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The prediction of secondary structure, i.e. the set of canonical base pairs between nucleotides, is a first step in developing an understanding of the function of an RNA sequence. The most accurate computational methods predict conserved structures for a set of homologous RNA sequences. These methods usually suffer from high computational complexity. In this paper, TurboFold, a novel and efficient method for secondary structure prediction for multiple RNA sequences, is presented.


TurboFold takes, as input, a set of homologous RNA sequences and outputs estimates of the base pairing probabilities for each sequence. The base pairing probabilities for a sequence are estimated by combining intrinsic information, derived from the sequence itself via the nearest neighbor thermodynamic model, with extrinsic information, derived from the other sequences in the input set. For a given sequence, the extrinsic information is computed by using pairwise-sequence-alignment-based probabilities for co-incidence with each of the other sequences, along with estimated base pairing probabilities, from the previous iteration, for the other sequences. The extrinsic information is introduced as free energy modifications for base pairing in a partition function computation based on the nearest neighbor thermodynamic model. This process yields updated estimates of base pairing probability. The updated base pairing probabilities in turn are used to recompute extrinsic information, resulting in the overall iterative estimation procedure that defines TurboFold. TurboFold is benchmarked on a number of ncRNA datasets and compared against alternative secondary structure prediction methods. The iterative procedure in TurboFold is shown to improve estimates of base pairing probability with each iteration, though only small gains are obtained beyond three iterations. Secondary structures composed of base pairs with estimated probabilities higher than a significance threshold are shown to be more accurate for TurboFold than for alternative methods that estimate base pairing probabilities. TurboFold-MEA, which uses base pairing probabilities from TurboFold in a maximum expected accuracy algorithm for secondary structure prediction, has accuracy comparable to the best performing secondary structure prediction methods. The computational and memory requirements for TurboFold are modest and, in terms of sequence length and number of sequences, scale much more favorably than joint alignment and folding algorithms.


TurboFold is an iterative probabilistic method for predicting secondary structures for multiple RNA sequences that efficiently and accurately combines the information from the comparative analysis between sequences with the thermodynamic folding model. Unlike most other multi-sequence structure prediction methods, TurboFold does not enforce strict commonality of structures and is therefore useful for predicting structures for homologous sequences that have diverged significantly. TurboFold can be downloaded as part of the RNAstructure package at http://rna.urmc.rochester.edu.  相似文献   



Genes that play an important role in tumorigenesis are expected to show association between DNA copy number and RNA expression. Optimal power to find such associations can only be achieved if analysing copy number and gene expression jointly. Furthermore, some copy number changes extend over larger chromosomal regions affecting the expression levels of multiple resident genes.  相似文献   

DNA microarray gene expression and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) have been widely used for biomedical discovery. Because of the large number of genes and the complex nature of biological networks, various analysis methods have been proposed. One such method is "gene shaving," a procedure which identifies subsets of the genes with coherent expression patterns and large variation across samples. Since combining genomic information from multiple sources can improve classification and prediction of diseases, in this paper we proposed a new method, "ICA gene shaving" (ICA, independent component analysis), for jointly analyzing gene expression and copy number data. First we used ICA to analyze joint measurements, gene expression and copy number, of a biological system and project the data onto statistically independent biological processes. Next, we used these results to identify patterns of variation in the data and then applied an iterative shaving method. We investigated the properties of our proposed method by analyzing both simulated and real data. We demonstrated that the robustness of our method to noise using simulated data. Using breast cancer data, we showed that our method is superior to the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD) gene shaving method for identifying genes associated with breast cancer.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Temporal gene expression profiles provide an important characterization of gene function, as biological systems are predominantly developmental and dynamic. We propose a method of classifying collections of temporal gene expression curves in which individual expression profiles are modeled as independent realizations of a stochastic process. The method uses a recently developed functional logistic regression tool based on functional principal components, aimed at classifying gene expression curves into known gene groups. The number of eigenfunctions in the classifier can be chosen by leave-one-out cross-validation with the aim of minimizing the classification error. RESULTS: We demonstrate that this methodology provides low-error-rate classification for both yeast cell-cycle gene expression profiles and Dictyostelium cell-type specific gene expression patterns. It also works well in simulations. We compare our functional principal components approach with a B-spline implementation of functional discriminant analysis for the yeast cell-cycle data and simulations. This indicates comparative advantages of our approach which uses fewer eigenfunctions/base functions. The proposed methodology is promising for the analysis of temporal gene expression data and beyond. AVAILABILITY: MATLAB programs are available upon request.  相似文献   

