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基于蛋白质内含子的蛋白质纯化自我断裂标签已经被广泛使用超过15年之久.但这一系统体内表达过程的提前断裂一直是限制这一技术广泛应用的瓶颈,特别是在需要高温表达和长表达周期的真核表达系统中.本研究介绍了一种利用小肽控制的基于蛋白质内含子和非层析标签ELP(elastin-like polypeptide)的自我断裂系统.在这一系统中,蛋白质内含子的体内外活性严格受到其结构互补小肽控制.在体内表达不含有互补小肽时,蛋白质内含子不具有活性;而在体外添加结构互补小肽,蛋白质内含子结构恢复并发生C端断裂反应释放目的蛋白.由于非层析标签ELP的引入,因此整个纯化过程可以简单地通过几步机械沉淀完成.此外,这一系统反应pH、小肽与前体蛋白之间的摩尔比及断裂速率也一并进行了系统的研究.  相似文献   

重组蛋白的表达纯化是研究蛋白质结构与功能的重要环节之一,表达重组蛋白宿主细胞的监测筛选和重组蛋白低水平可溶性表达、低回收率以及不稳定易水解等问题一直是蛋白质高通量纯化工艺中的难题。近年来,将多肽或蛋白质作为标签,与目标蛋白共表达的方法已经很大程度地解决了这一问题。因此,针对不同特性的蛋白质选择合适的标签纯化策略在重组蛋白纯化研究中是相当关键的环节。本文回顾了几种传统标签蛋白的研究概况(His-tag,Arg-tag,Flag-tag,GST-tag,MBP-tag等),着重对近年来新开发的了几种标签蛋白(Si-tag,Halo-tag,Intein-CBD-tag,ELPs-tag等)进行了深入探讨,并对新标签蛋白在蛋白质纯化中的应用前景作以展望。  相似文献   

Due to the high costs associated with purification of recombinant proteins the protocols need to be rationalized. For high-throughput efforts there is a demand for general methods that do not require target protein specific optimization1 . To achieve this, purification tags that genetically can be fused to the gene of interest are commonly used2 . The most widely used affinity handle is the hexa-histidine tag, which is suitable for purification under both native and denaturing conditions3 . The metabolic burden for producing the tag is low, but it does not provide as high specificity as competing affinity chromatography based strategies1,2.Here, a bispecific purification tag with two different binding sites on a 46 amino acid, small protein domain has been developed. The albumin-binding domain is derived from Streptococcal protein G and has a strong inherent affinity to human serum albumin (HSA). Eleven surface-exposed amino acids, not involved in albumin-binding4 , were genetically randomized to produce a combinatorial library. The protein library with the novel randomly arranged binding surface (Figure 1) was expressed on phage particles to facilitate selection of binders by phage display technology. Through several rounds of biopanning against a dimeric Z-domain derived from Staphylococcal protein A5, a small, bispecific molecule with affinity for both HSA and the novel target was identified6 .The novel protein domain, referred to as ABDz1, was evaluated as a purification tag for a selection of target proteins with different molecular weight, solubility and isoelectric point. Three target proteins were expressed in Escherishia coli with the novel tag fused to their N-termini and thereafter affinity purified. Initial purification on either a column with immobilized HSA or Z-domain resulted in relatively pure products. Two-step affinity purification with the bispecific tag resulted in substantial improvement of protein purity. Chromatographic media with the Z-domain immobilized, for example MabSelect SuRe, are readily available for purification of antibodies and HSA can easily be chemically coupled to media to provide the second matrix.This method is especially advantageous when there is a high demand on purity of the recovered target protein. The bifunctionality of the tag allows two different chromatographic steps to be used while the metabolic burden on the expression host is limited due to the small size of the tag. It provides a competitive alternative to so called combinatorial tagging where multiple tags are used in combination1,7.  相似文献   

