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European badgers (Meles meles) live in groups. Although they can distinguish between a member of their own group, a member of a neighbouring group and a stranger, their ability to understand that neighbouring individuals belong to different groups inhabiting different places, and possibly to build up some representation of the spatial organisation of neighbouring groups remains to be shown. In this study, we conducted a pilot homing experiment to test such ability. Radio-collared badgers were displaced to the home ranges of neighbouring groups and their homing performances were compared to those of badgers displaced either to the periphery of their own group's home range or beyond the neighbouring home ranges. When released in their own home range, badgers homed rapidly and efficiently, whereas when released beyond the neighbouring groups' home ranges (whatever the distance) they did not home. In contrast, badgers released in the home range of a neighbouring group performed some random search there, before returning to their setts quite efficiently. These results suggest that badgers may consider their neighbours as members of different groups inhabiting different places close to their own home range, but their ability to build up some spatial representation of neighbourhood relationships could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

In France, several surveillance programmes have been carried out to monitor the presence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in badgers in regions where cattle or wildlife show high bTB prevalence (Seine-Maritime, Côte d’Or, Dordogne/Charente). Diagnostic methods include post-mortem examination, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or microbiological culture. The frequency of visible lesions was significantly higher in Dordogne/Charente (14/283, 4.9 %) than in Côte d’Or (19/1146, 1.7 %) and Seine-Maritime (2/160, 1.25 %) (Fisher’s exact test, p?<?0.001). Lesions were mainly located in cephalic and thoracic lymph nodes with one badger showing generalised tuberculosis. Near infected cattle farms or pastures, Mycobacterium bovis was detected using the culture method in roughly 1 % (1/103) of the badgers sampled in Seine-Maritime and in 5.6 % (49/878) of the badgers sampled in Côte d’Or. In Dordogne/Charente, the prevalence determined by PCR was 13.3 % (29/218). M. bovis was not found in badgers trapped in areas where there are no infected cattle. Spoligotyping and multiple locus variable number tandem repeat analysis showed that all M. bovis strains isolated from badgers were of the same genotype as those isolated from cattle in the vicinity, demonstrating an epidemiological link between both species. These are the first cases of bTB in badgers reported in France. Further surveys and research are needed to investigate the role badgers play in the epidemiology of bTB.  相似文献   

Population structure, in terms of the body mass, condition, sex and reproductive status of individuals, has been found to vary in phase with population density in cyclic populations of microtine rodents. Because sustained population cycles involve delayed density dependent changes in the population growth rate, we would expect at least some life history traits also to depend on past densities. Detailed, long-term studies of changes in vole life history traits are however few, and are largely restricted to northern Europe. In view of the uncertainty as to whether the cyclic microtine populations of western Europe represent the same phenomenon as those of northern Europe, we studied temporal variation in the structure of a clearly cyclic population of the common vole Microtus arvalis Pallas, in the cereal plains of mid-western France. Our data set contains seasonal, individual-level data from long-term, large-scale trapping covering four entire population cycles. We found considerable cyclic variation in population structure in spring (April), but less so in summer (June). In spring of post-peak years, animals were of low body weight and body condition (particularly females), litter sizes were smaller and there was a reduction in the proportion of breeders. All of these could be proximal drivers of increased mortality rates, or decreased birth rates, contributing to the population declines. Few life history traits, however, showed direct density dependent variation, and none of the traits studied here showed delayed density dependence. We have shown declines in the fecundity and body condition of voles from a western European population that coincides with, and may be a proximal cause of, cyclic declines in population density. Closer attention to proximal causes, by which ecological processes drive cycles, could clarify the extent to which microtine cycles across Europe represent a single phenomenon.  相似文献   

Plants are expected to emit floral scent when their pollinators are most active. In the case of long‐tubed flowers specialised for pollination by crepuscular or nocturnal moths, scent emissions would be expected to peak during dawn. Although this classic idea has existed for decades, it has rarely been tested quantitatively. We investigated the timing of flower visitation, pollination and floral scent emissions in six long‐spurred Satyrium species (Orchidaceae). We observed multiple evening visits by pollinaria‐bearing moths on flowers of all study species, but rarely any diurnal visits. The assemblages of moth pollinators differed among Satyrium species, even those that co‐flowered, and the lengths of moth tongues and floral nectar spurs were strongly correlated, suggesting that the available moth pollinator fauna is partitioned by floral traits. Pollinarium removal occurred more frequently during the night than during the day in four of the six species. Scent emission, however, was only significantly higher at dusk than midday in two species. Analysis of floral volatiles using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry yielded 168 scent compounds, of which 112 were species‐specific. The scent blends emitted by each species occupy discrete clusters in two‐dimensional phenotype space, based on multivariate analysis. We conclude that these long‐spurred Satyrium species are ecologically specialised for moth pollination, yet the timing of their scent emission is not closely correlated with moth pollination activity. Scent composition was also more variable than expected from a group of closely related plants sharing the same pollinator functional group. These findings reveal a need for greater understanding of mechanisms of scent production and their constraints, as well as the underlying reasons for divergent scent chemistry among closely related plants.  相似文献   