lga972 is a user-friendly cross-platform application with a graphical interface for determining the design features of two-stage genetic linkage disequilibrium studies that minimize the genotyping burden.  相似文献   

Biclustering extends the traditional clustering techniques by attempting to find (all) subgroups of genes with similar expression patterns under to-be-identified subsets of experimental conditions when applied to gene expression data. Still the real power of this clustering strategy is yet to be fully realized due to the lack of effective and efficient algorithms for reliably solving the general biclustering problem. We report a QUalitative BIClustering algorithm (QUBIC) that can solve the biclustering problem in a more general form, compared to existing algorithms, through employing a combination of qualitative (or semi-quantitative) measures of gene expression data and a combinatorial optimization technique. One key unique feature of the QUBIC algorithm is that it can identify all statistically significant biclusters including biclusters with the so-called ‘scaling patterns’, a problem considered to be rather challenging; another key unique feature is that the algorithm solves such general biclustering problems very efficiently, capable of solving biclustering problems with tens of thousands of genes under up to thousands of conditions in a few minutes of the CPU time on a desktop computer. We have demonstrated a considerably improved biclustering performance by our algorithm compared to the existing algorithms on various benchmark sets and data sets of our own. QUBIC was written in ANSI C and tested using GCC (version 4.1.2) on Linux. Its source code is available at: http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/∼maqin/bicluster. A server version of QUBIC is also available upon request.  相似文献   

k-均值聚类算法是一种广泛应用于基因表达数据聚类分析中的迭代变换算法,它通常用距离法来表示基因间的关系,但不能有效的反应基因间的相互依赖的关系。为此,提出基于信息论的k-modes聚类算法,克服了以上缺点。另外,还引入了伪F统计量,一方面,可以对空间中有部分重叠的点进行有效的分类;另一方面,可以给出最佳聚类数目,从而弥补了k-modes聚类法的不足。使其成为一种非常有效的算法,从而达到较优的聚类效果。  相似文献   

基因鉴定集成法:全基因组基因表达研究的新策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类基因组包含的核苷酸数目庞大,基因鉴定(识别)的技术策略是基因克隆研究至为重要的基础。在全基因组基因表达分析策略方面,已相继建立了mRNA差异显示、代表性差异分析、抑制性消减杂交、基因表达系列分析和cDNA微阵列等技术。基因鉴定集成法是新近在综合上述技术的优缺点的基础上建立的全基因组分析新策略,具有充分利用生物基因信息数据库进行基因鉴定(识别),并能提高稀有拷贝基因鉴定效率的优点。本文简要介绍其  相似文献   

Wei Zou  Zhao-Bang Zeng 《Genetica》2009,137(2):125-134
To find the correlations between genome-wide gene expression variations and sequence polymorphisms in inbred cross populations, we developed a statistical method to claim expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) in a genome. The method is based on multiple interval mapping (MIM), a model selection procedure, and uses false discovery rate (FDR) to measure the statistical significance of the large number of eQTL. We compared our method with a similar procedure proposed by Storey et al. and found that our method can be more powerful. We identified the features in the two methods that resulted in different statistical powers for eQTL detection, and confirmed them by simulation. We organized our computational procedure in an R package which can estimate FDR for positive findings from similar model selection procedures. The R package, MIM-eQTL, can be found at .  相似文献   



