was assessed by examining Mendelian inconsistencies (MIs) among 67 parent-offspring pairs, and MIs were used to establish additional genotype-specific filters for GATK calls. After QC, 578 subjects remained. Pipeline-specific QC excluded ~12.0% of GATK and 14.5% of Atlas SNVs. Between pipelines, ~91% of SNV genotypes across all QCed variants were concordant; 4.23% and 4.56% of genotypes were exclusive to Atlas or GATK, respectively; the remaining ~0.01% of discordant genotypes were excluded. For indels, variant-level QC excluded ~36.8% of GATK and 35.3% of Atlas indels. Between pipelines, ~55.6% of indel genotypes were concordant; while 10.3% and 28.3% were exclusive to Atlas or GATK, respectively; and ~0.29% of discordant genotypes were. The final WGS consensus dataset contains 27,896,774 SNVs and 3,133,926 indels and is publicly available.  相似文献   

AimDetermine the 1) effectiveness of correction for gradient-non-linearity and susceptibility effects on both QUASAR GRID3D and CIRS phantoms; and 2) the magnitude and location of regions of residual distortion before and after correction.BackgroundUsing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a primary dataset for radiotherapy planning requires correction for geometrical distortion and non-uniform intensity.Materials and MethodsPhantom Study: MRI, computed tomography (CT) and cone beam CT images of QUASAR GRID3D and CIRS head phantoms were acquired. Patient Study: Ten patients were MRI-scanned for stereotactic radiosurgery treatment. Correction algorithm: Two magnitude and one phase difference image were acquired to create a field map. A MATLAB program was used to calculate geometrical distortion in the frequency encoding direction, and 3D interpolation was applied to resize it to match 3D T1-weighted magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MPRAGE) images. MPRAGE images were warped according to the interpolated field map in the frequency encoding direction. The corrected and uncorrected MRI images were fused, deformable registered, and a difference distortion map generated.ResultsMaximum deviation improvements: GRID3D, 0.27 mm y-direction, 0.07 mm z-direction, 0.23 mm x-direction. CIRS, 0.34 mm, 0.1 mm and 0.09 mm at 20-, 40- and 60-mm diameters from the isocenter. Patient data show corrections from 0.2 to 1.2 mm, based on location. The most-distorted areas are around air cavities, e.g. sinuses.ConclusionsThe phantom data show the validity of our fast distortion correction algorithm. Patient-specific data are acquired in <2 min and analyzed and available for planning in less than a minute.  相似文献   

I C Li  S C Wu  J Fu  E H Chu 《Mutation research》1985,149(1):127-132
Unequal growth rates between mutant and wild-type cells in a large population constitute a problem for the estimation of mutation rate. Over a period of cell growth, a selective advantage of one cell type over the other might lead to considerable error in the estimation of mutation rate if equal growth rates are assumed. In this study, we propose a formula and apply it to the estimation of spontaneous mutation rate in a growing population of Chinese hamster V79 cells in which ouabain-resistant mutant cells exhibit a slower growth rate than the wild-type cells. The formula is a generalization of that previously presented by Armitage (1953), and this is the first attempt to apply the deterministic approach for mutation rate estimation to cultured mammalian cells. The value of the estimated rate is compared with that derived from a parallel experiment using the fluctuation test of Luria and Delbrück (1943). The limitations and advantages of taking the deterministic approach to mutation rate estimation in mammalian cell systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs, encoded by RDR genes) play critical roles in developmental regulation, maintenance of genome integrity, and defense against foreign nucleic acids. However, the phylogenetic relationship of RDRs remains unclear. From available genome sequences, we identified 161 putative RDR genes from 56 eukaryotes, ranging from protists to multicellular organisms, including plants, fungi and invertebrate animals, such as nematodes, lancelet and sea anemone. On the other hand, we did not detect RDR homologs in vertebrates and insects, even though RNA interference functions in these organisms. Our phylogenetic analysis of the RDR genes suggests that the eukaryotic ancestor might have had three copies, i.e. RDRα, RDRβ and RDRγ. These three ancient copies were also supported by the patterns of protein sequence motifs. Further duplication events after the divergence of major eukaryotic groups were supported by the phylogenetic analyses, including some that likely occurred before the separation of subgroups within each kingdom. We present a model for a possible evolutionary history of RDR genes in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The “in vitro” interaction between bovine adrenal medullary plasma membranes and chromaffin granules has recently been proposed as a putative cell-free model for exocytosis because calcium ions specifically control the plasma membrane-induced release of 10?7 and 10?5 M. Addition of ruthenium red or pretreatment with neuraminidase gradually blocks this interaction indicating that sialic acid containing substrates may be of major importance. These observations and similar results obtained by other authors working on different systems suggest a role for sialic acid containing moieties in exocytosis.  相似文献   