An acidic protein was extracted with neutral-salt solutions from rat skin. When precipitated by dialysis against dilute acetic acid, the structural protein was separated from contaminating soluble collagens and other soluble proteins. The precipitate was dissolved in buffers containing 1% Triton X-100 and purified to apparent size and charge homogeneity by chromatography on a DEAE Bio-Gel A column. Triton X-100 was necessary for achieving nondestructive disaggregation of the protein which could be reversed by dialyzing out the detergent against methanol-dilute acetic acid.  相似文献   

Plant tissue colonization by Trichoderma atroviride plays a critical role in the reduction of diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi, but this process has not been thoroughly studied in situ. We monitored in situ interactions between gfp-tagged biocontrol strains of T. atroviride and soilborne plant pathogens that were grown in cocultures and on cucumber seeds by confocal scanning laser microscopy and fluorescence stereomicroscopy. Spores of T. atroviride adhered to Pythium ultimum mycelia in coculture experiments. In mycoparasitic interactions of T. atroviride with P. ultimum or Rhizoctonia solani, the mycoparasitic hyphae grew alongside the pathogen mycelia, and this was followed by coiling and formation of specialized structures similar to hooks, appressoria, and papillae. The morphological changes observed depended on the pathogen tested. Branching of T. atroviride mycelium appeared to be an active response to the presence of the pathogenic host. Mycoparasitism of P. ultimum by T. atroviride occurred on cucumber seed surfaces while the seeds were germinating. The interaction of these fungi on the cucumber seeds was similar to the interaction observed in coculture experiments. Green fluorescent protein expression under the control of host-inducible promoters was also studied. The induction of specific Trichoderma genes was monitored visually in cocultures, on plant surfaces, and in soil in the presence of colloidal chitin or Rhizoctonia by confocal microscopy and fluorescence stereomicroscopy. These tools allowed initiation of the mycoparasitic gene expression cascade to be monitored in vivo.  相似文献   

为了获得冷诱导RNA结合蛋白(CIRP)的单克隆抗体,本通过RT-PCR 方法从冷处理BALB/C小鼠睾丸的总RNA中扩增获得CIRP基因序列,克隆至pGEM-T载体,获得重组质粒pGEM-CIRP,并进行序列测定。将测序正确的CIRP序列插入质粒pQE-30-Xa,构建表达载体pQE-30-CIRP并转化E.coli M15,IPTG 诱导后SDS-PAGE分析表明CIRP基因在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达, 可溶性分析表明CIRP融合蛋白以包涵体形式表达。采用Ni-NTA亲和层析、电洗脱纯化融合蛋白CIRP,将纯化的蛋白免疫BALB/C小鼠,三次免疫后,间接ELISA测定小鼠效价,效价为1:105,采用杂交瘤技术融合,用间接ELISA法、有限稀释法筛选阳性杂交瘤细胞,通过Western blot对McAb特异性进行鉴定,利用间接ELISA方法对McAb的Ig亚类(型)、杂交瘤细胞上清、腹水效价进行测定。结果获得了1A6、2D3、3C5及4C4 4株稳定分泌CIRP McAb的杂交瘤细胞株,1A6、3C5、4C4产生的单克隆抗体亚类均为IgG2b,2D3产生的单抗亚类为IgG3,轻链均属κ链。4株单克隆细胞上清效价均在1:103以上,腹水效价均达1:107以上。Western-blot分析4株单抗均能与重组蛋白CIRP特异性结合,与空载体对照没有反应。以3C5细胞株的腹水为一抗,检测冷应激小鼠多种组织中天然CIRP蛋白表达,结果显示3C5细胞腹水能识别心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑、睾丸等多种组织中天然CIRP,并与能之与结合。这证明该抗体具有良好特异性和结合活性,制备的单克隆抗体可以用于深入开展CIRP的功能性和应用性研究。  相似文献   

