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The recent decade has witnessed considerable progress in the number of tree-ring studies using the tropical conifer taxa, Pinus kesiya. Several tree-ring networks have been established in less explored regions in Northeast India, Southwest China and Vietnam. The seasonal climate response of P. kesiya tree-rings has been examined and used to reconstruct temperature and soil moisture variability over the past century and augment the short instrumental records in South and Southeast Asia. In addition to standard approaches, the application of stable isotope, wood density, and blue intensity measurements indicates a significant development in P. kesiya studies. This review elaborates the future prospects of using multiple tree-ring parameters to establish discrete proxies besides tree-ring width. We recommend blue intensity as a cost-effective alternative to quantitative wood anatomy in tropical pines, and call for routine assessments of the temporal stability of climate-growth responses to identify and study potentially non-stationary climate signals. Efforts should be made towards developing extensive networks of long P. kesiya tree-ring chronologies to extend regional climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

Recent phenological studies in tropical deciduous forests revealed a mosaic of vegetation composed of several pheno-phases that are evolved as an adaptation by the species to overcome seasonal drought in different ways. These pheno-phases represent extent of annual deciduousness (~leaflessness) and triggering factors for buds break (e.g. vegetative and flower). Thus, studying patterns of various pheno-phases (phonological diversity) in tropical forest have been thought to provide a potential tool to address critical questions related to climate change modeling and monitoring. In tropics, tree species represent a gradient of deciduousness (from leaf-exchanging species to >6 months deciduous species) and flowering initiation (breaking of flower buds in various part of annual cycle). Both processes are mostly triggered by variation in day length and/or temperature during late dry season/autumn, and/or first significant rain during rainy season. In addition, few factors like drought induced leaf fall and sporadic winter rains are supposed to affect these processes temporarily. Besides, the abundances of pheno-phases (i.e. leafing and flowering) also vary among tropical deciduous forest trees. Presence of such variations in tropical tree pheno-phases and their abundances are reported to vary due to micro-climatic variables and has specific implications in tropical forests. Present paper discusses the existing information on various pheno-phases and their abundances in tropical forests and role of climatic factors on tree phonological diversity. Further, we emphasized the need to develop predicting understanding of impending climatic change (i.e. precipitation and temperature) on diversity of pheno-phases by collecting long-term data on tree pheno-phases through a network of phonological stations in dry tropics.  相似文献   

Recent phenological studies in tropical deciduous forests revealed a mosaic of vegetation composed of several pheno-phases that are evolved as an adaptation by the species to overcome seasonal drought in different ways. These pheno-phases represent extent of annual deciduousness (~leaflessness) and triggering factors for buds break (e.g. vegetative and flower). Thus, studying patterns of various pheno-phases (phonological diversity) in tropical forest have been thought to provide a potential tool to address critical questions related to climate change modeling and monitoring. In tropics, tree species represent a gradient of deciduousness (from leaf-exchanging species to >6 months deciduous species) and flowering initiation (breaking of flower buds in various part of annual cycle). Both processes are mostly triggered by variation in day length and/or temperature during late dry season/autumn, and/or first significant rain during rainy season. In addition, few factors like drought induced leaf fall and sporadic winter rains are supposed to affect these processes temporarily. Besides, the abundances of pheno-phases (i.e. leafing and flowering) also vary among tropical deciduous forest trees. Presence of such variations in tropical tree pheno-phases and their abundances are reported to vary due to micro-climatic variables and has specific implications in tropical forests. Present paper discusses the existing information on various pheno-phases and their abundances in tropical forests and role of climatic factors on tree phonological diversity. Further, we emphasized the need to develop predicting understanding of impending climatic change (i.e. precipitation and temperature) on diversity of pheno-phases by collecting long-term data on tree pheno-phases through a network of phonological stations in dry tropics.  相似文献   

