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Refined structure of elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The crystal structure of trypsin-modified elongation factor Tu from Escherichia coli, in complex with the cofactor guanosine diphosphate has been refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 19.3%, at 2.6 A resolution. In the model described, the root-mean-square deviation from ideality is 0.019 A for bond distances and 3.9 degrees for angles. The protein consists of three domains: an alpha/beta domain (residues 1 to 200), containing the binding site of the GDP cofactor, and consisting of a six-stranded beta-pleated sheet, six alpha-helices, and two all-beta domains (residues 209 to 299 and 300 to 393), belonging to the tertiary structural class of antiparallel beta-barrels. The GDP-binding domain has a folding that is found in other GDP-binding proteins. Elongation factor Tu interacts with proteins, nucleic acids and nucleotides, making this molecule well suited as a model system for the study of these interactions.  相似文献   

In vitro methylation of the elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H Toledo  C A Jerez 《FEBS letters》1985,193(1):17-21
The in vitro methylation of the elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli was investigated. The methylation of newly synthesized EF-Tu was obtained using lambda rifd 18 DNA as template and S-adenosyl [methyl-3H]methionine as methyl donor. About 3 mol methyl residues were incorporated for every 10 mol EF-Tu synthesized. Analysis of the nature of the methyl-containing residues by protein hydrolysis followed by paper chromatography showed that both mono- and dimethyllysine were present. The methylation of EF-Tu was also studied separately from its synthesis by using cell-free systems with artificially undermethylated components.  相似文献   

M R Ahmadian  R Kreutzer  M Sprinzl 《Biochimie》1991,73(7-8):1037-1043
The elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) encoded by the tufl gene of the extreme thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 was expressed under control of the tac promoter from the recombinant plasmid pEFTu-10 in Escherichia coli. Thermophilic EF-Tu-GDP, which amounts to as much as 35% of the cellular protein content, was separated from the E coli EF-Tu-GDP by thermal denaturation at 60 degrees C. The overproduced E coli-born T thermophilus EF-Tu was characterized by: i) recognition through T thermophilus anti-EF-Tu antibodies; ii) analysis of the peptides obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage; iii) thermostability; iv) guanine nucleotide binding activity in the absence and the presence of elongation factor Ts; and v) ternary complex formation with phenylalanyl-tRNAPhe and GTP.  相似文献   

The polypeptide elongation factor EF-Tu was isolated from a mitochondrial 100 000 x g supernatant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and purified over 880-fold by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography and gel filtration. The factor efficiently replaces bacterial EF-Tu in a phenylalanine polymerizing cell-free system of Escherichia coli, it binds GDP and it protects phenylalanyl-tRNA against hydrolysis of the ester bond in the presence of 10 mM GTP. The polymerizing activity of the mitochondrial factor is inhibited to 90% by 50 microM N-ethylmaleimide and to 50% by 2.5 microM kirromycin. The purified factor contains two major polypeptides of apparent molecular weights 48 000 and 34 000. Antibodies raised against the 48 000-Mr protein react with EF-TuE. coli, as revealed by immune blotting and by the inhibition of phenylalanine polymerization. No reaction was observed between anti-(34 000-Mr) and 48 000-Mr protein or EF-TuE. coli. The 48 000-Mr protein has the same isoelectric point (pI = 6.2) and a content of cysteine and basic amino acids similar to the bacterial EF-Tu. It is concluded that the 48 000-Mr protein is the analogue to EF-TuE. coli, and that yeast mitochondrial EF-Tu is functionally and structurally more related to bacterial EF-Tu than cytosolic EF-1 of the same cell.  相似文献   