Populations of common voles Microtus arvalis were studied as hosts of the tapeworm Taenia taeniaeformis during a 14-yr survey. They were monitored in spring, summer, and autumn in a pastoral ecosystem in eastern France. A total of 7,574 voles were sampled during 2 multiannual population fluctuations. A third fluctuation was sampled during the increase phase only. Overall prevalence was lowest in summer (0.6%), increased by 3 times in autumn (1.5%) and a further 5 times in spring (7.8%). Analysis of prevalence, based on 7,384 voles, by multiple logistic regression revealed that extrinsic factors such as season and intrinsic factors such as host age and host density have a combined effect. In the longer term, host age and host density were positively associated with prevalence in summer. Host density was strongly associated with autumn prevalence. There was no association between the fluctuation phase and prevalence. The study shows that a long timescale (here a multiannual survey) is necessary to demonstrate the positive effect of host density on the prevalence of this indirectly transmitted parasite. The demonstration of this relationship depends on the rodents being intermediate rather than definitive hosts.  相似文献   

The resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH) predicts that resource heterogeneity can act as a passive cause of group‐living in social carnivores and potentially many other species. One central prediction of the RDH is that territory size and group size are not related, as they are determined by resource dispersion and quality, respectively. In this study we investigated the relationship between territory size, group size and group composition in the European badger, a non‐cooperative social mustelid whose behavioural ecology was central to the development of the RDH. Using data from a long‐term study in the UK, we found that territory size and group size were positively related, contradicting a core prediction of the RDH. Furthermore, territory size was more strongly correlated with the number of adult males in the group than to the number of females or total group size. This result suggests that male badgers may have a more important role in territoriality and receive greater benefits from territory enlargement. These findings are consistent with the predictions of the anti‐kleptogamy hypothesis, and suggest that badger territorial and social behaviour is not purely driven by resource dispersion, but may also be associated with breeding behaviour, as in other mustelids.  相似文献   

California coastal woodlands are suffering severe disease and mortality as a result of infection from Phytophthora ramorum. Quercus agrifolia is one of the major woodland species at risk. This study investigated within- and among-population variation in host susceptibility to inoculation with P. ramorum and compared this with population genetic structure using molecular markers. Susceptibility was assessed using a branch-cutting inoculation test. Trees were selected from seven natural populations in California. Amplified fragment length polymorphism molecular markers were analysed for all trees used in the trials. Lesion sizes varied quantitatively among individuals within populations, with up to an eightfold difference. There was little support for population differences in susceptibility. Molecular structure also showed a strong within-population, and weaker among-population, pattern of variation. Our data suggest that susceptibility of Q. agrifolia to P. ramorum is variable and is under the control of several gene loci. This variation exists within populations, so that less susceptible local genotypes may provide the gene pool for regeneration of woodlands where mortality is high.  相似文献   

European white stork are long considered to diverge to eastern and western migration pools as a result of independent overwintering flyways. In relatively recent times, the western and northern distribution has been subject to dramatic population declines and country‐specific extirpations. A number of independent reintroduction programs were started in the mid 1950s to bring storks back to historical ranges. Founder individuals were sourced opportunistically from the Eastern and Western European distributions and Algeria, leading to significant artificial mixing between eastern and western flyways. Here we use mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA to test the contention that prior to translocation, eastern and western flyways were genetically distinct. The data show a surprising lack of structure at any spatial or temporal scale suggesting that even though birds were moved between flyways, there is evidence of natural mixing prior to the onset of translocation activities. Overall a high retention of genetic diversity, high Nef, and an apparent absence of recent genetic bottleneck associated with early 20th century declines suggest that the species is well equipped to respond to future environmental pressures.  相似文献   

