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The Weibullian-log logistic (WeLL) inactivation model was modified to account for heat adaptation by introducing a logistic adaptation factor, which rendered its “rate parameter” a function of both temperature and heating rate. The resulting model is consistent with the observation that adaptation is primarily noticeable in slow heat processes in which the cells are exposed to sublethal temperatures for a sufficiently long time. Dynamic survival patterns generated with the proposed model were in general agreement with those of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes as reported in the literature. Although the modified model''s rate equation has a cumbersome appearance, especially for thermal processes having a variable heating rate, it can be solved numerically with commercial mathematical software. The dynamic model has five survival/adaptation parameters whose determination will require a large experimental database. However, with assumed or estimated parameter values, the model can simulate survival patterns of adapting pathogens in cooked foods that can be used in risk assessment and the establishment of safe preparation conditions.Combined with heat transfer data or models, microbial survival kinetics, especially of bacteria or spores, is extensively used to determine the safety of industrial heat preservation processes like canning, extant or planned. The same is true for milder heat processes such as milk and fruit pasteurization. However, survival models are also a valuable tool to assess the safety of prepared foods, especially those made of raw meats, poultry, and eggs, where surviving pathogens can be a public health issue.The heat resistance of a bacterium, or any other microorganism, is almost always determined from a set of its isothermal survival curves, recorded at several lethal temperatures. The kinetic models, which define the heat resistance parameters, may vary, but the calculation procedure itself is usually the same. First, the experimental isothermal survival data are fitted with what is known as the “primary model.” Once fitted, the temperature dependence of this primary model''s coefficients is described by what is known as the “secondary model.” When combined with a temperature profile expression, T(t), and incorporated into the inactivation rate equation, the result is a “tertiary model,” which enables its user to predict the organism''s survival curve under any static or dynamic (i.e., nonisothermal) conditions.The traditional log-linear (“first-order kinetic”) model is the best-known primary survival model, and it is still widely used in sterility calculations in the food, pharmaceutical, and other industries. Traditionally, it has been assumed that the D value calculated with this model has a log-linear temperature dependence or, alternatively, that the temperature effect on the exponential rate constant, k, the D value''s reciprocal, follows the Arrhenius equation. However, accumulating experimental evidence in recent years indicates that bacterial heat inactivation only rarely follows the first-order kinetics and that there is no reason that it should (3, 18, 29). Nonlinear survival curves can be described by a variety of mathematical models (6). Perhaps the most frequently used in recent years is the Weibullian model, of which the traditional log-linear model is a special case—see below.Regardless of the log-linearity issue, none of the above-mentioned models accounts for adaptation, the ability of certain bacterial cells to adjust their metabolism in response to stress in order to increase their survivability (2, 10, 26, 27, 28). A notable example is Escherichia coli. Its cells can produce “heat shock proteins,” which help them to survive mild heat treatments (1, 11). Other organisms, Salmonella enterica and Bacillus cereus among them, can also develop defensive mechanisms that help them to survive in an acidic environment (8, 9, 13). Whether adaptation allows the cells to avoid injury or to repair damage once it has occurred, or both, should not concern us here. (Injury and recovery, although related, are a separate issue, one which is amply discussed in the literature. Their quantitative aspects and mathematical modeling are discussed elsewhere [5].)The cells'' ability to augment their resistance is not unlimited, and it takes time for the cells to activate the protective system and synthesize its chemical elements (10, 12). Consequently, the effect of heat adaptation on an organism''s survival pattern becomes measurable only at or at slightly above what''s known as the “sublethal” temperature range. Under dynamic conditions, therefore, adaptation can be detected only when the heating rate is sufficiently low to allow the cells to respond metabolically to the heat stress prior to their destruction.Several investigators have reported and discussed the quantitative aspects of adaptation (25, 27, 28). When it occurs, adaptation is noticed as a gap between survival curves determined at low heating rates and those predicted by kinetic models whose parameters had been determined at high lethal temperatures (7, 8, 9, 27, 28). The question is how to modify the inactivation kinetic model so that it can properly account for adaptation at low heating rates while maintaining its predictive ability at high rates and clearly lethal temperatures. Stasiewicz et al. (25) have recently given a partial answer to this question. They started with the Weibullian inactivation model (see below) and assumed that its rate parameter''s temperature dependence follows a modified version of the Arrhenius equation. Using this model and experimental data for Salmonella bacteria, they showed that a “pathway-dependent model” is more reliable than a “state-dependent model.”The objectives of our work were to develop a variant of the Weibullian-log logistic (WeLL) inactivation model to account for dynamic adaptation and to demonstrate its applicability with reported adaptive survival patterns exhibited by Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes, two organisms of food safety concern.  相似文献   

Graphs for survival under high hydrostatic pressure (450 MPa; 25°C; citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 7.0) of stationary-growth-phase cells of eight Staphylococcus aureus strains were found to be nonlinear. The strains could be classified into two groups on the basis of the shoulder length. Some of them showed long shoulders of up to 20 min at 450 MPa, while others had shoulders of <3.5 min. All strains showed tails. No significant differences in the inactivation rate were found during the log-linear death phase among the eight strains. The entry into stationary growth phase resulted both in an increase in shoulder length and in a decrease in the inactivation rate. However, whereas shoulder length proved to depend on sigma B factor activity, the inactivation rate did not. Recovery in anaerobiosis decreased the inactivation rate but did not affect the shoulder length. Addition of the minimum noninhibitory concentration of sodium chloride to the recovery medium resulted in a decrease in shoulder length and in an increase in the inactivation rate for stationary-growth-phase cells. In the tail region, up to 90% of the population remained sensitive to sodium chloride.The development of nonthermal methods for food preservation has been a matter of extensive study in the last 25 years. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is one of these proposed alternative processes that are being used commercially for the nonthermal pasteurization of different food products (17, 22). This technology consists of the application of pressures in the range of from 100 to 1,000 MPa in order to inactivate pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms without affecting the quality of foods (40).A prerequisite for the definitive implementation of a new technology is reasonably detailed knowledge of its inactivation kinetics, which will allow calculation and adjustment of the intensity of the treatments (process criterion) and a certain number of log10 cycles of bacterial inactivation to be secured (performance criterion). In addition, to define the performance criteria, it is also necessary to determine the microbial species that represents the main risk in a particular food because of its frequent appearance, its concentration, its low infectious dose, and/or its high level of resistance.The data accumulated over the last 25 years indicate that microbial inactivation by HHP typically does not follow exponential kinetics. Most of the published survival graphs show pronounced tails (14, 23, 28, 35, 41) and sometimes also shoulders (21, 25). Occasionally, both phenomena occur simultaneously, giving rise to graphs with sigmoid profiles (11, 20, 43). The occurrence of shoulders and tails complicates the comparison of the resistance of different bacteria and also makes it difficult to determine process criteria reliably. In order to solve both problems, diverse mathematical models, initially developed for other aims, have been applied to fit experimental survival data. The most widely used are the models based on the Weibull distribution, the log-logistic model, the model of Gompertz, and the model of Baranyi (10, 13, 39, 43, 51). Unfortunately, none of them has a solid biological basis, and thus, although they are useful for curve fitting, they have a limited utility for predictive purposes. Furthermore, although most authors indicate that providing the models with a biological basis is desirable, attempts to coordinate the recent knowledge on damage and inactivation mechanisms with the existing models are scarce.Many aspects, including the HHP inactivation mechanism(s), as well as cellular damage and its recovery, should be studied by a multidisciplinary approach in order to develop models more adequate than those that are currently being used. For this purpose it will also be necessary to determine if the different phases of the survival curves (shoulder, log-linear phase of inactivation, and tail) reflect the occurrence of different events and if these events are interrelated or not. Also important is the question of whether the appearance of shoulders and tails is a characteristic of the species, the strain, the physiological state of the cells, or the treatment conditions. Finally, it would be of interest to study bacterial damage during the shoulder and tail phases, to investigate the relationship between the evolution of the damage and the rate of inactivation. Within this context, this investigation tries to provide data to help answer some of these questions.The safety of a preservation process depends on the reliability to deliver an adequate kill of the key problematic microorganisms (18). Staphylococcus aureus is considered one of the most HHP-resistant nonsporulated food-borne pathogens (4, 36, 44, 47, 49), and it could represent a significant problem for the practical application of pressure technology in food preservation (30). The importance of S. aureus is due not only to its ability to produce enterotoxins responsible for gastroenteric disease with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea but also to its frequent occurrence in food products and the existence of asymptomatic human carriers (6).In a previous study, we have observed that S. aureus sometimes shows HHP survival graphs with a sigmoid profile (11). Thus, the aim of this work was to study in detail the HHP inactivation kinetics of eight strains of S. aureus by analyzing separately the different phases of inactivation: shoulders, log-linear phases of inactivation, and tails. We also explored the causes of deviations of the first-order kinetics, with special emphasis in the appearance of sublethal damage.  相似文献   

