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中国天山的平蒴藓属(Plagiobryum Lindb.)植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平蒴藓属PlagiobryumLindb.(真藓科Bryaceae)植物在世界上共有8种(IndexMuscorum;Ochi1959,1970;Hedderson1990;Hedderson&Harold1990).中国大陆记录有3种分布(陈邦杰等1963;张满祥1978;Redfearn&Wu1986;Redfearn,Tan&He1996).其中,钝叶平蒴藓(P.giraldii(C.Muell.)Par.)特产于秦岭太白山(张满祥1978).作者基于在天山的实地考察和对标本的研究,报道了中国天山产的平蒴藓属植物共有2种即平蒴藓(P.zierii(Hedw.)Lindb.)和尖叶平蒴藓(P.demissum(Hoppe&Hornsch.)Lindb.),其中的平蒴藓为该区分布的首次记录.从种的现代地理分布和区域地理特点来看,这2种均属泛北极分布类型.依据所采的标本对它们进行了详细描述和绘图.中国天山平蒴藓属分种检索表如下1.植物体上部银白色或白色,下部红褐色.叶覆瓦状排列,卵圆形,内凹;中肋及顶或达于叶尖稍下处终止.孢蒴长棒状,平列或略倾斜1.平蒴藓P.zierii(Hedw.)Lindb.1.植物体红褐色.叶直立,披针形至卵圆状披针形;中肋突出叶尖.孢蒴梨形,下倾2.尖叶平蒴藓P.demissum(Hope&Hornsch.)Lindb.  相似文献   

Aims: To facilitate isolation and differentiation of the almost entirely unknown Jeotgalicoccus spp. Methods and Results: Jeotgalicoccus spp. have been found in dust samples using SSCP‐PCR analysis. As the cultivation of strains is necessary for further studies on virulence, pathogenicity or metabolism, we developed a method for cultural isolation and further differentiation of Jeotgalicoccus spp. We found that J. halotolerans, J. psychrophilus, J. marinus, as well as the related species Salinicoccus roseus grow on Baird Parker (BP) agar as black colonies without clear zones. J. pinnipedialis and S. jeotgali grow only weakly on BP agar without forming clearly delineated colonies. On BP agar, the colony‐forming Jeotgalicoccus and Salinicoccus spp. are not distinguishable from coagulase‐negative Staphylococcus spp. (CNS). However, unlike CNS, all of the above mentioned species are unreactive in the OF test. SSCP‐PCR was able to differentiate between all investigated Jeotgalicoccus and Salinicoccus spp., as all species had different band positions. Conclusions: Jeotgalicoccus spp. and Salinicoccus spp. may be widely distributed in the environment, but, until now, overlooked or confused with staphylococci. Further epidemiological studies, which are required to prove this hypothesis, are facilitated by the observations of our study. Significance and Impact: This not yet published information enables researchers to carry out epidemiological studies on Jeotgalicoccus spp. in a very cheap and easy way.  相似文献   

A new name (Pteroceras semiteretifolium H. Æ. Peders.) and two new combinations (P. cladostachyum (Hook.f.) H. Æ. Peders., P. unguiculatum (Lindley) H. Æ. Peders.) are presented. The correct application of the name P. pallidum (Blume) Holttum is discussed.  相似文献   

