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Adherent cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were removed by the attachment to the plastic surface of tissue culture dishes. After removal of adherent cells, early rosette-forming cells (early RFC), which were characterized by early (5 min) rosette formation with sheep blood cells (SRBC) at an SRBC to lymphocyte ratio of 8:1, were separated from nonrosetting cells by sedimentation on Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. Total (60 min) rosette formation was carried out with the early RFC-depleted cell population on the gradient interface by the use of neuraminidase-treated SRBC at an SRBC to lymphocyte ratio of 20:1 and the resulting rosette-forming cells (late RFC) were sedimented by gradient centrifugation. These T cell subpopulations, early RFC-enriched and late RFC-enriched, were reasonably pure with respect to the ability to bind SRBC and contained less than 0.5% monocytes. Monocyte preparations, which were obtained after vigorous washing of the adherent cell layers on tissue culture dishes, responded to phytohemagglutinin P (PHA-P) or concanavalin A (Con A) with negligible incorporation of 3H-thymidine. There was no significance difference in the responsiveness to PHA-P between early RFC-enriched and late RFC-enriched populations either in the absence or in the presence of graded numbers of additional autologous monocytes. However, the response of early RFC-enriched population to Con A was significantly poor as compared with that of late RFC-enriched one unless additional monocytes were added. In the presence of 20% autologous monocytes in the culture, the Con A-induced response of early RFC-enriched population was markedly enhanced to reach close to that of late RFC-enriched population. These results suggest that early RFC and late RFC might be different from each other in their responsiveness and in their need for monocytes on the stimulation with Con A.  相似文献   

Optimization and definition of conditions for studying lymphocyte function in vitro resulted in exponential proliferation of lymphocytes from day 2 to day 5 with an average doubling time of 20 hr. The number of cells in culture on day 5 was 5–10 times as great as the number initially planted and 10–20 times as great as the number surviving in culture on day 2. An improved pronase-cetrimide technique was used to determine the number of viable lymphocytes as a function of time after addition of PHA. The volume changes in nuclei, obtained after cetrimide treatment, were quantitated using a curve-fitting computer program.The response could be described in terms of an induction phase (0–2 days) characterized by a decrease in cellularity and an increase in nuclear volume, a proliferation phase (2–5 days) characterized by an exponential proliferation and a continued increase in the number of cells having a large nuclear volume, and a lysis phase (5–14 days) characterized by a decrease in cellularity and a decrease in nuclear volume. The results reported here suggest that the ratio of the number of cells cultured to the volume of culture medium was crucial for optimal transformation and proliferation, 105 cells/ml producing far better responses than 106 cells/ml.  相似文献   

The structural determinants required for interaction of oligosaccharides with leukoagglutinating phytohemagglutinin (L-PHA) and erythroagglutinating phytohemagglutinin (E-PHA) from Phaseolus vulgaris have been studied by immobilized lectin affinity chromatography. Homogeneous oligosaccharides of known structure, purified following release from Asn with N-glycanase and reduction with NaBH4, were tested for their ability to interact with columns of L- and E-PHA-agarose. The characteristic elution position obtained for each oligosaccharide was reproducible and correlated with specific structural features. In virtually all cases, L- and E-PHA yielded identical results, indicating that their specificities for reduced oligosaccharides are similar. Both lectins retarded oligosaccharides bearing alpha 2,3- but not alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid. Desialylated oligosaccharides containing one, two, three, or four peripheral N-acetyllactosamine-type branches were retarded to varying extents by both lectins; however, this interaction was decreased or eliminated by removal of Gal. Desialylated oligosaccharides containing a bisecting GlcNAc residue attached to the beta-linked core Man displayed the greatest interaction with both lectins. Structures containing terminal sulfate or GalNAc did not interact with either lectin. In some instances, the specificities of L- and E-PHA lectins for free, reduced oligosaccharides differed from those established using glycopeptides. Therefore, the structural requirements for interaction with lectins such as L- and E-PHA must be fully and systematically defined using the appropriate authentic standards in order to use lectin affinity chromatography for the fractionation and characterization of free oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for studying phytohemagglutinin(PHA)-induced transformation of baboon peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined. Maximal stimulation, as determined by uptake and incorporation of tritiated thymidine (total cell and trichloroacetic-acid-precipitable radioactivity), occurred at a PHA level of 12.5 microgram in a culture volume of 0.25 ml containing 2 x 10(5) lymphocytes. Optimal stimulation occurred after a total incubation period of 114 h, the last 18 h of which was in the presence of 1muCi of the labeled DNA precursor per culture. While there was considerable variation in the extent of responsiveness of lymphocytes from individual animals, the shape of the dose-response and time-course curves for most mitogen concentrations was generally similar.  相似文献   

