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The crystal structure of the ternary complex citrate synthase-oxaloacetate-carboxymethyl coenzyme A has been solved to a resolution of 1.9 A and refined to a conventional crystallographic R factor of 0.185. The structure resembles a proposed transition state of the condensation reaction and suggests that the condensation reaction proceeds through a neutral enol rather than an enolate intermediate. A mechanism for the condensation reaction is proposed which involves the participation of three key catalytic groups (Asp 375, His 274, and His 320) in two distinct steps. The proposed mechanism invokes concerted general acid-base catalysis twice to explain both the energetics of the reaction and the experimentally observed inversion of stereochemistry at the attacking carbon atom.  相似文献   

Supernatant malate dehydrogenase from pig heart, a dimeric protein containing two very similar or identical subunits, shows negatively cooperative (anticooperative) interactions between NADH binding sites in the presence, but not in the absence, of 0.1 M L-malate. This behavior is observed consitently whether the technique used employs protein fluorescence quenching, NADH fluorescence enhancement, or ultrafiltration dialysis. Fluorescence titration shows that L-malate is also anticooperatively bound in the presence of saturating concentrations of NADH. The data are consistent with an "induced asymmetry" model in which conformational change accompanies the formation of the ternary complex. Two of the three chromatographically resolvable forms of the enzyme have been tested and found to have anticooperative behavior.  相似文献   

3-Deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase (KDO8PS) from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus differs from its Escherichia coli counterpart in the requirement of a divalent metal for activity (Duewel, H. S., and Woodard, R. W. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 22824-22831). Here we report the crystal structure of the A. aeolicus enzyme, which was determined by molecular replacement using E. coli KDO8PS as a model. The structures of the metal-free and Cd(2+) forms of the enzyme were determined in the uncomplexed state and in complex with various combinations of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), arabinose 5-phosphate (A5P), and erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P). Like the E. coli enzyme, A. aeolicus KDO8PS is a homotetramer containing four distinct active sites at the interface between subunits. The active site cavity is open in the substrate-free enzyme or when either A5P alone or PEP alone binds, and becomes isolated from the aqueous phase when both PEP and A5P (or E4P) bind together. In the presence of metal, the enzyme is asymmetric and appears to alternate catalysis between the active sites located on one face of the tetramer and those located on the other face. In the absence of metal, the asymmetry is lost. Details of the active site that may be important for catalysis are visible at the high resolution achieved in these structures. Most notably, the shape of the PEP-binding pocket forces PEP to assume a distorted geometry at C-2, which might anticipate the conversion from sp(2) to sp(3) hybridization occurring during intermediate formation and which may modulate PEP reactivity toward A5P. Two water molecules are located in van der Waals contact with the si and re sides of C-2(PEP), respectively. Abstraction of a proton from either of these water molecules by a protein group is expected to elicit a nucleophilic attack of the resulting hydroxide ion on the nearby C-2(PEP), thus triggering the beginning of the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Alpha-glucuronidases cleave the alpha-1,2-glycosidic bond between 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid and short xylooligomers as part of the hemicellulose degradation system. To date, all of the alpha-glucuronidases are classified as family 67 glycosidases, which catalyze the hydrolysis via the investing mechanism. Here we describe several high resolution crystal structures of the alpha-glucuronidase (AguA) from Geobacillus stearothermophilus, in complex with its substrate and products. In the complex of AguA with the intact substrate, the 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid sugar ring is distorted into a half-chair conformation, which is closer to the planar conformation required for the oxocarbenium ion-like transition state structure. In the active site, a water molecule is coordinated between two carboxylic acids, in an appropriate position to act as a nucleophile. From the structural data it is likely that two carboxylic acids, Asp(364) and Glu(392), activate together the nucleophilic water molecule. The loop carrying the catalytic general acid Glu(285) cannot be resolved in some of the structures but could be visualized in its "open" and "closed" (catalytic) conformations in other structures. The protonated state of Glu(285) is presumably stabilized by its proximity to the negative charge of the substrate, representing a new variation of substrate-assisted catalysis mechanism.  相似文献   

