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Valproic acid (VPA) is a neurotherapeutic drug prescribed for seizures, bipolar disorder, and migraine, including women of reproductive age. VPA is a well‐known teratogen that produces congenital malformations in many organs including the nervous system, as well as later neurodevelopmental disorders, including mental retardation and autism. In developing brain, few studies have examined VPA effects on glial cells, particularly astrocytes. To investigate effects on primary glial precursors, we developed new cell culture and in vivo models using frontal cerebral cortex of postnatal day (P2) rat. In vitro, VPA exposure elicited dose‐dependent, biphasic effects on DNA synthesis and proliferation. In vivo VPA (300 mg/kg) exposure from P2 to P4 increased both DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, affecting primarily astrocyte precursors, as >75% of mitotic cells expressed brain lipid‐binding protein. Significantly, the consequence of early VPA exposure was increased astrocytes, as both S100‐β+ cells and glial fibrillary acidic protein were increased in adolescent brain. Molecularly, VPA served as an HDAC inhibitor in vitro and in vivo as enhanced proliferation was accompanied by increased histone acetylation, whereas it elicited changes in culture in cell‐cycle regulators, including cyclin D1 and E, and cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors, p21 and p27. Collectively, these data suggest clinically relevant VPA exposures stimulate glial precursor proliferation, though at higher doses can elicit inhibition through differential regulation of CDK inhibitors. Because changes in glial cell functions are proposed as mechanisms contributing to neuropsychiatric disorders, these observations suggest that VPA teratogenic actions may be mediated through changes in astrocyte generation during development. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 780–798, 2016  相似文献   

Two short-lived precursor proteins, pp37 and pp32, of the mitochondrial phosphoprotein pp30 (formerly denoted as ib) have been detected in Bt2cAMP-stimulated rat adrenal cortex cells, incubated at 25 degrees C or with 1,10-ortho-phenanthroline at 37 degrees C. Subsequently, these two precursor proteins were also identified in cells incubated at 37 degrees C, where they are present only at low levels due to their short half-life. pp30 is produced in several steroidogenic tissues in response to trophic hormone or second messenger analogue. pp37 and pp32 are also phosphoproteins located in the mitochondrion that are produced in response to cAMP analogue and give rise to proteolytic peptide maps similar to that of pp30. As for pp30, inhibition of cytosolic translation prevents the production of pp37 and pp32. The larger precursor protein pp37 has an apparent molecular mass of 37 kDa, an isoelectric point of approximately 7.1, and a half-life at 37 degrees C of 3-4 min. Pulse-chase studies indicate that this protein is processed into the smaller protein, pp32, which has an apparent molecular mass of 32 kDa, an isoelectric point of approximately 6.4, and a half-life at 37 degrees C of 3-4 min. This latter protein is the immediate precursor of pp30. Since ortho-phenanthroline inhibits the mitochondrial processing protease, while the lower incubation temperature slows both protein import and protease processing, the experimental conditions necessary to detect these proteins are consistent with pp37 being a precursor protein that contains two cleavable presequences and is imported into the mitochondrion. The sequential removal of these sequences produces the mature protein pp30.  相似文献   

Modification of the histochemical method for detection of GABA-transaminase activity is suggested. Optimal concentrations of the substrates and cofactors are chosen on the basis of kinetic study of the enzymatic reaction in the cryostat sections of the rat cerebellar cortex by the quantitative microspectrophotometric method. The method is intended for the quantitative histochemical analysis of GABA-transaminase activity in the brain sections.  相似文献   

The content and distribution of catecholamine-containing formations in the cerebellum of untreated and heroin-treated male rats, was visualized by glyoxylic acid-induced histofluorescence, in an attempt to define the adaptive mechanisms leading to heroin dependent tolerance as well as identify a biological role for these formations. Repeated heroin administration increased the number of specifically organized intracellular catecholamine containing particles, including grain (diameter less than 0.8 microm) and aggregate (diameter greater than 1 microm) forms, in all cerebellar cortical layers examined one hour after the last injection of the drug, relative to controls. The number of grains in all cerebellar cortical layers examined and aggregates in the granular layer, returned to normal or near normal baseline levels within twenty four hours after the last injection of the drug. The analogous baseline of the aggregates in the Purkinje cell layer primarily and the Molecular layer secondarily remained significantly elevated by 86% and 50% respectively, relative to controls. Catecholamine-heroin interactions most likely mediated this elevation that was related directly to the heroin-dependent state of tolerance. These findings indicate that heroin administration to heroin-tolerant rats leads to the formation of unusually large intracellular aggregates with catecholamines in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum primarily and support a direct role for these formations in the modulation of biogenic amine bioavailability. We conclude that adaptation to drug exposure involves multiple homeostatic interactions, with sympathetic activation at the level of catecholamine reorganization and redistribution playing a major role in rat cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

