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Several types of adult stem cells are capable of transdifferentiaton into other types of tissues. The hair follicle bulge area is an abundant and easily accessible source of pluripotent adult stem cells. We demonstrate that the bulge KSCs have the potential for transdifferentiation into corneal epithelial-like cells. Bulge KSCs isolated by collagen type IV adhesiveness possessed the highest colony formation efficiency (CFE), and expressed specific markers (CD34 and α6-integrin). The isolated cells transdifferentiate into corneal epithelial-like cells in conditioned medium containing corneal limbus soluble factors, including their specific marker, keratin12. The transdifferentiation depends on upregulation of pax6 and downregulation of β-catenin and Lef-1. Furthermore, overexpression of pax6 in bulge KSCs induced their expression of k12. The expressions of β-catenin and Lef-1 were not suppressed in the pax6-transfected bulge KSCs, but which were downregulated pax6-transfected cells cultured in the conditioned medium. Bulge KSCs may have potential therapeutic application as cell source for the construction of bioengineered corneas.  相似文献   

Regulation of stem cell (SC) proliferation is central to tissue homoeostasis, injury repair, and cancer development. Accumulation of replication errors in SCs is limited by either infrequent division and/or by chromosome sorting to retain preferentially the oldest 'immortal' DNA strand. The frequency of SC divisions and the chromosome-sorting phenomenon are difficult to examine accurately with existing methods. To address this question, we developed a strategy to count divisions of hair follicle (HF) SCs over time, and provide the first quantitative proliferation history of a tissue SC during its normal homoeostasis. We uncovered an unexpectedly high cellular turnover in the SC compartment in one round of activation. Our study provides quantitative data in support of the long-standing infrequent SC division model, and shows that HF SCs do not retain the older DNA strands or sort their chromosome. This new ability to count divisions in vivo has relevance for obtaining basic knowledge of tissue kinetics.  相似文献   

Within the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family of five subtypes, VEGF165 secreted by endothelial cells has been identified to be the most active and widely distributed factor that plays a vital role in courses of angiogenesis, vascularization and mesenchymal cell differentiation. Hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) can be harvested from the bulge region of the outer root sheath of the hair follicle and are adult stem cells that have multi‐directional differentiation potential. Although the research on differentiation of stem cells (such as fat stem cells and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells) to the endothelial cells has been extensive, but the various mechanisms and functional forms are unclear. In particular, study on HFSCs’ directional differentiation into vascular endothelial cells using VEGF165 has not been reported. In this study, VEGF165 was used as induction factor to induce the differentiation from HFSCs into vascular endothelial cells, and the results showed that Notch signalling pathway might affect the differentiation efficiency of vascular endothelial cells. In addition, the in vivo transplantation experiment provided that HFSCs could promote angiogenesis, and the main function is to accelerate host‐derived neovascularization. Therefore, HFSCs could be considered as an ideal cell source for vascular tissue engineering and cell transplantation in the treatment of ischaemic diseases.  相似文献   

The optimal source of stem cells for regenerative medicine is a major question. Embryonic stem (ES) cells have shown promise for pluripotency but have ethical issues and potential to form teratomas. Pluripotent stem cells have been produced from skin cells by either viral‐, plasmid‐ or transposon‐mediated gene transfer. These stem cells have been termed induced pluripotent stem cells or iPS cells. iPS cells may also have malignant potential and are inefficiently produced. Embryonic stem cells may not be suited for individualized therapy, since they can undergo immunologic rejection. To address these fundamental problems, our group is developing hair follicle pluripotent stem (hfPS) cells. Our previous studies have shown that mouse hfPS cells can differentiate to neurons, glial cells in vitro, and other cell types, and can promote nerve and spinal cord regeneration in vivo. hfPS cells are located above the hair follicle bulge in what we have termed the hfPS cell area (hfPSA) and are nestin positive and keratin 15 (K‐15) negative. Human hfPS cells can also differentiate into neurons, glia, keratinocytes, smooth muscle cells, and melanocytes in vitro. In the present study, human hfPS cells were transplanted in the severed sciatic nerve of the mouse where they differentiated into glial fibrillary‐acidic‐protein (GFAP)‐positive Schwann cells and promoted the recovery of pre‐existing axons, leading to nerve generation. The regenerated nerve recovered function and, upon electrical stimulation, contracted the gastrocnemius muscle. The hfPS cells can be readily isolated from the human scalp, thereby providing an accessible, autologous and safe source of stem cells for regenerative medicine that have important advantages over ES or iPS cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 1016–1020, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The in vitro culture behaviour of embryonic stem cells (ESC) is strongly influenced by the culture conditions. Current culture media for expansion of ESC contain some undefined substances. Considering potential clinical translation work with such cells, the use of defined media is desirable. We have used Design of Experiments (DoE) methods to investigate the composition of a serum-free chemically defined culture medium for expansion of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC). Factor screening analysis according to Plackett–Burman revealed that insulin and leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) had a significant positive influence on the proliferation activity of the cells, while zinc and l-cysteine reduced the cell growth. Further analysis using minimum run resolution IV (MinRes IV) design indicates that following factor adjustment LIF becomes the main factor for the survival and proliferation of mESC. In conclusion, DoE screening assays are applicable to develop and to refine culture media for stem cells and could also be employed to optimize culture media for human embryonic stem cells (hESC).  相似文献   

