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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):527-532
The complete list of Reptiles and Amphibians collected by dˈOrbigny in South America (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia) is published for the first time. The list consists of six species of Chelonians, 26 of Saurians, 22 of Ophidians and 16 of Amphibians (one Gymnophiona and 15 Anura). In this list, 31 species were new and are still valid. The plates were published separately and prior to the publication of the ‘Reptiles’ chapter in the Voyage dans lˈAmérique méridionale, and sometimes before the corresponding volume of the Erpétologie générale of Duméril and Bibron 〚3〛. The publication dates of the plates change the known name, author(s) and dates of the several figured species.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):565-571
In the Paléontologie française (1850), Alcide dˈOrbigny described 78 species of Rudists found in geological beds in France.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(7):615-627
Fossil invertebrates collected or received by Alcide d’Orbigny, all his life long, have been brought together in a renowned collection that is very rich in terms of both species and specimens. The collection has resulted from a huge palaeontological work. Study of faunas from numerous French sites led Alcide d’Orbigny to do biostratigraphical comparisons and to erect geological stages, the definitions of which rest on their stratotypes. His wide knowledge of European fossil faunas was strengthened by a more global palaeobiogeographical view derived from his travel in South America. The d’Orbigny collection is housed in the ‘Muséum’ of Paris and is often visited by experts.  相似文献   

The cytokinin activities of various 6-acylaminopurines, 6-alkylaminopurines, 6-acylamino-9-benzyl-purines as well as a series of isosteric-nitrogen derivatives of N6-(γ, γ-dimethylallyl)adenine (I6Ade) have been tested using the tobacco pith and the pea bud bioassays. The interactions between active, slightly active and inactive compounds have been studied with the last assay. Acylation decreases the biological activity; e.g., N6-benzoyl and N6-furoyladenines are less active than Na6-benzyladenine and kinetin. Substitution at the 9-position reduces (tobacco-pith assay) or suppresses (pea-bud assay) the phytohormonal activity of otherwise active 6-acylaminopurines. In isosteric derivatives, maximum activity occurs when the side chain has the same length as in 16Ade. After the analysis of interactions between more or less active compounds, it is suggested that the differences in cytokinin activity could be related to unequal affinities for a hypothetical receptor site.  相似文献   

The Messinian coral reefs of Oranie (western Algeria) often contain determinable remnants of decapods (carapaces, chelae). Six species are mentioned, all of them for the first time from the Upper Miocene of Algeria. Further, a new species (Lachnopodus murdjadjensis) is proposed. This decapod association seems to be a characteristic reefdwelling one. Its affinities are discussed.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans 4 familles où se trouvait un malade atteint de poliomyélite on a examiné les sérums de la phase aiguë et de la phase de convalescence des malades et des autres membres de famille pour chercher la présence d'anticorps neutralisant trois souches du virus poliomyélitique (Lansing, SK et MM) et le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire. Dans deux familles au moins, les recherches indiquent que les anticorps contre la souche Lansing ne se forment que comme conséquence spécifique d'une infection, éventuellement asymptomatique, par un virus poliomyélitique d'une structure antigène apparentée à celle de la souche Lansing. Dans une famille le sérum de la phase aiguë d'un malade et le sérum de sa mère, contenaient des anticorps tandis que le sérum de son père et d'une soeur ne neutralisait pas la souche Lansing. Dix semaines après, les sérums du père et de la soeur avaient obtenu un pouvoir neutralisant contre cette souche, bien que ni l'un ni l'autre n'aient été malades. Ceci pourrait indiquer la possibilité d'une infection par contact direct dans la famille.  相似文献   

From a survey of 30 species and varieties of ladybugs the presence of alkaloids appears to be correlated with the existence of aposematic colour and not with being carnivorous or phytophagous. The alkaloids described until now all belong to the Coccinellini and are closely related, but other types of bases have been detected in some genera. The observed distributions are in agreement with the modern taxonomy of the family.Ladybug alkaloids constitute an effective defence against ants, Myrmica rubra, and quails, Coturnix coturnix, but all the beetles containing alkaloids do not possess the same degree of protection. Individual quail react differently towards moderately protected species.The bioassay used for the first isolation of coccinelin is described. The repulsive activities of aqueous solutions of coccinellin and convergin towards ants have been compared.  相似文献   