The oxidation of NADPH and NADH was studied in the light and in the dark using sonically derived membrane vesicles and osmotically shocked spheroplasts. These two types of cell-free membrane preparations mostly differ in that the cell and thylakoid membranes are scrambled in the former type and that they are more or less separated in the latter type of preparations. In the light, using both kinds of preparations, each of NADPH and NADH donates electrons via the plastoquinone-cytochrome bc redox complex (Qbc redox complex) to the thylakoid membrane-bound cytochrome c-553 preoxidized by a light flash and to methylviologen via Photosystem I. NADPH donates electrons to the thylakoid membrane via a weakly rotenone-sensitive dehydrogenase to a site that is situated beyond the 3(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea sensitive site and before plastoquinone. Ferredoxin and easily soluble cytoplasmic proteins are presumably not involved in light-mediated NADPH oxidation. Inhibitors of electron transfer at the Qbc redox complex as the dinitrophenylether of 2-iodo-4-nitrothymol, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinone-N-oxide are effective, but antimycin A and KCN are not. The oxidation of NADH showed comparable sensitivity to these inhibitors. However, the oxidation of NADH is antimycin-A-sensitive regardless of the kind of membrane preparation used, indicating that in this case electrons are donated to a different site on the thylakoid membrane. In the dark, NADPH and NADH donate electrons at sites that behave similar to those of light-mediated oxidation, indicating that the initial steps of electron transfer are situated at the thylakoid membranes. However, NADPH oxidation is in some cases not sensitive to inhibitors active at the Qbc redox complex. It is concluded that O2 reduction takes place at two different sites, one partly developed in vitro, situated near the rotenone-sensitive NADPH dehydrogenase, and another, highly KCN-sensitive one, situated beyond the Qbc redox complex and used in vivo. The terminal oxygen-reducing step of NADPH and NADH oxidation in the dark showed a preparation-dependent sensitivity for KCN, more than 80% inhibition in sonically derived membrane vesicles and less than 30% inhibition in osmotically shocked spheroplasts. From this result we tentatively conclude that the highly KCN-sensitive oxidase is not necessarily located at the thylakoid membrane and could be located at the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains have been identified only in eukaryotic proteins to date. We have determined crystal structures for three members of an uncharacterized protein family (Pfam PF08000), which provide compelling evidence for the existence of PH-like domains in bacteria (PHb). The first two structures contain a single PHb domain that forms a dome-shaped, oligomeric ring with C5 symmetry. The third structure has an additional helical hairpin attached at the C-terminus and forms a similar but much larger ring with C12 symmetry. Thus, both molecular assemblies exhibit rare, higher-order, cyclic symmetry but preserve a similar arrangement of their PHb domains, which gives rise to a conserved hydrophilic surface at the intersection of the β-strands of adjacent protomers that likely mediates protein-protein interactions. As a result of these structures, additional families of PHb domains were identified, suggesting that PH domains are much more widespread than originally anticipated. Thus, rather than being a eukaryotic innovation, the PH domain superfamily appears to have existed before prokaryotes and eukaryotes diverged.  相似文献   