Hair-follicle-associated pluripotent (HAP) stem cells can differentiate into many cell types, including neurons and heart muscle cells, and have been shown to repair peripheral nerves and the spinal cord in mice. HAP stem cells can be obtained from each individual patient for regenerative medicine which overcomes problems with immune rejection. Previously, we have demonstrated that genetically-encoded protein markers such as GFP in transgenic mice can be used to visualize HAP stem cells in vivo by multiphoton tomography. Detection and visualization of stem cells in vivo without exogenous labels such as GFP would be important for human application. In the present report, we demonstrate label-free visualization of hair follicle stem cells in mouse whiskers by multiphoton tomography due to the intrinsic fluorophores such as NAD(P)H/flavins. We compared multiphoton tomography of GFP-labeled HAP stem cells and unlabeled stem cells in isolated mouse whiskers. We show that observation of HAP stem cells by label-free multiphoton tomography is comparable to detection using GFP-labeled stem cells. The results described here have important implications for detection and isolation of human HAP stem cells for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

The antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) has substantially improved overall survival for patients with aggressive HER2-positive breast cancer. However, about 70% of all treated patients will experience relapse or disease progression. This may be related to an insufficient targeting of the CD44highCD24low breast cancer stem cell subset, which is not only highly resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy but also a poor target for trastuzumab due to low HER2 surface expression. Hence, we explored whether the new antibody-drug conjugate T-DM1, which consists of the potent chemotherapeutic DM1 coupled to trastuzumab, could improve the targeting of these tumor-initiating or metastasis-initiating cells. To this aim, primary HER2-overexpressing tumor cells as well as HER2-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer cell lines were treated with T-DM1, and effects on survival, colony formation, gene and protein expression as well as antibody internalization were assessed. This revealed that CD44highCD24lowHER2low stem cell-like breast cancer cells show high endocytic activity and are thus particularly sensitive towards the antibody-drug conjugate T-DM1. Consequently, preexisting CD44highCD24low cancer stem cells were depleted by concentrations of T-DM1 that did not affect the bulk of the tumor cells. Likewise, colony formation was efficiently suppressed. Moreover, when tumor cells were cocultured with natural killer cells, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity was enhanced, and EMT-mediated induction of stem cell-like properties was prevented in differentiated tumor cells. Thus our study reveals an unanticipated targeting of stem cell-like breast cancer cells by T-DM1 that may contribute to the clinical efficacy of this recently approved antibody-drug conjugate.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of implanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) limits the efficiency of MSC therapy. Recent studies showed the ligands of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) could control the function of these cells. We have investigated the effect of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a ligand of TLR4, on the survival of MSCs and explored the roles of TLR4 and PI3K/Akt. H2O2/serum deprivation(H2O2/SD) induced apoptosis of MSCs but LPS-preconditioning (1.0 μg/ml) protected MSCs from H2O2/SD-induced apoptosis and promoted their proliferation. Western blotting showed that 1.0 μg/ml LPS enhanced phosphorylation of both Akt at Ser 473 and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) p65 at Ser 536. However, the protective effects of LPS on survival were not observed in TLR4lps-del MSCs. The results suggest appropriate treatments with LPS can protect MSCs from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and improve the survival of MSCs via the TLR4 and PI3K/Akt pathway.  相似文献   

