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Bishop GA  Dove WF 《Immunogenetics》1980,10(4):383-393
Resistance to two cultured lines of murine embryonal carcinoma was studied in F1 hybrids constructed between the tumor-syngeneic mouse strain 129/J and several allogeneic strains. Three of four such hybrid strains were significantly more resistant to the multipotent embryonal carcinoma line PCC3 than the tumor-syngeneic 129/J parent strain. All hybrid strains tested showed significantly higher resistance to the nullipotent embryonal carcinoma line F9 than the syngeneic strain. Hybrid resistance to embryonal carcinoma lines does not require a hybrid H-2 complex. Several kinds of evidence indicate that this hybrid resistance has an immunological basis.  相似文献   

Stem cells of the mouse testicular teratocarcinoma are capable of giving rise in vivo and in vitro to a wide variety of cell and tissue types representative of each embryonic germ layer. Multiangle light-scattering measurements in a flow system have been made on these stem cells and on a variety of their differentiated derivatives. This technique is capable of distinguishing the stem cells from parietal yolk sac cells, visceral yolk sac cells, neuronal cells and squamous cells. However, multipotential stem cells cannot be distinguished from stem cells that are restricted in their development to a single pathway.  相似文献   

N-Acetylneuraminic acid lyase (NAN-lyase) activity has been found to be much higher in the differentiated, murine parietal endodermal cell (PYS-2) in culture than in the related, undifferentiated embryonal teratocarcinoma cell (F9). The level of the enzyme rapidly increases in F9 cells exposed to an inducer of differentiation such as retinoic acid (RA) (10(-7) M). The level of the enzyme increases during log phase of growth of PYS-2 cells and decreases after the cells reach confluence. NAN-lyase from PYS-2 cells has been purified 365-fold and has been partially characterized. While most of the enzyme is freely soluble, at least 16% of the enzyme in PYS-2 cells is associated with the nucleus. The possible function of NAN-lyase in the cell and the significance of its marked elevation during growth and differentiation are discussed in view of the fact that the levels of NAN, neuraminidase, NAN transferases and the enzymes that synthesize and activate NAN, remain essentially unchanged during differentiation.  相似文献   

Single murine teratocarcinoma cells were analysed by a new flow instrument that simultaneously measures the volume and high-frequency electrical impedance of individual cells at rates of several hundred cells per second. Differentiated cells were found to have larger high-frequency impedance than undifferentiated stem cells of the same size.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that X chromosomes are reactivated in hybrids obtained by fusion of mouse PCC4azaI teratocarcinoma cells (XO, 39HPRT-) with splenocytes from mouse females heterozygous in Hprt gene. These hybrids are capable of spontaneous differentiation. We also obtained similar interspecies hybrids of PCC4azaI cells with bone marrow cells of the American mink. The majority of such hybrids remained undifferentiated, however, after long-term cultivation at high cell density they differentiated into epithelial- or fibroblast-like cells similarly to PCC4azaI cells. Two hybrids had the autosomal complement of the mouse and two X chromosomes (mouse and mink); both X chromosomes were active. These X chromosomes were not inactivated during differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma cells differentiate in vitro after treatment with different drugs or under certain culture conditions. We show here that at 31 degrees C PCC-aza-1 cells differentiated spontaneously into cells with characteristics resembling those of epithelial cells. With this temperature, we observed morphological changes; reorganization of the cytoskeleton with polymerization of actin cables, tight junctions, and cytokeratin endo A messenger RNA and protein expression. The cells also became totally permissive to Py virus but remained resistant to SV40 infection. This new pathway of differentiation has the advantage of being reversible at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

Epithelial and endothelial cells are susceptible to a subset of apoptosis known as anoikis. This type of programmed cell death is activated upon disruption of cell-substrate contacts. Here we demonstrate that mouse F9 embryonal carcinoma cell line acquires susceptibility to anoikis upon retinoic acid-induced differentiation towards non-malignant pariental endoderm-like cells. F9 cells survival becomes dependent on the substrate by the 4th day of retinoic acid treatment, when cells assume epithelial phenotype as revealed by actin, alpha-actinin and vinculin expression and distribution, and when focal adhesion contacts are formed. Differentiated F9 cells die in suspension by apoptosis as revealed by oligonucleosomal DNA laddering, DAPI staining and DNA flow cytometry analysis. On the contrary, undifferentiated F9 cells form large multicellular aggregates in suspension and survive. Thus, F9 cell line provides a new model to study pathways involved in both anoikis induction and inhibition.  相似文献   