Heat activates the dormant spores of certain Bacillus spp., which is reflected in the “activation shoulder” in their survival curves. At the same time, heat also inactivates the already active and just activated spores, as well as those still dormant. A stochastic model based on progressively changing probabilities of activation and inactivation can describe this phenomenon. The model is presented in a fully probabilistic discrete form for individual and small groups of spores and as a semicontinuous deterministic model for large spore populations. The same underlying algorithm applies to both isothermal and dynamic heat treatments. Its construction does not require the assumption of the activation and inactivation kinetics or knowledge of their biophysical and biochemical mechanisms. A simplified version of the semicontinuous model was used to simulate survival curves with the activation shoulder that are reminiscent of experimental curves reported in the literature. The model is not intended to replace current models to predict dynamic inactivation but only to offer a conceptual alternative to their interpretation. Nevertheless, by linking the survival curve''s shape to probabilities of events at the individual spore level, the model explains, and can be used to simulate, the irregular activation and survival patterns of individual and small groups of spores, which might be involved in food poisoning and spoilage.Heat inactivation kinetics of bacterial spores is a well-researched field. Much of the work on its relation to foods has focused on the heat-resistant spores of Clostridia, particularly those of Clostridium botulinum, which to this date serves as the reference organism in sterility calculations of low-acid foods (8, 32). The thermal resistance of Bacilli spores, although also extensively studied, has received less attention in the literature on food preservation. This is primarily because they are unlikely to germinate and produce cells that will survive and divide under the anaerobic conditions in a sterilized food container. Yet the mere possibility of viable Bacillus spores being present in processed foods has become an issue of food safety and a security concern. For this reason, there is a renewed interest in these spores'' heat resistance (2, 3, 6, 7, 16, 30). One of the peculiarities of certain Bacillus spores, like those of Bacillus sporothermodurans or Bacillus stearothermophilus, is that many of them can remain dormant unless activated by heat. The result is a survival curve that exhibits an “activation shoulder,” as shown schematically in Fig. Fig.11 and with published data in Fig. Fig.2.2. Thus, modeling this survival pattern, where the number of spores initially grows rather than declines, must account for the heat''s dual role of being a lethal agent and activator at the same time.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.A schematic view of a survival curve having an activation shoulder. S(t) is the ratio between the number N(t) of viable spores at time t and the initial number N0. Notice the discrepancy between the two ways to estimate the number of dormant spores, represented by the dashed and dotted gray lines.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Demonstration of the fit of equation 1 (solid line) and equation 2 (dashed line) to survival curves of B. stearothermophilus spores at two temperatures. Notice the postpeak concavity of the curves. In such cases, the estimated number of dormant spores reached by the tangent method will depend on the experiment duration. The original experimental data are from Sapru et al. (25).Traditionally, the thermal inactivation of both Clostridia and Bacilli spores has been thought to follow first-order kinetics (9, 12, 31), an assumption that has been frequently challenged in recent years (18, 21, 33, 35). The most publicized model of the simultaneous heat activation and inactivation of Bacillus spores in food is that proposed by Sapru et al. (24, 25), which is an improved version of models proposed earlier by Shull et al. (29) and Rodriguez et al. (23). All of these authors and others (1, 17) assumed that the activation of dormant spores follows first-order kinetics and so does their inactivation before and after activation. The temperature dependence of the corresponding exponential rate constants was assumed to follow the Arrhenius equation.Peleg (18, 20) and van Boekel (33, 35) have shown that none of the above assumptions was necessary and that the same survival data on Bacillus stearothermophilus reported by Sapru et al. (25) and other investigators (5) can be described by different kinds of alternative four-parameter empirical models, which have a slightly better fit. This was evident not only visually (Fig. (Fig.2)2) but also as judged by statistical criteria (34). Fig. Fig.22 shows the fit of the “double Weibullian” model proposed by van Boekel (33). It has the following form: (1) where S(t) = N(t)/N0 is the survival/activation ratio, N0 and N(t) are the initial and momentary number of countable spores, respectively, and b1, b2, n1, and n2 are adjustable temperature-dependent constants. Figure 2 also shows the fit of an ad hoc empirical model, a hybrid between the double Weibullian model and one previously proposed (20) that can be written in the following form: (2) or (3) where a1, b1, tc2, and m2 are adjustable temperature-dependent parameters. According to this model, a1 is the asymptote of the first term on the right, b1 is a time characteristic of the activation, tc2 is a characteristic time of the inactivation, and m2 is a parameter that represents the curve''s postpeak concavity. The structure of equation 2 or 3 dictates that the number of dormant spores must be finite and cannot exceed N0 × 10a1, if the logarithm is base 10, or N0 × exp(a1), if it is base e. (A demonstration that generates realistic-looking activation/inactivation curves using equation 3 as a model is available from Wolfram Research [http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/SurvivalCurvesOfBacilliSporesWithAnActivationShoulder/].)Corradini and Peleg (5) proposed a way to estimate the initial number of dormant spores from survival curves having an activation shoulder using a similar model, which was originally described in Peleg (20). They suggested that the intersection of a tangent to the survival curve drawn at its postpeak region with the time axis (Fig. (Fig.1)1) is not a recommended method to estimate the number of dormant spores and that it can render unrealistically high values if used. Also, where there is no evidence that the survival curve in the postpeak region ever becomes a straight line; the same survival curve will yield different estimates of the dormant spores'' initial number depending on the experiment''s duration. Moreover, if in the postpeak region the survival ratio drop rate progressively increases, as it most probably does (Fig. (Fig.2)2) (20, 33), then the number of dormant spores estimated by the tangent extrapolation method will grow indefinitely, despite the fact that it must be finite (1). Also, since the exponential inactivation rate can be a function of time as well as of temperature, the applicability of the Arrhenius equation as a secondary model might come into question. The same can also be said about the log-linearity of the D value''s temperature dependence if used instead of the Arrhenius equation.The question that arises in light of all the above is whether one can construct a conceptual population dynamic model of the activation/inactivation of spores without assuming any fixed kinetic order. The biochemical and biophysical mechanisms that govern bacterial spore germination, activation, and inactivation have been thoroughly investigated (11, 13, 14, 15, 22, 26-28). Still, it is not clear how processes within an individual spore can be translated into activation and survival patterns at the population level and how their manifestation can be expressed in a mathematical model. Whenever a system has inherent variability and knowledge of its working is incomplete or merely insufficient to develop a model from basic principles, one can, and sometimes must, resort to a probabilistic modeling approach. The general objective of this work has been to explore the merits and limitations of this option by developing a stochastic model of Bacilli spores'' heat activation and inactivation and examining its properties. The goal has not been to develop a new method to predict the spores'' survival under dynamic conditions—rate versions of the existing empirical models such as equation 1, 2, or 3 seem to be quite suitable for that—but to offer an alternative interpretation of the patterns reported and discussed in the literature.  相似文献   

