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Uterine fluid was collected from four-day cyclic rats at each stage of the oestrous cycle and assayed for progesterone and protein content. Progesterone was determined by radioimmunoassay either after ethanol (or 2.5% NaOH) denaturation of proteins from uterine flushings ('total' progesterone) or without protein denaturation ('ether-extractable' progesterone). The amount of 'ether-extractable' progesterone in the lumen was constant from metoestrus to pro-oestrus (340 pg per uterus) but lower in oestrus (200 pg per uterus). However, 'total' progesterone content of uterine fluid was subject to cyclic variations and was highest in dioestrus (890 pg per uterus) and lowest in oestrus (350 pg per uterus), in contrast to serum progesterone which is lowest in dioestrus and highest in oestrus. Protein content of uterine flushings peaked to 780 micrograms per uterus in pro-oestrus then fell to about 140 micrograms per uterus until the end of the oestrous cycle. Changes in protein content of the lumen were followed by qualitative variations since the mean amount of 'bound' progesterone ('total' progesterone minus 'ether-extractable' progesterone) released per milligram of denatured lumen protein rose from 1.8 pmol in pro-oestrus to 18.2 pmol in dioestrus. The changes of luminal 'bound' progesterone during the oestrous cycle suggest that progesterone binding to luminal proteins could be an important modulator of progesterone action in rat uterus. Moreover, the variations in progesterone content of the lumen, irrespective of serum progesterone concentrations, are consistent with the hypothesis that progesterone synthesis occurs in the uterus.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the tissue receptors for oestradiol (E) and progesterone (P) in the porcine oviduct at different stages on the oestrous cycle have been investigated by in vitro binding and exchange methods. Both hormones bound to specific cytoplasmic (Rc) and nuclear (Rn) receptor proteins with high affinity. The concentrations of ERc and ERn were two-fold higher in the ampulla as compared to the isthmus. The amount of ERc in the isthmic portion of the oviduct did not vary throughout the oestrous cycle. However, the ampullar ERc concentrations increased during prooestrus, showed a maximum at standing oestrus, thereafter decreasing. Significant variations in the amount of oviductal ERn were observed. Despite the differences in ERn amounts between segments, the concentration of ERn increased significantly during late prooestrus, attaining a three-fold elevation and remaining elevated during the period of standing oestrous and early luteal phase (days 3-4), thereafter returning to basal levels. No significant variations in the amount of isthmic PRc were found throughout the period studied. The ampulla, however, showed a significant increase in PRc concentrations during standing oestrus, thereafter decreasing. The concentrations of PRn in isthmus and ampulla were of about the same magnitude and varied significantly during the oestrous cycle, increasing in concentration from standing oestrous onwards. The temporal relationships between the variations in levels of oestradiol and progesterone receptors in oviductal tissues and those of the circulating plasma levels were established. The data obtained in this study suggest a relationship between the changes in the levels of oestradiol and progesterone oviductal binding during the first days of the oestrous cycle, and the gamete and embryo transport throughout the oviduct in the porcine species.  相似文献   

The functional morphology of the Golgi apparatus was studied in various types of cells in the rat endometrium during the oestrous cycle. A cerium-based enzyme-cytochemical method was used for the ultrastructural visualization of the activity of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase). The cerium-based method was evidently superior to the classical lead technique, which was used for comparison. TPPase activity in luminal and glandular epithelial cells displayed cyclical modulation and redistribution. It was restricted to only one or two narrow trans lamellae during dioestrus but extended during proestrus and oestrus into nearly all trans-to-cis lamellae of the well-compartmentated Golgi apparatus. A homogeneous staining reaction, which was particularly intense during the latter two phases and only partly due to unspecific alkaline phosphatase, was confined to the apical and basolateral plasma membranes of luminal epithelial cells. In the stromal fibroblasts, only one short Golgi saccule was positive at dioestrus, whereas three or more trans Golgi lamellae were filled with reaction product during oestradiol-dominated oestrus. TPPase activity was furthermore observed in the lysosomes in epithelial cells, stromal fibroblasts, capillary endothelial cells and pericytes. The present findings of cyclic changes in TPPase activity in epithelial cells and stromal fibroblasts provide the first evidence of cyclic modulation and redistribution of this enzyme in the endometrium.  相似文献   

