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In previous work, we identified a Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycogen synthase gene, GSY1, which codes for an 85-kDa polypeptide present in purified yeast glycogen synthase (Farkas, I., Hardy, T.A., DePaoli-Roach, A.A., and Roach, P.J. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 20879-20886). We have now cloned another gene, GSY2, which encodes a second S. cerevisiae glycogen synthase. The GSY2 sequence predicts a protein of 704 residues, molecular weight 79,963, with 80% identity to the protein encoded by GSY1. Amino acid sequences obtained from a second polypeptide of 77 kDa present in yeast glycogen synthase preparations matched those predicted by GSY2. GSY1 resides on chromosome VI, and GSY2 is located on chromosome XII. Disruption of the GSY1 gene produced a strain retaining about 85% of wild type glycogen synthase activity at stationary phase, while disruption of the GSY2 gene yielded a strain with only about 10% of wild type enzyme activity. The level of glycogen synthase activity in yeast cells disrupted for GSY1 increased in stationary phase, whereas the activity remained at a constant low level in cells disrupted for GSY2. Disruption of both genes resulted in a viable haploid that totally lacked glycogen synthase activity and was defective in glycogen deposition. In conclusion, yeast expresses two forms of glycogen synthase with activity levels that behave differently in the growth cycle. The GSY2 gene product appears to be the predominant glycogen synthase with activity linked to nutrient depletion.  相似文献   

To maintain genomic integrity cells have to respond properly to a variety of exogenous and endogenous factors that produce genome injuries and interfere with DNA replication. DNA integrity checkpoints coordinate this response by slowing cell cycle progression to provide time for the cell to repair the damage, stabilizing replication forks and stimulating DNA repair to restore the original DNA sequence and structure. In addition, there are also mechanisms of damage tolerance, such as translesion synthesis (TLS), which are important for survival after DNA damage. TLS allows replication to continue without removing the damage, but results in a higher frequency of mutagenesis. Here, we investigate the functional contribution of the Dot1 histone methyltransferase and the Rad53 checkpoint kinase to TLS regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate that the Dot1-dependent status of H3K79 methylation modulates the resistance to the alkylating agent MMS, which depends on PCNA ubiquitylation at lysine 164. Strikingkly, either the absence of DOT1, which prevents full activation of Rad53, or the expression of an HA-tagged version of RAD53, which produces low amounts of the kinase, confer increased MMS resistance. However, the dot1Δ rad53-HA double mutant is hypersensitive to MMS and shows barely detectable amounts of activated kinase. Furthermore, moderate overexpression of RAD53 partially suppresses the MMS resistance of dot1Δ. In addition, we show that MMS-treated dot1Δ and rad53-HA cells display increased number of chromosome-associated Rev1 foci. We propose that threshold levels of Rad53 activity exquisitely modulate the tolerance to alkylating damage at least by controlling the abundance of the key TLS factor Rev1 bound to chromatin.  相似文献   

The vacuolar-type, proton-translocating ATPase (V-ATPase) is a multisubunit enzyme responsible for organelle acidification in eukaryotic cells. Many organisms have evolved V-ATPase subunit isoforms that allow for increased specialization of this critical enzyme. Differential targeting of the V-ATPase to specific subcellular organelles occurs in eukaryotes from humans to budding yeast. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the two subunit a isoforms are the only difference between the two V-ATPase populations. Incorporation of Vph1p or Stv1p into the V-ATPase dictates the localization of the V-ATPase to the vacuole or late Golgi/endosome, respectively. A duplication event within fungi gave rise to two subunit a genes. We used ancestral gene reconstruction to generate the most recent common ancestor of Vph1p and Stv1p (Anc.a) and tested its function in yeast. Anc.a localized to both the Golgi/endosomal network and vacuolar membrane and acidified these compartments as part of a hybrid V-ATPase complex. Trafficking of Anc.a did not require retrograde transport from the late endosome to the Golgi that has evolved for retrieval of the Stv1p isoform. Rather, Anc.a localized to both structures through slowed anterograde transport en route to the vacuole. Our results suggest an evolutionary model that describes the differential localization of the two yeast V-ATPase isoforms.  相似文献   

Studies have been carried out on the effects of mutations in nine distinct genes which regulate ribosome biosynthesis in yeast. Although some mutants have more extensive effects than others, in each case there is an inhibition by 50 to 80% of the synthesis of ribosomal precursor RNA. In each case there is an inhibition of the processing of that RNA which is made, ranging from 80 to 95%. In each case there is degradation of 50 to 70% of that RNA which is processed. Much of the RNA which survives to become the mature 25 s and 18 s species is found in functioning polyribosomes.  相似文献   