Based on the torsional mechanism of ATP synthesis by ATP synthase, a kinetic scheme has been developed in this work. The scheme considers adenine nucleotide transport, binding of substrates ADP and P(i), unbinding of product ATP, and ATP synthesis. This kinetic scheme has been analyzed mathematically, and a kinetic model has been obtained to explain the experimentally observed hyperbolic Michaellian dependence of the rate of ATP synthesis on the ADP concentration by ATP synthase under physiological steady-state operating conditions. The principal results of the kinetic model have been compared with the experimental data and an estimate of the enzymological kinetic parameters V(max), K(M), and K(I) has been determined. Mechanistic implications arising from further analysis of the kinetic model have been discussed. These biological implications provide deep insight into the sequence of events leading to ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Carnitine acyltransferases catalyze the reversible exchange of acyl groups between coenzyme A (CoA) and carnitine. They have important roles in many cellular processes, especially the oxidation of long-chain fatty acids in the mitochondria for energy production, and are attractive targets for drug discovery against diabetes and obesity. To help define in molecular detail the catalytic mechanism of these enzymes, we report here the high resolution crystal structure of wild-type murine carnitine acetyltransferase (CrAT) in a ternary complex with its substrates acetyl-CoA and carnitine, and the structure of the S554A/M564G double mutant in a ternary complex with the substrates CoA and hexanoylcarnitine. Detailed analyses suggest that these structures may be good mimics for the Michaelis complexes for the forward and reverse reactions of the enzyme, representing the first time that such complexes of CrAT have been studied in molecular detail. The structural information provides significant new insights into the catalytic mechanism of CrAT and possibly carnitine acyltransferases in general.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that mitochondrial matrix enzymes exist in solid-state, multienzyme complexes in vivo. Addition of polyethylene glycol to a solution containing malate dehydrogenase and citrate synthase generates such a solid-state, enzyme complex in vitro at enzyme concentrations permitting kinetic measurements. Suspensions of the isolated, solid-state, hetero-complex of these enzymes were used to study the coupled reactions of citrate synthesis from malate, NAD, and CoASAc. The particles appear to be about 1 microgram in diameter. Considering the ratio of enzyme to oxalacetate molecules in or at the surface of the solid-state particles, one would expect oxalacetate to be converted to citrate within a few molecular distances of the site of oxalacetate generation. This model of "substrate channeling" (or alternatively a direct transfer of oxalacetate between enzymes) is supported by experiments with excess aspartate aminotransferase and glutamate added to the solution phase to give a reaction competing with the synthase for bulk phase oxalacetate. Quantities of aminotransferase that reduce the citrate reaction rate with soluble dehydrogenase and synthase by 90% do not significantly affect rates with comparable amounts of the dehydrogenase-synthase complex. We suggest that similar substrate channeling can occur in vivo and discuss the possible advantages provided thereby.  相似文献   

The nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) catalyzes the oxidation of L-arginine to L-citrulline and NO through consumption of oxygen bound to the heme. Because NO is produced close to the heme and may bind to it, its subsequent role in a regulatory mechanism should be scrutinized. We therefore examined the kinetics of NO rebinding after photodissociation in the heme pocket of human endothelial NOS by means of time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. We show that geminate recombination of NO indeed occurs and that this process is strongly modulated by L-Arg. This NO rebinding occurs in a multiphasic fashion and spans over 3 orders of magnitude. In both ferric and ferrous states of the heme, a fast nonexponential picosecond geminate rebinding first takes place followed by a slower nanosecond phase. The rates of both phases decreased, whereas their relative amplitudes are changed by the presence of L-Arg; the overall effect is a slow down of NO rebinding. For the isolated oxygenase domain, the picosecond rate is unchanged, but the relative amplitude of the nanosecond binding decreased. We assigned the nanosecond kinetic component to the rebinding of NO that is still located in the protein core but not in the heme pocket. The implications for a mechanism of regulation involving NO binding are discussed.  相似文献   

Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) is the enzyme that catalyzes the last step of creatine biosynthesis. The enzyme is found in abundance in the livers of all vertebrates. The intact GAMT from recombinant rat liver has been crystallized with an inhibitor S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and a substrate guanidinoacetate (GAA), and with SAH and an inhibitor guanidine (GUN). These ternary complex structures have been determined at 2.0 A resolution. GAMT has an alpha/beta open-sandwich structure, and the N-terminal section (residues 1-42) covers the active site entrance so that the active site is not visible. SAH has extensive interactions with GAMT through H-bonds and hydrophobic interactions. The guanidino groups of GAA and GUN form two pairs of H-bonds with E45 and D134, respectively. The carboxylate group of GAA interacts with the backbone amide groups of L170 and T171. A model structure of GAMT containing the two substrates (SAM and GAA) was built by attaching a methyl group (C(E)) on S(D) of the bound SAH. On the basis of this model structure, a catalytic mechanism of GAMT is proposed. The active site entrance is opened when the N-terminal section is moved out. GAA and SAM enter the active site and interact with the amino acid residues on the surface of the active site by polar and nonpolar interactions. O(D1) of D134 and C(E) of SAM approach N(E) of GAA from the tetrahedral directions. The O(D1)...N(E) and C(E)...N(E) distances are 2.9 and 2.2 A, respectively. It is proposed that three slightly negatively charged carbonyl oxygen atoms (O of T135, O of C168, and O(B) of GAA) around O(D1) of D134 increase the pK(a) of O(D1) so that O(D1) abstracts the proton on N(E). A strong nucleophile is generated on the deprotonated N(E) of GAA, which abstracts the methyl group (C(E)) from the positively charged S(D) of SAM, and creatine (methyl-GAA) and SAH (demethyl-SAM) are produced. E45, D134, and Y221 mutagenesis studies support the proposed mechanism. A mutagenesis study and the inhibitory mechanism of guanidine analogues support the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

The X-ray structure of a new crystal form of chicken heart muscle citrate synthase, grown from solutions containing citrate and coenzyme A or L-malate and acetyl coenzyme A, has been determined by molecular replacement at 2.8-A resolution. The space group is P4(3) with a = 58.9 A and c = 259.2 A and contains an entire dimer of molecular weight 100,000 in the asymmetric unit. Both "closed" conformation chicken heart and "open" conformation pig heart citrate synthase models (Brookhaven Protein Data Bank designations 3CTS and 1CTS) were used in the molecular replacement solution, with crystallographic refinement being initiated with the latter. The conventional crystallographic R factor of the final refined model is 19.6% for the data between 6- and 2.8-A resolution. The model has an rms deviation from ideal values of 0.034 A for bond lengths and of 3.6 degrees for bond angles. The conformation of the enzyme is essentially identical with that of a previously determined "open" form of pig heart muscle citrate synthase which crystallizes in a different space group, with one monomer in the asymmetric unit, from either phosphate or citrate solution. The crystalline environment of each subunit of the chicken enzyme is different, yet the conformation is the same in each. The open conformation is therefore not an artifact of crystal packing or crystallization conditions and is not species dependent. Both "open" and "closed" crystal forms of the chicken heart enzyme grow from the same drop, showing that both conformations of the enzyme are present at equilibrium in solution containing reaction products or substrate analogues.  相似文献   

