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An ultrastructural study has been undertaken on the equatorial (sensory) region of the rat muscle spindle. Two kinds of intrafusal muscle fibers, a nuclear bag fiber and a nuclear chain fiber, have been identified in this region on the basis of fiber diameter, nuclear disposition, and M-band appearance. The large-diameter nuclear bag fiber contains an aggregation of tightly packed vesicular nuclei, while the small-diameter nuclear chain fiber contains a single row of elongated, well-separated nuclei. Both muscle fibers contain an attenuated peripheral cylinder of myofilaments surrounding a central core of sarcoplasm. Elements of the sarcotubular system, dilatations of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and the presence of other sarcoplasmic organelles and inclusions are considerably more abundant in the nuclear chain fiber than in the nuclear bag fiber. Leptomeric organelles and membrane-bounded sarcoplasmic granules are present in both intrafusal fiber types and may be situated between the myofibrils or in intimate association with the sarcolemma. The functional significance of some of these structural findings is discussed.  相似文献   

THE FINE STRUCTURE OF ELASTIC FIBERS   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
The fine structure of developing elastic fibers in bovine ligamentum nuchae and rat flexor digital tendon was examined. Elastic fibers were found to contain two distinct morphologic components in sections stained with uranyl acetate and lead. These components are 100 A fibrils and a central, almost amorphous nonstaining area. During development, the first identifiable elastic fibers are composed of aggregates of fine fibrils approximately 100 A in diameter. With advancing age, somewhat amorphous regions appear surrounded by these fibrils. These regions increase in prominence until in mature elastic fibers they are the predominant structure surrounded by a mantle of 100 A fibrils. Specific staining characteristics for each of the two components of the elastic fiber as well as for the collagen fibrils in these tissues can be demonstrated after staining with lead, uranyl acetate, or phosphotungstic acid. The 100 A fibrils stain with both uranyl acetate and lead, whereas the central regions of the elastic fibers stain only with phosphotungstic acid. Collagen fibrils stain with uranyl acetate or phosphotungstic acid, but not with lead. These staining reactions imply either a chemical or an organizational difference in these structures. The significance and possible nature of the two morphologic components of the elastic fiber remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and the slow-twitch soleus muscle of the rat consist of heterogeneous fiber populations. EDL muscle fibers differ in size, mitochondrial content, myoglobin concentration, and thickness of the Z line. The sarcoplasmic reticulum, on the other hand, is richly developed in all fibers, with only small variation. Myofibrils are clearly circumscribed at both the A and I band level. The soleus muscle is composed primarily of fibers with moderate mitochondrial content and myoglobin concentration. In most fibers the sarcoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed, with the exception of the portion of reticulum in phase with the Z line. As a consequence the myofibrillar fields are amply fused together. Contacts between sarcoplasmic reticulum and T system are discontinuous and may occur in the form of "dyads" instead of the typical triad structure. In a small proportion of soleus muscle fibers the organization and development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is similar to that of EDL muscle fibers, with prominent fenestrated collars at the H band level. In these fibers mitochondria are larger and more abundant. The results are correlated with physiological studies on motor units in the same and in similar rat muscles. It is suggested that the variable structural pattern of rat muscle fibers is related to two distinct physiological parameters, speed of contraction and resistance to fatigue.  相似文献   

The available evidence from phase contrast, polarization optical, and electron microscopic studies on vertebrate skeletal muscle, insect skeletal muscle, and dipteran flight muscle is interpreted as favoring the following general structure of striated muscle. A continuous array of filaments (actin) runs through all bands of the sarcomere. These are linked by an axially periodic system of transverse filamentous bridges. Myosin (and probably other substances) are localized in the A bands. The system of transverse bridges compensates the birefringence of actin and is thus responsible for the isotropy of the I band. Myosin is responsible for the birefringence of the A bands. On strong contraction, A band material migrates to the Z bands to form contraction bands. It is not yet certain whether this migration involves myosin or another A band component.  相似文献   

The fine structure of von Ebner's gland was studied in untreated rats and rats stimulated to secrete by fasting-refeeding or injection of pilocarpine. Cytological features were similar to those reported for pancreas and parotid gland. Abundant granular endoplasmic reticulum filled the basal portion of the cell, a well-developed Golgi complex was located in the vicinity of the nucleus, and the apical portion of the cell was filled with dense secretory granules. Dense heterogeneous bodies resembling lysosomes were closely associated with the Golgi complex. Coated vesicles were seen in the Golgi region and also in continuity with the cell membrane. Granule discharge occurred by fusion of the granule membrane with the cell membrane at the secretory surface. Successive fusion of adjacent granules to the previously fused granule formed a connected string of granules in the apical cytoplasm. Myoepithelial cells were present within the basement membrane, and nerve processes were seen adjacent to acinar and myoepithelial cells. Duct cells resembled the intercalated duct cells of the major salivary glands.  相似文献   