Dual-trap laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) and elastic light scattering (ELS) were used to investigate dynamic processes during high-temperature treatment of individual spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis in water. Major conclusions from these studies included the following. (i) After spores of all three species were added to water at 80 to 90°C, the level of the 1:1 complex of Ca2+ and dipicolinic acid (CaDPA; ∼25% of the dry weight of the spore core) in individual spores remained relatively constant during a highly variable lag time (Tlag), and then CaDPA was released within 1 to 2 min. (ii) The Tlag values prior to rapid CaDPA release and thus the times for wet-heat killing of individual spores of all three species were very heterogeneous. (iii) The heterogeneity in kinetics of wet-heat killing of individual spores was not due to differences in the microscopic physical environments during heat treatment. (iv) During the wet-heat treatment of spores of all three species, spore protein denaturation largely but not completely accompanied rapid CaDPA release, as some changes in protein structure preceded rapid CaDPA release. (v) Changes in the ELS from individual spores of all three species were strongly correlated with the release of CaDPA. The ELS intensities of B. cereus and B. megaterium spores decreased gradually and reached minima at T1 when ∼80% of spore CaDPA was released, then increased rapidly until T2 when full CaDPA release was complete, and then remained nearly constant. The ELS intensity of B. subtilis spores showed similar features, although the intensity changed minimally, if at all, prior to T1. (vi) Carotenoids in B. megaterium spores'' inner membranes exhibited two changes during heat treatment. First, the carotenoid''s two Raman bands at 1,155 and 1,516 cm−1 decreased rapidly to a low value and to zero, respectively, well before Tlag, and then the residual 1,155-cm−1 band disappeared, in parallel with the rapid CaDPA release beginning at Tlag.Bacterial spores of Bacillus species are formed in sporulation and are metabolically dormant and extremely resistant to a variety of harsh conditions, including heat, radiation, and many toxic chemicals (37). Since spores of these species are generally present in foodstuffs and cause food spoilage and food-borne disease (37, 38), there has long been interest in the mechanisms of both spore resistance and spore killing, especially for wet heat, the agent most commonly used to kill spores. The killing of dormant spores by wet heat generally requires temperatures about 40°C higher than those for the killing of growing cells of the same strain (37, 43). A number of factors influence spore wet-heat resistance, with a major factor being the spore core''s water content, as spores with higher core water content are less wet-heat resistant than are spores with lower core water (15, 25). The high level of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid [DPA]) and the types of its associated divalent cations, predominantly Ca2+, that comprise ∼25% of the dry weight of the core also contribute to spore wet-heat resistance, although how low core water content and CaDPA protect spores against wet heat is not known. The protection of spore DNA against depurination by its saturation with a group of α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins also contributes to spore wet-heat resistance (14, 23, 33, 37).Despite knowledge of a number of factors important in spore wet-heat resistance, the mechanism for wet-heat killing of spores is not known. Wet heat does not kill spores by DNA damage or oxidative damage (35, 37). Instead, spore killing by this agent is associated with protein denaturation and enzyme inactivation (2, 7, 44), although specific proteins for which damage causes spore death have not been identified. Wet-heat treatment also often results in the release of the spore core''s large depot of CaDPA. The mechanism for this CaDPA release is not known but is presumably associated with the rupture of the spore''s inner membrane (7). In addition, the relationship between protein denaturation and CaDPA release is not clear, although recent work suggests that significant protein denaturation can occur prior to CaDPA release (7). Almost all information on spore killing by moist heat has been obtained with spore populations, and essentially nothing is known about the behavior of individual spores exposed to potentially lethal temperatures in water. Given the likely heterogeneity of spores in populations, in particular in their wet-heat resistances (16, 18, 39, 40), it could be most informative to analyze the behavior of individual spores exposed to high temperatures in water.Raman spectroscopy is widely used in biochemical studies, as this technique has high sensitivity and responds rapidly to subtle changes in molecule structure (1, 22, 31). In addition, when Raman spectroscopy is combined with confocal microscopy and optical tweezers, the resultant laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) allows the nondestructive, noninvasive detection of biochemical processes at the single-cell level (9, 10, 19, 46). Indeed, LTRS has been used to analyze the DPA level and the germination of individual Bacillus spores (5, 19, 30). In order to obtain information more rapidly, dual- and multitrap laser tweezers have been developed to allow multiple individual cells or particles to be analyzed simultaneously (11, 13, 24, 27), and the dual trap has been used to measure the hydrodynamic cross-correlations of two particles (24). In addition to Raman scattering, the elastic light scattering (ELS) from trapped individual cells also provides valuable information on cell shape, orientation, refractive index, and morphology (12, 45) and has been used to monitor spore germination dynamics as well (30).In this work, we report studies of wet-heat treatment of individual spores of three different Bacillus species by dual-trap LTRS and ELS. A number of important processes related to wet-heat inactivation of spores, including CaDPA release and protein denaturation, and the correlation between these processes were investigated by monitoring changes in Raman scattering at CaDPA-, protein structure-, and phenylalanine-specific bands and changes in ELS intensity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the inhibition of Vibrio by Roseobacter in a combined liquid-surface system. Exposure of Vibrio anguillarum to surface-attached roseobacters (107 CFU/cm2) resulted in significant reduction or complete killing of the pathogen inoculated at 102 to 104 CFU/ml. The effect was likely associated with the production of tropodithietic acid (TDA), as a TDA-negative mutant did not affect survival or growth of V. anguillarum.Antagonistic interactions among marine bacteria are well documented, and secretion of antagonistic compounds is common among bacteria that colonize particles or surfaces (8, 13, 16, 21, 31). These marine bacteria may be interesting as sources for new antimicrobial drugs or as probiotic bacteria for aquaculture.Aquaculture is a rapidly growing sector, but outbreaks of bacterial diseases are a limiting factor and pose a threat, especially to young fish and invertebrates that cannot be vaccinated. Because regular or prophylactic administration of antibiotics must be avoided, probiotic bacteria are considered an alternative (9, 18, 34, 38, 39, 40). Several microorganisms have been able to reduce bacterial diseases in challenge trials with fish or fish larvae (14, 24, 25, 27, 33, 37, 39, 40). One example is Phaeobacter strain 27-4 (17), which inhibits Vibrio anguillarum and reduces mortality in turbot larvae (27). The antagonism of Phaeobacter 27-4 and the closely related Phaeobacter inhibens is due mainly to the sulfur-containing tropolone derivative tropodithietic acid (TDA) (2, 5), which is also produced by other Phaeobacter strains and Ruegeria mobilis (28). Phaeobacter and Ruegeria strains or their DNA has been commonly found in marine larva-rearing sites (6, 17, 28).Phaeobacter and Ruegeria (Alphaproteobacteria, Roseobacter clade) are efficient surface colonizers (7, 11, 31, 36). They are abundant in coastal and eutrophic zones and are often associated with algae (3, 7, 41). Surface-attached Phaeobacter bacteria may play an important role in determining the species composition of an emerging biofilm, as even low densities of attached Phaeobacter strain SK2.10 bacteria can prevent other marine organisms from colonizing solid surfaces (30, 32).In continuation of the previous research on roseobacters as aquaculture probiotics, the purpose of this study was to determine the antagonistic potential of Phaeobacter and Ruegeria against Vibrio anguillarum in liquid systems that mimic a larva-rearing environment. Since production of TDA in liquid marine broth appears to be highest when roseobacters form an air-liquid biofilm (5), we addressed whether they could be applied as biofilms on solid surfaces.  相似文献   

Inactivation of infectious viruses during drinking water treatment is usually achieved with free chlorine. Many drinking water utilities in the United States now use monochloramine as a secondary disinfectant to minimize disinfectant by-product formation and biofilm growth. The inactivation of human adenoviruses 2, 40, and 41 (HAdV2, HAdV40, and HAdV41), coxsackieviruses B3 and B5 (CVB3 and CVB5), echoviruses 1 and 11 (E1 and E11), and murine norovirus (MNV) are compared in this study. Experiments were performed with 0.2 mg of free chlorine or 1 mg of monochloramine/liter at pH 7 and 8 in buffered reagent-grade water at 5°C. CT values (disinfectant concentration × time) for 2- to 4-log10 (99 to 99.99%) reductions in virus titers were calculated by using the efficiency factor Hom model. The enteroviruses required the longest times for chlorine inactivation and MNV the least time. CVB5 required the longest exposure time, with CT values of 7.4 and 10 mg·min/liter (pH 7 and 8) for 4-log10 inactivation. Monochloramine disinfection was most effective for E1 (CT values ranged from 8 to 18 mg·min/liter for 2- and 3-log10 reductions, respectively). E11 and HAdV2 were the least susceptible to monochloramine disinfection (CT values of 1,300 and 1,600 mg-min/liter for 3-log10 reductions, respectively). Monochloramine inactivation was most successful for the adenoviruses, CVB5, and E1 at pH 7. A greater variation in inactivation rates between viruses was observed during monochloramine disinfection than during chlorine disinfection. These data will be useful in drinking water risk assessment studies and disinfection system planning.Disinfection is a critical step in