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In a series of 12 cases of pheochromocytoma, 11 patients were clinically cured by operation and one died of malignant tumor.It has been reported that of patients presenting with hypertension, 0.5 to possibly 2 per cent will be found to have pheochromocytoma. This small group of patients will have a good chance of cure of hypertension by surgical removal of the tumor.Hypertension and manifestations of hypermetabolism are classically seen in pheochromocytoma, but these symptoms vary, and hypertension may be entirely absent.Hypertension which is no longer dependent on pressor amines may result after prolonged circulation of pressor substances in the bloodstream. The quantity and proportion of the pressor amines in the circulation are largely responsible for the variable clinical picture.The Regitine® test is an excellent screening test but is not absolutely specific for pheochromocytoma.The histamine test should not be employed in patients whose blood pressure exceeds 160/110 mm. of mercury, lest it set off cerebrovascular accident.A modification of the Garlock transdiaphragmatic incision that was used in the present series of cases affords unparalleled exposure and facility in the removal of pheochromocytoma.  相似文献   

The inactivation of bacteriophage ?X174 by d-fructose 6-phosphate was investigated. This inactivation was inhibited by EDTA or reducing agents, and stimulated by Cu2+ but other metal ions could not be substituted for Cu2+. The reaction was also inhibited by superoxide dismutase (EC, catalase (EC and various free radical scavengers.

No detectable changes were observed in adsorption capacity of phage and in the conformation of the virion. The viral DNA in the virion was, however, found to be cleaved. This strand scission was also enhanced by Cu2+ and protected by catalase. Similar results were obtained when ?X174 DNA was directly treated with d-fructose 6-phosphate.

It is concluded that the inactivation of ?X174 is due to DNA strand scission in the virion by the free radical of d-fructose 6-phosphate or oxygen radicals generated during autoxidation of d-fructose 6-phosphate.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phiX174 when photodynamically inactivated (i.e., when rendered unable to produce plaques as a result of exposure to visible light in air in the presence of proflavine) progressively lost their capacity to bind efficiently with homologous antiserum. Such loss of serum-blocking power was evident with heat-inactivated but not with UV-irradiated phage. The ability of the phages to adsorb to host cells, however, remained practically unaltered even after photodynamic inactivation. It thus appears that photodynamic damages in the so-called "jacket" component of the phiX174 coat proteins are partly responsible for the loss of plaque-forming ability, whereas the "spikes" are either poor antigens or insensitive to photodynamic treatment.  相似文献   

Putative docking of secretory vesicles comprising recognition of and attachment to future fusion sites in the plasma membrane has been investigated in chromaffin cells of the bovine adrenal medulla and in rat phaeochromocytoma (PC 12) cells. Upon permeabilization with digitonin, secretion can be stimulated in both cell types by indreasing the free Ca2+-concentration to M levels. Secretory activity can be elicited up to 1 hr after starting permeabilization and despite the loss of soluble cytoplasmic components indicating a stable attachment of granules to the plasma membrane awaiting the trigger for fusion. Docked granules can be observed in the electron microscope in permeabilized PC 12 cells which contain a large proportion of their granules aligned underneath the plasma membrane. The population of putatively docked granules in chromaffin cells cannot be as readily discerned due to the dispersal of granules throughout the cytoplasm. Further experiments comparing PC 12 and chromaffin cells suggest that active docking but not transport of granules can still be performed by permeabilized cells in the presence of Ca2+: a short (2 min) pulse of Ca2+ in PC 12 cells leads to the secretion of almost all releasable hormone over a 15 min observation period whereas, in chromaffin cells, with only a small proportion of granules docked, withdrawal of Ca2+ leads to an immediate halt in secretion. Transport of chromaffin granules from the Golgi to the plasma membrane docking sites seems to depend on a mechanism sensitive to permeabilization. This is shown by the difference in the amount of hormone released from the two permeabilized cell types, reflecting the contrast in the proportion of granules docked to the plasma membrane in PC 12 or chromaffin cells. Neither docking nor the docked state are influenced by cytochalasine B or colchicine. The permeabilized cell system is a valuable technique for thein vitro study of interaction between secretory vesicles and their target membrane.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is a potent proinflammatory cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. We inactivated TNF-α to determine if it is a valid therapeutic target for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. We effected the inactivation in diabetic neuropathy using two approaches: by genetic inactivation of TNF-α (TNF-α(-/-) mice) or by neutralization of TNF-α protein using the monoclonal antibody infliximab. We induced diabetes using streptozotocin in wild-type and TNF-α(-/-) mice. We measured serum TNF-α concentration and the level of TNF-α mRNA in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and evaluated nerve function by a combination of motor (MNCV) and sensory (SNCV) nerve conduction velocities and tail flick test, as well as cytological analysis of intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) and immunostaining of DRG for NF-κB p65 serine-276 phosphorylated and cleaved caspase-3. Compared with nondiabetic mice, TNF-α(+/+) diabetic mice displayed significant impairments of MNCV, SNCV, tail flick test, and IENFD as well as increased expression of NF-κB p65 and cleaved caspase-3 in their DRG. In contrast, although nondiabetic TNF-α(-/-) mice showed mild abnormalities of IENFD under basal conditions, diabetic TNF-α(-/-) mice showed no evidence of abnormal nerve function tests compared with nondiabetic mice. A single injection of infliximab in diabetic TNF-α(+/+) mice led to suppression of the increased serum TNF-α and amelioration of the electrophysiological and biochemical deficits for at least 4 wk. Moreover, the increased TNF-α mRNA expression in diabetic DRG was also attenuated by infliximab, suggesting infliximab's effects may involve the local suppression of TNF-α. Infliximab, an agent currently in clinical use, is effective in targeting TNF-α action and expression and amelioration of diabetic neuropathy in mice.  相似文献   