On the premise that the differential effects of glucocorticoids on various aspects of the immune response may be mediated by differences in the glucocorticoid receptors in the effector cells, subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes were examined for these receptors as well as for glucocorticoid responsiveness. Purified T and non-T lymphocytes, when studied by a sensitive whole cell assay technique, contained equivalent amounts of specific glucocorticoid receptor, which, by binding affinity and specificity measurements, were indistinguishable from each other. Furthermore, under in vitro incubation conditions, macromolecular synthesis in both of these cell populations was inhibited by glucocorticoid at concentrations which saturated the receptor sites. It is concluded that the putative differential effects of glucocorticoids on T and non-T lymphocyte-associated functions are probably not mediated by differences in the glucocorticoid receptors in these cell populations.  相似文献   

The effect of methyl glyoxal (MG) and various 4-hydroxyalkenals on the response of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or allogeneic cells has been investigated. Pretreatment of PBL with aldehydes significantly reduced the percentage of blast-transformed cells and [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in both PHA- and alloantigen-stimulated cultures, hydroxyalkenals being more effective than MG. Further experiments showed that these aldehydes also affected the proliferation of pre-activated lymphocytes. The percentage of blasts as well as [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA were significantly decreased when the aldehydes were added until 72 h after application of the mitogenic stimulus.  相似文献   

An appraisal of Fc receptors on human peripheral blood B and L lymphocytes.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Human circulating lymphocytes with easily detectable surface immunoglobulin have been divided into two populations, B cells and L cells. This second population lacks membrane-incorporated Ig, but has a receptor for membrane-labile cytophilic IgG. In this study purified B and L lymphocytes were examined for Fc receptors that bind aggregated IgG and IgG complexed to erythrocytes. Purified lymphocyte populations were prepared by nylon columns and by negative selection with rosetting techniques. L lymphocytes bound aggregated guinea pig and human IgG, and formed rosettes with human erythrocytes sensitized with Ripley IgG (EA). Treatment of L lymphocytes with trypsin had no effect on the receptors for IgG. B lymphocytes did not bind EA and attachment of aggregated IgG was variable; up to one-third of these cells fixed aggregated human IgG to the cell membrane. Trypsin treatment abolished binding of Agg-IgG to B cells in sharp contrast to its effect on L cells. Furthermore, double-label immunofluorescence studies showed that cells with both membrane-incorporated Ig and receptors for aggregated guinea pig IgG were rare. These studies indicate that human peripheral blood B lymphocytes lack a high affinity, trypsin-resistant Fc receptor that is present on L lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We investigated native structures and mitogenic properties of pokeweed lectin-D isoforms (PL-D1 and -D2) on human peripheral blood lymphocytes along with other isolectins (PL-A to -C). Both native PL-D isoforms appeared to behave as monomers. PL-D2 proliferated the lymphocytes like PL-C, whereas PL-D1 had no mitogenicity. PL-D1 acquired mitogenic activity after trimming of the C-terminal dipeptide.  相似文献   

In the resting rate, the human peripheral blood lymphocytes did not show detectable surface and intracellular receptors for human lactotransferrin. However, both types of lactotransferrin receptors were expressed during stimulation of lymphocytes with phytohemagglutinin. The appearance of receptors was time-dependent and the number of receptors reached a plateau after at least two days of mitogen stimulation. These results suggest that the presence of surface receptors on mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes is not consecutive to a modification of subcellular distribution but to an induction of biosynthesis of the receptors. As measured by incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA, addition of human lactotransferrin in a serum-free medium increased the proliferative activity of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes. Optimal enhancement of [3H]thymidine incorporation was obtained by adding 30% iron-saturated lactotransferrin at a concentration of 0.17 microM. Therefore, the role of lactotransferrin in the response of lymphocytes to mitogen stimulation appears to be similar to that previously described for serotransferrin. The lactotransferrin receptor was visualized using 125I-labeled lactotransferrin on nitrocellulose paper after electroblotting of the Triton X-100 extract of the phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes as two protein bands of 100 and 110 kDa molecular mass. Purification of the lactotransferrin receptor from the Triton-X-100-soluble extract of stimulated lymphocytes was performed by antiligand-affinity chromatography. The binding of lactotransferrin to the purified receptors was reversible and dependent on concentration and pH.  相似文献   

