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In western Europe, the techno-economic changes that affected human societies during the 16th millennium BC suggest a deep reformulation of social relations that led to the emergence of Magdalenian features, thanks to a powerful cultural acceleration process. In central France, these mutations, contemporary with the Heinrich 1 climatic event, took place in a paleohistorical framework whose structure was less distended than in other regions: the cultural answers seem to disappear behind social “waves” (hypertrophy of the circulation of lithic raw materials, the sudden resurgence of blade debitage) expressed in this area since the early Upper Paleolithic. They allow us to discern, in the long term, how the original experiments of the Middle Magdalenian materialized. In the short term, some limited geological episodes, such as the recovery of the volcanic activity of the Massif Central around 16 ka cal BC, offer some possible stimuli of the rapid changes that affected technical systems. Their variations reveal the conditions, the aspects and the rhythms of the emergence of new ideological attributes that formed the traditional basis of Magdalenian societies.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):235-241
Sample scarcity and the need of a methodology well-suited to determination of archaeological specimens are responsible for the lack of information on the mechanism and on the ecological and anthropological conditions of the spread of the house mouse in Europe. We applied Fourier outline analysis to the lower first molars of mice from assemblages trapped in water wells from Early and Middle PPNB in Cyprus (Kissonerga–Mylouthkia). Results suggest that the house mouse was a part of the Neolithic ecological and cultural package introduced into the island by the very first agro-pastoral societies coming from the mainland.  相似文献   

Dimorphism in the genus RichterellaAvram is confirmedon the basis of material collected in Ardeche (South east France) principally in the beds of the Fallauxi zone, from the localities of Le Pouzin and Broyon. The microconch, R. richteri (Oppel), lacks lateral lappets but a ventral horn, formed by the strongly projected forward secondary ribs, is present. The macroconch is «Lemencia praerichteriDonze & Enay. These two forms are united in the same species, R. richteri, and then in the same genus, Richterella. The microconch, which is generally better preserved than macroconch in the studied material, shows a greater variability of ribbing than previously thought, due to the poor illustrations of the lectotype of richteri (reproduced here) which showed only dichotomous ribs. The genus Richterella loses its original dimorphic sense and since its origins and its possible derivations are unknown, it became a taxon defined on morphological bases. The forms from Ardeche bear a greater resemblance to the Spanish ones than they do to the Roumanian forms. The stratigraphical and faunal contexts of Richterella in Ardeche are discussed in this work.  相似文献   

Geomorphological investigations have been carried out in Camerota surroundings where marine microfaunas have been discovered. So, we can separate the Late Pliocene deposits from Calabrian and post-Calabrian levels. Preliminary palynological results show a vegetational evolution in relation with the climate. Leaf-remains give informations on the structure of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Résumé Le tégument de Glossiphonia complanata comprend, outre les cellules épithéliales banales, de nombreux organes particuliers ou organes de Bayer, regroupés essentiellement sur la face dorsale de l'animal. Ils sont formés par une cellule apicale saillante enchassée dans une cellule musculaire en anneau.L'ensemble de ces formations est étudié du point de vue ultrastructural. Des cellules épithéliales partent des fibres nerveuses afférentes, sans doute vecteur des perceptions de stimuli mécaniques de pression au niveau du tégument; la réponse se faisant sans doute par la contraction de la cellule basale de chaque organe de Bayer, innervée par des fibres nerveuses efférentes, entrainant la saillie de la cellule apicale. Le hérissement de ces nombreuses papilles du tégument dorsal pourrait être un signal perçu par le partenaire sexuel, chez cette Hirudinée à fécondation hypodermique.
Ultrastructure of the integumentary epithelium of Glossiphonia complanata (L.) (hirudinea): Epithelial cells and sensory organs of bayer
Summary The integument of Glossiphonia complanata, built up by epithelial cells, contains numerous particular organs (Bayer organs), mainly on the dorsal side of the animal. They consist of a protuberant apical cell, which is surrounded by a ring-shaped muscle cell. All the integumentary formations are studied from an ultrastructural point of view. From the epithelial cells issue afferent nerve fibres, considered as vectors of the perception of mechanical stimuli of pressure at the level of the integument; the response no doubt operating by the contraction of the basal muscle cell of each Bayer organ, innervated by efferent nerve fibres, bringing forth the protrusion of the apical cell. The erection of these numerous papillae of the dorsal integument might be a signal perceived by the sexual partner, fecundation occurring in this group of leeches under the integument.