Small samples of backfat were taken daily during one oestrous cycle and more frequently after ovariectomy from 12 gilts by means of a simple biopsy technique and the levels of progesterone were determined. Compared to the levels of progesterone in peripheral plasma changes in backfat levels during the oestrous cycle were delayed by 1-2 days. Maximal levels with 89.7 +/- 9.2 (mean +/- s.e.m) ng progesterone/100 mg backfat were recorded on Day 15 of the oestrous cycle. It was estimated that, on this day, a total amount of about 36 mg progesterone is stored in the adipose tissue, which is approximately 200 times that present in total blood and corresponds to the daily production of the corpora lutea of the sow on Day 11. Initial half-life of progesterone in backfat after ovariectomy was estimated to be about 34 h compared to an initial half-life of plasma progesterone of about 120 min. The exact calculation of half-lives was, however, confounded by an obvious effect of anaesthesia or surgery on progesterone levels. Changes in backfat or plasma progesterone concentrations were not affected by the fat-to-lean ratio of the gilts. Fat progesterone levels determined in 44 additional pregnant and non-pregnant sows 17 or 20 days after mating indicated that reliable diagnosis of non-pregnant sows was possible on Day 20. It is concluded that the endocrinology of the oestrous cycle in pigs is related to the enormous storage of progesterone in the fat.  相似文献   

The involvement of the pineal gland in the oestrous cycle seems to be clear nowadays according to various types of studies, although its exact functional mechanism remains unknown. The lack of morphological studies on the pineal gland throughout the oestrous cycle has drawn us into the quantification of the surface of pinealocyte nucleoli and nuclei and lipid contents (expressed in mean area of lipid droplets with respect to the total area of pinealocytes) in each of one of the four days of the oestrous cycle: Prooestrous, oestrous, metoestrous and dioestrous. The measures of nuclei and lipid droplets were taken on photographs that were obtained from 1 micron thick sections by means of an image analyzer and the measures of nucleoli were obtained from micrography by means a point-counting analysis. One-way analysis of variance showed significant differences among nucleolar surface during the four days of the cycle. Nucleolar surface in prooestrous and oestrous was significantly smaller than in metoestrous and dioestrous and nuclear surface showed higher values in dioestrous and proestrous than oestrous and metoestrous. The relative value of lipid surface with respect to pinealocyte surface showed significant differences between oestrous and the other three days, with their minimum value in oestrous and maximum in metoestrous. We conclude that the pinealocyte have a rhythmic activity during the oestrous cycle, with a minimum close to ovulation, where the pituitary gonadotropins and ovarian hormonal levels presents a surge.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin content in the neurointermediate lobe of the rat pituitary was measured by radioimmunoassay during the different stages of the oestrous cycle. Higher levels were observed in pro-oestrus and oestrus than in metoestrus and dioestrus rats.