In the human genome there is one expressed gene for argininosuccinate synthetase and 14 pseudogenes. A cDNA coding for human argininosuccinate synthetase was used to screen a human genomic library. Twenty-five unique genomic clones were isolated and extensively characterized. At least seven clones represented processed argininosuccinate synthetase pseudogenes that lost the introns in the expressed gene. Restriction mapping demonstrated that these processed pseudogenes were located in distinct regions of the human genome. Complete nucleotide sequences of two processed pseudogenes, psi AS-1 and psi AS-3, and a partial sequence of psi AS-7 were determined. Both psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 had an adenine-rich region at their 3' end and were flanked by distinct imperfect direct repeats. A comparison of these pseudogene sequences to that of the cDNA demonstrated that psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 were 93% homologous to the cDNA, whereas psi AS-7 was 89% homologous to the cDNA. Therefore, it is estimated that psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 were created 10-11 million years ago, whereas psi AS-7 arose approximately 21 million years ago. We have estimated the evolutionary rate for the expressed argininosuccinate synthetase gene based on the sequences of psi AS-1 and psi AS-3. These data indicate that the expressed argininosuccinate synthetase gene is evolving at a rate similar to that of the beta-globin gene and much faster than the alpha-tubulin gene. Furthermore, a comparison of the sequences of psi AS-1 and psi AS-3 suggests the possibility that these pseudogenes arose from a common intermediate.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of selenomethionine-substituted malate synthase G, an 81 kDa monomeric enzyme from Escherichia coli has been determined by MAD phasing, model building, and crystallographic refinement to a resolution of 2.0 A. The crystallographic R factor is 0.177 for 49 242 reflections observed at the incident wavelength of 1.008 A, and the model stereochemistry is satisfactory. The basic fold of the enzyme is that of a beta8/alpha8 (TIM) barrel. The barrel is centrally located, with an N-terminal alpha-helical domain flanking one side. An inserted beta-sheet domain folds against the opposite side of the barrel, and an alpha-helical C-terminal domain forms a plug which caps the active site. Malate synthase catalyzes the condensation of glyoxylate and acetyl-coenzyme A and hydrolysis of the intermediate to yield malate and coenzyme A, requiring Mg(2+). The structure reveals an enzyme-substrate complex with glyoxylate and Mg(2+) which coordinates the aldehyde and carboxylate functions of the substrate. Two strictly conserved residues, Asp631 and Arg338, are proposed to provide concerted acid-base chemistry for the generation of the enol(ate) intermediate of acetyl-coenzyme A, while main-chain hydrogen bonds and bound Mg(2+) polarize glyoxylate in preparation for nucleophilic attack. The catalytic strategy of malate synthase appears to be essentially the same as that of citrate synthase, with the electrophile activated for nucleophilic attack by nearby positive charges and hydrogen bonds, while concerted acid-base catalysis accomplishes the abstraction of a proton from the methyl group of acetyl-coenzyme A. An active site aspartate is, however, the only common feature of these two enzymes, and the active sites of these enzymes are produced by quite different protein folds. Interesting similarities in the overall folds and modes of substrate recognition are discussed in comparisons of malate synthase with pyruvate kinase and pyruvate phosphate dikinase.  相似文献   