 Tecomán, in the Mexican state of Colima, had the world's greatest production of lime Citrus aurantifolia Swingle. Typical farming systems in the area include: (a) high-input monoculture, (b) a high-input system in which lime trees grow together with coconut palms, (c) a low-input system called "Family Farms" or "Family Gardens". In the Family Gardens, cultural practices are minimal and other fruit trees (about 16 species) coexist with the lime trees. This traditional minimal input system makes use of locally available resources and they are structurally very diverse. Arbuscular mycorrhizae may be crucial for sustainable production in Family Gardens. Root colonization and spore populations of fungi were scored at 2-week intervals in the three agroecosystems during a 6-month period. First samples were taken after the application of chemical fertilizer and irrigation in the high-input systems. Root colonization of lime was much higher and consistent in the low-input plots than in conventionally farmed plots, with colonization levels of 50–62% that remained the same throughout the sampling time; the high-input systems showed a high variation and lower level of colonization, 36% and 27% in associated and monoculture systems, respectively. Spore abundance was higher in the high-input systems but showed constant variation. The results suggest a strong effect of agroecosystem on mycorrhizal colonization of lime roots. Accepted: 12 September 1995  相似文献   

Dendrochronological research in Southeast Asia is under development; however, the amount of tress with potential for dendrochronological studies is restricted. For example, teak trees from India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Java are valuable dendrochronologic studies for ready climate response. Teak from Java is best suited for studying the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and sea-surface temperatures, whereas Indian teak is used to reconstruct periods of drought in India. Further, Thai teak and Vietnamese cypress trees captured the long drought period that led to the demise of the Angkor reign (fourteenth–fifteenth century). Diverse techniques including anatomical observation, cambial markings, cell differentiation, and isotopic analysis prove the age and growth of invisible tropical tree rings. A number of invisible growth rings in trees from both tropical and subtropical forests have been identified, resulting in the advancement of dendrochronology. Climate change is a substantial challenge for most living things and natural resources. A greater understanding of tree species adaptation in this region is necessary. The understanding of long-term paleoclimate can be gained by researching old samples and archaeological materials from this region.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is the world's most economically important potted plant, but despite its preeminence it is not clear which wild populations are ancestral to the varieties cultivated around the world. Tradition holds that the U.S. envoy to Mexico J. R. Poinsett collected the progenitors of the over 300 varieties in global cultivation on an 1828 excursion to northern Guerrero State, Mexico. It is unknown whether the contemporary cultivars are descended from plants from Guerrero or whether germplasm from other parts of poinsettia's 2000 km long distribution entered into cultivation during the nearly 200 yr of subsequent poinsettia horticulture. ? Methods: To identify the wild populations that likely gave rise to the cultivars and test this historical account, we sequenced plastid and nuclear DNA regions and modeled poinsettia's potential distribution. ? Key results: The combination of nuclear and plastid haplotypes characterizing cultivars was found only in northern Guerrero. Distribution modeling indicated that suitable habitat conditions for wild poinsettias are present in this area, consistent with their likely wild status. ? Conclusions: Our data pinpoint the area of northern Guerrero as the cultivated poinsettia's probable ancestral region, congruent with the traditional account attributing the original collections to Poinsett. Abundant genetic variation likely offers raw material for improving the many shortcomings of cultivars, including vulnerability to cold, stem breakage, and pathogens such as Pythium and Phytophthora. However, genetic differences between populations make conservation of all of poinsettia's diversity difficult.  相似文献   

A 2‐year study was conducted to elucidate land use change (LUC) impact on the distribution of aggregate size fractions and associated carbon (C) concentration involving natural forest (NF), degraded forest (DF), cropland (CL), and biofuel plantation (JP, Jatropha plantation) in the dry tropical region of India across the soil profile (0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm). Across the seasons and the land uses, the proportion of macro‐ and microaggregates was maximum at upper and minimum at lower layer whereas mesoaggregates increase with depth. The trend of macro‐ and microaggregate fractions through the soil profile was NF > JP > DF > CL whereas that of mesoaggregates was CL > DF < JP > NF. Dry mean weight diameter was highest at upper layer and decreased down the depth in all the land uses and followed the trend NF > JP > DF > CL. Aggregate associated organic carbon (OC) concentration in all the fractions decreased from NF to DF, CL, or JP indicates that macroaggregate associated OC concentration was more susceptible to loss than that of meso‐ and microaggregate associated OC concentration. LUC induced decline in macroaggregate associated OC stock and increase in meso‐ and microaggregate associated OC stock; indicated redistribution of OC stock among aggregate fractions. It may be concluded that JP in dry tropics can be an efficient strategy for rehabilitation of degraded land as it improves aggregate structure and stability in the whole profile and aggregate associated OC stock in upper layer of soil.  相似文献   

