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The real-time observation of cell movement in brain slice preparations reveals that in the developing brain, postmitotic neurons alter their shape concomitantly with changes in the mode, direction, tempo, and rate of migration as they traverse different cortical layers. Although it has been hypothesized that orchestrated activities of multiple external cues and cell-cell contact are essential for controlling the cortical-layer-specific changes in cell migration, signaling mechanisms and external guidance cues related to the alteration of neuronal cell migration remain to be determined. In this article, we will first review recent studies on position-specific changes in granule cell behavior through different migratory terrains of the developing cerebellar cortex. We will then present possible roles for the coordinated activity of Ca2+ channels, NMDA type of glutamate receptors, and intracellular Ca2+ fluctuations in controlling cerebellar granule cell movement. Furthermore, we will discuss the crucial roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neuregulin (NRG), stromal cell-derived factor 1α (SDF-1α), ephrin-B2, and EphB2 receptor in providing directional cues promoting granule cell migration from the external granular layer (EGL) to the internal granular layer (IGL). Finally, we will demonstrate that endogenous somatostatin controls the migration of granule cells in a cortical layer-specific manner: Endogenous somatostatin accelerates granule cell movement near the birthplace within the EGL, but significantly slows down the movement near their final destination within the IGL.  相似文献   

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of cerebellar granule cell migration   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The real-time observation of cell movement in brain slice preparations reveals that in the developing brain, postmitotic neurons alter their shape concomitantly with changes in the mode, direction, tempo, and rate of migration as they traverse different cortical layers. Although it has been hypothesized that orchestrated activities of multiple external cues and cell-cell contact are essential for controlling the cortical-layer-specific changes in cell migration, signaling mechanisms and external guidance cues related to the alteration of neuronal cell migration remain to be determined. In this article, we will first review recent studies on position-specific changes in granule cell behavior through different migratory terrains of the developing cerebellar cortex. We will then present possible roles for the coordinated activity of Ca2+ channels, NMDA type of glutamate receptors, and intracellular Ca2+ fluctuations in controlling cerebellar granule cell movement. Furthermore, we will discuss the crucial roles of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neuregulin (NRG), stromal cell-derived factor 1alpha (SDF-1alpha), ephrin-B2, and EphB2 receptor in providing directional cues promoting granule cell migration from the external granular layer (EGL) to the internal granular layer (IGL). Finally, we will demonstrate that endogenous somatostatin controls the migration of granule cells in a cortical layer-specific manner: Endogenous somatostatin accelerates granule cell movement near the birthplace within the EGL, but significantly slows down the movement near their final destination within the IGL.  相似文献   

The complicated mammalian brain structure arises from accurate movements of neurons from their birthplace to their final locations. Detailed observation of this migration process by various methods revealed that neuronal migration is highly motile and that there are different modes of migration. Moreover, mouse mutants or human disorders that disrupt normal migration have provided significant insights into molecular pathways that control the neuronal migration. Although our knowledge is still fragmentary, it is becoming clear that various molecules are participating in this process. In this review, we outline about the cellular and molecular mechanisms of neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

During embryonic development in vertebrates, the neural crest‐derived melanoblasts migrate along the dorsolateral axis and cross the basal membrane separating the dermis from the epidermis to reach their final location in the interfollicular epidermis and epidermal hair follicles. Neoplastic transformation converts melanocytes into highly invasive and metastatic melanoma cells. In vitro, these cells extend various types of protrusions and adopt two interconvertible modes of migration, mesenchymal and amoeboid, driven by different signalling molecules. In this review, we describe the major contributions of natural mouse mutants, mouse models generated by genetic engineering and in vitro culture systems, to identification of the genes, signalling pathways and mechanisms regulating the migration of normal and pathological cells of the melanocyte lineage, at both the cellular and molecular levels.  相似文献   