The development of the metanephric kidney was studied immunohistochemically across gestation in monkeys to identify markers of cell specification, and to aid in developing experimental paradigms for renal precursor differentiation from human embryonic stem cells (hESC). PAX2, an important kidney developmental marker, was expressed at the tips of the ureteric bud, in the surrounding condensing mesenchyme, and in the renal vesicle. Vimentin, a mesenchymal and renal marker, was strongly expressed in the metanephric blastema then found to be limited to the glomerulus and interstitial cells of the medulla and cortex. A model of gene expression based on human and nonhuman primate renal ontogeny was developed and incorporated into studies of hESC differentiation. Spontaneous hESC differentiation revealed markers of metanephric mesenchyme (OSR1, PAX2, SIX2, WT1) that increased over time, followed by upregulation of kidney precursor markers (EYA1, LIM1, CD24). Directed hESC differentiation was also evaluated with the addition of retinoic acid, Activin-A, and BMP-4 or BMP-7, and using different culture substrate conditions. Of the culture substrates studied, gelatin most closely recapitulated the anticipated directed developmental pattern of renal gene expression. No differences were found when BMP-4 and BMP-7 were compared with baseline conditions. PAX2 and Vimentin immunoreactivity in differentiating hESC was also similar to the renal precursor patterns reported for human fetal kidneys and findings described in rhesus monkeys. The results of these studies are as follows: (1) provide additional data to support that rhesus monkey kidney development parallels that of humans, and (2) provide a useful model for hESC directed differentiation towards renal precursors.  相似文献   

The mammalian cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is a highly conserved glycoprotein that may undergo conversion into a conformationally altered isoform (scrapie prion protein or PrP(Sc)), widely believed to be the pathogenic agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Although much is known about pathogenic PrP conversion and its role in TSEs, the normal function of PrP(C) is poorly understood. Given the abundant expression of PrP(C) in the developing mammalian CNS and the spatial association with differentiated stages of neurogenesis, recently it has been proposed that PrP(C) participates in neural cell differentiation. In the present study, we investigated the role of PrP(C) in neural development during early embryogenesis. In bovine fetuses, PrP(C) was differentially expressed in the neuroepithelium, showing higher levels at the intermediate and marginal layers where more differentiated states of neurogenesis were located. We utilized differentiating mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to test whether PrP(C) contributed to the process of neural differentiation during early embryogenesis. PrP(C) showed increasing levels of expression starting on Day 9 until Day 18 of ES cell differentiation. PrP(C) expression was negatively correlated with pluripotency marker Oct-4 confirming that ES cells had indeed differentiated. Induction of ES cells differentiation by retinoic acid (RA) resulted in up-regulation of PrP(C) at Day 20 and nestin at Day 12. PrP(C) expression was knocked down in PrP-targeted siRNA ES cells between Days 12 and 20. PrP(C) knockdown in ES cells resulted in nestin reduction at Days 16 and 20. Analysis of bovine fetuses suggests the participation of PrP(C) in neural cell differentiation during early embryogenesis. The positive association between PrP(C) and nestin expression provide evidence for the contribution of PrP(C) to ES cell differentiation into neural progenitor cells.  相似文献   