Chorismate is converted by regiospecific amination/aromatization sequences to o-aminobenzoate and p-aminobenzoate (PABA) by anthranilate synthase (AS) and PABA synthase (PABS), respectively. We report here the first partial purification of the large subunit of Escherichia coli PABA synthase, previously reported to be quantitatively inactivated in purification attempts. The subunit encoded by the pabB gene was overexpressed from a T7 promoter and purified 9-fold to 25-30% homogeneity. The pabB subunit appears unusually sensitive to inactivation by glycerol so this cosolvent is contraindicated. The Km for chorismate is 42 microM in the ammonia-dependent conversion to PABA, and we estimate a turnover number of 2.6 min-1. A variety of chorismate analogues have been prepared and examined. Of these compounds, cycloheptadienyl analogue 11 has been found to be the most potent inhibitor of Serratia marcescens anthranilate synthase (Ki = 30 microM for an RS mixture) and of the E. coli pabB subunit of PABA synthase (Ki = 226 microM). Modifications in the substituents at C-3 [enolpyruyl ether, (R)- or (S)-lactyl ether, glycolyl ether] or C-4 (O-methyl) of chorismate lead to alternate substrates. The Vmax values for (R)- and (S)-lactyl ethers are down 10-20-fold for each enzyme, and V/K analyses show the (S)-lactyl chorismate analogue to be preferred by 12/1 over (R)-lactyl for anthranilate synthase while a 3/1 preference was observed for (R)-/(S)-lactyl analogues by PABA synthase. The glycolyl ether analogue of chorismate shows 15% Vmax vs. chorismate for anthranilate synthase but is actually a faster substrate (140%) than chorismate with PABA synthase, suggesting the elimination/aromatization step from an aminocyclohexadienyl species may be rate limiting with AS but not with PABS. Indeed, studies with (R)-lactyl analogue 14 and anthranilate synthase led to accumulation of an intermediate, isolable by high-performance liquid chromatography and characterized by NMR and UV-visible spectroscopy as 6-amino-5-[(1-carboxyethyl)oxy]-1,3-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylic acid (17). This is the anticipated intermediate predicted by our previous work with conversion of synthetic trans-6-amino-5-[(1-carboxyethenyl)oxy]-1,3-cyclohexadiene-1-carbo xylic acid (2) to anthranilate by the enzyme. Compound 17 is quantitatively converted to anthranilate on reincubation with enzyme, but at a 1.3-10-fold lower Vmax than starting lactyl substrate 14 under the conditions investigated; the basis for this kinetic variation is not yet determined.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis in sickle cell disease depends on polymerization of deoxyhemoglobin S into rod-like fibers, forming gels that rigidify red cells and obstruct the systemic microvasculature. Fiber structure, polymerization kinetics and equilibria are well characterized and intimately related to pathogenesis. However, data on gel rheology, the immediate cause of obstruction, are limited, and models for structure and rheology are lacking. The basis of gel rheology, micromechanics of individual fibers, has never been examined. Here, we isolate fibers by selective depolymerization of gels produced under photolytic deliganding of CO hemoglobin S. Using differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, we measure spontaneous, thermal fluctuations in fiber shape to obtain bending moduli (kappa) and persistence lengths (lambda(p)). Some fibers being too stiff to decompose shape accurately into Fourier modes, we measure deviations of fiber midpoints from mean positions. Serial deviations, sufficiently separated to be independent, exhibit Gaussian distributions and provide mean-squared fluctuation amplitudes from which kappa and lambda(p) can be calculated. Lambda(p) ranges from 0.24 to 13 mm for the most flexible and stiffest fibers, respectively. This large range reflects formation of fiber bundles. If the most flexible are single fibers, then lambda(p) =13 mm represents a bundle of seven single fibers. Preliminary data on the bending variations of frozen, hydrated single fibers of HbS obtained by electron microscopy indicate that the value 0.24 mm is consistent with the persistence length of single fibers. Young's modulus is 0.10 GPa, less than for structural proteins but much larger than for extensible proteins. We consider how these results, used with models for cross-linking, may apply to macroscopic rheology of hemoglobin S gels. This new technique, combining isolation of hemoglobin S fibers and measurement of micromechanical properties based on thermal fluctuations and midpoint deviations, can be used to study fibers of mutants, hemoglobin A/S, and mixtures and hybrids of hemoglobin S.  相似文献   