Our previous study demonstrated the high incidence of non-induced DNA single strand breaks (SSB) in preimplantation mouse embryo genom (Patkin et al., 1994). F9 mouse teratocarcinoma cell line is an in vitro model for early embryonal differentiation, since F9 cells remind in many respects the inner cell mass cells of mouse blastocyst and are capable of differentiation under retinoic acid (RA) and dibutyryl cAMP (db-cAMP) treatment. Using gap filling reaction of F9 metaphase chromosomes and single-cell DNA electrophoresis, we have observed multiple SSB in undifferentiated F9 cells as well as in F9 cells at the early steps of RA-induced differentiation (days of RA treatment), but not in terminally differentiated F9 cells and in mouse embryonal fibroblasts. Rad51 nuclear protein that binds specifically single stranded DNA is highly expressed in all cells of undifferentiated F9 population and is not expressed in terminally differentiated F9 population. Multiple SSB could lead to enhanced rate of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in F9 cells. In undifferentiated F9 population the level of SCE was 9.6 +/- 0.44 per metaphase, that was not higher than in NIH 3T3 cell line. However, RA treatment for 48 h led to rising the SCE level up to 16.68 +/- 0.72 followed by its decrease to the initial rate by 72 h of RA treatment. Since the enhanced level of SSB in undifferentiated F9 cells and in mouse blastocyst does not normally lead to chromosomal instability, we consider SSB to be a natural consequence of fast-going DNA replication in these cells.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma cells from the PSA1 cell line will differentiate in vitro to form structures called embryoid bodies composed of an inner core of embryonal carcinoma cells surrounded by a basement membrane matrix and an outer layer of extra-embryonic endodermal cells. Immunization of rabbits with basement membranes isolated from embryoid bodies resulted in an antiserum, which binds to fixed extra-embryonic endodermal cells of either embryonic or teratocarcinoma origin but does not bind substantially to mouse embryonal carcinoma cells, fibroblasts, myoblasts or erythroleukemic cells. The F9-22 embryonal carcinoma cell line normally differentiates only to a very limited extent in vitro or in vivo. However, incubation of these cells in medium containing retinoic acid results in the appearance of cells resembling extra-embryonic endoderm. The embryoid body basement membrane antibodies were used to measure, by flow microfluorometry, the appearance of reactive cells in F9-22 cultures treated with retinoic acid. The kinetics of appearance of cells reactive with the basement membrane antibodies are similar to the kinetics of appearance of cells secreting plasminogen activator, a known marker of extraembryonic endoderm.  相似文献   

The radiosensitivity of murine teratocarcinoma cells was investigated. Our findings are as follows: (1) the undifferentiated teratocarcinoma cells are 3 times more sensitive to UV than their differentiated counterpart and BALB/3T3 cells; (2) X-ray sensitivity of the undifferentiated cells is comparable to that of BALB/3T3 cells; (3) post-irradiation treatment with caffeine strongly sensitizes a fraction of the undifferentiated cells to UV and X-rays resulting in biphasic survival curves of the cells; (4) high UV sensitivity and hyper-sensitization by caffeine is lost upon differentiation of the cells. Possible mechanisms for the unusually high sensitivity of undifferentiated teratocarcinoma cells to radiation and post-irradiation treatment with caffeine will be discussed.  相似文献   

N Takagi  M A Yoshida  O Sugawara  M Sasaki 《Cell》1983,34(3):1053-1062
A series of near-diploid embryonal carcinoma-like hybrid cells were obtained from polyethylene glycol mediated cell fusion between murine embryonal carcinoma cells (PSA-6TG1 or OTF9-63) having one X chromosome and thymocytes or bone marrow cells from female mice carrying Cattanach's or Searle's translocation. Prior to fusion with EC cells the somatic cells are presumed to contain only one active X chromosome. Following hybrid formation, the chronology of X chromosome replication and the expression of X-linked gene Pgk-1 indicated that all X chromosomes contributed by both parents were active in these hybrids. Experiments were performed to rule out the possibility that the hybrids were formed by fusion of EC cells with rare somatic cells in which both X chromosomes were active. Taken together the data indicate that within four days of fusion there is reactivation of the entire inactive X chromosome.  相似文献   

D C Burke  C F Graham  J M Lehman 《Cell》1978,13(2):243-248
Pluripotential embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells do not produce interferon after treatment with a wide variety of inducers, nor are they sensitive to its action. Several differentiated lines derived from the EC cells, however, both produce and are sensitive to mouse interferon. Differentiation of EC cells in vitro is accompanied by development of interferon inducibility and sensitivity.  相似文献   