Treatment of 1,2:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-α-d-ribo- and xylo-hexofuranos-3-uloses with (difluoromethylene)triphenylphosphorane and (chlorofluoromethylene)-triphenylphosphorane gave unsaturated, ramified halogeno sugars in good yield. Treatment of the chlorofluoromethylene derivatives with lithium aluminum hydride gave stereospecifically the corresponding fluoromethylene derivatives with inversion of configuration at the double bond. The configuration was determined by 1h- and 19F-n.m.r. spectrometry.  相似文献   

Contrasting with sperm count or morphology, complete lack of mobile sperm may seriously impair ICSI fertilization and pergnancy rate. In three cases with flagellar skeleton abnormalities [dynein arm absence] only immobile sperm were found in the ejaculate. Following repeated ejaculations, higher rates of viable spermatozoa and even some motile spermatozoa could be found. Some times, in nonobstructive azoospermia, extensive sperm search didn't allow us to find but immobile sperm mostly, with very few motile sperm cells, not enough for the microinjection of all oocytes. The third group of immobile sperm is iatrogenic, following freezing and thawing surgically retrieved, testicular or epididymal spermatozoa in order to avoid repeated surgical retrieval. Following thawing, one find frequently very few motile spermatozoa that may be not enough for all retrieved oocytes and it might be necessary to inject some eggs with immobile spermatozoa. The outcome of ICSI using mobile and immobile sperm was compared in the three above mentioned groups: 1-immobile ejaculated sperm with flagellar defects, 2-immobile sperm discovered in the ejaculate after extensive sperm search and 3- immobile frozen-thawed testicular or epididymal spermatozoa. The results of ICSI in these groups show that fertilizing ability of fresh or frozenthawed immobile spermatozoa is not significantly different from ICSI with mobile sperm from the same origin. More over, in the first group with flagellar abnormalities, repeated ejaculations allowed us significantly increase sperm viability and fertilization ability. Finding only immobile fresh or frozen-thawed sperm the day of egg retrieval should not lead us to ICSI cancellation. Pregnancies may occur with such immobile sperm.  相似文献   

Carcinine (β-alanylhistamine) is present in ail Portunidae, whether they belong to the subfamilies Portuninae, Polybiinae or Carcininae. Portunidae are thus an homogenous group regarding this biochemical character. The compound is also present in Atelecyclidae making them akin to Portunidae. It is absent in all other Crustacea Brachyura which were analysed, as well as in Macrura and Anomura.  相似文献   

Monotritylation of O-acetyl derivatives of D-xylopyranose and D-xylofuranose with trityl chloride in acetonitrile-pyridine gave the tri-O-acetyl derivatives of 1-,2-, 3-, and 5-O-trityl-D-xylofuranose and of 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-O-trityl-D-xylopyranose which were required for the identification of the various monotrityl derivatives obtained in the tritylation at 50° of D-xylose with trityl chloride in pyridine or hexamethylphosphoric triamide-silver acetate.  相似文献   

The dipnoan dental plates discovered in the Frasnian of the Kerman region (Central Iran) are referred to the genera Rhinodipterus, ? Dipterus and ? Chirodipterus. The new taxon Iranorhynchus seyedemamii n. g., n. sp. is erected for a peculiar lower jaw with an elongate, spatula-shaped symphysial region, and with all the ventral and lateral dermal bones fused into a continuous exoskeleton. Furthermore, this lower jaw possesses a well-developed system of symphysial tubuli which is related to the bottle-shaped cavities of the exoskeleton (pore-canal system). A snout fragment from a large dipnoan is provisionnally referred to a rhynchodipterid.  相似文献   

