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The main objective of the study was to compare the effects of short-duration pH treatments on root hydraulic properties in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings that were either inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme or remained non-inoculated (control). Inoculated and non-inoculated plants were exposed in solution culture to the root zone pH ranging from 4 to 9 and their root hydraulic conductivity was examined using the hydrostatic method and after subjecting the plants to treatments with 100 ??M HgCl2 (aquaporin blocker) and 0.02% trisodium 3-hydroxy-5,8,10-pyrenetrisulfonic acid (apoplastic transport tracer). In a separate experiment, pure cultures of H. crustuliniforme were also grown on a slid medium with the pH ranging from 4 to 9 to determine their pH growth optimum and changes in medium pH over time in the presence and absence of 8 mM NH4NO3. When grown in pure culture, H. crustuliniforme demonstrated maximum growth at pH 7?C8 and was capable of modifying the pH of its growth media, especially in the presence of NH4NO3. The plants that were inoculated with H. crustuliniforme had a maximum root hydraulic conductivity at pH 7. At this pH, root hydraulic conductivity was significantly higher compared with non-inoculated plants and showed greater sensitivity of root water transport to pH changes relative to non-inoculated seedlings. Relative apoplastic flux was largely unaffected by pH in inoculated seedlings. Fungal inoculation modified the response of root hydraulic conductivity to pH. The increased root hydraulic conductivity in inoculated seedlings was likely due to an increase in aquaporin-mediated cell-to-cell water transport, particularly at the higher pH. A possible role of fungal aquaporins in the root hydraulic conductivity responses of mycorrhizzal plants should be examined. 相似文献
Microsatellite DNA markers of ten simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were used to examine somaclonal variation in randomly selected micropropagated plantlets derived from three different Populus tremuloides donor trees (genotypes). The plantlets were obtained from tissue cultures of dormant vegetative buds, and those derived from the same donor tree, grown in the greenhouse, did not exhibit any sign of visible morphological variation. No microsatellite DNA variation was observed among 13 somaclones of one tree and 4 somaclones of another tree at eight of the ten SSR loci. However, despite the small number of micropropagated progeny per tree sampled, microsatellite DNA variation was detected among the plantlets derived from the same donor trees at two SSR loci. The primer pair for the SSR locus PTR5 revealed somaclonal variation in 1 out of the 13 plantlets obtained from one genotype, while the primer pair for the PTR2 SSR locus revealed somaclonal variation in one out of the four plantlets obtained from another genotype. The variation at the PTR2 locus resulted in the appearance of a new allele of increased size, possibly due to an addition of the repeat units, while the variation at the PTR5 locus resulted in the appearance of third allele, presumably due to the presence of a single extra chromosome or duplication of a chromosomal segment. These results demonstrate that the genetic fidelity of micropropagated plants of P. tremuloides cannot always be assured and somaclonal variation can occur even when tissues of well organized vegetative buds are used for tissue cultures; that somaclonal variation cannot always be detected at the gross morphological level; and that microsatellite DNA markers provide useful and sensitive markers for determining the clonal fidelity and somaclonal variation in P. tremuloides. 相似文献
Variation in plant N resorption may change with stand development because plants tend to adjust their ecophysiological traits with aging. In addition, changes in soil nitrogen (N) pools associated with stand development may also affect plant N resorption. Here, we examined green- and senesced-leaf N concentrations and resorption of trembling aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) in boreal forest stands of different ages (7, 25, 85 and 139 years, respectively). All sampled stands originated from wildfires and established on similar parent materials (glacial tills) and had similar climates. N concentrations in both green and senesced leaves increased between 27% and 54% along the stand age chronosequence. Resorption efficiency (percentage difference of N between green and senesced leaves) and proficiency (N concentration in senesced leaves) were higher for leaves in younger stands than in older stands. An analysis of covariance indicated that the patterns of leaf N concentration and resorption were affected significantly by stand age, but not by available soil N concentration. Our results indicate that at an intra-specific level, plants could adjust their N resorption efficiency and proficiency with stand development. 相似文献