The structure of the shell muscle of eleven species of patellidlimpet is described from light and transmission electron microscopestudies. Although the muscle has many structural characteristicstypical of molluscan smooth muscle, it also has a number ofunusual features. At the electron microscope level two myofibretypes are distinguishable. Type I cells, present in all species,contain conventional contractile apparatus in the form of thickand thin filaments. Thick filaments contain paramyosin and varyin diameter between 20—180 nm. An axial striation witha repeat of 14.2 nm is calculated from optically diffractedmicrographs of isolated thick filaments. Transverse sectionsof thick filaments reveal bands from which the transverse repeatof the paramyosin crystal lattice is calculated. Type II myofibres,which are present in five species, contain a novel arrangementof thin filaments with electron-dense regions at intervals of80–150 nm. The striated thin filaments are similar inappearance to the microfilament bundles and stress-fibres ofnon-muscle cells. They also have similarities to the leptomericorganelles of some vertebrate muscle tissues. Associated withthe muscle is an unusually large amount of collagen which hasa periodicity of 62 nm calculated from optical diffraction patternsof isolated collagen fibrils. (Received 3 July 1989; accepted 12 October 1989)  相似文献   

Injured frog heart cells electrically uncouple from their uninjured neighbors within 30 min after injury. This uncoupling process can be shown by the disappearance of an injury potential measured between such injured and uninjured cells. In the present study, the time course of the decline of injury potentials, and thus of electrical uncoupling, in bullfrog atrial trabeculae was determined. Tissue was fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide at various times after injury to determine the morphological changes which accompany this uncoupling process. In some cases, ruthenium red was included in the fixatives. Normal atrial cells are long and narrow, with intercellular junctions located along the lateral surfaces of the cells. Two types of intercellular junctions have been observed: cardiac adhesion plaques (CAPs), and close junctions. Close junctions occur only infrequently. Ruthenium red penetrates all around the cells, leaving only small areas within the CAPs unstained. After injury, the cells are very dense and the myofilaments disarranged. Both types of intercellular junction remain intact, and only slight changes within CAPs are observed. The results are discussed in relation to current concepts of intercellular communication.  相似文献   

The development of the mid-body has been studied in mitotic erythroblasts of the rat bone marrow by means of thin sections examined with the electron microscope. A differentiated region on the continuous spindle fibers, consisting of a localized increase in density, is observed at the equatorial plane. The mid-body seems to develop by the aggregation of such denser lengths of spindle fiber. Its appearance precedes that of the cleavage furrow. A plate-like arrangement of fibrillary material lies transversely across the telophase intercellular bridge. Later, this material becomes amorphous and assumes the form of a dense ring closely applied to a ridge in the plasma membrane encircling the middle of the bridge. Although the mid-body forms in association with the spindle fibers, it is a structurally distinct part, and the changes which it undergoes are not shared by the rest of the bundle of continuous fibers.  相似文献   

