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To investigate the relative degradation and fragmentation pattern of the recombinant Cry1Ab protein from genetically modified (GM) maize MON810 throughout the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of dairy cows, a 25 months GM maize feeding study was conducted on 36 lactating Bavarian Fleckvieh cows allocated into two groups (18 cows per group) fed diets containing either GM maize MON810 or nearly isogenic non-GM maize as the respective diet components. All cows were fed a partial total mixed ration (pTMR). During the feeding trial, 8 feed (4 transgenic (T) and 4 non-transgenic (NT) pTMR) and 42 feces (26 T and 18 NT) samples from the subset of cows fed T and NT diets, and at the end of the feeding trial, digesta contents of rumen, abomasum, small intestine, large intestine and cecum were collected after the slaughter of six cows of each feeding group. Samples were analyzed for Cry1Ab protein and total protein using Cry1Ab specific ELISA and bicinchoninic acid assay, respectively. Immunoblot analyses were performed to evaluate the integrity of Cry1Ab protein in feed, digesta and feces samples. A decrease to 44% in Cry1Ab protein concentration from T pTMR to the voided feces (9.40 versus 4.18 μg/g of total proteins) was recorded. Concentrations of Cry1Ab protein in GIT digesta of cows fed T diets varied between the lowest 0.38 μg/g of total proteins in abomasum to the highest 3.84 μg/g of total proteins in rumen. Immunoblot analysis revealed the extensive degradation of recombinant Cry1Ab protein into a smaller fragment of around 34 kDa in GIT. The results of the present study indicate that the recombinant Cry1Ab protein from MON810 is increasingly degraded into a small fragment during dairy cow digestion.  相似文献   

Cultivation of genetically modified maize (Bt-maize; event MON810) producing recombinant δ-endotoxin Cry1Ab, leads to introduction of the insecticidal toxin into soil by way of root exudates and plant residues. This study investigated the fate of Cry1Ab in soil under long-term Bt-maize cultivation in an experimental field trial performed over nine growing seasons on four South German field sites cultivated with MON810 and its near isogenic non Bt-maize variety. Cry1Ab protein was quantified in soil (<2 mm size) using an in-house validated ELISA method. The assay was validated according to the criteria specified in European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The assay enabled quantification of Cry1Ab protein at a decision limit (CCα) of 2.0 ng Cry1Ab protein g−1 soil with analytical recovery in the range 49.1–88.9%, which was strongly correlated with clay content. Cry1Ab protein was only detected on one field site at concentrations higher than the CCα, with 2.91 and 2.57 ng Cry1Ab protein g−1 soil in top and lower soil samples collected 6 weeks after the eighth growing season. Cry1Ab protein was never detected in soil sampled in the spring before the next farming season at any of the four experimental sites. No experimental evidence for accumulation or persistence of Cry1Ab protein in different soils under long-term Bt-maize cultivation can be drawn from this field study.  相似文献   

Field studies were done to assess how much of the transgenic, insecticidal protein, Cry1Ab, encoded by a truncated cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), was released from Bt-maize MON810 into soil and whether bacterial communities inhabiting the rhizosphere of MON810 maize were different from those of the rhizosphere of nontransgenic maize cultivars. Bacterial community structure was investigated by SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes from community DNA. Using an improved extraction and detection protocol based on a commercially available ELISA, it was possible to detect Cry1Ab protein extracted from soils to a threshold concentration of 0.07 ng/g soil. From 100 ng of purified Cry1Ab protein added per gram of soil, only an average of 37% was extractable. At both field sites investigated, the amount of Cry1Ab protein in bulk soil of MON810 field plots was always lower than in the rhizosphere, the latter ranging from 0.1 to 10 ng/g soil. Immunoreactive Cry1Ab protein was also detected at 0.21 ng/g bulk soil 7 months after harvesting, i.e. in April of the following year. At this time, however, higher values were found in residues of leaves (21 ng/g) and of roots (183 ng/g), the latter corresponding to 12% of the Cry1Ab protein present in intact roots. A sampling 2 months later indicated further degradation of the protein. Despite the detection of Cry1Ab protein in the rhizosphere of MON810 maize, the bacterial community structure was less affected by the Cry1Ab protein than by other environmental factors, i.e. the age of the plants or field heterogeneities. The persistence of Cry1Ab protein emphasizes the importance of considering post-harvest effects on nontarget organisms.  相似文献   