Clustering is a key step in the analysis of gene expression data, and in fact, many classical clustering algorithms are used, or more innovative ones have been designed and validated for the task. Despite the widespread use of artificial intelligence techniques in bioinformatics and, more generally, data analysis, there are very few clustering algorithms based on the genetic paradigm, yet that paradigm has great potential in finding good heuristic solutions to a difficult optimization problem such as clustering.  相似文献   

An improved algorithm for clustering gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Recent advancements in microarray technology allows simultaneous monitoring of the expression levels of a large number of genes over different time points. Clustering is an important tool for analyzing such microarray data, typical properties of which are its inherent uncertainty, noise and imprecision. In this article, a two-stage clustering algorithm, which employs a recently proposed variable string length genetic scheme and a multiobjective genetic clustering algorithm, is proposed. It is based on the novel concept of points having significant membership to multiple classes. An iterated version of the well-known Fuzzy C-Means is also utilized for clustering. RESULTS: The significant superiority of the proposed two-stage clustering algorithm as compared to the average linkage method, Self Organizing Map (SOM) and a recently developed weighted Chinese restaurant-based clustering method (CRC), widely used methods for clustering gene expression data, is established on a variety of artificial and publicly available real life data sets. The biological relevance of the clustering solutions are also analyzed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarray expression profiling appears particularly promising for a deeper understanding of cancer biology and to identify molecular signatures supporting the histological classification schemes of neoplastic specimens. However, molecular diagnostics based on microarray data presents major challenges due to the overwhelming number of variables and the complex, multiclass nature of tumor samples. Thus, the development of marker selection methods, that allow the identification of those genes that are most likely to confer high classification accuracy of multiple tumor types, and of multiclass classification schemes is of paramount importance. RESULTS: A computational procedure for marker identification and for classification of multiclass gene expression data through the application of disjoint principal component models is described. The identified features represent a rational and dimensionally reduced base for understanding the basic biology of diseases, defining targets for therapeutic intervention, and developing diagnostic tools for the identification and classification of multiple pathological states. The method has been tested on different microarray data sets obtained from various human tumor samples. The results demonstrate that this procedure allows the identification of specific phenotype markers and can classify previously unseen instances in the presence of multiple classes.  相似文献   



Today, data evaluation has become a bottleneck in chromatographic science. Analytical instruments equipped with automated samplers yield large amounts of measurement data, which needs to be verified and analyzed. Since nearly every GC/MS instrument vendor offers its own data format and software tools, the consequences are problems with data exchange and a lack of comparability between the analytical results. To challenge this situation a number of either commercial or non-profit software applications have been developed. These applications provide functionalities to import and analyze several data formats but have shortcomings in terms of the transparency of the implemented analytical algorithms and/or are restricted to a specific computer platform.  相似文献   

Microarray gene expression data becomes more valuable as our confidence in the results grows. Guaranteeing data quality becomes increasingly important as microarrays are being used to diagnose and treat patients (1-4). The MAQC Quality Control Consortium, the FDA's Critical Path Initiative, NCI's caBIG and others are implementing procedures that will broadly enhance data quality. As GEO continues to grow, its usefulness is constrained by the level of correlation across experiments and general applicability. Although RNA preparation and array platform play important roles in data accuracy, pre-processing is a user-selected factor that has an enormous effect. Normalization of expression data is necessary, but the methods have specific and pronounced effects on precision, accuracy and historical correlation. As a case study, we present a microarray calibration process using normalization as the adjustable parameter. We examine the impact of eight normalizations across both Agilent and Affymetrix expression platforms on three expression readouts: (1) sensitivity and power, (2) functional/biological interpretation and (3) feature selection and classification error. The reader is encouraged to measure their own discordant data, whether cross-laboratory, cross-platform or across any other variance source, and to use their results to tune the adjustable parameters of their laboratory to ensure increased correlation.  相似文献   

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