Border cells in the Drosophila ovary originate within an epithelium, detach from it, invade neighboring nurse cells, and migrate as a coherent cluster. This migration has served as a useful genetic model for understanding epithelial cell motility. The prevailing model of growth factor-mediated chemotaxis in general, and of border cells in particular, posits that receptor activation promotes cellular protrusion at the leading edge. Here we report the time-lapse video imaging of border cell migration, allowing us to test this model. Reducing the activities of the guidance receptors EGFR and PVR did not result in the expected inhibition of protrusion, but instead resulted in protrusion in all directions. In contrast, reduction in Notch activity resulted in failure of the cells to detach from the epithelium without affecting direction sensing. These observations provide new insight into the cellular dynamics and molecular mechanisms of cell migration in vivo.  相似文献   

Data on intracellular processes induced by a low glucose level in nerve tissue are presented. The involvement of glutamate and adenosine receptors, mitochondria, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and calcium ions in the development of hypoglycemia-induced damage of neurons is considered. Hypoglycemia-induced calcium overload of neuronal mitochondria is suggested to be responsible for the increased ROS production by mitochondria.  相似文献   

Pharmacological studies in prairie voles have suggested that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin play important roles in behaviors associated with monogamy, including affiliation, paternal care, and pair bonding. Our laboratory has investigated the cellular and neuroendocrine mechanisms by which these peptides influence affiliative behavior and social attachment in prairie voles. Monogamous prairie voles have a higher density of oxytocin receptors in the nucleus accumbens than do nonmonogamous vole species; blockade of these receptors by site-specific injection of antagonist in the female prairie vole prevents partner preference formation. Prairie voles also have a higher density of vasopressin receptors in the ventral pallidal area, which is the major output of the nucleus accumbens, than montane voles. Both the nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum are key relay nuclei in the brain circuits implicated in reward, such as the mesolimbic dopamine and opioid systems. Therefore, we hypothesize that oxytocin and vasopressin may be facilitating affiliation and social attachment in monogamous species by modulating these reward pathways.  相似文献   


1. There are differences between warm sensitive and temperature insensitive neurons in the rostral hypothalamus.

2. In warm sensitive neurons, temperature affects the rate of depolarization in prepotentials that precede action potentials. Warming increases the depolarization rate, which shortens the interspike interval and increases firing rate.

3. Inactivation of the potassium A current is temperature sensitive and contributes to the depolarizing prepotential.

4. In addition to intrinsic mechanisms, neuronal warm-sensitivity is affected by inhibitory synaptic input. Since cooling increases neuronal resistance, temperature affects the amplitude of postsynaptic inhibitory potentials, and this enhances neuronal thermosensitivity.

Author Keywords: Hypothalamus; Preoptic; Thermosensitive neuron; Synapse; GABA; Electrophysiology  相似文献   

Mistranslation broadly encompasses the introduction of errors during any step of protein synthesis, leading to the incorporation of an amino acid that is different from the one encoded by the gene. Recent research has vastly enhanced our understanding of the mechanisms that control mistranslation at the molecular level and has led to the discovery that the rates of mistranslation in vivo are not fixed but instead are variable. In this Review we describe the different steps in translation quality control and their variations under different growth conditions and between species though a comparison of in vitro and in vivo findings. This provides new insights as to why mistranslation can have both positive and negative effects on growth and viability.  相似文献   

Age is the strongest independent risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis (OA) and for many years this was assumed to be due to repetitive microtrauma of the joint surface over time, the so-called ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. As our understanding of OA pathogenesis has become more refined, it has changed our appreciation of the role of ageing on disease. Cartilage breakdown in disease is not a passive process but one involving induction and activation of specific matrix-degrading enzymes; chondrocytes are exquisitely sensitive to changes in the mechanical, inflammatory and metabolic environment of the joint; cartilage is continuously adapting to these changes by altering its matrix. Ageing influences all of these processes. In this review, we will discuss how ageing affects tissue structure, joint use and the cellular metabolism. We describe what is known about pathways implicated in ageing in other model systems and discuss the potential value of targeting these pathways in OA.  相似文献   