铁线莲属研究随访(Ⅳ)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
(1)Eichler(1958)在研究马来西亚铁线莲属植物时也深入地研究了中国、越南、泰国、缅甸及喜马拉雅山区的该属标本,认为根据我国台湾标本描述的Clematis taiwaniana Hayata可能为C.javanaDC.的异名。本文作者在研究了有关的南洋群岛、中国台湾及日本琉球群岛的标本之后同意Eichler的归并意见;此外,C.grataWall.var.ryukiuensis Tamura,C.sikkimensis(Hook.f.&Thoms.)Drumm.ex Burkill,C.connata DC.var.bipinnata M.Y.Fang,C.kilungensis W.T.Wang & M.Y.Fang等拉丁学名也被归并为异名。(2)对大叶铁线莲组sect.Tubulosae做出了新的分类系统。特产日本的Clematis takedana Makino自发表后一直被认为是C.apiifolia DC.和C.stans Sieb. & Zucc.(大叶铁线莲C.heracleifolia DC.的近缘种之一)的杂交种。此种为木质藤本植物,具三出复叶,腋生花序有多数两性花,呈圆锥状,而相似于C.apiifolia DC.(萼片水平开展,雄蕊无毛,花药狭长圆形,药隔顶端不突出),但其萼片向斜上方开展(花萼宽钟状),花丝上部有疏柔毛,花药条形,药隔顶端有短突起而不同。笔者发现,特产我国河北西部和北京山地的羽叶铁线莲C.pinnata Maxim.(叶为具5小叶的羽状复叶)具有与C.takedanaMakino相同的花构造,二者在亲缘关系上极为相近,组成一个自然小群。这二种与特产北京的细花铁线莲C.tatarinowii Maxim.(花两性,萼片直立,花丝上部有疏柔毛,花药狭长圆形,背面有疏柔毛,药隔顶端不突出)组成大叶铁线莲组sect.Tubulosae的原始群——羽叶铁线莲亚组subsect.Pinnatae。而原来的大叶铁线莲C.heracleifolia DC.等种组成此组的进化群——大叶铁线莲亚组subsect.Tubulosae,其特征为花通常单性,萼片直立,雄蕊常有疏柔毛,茎直立,草质至木质。此外,还对C.siamensis Drumm.ex Burkill的4变种和C.connata DC.的5变种进行了分类。(3)描述了3新系、3新种和4新变种。(4)做出了6新组合和3新等级。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Erythrochlamys is described: E. frulicosa from Somalia and Ethiopia. An interesting variation in E, leucosphaera is also discussed.  相似文献   

( 1 ) Nine species and 4 varieties are described as new, and 2 new ranks, 1 new combination, and 1 new name are proposed. (2) Clematis dioica L. ssp. virginiana (L.) Kuntze var. bahamica Kuntze, C. bahamica (Kuntze) Britton, C. orbiculata Correll, C. brasiliana DC. var. laxa St. Hilaire, C. perulata Kuntze, C. barrancae Jones, C. discolor Gardn., C. laxiflora Baker, C. bathiei Lévl., and C. mauritiana Lam. var. sulfurea Viguier & Perrier are reduced into synonymy. (3) A new classification for the varieties of C. chinensis Osbeck is proposed. (4) The specific status of C. flukenetii DC. is discussed and confirmed. (5) The differences between C. acapulcensis Hook. & Arn., the South American population of which has been misidentified as C. affinis St. Hilaire, and its close ally, C. affinis St. Hilaire, are given. (6) The taxonomical confusion made by Viguier and Perrier about the species belonging to sect. Meclatis subsect. Wightianae distributed in Madagascar and adjoining islands is clarified, and an enumera-tion of them with a key is given.  相似文献   

STONE, BENJAMIN C, 1988. Notes on the genus Pandanus (Pandanaceae) in Tahiti. Pandanus tectorius Park. ex Z. is reinstated with choice of a representative pistillate specimen, following the example of St. John who selected a representative pistillate specimen for P. odoratissimus L. fil., thus making possible the comparison and contrast of other taxa distinguished on carpological characters. Most other putative endemic species are reduced to synonymy under P. teclorius , but the interior, upland species P. papenooensis St. John is shown to be a well-marked endemic (but with P. aoraiewis St. John as a synonym). One new combination is made under P. tectorius for a variety from Raiatea.  相似文献   

Acer chiangdaoense Santisuk is proposed as a new species from Northern Thailand. The relationships of the other Thai species of Acer is briefly discussed. A. garrettii is reduced to a synonym of A. laurinum.  相似文献   


Original material of the 12 taxa described as new by Bertoloni has been examined, and typification of their names is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for 11 of Bertoloni's names, one (O. densiflora Bertol.) had been lectotypified before. Orobanche bicolor Bertol. (non C. A. Mey.) belongs to O. cernua L., O. cruenta Bertol. to O. gracilis Sm., O. stricta Moris ex Bertol. to O. schultzii Mutel, O. thyrsoidea Moris ex Bertol to O. rigens Loisel., O. crithmi Bertol. to O. minor Sm., O. vitalbae Bertol. to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin, O. fragrantissima Bertol. to O. lutea Baumg., O. laurina Bertol. to O. hederae Duby, O. yuccae Savi f. ex Bertol. to O. hederae Duby (not to O. minor Sm.), O. centaurina Bertol. to O. litorea Guss. (not to O. artemisiae-campestris Gaudin). O. australis Moris ex Bertol., included by Beck in O. canescens C. Presl, is a good species restricted to Sardinia. O. densiflora Bertol. must not, as is customary, be ascribed to Reuter who republished it later.  相似文献   

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