Stability of the MON 810 transgene in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analysed the DNA variability of the transgene insert and its flanking regions in maize MON 810 commercial varieties. Southern analysis demonstrates that breeding, since the initial transformation event more than 10 years ago, has not resulted in any rearrangements. A detailed analysis on the DNA variability at the nucleotide level, using DNA mismatch endonuclease assays, showed the lack of polymorphisms in the transgene insert. We conclude that the mutation rate of the transgene is not significantly different from that observed in the maize endogenous genes. Six SNPs were observed in the 5′flanking region, corresponding to a Zeon1 retrotransposon long terminal repeat. All six SNPs are more than 500 bp upstream of the point of insertion of the transgene and do not affect the reliability of the established PCR-based transgene detection and quantification methods. The mutation rate of the flanking region is similar to that expected for a maize repetitive sequence. We detected low levels of cytosine methylation in leaves of different transgenic varieties, with no significant differences on comparing different transgenic varieties, and minor differences in cytosine methylation when comparing leaves at different developmental stages. There was also a reduction in cryIAb mRNA accumulation during leaf development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if feeding genetically modified (GM) MON810 maize expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal protein (Bt maize) had any effects on the porcine intestinal microbiota. Eighteen pigs were weaned at ~28 days and, following a 6-day acclimatization period, were assigned to diets containing either GM (Bt MON810) maize or non-GM isogenic parent line maize for 31 days (n = 9/treatment). Effects on the porcine intestinal microbiota were assessed through culture-dependent and -independent approaches. Fecal, cecal, and ileal counts of total anaerobes, Enterobacteriaceae, and Lactobacillus were not significantly different between pigs fed the isogenic or Bt maize-based diets. Furthermore, high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed few differences in the compositions of the cecal microbiotas. The only differences were that pigs fed the Bt maize diet had higher cecal abundance of Enterococcaceae (0.06 versus 0%; P < 0.05), Erysipelotrichaceae (1.28 versus 1.17%; P < 0.05), and Bifidobacterium (0.04 versus 0%; P < 0.05) and lower abundance of Blautia (0.23 versus 0.40%; P < 0.05) than pigs fed the isogenic maize diet. A lower enzyme-resistant starch content in the Bt maize, which is most likely a result of normal variation and not due to the genetic modification, may account for some of the differences observed within the cecal microbiotas. These results indicate that Bt maize is well tolerated by the porcine intestinal microbiota and provide additional data for safety assessment of Bt maize. Furthermore, these data can potentially be extrapolated to humans, considering the suitability of pigs as a human model.  相似文献   

One of the main concerns about genetically modified foods and their potential impacts on human health is that the introduction of a new/ altered gene may putatively alter the expression of others, namely endogenous allergens. We intended to evaluate, and to compare, using quantitative real time RT-PCR technique, the expression of 5 already known maize allergens (Zea m14, Zea m25, Zea m27kD, 50kD Zein and trypsin inhibitor) in MON 810 vs. its non-transgenic counterpart, throughout seed development (10, 16 and 23days after pollination). We have shown that none of the tested allergen genes presented differential expression, with statistic significance, along all tested seed development stages, in MON810 vs. its conventional counterpart. We have also used bidimensional gel electrophoresis followed by Western blotting with plasma from two maize allergic subjects to characterize their immunologic responses against MON 810 vs. its non-transgenic control. Immunoreactive spots were characterized by MS. We have identified fourteen new IgE-binding proteins present in both transgenic and non-transgenic maize.  相似文献   