the drinking water treatment process to inactivate infectious viruses because primary treatment is less effective for the removal of viruses. Chlorine and monochloramine are the most widely used disinfectants in the United States (2). Free chlorine is widely used as a primary disinfectant following filtration and also as a secondary disinfectant in distribution systems. Under the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (38), monochloramine can also be used as a primary disinfectant, but because it requires longer contact times to achieve the same level of disinfection as free chlorine it is primarily used as a secondary disinfectant to maintain a stable disinfectant residual in the distribution system and minimize disinfection by-product formation and biofilm growth.The efficacy of chlorine disinfection for viruses has been evaluated in numerous studies over the years. Many early studies focused on the disinfection of polioviruses by chlorine (14, 17, 26, 28, 30, 39, 40, 43). Early investigators suggested a number of variables that must be controlled in the disinfection of viruses: contact time, temperature, ionic strength, pH, chlorine concentration, and virus aggregation (29, 30). These researchers concluded that comparisons and general trends of disinfection efficacy can only be discerned for viruses when the same disinfection parameters are applied.Fewer studies have investigated the disinfection efficacy of monochloramine, but monochloramine disinfection has been found to be less effective than free chlorine for viruses. In comparative studies of chlorine and monochloramine disinfection, coxsackievirus B5, adenovirus 2, and adenovirus 41 were found to be inactivated far more readily by chlorine than monochloramine (4, 5, 32). For drinking water treatment systems where monochloramine is used as a secondary disinfectant, it is important to know its efficacy for a wide range of viruses, as infectious viruses may be introduced in the distribution system where only monochloramine is present. In addition, relatively few studies have investigated the efficacy of monochloramine as systematically as free chlorine; frequently only one concentration, pH, or temperature has been investigated. Two notable exceptions were investigations that examined monochloramine disinfection of human adenovirus 2 (HAdV2) and coxsackievirus B5 (CVB5) at multiple pH levels (21, 31).In 2005, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) published its second candidate contaminant list (CCL2). The CCL2 is comprised of unregulated microbial and chemical contaminants of potential public health concern that are known or anticipated to occur in drinking water systems and includes: echovirus, coxsackievirus, adenovirus, and calicivirus (36). A number of researchers have reported the disinfection efficacy of free chlorine for representatives of the CCL2 viruses (4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 22, 27, 33, 34, 35), but fewer studies have investigated the disinfection efficacy of monochloramine on these viruses (4, 5, 21, 31). In addition, comparison between existing studies of chlorine or monochloramine disinfection is difficult because of differences in the viruses examined, experimental parameters investigated, and analytical methods used.The present study compared the inactivation kinetics for representative CCL2 viruses with levels of free chlorine and monochloramine recommended for drinking water disinfection. Duplicate experiments with both disinfectants were carried out in pH 7 and 8 buffered chlorine-demand-free (CDF) water at 5°C, with eight viruses chosen to represent the CCL2 virus types. Coxsackieviruses B5 and B3 (CVB5 and CVB3) and echoviruses 1 and 11 (E1 and E11) were chosen based on existing data suggesting resistance to free chlorine, disease implications, and likelihood of presence in higher numbers in natural water. Three representative human adenoviruses were studied, including both serotypes of species F HAdV (40 and 41) that cause gastroenteritis and HAdV2, a representative of respiratory HAdV that may be found in water because they are present in fecal excretions (9). Murine norovirus (MNV), phylogenetically similar to human norovirus and the only norovirus that can be propagated in cell culture, was used as a surrogate for human norovirus. Kinetic inactivation curves are presented, and CT values (disinfectant concentration × time, reported in mg·min/liter) were calculated by using the efficiency factor Hom (EFH) model (16).  相似文献   

Infection of quiescent cells by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) elicits severe cell cycle deregulation, resulting in a G1/S arrest, which can be partly attributed to the inactivation of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC). As we previously reported, the premature phosphorylation of its coactivator Cdh1 and/or the dissociation of the core complex can account for the inactivation. We have expanded on these results and further delineated the key components required for disabling the APC during HCMV infection. The viral protein kinase UL97 was hypothesized to phosphorylate Cdh1, and consistent with this, phosphatase assays utilizing a virus with a UL97 deletion mutation (ΔUL97 virus) indicated that Cdh1 is hypophosphorylated at early times in the infection. Mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that UL97 can phosphorylate Cdh1 in vitro, and the majority of the sites identified correlated with previously characterized cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) consensus sites. Analysis of the APC core complex during ΔUL97 virus infection showed APC dissociation occurring at the same time as during infection with wild-type virus, suggesting that the UL97-mediated phosphorylation of Cdh1 is not required for this to occur. Further investigation of the APC subunits showed a proteasome-dependent loss of the APC5 and APC4 subunits that was temporally associated with the disassembly of the APC. Immediate early viral gene expression was not sufficient for the degradation of APC4 and APC5, indicating that a viral early gene product(s), possibly in association with a de novo-synthesized cellular protein(s), is involved.Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a highly prevalent β-herpesvirus, can cause serious birth defects and disease in immunocompromised individuals, and it may be associated with cancer and cardiovascular disease (53). Viral gene expression is temporally regulated and is dependent on many cellular factors for a productive infection. Immediate early (IE) genes are expressed by 2 h postinfection (p.i.) and transactivate the early genes required for viral DNA replication. The expression of the late genes, which encode proteins involved in virion maturation and egress, is dependent on viral DNA replication.The virus has adopted different strategies for altering the cellular environment to make it more conducive to productive infection, including the stimulation of host cell DNA replication pathways, cell cycle deregulation and arrest, immune evasion, and inhibition of apoptosis (53). Although HCMV encodes its own DNA polymerase, it is dependent on other cellular resources for DNA replication. Infection of quiescent cells induces passage toward S phase such that the host cell is stimulated to generate proteins and DNA precursors necessary for genome replication; however, entry into S phase and cellular DNA replication are subsequently blocked and the cell arrests in G1/S (1, 10, 11, 14, 30, 45). Cellular resources are thereby presumably free to be efficiently utilized for viral replication. Cell cycle arrest by HCMV is achieved in part through the misregulation of several cell cycle proteins, including the phosphorylation and accumulation of the Rb family pocket proteins, upregulation of cyclins E and B and their associated kinase activities, inhibition of cyclin A expression, stabilization of p53, and accumulation of Cdc6 and geminin, which inhibits licensing of the cellular origins of DNA replication (8, 17, 30, 49, 54, 65). Some of these cell cycle defects can be attributed to a deregulation of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) (8, 72, 79, 80), an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is responsible for the timely degradation of cell cycle proteins and mitotic cyclins to promote cycle progression from mitosis through G1 to S phase (58, 74). As the APC also appears to be a common target among other viruses, including the chicken anemia virus, adenoviruses, and poxviruses (23, 36, 52, 70), understanding the mechanisms leading to its inactivation during viral infection has been of great interest.As we have previously reported, multiple mechanisms may be involved in disabling the APC during HCMV infection (72), which is not surprising given the complexity of its structure and regulation (for a review, see references 58 and 74). The APC is a large multisubunit complex consisting of at least 11 conserved core subunits, as well as other species-specific subunits. In metazoans, the APC2 and APC11 subunits form the catalytic core, and along with APC10, provide the platform for binding the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. Each of the APC3, APC8, APC6, and APC7 subunits contain multiple copies of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motif and together make up the TPR subcomplex, which provides a platform of protein interaction surfaces for binding the coactivators (i.e., Cdh1 and Cdc20) and various substrates. These two subcomplexes are bridged by the large scaffolding subunit APC1, with the TPR subcomplex tethered to APC1 through APC4 and APC5. The binding between APC1, APC4, APC5, and APC8 is also interdependent, such that the loss of one subunit decreases the association of the other three (71).The APC is activated by either of its coactivators, Cdh1 or Cdc20, which also function in recruiting specific substrates to the APC during different phases of the cell cycle. The phosphorylation of several APC subunits at the onset of mitosis, including APC1 and the TPR subunits, by cyclin B/cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) and Plk1 allows the binding of Cdc20 and subsequent activation of the APC (APCCdc20) (19, 37), whereas the binding and activation of the complex by Cdh1 is inhibited through its phosphorylation by cyclin B/Cdk1 (9, 29, 38, 83). As cells pass the spindle assembly