A modification of enzyme immunoassay for quantification of cAMP and its derivatives in plants is suggested. It is based on the use of cAMP-specific primary rabbit antibodies and secondary goat antibodies conjugated with peroxidase. The sensitivity of this method is 10 pM. This technique is highly specific, simple, and inexpensive.  相似文献   

Dynamically altering protein concentration is a central activity in synthetic biology. While many tools are available to modulate protein concentration by altering protein synthesis rate, methods for decreasing protein concentration by inactivation or degradation rate are just being realized. Altering protein synthesis rates can quickly increase the concentration of a protein but not decrease, as residual protein will remain for a while. Inducible, targeted protein degradation is an attractive option and some tools have been introduced for higher organisms and bacteria. Current bacterial tools rely on C-terminal fusions, so we have developed an N-terminal fusion (Ntag) strategy to increase the possible proteins that can be targeted. We demonstrate Ntag dependent degradation of mCherry and beta-galactosidase and reconfigure the Ntag system to perform dynamic, exogenously inducible degradation of a targeted protein and complement protein depletion by traditional synthesis repression. Model driven analysis that focused on rates, rather than concentrations, was critical to understanding and engineering the system. We expect this tool and our model to enable inducible protein degradation use particularly in metabolic engineering, biological study of essential proteins, and protein circuits.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC is the first enzyme unique to the biosynthesis of valine, leucine, and isoleucine. This enzyme is the target site of several classes of structurally unrelated herbicides. The conventional method of antibody production using purified protein has not been successful with this enzyme. Two separate fragments of a gene encoding a portion of the mature region of AHAS from Arabidopsis were fused with the trpE gene from Escherichia coli using the pATH1 vector. E. coli cells transformed with each respective plasmid expressed a fusion protein at levels greater than 10% of the total cell protein. The fusion protein was purified and used to immunize rabbits. Antisera obtained from the immunized rabbits immunoprecipitated AHAS activity from Arabidopsis cell free extracts. The anti-AHAS antisera reacted with a 65 kilodalton protein band in electrophoretically resolved extracts of Arabidopsis. In cross-reactivity tests, this antibody was able to immunoprecipitate AHAS activity from various plant species. Furthermore, a protein band with a molecular mass of 65 kilodaltons was detected in the crude extracts of all plant species tested on a Western blot. These results indicate that the 65 kilodalton protein represents AHAS in various plant species. The wide spectrum of cross-reactivity for the antisera supports the view that the AHAS enzyme is highly conserved across all plant species.  相似文献   

A critical and often limiting step in understanding the function of host and viral proteins is the identification of interacting cellular or viral protein partners. There are many approaches that allow the identification of interacting partners, including the yeast two hybrid system, as well as pull down assays using recombinant proteins and immunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins followed by mass spectrometry identification1. Recent studies have highlighted the utility of double-affinity tag mediated purification, coupled with two specific elution steps in the identification of interacting proteins. This approach, termed Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP), was initially used in yeast2,3 but more recently has been adapted to use in mammalian cells4-8.As proof-of-concept we have established a tandem affinity purification (TAP) method using the well-characterized eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E9,10.The cellular translation factor eIF4E is a critical component of the cellular eIF4F complex involved in cap-dependent translation initiation10. The TAP tag used in the current study is composed of two Protein G units and a streptavidin binding peptide separated by a Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease cleavage sequence. The TAP tag used in the current study is composed of two Protein G units and a streptavidin binding peptide separated by a Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease cleavage sequence8. To forgo the need for the generation of clonal cell lines, we developed a rapid system that relies on the expression of the TAP-tagged bait protein from an episomally maintained plasmid based on pMEP4 (Invitrogen). Expression of tagged murine eIF4E from this plasmid was controlled using the cadmium chloride inducible metallothionein promoter.Lysis of the expressing cells and subsequent affinity purification via binding to rabbit IgG agarose, TEV protease cleavage, binding to streptavidin linked agarose and subsequent biotin elution identified numerous proteins apparently specific to the eIF4E pull-down (when compared to control cell lines expressing the TAP tag alone). The identities of the proteins were obtained by excision of the bands from 1D SDS-PAGE and subsequent tandem mass spectrometry. The identified components included the known eIF4E binding proteins eIF4G and 4EBP-1. In addition, other components of the eIF4F complex, of which eIF4E is a component were identified, namely eIF4A and Poly-A binding protein. The ability to identify not only known direct binding partners as well as secondary interacting proteins, further highlights the utility of this approach in the characterization of proteins of unknown function.  相似文献   