This review is based on a study commissioned by the European Commission on the evaluation of scientific, technical and institutional challenges, priorities and bottlenecks for biotechnologies and regional harmonisation of biosafety in Africa. Biotechnology was considered within four domains: agricultural biotechnologies (‘Green’), industrial biotechnologies and biotechnologies for environmental remediation (‘White’), biotechnologies in aquaculture (‘Blue’) and biotechnologies for healthcare (‘Red’). An important consideration was the decline in partnerships between the EU and developing countries because of the original public antipathy to some green biotechnologies, particularly genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and food from GM crops in Europe. The study focus reported here was West Africa (Ghana, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso).The overall conclusion was that whereas high-quality research was proceeding in the countries visited, funding is not sustained and there is little evidence of practical application of biotechnology and benefit to farmers and the wider community. Research and development that was being carried out on genetically modified crop varieties was concentrating on improving food security and therefore unlikely to have significant impact on EU markets and consumers. However, there is much non-controversial green biotechnology such as molecular diagnostics for plant and animal disease and marker-assisted selection for breeding that has great potential application. Regarding white biotechnology, it is currently occupying only a very small industrial niche in West Africa, basically in the sole sector of the production of liquid biofuels (i.e., bio-ethanol) from indigenous and locally planted biomass (very often non-food crops). The presence of diffused small-scale fish production is the basis to develop and apply new (Blue) aquaculture technologies and, where the research conditions and the production sector can permit, to increase this type of production and the economy of this depressed areas. However, the problems bound to environmental protection must not be forgotten; priority should be given to monitor the risks of introduction of foreign species. Red biotechnologies potentially bring a vast domain of powerful tools and processes to achieve better human health, most notably improved diagnostics by molecular techniques, better targeting of pathogens and a better knowledge of their sensitivities to drugs to permit better treatment.Biosafety regulatory frameworks had been initiated in several countries, starting with primary biosafety law. However, disparate attitudes to the purpose of biosafety regulation (e.g., fostering informed decision-making versus ‘giving the green-light for a flood of GMOs’) currently prevent a needed consensus for sub-regional harmonisation. To date, most R&D funding has come from North America with some commercial interests from Asia, but African biotechnology workers expressed strong desire for (re-)engagement with interested parties from the European Union. Although in some of the visited countries there are very well qualified personnel in molecular biology and biosafety/regulation, the main message received is that human resources and capacity building in-house are still needed. This could be achieved through home-based courses and capacity-building including funds for post-degree research to motivate and retain trained staff.  相似文献   

Tetanus vaccines contain detoxified tetanus neurotoxin. In order to check for residual toxicity, the detoxified material (toxoid) has to be tested in guinea pigs. These tests are time-consuming and raise animal welfare issues. In line with the “3R” principles of replacing, reducing and refining animal tests, the “binding and cleavage” (BINACLE) assay for detection of active tetanus neurotoxin has been developed as a potential alternative to toxicity testing in animals. This in vitro test system can discriminate well between toxic and detoxified toxin molecules based on their receptor-binding and proteolytic characteristics.Here we describe an international study to assess the transferability of the BINACLE assay. We show that all participating laboratories were able to successfully perform the assay. Generally, assay variability was within an acceptable range. A toxin concentration-dependent increase of assay signals was observed in all tests. Furthermore, participants were able to detect low tetanus neurotoxin concentrations close to the estimated in vivo detection limit.In conclusion, the data from this study indicate that the methodology of the BINACLE assay seems to be robust, reproducible and easily transferable between laboratories. These findings substantiate our notion that the method can be suitable for the routine testing of tetanus toxoids.  相似文献   

Due to its antiapoptotic action, derivatives of the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) provide potential therapeutic utility in diseases associated with programmed cell death. Apoptosis is one of the major pathophysiological processes elicited by radiation injury to the organism. Consequently, therapeutic explorations applying compounds that mimic the antiapoptotic action of LPA have begun. Here we present a brief account of our decade-long drug discovery effort aimed at developing LPA mimics with a special focus on specific agonists of the LPA2 receptor subtype, which was found to be highly effective in protecting cells from apoptosis. We describe new evidence that 2-((3-(1,3-dioxo-1H-benzo[de]isoquinolin-2(3H)-yl)propyl)thio)benzoic acid (GRI977143), a prototypic nonlipid agonist specific to the LPA2 receptor subtype, rescues apoptotically condemned cells in vitro and in vivo from injury caused by high-dose γ-irradiation. GRI977143 shows the features of a radiomitigator because it is effective in rescuing the lives of mice from deadly levels of radiation when administered 24 h after radiation exposure. Our findings suggest that by specifically activating LPA2 receptors GRI977143 activates the ERK1/2 prosurvival pathway, effectively reduces Bax translocation to the mitochondrion, attenuates the activation of initiator and effector caspases, reduces DNA fragmentation, and inhibits PARP-1 cleavage associated with γ-irradiation-induced apoptosis. GRI977143 also inhibits bystander apoptosis elicited by soluble proapoptotic mediators produced by irradiated cells. Thus, GRI977143 can serve as a prototype scaffold for lead optimization paving the way to more potent analogs amenable for therapeutic exploration. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in Lysophospholipid Research.  相似文献   

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