1. The dry tropics are characterised by episodic summer rainfall such that the majority of annual river flow occurs in a short period of time. This dryland hydrological cycle leads to variably connected channels and waterholes along the length of a river bed. 2. We investigated the seasonal changes in biophysical characteristics and macroinvertebrate assemblage composition in dry‐tropics rivers at 15 sites on four rivers, each sampled five times (representing one annual hydrological cycle), in the Burdekin catchment, north Queensland, Australia. 3. Assemblages and their temporal trajectories differed among seasons, sites and habitats, even within the same habitat and/or river. Wet season flooding did not appear to ‘reset’ assemblages, with post‐wet season assemblages differing between years. 4. We found no consistent pattern in taxonomic richness over time, and sites within rivers showed no consistent convergence or divergence (i.e. turnover) in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. However, biophysical variables associated with the rigours of the late dry season had significant effects on macroinvertebrate assemblages, highlighting the variable and often harsh conditions of dry‐tropics rivers. Underlying these patterns were different resistance and resilience traits of invertebrates (such as colonisation and establishment abilities), as well as the local‐scale effects of biophysical variables. 5. The dynamic nature of dryland rivers presents major challenges to monitoring programmes, and our results suggest a more complex scenario for monitoring and management than previously described.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical ecosystems occur in the Americas, Africa, India and Australia. They sustain large human populations, determine regional climate, are sites of biological and cultural conservation, and have significant economic value. Evergreen, deciduous and semi- and brevideciduous trees frequently co-occur. Recent research reveals how these various phenological groups respond to changes in soil and atmospheric water content. Cost-benefit analyses of evergreen and deciduous species show how leaves of deciduous species live fast and die young, whereas leaves of evergreen species live slowly but for longer.  相似文献   

Poultry production is an important way of enhancing the livelihoods of rural populations, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). As poultry production in LMICs remains dominated by backyard systems with low inputs and low outputs, considerable yield gaps exist. Intensification can increase poultry productivity, production and income. This process is relatively recent in LMICs compared to high-income countries. The management practices and the constraints faced by smallholders trying to scale-up their production, in the early stages of intensification, are poorly understood and described. We thus investigated the features of the small-scale commercial chicken sector in a rural area distant from major production centres. We surveyed 111 commercial chicken farms in Kenya in 2016. We targeted farms that sell the majority of their production, owning at least 50 chickens, partly or wholly confined and provided with feeds. We developed a typology of semi-intensive farms. Farms were found mainly to raise dual-purpose chickens of local and improved breeds, in association with crops and were not specialized in any single product or market. We identified four types of semi-intensive farms that were characterized based on two groups of variables related to intensification and accessibility: (i) remote, small-scale old farms, with small flocks, growing a lot of their own feed; (ii) medium-scale, old farms with a larger flock and well located in relation to markets and (iii) large-scale recently established farms, with large flocks, (iii-a) well located and buying chicks from third-party providers and (iii-b) remotely located and hatching their own chicks. The semi-intensive farms we surveyed were highly heterogeneous in terms of size, age, accessibility, management, opportunities and challenges. Farm location affects market access and influences the opportunities available to farmers, resulting in further diversity in farm profiles. The future of these semi-intensive farms could be compromised by several factors, including the competition with large-scale intensive farmers and with importations. Our study suggests that intensification trajectories in rural areas of LMICs are potentially complex, diverse and non-linear. A better understanding of intensification trajectories should, however, be based on longitudinal data. This could, in turn, help designing interventions to support small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(99):33-40

Chronologies and climatological interpretations based upon annual growth rings of trees have been available to prehistorians within the Plains for more than half a century. Until the advent of radiocarbon dating, tree rings provided the only “absolute” chronology for most archeological complexes and subsequently, continued as an important adjunct to radiometric methods. Nonetheless, the validity of tree ring dates in the Plains must be questioned. Continuity of research has been lacking, there have been serious methodological problems, and the provenience of many specimens is in doubt. Moreover, there are significant conflicts between tree ring and recent radiocarbon dates.  相似文献   