ObjectivesMouse incisor mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have self‐renewal ability and osteo/odontogenic differentiation potential. However, the mechanism controlling the continuous self‐renewal and osteo/odontogenic differentiation of mouse incisor MSCs remains unclear. Special AT‐rich sequence‐binding protein 2 (SATB2) positively regulates craniofacial patterning, bone development and regeneration, whereas SATB2 deletion or mutation leads to craniomaxillofacial dysplasia and delayed tooth and root development, similar to bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) loss‐of‐function phenotypes. However, the detailed mechanism underlying the SATB2 role in odontogenic MSCs is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether SATB2 can regulate self‐renewal and osteo/odontogenic differentiation of odontogenic MSCs.Materials and methods Satb2 expression was detected in the rapidly renewing mouse incisor mesenchyme by immunofluorescence staining, quantitative RT‐PCR and Western blot analysis. Ad‐Satb2 and Ad‐siSatb2 were constructed to evaluate the effect of Satb2 on odontogenic MSCs self‐renewal and osteo/odontogenic differentiation properties and the potential role of Satb2 with the osteogenic factor bone morphogenetic protein 9 (Bmp 9) in vitro and in vivo.Results Satb2 was found to be expressed in mesenchymal cells and pre‐odontoblasts/odontoblasts. We further discovered that Satb2 effectively enhances mouse incisor MSCs self‐renewal. Satb2 acted synergistically with the potent osteogenic factor Bmp9 in inducing osteo/odontogenic differentiation of mouse incisor MSCs in vitro and in vivo.Conclusions Satb2 promotes self‐renewal and osteo/odontogenic differentiation of mouse incisor MSCs. Thus, Satb2 can cooperate with Bmp9 as a new efficacious bio‐factor for osteogenic regeneration and tooth engineering.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the use of biomaterials and new biodegradable scaffolds for repair or regeneration of damaged tissues is of vital importance. Scaffolds used in tissue engineering should be biodegradable materials with three-dimensional structures which guide the growth and differentiation of the cells. They also tune physical, chemical and biological properties for efficient supplying of the cells to the selected tissues and have proper porosity along with minimal toxic effects. In this manner, the study of these characteristics is a giant stride towards scaffold design. In this study, Gelatin/Siloxane/Hydroxyapatite (GS-Hyd) scaffold was synthesized and its morphology, in vivo biodegradability, cytotoxic effects and ability for cell adhesion were investigated using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The cells were treated with different volumes of the scaffold suspension for evaluation of its cytotoxic effects. The MSCs were also seeded on scaffolds and cultured for 2 weeks to evaluate the ability of the scaffold in promoting of cell adhesion and growth. To check the biodegradability of the scaffold in vivo, scaffolds were placed in the rat body for 21 days in three different positions of thigh muscle, testicle, and liver and they were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and weight changes. According to the results of the viability of this study, no cytotoxic effects of GS-Hyd scaffold was found on the cells and MSCs could adhere on the scaffold with expanding their elongations and forming colonies. The rate of degradation as assessed by weight loss was significant within each group along with significant differences between different tissues at the same time point. SEM micrographs also indicated the obvious morphological changes on the surface of the particles and diameter of the pores through different stages of implantation. The greatest amount of degradation happened to the scaffold particles implanted into the muscle, followed by testicle and liver, respectively.  相似文献   

The bone marrow represents an easy accessible source of adult stem cells suitable for various cell based therapies. Several studies in recent years suggested the existence of pluripotent stem cells within bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) expressing marker proteins of both embryonic and tissue committed stem cells. These subpopulations were referred to as MAPC, MIAMI and VSEL-cells. Here we describe SD-BMSC (serumdeprivation-induced BMSC) which are induced as a distinct subpopulation after complete serumdeprivation. SD-BMSC are generated from small-sized nestin-positive BMSC (S-BMSC) organized as round-shaped cells in the top layer of BMSC-cultures. The generation of SD-BMSC is caused by a selective proliferation of S-BMSC and accompanied by changes in both morphology and gene expression. SD-BMSC up-regulate not only markers typical for neural stem cells like nestin and GFAP, but also proteins characteristic for embryonic cells like Oct4 and SOX2. We hypothesize, that SD-BMSC like MAPC, MIAMI and VSEL-cells represent derivatives from a single pluripotent stem cell fraction within BMSC exhibiting characteristics of embryonic and tissue committed stem cells. The complete removal of serum might offer a simple way to specifically enrich this fraction of pluripotent embryonic like stem cells in BMSC cultures.  相似文献   

Yew TL  Chiu FY  Tsai CC  Chen HL  Lee WP  Chen YJ  Chang MC  Hung SC 《Aging cell》2011,10(2):349-361
Mammalian aging of many tissues is associated with a decline in the replicative and functional capacity of somatic stem cells. Understanding the basis of this decline is a major goal of aging research. Human bone marrow-derived multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) have been applied in the treatment of fracture nonunion. Clinical application of MSCs requires abundant cells that can be overcome by ex vivo expansion of cells, but often at the expense of stemness and differentiation potentiality. We first demonstrated that late-passage MSCs exhibited decreased proliferation capacity, reduced expression of stemness markers such as Oct-4 and Nanog, and deterioration of osteogenic potential. Further, late-passage MSCs showed increased expression of p21(Cip1/Waf1) (p21), an inhibitor of the cyclin-dependent kinase. Knockdown of p21 by lentivirus-mediated shRNAs against p21 in late-passage MSCs increased the proliferation capacity, the expression of Oct-4 and Nanog, and osteogenic potential compared with cells transduced with control shRNA. More importantly, reduction in p21 expression in MSCs enhanced the bone repair capacity of MSCs in a rodent calvarial defect model. Knockdown of p21 in MSCs also increased the telomerase activity and telomere length, and did not show chromosomal abnormalities or acquire transformation ability. Therefore, these data successfully demonstrate the involvement of senescence gene in the expression of stemness markers and osteogenic potential of MSCs.  相似文献   

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