Exposure of arthropod predators to Cry1Ab toxin in Bt maize fields   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract.  1. To assess the risks of an insect-resistant transgenic plant for non-target arthropods, it is important to investigate the exposure of non-target species to the transgene product. Exposure of predators in the field depends on the toxin levels in food sources, their feeding ecology and that of their prey.
2. To verify the transmission of Cry1Ab toxin through the food chain, and thus exposure of predators in the field, samples from different plant tissues, herbivores, and predators in Bt maize fields in Spain (Event 176) were collected at different periods over the season and the toxin content was measured using ELISA. Complementary laboratory studies were performed with the omnivorous predator Orius majusculus to assess the toxin uptake and persistence after feeding on variable Bt-containing food sources.
3. Field results revealed that toxin content in some herbivores was negligible (aphids, thrips, leafhoppers) compared with those in spider mites. The latter herbivore only occurred after pollen shed and contained three times greater toxin levels than Bt maize leaves.
4. Data confirmed that the Bt toxin can be transferred to predators, that is to say to Orius spp., Chrysoperla spp., and Stethorus sp. This only applied when Bt maize pollen or spider mites were available. The passage of Bt toxin to O. majusculus via these two food sources was also confirmed in the laboratory. Contrastingly, some predators in the field (hemerobiids, Nabis sp., Hippodamia sp., Demetrias sp.) contained no or negligible toxin levels even when pollen or spider mites were present.
5. Besides essential information for exposure assessment of numerous arthropod predators, this study provides an insight into the feeding ecology of different arthropods in the maize system.  相似文献   

Four genetically modified (GM) maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids (coleopteran resistant, coleopteran and lepidopteran resistant, lepidopteran resistant and herbicide tolerant, coleopteran and herbicide tolerant) and its non‐GM control maize stands were tested to compare the functional diversity of arthropods and to determine whether genetic modifications alter the structure of arthropods food webs. A total number of 399,239 arthropod individuals were used for analyses. The trophic groups’ number and the links between them indicated that neither the higher magnitude of Bt toxins (included resistance against insect, and against both insects and glyphosate) nor the extra glyphosate treatment changed the structure of food webs. However, differences in the average trophic links/trophic groups were detected between GM and non‐GM food webs for herbivore groups and plants. Also, differences in characteristic path lengths between GM and non‐GM food webs for herbivores were observed. Food webs parameterized based on 2‐year in‐field assessments, and their properties can be considered a useful and simple tool to evaluate the effects of Bt toxins on non‐target organisms.  相似文献   

Various studies have been conducted to assess the damage caused by secondary lepidopteran pests to transgenic Bt maize expressing Cry1Ab. However, to date little is known on the effects of transgenic maize on Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a polyphagous herbivore which is considered a pest in Mediterranean maize growing areas. Here we present results on the effects of Bt maize (Bt‐11) and Bt spray (Dipel) on the various life stage parameters of this herbivore. We further assess the expression of Cry1Ab in different leaves and leaf parts in maize at a given plant growth stage, and determine whether the feeding damage of 3rd instar S. littoralis is influenced by Bt toxin expression. Contrary to previous literature reporting that S. littoralis is not sensitive to Bt Cry1Ab toxin, our results show that insects fed on either transgenic or Bt sprayed plants were negatively affected. Young S. littoralis larvae (1st and 2nd instars) were found to be the most sensitive to the Bt toxin. This was represented by a higher mortality and a slower developmental time of larvae maintained on transgenic or sprayed plants when compared to insects maintained on control plants. Moreover, Bt maize had a stronger and prolonged detrimental effect on insects when compared to Bt spray in maize. This was revealed by the fact that insects maintained on transgenic plants from 3rd instar to pupation took longer to reach adult emergence compared to insects that were maintained on sprayed plants. This was likely due to the continuous exposure of insects to the toxin when kept on transgenic maize. ELISA results showed a variation in the amount of Bt toxin among different leaf sections in transgenic maize at a given plant growth stage. These differences in Bt toxin were primarily found in the youngest leaf of growing plants. Although the lowest amounts of Bt toxin were detected in the growing leaf section of young leaves, this difference did not appear to influence the feeding behavior of 3rd instar S. littoralis.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis strains are well known for the production of insecticidal proteins upon sporulation and these proteins are deposited in parasporal crystalline inclusions. The majority of these insect-specific toxins exhibit three domains in the mature toxin sequence. However, other Cry toxins are structurally and evolutionarily unrelated to this three-domain family and little is known of their three dimensional structures, limiting our understanding of their mechanisms of action and our ability to engineer the proteins to enhance their function. Among the non-three domain Cry toxins, the Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 proteins from B. thuringiensis strain PS149B1 are required to act together to produce toxicity to the western corn rootworm (WCR) Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte via a pore forming mechanism of action. Cry34Ab1 is a protein of ∼14 kDa with features of the aegerolysin family (Pfam06355) of proteins that have known membrane disrupting activity, while Cry35Ab1 is a ∼44 kDa member of the toxin_10 family (Pfam05431) that includes other insecticidal proteins such as the binary toxin BinA/BinB. The Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 proteins represent an important seed trait technology having been developed as insect resistance traits in commercialized corn hybrids for control of WCR. The structures of Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 have been elucidated to 2.15 Å and 1.80 Å resolution, respectively. The solution structures of the toxins were further studied by small angle X-ray scattering and native electrospray ion mobility mass spectrometry. We present here the first published structure from the aegerolysin protein domain family and the structural comparisons of Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 with other pore forming toxins.  相似文献   