This difference is similar to the variation observed in the same circumstance concerning oxytocin in the neurohypophysis and neurosecretory activity in magnocellular neurons. These results are discussed in relation to the coexistence of oxytocin and cholecystokinin in neurons of the hypothalamoneurohypophysial system.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to follow changes in the activity of the small matrix metalloproteinase matrilysin (MMP-7) in the rat uterus during the oestrous cycle and embryo implantation. Matrilysin was extracted from rat uteri, partially purified and separated into active and latent forms. The two forms of the enzyme were quantified at all stages of the oestrous cycle and after oestradiol and progesterone treatment. The activity was also measured during the first 7 days of pregnancy. Both latent and active forms of MMP-7 reached a peak during the pro-oestrous stage of the cycle; the concentrations were three times higher than at dioestrus and metoestrus. In rats treated with 0.1 mg oestradiol at metoestrus, both latent and active forms of the enzyme increased by more than two-fold after 24 h. In rats treated at pro-oestrus with 0.4 mg progesterone, there was a 70% increase in latent MMP-7, but no change in the active form. The highest concentrations of MMP-7 were observed on the first day of pregnancy. Between days 3 and 7 of pregnancy, the concentrations were relatively constant and comparable to the low concentrations at dioestrus. Enzyme activities were not different at implantation sites compared with remote sites.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are ubiquitous membrane components in mammaliancells and are suggested to play important roles in various cellfunctions, such as cell-cell recognition, differentiation andtransmembrane signalling. Rat ovary contained GM3, GD3 and GD1aas major gangliosides, and GM1 as a minor one. In order to studytheir distribution in the rat ovary and its possible changesduring the oestrous cycle, frozen sections were stained withspecific monoclonal antibodies against 11 ganglio-series gangliosidesincluding those mentioned above. GM3, GM1 and GD1a were expressedin a spatiotemporally different manner during the oestrous cycle,but GD3 and other gangliosides were not immunohistochemicallydetected. In primary and secondary follicles, GM3, GM1 and GDlawere expressed in theca cells, but not in granulosa cells. Theoocyte in primary, but not secondary, follicles was positiveto the anti-GD1a antibody. In Graafian follicles, GM1 and GD1awere similarly expressed as in secondary follicles, however,the expression of GM3 spread gradually from theca cells to granulosacells. In early Graafian follicles, only GM3 was expressed toa detectable extent from the outer part of the granulosa layerto the inner part Shortly before ovulation, all granulosa cellsand cumulus cells became positive to anti-GM3 antibody. Afterovulation, differential distribution of GM3, GM1 and GD1a wasalso observed in luteal cells. GD1a was localized in thread-likestructures, while GM3 was distributed throughout the cytoplasm,but not in the nucleus. GM1 was localized only in the plasmamembrane and/or its close vicinity. Other ganglio-series gangliosides,including GD3, were not detected to an appreciable extent inthe ovaries by immunohistochemistry ganglioside oestrous cycle rat ovary  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) and thromboxane (TX) synthesis by uterine homogenates was measured at 4-h intervals during the 4-day oestrous cycle of rats. Production was in the order of 6-oxo-PGF-1 alpha (which reflects PGI-2 synthesis) greater than PGF-2 alpha greater than TXB-2 (which reflects TXA-2 synthesis) greater than or equal to PGE-2. Peak production occurred at 02:00 h on the day of oestrus, after which production gradually decreased, with some fluctuation on the day of metoestrus, to reach a minimum between 22:00 and 06:00 h on the days of dioestrus and oestrus, respectively. Separation of the uterine tissues showed that, on a unit weight basis, the endometrium had a much higher PG and TX synthesizing ability than did the myometrium, although this was compensated for on a total weight basis by the much greater mass of myometrium. Endometrial PG and TX production was in the order of PGF-2 alpha greater than TXB-2 greater than or equal to 6-oxo-PGD-1 alpha identical to PGE-2, with PGF-2 alpha and TXB-2 productions showing the greatest increases between 10:00 and 02:00 h on the days of pro-oestrus and oestrus, respectively. Myometrial PG and TX production was in the order of 6-oxo-PGF-1 alpha greater than PGF-2 alpha greater than PGE-2 identical to TXB-2, with 6-oxo-PGF-1 alpha and PGF-2 alpha productions showing small increases between 10:00 and 02:00 h on the days of pro-oestrus and oestrus, respectively. Myometrial PGE-2 production decreased between these two times.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In two experiments with female cattle, responses to synchronisation and superovulation were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography and embryo recovery. Each experiment had both a synchronisation phase to establish a reference oestrus and a superovulatory phase with the oestrous cycle controlled by exogenous progesterone commencing at two specific times. The reference oestrus was controlled using a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) applied for 12 days with prostaglandin F given 1 day before removal. Experiment 1 had two treatments which differed by the absence (A) or presence (P) of a 10mg oestradiol benzoate capsule on the PRID, while in Experiment 2 all animals were on treatment P. In the superovulatory phase of both experiments treatment P commenced on Day 7 (PRID 7 treatment) or Day 14 (PRID 14 treatment) of the oestrous cycle (oestrus designated Day 0). Superovulation, using equine chorionic gonadotrophin in Experiment 1 and oFSH in Experiment 2, commenced 3 days before PRID removal. Treatment P caused rapid regression of the dominant follicle and corpus luteum (CL) irrespective of when treatment commenced. A second wave of follicular growth was detected after 6–8 days and the dominant follicle grew at 1.1 mm day−1 in the 7 days before oestrus. In contrast, in treatment A of Experiment 1, the dominant follicle either grew slowly and eventually ovulated for cows in the mid-luteal phase, or the dominant follicle regressed and a second wave follicle ovulated if cows were early luteal at PRID insertion. In the superovulatory phase of both experiments the dominant follicle of PRID 7 animals increased in size and then regressed, but in PRID 14 cows, the dominant follicle was regressing before PRID insertion. During superovulation, the number of 7–10 mm follicles was significantly (P<0.001) greater in PRID 7 animals in Experiment 2. In both experiments, half the animals on the PRID 14 treatment maintained a large follicle during the superovulatory phase in contrast to the even sized follicles in animals on PRID 7 treatment. In Experiment 1, the number of grade 1 embryos recovered was significantly (P<0.05) higher for PRID 7 than PRID 14 treatments. In Experiment 2, there were significant differences (P<0.001) in the number of corpora lutea, total ova plus embryos and grade 1 embryos in favour of PRID 7 animals following superovulation. We conclude that the initiation of control of the oestrous cycle with a PRID and subsequent superovulating regime should take account of normal follicular wave status for effective superstimulation and production of viable embryos, and that ultrasonography may usefully be applied to the process.  相似文献   

