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The black bear population of the White River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is adjacent to populations of black bear in Louisiana (Urusus americanus luteolus) which are listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Wildlife management plans can pose restrictions on bear harvests and timber extraction; therefore the management plan for the White River NWR is sensitive to subspecific classification of its bear population. The objective of this study was to analyze genetic variation in the White River NWR and seven adjacent populations of black bears to assess the subspecific affinity of the White River NWR population. Here we report the variation at seven microsatellite DNA loci among eight black bear populations. The patterns of genetic variation gave strong support for distinguishing a southern group of black bears comprised of the White River, Arkansas; Tensas River, Louisiana; Upper Atchafalaya, Louisiana; Lower Atchafalaya, Louisiana; and Alabama/Mississippi populations. Phylogenetic analysis of individual variation suggested that historical black bear introductions into Arkansas and Louisiana affected gene pools of certain southern receiving populations, but did not significantly change interpopulation relatedness. Phylogenetic inferences at both the population and individual levels support the hypothesis that the White River NWR population of black bears belongs to the U. a. luteolus subspecies. 相似文献
JOSEPH D. CLARK RICK EASTRIDGE MICHAEL J. HOOKER 《The Journal of wildlife management》2010,74(7):1448-1456
Abstract: We live-trapped American black bears (Ursus americanus) and sampled DNA from hair at White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas, USA, to estimate annual population size (N), growth (γ), and density. We estimated N and γ with open population models, based on live-trapping data collected from 1998 through 2006, and robust design models for genotyped hair samples collected from 2004 through 2007. Population growth was weakly negative (i.e., 95% CI included 1.0) for males (0.901, 95% CI = 0.645–1.156) and strongly negative (i.e., 95% CI excluded 1.0) for females (0.846, 95% CI = 0.711–0.981), based on live-trapping data, with N from 1999 to 2006 ranging from 94.1 (95% CI = 70.3–137.1) to 45.2 (95% CI = 27.1–109.3), respectively, for males and from 151.4 (95% CI = 127.6–185.8) to 47.1 (95% CI = 24.4–140.4), respectively, for females. Likewise, mean annual γ based on hair-sampling data was weakly negative for males (0.742, 95% CI = 0.043–1.441) and strongly negative for females (0.782, 95% CI = 0.661–0.903), with abundance estimates from 2004 to 2007 ranging from 29.1 (95% CI = 21.2–65.8) to 11.9 (95% CI = 11.0–26.9), respectively, for males and from 54.4 (95% CI = 44.3–77.1) to 27.4 (95% CI =24.9–36.6), respectively, for females. We attribute the decline in the number of females in this isolated population to a decrease in survival caused by a past translocation program and by hunting adjacent to the refuge. We suggest that managers restructure the quota-based harvest limits until these growth rates recover. 相似文献
Ozark cavefish, Amblyopsis rosae, is a threatened species endemic to the Springfield Plateau of the Ozark Highlands in Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. One of the largest known Ozark cavefish populations, located in Logan Cave, Arkansas, was surveyed 25 times over a two-year period between 1993 and 1995. During the study, 147 Ozark cavefish > 30 mm (TL) were marked with visual implant tags and 140 Ozark cavefish were available for recapture; 68 were recaptured 189 times and the rest (72) were never recaptured. Individual Ozark cavefish persisted in Logan Cave for a relatively short time. Only 14% of 80 fish tagged during a previous study in 1992 were recaptured during this study, and half of all recaptured fish disappeared within three months. However, if a fish persisted for at least seven months in the cave, its probability of being recaptured over an additional year was high. Maximum persistence of a tagged fish was 28 months, suggesting these fish have a maximum life-span of 4–5 years. Growth averaged 0.6 mm per month, with maximum recorded growth of 6 mm per month and a maximum size of 65 mm TL. Smaller fish grew faster than larger fish but growth rates were sporadic, with several mid-sized fish (45–49 mm) showing little growth (0–3 mm year-1) while some fish > 50 mm grew up to 12 mm year-1. Most fish gained in length during April–October, the same period a maternity colony of gray bats occupied the cave. Gross Ozark cavefish movement over the study period ranged up to 1002 m, with a mean movement of 1.2 m day-1; movement was positively correlated with Ozark cavefish total length. Death seemed the most likely explanation for loss of tagged Ozark cavefish, including fish that emigrated out of the cave. Little up-stream movement was recorded between reaches and did not account for loss of tagged fish. Reproduction within the cave and immigration from the aquifer accounted for persistence of Ozark cavefish in Logan Cave. 相似文献