Once cells exhaust nutrients from their environment, they enter an alternative resting state known as quiescence, whereby proliferation ceases and essential nutrients are obtained through internal stores and through the catabolism of existing macromolecules and organelles. One example of this is ribophagy, the degradation of ribosomes through the process of autophagy. However, some ribosomes need to be preserved for an anticipated recovery from nutrient deprivation. We found that the ribosome-associated protein Stm1p greatly increases the quantity of 80S ribosomes present in quiescent yeast cells and that these ribosomes facilitate increased protein synthesis rates once nutrients are restored. These findings suggest that Stm1p can act as a ribosome preservation factor under conditions of nutrient deprivation and restoration.  相似文献   

In Saccharomycescerevisiae ribosomes two proteins, L44 and L45, of strong acidic character are detected. These proteins, presumably equivalent to bacterial L7 and L12, have been purified and have given a total cross reaction when tested by double immunodiffusion. Reaction with fluorescamine has shown that the amino terminal group of the polypeptide is blocked in protein L44 and free in protein L45. Tryptic analysis of the two proteins shows that three out of nine peptides are in identical position in both patterns, three more are easily related and the last three are clearly different. The data indicate that proteins L44 and L45 are closely related but not totally identical.  相似文献   

Two chitin synthases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Disruption of the yeast CHS1 gene, which encodes trypsin-activable chitin synthase I, yielded strains that apparently lacked chitin synthase activity in vitro, yet contained normal levels of chitin (Bulawa, C. E., Slater, M., Cabib, E., Au-Young, J., Sburlati, A., Adair, W. L., and Robbins, P. W. (1986) Cell 46, 213-225). It is shown here that disrupted (chs1 :: URA3) strains have a particulate chitin synthetic activity, chitin synthase II, and that wild type strains, in addition to chitin synthase I, have this second activity. Chitin synthase II is measured in wild type strains without preincubation with trypsin, the condition under which highest chitin synthase II activities are obtained in extracts from the chs1 :: URA3 strain. Chitin synthase II, like chitin synthase I, uses UDP-GlcNAc as substrate and synthesizes alkali-insoluble chitin (with a chain length of about 170 residues). The enzymes are equally sensitive to the competitive inhibitor Polyoxin D. The two chitin synthases are distinct in their pH and temperature optima, and in their responses to trypsin, digitonin, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and Co2+. In contrast to the report by Sburlati and Cabib (Sburlati, A., and Cabib, E. (1986) Fed. Proc. 45, 1909), chitin synthase II activity in vitro is usually lowered on treatment with trypsin, indicating that chitin synthase II is not activated by proteolysis. Chitin synthase II shows highest specific activities in extracts from logarithmically growing cultures, whereas chitin synthase I, whether from growing or stationary phase cultures, is only measurable after trypsin treatment, and levels of the zymogen do not change. Chitin synthase I is not required for alpha-mating pheromone-induced chitin synthesis in MATa cells, yet levels of chitin synthase I zymogen double in alpha factor-treated cultures. Specific chitin synthase II activities do not change in pheromone-treated cultures. It is proposed that of yeast's two chitin synthases, chitin synthase II is responsible for chitin synthesis in vivo, whereas nonessential chitin synthase I, detectable in vitro only after trypsin treatment, may not normally be active in vivo.  相似文献   

Two asparagine synthetases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae L-asparagine auxotrophy, resulting from a lack of L-asparagine synthesis, needs simultaneous defects in two genes. This unusual situation is shown to result from the occurrence of two L-asparagine synthetases. The meaning of this duplication remains obscure. The properties of the two enzymes are remarkably similar: both have a molecular weight of 150,000 and they exhibit a slight repression and a similar inhibition by asparagine. Neither one is located in mitochondria and both are probably cytosolic. Their identification so far lies only in their behaviour on ion-exchange chromatography and in the encoding genes.  相似文献   