Résumé Les extraits de cultures anaérobies avec NO3 - de Micrococcus denitrificans et Pseudomonas aeruginosa catalysent la réduction du nitrite en N2 lorsqu'on les met en présence de p-phénylène-diamine ou de p-amino-N:N-diméthyl-aniline. Un atome de N2 est issu de-NH2; l'autre provient de NO2 - Quand la quantité d'extrait ou de cellules augmente, l'activité spécifique de l'enzyme, mesurée par la méthode manométrique de Warburg, décroît.La p-phénylène-diamine-NO2 --réductase est inhibée par le cyanure, présente une activité optimale à pH 6,6, existe à l'état soluble dans les extraits bruts: elle ne sédimente pas à 140 000×g pendant 2 heures. Elle précipite en majeure partie dans la fraction 45–70 (pour cent de saturation en sulfate d'ammonium). Chez M. denitrificans, elle est inductible et sa biosynthèse semble réprimée par l'oxygène.Les observations suivantes suggrent que la p-phénylène-diamine-NO2 --réductase joue un rôle dans la dénitrification: (1) jusqu'ici elle a été trouvée uniquement chez les bactéries dénitrifiantes; (2) les conditions de culture influencent de la même manière l'activité nitrite-réductase des cellules, mesurée en présence de glucose, et l'activité p-phénylène-diamine-NO2 --réductase des extraits; (3) les activités glucose (ou lactate)-NO2 --réductase et p-phénylène-diamine-NO2 --réductase des cellules ne sont pas additives.Lorsque la N:N:N:N-tétraméthyl-p-phénylène-diamine sert de donneuse d'électrons, les extraits produisent à la fois de l'oxyde nitrique et de l'azote.
Bacterial denitrification
Summary Extracts of Microccus denitrificans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown anaerobically in the presence of NO3 - catalyze the reduction of nitrite to N2 when p-phenylene-diamine or p-amino-N:N-dimethyl-aniline is added. One atom of N2 originates from-NH2; the other from NO2 -. When the quantity of extract or of cells is increased, the specific activity of enzyme, measured by the Warburg manometric method, decreases.The p-phenylene-diamine-NO2 - reductase is inhibited by cyanide, has a pH optimum at 6.6, and in crude extracts exists in soluble form: it does not sediment at 140,000×g for 2 hours. The enzyme precipitates for the most part in the ammonium sulfate fraction 45–70. In M. denitrificans it is inducible and its biosynthesis seems to be repressed by oxygen.The following observations suggest that p-phenylene-diamine-NO2 - reductase has a role in denitrification: (1) until now it has been found only in denitrifying bacteria; (2) cellular nitrite reductase activity, measured in presence of glucose, and p-phenylene-diamine-NO2 - reductase activity of extracts are similarly infuenced by culture conditions; (3) the glucose (or lactate)-NO2 - reductase and p-phenylene-diamine-NO2 - reductase activities of cells are not additive.When N:N:N:N-tetramethyl-p-phenylene-diamine is used as electron donor, the extracts produce both nitric oxide and nitrogen.

Abréviations PDA p-phénylène-diamine - DMPDA N:N-diméthyl-p-phénylène-diamine - TMPDA N:N:N:N-tétraméthyl-p-phénylène-diamine avec la collaboration technique de  相似文献   

Methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-5,6-O-isopropylidene-β-D-glucofuranoside was prepared in excellent yield from methyl 2-benzamido-2-deoxy-5,6-O-isopropylidene-β-D-glucofuranoside by alkaline hydrolysis, followed by selective N-acetylation. Treatment with 60% acetic acid at room temperature gave syrupy methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucofuranoside, characterized by a crystalline tri-O-p-nitrobenzoyl derivative. The same treatment, at 100° gave methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranoside. In an alternative procedure, the selective N-acetylation was performed after acetic acid hydrolysis of methyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-5,6-O-isopropylidene-β-D-glucofuranoside. Several derivatives of methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucofuranoside were prepared and compared with the corresponding pyranosides. The furanoside structure was clearly demonstrated by mass spectrometry and periodate oxidation.  相似文献   

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