In this study we present a bacteriophage isolated from the Great Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (GSP) that is shown to have a genome size of 340 kb, unusually large for a bacterial virus. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of the virion showed this to be a Myoviridae, the first reported to infect the genus Halomonas. This temperate phage, PhigspC, exhibits a broad host range, displaying the ability to infect two different Halomonas spp. also isolated from the GSP. The phage infection process demonstrates a high level of tolerance towards temperature, pH and salinity; however, free virions are rapidly inactivated in water unless supplemented with salt. We show that susceptibility to osmotic shock is correlated with the density of the packaged DNA (rho(pack)). Lysogens of Halomonas salina GSP21 were detrimental to host fitness at 10% salinity, but the lysogen was able to grow faster than the wild type at 20% salinity. From these results we propose that the extensive genome of PhigspC may encode environmentally relevant genes (ERGs); genes that are perhaps not essential for the phage life cycle but increase host and phage fitness in some environmental conditions. 相似文献
An isolant of duck plague herpesvirus from the Lake Andes Refuge outbreak was seeded in raw and filter-decontaminated water from two locations on the refuge, held at 4 C, and assayed for infectivity intermittently over a period of 2 mo. From an initial level of about 10(5) PFU per ml, infectivity in the filtered samples uniformly dropped to about 10(4) PFU per ml. Infectivity in the raw samples declined much more rapidly; infectious virus remaining at the end of 2 mo (ca. 10(1) PFU per ml) was only about 0.01% of that originally seeded. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata) is a species of conservation concern over much of its range and is listed as endangered in Washington State. From 2000 to 2004, we used radiotelemetry to document survival and mortality factors of head-started western pond turtles (n = 68) released into Pierce National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Washington. Survival estimates for first year and older turtles ranged from 86% to 97% and overlapping confidence intervals indicated no detectible differences among age classes or among years. Subadult turtles released at ≥90-mm carapace length apparently avoided capture by most aquatic predators, indicating that terrestrial predators should be the focus of research and management where predation on larger age-classes is a concern. High annual survival combined with the documented nesting by ≥7-year-old female head-started turtles in Washington suggest that recruitment of adults is being achieved; however, head-starting is only practical as an interim solution and strategies for effective removal of aquatic predators must be developed and implemented where natural recruitment is inadequate to maintain populations. 相似文献
Rebecca Mcguire Christopher Latty Stephen Brown Shiloh Schulte Sarah Hoepfner Samuel Vassallo Paul Smith 《Ibis》2022,164(1):329-335
Cameras are important tools used to determine nest fate, identify predators and evaluate behaviour; however, they may impact the parameters they are used to measure, thereby biasing results. We evaluated the impact of cameras ? 10 m from the nest on shorebird nest survival at the Canning River Delta, Alaska, 2017–2018 (ncontrol = 122, ncamera = 109) using a much larger sample size than in previous studies conducted in the Arctic and random assignments at nest discovery. We found no effect of camera presence at the nest on daily nest survival (model-averaged daily survival rate (DSR) 85% confidence interval (CI); control: 0.971–0.983, camera: 0.969–0.982). We suggest that nest survival studies of tundra-nesting birds should consider the use of cameras to minimize researcher disturbance, increase the accuracy of fate assignments, and broaden the ecological data collected (e.g. incubation behaviour, predator identification and non-anthropogenic non-predation disruption such as by caribou). 相似文献
K H Dies 《Journal of wildlife diseases》1979,15(1):49-50
A total of 91 free-ranging black bears (Ursus americanus) from the Peace River region of northwestern Alberta was examined for helminths. Four species, Baylisascaris transfuga, Taenia krabbei, Taenia hydatigena and Dirofilaria ursi, were found. None of the bears was heavily infected. Results are compared with other similar North American surveys. 相似文献
Aditya Singh Tommy C. Hines Jeffery A. Hostetler H. Franklin Percival Madan K. Oli 《European Journal of Wildlife Research》2011,57(1):15-26
The manner by which animals use space and select resources can have important management consequences. We studied patterns
of habitat selection by northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) on Babcock-Webb Wildlife Management Area, Charlotte County, Florida and evaluated factors influencing the sizes of their
home ranges. A total of 1,245 radio-tagged bobwhites were monitored for 19,467 radio days during 2002–2007. The mean ( ± 1
SE) annual home range size, estimated using the Kernel density method, was 88.43 ( ± 6.16) ha and did not differ between genders.