A murine stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA3) is defined by reactivity with a monoclonal antibody prepared by immunization of a rat with 4- to 8-cell-stage mouse embryos. This antigenic determinant, present on oocytes, becomes restricted first to the inner cell mass at the blastocyst stage, and later to the primitive endoderm. Murine teratocarcinoma stem cells do not react with this antibody, whereas human teratocarcinoma stem cells are SSEA3-positive. This antigenic determinant is not expressed on a variety of other human and murine cell lines, but is found on the surface of human erythrocytes. It is a carbohydrate and is present on both cell-surface glycolipids and glycopeptides. These results demonstrate the feasibility of identifying stage-specific antigenic determinants with monoclonal antibody prepared against embryos. The need for thorough screening on a variety of cell types to establish developmentally important cross-reactivities is also emphasized.  相似文献   

The protective ability and graft-versus-host (GVH) activity in parental strain hematopoietic fetal liver cells (FLC) transplanted to irradiated F1 hybrids were evaluated quantitatively. A 21-day survival of more than 80% of semi-syngeneic mouse recipients required the injection of 2-5 X 10(6) nucleated fetal liver cells (FLC). The same effect could be obtained with FLC cultivated for 4-15 days. 5 to 25 X 10(6) parental FLC were necessary to induce a considerable GVH mortality within 2-3 months after transplantation. Thus, the minimal cell doses of both native and cultivated FLC enough for the maximal protective effect have proved ineffective for the provocation of the fetal GVH disease. Hematopoietic cells from long-term FLC cultures had a low protective potential though they could contain high CFUs concentration. This discrepancy shows clearly that such polypotent precursors as CFUs have no ability to restore hematopoiesis, in other words they cannot be totipotent stem cells.  相似文献   

(A/J X C3H/HeJ) F1 mice reject somatic cell hybrids of ASL-1 cells (A origin) and LM(TK)- cells (C3H origin), but die from leukemia within 10 days after the inoculation of approximately 10(6) viable ASL-1 cells. Mice rejecting hybrid cells survive for prolonged periods after challenge with otherwise lethal numbers of ASL-1 cells. The hybrid cells, rejected by syngeneic F1 recipients, retained their oncogenic potential as determined by the appearance and progressive growth of tumors in immunologically deficient nu/nu mice injected with the cells. Similar results were obtained using hybrids of a radiation-induced cell line (RADA-1), maintained by serial transfer in strain A mice and LM(TK)- cells. Syngeneic mice injected with RADA-1 X LM(TK)- cells failed to form tumors. Mice rejecting RADA-1 X LM(TK)- hybrid cells survived for prolonged periods after challenge with otherwise lethal numbers of RADA-1 cells.  相似文献   

Cultures of the multipotential stem cell, embryonal carcinoma (EC), of a murine teratocarcinoma were treated with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Within 2-4 days at concentrations of 1-50 mugm/ml of BrdU, there was a marked change in the morphology of cells observed by light and electron microscopy. A comparison of the growth potential showed that for up to four days the BrdU-treated cultures were similar to untreated cultures. When these BrdU-treated cells were infected with Simian virus 40 (SV40) and polyoma virus (Py), there was an increase in susceptibility of the treated cells. The untreated embryonal carcinoma cells were refractory. These results suggest that BrdU modifies the embryonal carcinoma cells to allow infection with two DNA viruses.  相似文献   

Virus infection of murine teratocarcinoma stem cell lines.   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
N M Teich  R A Weiss  G R Martin  D R Lowy 《Cell》1977,12(4):973-982

The mechanism whereby tumor necrosis factor (TNF) kills mammalian cells is not well understood, although oxidative damage has been suggested by several investigators. Further, it is not known why cells vary in their responsiveness to TNF. We show that the cytotoxic effect of TNF toward TNF-sensitive L929 cells is blocked under hypoxic conditions, suggesting a critical role of molecular oxygen and reactive oxygen species. To test whether cellular resistance to reactive oxygen species could provide resistance to TNF, we derived a variant strain from L929 cells by chronic exposure to an oxidizing agent, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These cells exhibit marked resistance to TNF as well as to H2O2. This cross-protection provides additional evidence that mechanisms of resistance to oxidative damage are causally related to TNF-induced cell death. Scatchard analysis of TNF binding did not reveal significant differences between the H2O2-resistant line and the wild-type L929 line. On the other hand, analyses of antioxidant enzymes and glutathione levels in cells of the wild-type and the H2O2-resistant lines revealed several potentially important differences. Before exposure to TNF, the H2O2-resistant variants have elevated catalase activity, decreased activity of total glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and similar superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Exposure to TNF led to alteration in CuZnSOD activity, and much more so in the variants than in the wild-type L929 cells. However, no significant change in MnSOD activities in cells of either cell line was observed. Total GST activity was not altered appreciably by TNF in either cell line, but Western analysis showed that the level of alpha GST isozyme was increased and mu GST isozyme decreased in the H2O2-resistant variants. Furthermore, alterations in total glutathione content were observed in both the control and the variant cells.  相似文献   

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