A rat cerebellar cell line, WC5, derived by transformation with Rous sarcoma virus, which is temperature-sensitive for transformation (ts-RSV), can be induced to express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Immunofluorescence, radioimmune assay, and electron microscopy studies show that GFAP is expressed in WC5 cells grown at the nonpermissive temperature (NPT), but not at the permissive temperature (PT) for transformation. GFAP is first detectable about 3 days after incubating cells at the NPT, and reaches an apparent plateau by the seventh or eighth day. The expression of GFAP is reversible; shifting cells from the NPT to the PT causes a dramatic decrease in GFAP after 96 hr. In order to determine if the expression of GFAP is linked to the temperature-sensitive transforming activity of the viral src gene product, phenotype revertants of WC5 were established. By the criteria of morphology and growth in agar, the revertant lines, in contrast to the parent cell line WC5, were shown to exhibit a transformed phenotype at both the NPT and PT. Immunofluorescence studies on several of the revertant cell lines show that they do not express GFAP at either the PT or NPT. These findings suggest that the expression of GFAP in WC5 is linked to the expression of the src gene product. The advantage of using ts-RSV to derive neural cell lines which exhibit differentiated properties is discussed.  相似文献   

The climbing fibre system, one of the two main excitatory inputs to the cerebellar cortex, is anatomically and physiologically well characterized, while the nature of its neurotransmitter is still a matter of debate. We wished to determine whether glutamate-immunoreactive profiles with the morphological characteristics of climbing fibres could be found in the rat cerebellar cortex. For this purpose, a monoclonal anti-glutamate antibody has been used in combination with a sensitive postembedding immunoperoxidase method on semithin sections or in combination with a postembedding immunogold method on ultrathin sections. At the light microscopic level, climbing fibres appeared as strongly stained fibrous profiles, chains of interconnected varicosities or heavily labelled dots of various sizes, often in close apposition to principal Purkinje cell dendrites. At the electron microscopic level, certain labelled varicosities or more elongated profiles resembling climbing fibre terminals were in synaptic contact with dendritic spines of Purkinje cells. Quantitative analysis of gold particle densities showed that such elements were about three to four times more heavily labelled than their postsynaptic partners. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that at least a subset of climbing fibres and their terminals contain relatively high levels of glutamate-like immunoreactivity and provide additional evidence for a role of glutamate as transmitter in these cerebellar afferents.  相似文献   

By using a labelled ketone body, D-3-hydroxy[3-14C]butyrate, or a ketone-body precursor, L-[4,5-3H]leucine, preferential labelling of spinal-cord cholesterol was demonstrated. In contrast, the phospholipid fraction was more heavily labelled in the liver. In both tissues phosphatidylcholine was the major labelled complex lipid. Incorporation ob both substrates into total lipid, on a tissue-weight basis, was appreciably greater for spinal cord.  相似文献   

Age-related changes of the monoaminoxidases, evaluated by enzymatic staining, quantitative analysis of images, biochemical assay and statistical analysis of data were studied in cerebellar cortex of young (3-month-old) and aged (26-month-old) male Sprague-Dawley rats. The enzymatic staining shows the presence of monoamino-oxidases within the molecular and granular layers as well as within the Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum of young and aged animals. In molecular layer, and in Purkinje neurons the levels of monoaminooxidases were strongly increased in old rats. The granular layer showed, on the contrary, an age-dependent loss of enzymatic staining. These morphological findings were confirmed by biochemical results. The possibility that age-related changes in monoaminooxidase levels may be due to impaired energy production mechanisms and/or represent the consequence of reduced energetic needs is discussed.  相似文献   

 The subcellular localization of the mGlu4a metabotropic glutamate receptor was investigated in rat cerebellum. At the light microscopical level, strong mGlu4a immunoreactivity was found in the molecular layer. A post-embedding immunogold method for electron microscopy revealed gold particles at the presynaptic sites of synapses made by parallel fiber terminals with dendritic spines of Purkinje cells. These observations support electrophysiological evidence indicating an autoreceptor function of mGlu4 receptors at these synapses. Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   

Interneurons originating from the ganglionic eminence migrate tangentially into the developing cerebral wall as they navigate to their distinct positions in the cerebral cortex. Compromised connectivity and differentiation of interneurons are thought to be an underlying cause in the emergence of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia. Previously, it was suggested that tangential migration of interneurons occurs in a radial glia independent manner. Here, using simultaneous imaging of genetically defined populations of interneurons and radial glia, we demonstrate that dynamic interactions with radial glia can potentially influence the trajectory of interneuronal migration and thus the positioning of interneurons in cerebral cortex. Furthermore, there is extensive local interneuronal migration in tangential direction opposite to that of pallial orientation (i.e., in a medial to lateral direction from cortex to ganglionic eminence) all across the cerebral wall. This counter migration of interneurons may be essential to locally position interneurons once they invade the developing cerebral wall from the ganglionic eminence. Together, these observations suggest that interactions with radial glial scaffold and localized migration within the expanding cerebral wall may play essential roles in the guidance and placement of interneurons in the developing cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Migrating cells from the external germinal layer of the newborn rat cerebellum were studied by light and electron microscopy. Each migrating cell possessed a single, broad, leading process oriented perpendicular to the pial surface. These cell processes were sometimes associated with profiles of other granule cells, but were not necessarily associated with the electron-lucent Bergmann fibers present at these early developmental stages. Migrating granule cells could be observed circumventing both blood vessels and the perikarya/processes of other cells present in the developing molecular layer. Thus, during the early stages of cerebellar ontogeny, when the migration pathway through the molecular layer is sparsely populated with cells and processes, the vertical process of a granule cell may seek actively a path of least resistance, utilizing 'contacts' with surrounding objects for avoidance, rather than as guideposts imperative for directing migration. Cellular associations observed at this stage of cerebellar development may thus be more fortuitous than requisite.  相似文献   

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