Culm recruitment, standing crop biomass, net production and carbon flux were estimated in mature (5 years after last harvest) and recently harvested bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees) savanna sites in the dry tropics. During the 2 study years bamboo shoot recruitment was 1711–3182 and 1432–1510 shoots ha−1 in harvested and mature sites, respectively. Corresponding shoot mortality was 66–93% and 62–69%, respectively. Total biomass was 34.9 t ha−1 at the harvested site and 47.4 t ha−1 at the mature site. Harvesting increased the relative contribution of belowground bamboo biomass. Annual litter input to soil was 2.7 and 5.9 t ha−1 year−1 at the harvested and mature sites, respectively. The bulk of the annual litterfall (78–88%) occurred in the cool dry season (November to February). The mean litter mass on the savanna floor ranged from 3.1 to 3.3 t ha−1; at the harvested site wood litter contributed 70% of the litter mass and at the mature site leaves formed 77% of the litter mass. The mean total net production (TNP) for the two annual cycles was 15.8 t ha−1 year−1 at the harvested site and 19.3 t ha−1 year−1 at the mature site. Nearly half (46–57%) of the TNP was allocated to the belowground parts. Short lived components (leaves and fine roots) contributed about four-fifths of the net production of bamboo. Total carbon storage in the system was 64.4 t ha−1 at the harvested site and 75.4 t ha−1 at the mature site, of which 23–28% was distributed in vegetation, 2% in litter and 70–75% in soil. Annual net carbon deposition was 6.3 and 8.7 t ha−1 year−1 at harvested and mature sites, respectively.  相似文献   

Warming temperatures are increasing rainfall extremes, yet arthropod responses to climatic fluctuations remain poorly understood. Here, we used spatiotemporal variation in tropical montane climate as a natural experiment to compare the importance of biotic versus abiotic drivers in regulating arthropod biomass. We combined intensive field data on arthropods, leaf phenology and in situ weather across a 1700–3100 m elevation and rainfall gradient, along with desiccation-resistance experiments and multi-decadal modelling. We found limited support for biotic drivers with weak increases in some herbivorous taxa on shrubs with new leaves, but no landscape-scale effects of leaf phenology, which tracked light and cloud cover. Instead, rainfall explained extensive interannual variability with maximum biomass at intermediate rainfall (130 mm month−1) as both 3 months of high and low rainfall reduced arthropods by half. Based on 50 years of regional rainfall, our dynamic arthropod model predicted shifts in the timing of biomass maxima within cloud forests before plant communities transition to seasonally deciduous dry forests (mean annual rainfall 1000–2500 mm vs. <800 mm). Rainfall magnitude was the primary driver, but during high solar insolation, the ‘drying power of air’ (VPDmax) reduced biomass within days contributing to drought related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Highlighting risks from drought, experiments demonstrated community-wide susceptibility to desiccation except for some caterpillars in which melanin-based coloration appeared to reduce the effects of evaporative drying. Overall, we provide multiple lines of evidence that several months of heavy rain or drought reduce arthropod biomass independently of deep-rooted plants with the potential to destabilize insectivore food webs.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in dormancy and germination over 8 months for 23 common species (annual and perennial grasses, legumes and other dicotyledons) from herbaceous communities in northern Australia. Seeds were exposed to three storage treatments: relatively constant laboratory conditions, an oven with fluctuating temperatures similar to those found on the soil surface (25/60°C), or exposed on the soil surface at Townsville. There were wide ranges of initial levels of dormancy (9–100%), rates of change of dormancy and response to the different storage conditions showing that species with several types of dormancy characteristics are able to coexist in these communities. The general trend in dormancy levels was a decline with time with the rate of decline greatest for seeds exposed on the soil surface and least for those stored in the laboratory. The species were divided into groups based on dormancy levels in seeds on the soil surface during the late dry and mid wet seasons. The dormancy characteristics of the groups were related to the ecology of the species in the groups. There was an approximately linear increase in germination rate (i.e. a decrease in the number of days to 50% of final germination) over time for all storage treatments; rates for seeds on the soil surface increased more rapidly than those of seeds in laboratory and oven samples.  相似文献   