Aim To test six hypotheses that could explain or mediate the positive correlation between human population density (HPD) and bird species richness while controlling for biased sampling effort. These hypotheses were labelled as follows: productivity (net primary productivity, NPP); inherent heterogeneity (diversity of vegetation types); anthropogenic heterogeneity (diversity of land uses); conservation policy (proportion of conservation land); increased productivity (human‐induced productivity increases); and the reduced‐slope hypothesis (which predicts that humans have a negative impact on species numbers across the full range of variation in HPD). Location Australia. Methods All data were collected at a spatial resolution of 1° across mainland Australia. Bird species richness was from 2007 atlas data and random subsampling was used to account for biased sampling effort. HPD was from the 2006 census. All other data were from government produced geographic information system layers. The most important biotic or abiotic factors influencing patterns in both species richness and HPD were assessed using simultaneous autoregressive models and an information theoretic approach. Results NPP appeared to be one of the main factors driving spatial congruence between bird species richness and HPD. Inherent habitat heterogeneity was weakly related to richness and HPD, although an interaction between heterogeneity and NPP indicated that the former may be an important determinant of species richness in low‐productivity regions. There was little evidence that anthropogenic landscape heterogeneity or human‐induced changes in productivity influenced the relationship between species richness and HPD, but conservation policy appeared to act as an important mediating factor and species richness was positively related to the proportion of conservation land only in regions of high HPD. Main conclusions The spatial congruence between bird species richness and HPD occurs because both respond positively to productivity and, in certain circumstances, habitat heterogeneity. Our results suggest that conservation policy could mediate this relationship, but further research is required to determine the importance of conservation reserves in supporting species in regions densely populated by humans.  相似文献   

Since nine patients with infantile liver cirrhosis or hepatopathy associated with the Pi ZZ phenotype had been observed in recent years in the Children's Hospital of the University of Innsbruck, Tyrol, the distribution of the Pi types and the PiM subtypes was determined in the Tyrolean population. Apparently healthy blood donors (868) from different regions of Tyrol were examined. Isoelectricfocusing was used for classification of Pi types. The frequency of the allele PiZ was 0.0138, which corresponded to the range observed in other Middle European populations. The frequencies for the suballeles of PiM were PiM1 = 0.7062, PiM2 = 0.1480, and PiM3 = 0.1037. PiS had a frequency of 0.0225, the other rare alleles occurred with a combined frequency of 0.0058.  相似文献   

We examine the first arrival and last departure dates of migrant bird species from, respectively, six and three English area bird reports. Of all 145 bird series, 50% demonstrated significantly earlier arrival in recent years, with the average advance over all species being 0.25 days/year or 12 days earlier over 50 years. Thirty percent of 67 series demonstrated significantly later departure, with the average species delay being 0.16 days/year or eight days later over 50 years. There was greater consistency between species in trends in first arrival than in last departure, with species such as sand martin Riparia riparia significantly earlier at all six sites while, for example, spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata showed no significant change in arrival at all sites. Significant negative correlations between arrival dates and English temperatures were found for 26% of all series, but temperature effects on departures were less clear. We provide some evidence that trends in arrival dates may be masked by population declines in birds. Since migrant bird populations are in decline generally, this may suggest that the real advance in arrival dates may be greater than that reported here.  相似文献   

Floral scents of male and female inflorescences of three dioeciousSalix species were collected by head-space adsorption, and analysed by GC-MS. InSalix caprea andS. cinerea 1,4-dimethoxy benzene was the main compound, and male and female scents showed a high degree of resemblance. No dominant compound was found inS. repens and malefemale scent similarity was low. Floral scent inSalix is likely a strong orientation cue, guiding pollinators between male and female plants ensuring pollen transfer and pollination. We suggest that a high degree of male-female floral scent resemblance is coupled to a high degree of insect pollination. Floral scent does not promote reproductive isolation betweenS. caprea andS. cinerea.  相似文献   

We examined the growth rate of the breeding population of king penguins of Crozet archipelago over 41 years. Most colonies showed positive growth rates from the 1960s. However, there was evidence for a decrease in the larger colonies since the early 1990s, and for lower growth rates in the smaller colonies during the 1990s. The overall population size was estimated using log linear models, and the average annual growth rate was +6.3% for the 41-year period. Four change points were detected in the annual growth rate: +21.1% during 1978–1985, +4.3% during 1985–1995, –19.2% during 1995–1999, and +10.9% during 1999–2003. Time-series analyses of the population-size estimates and the relationship between growth rate and population size both indicated density-dependence in population growth rate. Variations in population sizes are also discussed in relation to environmental fluctuations. Our results suggest that important changes occurred over the past 10 years.  相似文献   