Costs of defense are thought to maintain genetic variations in the expression of defense within plant populations. As with many plant species, aspen exhibits considerable variation in allocation to secondary metabolites. This study examined the independent and interactive effects of genotype, soil fertility and belowground competition on defensive chemistry and growth in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides). Four aspen genotypes were grown with high and low soil fertility, and with and without root competition. Physiological, morphological and allocational determinants of growth were measured to identify growth-defense tradeoffs. Nutrient limitation and competition decreased growth, leaf mass ratio, leaf nitrogen concentration and photosynthesis, and increased root : shoot ratio and leaf condensed tannin concentrations. The competition treatment also resulted in increased leaf phenolic glycoside (PG) concentrations. Aspen growth was negatively correlated with PG concentrations under low fertility with competition. The relationship between growth and its major determinants was also negatively related to foliar condensed tannins expressed as a proportion of tree mass, indicating an additional indirect cost of allocation to secondary metabolites. 相似文献
Root water flow and leaf stomatal conductance in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings treated with abscisic acid 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) applied to the roots and excised shoots of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) inhibited stomatal conductance. However, the effect of ABA on stomatal conductance was more pronounced in the excised shoots compared with the intact seedlings. Approximately 10% of the ABA concentration applied to the roots was found in the xylem exudates of root systems exposed to a hydrostatic pressure of 0.3 MPa. A similar concentration of ABA applied to the excised shoots produced a faster and greater reduction of stomatal conductance. ABA applied to the roots had no effect on root steady-state flow rate over the 5-h experimental period. Moreover, pre-incubating root systems of intact seedlings for 12 h with 5 x 10(-5) M ABA did not significantly reduce volume flow density. Similarly, ABA had no effect on root hydraulic conductivity and the activation energy of root water flow rates. 相似文献
Expression of foliar secondary compounds and extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) within the same leaves may be incompatible if secondary compounds repel beneficial insects that might otherwise be attracted to EFNs. This study examined the within-plant distributions of phenolic glycosides and EFNs in trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides, and their relationships to herbivore damage. Populus tremuloides expresses extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) on a subset of its leaves. We studied short and tall naturally occurring aspen ramets across multiple sites in interior Alaska. Contrary to our expectations, foliar phenolic glycoside concentrations were approximately 30% greater on leaves bearing EFNs than on leaves without EFNs. The mean concentration of foliar phenolic glycosides in short ramets was nine times that in tall ramets. Phenolic glycoside concentration was negatively related to leaf mining damage by Phyllocnistis populiella (Lepidoptera; Gracilliadae) at concentrations greater than 27 mg/g, whereas the presence of EFNs was unrelated to mining damage. The positive association of chemical defensive compounds and EFNs in leaves suggests that, for species with variation in EFN expression, negative correlations between herbivory and EFN expression may arise indirectly from associated effects of other, correlated types of defense. 相似文献
? Premise of the study: Pollination patterns determine the reproductive neighborhood size of plants, the connectivity of populations, and the impacts of habitat fragmentation. We characterized pollination in three populations of Quercus macrocarpa occurring in a highly altered landscape in northeastern Illinois to determine whether isolated remnant stands were reproductively isolated. ? Methods: We used microsatellites to genotype all adults and 787 acorns from two isolated savanna remnants and a stand in an old-growth forest. One isolated remnant occurred in a highly urbanized/industrialized landscape, and one occurred in an agricultural landscape. Parentage assignment was used to assess pollen-mediated gene flow. ? Key results: Pollen donors from outside the study sites accounted for between 46% and 53% of paternities and did not differ significantly among sites, indicating that similar high levels of gene flow occurred at all three sites. Within stands, the mean pollination distance ranged from 42 to 70 meters, and when accounting for outside pollinations, mean pollination distances were well over 100 meters. Genetic diversity of incoming pollen was extremely high in all three stands. The number of effective pollen donors, N(ep), calculated from paternity assignment was higher than that estimated by an indirect correlated paternity approach. ? Conclusions: Our findings indicate that extremely isolated stands of oaks are unlikely to be genetically and reproductively isolated, and remnant stands may contribute to maintaining genetic connectivity in highly modified landscapes. 相似文献
B. D. Dow M. V. Ashley H. F. Howe 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1995,91(1):137-141
The objective of this study was to ascertain the usefulness of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based microsatellite analysis for studying pollination and parentage in a wind-pollinated temperate tree. A small insert genomic library of the bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) was constructed and screened for the presence of (CA/GT)
and (GA/CT)
repeats. The proportion of positive clones yielded estimates of 3×105 such dinucleotide repeats per genome, roughly comparable to abundances reported in other eukaryotic genomes. Thirteen positive clones were sequenced. In contrast to mammalian genomes, the (GA/CT)
motif was more abundant than the (CA/GT)
motif in these clones. The (GA/CT)