The thermostable properties of the DNA polymerase activity from Thermus aquaticus (Taq) have contributed greatly to the yield, specificity, automation, and utility of the polymerase chain reaction method for amplifying DNA. We report the cloning and expression of Taq DNA polymerase in Escherichia coli. From a lambda gt11:Taq library we identified a Taq DNA fragment encoding an epitope of Taq DNA polymerase via antibody probing. The fusion protein from the lambda gt11:Taq candidate selected an antibody from an anti-Taq polymerase polyclonal antiserum which reacted with Taq polymerase on Western blots. We used the lambda gt11 clone to identify Taq polymerase clones from a lambda Ch35:Taq library. The complete Taq DNA polymerase gene has 2499 base pairs. From the predicted 832-amino acid sequence of the Taq DNA polymerase gene, Taq DNA polymerase has significant similarity to E. coli DNA polymerase I. We subcloned and expressed appropriate portions of the insert from a lambda Ch35 library candidate to yield thermostable, active, truncated, or full-length forms of the protein in E. coli under control of the lac promoter.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that the non-formylated initiator Met-tRNAfMet from E. coli can form a stable ternary complex with the elongation factor EF-Tu and GTP. Using the protection of EF-Tu:GTP against spontaneous hydrolysis of the aminoacylester bond of Met-tRNAfMet, we confirm these results, and show that the protection is specific for the non-formylated form of the initiator tRNA. The ternary complex Met-tRNAfMet:EF-Tu:GTP can be isolated by column chromatography in a way similar to that demonstrated previously with EF-Tu complexed to the elongator Met-tRNAmMet. 32P-labeled Met-tRNAfMet within the ternary complex was analyzed by the footprinting technique. The pattern of initiator tRNA protection by EF-Tu against ribonuclease digestion is not significantly different from the one found previously for elongator tRNAs. These results lead us to suggest that the initiator tRNAfMet, under growth conditions which do not permit formylation, may to some extent function as an elongator tRNA.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase from Thermus aquaticus has become a common reagent in molecular biology because of its utility in DNA amplification and DNA sequencing protocols. A simplified method is described here for isolating the recombinant Taq enzyme after overproduction in Escherichia coli. Purification requires 8 to 10 h and entails heat treating and clearing the E. coli lysate, followed by precipitation of the enzyme with polyethyleneimine and elution from Bio Rex 70 ion exchange resin in a single salt step. The resulting enzyme preparation contains a single, nearly homogeneous protein consistent with the previously established size of the Taq DNA polymerase in a yield of 40-50 mg of protein per liter of cell culture.  相似文献   

The ribosome translocation step that occurs during protein synthesis is a highly conserved, essential activity of all cells. The precise movement of one codon that occurs following peptide bond formation is regulated by elongation factor G (EF-G) in eubacteria or elongation factor 2 (EF-2) in eukaryotes. To begin to understand molecular interactions that regulate this process, a genetic selection was developed with the aim of obtaining conditional-lethal alleles of the gene (fusA) that encodes EF-G in Escherichia coli. The genetic selection depends on the observation that resistant strains arose spontaneously in the presence of sublethal concentrations of the antibiotic kanamycin. Replica plating was performed to obtain mutant isolates from this collection that were restrictive for growth at 42 degrees C. Two tightly temperature-sensitive strains were characterized in detail and shown to harbor single-site missense mutations within fusA. The fusA100 mutant encoded a glycine-to-aspartic acid change at codon 502. The fusA101 allele encoded a glutamine-to-proline alteration at position 495. Induction kinetics of beta-galactosidase activity suggested that both mutations resulted in slower elongation rates in vivo. These missense mutations were very near a small group of conserved amino acid residues (positions 483 to 493) that occur in EF-G and EF-2 but not EF-Tu. It is concluded that these sequences encode a specific domain that is essential for efficient translocase function.  相似文献   

Radioactive elongation factor Tu coded by either the tufA or the tufB gene of Escherichia coli K-12 was isolated from cells incubated with a mixture of radioactive amino acids after infection with the defective lambda phage particles that carry either of these genes. Two-dimensional chromatographic analyses of tryptic digests of the tufB gene product revealed about 50 radioactive spots. These same spots plus an additional one were also found in tryptic digests of the tufA gene product. Furthermore, these peptide maps are qualitatively the same as those of the elongation factor Tu obtained from two separate isolates of uninfected E. coli K-12 or from rel+ and relA strains of E. coli B. Because the number of spots recovered is consistent with the number of trypsin-sensitive sites, these analyses indicate that the tufA and tufB genes have not significantly diverged from each other.  相似文献   