Arguments are presented which indicate that the low steady-state rates of citrate production governing the catalytic interaction of citrate synthase from pig heart with citryl-CoA reflect the formation of a non-productive enzyme.citryl-CoA complex. The kinetic predictions of such an extended reaction mechanism are examined and are shown to account in satisfactory detail for the complex multiphasic rate behaviour exhibited by the enzyme under a variety of conditions in reactions involving citryl-CoA as a substrate.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli glyoxalase I (GlxI) is a metalloisomerase that is maximally activated by Ni(2+), unlike other known GlxI enzymes which are active with Zn(2+). The metal is coordinated by two aqua ligands, two histidines (5 and 74), and two glutamates (56 and 122). The mechanism of E. coli Ni-GlxI was investigated by analyzing Ni K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) data obtained from the enzyme and complexes formed with the product, S-D-lactoylglutathione, and various inhibitors. The analysis of X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) was used to determine the coordination number and geometry of the Ni site in the various Ni-GlxI complexes. Metric details of the Ni site structure were obtained from the analysis of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Interaction of S-D-lactoylglutathione (product) or octylglutathione with the enzyme did not change the structure of the Ni site. However, analysis of XAS data obtained from a complex formed with a peptide hydroxamate bound to Ni-GlxI is consistent with this inhibitor binding to the Ni center by displacement of both water molecules. XANES analysis of this complex is best fit with a five-coordinate metal and, given the fact that both histidine ligands are retained, suggests the loss of a glutamate ligand. The loss of a glutamate ligand would preserve the neutral charge on the Ni complex and is consistent with the lack of a significant shift in the Ni K-edge energy in this complex. These data are compared with data obtained from the E. coli Ni-GlxI selenomethionine-substituted enzyme. The replacement of three methionine residues in the native enzyme with selenomethionine does not affect the structure of the Ni site. However, addition of the peptide hydroxamate inhibitor leads to the formation of a complex whose structure as determined by XAS analysis is consistent with inhibitor binding via displacement of both water molecules but retention of both histidine and glutamate ligands. This leads to an anionic complex, which is consistent with an observed 1.7 eV decrease in the Ni K-edge energy. Plausible reaction mechanisms for Ni-GlxI are discussed in light of the structural information available.  相似文献   

The four isomers of hydroxycitrate have been tested as substrates and inhibitors for citrate synthase, citrate lyase, and ATP citrate lyase. None of the isomers served as a substrate for citrate synthase and they were moderate to weak inhibitors of this reaction. Of the four isomers, only (pncit)-(2S)-2-hydroxycitrate did not serve as a substrate for citrate lyase while (pncit)-(4S)-4-hydroxycitrate was the only isomer which did not serve as a substrate for ATP citrate lyase. No consistent pattern of reactivity or inhibitor potency was seen with the different isomeric hydroxycitrates. It is proposed that more than one mode of binding is possible between the isomers and the three different active sites.  相似文献   

The cyclooxygenase and peroxidase activities of prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS)-1 and -2 have complex kinetics, with the cyclooxygenase exhibiting feedback activation by product peroxide and irreversible self-inactivation, and the peroxidase undergoing an independent self-inactivation process. The mechanistic bases for these complex, non-linear steady-state kinetics have been gradually elucidated by a combination of structure/function, spectroscopic and transient kinetic analyses. It is now apparent that most aspects of PGHS-1 and -2 catalysis can be accounted for by a branched chain radical mechanism involving a classic heme-based peroxidase cycle and a radical-based cyclooxygenase cycle. The two cycles are linked by the Tyr385 radical, which originates from an oxidized peroxidase intermediate and begins the cyclooxygenase cycle by abstracting a hydrogen atom from the fatty acid substrate. Peroxidase cycle intermediates have been well characterized, and peroxidase self-inactivation has been kinetically linked to a damaging side reaction involving the oxyferryl heme oxidant in an intermediate that also contains the Tyr385 radical. The cyclooxygenase cycle intermediates are poorly characterized, with the exception of the Tyr385 radical and the initial arachidonate radical, which has a pentadiene structure involving C11-C15 of the fatty acid. Oxygen isotope effect studies suggest that formation of the arachidonate radical is reversible, a conclusion consistent with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic observations, radical trapping by NO, and thermodynamic calculations, although moderate isotope selectivity was found for the H-abstraction step as well. Reaction with peroxide also produces an alternate radical at Tyr504 that is linked to cyclooxygenase activation efficiency and may serve as a reservoir of oxidizing equivalent. The interconversions among radicals on Tyr385, on Tyr504, and on arachidonate, and their relationships to regulation and inactivation of the cyclooxygenase, are still under active investigation for both PGHS isozymes.  相似文献   

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