Winter home ranges of bobwhites (69.27 ± 4.92 ha) were generally larger than summer home ranges (53.90 ± 4.93 ha). Annual
and winter home ranges were smaller for bobwhites whose ranges contained food plots compared to those that did not; however,
the presence of food plots did not influence summer home ranges. We used distance-based methods to investigate habitat selection
by bobwhites at two scales: selection of home ranges within the study site (second-order selection) and selection of habitats
within home ranges (third-order selection). Across both scales, bobwhites generally preferred food plots and dry prairie habitat
and avoided wet prairies and roads. This pattern was generally consistent between genders and across years. Our data indicate
that management practices aimed at increasing and maintaining a matrix of food plots and dry prairie habitat would provide
the most favorable environment for bobwhites. 相似文献
Population sizes of six mammal species were estimated using the King method during the late dry season (March) of 1996 in the Punta Leona Private Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica. The white-faced monkey (Cebus capucinus), coati (Nasua narica) and nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) with 148, 46, and 8 sighted individuals, respectively, demonstrated the largest populations in the refuge. The Central American spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi), tamandua anteater (Tamandua mexicana), and variegated squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides) were also included in the census. Population densities are calculated, habitat types are described, and habitat use and activity periods are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal for Nature Conservation》2014,22(1):23-34
The Brown bear (Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758) occupies contiguous areas in Eastern and Northern Europe. In Western Europe, the largest remnant populations occur in Cantabria, Spain and the Apennines, Italy. Under Italian law the bear and its occupied range are protected. The occupied range of the Apennine brown bear includes Majella National Park. However, information on the distribution within Majella NP is extrapolated and inconsistent, thus precluding evidence-based protected area and species management. To address this lack of information, bear presence records (1996–2010) were collated and corrected for observational bias. Multiple Species Distribution Models (SDMs) were created at 800 m resolution to predict year-round and seasonal bear distribution. A hierarchical, stepwise maxent SDM approach was applied using climatic, terrain, vegetation, and anthropogenic predictors of bear distribution. Occupied ranges were identified by point density analysis of bear presence. Our climate-only SDMs predicted bear presence in areas with relatively low snowfall and temperate temperatures. Year-round bear distribution was also accurately predicted by using temperate-montane elevations and mesic, mesotrophic vegetation substrates, irrespective of vegetation. Ski-resorts were negative predictors of year-round bear occurrence. Bears were predicted in autumn and winter by beech forest, in spring by meadows and in summer by a variety of vegetation categories. The regional and our local models predicted bear throughout the south. However, our predicted and occupied range in the north includes the Orta valley and exclude alpine heights, contrary to the regional models. Only our summer bear range is similar to a regional SDM. We demonstrated that multiple maxent SDMs using a modest number of observations and a comprehensive set of environmental variables may generate essential distributional information for protected area and species management where full wildlife and food source censuses are lacking. 相似文献
Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) is home to a low-density black bear (Ursus americanus) population that exists at >2,400?m with a very limited growing season. A previous study (1984–1991) found bear densities among the lowest reported (1.37–1.52 bears/100?km2). Because of concerns of viability of this small population, we assessed population size and density of black bears from 2003 to 2006 to determine the current status of RMNP’s bear population. We used three approaches to estimate population size and density: (1) minimum number known, (2) occupancy modeling, and (3) catch per unit effort (CPUE). We used information from capture and remote-triggered cameras, as well as visitor information, to derive a minimum known population estimate of 20–24 individuals and a median density estimate of 1.35 bears/100?km2. Bear occupancy was estimated at 0.46 (SE?=?0.11), with occupancy positively influenced by lodgepole pine stands, non-vegetated areas, and patch density but negatively influenced by mixed conifer stands. We combined the occupancy estimate with mean home-range size and overlap for bears in RMNP to derive a density estimate of 1.44 bears/100?km2. We also related CPUE to density estimates for eight low-density black bear populations to estimate density in RMNP; this estimate (1.03 bears/100?km2) was comparable to the occupancy estimate and suggests that this approach may be useful for future population monitoring. The use of corroborative techniques for assessing population size of a low-density black bear population was effective and should be considered for similar low-density wildlife populations. 相似文献