The fine structure of smooth muscle cells of the embryo chicken gizzard cultured in monolayer was studied by phase-contrast optics and electron microscopy. The smooth muscle cells were irregular in shape, but tended to be elongate. The nucleus usually contained prominent nucleoli and was large in relation to the cell body. When fixed with glutaraldehyde, three different types of filaments were noted in the cytoplasm: thick (150–250 A in diameter) and thin (30–80 A in diameter) myofilaments, many of which were arranged in small bundles throughout the cytoplasm and which were usually associated with dark bodies; and filaments with a diameter of 80–110 A which were randomly orientated and are not regarded as myofilaments. Some of the aggregated ribosomes were helically arranged. Mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum were prominent. In contrast to in vivo muscle cells, micropinocytotic vesicles along the cell membrane were rare and dense areas were usually confined to cell membrane infoldings. These cells are compared to in vivo embryonic smooth muscle and adult muscle after treatment with estrogen. Monolayers of cultured smooth muscle will be of particular value in relating ultrastructural features to functional observations on the same cells.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the transitional epithelium of rat ureter has been studied in thin sections with the electron microscope, including some stained cytochemically to show nucleoside triphosphatase activity. The epithelium is three to four cells deep with cuboidal or columnar basal cells, intermediate cells, and superficial squamous cells. The basal cells are attached by half desmosomes, or attachment plates, on their basal membranes to a basement membrane which separates the epithelium from the lamina propria. Fine extracellular fibres, ca. 100 A in diameter, are to be found in the connective tissue layer immediately below the basement membrane of this epithelium. The plasma membranes of the basal and intermediate cells and the lateral and basal membranes of the squamous cells are deeply interdigitated, and nucleoside triphosphatase activity is associated with them. All the cells have a dense feltwork of tonofilaments which ramify throughout the cytoplasm. The existence of junctional complexes, comprising a zonula occludens, zonula adhaerens, and macula adhaerens or desmosome, between the lateral borders of the squamous cells is reported. It is suggested that this complex is the major obstacle to the free flow of water from the extracellular spaces into the hypertonic urine. The free luminal surface of the squamous cells and many cytoplasmic vesicles in these cells are bounded by an unusually thick plasma membrane. The three leaflets of this unit membrane are asymmetric, with the outer one about twice as thick as the innermost one. The vesicles and the plasma membrane maintain angular conformations which suggest the membrane to be unusually rigid. No nucleoside triphosphatase activity is associated with this membrane. Arguments are presented to support a suggestion that this thick plasma membrane is the morphological site of a passive permeability barrier to water flow across the cells, and that keratin may be included in the membrane structure. The possible origin of the thick plasma membrane in the Golgi complex is discussed. Bodies with heterogeneous contents, including characteristic hexagonally packed stacks of thick membranes, are described. It is suggested that these are "disposal units" for old or surplus thick membrane. A cell type is described, which forms only 0.1 to 0.5 per cent of the total cell population and contains bundles of tubular fibres or crystallites. Their origin and function are not known.  相似文献   

The fine structure of rat thymic lymphocytes from early prophase to late telophase of mitosis is described, using material fixed at pH 7.3 either in 1 per cent OsO4 or in glutaraldehyde followed by 2 per cent OsO4. The structure of the centriolar complex of interphase thymocytes is analyzed and compared with that of centrioles during division. The appearance of daughter centrioles is the earliest clearly recognizable sign of prophase. Daughter centrioles probably retain a secondary relation to the primary centriole, while the latter appears to be related, both genetically and spatially, to the spindle apparatus. The nuclear envelope persists in recognizable form to help reconstitute the envelopes of the daughter nuclei. Ribosome bodies (dense aggregates of ribosomes) accumulate, beginning at late prophase, and are retained by the daughter cells. Cytokinesis proceeds by formation of a ribosome-free plate at the equator with a central plate of vesicles which may coalesce to form the new plasma membrane of the daughter cells. Stages in the formation of the midbody are illustrated.  相似文献   

Nerve cell bodies in the spiral and vestibular ganglia of the adult rat are surrounded by thin (about ten lamellae) myelin sheaths which differ in several respects from typical axonal myelin. In some instances lamellae surrounding perikarya appear as typical major dense lines, and in others as thin Schwann cell sheets in which cytoplasm persists. Discontinuities and irregularities appear in the structure of perikaryal myelin. Lamellae may terminate anywhere within the sheaths; they may bifurcate; they may reverse their direction; or they may merge with each other. The number of lamellae varies from one part of a sheath to another. In addition, the myelin of a single perikaryal sheath may receive contributions from more than one Schwann cell, which overlap and interleave with each other. The ganglion cells are of two types: those which are densely packed with the usual cytoplasmic organelles but have few neurofilaments (granular neurons), and those which exhibit large areas containing few organelles but have a high concentration of neurofilaments (filamented neurons). The latter cell type is ensheathed by myelin which is generally more compact that that surrounding the former. The formation and the physiologic significance of perikaryal myelin are discussed.  相似文献   

The ciliated ependyma of the rat brain consists of a sheet of epithelial cells, the luminal surface of which is reflected over ciliary shafts and numerous evaginations of irregular dimensions. The relatively straight lateral portions of the plasmalemma of contiguous cells are fused at discrete sites to form five-layered junctions or zonulae occludentes which obliterate the intercellular space. These fusions occur usually at some distance below the free surface either independently or in continuity with a second intercellular junction, the zonula adhaerens. The luminal junction is usually formed by a zonula adhaerens or, occasionally, by a zonula occludens. The finely granular and filamentous cytoplasm contains supranuclear dense bodies, some of which are probably lysosomes and dense whorls of perinuclear filaments which send fascicles toward the lateral plasmalemma. The apical regions of the cytoplasm contain the basal body complexes of neighboring cilia. These complexes include a striated basal foot and short, non-striated rootlets emanating from the wall of each basal body. The rootlets end in a zone of granules about the proximal region of the basal body, adjacent to which may lie a striated mass of variable shape. All components of the basal body complex of adjacent cilia are independent of each other.  相似文献   

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