Germinable seed densities in the surface (0–10 cm) soil of pasture communities growing at Lansdown, near Townsville, were measured during the late dry season before the first germinating rain and again during the following wet season after germination but before the input of new seed. Seedlings emerging in the field were counted at approximately weekly intervals during this period to determine emergence patterns. Twelve communities were sampled in 1980–81 and six were re-sampled in 1981–82. During the late dry season germinable seed densities ranged from 5000 to 40 000 seeds m-2. Seeds of the introduced legume, Stylosanthes hamata, were present in all pastures. There were many seeds of annual grasses (Digitaria ciliaris and Brachiaria miliiformis) and sedges (Cyperus and Fimbristylis spp.) but only few seeds of perennial grasses (both native and introduced). Soil seed densities were much lower during the wet season than during the preceding dry season, particularly for the grasses. Emergence commenced and approximately 70% of all seedlings emerged on the first major rainfall of the wet season. The subsequent emergence pattern varied between years. In 1980–81 there was a gradual and continuous increase in seedling numbers under the continuously moist conditions which prevailed. In 1981–82 further emergence occurred in discrete events related to rainfall and intervening dry periods. Maximum seedling densities exceeded 34 000 seedlings m-2 including 29 000 grass seedlings (mainly annual species). The implications of these results for species survival and pasture composition are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the abundance and biomass of aquatic and terrestrial aerial insects with distance (mid‐stream, 0, 10–15 and 160 m) from lowland streams were examined across the dry season landscape in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Malaise traps and sticky intercept traps were used to sample the insects at four streams, spaced over an area of 1650 km2. Malaise and intercept catches were dominated by Diptera (flies and midges), both numerically and by biomass. Chironomid midges were the most abundant taxon, making up 43.4 and 51.0% of the malaise and intercept trap catches, respectively. However, most chironomids were small (less than 3 mm body length), contributing 34.9% to intercept trap biomass, but only 5.2% in malaise traps. Ceratopogonid midges and caddisflies (Trichoptera) accounted for most of the remaining adult aquatic insects. Major terrestrial components were Diptera and Hymenoptera in malaise traps and Coleoptera and Diptera in intercept traps. The total abundance and biomass of insects were much greater over streams and along the water's edge than in riparian (10–15 m) and savanna (160 m) habitats primarily because of the presence of large numbers of adult aquatic insects. The abundance and biomass of terrestrial insects in malaise traps showed no relationship with distance, but intercept trap catches suggested slightly greater abundances over the water and at the water's edge. The great abundance of aquatic insects relative to terrestrial insects close to streams suggests that they have the potential to be an important component of the diets of riparian insectivores, and predation may be an important pathway by which aquatic nutrients and energy are moved into terrestrial food webs.  相似文献   

For effective and efficient pest management it is essential to understand the ecology of the target species and recipient ecosystems. The use of rodent eradication as a restoration tool is well established in temperate regions, but less common in the tropics, presenting an opportunity to undertake scientific learning in tandem with rodent eradications. On a dry tropical archipelago, we used a Before-After-Control-Impact framework to document (1) fluctuations in the abundance and demography of invasive Rattus rattus and Mus musculus on three different islands, (2) the trophic niche of all three invasive rodent populations, and (3) changes in the invertebrate community before and after rodent eradication, also comparing with two rodent free islands. While rat density was high and relatively stable throughout the year, the two mouse populations greatly differed in body size and seasonal dynamics, despite their proximity. The rodents in all three populations were generalist and opportunistic feeders, although stable isotope analyses results indicated major differences among them, driven by food availability and rodent species. Seasonal fluctuations in invertebrate communities depended on rodent invasion status, but recovery in the invertebrate communities one year after rodent removal was limited for all islands. Predictions for other tropical ecosystem biomes require long-term research on more tropical islands. Improving our understanding of island and species-specific contexts of rodent eradications can advance island restoration projects and assist the selection of indicator species for ecosystem recovery.  相似文献   

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