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There is a broad consensus that habitat disturbance and introduction of non-indigenous species may dramatically modify community structure, particularly in insular ecosystems. However, it is less clear whether emergent macroecological patterns are similarly affected. The positive interspecific abundance–occupancy relationship (IAOR) is one of the most pervasive macroecological patterns, yet has rarely been analyzed for oceanic island assemblages. We use an extensive dataset for arthropods from six islands within the Azorean archipelago to test: (1) whether indigenous and non-indigenous species are distributed differently within the IAOR; and (2) to the extent that they are, can differences can be attributed to two indices of disturbance. We implemented modeling averaged methods using five of the most common IAOR models to derive an averaged IAOR fit for each island. After testing if species colonization status (indigenous versus non-indigenous) may explain the residuals of the IAOR, we identified true negative and positive outliers and tested the effect of colonization status on the likelihood of a species being a positive or negative outlier. We found that the indigenous and non-indigenous species are randomly distributed on both sides of the overall IAOR. Only for Flores Island, were non-indigenous species more aggregated than indigenous species. We were unable to detect a meaningful relationship between deviation from the IAOR and disturbance, despite the undoubted impact of both severe habitat loss and non-indigenous species on these oceanic islands. Our results show that the non-indigenous species have been integrated alongside indigenous species in the contemporary Azorean arthropod communities such that they are mostly undetectable by the study of the IAOR.  相似文献   

We tested for the existence of latitudinal gradients in the body sizes of butterflies in North America, Europe, Australia and the Afrotropics. We initially compared body sizes (measured as male forewing length) of all butterflies found in 5° latitudinal bands in each region, and then evaluated the relationship between body size and latitude statistically using the latitudinal midpoint of each species' distribution. Trends were examined for species in all butterfly families together and for each family separately. We found that gradients in body sizes were inconsistent in different geographical regions and butterfly families; in some cases species were larger towards the tropics, in some they were smaller, and in other cases there were no relationships. Most of the gradients, when they existed, reflected between-family effects arising from changes in the relative numbers of species in each family across regions. We conclude that general ecological explanations for geographical trends in butterfly body sizes are inappropriate, and gradients largely reflect historical patterns of speciation within and between taxa in each biogeographical realm. Thus, the robustness of body size gradients found in other insect groups should be confirmed in future studies by including more than one geographical region whenever possible.  相似文献   

Roy S 《Bio Systems》2009,95(2):160-165
A small group of phytoplankton species that produce toxic or allelopathic chemicals has a significant effect on plankton dynamics in marine ecosystems. The species of non-toxic phytoplankton, which are large in number, are affected by the toxin-allelopathy of those species. By analysis of the abundance data of marine phytoplankton collected from the North-West coast of the Bay of Bengal, an empirical relationship between the abundance of the potential toxin-producing species and the species diversity of the non-toxic phytoplankton is formulated. A change-point analysis demonstrates that the diversity of non-toxic phytoplankton increases with the increase of toxic species up to a certain level. However, for a massive increase of the toxin-producing species the diversity of phytoplankton at species level reduces gradually. Following the results, a deterministic relationship between the abundance of toxic phytoplankton and the diversity of non-toxic phytoplankton is developed. The abundance-diversity relationship develops a unimodal pathway through which the abundance of toxic species regulates the diversity of phytoplankton. These results contribute to the current understanding of the coexistence and biodiversity of phytoplankton, the top-down vs. bottom-up debate, and to that of abundance-diversity relationship in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of both community metabolism (primary production and respiration) and PAM fluorometry were conducted during emersion on intertidal sediments in the Mont Saint-Michel Bay, in areas where oysters and mussels were cultivated. Results highlighted a low benthic metabolism compared to other intertidal areas previously investigated with the same methods. Comparisons between gross community primary production and relative electron transport rates confirmed this statement. More specifically, primary productivity remained very low all over the year, whereas the associated microalgal biomass was estimated to be high. We suggest that the microphytobenthic community studied was characterized by a self-limitation of its primary productivity by its own biomass, as previously shown in Marennes-Oléron Bay for example. The almost permanent high biomass would represent a limiting factor for micromigration processes within the first millimetres of the sediment. This could be explained by very low resuspension processes occurring in the western part of the bay, enhanced by the occurrence of numerous aquaculture structures that could decrease tidal currents in the benthic boundary layer. Handling editor: N. Desroy  相似文献   

Jani Heino 《Ecography》2005,28(3):345-354
A positive relationship between regional distribution and local abundance of species is almost ubiquitous macroecological pattern, yet the mechanisms behind this pattern remain poorly understood. I tested for the relationship between regional distribution and local abundance of stream insect species in a boreal drainage system, with a specific aim to examine if this relationship follows the mechanistic basis of either the niche-based (niche breadth and niche position) or metapopulation models. There was a positive relationship between regional distribution and local abundance of stream insects, and there also were significant relationships between distribution/abundance and niche breadth or niche position. These results thus suggest that widely distributed species tend to be, on average, locally more abundant, have wider niches and lower marginality of niche position with regard to environmental factors than species that have more restricted distributions. However, although significant, there was much unexplained variability around these relationships, suggesting that other mechanisms (e.g. metapopulation dynamics) besides differences in species' niches are likely to affect the distribution and abundance of stream insects, at least within a drainage system. The results thus showed that 1) although niche position was more consistently related to the positive distribution-abundance relationship, ecologists should not abandon niche breadth as a potential mechanism behind this relationship, and 2) that several mechanisms are likely to act in concert in determining the relationship between distribution and abundance of species.  相似文献   