Neoantigenic determinants (neoAg) specific for the assembling membrane attack complex (MAC) of complement were detected by immunofluorescence microscopy on the surface of cytotoxic lymphocytes during the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) reaction. This study employed antibody-sensitized chicken erythrocytes as target cells, human peripheral blood lymphocytes as effector cells, and RITC-conjugated rabbit F(ab')2-anti-neoAg. NeoAg was present on 60% of ADCC plaque-forming lymphocytes (PFL). Eight out of 182 neoAg-positive PFL were observed in direct contact with their target cells. In these cases MAC-specific neoAg was visualized at the zone of contact between the cells. Anti-neoAg Ig was found to inhibit ADCC plaque assays up to 62%; and 51Cr-release assays up to 79%. Stimulation of lymphocytes by PHA or mixed lymphocyte culture increased the expression of neoAg. In the case of PHA, increased neoAg expression was correlated with an increased incorporation of 14C-leucine into C5, C6, C7, and C8 antigens, which was detected by immunodiffusion and autoradiography.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the influence of cryopreservation on human T-cell subsets defined by their membrane receptors for Fc IgM (TM) and Fc IgG (TG) and by their membrane antigens. For this purpose isolated T cells, obtained by neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocyte (E-N) rosetting, and enriched mononuclear cells were cryopreserved using a programmed freezing procedure. A significant decrease of the TM and TG cells was found whereas the proportion of T cells and their subsets determined by monoclonal antibodies seemed not to be influenced. The effectiveness of T-cell separation by E-N rosetting of frozen lymphocytes demonstrated no impairment of the E-receptor binding capacity of T cells. The PHA reactivity of separated T cells was maintained after cryopreservation; however, the spontaneous blastogenesis was reduced significantly. The selective loss of the TM and TG cells seemed to be dependent on the length of the phase transition time; over 90 sec the capacity of the expression of Fc receptors was profoundly affected. Neither an additional 20 hr incubation after hypotonic shock prior to cryopreservation nor incubation after thawing could repair this function of T cells. The data suggest irreversible damage of the Fc receptor expression capacity on the cell membrane as a result of a disturbance of metabolic pathways rather than a preferentially greater sensitivity of these cells to cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Multiple staining protocols have been developed for the classification of subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Of the non-T (E?) cells, roughly half (10–20% PBL) have receptors for complement components as detected with complement-coated zymosan particles, but do not show Fc receptors as detected with Ripley IgG-coated human RBC. The other half are C?, Fc+, with a small percentage possessing both receptors. The C+, Fc? cells can be subdivided into cells which are IgM+ (75%) or IgM?. Cells with Fc receptors detected with aggregated IgG were IgM+.  相似文献   

Phenomenon of the lymphocyte interaction with autologous erythrocytes was revealed in the patients with auto-immune diseases. Macroscopically this phenomenon appeared in the form of hemagglutination, and microscopically--of "rosette" formation. No lymphocyte interaction with autologous erythrocytes was found in the group of normal subjects and patients without autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

The early changes in potassium fluxes in PHA-treated human lymphocytes were studied. The increase in both ouabain-sensitive potassium influx and ouabain-resistant potassium efflux at the optimal mitogenic concentration of PHA was observed. No change in potassium content was found.  相似文献   

Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris has been modified by treatment with various chemical reagents and the modified proteins have been tested for their ability to stimulate peripheral lymphocytes from two healthy human donors, in vitro. Reaction of PHA with citraconic anhydride, S-methyl isothiourea, or 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide produced derivatives which retained the ability to stimulate lymphocytes, at low concentrations. Acylation of the lectin with acetic anhydride or masking of the carboxyl side chains by reaction with glycinamide-carbodiimide impaired stimulation. When PHA was treated with N-bromosuccinimide or with tetranitromethane, the derivatives were ineffective as lymphocyte stimulants. Chemical modifications affected, in some cases, the quaternary structure of the lectin. Glycinamide-, homoarginine-, and nitro-PHA were tetramers whereas acetyl-, citraconyl-, and N-bromosuccinimide-treated lectin were dimers. Antinative lectin antiserum cross-reacted with all the modified proteins, except in the case of the N-bromosuccinimide derivative. The results show that, in the human lymphocyte transformation assay, the mitogenic property of PHA may depend on intact aspartic, glutamic, and tyrosine residues whereas lysine residues do not appear to be essential.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin was found to be present in supernatants from 22 human lymphocytes cultures stimulated with phytohemagglutinin in a dose of 5 and 10 microgram/ml. The lymphocytes were obtained from the peripheral blood of 6 apparently healthy persons. Lymphotoxin activity was determined by simple and objective method, i.e. by staining the target cells (mouse L-cells) monolayer with crystal violet, with the following determination of optic densities of the L-cells lysates at 570 nm in the spectrophotometer. As revealed, 1 : 5 dilutions of the supernatants from the lymphocyte cultures incubated for 48 hours inhibited the L-cells growth by from 40 to 60%. With further incubation of the cultures (up to 72 and 96 hours) the cytotoxicity of their supernatants for the target cells showed no increase, whereas the blasttransformation index reaches the maximal value by 72nd incubation hour. Supernatants from unstimulated lymphocyte cultures failed to produce any cytotoxic effect on L-cells.  相似文献   

Summary Corynebacterium was found to be mitogenic to human peripheral blood lyphocytes. T-cell preparations purified by nylon wool columns or sheep red cell sedimentation responded as well as nonpurified lymphocyte preparations. Umbilical cord blood T-cells responded also to C. parvum. It is concluded that C. parvum is mitogenic to human T-cells.This work was supported by the Norwegian Cancer Society  相似文献   

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