repeats also showed longer average repeat length (mean n=16.2 versus 7.3), suggesting that they are better candidates for yielding polymorphic genetic markers in oak genomes. Indeed, a survey of adult bur oaks and offspring in a small stand in northern Illinois at 3 of these (GA/CT)
microsatellite loci revealed Mendelian inheritance and extremely high levels of polymorphism, with the number of alleles at each locus ranging from 11–20 and heterozygosity ranging from 0.66 to 0.75. These results, indicating that (GA/CT)
microsatellites are both abundant and highly polymorphic in the bur oak genome, suggest that such genetic markers have tremendous potential for applications for studies of parentage, pollination and dispersal in temperate trees. 相似文献
Hydraulic adjustments in aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings following defoliation involve root and leaf aquaporins 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Juan Liu María A. Equiza Alfonso Navarro-Rodenas Seong H. Lee Janusz J. Zwiazek 《Planta》2014,240(3):553-564
Main conclusion
Changes in root and leaf hydraulic properties and stimulation of transpiration rates that were initially triggered by defoliation were accompanied by corresponding changes in leaf and root aquaporin expression. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) seedlings were subjected to defoliation treatments by removing 50, 75 % or all of the leaves. Root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) was sharply reduced in plants defoliated for 1 day and 1 week. The decrease in L pr could not be prevented by stem girdling and it was accompanied in one-day-defoliated plants by a large decrease in the root expression of PIP1,2 aquaporin and an over twofold decrease in hydraulic conductivity of root cortical cells (L pc). Contrary to L pr and L pc, 50 and 75 % defoliation treatments profoundly increased leaf lamina conductance (K lam) after 1 day and this increase was similar in magnitude for both defoliation treatments. Transpiration rates (E) rapidly declined after the removal of 75 % of leaves. However, E increased by over twofold in defoliated plants after 1 day and the increases in E and K lam were accompanied by five- and tenfold increases in the leaf expression of PIP2;4 in 50 and 75 % defoliation treatments, respectively. Defoliation treatments also stimulated net photosynthesis after 1 day and 3 weeks, although the increase was not as high as E. Leaf water potentials remained relatively stable following defoliation with the exception of a small decrease 1 day after defoliation which suggests that root water transport did not initially keep pace with the increased transpirational water loss. The results demonstrate the importance of root and leaf hydraulic properties in plant responses to defoliation and point to the involvement of PIP aquaporins in the early events following the loss of leaves. 相似文献10.
K. E. MOCK C. A. ROWE M. B. HOOTEN J. DEWOODY V. D. HIPKINS 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(22):4827-4844
Clonality is a common phenomenon in plants, allowing genets to persist asexually for much longer periods of time than ramets. The relative frequency of sexual vs. asexual reproduction determines long‐term dominance and persistence of clonal plants at the landscape scale. One of the most familiar and valued clonal plants in North America is aspen (Populus tremuloides). Previous researchers have suggested that aspen in xeric landscapes of the intermountain west represent genets of great chronological age, maintained via clonal expansion in the near absence of sexual reproduction. We synthesized microsatellite data from 1371 ramets in two large sampling grids in Utah. We found a surprisingly large number of distinct genets, some covering large spatial areas, but most represented by only one to a few individual ramets at a sampling scale of 50 m. In general, multi‐ramet genets were spatially cohesive, although some genets appear to be fragmented remnants of much larger clones. We conclude that recent sexual reproduction in these landscapes is a stronger contributor to standing genetic variation at the population level than the accumulation of somatic mutations, and that even some of the spatially large clones may not be as ancient as previously supposed. Further, a striking majority of the largest genets in both study areas had three alleles at one or more loci, suggesting triploidy or aneuploidy. These genets tended to be spatially clustered but not closely related. Together, these findings substantially advance our understanding of clonal dynamics in western North American aspen, and set the stage for a broad range of future studies. 相似文献
Allozyme variation at seven putative polymorphic gene loci (Fle, Idh, Mdh-2, Mdh-3, 6 Pgd-2, Pgi-2, Pgm) was quantified in an isolatedQuercus macrocarpa population in northwestern Ontario, Canada. The bur oaks studied were slightly less genetically variable (H
= 0.196,A = 3.43) than theQuercus subg.Lepidobalanus average. To assess the genetic differentiation within the topodeme,Moran's spatial autocorrelation coefficients were used for the nearest-neighbor map and correlograms. Results indicate that most alleles were randomly distributed in space. However, significant genetic patches were detected for twoFle-alleles. Patch width was inferred to be less than 10m. This spatial substructure may be due to limited gene flow and/or demographic factors. Spatially varying selection can be probably excluded as a spatial evolutionary force, since site conditions were very homogeneous. 相似文献