Landscape heterogeneity may influence ranging behaviour of mammals. Here we relate the home range size of elephants living in the Kruger National Park to the number of patches, proportion of each patch, spatial arrangement of patches, patch shape, and contrast between neighbouring patches. Home range sizes decreased exponentially with an increase in the number of patches per 100 km2 and the home range sizes of bulls were in general more strongly related to measures of heterogeneity. This may reflect differences in perception of heterogeneity between the sexes. 相似文献
David P. Gillette Allison M. Fortner Nathan R. Franssen Sara Cartwright Courtney M. Tobler Jeff S. Wesner Paulette C. Reneau Franz H. Reneau Ingo Schlupp Edie C. Marsh‐Matthews William J. Matthews Richard E. Broughton Corey W. Lee 《Ecography》2012,35(9):855-864
Rivers and streams are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide, and their fish assemblages have been modified by anthropogenic habitat alteration and introductions of non‐native species. Consequently, two frequently observed patterns of assemblage change over time are species loss and biotic homogenization. In the present study, we compared contemporary (2006–2007) and historical (1948–1955) assemblages of darters, a group of small benthic fishes of the family Percidae, in the Arkansas River drainage of northeastern Oklahoma, USA. Results showed species loss between the two sampling periods, with historical estimates of overall species diversity across the study area exceeding contemporary estimates by five to eight species. Assemblages showed a low degree of darter similarity based on species presence and absence, with pairwise site comparisons (Jaccard's similarity index) between historical and contemporary samples averaging < 0.35. No significant homogenization or differentiation of assemblages occurred. Range expansion of widespread species, one of the primary mechanisms of biotic homogenization, was not observed; rather, all species occurred at a smaller proportion of sites in contemporary samples. Our results highlight the threat posed by anthropogenic habitat alteration to taxonomic groups such as darters, most of which are habitat specialists. However, our results suggest that biotic homogenization is unlikely to occur in the absence of immigration, especially if assemblages are subjected to ‘novel disturbances’ such as dam construction and watershed‐scale habitat degradation which negatively affect all components of the assemblage. 相似文献
Wiesław Krzemiński 《Pal?ontologische Zeitschrift》1991,65(3-4):333-338
Fossil species of the genusCyttaromyia Scudder (Diphtera, Cylindrotomidae) described by Scudder in 1877 and 1894 from the Eocene of White River Basin and the Lower Oligocène of Florissant, Colorado, are revised.Cyttaromyia fenestrata Scudder from White River andCyttaromyia princetoniana Scudder are redescribed; the remaining species: C.cancellata Scudder, C.clathrata Scudder and C.oligocena Scudder are regarded as junior synonyms of C.princetoniana. 相似文献
Rectal temperature was determined for 84 black bears (Ursus americanus) during 99 handlings in Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia and North Carolina (USA). All bears had been trapped with cable snares and immobilized with a 2:1 ketamine hydrochloridexylazine hydrochloride mixture. Temperatures were significantly greater in males and varied significantly by season. Immobilized bears began panting at rectal temperatures greater than 42.0 C. One death occurred at 43.0 C. We recommended cooling measures on black bears at rectal temperatures of greater than or equal to 40.0 C. 相似文献
Igor Drobyshev P. Charles Goebel Yves Bergeron R. Gregory Corace 《Dendrochronologia》2012,30(2):137-145
The study of forests dominated by red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.), one of the few fire-resistant tree species of eastern North America, provides an opportunity to reconstruct long-term fire histories and examine the temporal dynamics of climate forcing upon forest fire regimes. We used a 300-year long spatially explicit dendrochronological reconstruction of the fire regime for Seney National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR, 38,531 ha), eastern Upper Michigan to: (1) identify fire size thresholds with strong vs. weak climate controls, (2) evaluate effect of landform type (outwash channel vs. sand ridges) in modifying climate–fire associations, and (3) check for the presence of temporal changes in the climate control of large fire events over the time period 1700–1983. We used a summer drought sensitive red pine chronology (ITRDB code can037) as a proxy of past fire-related climate variability. Results indicated that fires >60 ha in sand-ridge-dominated portions of SNWR and >100 ha in outwash channels were likely climatically driven events. Climate–fire associations varied over time with significant climate–fire linkages observed for the periods 1700–1800 (pre-EuroAmerican), 1800–1900 (EuroAmerican settlement) and 1900–1983 (modern era). Although an increase in fire activity at the turn of 20th century is commonly associated with human sources of ignitions, our results suggest that such an increase was also likely a climatically driven episode. 相似文献