O Mikuni  K Kawakami  Y Nakamura 《Biochimie》1991,73(12):1509-1516
Mutations in the prfB gene which encodes peptide-chain-release factor 2 of Escherichia coli were defined by DNA sequence analysis. prfB1 and prfB3 substitute lysine and asparagine for glutamate and aspartate at amino acid positions 89 and 143, respectively. Temperature-sensitive mutations, prfB2 and prfB286, each contain the identical substitution of phenylalanine for leucine-328. These mutations suppress UGA but not UAG or UAA. The efficiency of suppression was affected by the neighboring RNA context. The prfB gene encodes a premature UGA stop codon at position 26 and is expressed by +1 frameshifting. The efficiency of natural frameshift was 18% as measured by using the monolysogenic lambda assay vector containing prfB-lacZ fusions, and increased up to 30% in the prfB mutants. These observations can be interpreted as genetic evidence for the autogenous control of RF2 synthesis by frameshifting. Structural and functional organizations of release factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Many attempts have been made to elucidate the three-dimensional structure from elongation factor Tu, but so far the only crystals suitable for X-ray crystallography contained a partially degraded protein. Here, we report the crystallization of a fully active, intact EF-Tu from thermus aquaticus. The crystals belong to hexagonal space group P6(3)(22) and diffract up to 2.6 A. The cell dimensions are a = b = 178 A, c = 238 A and 6 molecules are contained per asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Regular cylindrical polymers of the elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli have been prepared and their structural parameters have been determined by electron microscopy and image processing. The analysis yielded information regarding the packaging of the EF-Tu · GDP monomers within the polymers and their low resolution structure. Interestingly, the structural integrity of the EF-Tu molecule determines the type of polymerization products formed. Intact EF-Tu · GDP polymerizes into cylindrical structures with a diameter of 150 Å and a repeat distance of about 265 Å. The cylindrical symmetry was found to be 5-fold. After specific cleavage of the protein chain close to the N-terminus, EF-Tu · GDP associates to cylindrical polymers of a much larger radius (diameter about 300 Å). In this case the indexing of the optical transforms could not be carried out unambiguously. In addition to the linear polymers, non-linear assemblies of intact EF-Tu · GDP have also been detected. All of the resulting polymerization products retained most of the biological activity. This polymerization was inhibited by the presence of the antibiotic aurodox, which suggests that only the EF-Tu in the GDP-like conformation is able to polymerize under these circumstances.The present study illustrates that the multi-functional protein EF-Tu, which can undergo various allosteric transitions, can assemble into different supramolecular structures.  相似文献   

High-resolution data were used to analyze conformational changes of the main chain in two functional states of the ribosome elongation factor EF-Tu from Thermus aquaticus: the inactive state with guanosine-3'-diphosphate and the active state with guanosine-3'-triphosphate. Earlier only major changes in the effector loop of the domain I were determined. In this paper, all rearrangements in the main chain were observed upon shifting of C alpha-atoms from 1 to 8 A for each of the three protein domains. It was shown that these changes occur in numerous regions. New regions of changes were found, and they were located mostly in the loops of protein domains. Some of them are in the regions of interdomain interactions, others correlate with the known functionally important regions of EF-Tu binding with EF-Ts, aminoacyl-tRNA and the ribosome. Most changes induced by the conformational signal transfer from the guanosine-3'-triphosphate binding site occur just in the regions that are important for further stages of the factor functioning. The signal is transferred from domain I to domains II and III via interdomain contacts, predetermining fine fitting of functionally important regions to be involved in the following stages of the elongation cycle. The greatest part of the detected changes occurs in conservative residues of the whole family of bacterial factors, and only some of them are specific. This approach may prove useful for predetermining potential functionally important sites in other proteins.  相似文献   

The bacterial elongation factor for protein synthesis, EF-Tu, polymerizes into fibrils at pH 6.0. These fibrils are 0.7 microM in diameter, at least 200 microns in length, and are positively birefringent. Electron microscopic observations of negatively stained images demonstrates that the EF-Tu fibrils consist of bundles of individual filaments, approximately 5nm in diameter, aligned parallel to the long axis of the fibril. Polymerized EF-Tu exchanges nucleotide rapidly and interacts with the other elongation factor, EF-Ts. The antibiotic kirromycin induces the polymerization of EF-Tu into fibrils and even larger structures under nonpolymerizing conditions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of hydrogen-deuterium exhcange in the polypeptide chain elongation factor Tu (EF Tu) from Escherichia coli and that from Thermus thermophilus HB8 has been examined in aqueous solutions at various pH and temperatures by means of infrared absorption measurements. The free EF-Tu from E. Coli has a greater reaction rate at all pH values and at every temperature than that of the GTP-bound or GDP-bound EF-Tu. The free EF-Tu from T. thermophilus, on the other hand, has an alomst equal reaction rate to that of EF-Tu-GDP in the temperature range 38-55 degrees C. For the peptide NH groups belonging to a medium-labile kinetic class, a small but definite difference in the rate of exchange reaction was observed between EF-Tu-GDP and EF-Tu-GTP for both E. coli and T. thermophilus. For less labile peptide NH groups, on the other hand, the rate of the exchange reaction with EF-Tu-GDP from T. thermophilus is only slightly affected by the pH of the solution at 38 degrees C and 45 degrees C, while the rate constant(k) with E. coli EF-Tu-GDP is pH-dependent (log k oc pH). For T. thermophilus EF-Tu, heat stability measurements, kinetics of the rates of GDP and GTP dissociation, and circular dichroic measurements have also been made. The molecular basis for the thermostability of T. thermophilus EF-Tu is discussed.  相似文献   

The microenvironment of histidine residues located in the binding site of elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli for the 3' terminus of aminoacyl-tRNA is altered during transition of EF-Tu.GDP to EF-Tu.GTP.  相似文献   

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