应用A蛋白亲和层析法纯化单克隆抗体   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
应用Protein A亲和层析法,从采集的小鼠腹水中纯化出了抗凝血因子Ⅶ单克隆抗体,用SDS-PAGE和ELISA法分别检测了纯化后单克隆抗体的纯度及效价,结果显示,电泳为两条带,分别为免疫球蛋白G(IgG)的重链和轻链,纯化后的单克隆抗体纯度达到电泳纯,应用间接ELISA法测定腹水效价为1×10-7左右,与未纯化前无差异。结果表明,应用A蛋白亲和层析法能够得到纯度较高的单克隆抗体,适用于高纯度单克隆抗体的制备。  相似文献   

The present report documents an improved enzyme assay method for the mammalian L-alanine:4,5-dioxovalerate transaminase which is of significant utility in work with crude tissue homogenates, cell cultures, or purified enzyme preparations. We also describe a new and rapid purification procedure for this enzyme from rat kidney mitochondria. The three-step procedure involves the use of digitonin and lubrol for mitochondrial matrix preparation and L-alanine-Sepharose 4B column chromatography followed by gel filtration on Sepharose 6B. By this procedure it is possible to obtain a highly purified enzyme preparation in a relatively short time with a 37.5% yield.  相似文献   

Cultured tobacco cells accumulate several pathogene-sis-relatedproteins. A neutral PR-5 protein, PR-5d, was purified to homogeneityfrom such cells. PR-5d has highly hy-drophobic characteristics,but hydropathy analysis of its primary structure did not showa hydrophobic domain. In a series of bioassays, purified PR-5dshowed inhibitory activity against several phytopathogenic andnon-phytopatho-genic fungi as do other members of the PR-5 proteinfamily. To study the antifungal mechanism based on three dimensionalstructure of PR-5d, purified PR-5d was crystallized. The preliminaryX-ray analysis of the crystal revealed that the crystals belongto space group C2, with cell dimensions a=80.2 Å, b=63.8Å, c=45.7 Å, and ß= 107.2°, and diffractat least 1.8 Å resolution. (Received August 9, 1996; Accepted April 14, 1997)  相似文献   

Background:In the field of recombinant protein production, downstream processing, especially protein purification, is critical and often the most expensive step. Carbohydrate binding module 64 (CBM64) was shown in 2011 to bind efficiently to a broad range of cellulose materials.Methods:In this study, we developed a protein purification method using nanocrystalline cellulose embedded in a polyacrylamide monolith cryogel and CBM64 affinity tag linked by intein to PD1 as a model protein. The CBM64-Intein-PD1 gene cassette was expressed in E. coli. Following cell lysis, CBM64-Intein-PD1 protein bound to the monolith PA-NCC cryogel. After washing and reducing the pH from 8.0 to 6.5, the intein underwent self-cleavage, resulting in the release and elution of pure PD1 protein.Results:The synthesized monolith column had a porous structure with an average pore size of 30 µm and a maximum binding capacity of 497 µg per gram of dried column. The yield of this purification method was 84%, while the yield of the His tag-acquired CBM64-Intein-PD1 method was 89%.DiscussionWe used cellulose as support for affinity chromatography, which can be used as a cost-effective method for protein purification.Key Words: Affinity tag, CBM64, PD1, Protein purification  相似文献   

An improved radioactive assay has been developed for serine transhydroxymethylase. This assay involves the direct measurement of the [14C]HCH0 which is generated when [3-14C]-serine is employed as the substrate. The new assay eliminates 14 the need for a solvent extraction of a [C]HCHO-dimedon adduct which is the basis of the assay devised by Taylor and Weissbach.