The highest values of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the genital tract of the rat at different stages of the oestrous cycle were found in the oviduct (3.5-7 micrograms/mg protein) and the lowest in the ovary (50-100 ng/mg protein). The values for uterus and vagina ranged between 80 and 150 ng/mg protein. GABA (10-30 ng/microliter) was also found in fluid in the ovarian bursa. At 11:00 h, on the day of oestrus, GABA content increased in the ovaries but values in the oviducts were maximal at 11:00 h on the day of pro-oestrus. Variations in GABA content of the vagina were also found. Uterine cervix or uterine horn showed no changes during the oestrous cycle. The GABA content was not uniform throughout the oviduct: the highest values were found in the portion next to the ovary. At 10 days after removal of the right oviduct, GABA values in the ovary and ovarian bursa fluid decreased on the operated side. At 1 month after surgery, the values in ovary were normal but the values in ovarian bursa fluid were still low, suggesting that the source of ovarian GABA was not the oviduct. The variations observed in the present paper suggest an involvement of GABA in reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

The vasoconstrictor activity of the ovarian vascular bed in vitro was investigated during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy. Gilts were killed during the follicular phase (Days 20 to +1; N = 5) or luteal phase (Days 11 to 13; N = 4) of the oestrous cycle, or on Day 13 of pregnancy (N = 5). Immediately before death, a sample of vena cava blood was obtained for determination of progesterone and oestrogen (oestrone and oestradiol-17 beta) concentrations. One ovary was removed, cannulated, perfused in vitro, and subjected to 10-min infusions of saline (vehicle control) and noradrenaline. Vasoconstriction was provoked by electrical stimulation at the end of each infusion. Ovaries from luteal-phase gilts exhibited greater (P less than 0.01) vasoconstriction than did ovaries from follicular-phase and pregnant gilts at the end of saline and noradrenaline infusions. The oestrogen to progesterone ratio was less (P less than 0.01) for luteal-phase and pregnant than for follicular-phase gilts. Vasoconstriction was negatively correlated (r = -0.99, P less than 0.01) with the oestrogen to progesterone ratio in systemic blood of gilts during the oestrous cycle but not during early pregnancy (r = +0.39, P greater than 0.10), possibly due to an effect of the conceptuses.  相似文献   

From the beginning of pro-oestrus to the end of metoestrus, daily peripheral blood samples were withdrawn from six bitches. Further samples were obtained during anoestrus. Oestrogen values rose from the onset of pro-oestrus to attain a peak value of 25-3 +/- 4-8 pg/ml on Day 1 of oestrus. Progesterone concentrations began to rise 2 days before the oestrogen peak, and reached their highest levels of 18-9 +/- 1-0 ng/ml 16 days after the end of oestrus. After oestrus, an oestrogen rise was detected which reached a peak at Day 18 of metoestrus. The duration of oestrus was unrelated to the length of time that oestrogen levels were raised, or the maximum values were attained. No significant oestrogen levels were detected during anoestrus.  相似文献   

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