checkpoint, APCCdc20 ubiquitinates securin (to allow for sister chromatid separation) and cyclin B for degradation by the proteasome (42, 67). The subsequent inactivation of Cdk1 and activation of mitotic phosphatases during late anaphase relieves the inhibitory phosphorylation on Cdh1, presumably by Cdc14 (6, 38, 44), which then allows Cdh1 to bind and activate the APC (APCCdh1). APCCdh1 ubiquitinates Cdc20 and mitotic cyclins for degradation to facilitate mitotic exit and maintains their low levels, along with S-phase regulators (e.g., Cdc6, geminin, etc.), during G1 (16, 50, 59, 63). The inactivation of APCCdh1 as cells enter S phase may be mediated in part through the phosphorylation of Cdh1 by cyclin A/Cdk2 (46) and Cdh1 binding to the inhibitor Emi1 (25). The inactivation of Cdh1 by phosphorylation has been shown in all organisms studied thus far (e.g., yeast, Drosophila, plants, mammals, etc.), and mutants mimicking constitutively phosphorylated Cdh1 on Cdk consensus sites can neither bind nor activate the APC in vivo or in vitro (9, 29, 38, 69, 83).During HCMV infection of fibroblasts in G0/G1, however, Cdh1 becomes prematurely phosphorylated in a Cdk-independent manner and no longer associates with the APC (72). This dissociation does not appear to be due to an overexpression of Emi1 (79). Cdc20 also can no longer associate with the APC (79), suggesting a defect in the APC core. We have further shown that the APC core complex disassembles during the infection, with the TPR subunits (i.e., APC3, APC7, and APC8) and APC10 localizing to the cytosol, while APC1 remains nuclear (72). Interestingly, both the phosphorylation of Cdh1 and the dissociation of the APC occur at similar times during HCMV infection. Although either of these mechanisms could render the APC inactive, it was unclear whether these processes are linked or represent independent (or redundant) pathways. The causative factor(s) in mediating these events and the question of whether such a factor(s) was of cellular or viral origin also remained unresolved.On the basis of the results of several recent studies (26, 32, 62), the viral protein kinase UL97 emerged as a likely candidate for involvement in the phosphorylation of Cdh1. Conserved among herpesviruses, UL97 functions in viral genome replication (7, 32, 81) and in nuclear egress of viral capsids (21, 39, 48). UL97 is present in the tegument of the virus particle (76) and is also expressed de novo with early kinetics (i.e., detectable by 5 h p.i. by Western blot assay), with increased expression at later times of the infection (51, 76, 77). UL97 is a serine/threonine (S/T) protein kinase (22), and recent studies have further characterized it as a Cdkl mimic, with predicted structural similarity to Cdk2 (64) and common substrates. UL97 has been shown to phosphorylate in vitro nuclear lamin A/C (21), the carboxyl-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II (5), the translation elongation factor 1δ (EF1δ) (33), and Rb (26, 62) on sites targeted by Cdks, and there is considerable evidence that UL97 phosphorylates lamin A/C, EF1δ, and Rb on these sites in infected cells as well (21, 26, 33, 62). Given that cyclin A/Cdk2 and cyclin B/Cdk1 complexes normally phosphorylate Cdh1, thus preventing its association with the APC, we hypothesized that UL97 phosphorylates Cdh1 during HCMV infection.In the present study, we provide further mechanistic details of the events and players involved in inactivating the APC during HCMV infection. Evidence that UL97 is the viral factor mediating the phosphorylation of Cdh1 was obtained. However, APC disassembly still occurred at similar times in ΔUL97 and wild-type virus infections, indicating that UL97-mediated phosphorylation of Cdh1 is not required for this event. The inactivation of the APC core complex is further attributed to the loss of the APC5 and APC4 subunits early during the infection. The degradation of these subunits is proteasome dependent and requires de novo synthesis of viral early or cellular proteins. While the primary mechanism of inactivation appears to be the dissociation of the complex and the targeted loss of APC5 and APC4, phosphorylation of Cdh1 may provide a small kinetic advantage and backup mechanism for disabling the APC.  相似文献   

Stable Mycobacterium avium infections of several Acanthamoeba strains were characterized by increased infection resistance of recent environmental isolates and reduced infectivity in the presence of other bacteria. Exposure of M. avium in coculture with Acanthamoeba castellanii to monochloramine yielded inactivation kinetics markedly similar to those observed for A. castellanii alone.Acanthamoebae are widely distributed in the environment (20) and generally function ecologically as predators of bacteria (23), although numerous types of bacteria resist predation (22). Acanthamoebae are very resistant to a range of disinfectants (5, 6, 8, 28), and bacteria within acanthamoebae are generally afforded extra protection (16). A notable example is the opportunistic pathogen Mycobacterium avium (10), which can survive within Acanthamoeba species trophozoites and cysts (4, 26), resulting in increased resistance to several antimicrobials (22). It has been demonstrated that many Mycobacterium spp. are able to infect the laboratory strain Acanthamoeba polyphaga (1). Acanthamoeba cultures undergo many physiological changes after several passages in the laboratory (15, 17, 21), although it is not known if prolonged cultivation of Acanthamoeba alters their capacity to be infected by M. avium. This knowledge is important for assessing the environmental relevance of associations between Acanthamoeba and M. avium. Therefore, we studied the infectivity and infection stability of M. avium with several laboratory and environmental Acanthamoeba strains for 28 days under high-nutrient (peptone-yeast extract-glucose [PYG] medium) and low-nutrient (Page''s amoeba saline [PAS]) conditions.  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses of bacterial growth, carbohydrate consumption, and metabolite production of five butyrate-producing clostridial cluster XIVa colon bacteria grown on acetate plus fructose, oligofructose, inulin, or lactate were performed. A gas chromatography method was set up to assess H2 and CO2 production online and to ensure complete coverage of all metabolites produced. Method accuracy was confirmed through the calculation of electron and carbon recoveries. Fermentations with Anaerostipes caccae DSM 14662T, Roseburia faecis DSM 16840T, Roseburia hominis DSM 16839T, and Roseburia intestinalis DSM 14610T revealed similar patterns of metabolite production with butyrate, CO2, and H2 as the main metabolites. R. faecis DSM 16840T and R. intestinalis DSM 14610T were able to degrade oligofructose, displaying a nonpreferential breakdown mechanism. Lactate consumption was only observed with A. caccae DSM 14662T. Roseburia inulinivorans DSM 16841T was the only strain included in the present study that was able to grow on fructose, oligofructose, and inulin. The metabolites produced were lactate, butyrate, and CO2, without H2 production, indicating an energy metabolism distinct from that of other Roseburia species. Oligofructose degradation was nonpreferential. In a coculture of R. inulinivorans DSM 16841T with the highly competitive strain Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum LMG 11047 on inulin, hardly any production of butyrate and CO2 was detected, indicating a lack of competitiveness of the butyrate producer. Complete recovery of metabolites during fermentations of clostridial cluster XIVa butyrate-producing colon bacteria allowed stoichiometric balancing of the metabolic pathway for butyrate production, including H2 formation.The implementation of 16S rRNA gene-based analytical techniques in the ongoing exploration of the microbial diversity of the human colon ecosystem has both broadened and sharpened the prevailing image of its population (17, 24, 32). While a rather conservative perception of the composition of the colon microbiota has dominated gut research for several decades (36), recent studies have revealed the importance of previously largely neglected bacterial groups and have reduced historically numerically overestimated subpopulations to their actual (marginal) size (8, 22, 52). The human colon has been shown to be a remarkably selective environment, which is reflected by a rather shallow microbial diversity (32). Species belonging to the bacterial divisions Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria make up more than 98% of the bacterial population of the human colon (2, 17, 24). However, this superficial uniformity only covers an overwhelming diversity at the lower taxonomic levels; the human colon has been estimated to harbor between 500 and 1,000 species, representing over 7,000 strains, with up to 80% of them considered uncultivable using presently available methodologies (14, 28, 53).Assessing identity and abundance of the major microbial groups composing the colon microbiota is a first and indispensable step toward a better understanding of the ecosystem of the large intestine (48). However, defining a complex ecosystem such as the human colon requires more than the construction of a catalog of its members (32). A major challenge of gastrointestinal microbiology lies in linking phylogenetic subgroups with particular ecological habitats and niches (7, 8, 23). The latter requires further development of highly discriminating 16S rRNA gene-targeted probes to monitor spatial bacterial distribution, combined with renewed efforts toward species isolation through the application of innovative cultivation methods and media, and extensive metabolic characterization of representative strains (19, 35, 48).Recently, a global ecological approach, combining efforts in probe development (1, 27), species isolation (3), and metabolic characterization (4, 11, 15, 20), has led to the identification of a functional group of microorganisms, composed of species belonging to the clostridial clusters IV and XIVa, that are responsible for colon butyrate production. As butyrate is regarded as a key metabolite for the maintenance of colon health, this functional subunit of the colon microbiota could have a major influence on human well-being and might be considered as a target for prebiotic dietary interventions (25, 35, 45). Some recently described