The enzyme has been purified employing Affi-Gel Blue. The purified enzyme retains full activity when bound to this affinity chromatography matrix and can be stored in this state at 4° indefinitely.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) catalyzes the first step of the pentose phosphate pathway. In erythrocytes, the functionality of the pathway is crucial to protect these cells against oxidative damage. G6PD deficiency is the most frequent enzymopathy in humans with a global prevalence of 4.9 %. The clinical picture is characterized by chronic or acute hemolysis in response to oxidative stress, which is related to the low cellular activity of G6PD in red blood cells. The disease is heterogeneous at genetic level with around 160 mutations described, mostly point mutations causing single amino acid substitutions. The biochemical studies aimed to describe the detrimental effects of mutations on the functional and structural properties of human G6PD are indispensable to understand the molecular physiopathology of this disease. Therefore, reliable systems for efficient expression and purification of the protein are highly desirable. In this work, human G6PD was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography in a single chromatographic step. The structural and functional characterization indicates that His-tagged G6PD resembles previous preparations of recombinant G6PD. In contrast with previous protein yield systems, our method is based on commonly available resources and fully accessible laboratory equipment; therefore, it can be readily implemented.  相似文献   

根据编码增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein,EGFP)的开放读码框(open reading frame,ORF)设计引物,PCR方法扩增出5'端带His标签的EGF PORF,利用杆状病毒表达系统构建表达EGFP基因的重组杆状病毒DNA分子,转染sf9细胞.取细胞...  相似文献   

The thermophilic inorganic pyrophosphatase (Pyr) from Thermus thermophilus has been produced in Escherichia coli fused to the C terminus of the choline-binding tag (ChB tag) derived from the choline-binding domain (ChBD) of pneumococcal LytA autolysin. The chimeric ChBD-Pyr protein retains its thermostable activity and can be purified in a single step by DEAE-cellulose affinity chromatography. Pyr can be further released from the ChBD by thrombin, using the specific protease recognition site incorporated in the C terminus of this tag. Remarkably, the ChB tag provides a selective and very strong thermostable noncovalent immobilization of ChBD-Pyr in the DEAE-cellulose matrix. The binding of choline or choline analogues, such as DEAE, confers a high thermal stability to this tag; therefore, the immobilized chimeric enzyme can be assayed at high temperature without protein leakage, demonstrating the usefulness of the ChB tag for noncovalent immobilization of thermophilic proteins. Moreover, ChBD-Pyr can be purified and immobilized in a single step on commercial DEAE-cellulose paper. The affinity of the ChB tag for this versatile solid support can be very helpful in developing many biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the purification and structure basis of human phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid-enriched microdomains (PAG), a C-SRC tyrosine kinase (CSK)-binding protein. Human PAG was produced using an insect cell expression system. The PAG was purified by metal affinity, ion exchange, and gel filtration chromatographies. The final purity of gel-purified PAG was evaluated by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Recombinant human PAG migrates to 60 kDa on SDS-PAGE gel, while native PAG is a 46 kDa transmembrane adapter protein in lipid rafts. Recombinant human PAG has a difference of 2590.7 Da with a calculated mass (47803.41 Da) and an observed mass (50394.1 Da) by mass spectrometry. Consequently, although human PAG sequence shares well-known sites for modifications such as myristoylation, palmitoylation, and tyrosine phosphorylation sites, perhaps the difference suggests the existence of unknown modification sites. We show the high PAG-binding ability with CSK in vitro as well as the human PAG structure characterized by 11 α-helix structures including a 3 kDa transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

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