Pseudogenes have classically been considered inactive sequences evolving under neutrality. In recent years, however, a growing body of evidence is favoring the appearance of hypotheses attributing a functional role to pseudogenes. One of these hypotheses is that the silencing of a gene could produce a loss of function that could have been favored by natural selection. Here, we analyzed the pace of pseudogenization of arpAT, an L-DOPA transporter related to the neurotransmitter function of this amino acid in the brain. While active in rodent, dog, and chicken, arpAT has been silenced during primate evolution. Given the high number of inactivating mutations described in humans, it is possible that there have been selective pressures favoring this silencing. Through analysis of orthologous sequences in several primate species, we show that the silencing of arpAT occurred approximately 77 million to 90 million years ago, and that the observed mutation pattern is likely a consequence of its antiquity.  相似文献   

Invasion biologists often suggest that phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in successful plant invasions. Assuming that plasticity enhances ecological niche breadth and therefore confers a fitness advantage, recent studies have posed two main hypotheses: (1) invasive species are more plastic than non-invasive or native ones; (2) populations in the introduced range of an invasive species have evolved greater plasticity than populations in the native range. These two hypotheses largely reflect the disparate interests of ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Because these sciences are typically interested in different temporal and spatial scales, we describe what is required to assess phenotypic plasticity at different levels. We explore the inevitable tradeoffs of experiments conducted at the genotype vs. species level, outline components of experimental design required to identify plasticity at different levels, and review some examples from the recent literature. Moreover, we suggest that a successful invader may benefit from plasticity as either (1) a Jack-of-all-trades, better able to maintain fitness in unfavourable environments; (2) a Master-of-some, better able to increase fitness in favourable environments; or (3) a Jack-and-master that combines some level of both abilities. This new framework can be applied when testing both ecological or evolutionary oriented hypotheses, and therefore promises to bridge the gap between the two perspectives.  相似文献   

An enzymatic reaction within a mesh-like structure constructed using hyaluronan was investigated in order to understand the influence of specific reaction environments in a living body on the reaction. This mesh-like structure, which mimicked extracellular matrix conditions, was found to accelerate glycohydrolysis by Jack bean α-mannosidase.  相似文献   

Autoxidizable synthetic polysaccharides prepared by polycondensation of reducing aldose or ketose in dimethyl sulfoxide containing pohsphorus pentaoxide [Polymer, 13, 190 (1972)] inactivated phage ?X174. Another autoxidizable polysaccharides obtained by oxidation of natural glucans with the same oxidant also inactivated ?X174. The ?X174 inactivation was due to strand scission of viral DNA in the virion. The inactivation reaction was stimulated by Cu2+ and inhibited by EDTA, Superoxide dismutase, catalase and several radical scavengers. These results suggest that oxygen radicals produced during autoxidation of polysaccharides are responsible for ?X174 inactivation.  相似文献   