lactate- and/or acetate-converting colon butyrate producers have been reported to be able to degrade prebiotic inulin-type fructans, although the kinetics of their respective breakdown mechanisms have hardly been investigated (10, 20). The enhancement of colon butyrate production observed after consumption of oligofructose or inulin (6, 31, 40)—the so-called butyrogenic effect—as well as the limited stimulatory effect of these prebiotics on the clostridial cluster IV and XIVa colon populations (16, 30) have been attributed to cross-feeding with bifidobacteria, which are still considered the primary fructan degraders (5, 38). Anaerostipes caccae as well as Roseburia spp. have been shown to be able to (co)metabolize end products of bifidobacterial fructan fermentation (lactate and/or acetate) or to grow on short oligosaccharides and monosaccharides released by Bifidobacterium spp. during fructan degradation (4, 20).Recently, many clostridial cluster IV and XIVa butyrate producers characterized in detail have been shown to produce gases, mainly CO2 and H2 (12, 15, 20, 46). Consequently, they might be responsible for an enhancement of gas production as a result of fructan fermentation, through either cross-feeding or direct degradation of inulin-type fructans (15, 16). Indeed, inulin-type fructan consumption has been reported to cause some gastrointestinal discomfort related to gas production—essentially, flatulence and bloating (43)—while bifidobacteria, the main beneficiaries of dietary fructan intake, do not produce gases (19, 49). Although CO2 and H2 production by colon butyrate producers could have implications for human intestinal well-being, (in vitro) production has not been satisfactorily monitored up to now, probably due to limited availability of a performant apparatus for (online) gas analysis (15, 20). Moreover, the currently proposed pathway for colon butyrate production does not provide a conclusive quantitative link between bacterial (co)substrate metabolism and H2 formation (11).This study investigated the kinetics of inulin-type fructan degradation by representatives of the genera Anaerostipes and Roseburia. A method based on online gas chromatography (GC) was developed to assess gas production qualitatively and quantitatively in a continuously sparged fermentation vessel for complete coverage of metabolite production. The competitiveness of inulin-degrading butyrate producers was investigated through coculture fermentations with Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum LMG 11047, a strain representing a highly competitive cluster of bifidobacteria that share both high fructose consumption and oligofructose degradation rates and are able to perform partial breakdown of inulin (18, 20). A stoichiometrically balanced pathway for butyrate production, including H2 production, is proposed.  相似文献   

The simultaneous nutrient germination of hundreds of individual wild-type spores of three Bacillus species and a number of Bacillus subtilis strains has been measured by two new methods, and rates of release of the great majority of the large pool of dipicolinic acid (DPA) from individual spores of B. subtilis strains has been measured by Raman spectroscopy with laser tweezers. The results from these analyses and published data have allowed a number of significant conclusions about the germination of spores of Bacillus species as follows. (i) The time needed for release of the great majority of a Bacillus spore''s DPA once rapid DPA release had begun (ΔTrelease) during nutrient germination was independent of the concentration of nutrient germinant used, the level of the germinant receptors (GRs) that recognize nutrient germinants used and heat activation prior to germination. Values for ΔTrelease were generally 0.5 to 3 min at 25 to 37°C for individual wild-type spores. (ii) Despite the conclusion above, germination of individual spores in populations was very heterogeneous, with some spores in wild-type populations completing germination ≥15-fold slower than others. (iii) The major factor in the heterogeneity in germination of individual spores in populations was the highly variable lag time, Tlag, between mixing spores with nutrient germinants and the beginning of ΔTrelease. (iv) A number of factors decrease spores'' Tlag values including heat activation, increased levels of GRs/spore, and higher levels of nutrient germinants. These latter factors appear to affect the level of activated GRs/spore during nutrient germination. (v) The conclusions above lead to the simple prediction that a major factor causing heterogeneity in Bacillus spore germination is the number of functional GRs in individual spores, a number that presumably varies significantly between spores in populations.Spores of various Bacillus species are metabolically dormant and can survive for years in this state (30). However, spores constantly sense their environment, and if appropriate small molecules termed germinants are present, spores can rapidly return to life in the process of germination followed by outgrowth (25, 29, 30). The germinants that most likely trigger spore germination in the environment are low-molecular-weight nutrient molecules, the identities of which are strain and species specific, including amino acids, sugars, and purine nucleosides. Metabolism of these nutrient germinants is not needed for the triggering of spore germination. Rather, these germinants are recognized by germinant receptors (GRs) located in the spore''s inner membrane that recognize their cognate germinants in a stereospecific manner (17, 24, 25, 29). Spores have a number of such GRs, with three functional GRs in Bacillus subtilis spores and even more in Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus megaterium spores (6, 29, 30). Binding of nutrient germinants to some single GRs is sufficient to trigger spore germination, for example the triggering of B. subtilis spore germination by binding of l-alanine or l-valine to the GerA GR. However, many GRs cooperate such that binding of germinants by ≥2 different GRs is needed to trigger germination (2, 29): for example, the triggering of B. subtilis spore germination by the binding of components of a mixture of l-asparagine, d-glucose, d-fructose, and K+ ions (AGFK) to the GerB and GerK GRs. The binding of nutrient germinants to GRs triggers subsequent events in germination, although how this is accomplished is not known.The first readily measured biochemical event after addition of nutrient germinants to Bacillus spores is the rapid release of the spore''s large depot (∼10% of spore dry weight) of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid [DPA]) plus its chelated divalent cations, predominantly Ca2+ (Ca-DPA), from the spore core (25, 29). Ca-DPA release then results in the activation of two redundant cortex-lytic enzymes (CLEs), CwlJ and SleB, which hydrolyze the spore''s peptidoglycan cortex layer (16, 22, 27, 29). CwlJ is activated by Ca-DPA as it is released from the spore while SleB is activated only after most DPA is released (17, 20, 22, 26, 27). Cortex hydrolysis ultimately allows the spore core to expand and take up more water, raising the core water content from the 35 to 45% of wet weight in the dormant spore to the 80% of wet weight characteristic of growing cells. Full hydration of the spore core then allows enzyme action, metabolism, and macromolecular synthesis to resume in the now fully germinated spore.Germination of spores in populations is very heterogeneous, with some spores germinating rapidly and some extremely slowly (4, 5, 9, 11, 13-15, 19, 26, 31, 32). Where it has been studied, the reason for this heterogeneity has been suggested to be due to a variable lag period (Tlag) between the time of mixing spores with a germinant and the time at which rapid DPA release begins, since once rapid DPA release begins, the time required for release of almost all DPA as well as for subsequent cortex hydrolysis is generally rather short compared to Tlag values in individual spores (5, 11, 13-15, 19, 26, 31, 32). The times required for DPA release and cortex hydrolysis are also similar in wild-type spores with both very short and long Tlag values (5, 15, 19, 27). The reasons for the variability in Tlag times between individual spores in populations are not known, although there are reports that both activation of spores for germination by a sublethal heat treatment (heat activation) as well as increasing concentrations of nutrient germinants can shorten Tlag values (12, 14, 15, 18, 32). However, there has been no detailed study of the causes of the variability in Tlag values between very large numbers of individual spores in populations.In order to study the heterogeneity in spore germination thoroughly, methods are needed to follow the germination of hundreds of individual spores over several hours. Initial studies of the germination of individual spores examined a single spore in a phase-contrast microscope and followed the germination of this spore by changes in the core''s refractive index due to DPA release and core swelling (14, 15, 32, 34). However, this method is labor-intensive for gathering data with hundreds of individual spores. More recently, confocal microscopy and then surface adsorption and optical tweezers have been used to capture single spores, and germination events have been followed by methods such as Raman spectroscopy to directly measure DPA release, as well as phase-contrast microscopy and elastic light scattering (3, 5, 9, 10, 19, 26). While the latter recent advances have allowed accumulation of much information about germination, collection of this type of data for large numbers of individual spores is still labor-intensive, although use of dual optical traps (35) and perhaps multiple traps in the future may alleviate this problem. However, phase-contrast microscopy plus appropriate computer software has recently allowed the monitoring of many hundreds of individual spores for several hours, with automated assessment of various changes in the cells during the period of observation (19). In the present work, we have used both phase-contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy to monitor the germination of many hundreds of individual spores of three Bacillus species adhered on either an agarose pad or a glass coverslip for 1 to 2 h. This work, as well as examination of times needed for release of most DPA once rapid DPA release has begun during germination of individual spores under a variety of conditions, has allowed detailed examination of the effects of heat activation, nutrient germinant concentration, GR numbers per spore, and individual CLEs on spore germination heterogeneity and on values of Tlag for individual spores.