Studies of induction in trees have examined rapid induced resistance (RIR) or delayed induced resistance (DIR), but have not examined induction that occurs in leaves produced by indeterminately growing trees subsequent to, but in the same season as, damage. We refer to induction that occurs during this time period as intermediate-delayed induced resistance (IDIR). We assessed the influences of genetic and environmental factors, and their interactions, on temporal and spatial variation in induction and on tradeoffs between induced and constitutive levels of resistance in indeterminately growing saplings of aspen (Populus tremuloides). We utilized a common garden of 12 aspen genotypes experiencing two levels of defoliation and two levels of soil nutrients. We assessed concentrations of phenolic glycosides and condensed tannins in damaged leaf remnants collected 1 week after defoliation to examine rapid and local induction, and in undamaged leaves produced 8 weeks after defoliation to assess intermediate-delayed and systemic induction. In general, tannins showed RIR, while phenolic glycosides expressed IDIR. For both classes of allelochemicals, we found high estimates of broad-sense heritability and genetic variation in both induced and constitutive levels. Genetic variation may be maintained by both direct costs of allelochemicals and by costs of inducibility (phenotypic plasticity). Such costs may drive the tradeoff exhibited between induced and constitutive levels of phenolic glycosides. IDIR may be important in reducing total-season tissue loss by providing augmented resistance against late summer herbivores in trees that have experienced damage earlier in the season. Herbivore-resistant compensatory growth is especially beneficial to young trees growing in competitive environments. 相似文献
Allelic and population variation of microsatellite loci in aspen (Populus tremuloides) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Cole CT 《The New phytologist》2005,167(1):155-164
To develop a robust basis for inferences about population genetics and evolution, this work assayed 192 aspens (Populus tremuloides) from 11 sites in Wisconsin, USA, for allelic and population variation at 16 microsatellite loci distributed across the Populus genome. Frequency distributions of fluorochrome-labeled alleles resolved by capillary electrophoresis were analyzed for relationships to repeat size and number. Population-level statistics were compared with those of other studies, especially in Populus. All loci were polymorphic, varying widely in the number of alleles per locus (mean = 8.25, range 2-20). Expected and observed heterozygosities were high (0.45 and 0.41, respectively), with little differentiation among populations (F(ST) = 0.006-0.045) and a moderate level of inbreeding (F(IS) = 0.09), intermediate among levels reported in studies based on isozymes. Contrary to several other reports, allele frequencies clustered tightly around the modal frequency, and the genetic diversity (measured as alleles per locus or as expected heterozygosity) was not related to either the repeat unit size or to the number of repeats. 相似文献
The effects of sodium fluoride (0.3, 5 and 10 m M NaF) on root hydraulic conductivity, and gas exchange processes were examined in aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) seedlings grown in solution culture. A long-term exposure of roots to NaF significantly decreased root hydraulic conductivity ( L p ) and stomatal conductance ( g s ). Root absorbed NaF significantly affected electrolyte leakage in leaf tissues and substantially restricted leaf expansion. NaF did not significantly affect leaf chlorophyll contents but decreased net photosynthesis ( P n ). A short-term exposure of excised roots to 5 m M NaF and KF significantly decreased root water flow ( Q v ) with a concomitant decline in root respiration and reduced g s when applied through intact roots or excised stems. The same molar concentration of NaCl also decreased Q v and g s in intact seedlings, but to a lesser extent than NaF or KF, and did not significantly affect root respiration. The results suggest that fluoride metabolically inhibited Q v or L p , probably by affecting water channel activity. We suggest that the metabolic inhibition of L p by root-absorbed fluoride affected gas exchange and leaf expansion in aspen seedlings. 相似文献
Birte Pakull Katrin Groppe Matthias Meyer Torsten Markussen Matthias Fladung 《Tree Genetics & Genomes》2009,5(3):505-515
A large number of simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker-containing genetic maps are available for several Populus species. For aspen however, no SSR-containing map has been published so far. In this study, genetic linkage mapping was carried
out with an interspecific mapping pedigree of 61 full-sib hybrids of European × quaking aspen (Populus tremula L. × Populus tremuloides Michx.), using the two-way pseudo-testcross strategy. Amplified fragment-length polymorphism (AFLP) and SSR markers were
used for mapping, resulting in the first SSR-containing genetic linkage maps for aspen. The maps allow comparisons with a
Populus consensus map and other published genetic maps of the genus Populus. The maps showed good collinearity to each other and to the Populus consensus map and provide a direct link to the Populus trichocarpa genomic sequence. Sex as a morphological trait was assessed in the mapping population and mapped on a non-terminal position
of linkage group XIX on the male P. tremuloides map. 相似文献
Wenqing Zhang Mónica Calvo-Polanco Z. Chi Chen Janusz J. Zwiazek 《Plant and Soil》2013,373(1-2):775-786
Background and aims