【目的】室内抗螟性评价是转Bt基因抗虫玉米研发和安全性评价的重要环节。【方法】采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)测定了转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因玉米ZZM030心叶中Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac融合杀虫蛋白的表达量;采用室内生测法测定了分别取食转基因玉米ZZM030和非转基因玉米X249心叶后亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis敏感品系ACB-BtS、Cry1Ab抗性品系ACB-AbR和Cry1Ac抗性品系ACB-AcR初孵幼虫的存活率。【结果】转基因抗虫玉米ZZM030 4叶期和8叶期心叶中Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac融合杀虫蛋白的表达量分别是10.62和2.94 μg/g FW。敏感品系亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫取食转基因玉米ZZM030心叶2 d的存活率仅为23.6%,4 d后存活率为0,而取食非转基因对照玉米X249心叶4 d的存活率高达93.1%。Cry1Ab抗性品系和Cry1Ac抗性品系初孵幼虫取食转基因玉米ZZM030心叶6 d后的存活率分别为11.1%和12.5%,而取食非转基因玉米X249心叶6 d后的存活率分别为81.9%和77.8%。【结论】转cry1Ab/cry1Ac基因玉米ZZM030心叶中高表达的Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac融合蛋白对亚洲玉米螟初孵幼虫具有极高的杀虫效果。  相似文献   

Aim: To select a toxin combination for the management of maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) and to understand possible mechanism of synergism among Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A toxins tested. Methods and Results: Three Cry1A toxins were over expressed in Escherichia coli strain JM105 and used for diet overlay insect bioassay against C. partellus neonate larvae, both alone and in combinations. Probit analysis revealed that the three Cry1A toxins tested have synergistic effect against C. partellus larvae. In vitro binding analysis of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)‐labelled Cry1A toxins to midgut brush border membrane vesicle (BBMV) shows that increase in toxicity is directly correlated to an increase in binding of toxin mix. Conclusions: A high Cry1Ac to Cry1Ab ratio leads to an increase in efficacy of these toxins towards C. partellus larvae and this increase in toxicity comes from an increase in toxin binding. Significance and Impact of the Study: Use of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac combination could be an effective approach to control C. partellus. Furthermore, we show it first time that possible reason behind increase in toxicity of synergistic Cry1A proteins is an increase in toxin binding.  相似文献   

Environmental risks of Bt maize, particularly pollen drift from Bt maize, were assessed for nontarget lepidopteran larvae in maize field margins. In our experimental approach, we carried out 3-year field trials on 6 ha total. Three treatments were used in a randomized block design with eight replications resulting in 24 plots: (i) near-isogenic control variety without insecticide (control), (ii) near-isogenic control variety with chemical insecticide (Baytroid) and (iii) Bt maize expressing the recombinant toxin. We established a weed strip (20 x 1 m) in every plot consisting of a Chenopodium album (goosefoot)/Sinapis alba (mustard) mixture. In these strips we measured diversity and abundance of lepidopteran larvae during maize bloom and pollen shed. C. album hosted five species but all in very low densities; therefore data were not suitable for statistical analysis. S. alba hosted nine species in total. Most abundant were Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae. For these species no differences were detected between the Bt treatment and the control, but the chemical insecticide treatment reduced larval abundance significantly. Conclusions regarding experimental methodology and results are discussed in regard to environmental risk assessment and monitoring of genetically modified organisms.  相似文献   