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of Escherichia coli infections linked to fermented meats have prompted much research into the kinetics of E. coli inactivation during fermented meat manufacture. A meta-analysis of data from 44 independent studies was undertaken that allowed the relative influences of pH, water activity (aw), and temperature on E. coli survival during fermented meat processing to be investigated. Data were reevaluated to determine rates of inactivation, providing 484 rate data points with various pH (2.8 to 6.14), aw (0.75 to 0.986), and temperature (−20 to 66°C) values, product formulations, and E. coli strains and serotypes. When the data were presented as an Arrhenius model, temperature (0 to 47°C) accounted for 61% of the variance in the ln(inactivation rate) data. In contrast, the pH or aw measured accounted for less than 8% of variability in the data, and the effects of other pH- and aw-based variables (i.e., total decrease and rates of reduction of those factors) were largely dependent on the temperature of the process. These findings indicate that although temperatures typically used in fermented meat manufacture are not lethal to E. coli per se, when other factors prevent E. coli growth (e.g., low pH and aw), the rate of inactivation of E. coli is dominated by temperature. In contrast, inactivation rates at temperatures above ∼50°C were characterized by smaller z values than those at 0 to 47°C, suggesting that the mechanisms of inactivation are different in these temperature ranges. The Arrhenius model developed can be used to improve product safety by quantifying the effects of changes in temperature and/or time on E. coli inactivation during fermented meat manufacture.Fermented meats encompass a diverse range of product styles in which raw, ground meat is preserved by the processes of fermentation and drying (or maturation). These products are typically manufactured without a bactericidal heat treatment, and instead, inhibition of growth and inactivation of contaminating pathogens rely upon the collective effects of acid pH, reduced water activity (aw), and the presence of lactic acid and, potentially, curing salts (nitrate and/or nitrite) and spices. However, pathogenic Escherichia coli can contaminate and survive in fermented meat products at levels sufficient to cause serious illness in consumers, as evidenced by numerous outbreaks of E. coli infections epidemiologically linked to uncooked fermented meat products (8, 9, 54, 64). Knowledge of the kinetics of nonthermal inactivation of E. coli, and the factors affecting it, is important to be able to optimize the safety of fermented meat processes.Several research groups have conducted studies on the survival of pathogenic E. coli during the processing of specific fermented meat products (4, 6, 14, 16, 23, 25). In some cases, the effects of alternative ingredients or processing parameters have also been determined (12, 21, 24, 30). Such investigations have allowed the lethality of a specific fermented meat process to be determined and the microbiological safety of that product, in regards to E. coli, to be described. However, most of these studies have been essentially empirical and product/process specific, i.e., they have not sought to discern key variables or their interactions that influence the extent of inactivation of E. coli or other pathogens during meat fermentation and maturation. Thus, while they are very important and useful, it has been difficult to extrapolate the results of those studies to different fermented meat processes, confounding efforts to assess product safety without the requirement for challenge tests or to give manufacturers the confidence to develop new or modified processes that remain safe.In an attempt to identify the main factors that influence the inactivation of E. coli in fermented meat products, we utilized data that already existed in the scientific literature and reassessed that information via a process similar to meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that involves amalgamating, summarizing, and reviewing previous quantitative research to identify trends. It is used, albeit rarely in the area of microbiology, as a means to address a wide variety of questions where a reasonable body of primary research studies exists. In a preliminary investigation, based on an analysis of limited published and other data, Ross and Shadbolt (51) observed that inactivation of E. coli in fermented meat processes was dominated by temperature and that pH and aw levels appeared to be less influential, except insofar as creating conditions inimical to E. coli growth. The objective of the present investigation was to rigorously test that observation by collation and analysis of a large data set describing the inactivation of E. coli during manufacture of fermented meats and to attempt to identify underlying patterns in the responses of E. coli to conditions encountered during fermented meat processes. From the observations of Ross and Shadbolt (51), and because the inactivation of E. coli in fermented meat is not instantaneous, we based our analyses on the rate of E. coli inactivation, calculated from viable count data and processing times reported by a variety of published and unpublished sources. We sought to relate the inactivation rate to reported environmental conditions, including pH, aw, and temperature, and to summarize the observations in a predictive mathematical model.  相似文献   

Bacterial endotoxins, also known as lipopolysaccharides, are a fever-producing by-product of gram-negative bacteria commonly known as pyrogens. It is essential to remove endotoxins from parenteral preparations since they have multiple injurious biological activities. Because of their strong heat resistance (e.g., requiring dry-heat sterilization at 250°C for 30 min) and the formation of various supramolecular aggregates, depyrogenation is more difficult than sterilization. We report here that soft hydrothermal processing, which has many advantages in safety and cost efficiency, is sufficient to assure complete depyrogenation by the inactivation of endotoxins. The endotoxin concentration in a sample was measured by using a chromogenic limulus method with an endotoxin-specific limulus reagent. The endotoxin concentration was calculated from a standard curve obtained using a serial dilution of a standard solution. We show that endotoxins were completely inactivated by soft hydrothermal processing at 130°C for 60 min or at 140°C for 30 min in the presence of a high steam saturation ratio or with a flow system. Moreover, it is easy to remove endotoxins from water by soft hydrothermal processing similarly at 130°C for 60 min or at 140°C for 30 min, without any requirement for ultrafiltration, nonselective adsorption with a hydrophobic adsorbent, or an anion exchanger. These findings indicate that soft hydrothermal processing, applied in the presence of a high steam saturation ratio or with a flow system, can inactivate endotoxins and may be useful for the depyrogenation of parenterals, including end products and medical devices that cannot be exposed to the high temperatures of dry heat treatments.Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that are derived from the cell membranes of gram-negative bacteria and are continuously released into the environment. The release of LPS occurs not only upon cell death but also during growth and division. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is essential to remove endotoxins from parenteral preparations since they have multiple injurious biological activities, including pyrogenicity, lethality, Schwartzman reactivity, adjuvant activity, and macrophage activation (2, 9, 12, 13, 25, 32). Endotoxins are very stable molecules that are capable of resisting extreme temperatures and pH values (3, 16, 17, 29, 30, 34, 38). An endotoxin monomer has a molar mass of 10 to 20 kDa and forms supramolecular aggregates in aqueous solutions (22, 39) due to its amphipathic structure, which makes depyrogenation more difficult than sterilization. Endotoxins are not efficiently inactivated with the regular heat sterilization procedures recommended by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. These procedures are steam heat treatment at 121°C for 20 min or dry-heat treatment for at least 1 h at 180°C. It is well accepted that only dry-heat treatment is efficient in destroying endotoxins (3, 16, 29, 30) and that endotoxins can be inactivated when exposed to a temperature of 250°C for more than 30 min or 180°C for more than 3 h (14, 36). In the production of parenterals, it is necessary to both depyrogenate the final products and carry out sterilization to avoid bacterial contamination.Several studies have examined dry-heat treatment, which is a very efficient means to degrade endotoxins (6, 20, 21, 26, 41, 42). However, its application is restricted to steel and glass implements that can tolerate high temperatures of >250°C. For sterilization, dry heat treatment tends to be used only with thermostable materials that cannot be sterilized by steam heat treatment (autoclaving). Alternative depyrogenation processes include the application of activated carbon (35), oxidation (15), and acidic or alkaline reagents (27), but steam heat treatment would be an attractive option if it were sufficiently effective. However, the data on the inactivation of endotoxins by steam heat treatment are insufficient and contradictory. It has been reported that endotoxins were not efficiently inactivated by steam heat treatment at 121°C (19, 45). However, Ogawa et al. (31) recently reported that steam heat treatment was efficient in inactivating low concentrations of endotoxin, and that Escherichia coli LPS are unstable in aqueous solutions even at relatively low temperatures such as 70°C (see also reference 40). As mentioned above, these reports have shown that although studies have been carried out on the use of steam heat for depyrogenation, there is little agreement on its efficiency.The U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) recommends