A coracoid of an enantiornithine bird from Upper Cretaceous (probably late Campanian) fluvial sediments at Castigno (Villespassans, Hérault, southern France) is described. It differs from all hitherto reported enantiornithine coracoids and is referred a new genus and species, Castignovolucris sebei. This bone is large and robust, indicating a bird that was among the largest known enantiornithines, possibly the size of a Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). The new taxon is an addition to the short list of Late Cretaceous birds from France and confirms that enantiornithines were an important component of European avifaunas until late in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Isolation and identification of native nematode-bacterial associations in the field are necessary for successful control of endemic pests in a particular location. No study has yet been undertaken to recover and identify EPN in metropolitan France. In the present paper, we provide results of a survey of EPN and their symbiotic bacteria conducted in Hérault and Gard regions in Southern France. Molecular characterization of isolated nematodes depicted three different Steinernema species and one Heterorhabditis species, H. bacteriophora. Steinernema species recovered were identified as: S. feltiae and S. affine and an undescribed species. Xenorhabdus symbionts were identified as X. bovienii for both S. feltiae and S. affine. Phylogenetic analysis placed the new undescribed Steinernema sp. as closely related to S. arenarium but divergent enough to postulate that it belongs to a new species within the “glaseri-group”. The Xenorhabdus symbiont from this Steinernema sp. was identified as X. kozodoii. All Heterorhabditis isolates recovered were diagnosed as H. bacteriophora and their bacterial symbionts were identified as Photorhabdus luminescens. Molecular characterization of these nematodes enabled the distinction of two different H. bacteriophora strains. Bacterial symbiontic strains of these two H. bacteriophora strains were identified as P. luminescens ssp. kayaii and P. luminescens ssp. laumondii.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present an anthropological and stable isotope study (carbon and nitrogen) of 49 individuals from the Middle Neolithic population of Le Crès (Béziers, Hérault, France). The age, sex, stature and dental health were compared to the isotopic results to determine the possible relationship between diet and social behaviours. Results show no links between these parameters and the recorded isotopic variability. The study of the dental health shows a high level of attrition, related to the diet and a feminine tendency for caries.  相似文献   

Cette publication présente les résultats d’une étude de 6.263 spécimens de Xylocopinae récoltés en France métropolitaine (France continentale et Corse) et en Belgique et qui proviennent de récoltes personnelles et de 63 institutions et collections privées. Les Xylocopinae de France sont représentées par 11 espèces du genre Ceratina et 4 espèces du genre Xylocopa. Seules deux de ces espèces sont présentes en Belgique : Xylocopa violacea (L.) et Ceratina cyanea (Kirby). Un nouveau sous-genre pour le genre Ceratina est décrit : Dalyatina n. subg. Il comporte l’espèce méditerranéenne Ceratina parvula Smith présente en France, ainsi que six autres espèces d’Afrique subsaharienne. Pour chaque genre, sous-genre et espèce, les auteurs fournissent une diagnose, une diagnose différentielle, la liste des fleurs visitées, la liste des sites de nidification, la carte de distribution en France métropolitaine, un diagramme phénologique et une clé d’identifi cation des genres, sous-genres et espèces. La systématique, la biogéographie, l’écologie et le sexe ratio des espèces sont présentés et discutés. Les Xylocopinae apparaissent comme très largement polylectiques mais montrent une très nette affinité envers les Lamiaceae, les Asteraceae Cardueae et, pour le genre Xylocopa, envers les Fabaceae. Toutes les espèces présentent une phénologie estivale qui s’étend d’avril à septembre. Le sexe-ratio de la plupart des espèces est biaisé vers les femelles. Aucun mâle de C. parvula, pour 120 femelles, n’a été observé ce qui suggère que, en France du moins, l’espèce pourrait se reproduire par parthénogenèse thélytoque comme c’est le cas de C. dallatorreana Friese. La publication comprend 62 dessins au trait, 18 photos au microscope électronique à balayage, 17 cartes, 14 graphiques de phénologie, une liste de 232 espèces de fleurs visitées par les Xylocopinae, dont 176 observations originales, et 171 références.  相似文献   