Soil pH is among the major environmental factors affecting plant growth. Although the optimum range of soil pH for growth and the tolerance of pH extremes widely vary among plant species, the pH tolerance mechanisms in plants are still poorly understood. In this study, possible mechanisms were examined to explain the differences in tolerance of boreal plants to root zone pH.Methods
In the controlled-environment solution culture experiments, we compared growth, physiological parameters and tissue nutrient concentrations in aspen, white spruce and tamarack seedlings that were subjected to 8 weeks of root zone pH treatments ranging from 5.0 to 9.0.Results
The pH treatments had little effect on dry weights and net photosynthesis in white spruce seedlings despite reductions in transpiration rates at higher pH levels. In aspen and tamarack, both the growth and physiological parameters significantly decreased at pH higher than 6.0. The chlorosis of young tissues in aspen and tamarack was associated with the reductions in foliar concentrations of several of the examined essential nutrients including Fe and Mn. Although the plants varied in their ability to deliver essential nutrients to growing leaves, there was no direct correlation between tissue nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll concentrations and plant growth. The results also demonstrated strong inhibition of transpiration rates by high pH.Conclusions
The results suggest that high root zone pH can upset water balance in pH sensitive species including aspen. Although the uptake and assimilation of essential elements such as Fe and Mn contribute to plant tolerance of high soil pH, we did not observe a direct relationship between growth and foliar nutrient concentrations to account for the observed differences in growth. 相似文献18.
Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation of Populus tremuloides Michx was accomplished by co-cultivation of leaf disks excised from greenhouse plants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing a binary Ti-plasmid vector harboring chimeric neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT II) and ß-glucuronidase (GUS) genes. Shoot regeneration in the presence of kanamycin was achieved when thidiazuron (TDZ) was used as a plant growth regulator. Transformation was verified by amplification of NPT II and GUS gene fragments from genomic DNA of transgenic plants with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and integration of these genes into nuclear genome of transgenic plants was confirmed by genomic Southern hybridization analysis. Histochemical assay revealed the expression of GUS gene in leaf, stem and root tissues of transgenic plants, further confirming the integration and expression of T-DNA in these plants. This protocol allows effective transformation and regeneration of quaking aspen using greenhouse-grown materials as an explant source. Whole plant regeneration from cuttings of fieldgrown mature quaking aspen and hybrid poplar (P. alba x P. grandidentata) was also readily achieved by using this protocol, which represents a potential system for producing transgenic quaking aspen and hybrid poplar of valuable genotypes.Abbreviations AMV RNA4
Alfalfa mosaic virus RNA4
- BA
- CaMV
cauliflower mosaic virus
- 2,4-D
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
formalin-acetic acid-alcohol
1-naphthylacetic acid
neomycin phosphotransferase II
polymerase chain reaction
sodium dodecyl sulphate
- TE
N-phenyl-N-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl-urea (thidiazuron)
woody plant medium (Lloyd and McCown 1980)
5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-ß-glucuronic acid 相似文献
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A wide variety of plants produce extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) that are visited by predatory arthropods. But very few studies have investigated the relationship between plant genetic variation and EFNs. The presence of foliar EFNs is highly variable among different aspen (Populus tremuloides) genotypes and the EFNs are visited by parasitic wasps and predatory flies. The aim here was to determine the heritability of EFNs among aspen genotypes and age classes, possible trade-offs between direct and indirect defences, EFN induction following herbivory, and the relationship between EFNs and predatory insects. METHODS: EFN density was quantified among aspen genotypes in Wisconsin on trees of different ages and broad-sense heritability from common garden trees was calculated. EFNs were also quantified in natural aspen stands in Utah. From the common garden trees foliar defensive chemical levels were quantified to evaluate their relationship with EFN density. A defoliation experiment was performed to determine if EFNs can be induced in response to herbivory. Finally, predatory arthropod abundance among aspen trees was quantified to determine the relationship between arthropod abundance and EFNs. KEY RESULTS: Broad-sense heritability for expression (0.74-0.82) and induction (0.85) of EFNs was high. One-year-old trees had 20% greater EFN density than 4-year-old trees and more than 50% greater EFN density than > or =10-year-old trees. No trade-offs were found between foliar chemical concentrations and EFN density. Predatory fly abundance varied among aspen genotypes, but predatory arthropod abundance and average EFN density were not related. CONCLUSIONS: Aspen extrafloral nectaries are strongly genetically determined and have the potential to respond rapidly to evolutionary forces. The pattern of EFN expression among different age classes of trees appears to follow predictions of optimal defence theory. The relationship between EFNs and predators likely varies in relation to multiple temporal and environmental factors. 相似文献