depyrogenation by dry-heat treatment at temperatures above 220°C for as long as is necessary to achieve a ≥3-log reduction in the activity of endotoxin, if the value is ≥1,000 endotoxin units (EU)/ml (11, 44). Due to the serious risks associated with endotoxins, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set guidelines for medical devices and parenterals. The protocol to test for endotoxin contamination of medical devices recommends immersion of the device in endotoxin-free water for at least 1 h at room temperature, followed by testing of this extract/eluate for endotoxin. Current FDA limits are such that eluates from medical devices may not exceed 0.5 EU/ml, or 0.06 EU/ml if the device comes into contact with cerebrospinal fluid (43). The term EU describes the biological activity of endotoxins. For example, 100 pg of the standard endotoxin EC-5, 200 pg of EC-2, and 120 pg of endotoxin from E. coli O111:B4 all have an activity of 1 EU (17, 23).Steam heat treatment is comparatively easy to apply and control. If steam heat treatment could reliably inactivate endotoxins, it could be applied with sterilization, reducing labor, time, and expenditure. However, to our knowledge, few studies have addressed steam heat inactivation to determine the chemical and physical reactions that occur during the hydrothermal process, nor have any studies examined the relationship between the steam saturation ratio and the inactivation of endotoxins. Moreover, to date no study has been conducted on steam heat activation of endotoxins with reference to the chemical and physical parameters of the hydrothermal process.We have developed a groundbreaking method to thermoinactivate endotoxins by means of a soft hydrothermal process, in which the steam saturation ratio can be controlled. The steam saturation ratio is calculated as follows: steam saturation ratio (%) = [steam density (kg/m3)/saturated steam density (kg/m3)] × 100.The soft hydrothermal process lies in the part of the liquid phase of water with a high steam saturation ratio that is characterized by a higher ionic product (kw) than that of ordinary water. The ionic product is a key parameter in promoting ionic reactions and can be related to hydrolysis. The ionic product of water is 1.0 × 10−14 (mol/liter)2 at room temperature and increases with increasing temperature and pressure. A high ionic product favors the solubility of highly polar and ionic compounds, creating the possibility of accelerating the hydrolysis reaction process of organic compounds. Thus, water can play the role of both an acidic and an alkaline catalyst in the hydrothermal process (Fig. (Fig.1)1) (1, 37, 46). However, the soft hydrothermal process lies in the high-density water molecular area of the steam-gas biphasic field (Fig. (Fig.1)1) and is characterized by a lower dielectric constant (ɛ) than that of ordinary water. This process opens the possibility of promoting the affinity of water for nonpolar or low-polarity compounds, such as lipophilic organic compounds (46). We previously reported that most of the predominant aromatic hydrocarbons were removed from softwood bedding that had been treated by soft hydrothermal processing (24, 28).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Reaction field in the pressure-temperature relationship of water. The curve represents the saturated vapor pressure curve. The fields show where the pressure-temperature relationships are conducive to a variety of hydrothermal processing conditions, in which water has a large impact as a reaction medium. Because high-density water has a large dielectric constant and ionic product, it is an effective reaction medium for advancing ionic reactions, whereas water (in the form of steam) on the lower-pressure side of the saturated vapor pressure curve shows a good ability to form materials by covalent bonding. Small changes in the density of water can result in changes in the chemical affinity, which has the potential to advance a range of ionic and radical reactions.The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the thermoinactivation of endotoxins by the soft hydrothermal process, by controlling the steam saturation ratio, temperature, and time of treatment. There have been reports that endotoxins were thermoinactivated by steam heat treatment at 121°C in the presence of a nonionic surfactant and at over 135°C in its absence (4, 5, 10), but the minimum temperature for the inactivation of endotoxin remained unknown. This report provides the answer to this question.  相似文献   

A major obstacle to gene transduction by viral vectors is inactivation by human complement in vivo. One way to overcome this is to incorporate complement regulatory proteins, such as CD55/decay accelerating factor (DAF), into viral particles. Lentivirus vectors pseudotyped with the baculovirus envelope protein GP64 have been shown to acquire more potent resistance to serum inactivation and longer transgene expression than those pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) envelope protein G. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to serum inactivation in pseudotype particles bearing the GP64 have not been precisely elucidated. In this study, we generated pseudotype and recombinant VSVs bearing the GP64. Recombinant VSVs generated in human cell lines exhibited the incorporation of human DAF in viral particles and were resistant to serum inactivation, whereas those generated in insect cells exhibited no incorporation of human DAF and were sensitive to complement inactivation. The GP64 and human DAF were detected on the detergent-resistant membrane and were coprecipitated by immunoprecipitation analysis. A pseudotype VSV bearing GP64 produced in human DAF knockdown cells reduced resistance to serum inactivation. In contrast, recombinant baculoviruses generated in insect cells expressing human DAF or carrying the human DAF gene exhibited resistance to complement inactivation. These results suggest that the incorporation of human DAF into viral particles by interacting with baculovirus GP64 is involved in the acquisition of resistance to serum inactivation.Gene therapy is a potential treatment option for genetic diseases, malignant diseases, and other acquired diseases. To this end, safe and efficient gene transfer into specific target cells is a central requirement, and a variety of nonviral and viral vector systems have been developed (6, 44). Recombinant viruses can be used for efficient gene transfer. Retroviruses, adeno-associated viruses, and lentiviruses are able to integrate foreign genes into host genomes and are suitable for gene therapeutics by virtue of their permanent expression of the therapeutic genes, whereas adenoviruses, herpesviruses, and baculoviruses can transiently express foreign genes (6, 12, 44). Pseudotype particles bearing other viral envelope proteins have been developed to improve transduction efficiency and the safety of viral vectors, including retrovirus (4, 7), lentivirus (25), vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) (29), and baculovirus (17, 42). Pseudotype retroviruses and lentiviruses bearing the baculovirus envelope protein GP64 of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) have been shown to exhibit efficient gene transduction into a wide variety of cells with a lower cytotoxicity compared to those bearing the VSV envelope protein G (VSVG), which is commonly used for pseudotyping (18, 32, 35, 36).However, a drawback of gene transduction by viral vectors is that human sera inactivate the vectors (11, 40). Complement is a major element of the innate immune response and serves to link innate and adaptive immunity (8). Complement activation can occur via classical, lectin, and alternative pathways (2, 8). All pathways invoke several responses, such as virus opsonization, virolysis, anaphylatoxin, and chemotaxin production, as well as others (2, 8). VSV and baculovirus are inactivated by human sera via the classical pathway (1, 11). Because complement activation also induces potential damage to host cells, the complement system is tightly regulated by the complement regulatory proteins (CRPs), including CD55/decay-accelerating factor (DAF), CD46/membrane cofactor protein (MCP), and CD59 (2, 8, 15). DAF and CD46 inhibit activation of C3/C5-converting enzymes, which regulate the activation of classical and alternative pathways, whereas CD59 regulates the assembly of the membrane attack complex (2, 8, 15).Viral vectors can be manipulated to confer resistance to the complement inactivation. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is known to develop resistance to human complement through the incorporation of DAF, CD46, and CD59 to the viral particles (22, 30, 31, 38). Moloney murine leukemia virus vectors produced in HT1080 cells are resistant to complement inactivation (5). Baculovirus and lentivirus vectors bearing DAF or the fusion protein between the functional domains of human DAF and the GP64 were resistant to complement inactivation (9, 13). It has been shown that lentivirus vectors pseudotyped with the GP64 are more resistant to inactivation in the sera of mice and rats (14, 32) and are capable of executing longer expression of the transgenes in nasal epithelia compared to those pseudotyped with the VSVG (35, 36). However, the precise mechanisms underlying the resistance to complement inactivation by pseudotyping of the GP64 is not known.To clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying the resistance of the viral vectors pseudotyped with the GP64 to the complement inactivation, we produced pseudotype and recombinant VSVs bearing the GP64. The recombinant VSVs carrying the gp64 gene generated in human cells but not in insect cells exhibited incorporation of human DAF on the viral particles and were resistant to the complement inactivation. Furthermore, production of the gp64 pseudotype VSV in the DAF knockdown human cells impaired serum resistance, whereas production of the gp64 recombinant VSV in the CHO cell lines stably expressing human DAF and the recombinant baculoviruses in the insect cells stably expressing human DAF or encoding the DAF gene in the genome conferred resistance to the complement inactivation. These results suggest that DAF incorporation into viral particles bearing baculovirus GP64 confers resistance to serum inactivation.  相似文献   

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