There has been nearly a century of interest in the idea that information is encoded in the brain as specific spatio-temporal patterns of activity in distributed networks and stored as changes in the efficacy of synaptic connections on neurons that are activated during learning. The discovery and detailed report of the phenomenon generally known as long-term potentiation opened a new chapter in the study of synaptic plasticity in the vertebrate brain, and this form of synaptic plasticity has now become the dominant model in the search for the cellular bases of learning and memory. To date, the key events in the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity are starting to be identified. They require the activation of specific receptors and of several molecular cascades to convert extracellular signals into persistent functional changes in neuronal connectivity. Accumulating evidence suggests that the rapid activation of the genetic machinery is a key mechanism underlying the enduring modification of neural networks required for the laying down of memory. The recent developments in the search for the cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory storage are reviewed.  相似文献   

神经元迁移的细胞和分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在脑的发育过程中,神经元的正确迁移是正常脑组织发生的一个必不可少的环节。在过去的几十年中,通过不同的学科方法,对于神经元迁移的机制有了较好的理解。在细胞水平上,神经元迁移需要3个重复事件的精确调控;在分子水平,与神经元迁移相关的胞外信号分子已经被鉴定,而且大量的胞内信号通路也已经被阐明。  相似文献   

A hallmark of neurogenesis in the vertebrate brain is the apical-basal nuclear oscillation in polarized neural progenitor cells. Known as interkinetic nuclear migration (INM), these movements are synchronized with the cell cycle such that nuclei move basally during G1-phase and apically during G2-phase. However, it is unknown how the direction of movement and the cell cycle are tightly coupled. Here, we show that INM proceeds through the cell cycle-dependent linkage of cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. During S to G2 progression, the microtubule-associated protein Tpx2 redistributes from the nucleus to the apical process, and promotes nuclear migration during G2-phase by altering microtubule organization. Thus, Tpx2 links cell-cycle progression and autonomous apical nuclear migration. In contrast, in vivo observations of implanted microbeads, acute S-phase arrest of surrounding cells and computational modelling suggest that the basal migration of G1-phase nuclei depends on a displacement effect by G2-phase nuclei migrating apically. Our model for INM explains how the dynamics of neural progenitors harmonize their extensive proliferation with the epithelial architecture in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Cellular mechanisms regulating non-haemostatic plasmin generation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A variety of proteases have the potential to degrade the extracellular matrix (ECM), thereby influencing the behaviour of cells by removing physical barriers to cell migration, altering cell-ECM interactions or releasing ECM-associated growth factors. The plasminogen activation system of serine proteases is particularly implicated in this pericellular proteolysis and is involved in pathologies ranging from cancer invasion and metastasis to fibroproliferative vascular disorders and neurodegeneration. A central mechanism for regulating plasmin generation is through the binding of the two plasminogen activators to specific cellular receptors: urokinase-type plasminogen activator to the glycolipid-anchored membrane protein uPAR, and tissue plasminogen activator to a type-II transmembrane protein recently identified on vascular smooth muscle cells. These binary complexes interact with membrane-associated plasminogen to form higher order activation complexes that greatly reduce the K(m) for plasminogen activation and, in some cases, protect the proteases from their cognate serpin inhibitors. Various other proteins that are involved in cell adhesion and migration also interact with these complexes, modulating the activity of this efficient and spatially restricted proteolytic system. Recent observations demonstrate that certain forms of the prion protein can stimulate tissue plasminogen activator-catalysed plasminogen activation, which raises the possibility that these proteases may also have a role in the pathogenesis of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.  相似文献   

Cellular and synaptic mechanisms of nicotine addiction   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The tragic health effects of nicotine addiction highlight the importance of investigating the cellular mechanisms of this complex behavioral phenomenon. The chain of cause and effect of nicotine addiction starts with the interaction of this tobacco alkaloid with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). This interaction leads to activation of reward centers in the CNS, including the mesoaccumbens DA system, which ultimately leads to behavioral reinforcement and addiction. Recent findings from a number of laboratories have provided new insights into the biologic processes that contribute to nicotine self-administration. Examination of the nAChR subtypes expressed within the reward centers has identified potential roles for these receptors in normal physiology, as well as the effects of nicotine exposure. The high nicotine sensitivity of some nAChR subtypes leads to rapid activation followed in many cases by rapid desensitization. Assessing the relative importance of these molecular phenomena in the behavioral effects of nicotine presents an exciting challenge for future research efforts.  相似文献   

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