Synthetic molecules of the glitazone family are currently used in the treatment of type II diabetes. Glitazones also improve secondary pathologies that are frequently associated with insulin resistance such as the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Glitazones bind to the peroxysome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), a nuclear receptor which is highly expressed in adipose tissue. PPARgamma also binds natural ligands such as long-chain fatty acids. Recently, several groups have shown that PPARgamma is also highly expressed in ovarian granulosa cells, and that glitazones are able to modulate in vitro granulosa cell proliferation and steroidogenesis in several species. These recent data raise new questions concerning the underlying mechanism of the effect of glitazones on PCOS. One might hypothesize, as for other < glucophage > molecules such as metformin, that it is the general improvement of glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity by glitazones which indirectly, and via an unknown mechanism, ameliorates ovarian functionality. The data discussed here suggest now an alternative possibility, that glitazones act directly at the ovarian level. Moreover, PPARgamma also seems to play a key role in the maturation of the placenta. In particular, inactivation of PPARgamma in mice is lethal, since the foetus is unable to develop because of alterations of placental maturation. In women, the activation of PPARgamma in placenta leads to an increase of placental hormone secretion. Overall, these results raise some questions about the role of natural ligands of PPARgamma such as long chain fatty acids on female fertility and the interactions between energy metabolism and reproduction in general.  相似文献   

Beristain AG  Zhu H  Leung PC 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18473
Metastatic carcinoma cells exploit the same molecular machinery that allows human placental cytotrophoblasts to develop an invasive phenotype. As altered expression levels of ADAMTS (ADisintegrin And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin repeats) subtypes have been associated with cancer progression, we have examined the function and regulation of members of this gene family in epithelial cell invasion using cultures of highly invasive extravillous cytotrophoblasts and the poorly invasive JEG-3 cytotrophoblast cell line as model systems. Of the multiple ADAMTS subtypes identified in first trimester human placenta and these two trophoblastic cell types, only ADAMTS-12 was preferentially expressed by extravillous cytotrophoblasts. Transforming growth factor-β1 and interleukin-1β, two cytokines that promote and restrain cytotrophoblast invasion in vitro, were also found to differentially regulate trophoblastic ADAMTS-12 mRNA levels. Loss- or gain-of-function studies confirmed that ADAMTS-12, independent of its proteolytic activity, plays a specific, non-redundant role in trophoblast invasion. Furthermore, we demonstrated that ADAMTS-12 regulated cell-extracellular matrix adhesion and invasion through a mechanism involving the αvβ3 integrin heterodimer. This study identifies a novel biological role for ADAMTS-12, and highlights the importance and complexity of its non-proteolytic domain(s) pertaining to its function.  相似文献   

Summary The stability of bacterial -lactamase in transformedSacharomyces cerevisiae grown on glucose was studied. A culture of a prototrophic strain showed marked inactivation shortly before the stationary phase. This was also observed in cells starved of nitrogen. The level of reserve carbohydrate was lower both in the stationary-phase culture of the auxotroph and in the glucose-starved culture of the prototroph, where less inactivation was observed. Such a close correlation suggests that inactivation may be triggered mainly in response to nitrogen-limitation which regulates reserve carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Healthcare collectives, such as patient organizations, advocacy groups, disability organizations, professional associations, industry advocates, social movements, and health consumer organizations have been increasingly involved in healthcare policymaking. Such collectives are based on the idea that individual interests can be aggregated into collective interests by participation, deliberation, and representation. The topic of collectivity in healthcare, more specifically collective representation, has only rarely been addressed in (Western) bioethics. This symposium, entitled: “Collective Representation in Healthcare Policy” of the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry draws attention to this understudied topic from a variety of disciplines, within a variety of socio-cultural contexts. We draw attention to important ethical, cultural, and social questions, and into the practices, justifications for, and implications of collective representation of patients in healthcare policy.  相似文献   

The dicarboxylic acid malate has long been thought to play important roles in plant physiology. In addition to being a major photosynthate in C4 and CAM plants and an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle it has been proposed to play essential roles in pH regulation and important roles in pathogen response, as a component of the root exudates and as a regulatory osmolyte affecting stomatal function. Recent years have seen the cloning and functional analysis of a wide range of enzymes and transporters associated with malate metabolism. Here we attempt to provide a synthesis of research in this field as well as re-evaluating the role of this metabolite in mediating guard cell function.  相似文献   

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