Cry1Ab is one of the most studied insecticidal proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis during sporulation. Structurally, this protoxin has been divided in two domains: the N-terminal toxin core and the C-terminal portion. Although many studies have addressed the biochemical characteristics of the active toxin that corresponds to the N-terminal portion, there are just few reports studying the importance of the C-terminal part of the protoxin. Herein, we show that Cry1Ab protoxin has a unique natural cryptic endotoxic property that is evident when their halves are expressed individually. This toxic effect of the separate protoxin domains was found against its original host B. thuringiensis, as well as to two other bacteria, Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Interestingly, either the fusion of the C-terminal portion with the insecticidal domain-III or the whole N-terminal region reduced or neutralized such a toxic effect, while a non-Cry1A peptide such as maltose binding protein did not neutralize the toxic effect. Furthermore, the C-terminal domain, in addition to being essential for crystal formation and solubility, plays a crucial role in neutralizing the toxicity caused by a separate expression of the insecticidal domain much like a dot/anti-dot system.  相似文献   

Bt maize cultivars based on the event MON810 (expressing Cry1Ab) have shown high efficacy for controlling corn borers. However, their efficiency for controlling some secondary lepidopteran pests such as Mythimna unipuncta has been questioned, raising concerns about potential outbreaks and its economic consequences. We have selected a resistant strain (MR) of M. unipuncta, which is capable of completing its life cycle on Bt maize and displays a similar performance when feeding on both Bt and non-Bt maize. The proteolytic activation of the protoxin and the binding of active toxin to brush border membrane vesicles were investigated in the resistant and a control strain. A reduction in the activity of proteolytic enzymes, which correlates with impaired capacity of midgut extracts to activate the Cry1Ab protoxin has been observed in the resistant strain. Moreover, resistance in larvae of the MR strain was reverted when treated with Cry1Ab toxin activated with midgut juice from the control strain. All these data indicate that resistance in the MR strain is mediated by alteration of toxin activation rather than to an increase in the proteolytic degradation of the protein. By contrast, binding assays performed with biotin labelled Cry1Ab suggest that binding to midgut receptors does not play a major role in the resistance to Bt maize. Our results emphasize the risk of development of resistance in field populations of M. unipuncta and the need to consider this secondary pest in ongoing resistance management programs to avoid the likely negative agronomic and environmental consequences.  相似文献   

1 Auchenorrhyncha (Planthoppers and Leafhoppers) are not only pests of many crops, but they are also nontarget organisms with respect to Bt‐protein expressing genetically modified plants. As herbivorous arthropods, planthoppers and leafhoppers ingest Cry proteins depending on their feeding behaviour. Consequently, they are directly exposed to these entomotoxic proteins and can also serve as a source of Cry protein exposure to predatory arthropods. Therefore, it is reasonable to use Auchenorrhyncha in the risk assessment of genetically modified crops. 2 During a 2‐year field study, we evaluated four different methods in terms of their feasibility to assess the impacts of plant‐incorporated protectants from Bt‐maize and of insecticide use on this group of arthropods. Visual assessment of plants, sweep netting, yellow traps and custom made sticky traps were utilized in field plots of Bt‐maize MON810, untreated near‐isogenic maize and insecticide‐treated near‐isogenic maize and were compared with respect to their capability to reflect the diversity and abundance of Auchenorrhyncha species. 3 Zyginidia scutellaris (Herrich‐Schäffer) (Cicadomorpha: Cicadellidae) represented more than 94% of all captured individuals in both years. The analysis of Z. scutellaris data showed no consistent differences between Bt‐maize MON810 and the untreated near isogenic hybrid, demonstrating no negative impact of MON810 on this species. Insecticide treatment, on the other hand, was not equivalent to the isogenic maize in terms of Z. scutellaris densities. Based on the collected data and on practical considerations, we recommend the combined use of transect‐wise sweep netting and sticky traps for the sampling of Auchenorrhyncha in maize.  相似文献   

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