Ccm1p is a nuclear-encoded PPR (pentatricopeptide repeat) protein that localizes into mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was first defined as an essential factor to remove the bI4 [COB (cytochrome b) fourth intron)] and aI4 [COX1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) fourth intron] of pre-mRNAs, along with bI4 maturase, a protein encoded by part of bI4 and preceding exons that removes the intronic RNA sequence that codes for it. Later on, Ccm1p was described as key to maintain the steady-state levels of the mitoribosome small subunit RNA (15S rRNA). bI4 maturase is produced inside the mitochondria and therefore its activity depends on the functionality of mitochondrial translation. This report addresses the dilemma of whether Ccm1p supports bI4 maturase activity by keeping steady-state levels of 15S rRNA or separately and directly supports bI4 maturase activity per se. Experiments involving loss of Ccm1p, SMDC (sudden mitochondrial deprivation of Ccm1p) and mutations in one of the PPR (pentatricopeptide repeat) motifs revealed that the failure of bI4 maturase activity in CCM1 deletion mutants was not due to a malfunction of the translational machinery. Both functions were found to be independent, defining Ccm1p as a moonlighting protein. bI4 maturase activity was significantly more dependent on Ccm1p levels than the maintenance of 15S rRNA. The novel strategy of SMDC described here allowed the study of immediate short-term effects, before the mutant phenotype was definitively established. This approach can be also applied for further studies on 15S rRNA stability and mitoribosome assembly.  相似文献   

New methods of safe biological pest control are required as a result of evolution of insect resistance to current biopesticides. Yeast strains being developed for conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol are potential host systems for expression of commercially valuable peptides, such as bioinsecticides, to increase the cost-effectiveness of the process. Spider venom is one of many potential sources of novel insect-specific peptide toxins. Libraries of mutants of the small amphipathic peptide lycotoxin-1 from the wolf spider were produced in high throughput using an automated integrated plasmid-based functional proteomic platform and screened for ability to kill fall armyworms, a significant cause of damage to corn (maize) and other crops in the United States. Using amino acid scanning mutagenesis (AASM) we generated a library of mutagenized lycotoxin-1 open reading frames (ORF) in a novel small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) yeast expression system. The SUMO technology enhanced expression and improved generation of active lycotoxins. The mutants were engineered to be expressed at high level inside the yeast and ingested by the insect before being cleaved to the active form (so-called Trojan horse strategy). These yeast strains expressing mutant toxin ORFs were also carrying the xylose isomerase (XI) gene and were capable of aerobic growth on xylose. Yeast cultures expressing the peptide toxins were prepared and fed to armyworm larvae to identify the mutant toxins with greatest lethality. The most lethal mutations appeared to increase the ability of the toxin alpha-helix to interact with insect cell membranes or to increase its pore-forming ability, leading to cell lysis. The toxin peptides have potential as value-added coproducts to increase the cost-effectiveness of fuel ethanol bioproduction. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs encoding casein kinase-1 have been isolated from a yeast cDNA library and termed CKI1 and CKI2. Each clone encodes a protein of approximately 62,000 Da containing a highly conserved protein kinase domain surrounded by variable amino- and carboxy-terminal domains. The proteins also contain two conserved carboxy-terminal cysteine residues that comprise a consensus sequence for prenylation. Consistent with this posttranslational modification, cell fractionation experiments demonstrate that intact CKI1 is found exclusively in yeast cell membranes. Gene disruption experiments reveal that, although neither of the two CKI genes is essential by itself, at least one CKI gene is required for yeast cell viability. Spores deficient in both CKI1 and CKI2 fail to grow and, therefore, either fail to germinate or arrest as small cells before bud emergence. These results suggest that casein kinase-1, which is distributed widely in nature, plays a pivotal role in eukaryotic cell regulation.  相似文献   

The S1 mRNA of avian reovirus is functionally tricistronic, encoding three unrelated proteins, p10, p17 and σC, from three sequential, partially overlapping open reading frames (ORFs). The mechanism of translation initiation at the 3′-proximal σC ORF is currently unknown. Transient RNA transfections using Renilla luciferase reporter constructs revealed only a modest reduction in reporter expression upon optimization of either the p10 or p17 start sites. Insertion of multiple upstream AUG (uAUG) codons in a preferred start codon sequence context resulted in a substantial retention of downstream translation initiation on the S1 mRNA, but not on a heterologous mRNA. The S1 mRNA therefore facilitates leaky scanning to promote ribosome access to the σC start codon. Evidence also indicates that σC translation is mediated by a second scanning-independent mechanism capable of bypassing upstream ORFs. This alternate mechanism is cap-dependent and requires a sequence-dependent translation enhancer element that is complementary to 18S rRNA. Downstream translation initiation of the tricistronic S1 mRNA is therefore made possible by two alternate mechanisms, facilitated leaky scanning and an atypical form of ribosome shunting. This dual mechanism of downstream translation initiation ensures sufficient expression of the σC cell attachment protein that is essential for infectious progeny virus production.  相似文献   

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