Temperate mountain ranges such as the European Alps have been strongly affected by the Pleistocene glaciations. Glacial advances forced biota into refugia, which were situated either at the periphery of mountain ranges or in their interior. Whereas in the Alps peripheral refugia have been repeatedly and congruently identified, support for the latter scenario, termed “nunatak hypothesis,” is still limited and no general pattern is recognizable yet. Here, we test the hypothesis of nunatak survival for species growing in the high alpine to subnival zones on siliceous substrate using the cushion plant Androsace alpina (Primulaceae), endemic to the European Alps, as our model species. To this end, we analyzed AFLP and plastid DNA sequence data obtained from a dense and range‐wide sampling. Both AFLPs and plastid sequence data identified the southwestern‐most population as the most divergent one. AFLP data did not allow for discrimination of interior and peripheral populations, but rather identified two to three longitudinally separated major gene pools. In contrast, in the eastern half of the Alps several plastid haplotypes of regional or local distribution in interior ranges—the Alpine periphery mostly harbored a widespread haplotype—were indicative for the presence of interior refugia. Together with evidence from other Alpine plant species, this study shows that in the eastern Alps silicicolous species of open habitats in the alpine and subnival zone survived, also or exclusively so, in interior refugia. As the corresponding genetic structure may be lost in mostly nuclear‐derived, rapidly homogenizing marker systems such as AFLPs or RAD sequencing tags, markers not prone to homogenization, as is the case for plastid sequences (Sanger‐sequenced or extracted from an NGS data set) will continue to be important for detecting older, biogeographically relevant patterns.  相似文献   

Urbanization, with its cohort of environmental stressors, has a dramatic effect on wildlife, causing loss of biodiversity and decline in population abundance customarily associated with increasing levels of impervious surface and fragmentation of native habitats. Some studies suggest that faunal species from open habitats, and with higher abundance in natural environments, seem more likely to tolerate and live in urban environments. Here I evaluate how the level of urbanization affects lagartixas (Tropidurus hispidus) one of the most common lizards found in open vegetation ecosystems in NE Brazil. I surveyed a total of 47 transects across sites that differed in proportion of impervious surface (high, mild, peri‐urban, and rural). I also collected specific biotic (herbaceous cover, tree, and arthropod abundance) and abiotic (amount of shelters and impervious surfaces) factors that could affect lagartixas abundance. Ants were the most common arthropod both in the rural and urban environment. Lagartixas thrive in urban environments, and trees and shelter were key predictors of their abundance. Lagartixas show a clear association with use of artificial structures. The low densities of lagartixas in rural areas and higher density in urbanized areas suggest that they colonized urban areas due to the hard surfaces and they probably are not exploiting a novel habitat, but somewhat responding to conditions resembling those in which they evolved. Finally, lagartixas are extremely common in tropical cities, they have a suite of features that are associated with selective pressures in cities and they might play a key functional role in urban ecosystems making this lizard an excellent system for the study of ecology and adaptation to the urban environments.  相似文献   

Eurasian badgers, Meles meles, in Mediterranean cork‐oak woodlands live in small groups within territories that embrace a mosaic of habitats where several setts (dens) are scattered. Assuming that their population density was related to home range sizes and that this in turn was influenced by food and water availability and the existence of substrate suitable for sett construction, we explored the relationship between these parameters. Two biotopes were predominantly important in providing food security to badgers in the ‘Grândola’ mountain study area: olive groves and orchards or vegetable gardens. Analysis of the mean total area of these two habitats in the ranges of radio‐tracked badgers permitted us to extrapolate to an estimate that the 66 km2 encompassed eleven areas with the capacity to support badger groups each composed by 6–8 individuals. Since only three groups populated the area we concluded that food availability was not limiting badger density. Sites with surface water in summer (the dry season) seem sufficient to support more badger groups than existed, leading us to believe that this factor was also not limiting badger density. Simultaneously, using a logistic regression model and the biophysical characteristics of sett sites as explanatory variables, four predictor variables determined sett location: the existence of a geological fault/discontinuity, ridges, valleys and the distance to abandoned farm houses, of which the former had the higher odds ratio, being thus the best sett location predictor. Indeed, 56% of the areas predicted with >80% confidence to contain a badger sett were encompassed within a known home range. Therefore, our results suggest that, in Mediterranean cork oak woodlands in SW Portugal, the main factor limiting badger's density is the availability of suitable sites for setts. However, in areas where suitable sites for burrows existed, but food patches were absent, badgers were not found. This could indicate that the presence of both factors was necessary for badgers, although in this area sites suitable for digging setts appeared to be the primary limiting factor.  相似文献   

A major concern regarding psychostimulant medication (amphetamine and methylphenidate) in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are the potential adverse effects to the developing brain, particularly in regard to dopaminergic brain function. The present review focuses on the pharmacology of these psychostimulants, their mode of action in the human brain and their potential neurotoxic effects to the developing brain in animals, particularly concerning DA brain function. The potential clinical significance of these findings for the treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents is discussed. Studies on sensitization to psychostimulants’ rewarding effects, which is a process expected to increase the risk of substance abuse in humans, are not included. The available findings in non-human primates support the notion that the administration of amphetamine and methylphenidate with procedures simulating clinical treatment conditions does not lead to long-term adverse effects in regard to development, neurobiology or behaviour as related to the central dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

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