Crocodilian remains collected at the turn of the centuryin the early Bartonian locality of La Livinière (Hérault, southern France) belong to a ziphodont mesosuchian. They include compressed, serrated teeth, primitive jugals, amphicoelous vertebrae, dermal scutes, and elongated, slender limb bones. The systematic position of this animal is difficult to determine, but it is more reminiscent of some forms from the upper Cretaceous of South America than of the Tertiary Sebecidae. It may be related to Iberosuchus, a ziphodont mesosuchian from the Eocene of the Iberian peninsula. Its peculiar limb bones confirm the terrestrial habits of ziphodont crocodilians.  相似文献   

The first mammalian remain ever found in NewCaledonia is an upper tooth found by golddiggers in the Plio-Pleistocene terrace from the Diahot river. This tooth, given to the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) in 1876, was determined as a rhinoceros tooth and then completely forgotten. Its detailed study shows that it belongs to Zygomaturus, a large marsupial diprotodontid genus whose story is rather complicated. The Diahot tooth represents a new species of Zygomaturus, Z. diahotensis nov. sp., close to Z. trilobus from the Australian Pleistocene. That kinship suggests a Plio-Pleistocene land connection between Australia and New Caledonia, whereas till now New Caledonia was supposed to be separated from Australia since the end of the Cretaceous, because of the total absence of indigenous mammals, fossil or recent, in New Caledonia. The latest geological studies in the East Pacific do not contradict our hypothesis.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Ophidion sp. possesses an elongated nucleus 8 μm long, a short midpiece (0,6 μm), and a long flagellum (100 μm). The flagellar membrane extends in the form of two diametrically opposed sidefins. Evolving spermatids and spermatozoa are found in the lumen of the seminiferous tubes. The sections of flagella show filamentary and tubular elements disposed parallel to the axoneme microtubules. We have divided the flagella into three types. In type 1 the tip of the sidefins contains 20 to 30 filaments 5 run in diameter and between these and the axoneme 20 to 30 tubular elements 15 to 20 nm in diameter. Type 2 possesses a dense cytoplasm and a few tubular elements 10 nm in diameter disposed at the tip of the sidefins. Type 3 contains a cytoplasm which is not dense and in which we found polysaccharides and 1 to 8 tubular elements forming a palisade which lines the plasma membrane at the tip of the sidefins. We interpret these three types as three successive stages in the organization of the flagellum during spermiogenesis. Type 3 corresponds to the spermatic flagellum. These 10-nm-diameter tubules do not have the same chemical composition as the microtubules. Elements of the cytoskeleton serve as a support for the sidefins.  相似文献   

Les analyses polliniques ont été effectuées sur 40 échantillons de miel qui proviennent des deux grandes régions phytogéographiques situées dans la province de León (N.O. de l'Espagne). La densité pollinique (grains de pollen/g de miel), est de moins de 10.000 grains/g dans 27 échantillons, de 10.000 à 50.000 grains/g dans 12 miels et de 50.000 à 100.000 grains/g dans 1 seul cas.

Treize miels monofloraux ont été typifiées: 3 de châtaignier (Castanea sativa) 1 de bruyère dont 4 d'Erica sp, 2 d'E. umbellata et 1 d'E. arborea, 1 de tournesol (Helianthus annuus) et 2 de lavande (type Lavandula pedunculata). Les autres miels sont tous multifloraux.

Dans l'ensemble des miels analysés, 122 formes de pollen on pu être identifiées. Les types polliniques Erica australis, Genista florida, Lotus corniculatus, Trifolium repens, Mentha aquatica, Plantago lanceolata, Poaceae, Prunus, Rubus ulmifolius et Salix fragilis ont été identifiées dans 80% des échantillons provenant des deux régions phytogéographiques alors que ceux de Cistus ladanifer et de Lavandula pedunculata sont typiques des seuls miels de la région Méditerranéenne. Dans la région phytogéographique Eurosibérienne, les communautés végétales les mieux représentées dans les spectres polliniques ce sont celles à gênets, à bruyères et à épineux. Dans les miels de la région Méditerranéenne il y a également une bonne représentation des genêts, des bruyères et des épineux qui font cependant partie d'associations végétales différentes comme l'indique la présence de Lavandula pedunculata, Lavandula sampaiana et Cistus sp.  相似文献   

Iron, the presence of which can be revealed by histochemical techniques and microanalysis X, accumulates in the testis of Littorina littorea (L.). Its accumulation varies in relation to the annual cycle. The highest concentration occurs during the involution period (late summer) and is lowest during gametogenesis (early winter). Besides iron, S, P, Ca, Cl and sometimes Mg and F are found. These elements are contained in lysosomes of “epithelial cells” which develop in the testis following the reproductive stage.  相似文献   

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