During Italian expeditions, ichthyoplankton was collected in the Ross Sea and Terra Nova Bay, by BIONESS and Hamburg Plankton Net (250-µm and 500-µm mesh, respectively). A total of 394,453 fish larvae representing 46 species, 27 genera and 9 families were collected. Pleuragramma antarcticum dominated during three of the four cruises, whilst in 1994/1995 Trematomus lepidorhinus was also abundant. The most abundant icefish was Chionodraco myersi, which co-occurred with P. antarcticum. Macrouridae, Myctophidae and Bathylagidae were oceanic. Paralepididae occurred in all areas. Notothenioids, nearly 100% of the catch, occurred close to the coast and dominated the shelf ichthyoplankton community.  相似文献   

Fink CA  Bates MN 《Radiation research》2005,164(5):701-710
This review was initiated in response to concerns that ionizing radiation could be a cause of melanoma. Studies presenting the relative risks for melanoma after external ionizing radiation exposure were in seven categories: (1) The Canadian Radiation Dose Registry, (2) nuclear industry workers, (3) subjects near nuclear test blasts, (4) survivors of the atomic bombings of Japan, (5) airline pilots and cabin attendants, (6) recipients of medical radiation, and (7) radiological technicians. Relative risks for leukemia in each of the studies were used to confirm the likelihood of exposure to ionizing radiation. When studies within a category were compatible, meta-analytic methods were used to obtain combined estimates of the relative risk, and a meta-regression analysis of melanoma relative risk compared to leukemia relative risk was used to examine consistency across exposure categories. Generally, exposure categories with elevated relative risks of leukemia had proportionately elevated relative risks of melanoma. This suggests that people exposed to ionizing radiation may be at increased risk of developing melanoma, although alternative explanations are possible. Future epidemiological studies of ionizing radiation effects should include melanoma as an outcome of interest.  相似文献   

Goose populations molting in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve—Alaska have changed in size and distribution over the past 30 years. Black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) are relatively stable in numbers but are shifting from large, inland lakes to salt marshes. Concurrently, populations of greater white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons frontalis) have increased seven fold. Populations of Canada geese (Branta canadensis and/or B. hutchinsii) are stable with little indication of distributional shifts. The lesser snow goose (Anser caerulescens caerulescens) population is proportionally small, but increasing rapidly. Coastline erosion of the Beaufort Sea has altered tundra habitats by allowing saltwater intrusion, which has resulted in shifts in composition of forage plant species. We propose two alternative hypotheses for the observed shift in black brant distribution. Ecological change may have altered optimal foraging habitats for molting birds, or alternatively, interspecific competition between black brant and greater white-fronted geese may be excluding black brant from preferred habitats. Regardless of the causative mechanism, the observed shifts in species distributions are an important consideration for future resource planning.  相似文献   

Interference competition with wolves Canis lupus is hypothesized to limit the distribution and abundance of coyotes Canis latrans, and the extirpation of wolves is often invoked to explain the expansion in coyote range throughout much of North America. We used spatial, seasonal and temporal heterogeneity in wolf distribution and abundance to test the hypothesis that interference competition with wolves limits the distribution and abundance of coyotes. From August 2001 to August 2004, we gathered data on cause-specific mortality and survival rates of coyotes captured at wolf-free and wolf-abundant sites in Grand Teton National Park (GTNP), Wyoming, USA, to determine whether mortality due to wolves is sufficient to reduce coyote densities. We examined whether spatial segregation limits the local distribution of coyotes by evaluating home-range overlap between resident coyotes and wolves, and by contrasting dispersal rates of transient coyotes captured in wolf-free and wolf-abundant areas. Finally, we analysed data on population densities of both species at three study areas across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) to determine whether an inverse relationship exists between coyote and wolf densities. Although coyotes were the numerically dominant predator, across the GYE, densities varied spatially and temporally in accordance with wolf abundance. Mean coyote densities were 33% lower at wolf-abundant sites in GTNP, and densities declined 39% in Yellowstone National Park following wolf reintroduction. A strong negative relationship between coyote and wolf densities (beta = -3.988, P < 0.005, r(2) = 0.54, n = 16), both within and across study sites, supports the hypothesis that competition with wolves limits coyote populations. Overall mortality of coyotes resulting from wolf predation was low, but wolves were responsible for 56% of transient coyote deaths (n = 5). In addition, dispersal rates of transient coyotes captured at wolf-abundant sites were 117% higher than for transients captured in wolf-free areas. Our results support the hypothesis that coyote abundance is limited by competition with wolves, and suggest that differential effects on survival and dispersal rates of transient coyotes are important mechanisms by which wolves reduce coyote densities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to investigate patterns of demosponge distribution along gradients of environmental conditions in the biogeographical subzones of the eastern Mediterranean (Aegean and Levantine Sea). The Aegean Sea was divided into six major areas on the basis of its geomorphology and bathymetry. Two areas of the Levantine Sea were additionally considered. All available data on demosponge species numbers and abundance in each area, as well as their vertical and general geographical distribution were taken from the literature. Multivariate analysis revealed a NW–SE faunal gradient, showing an apparent dissimilarity among the North Aegean, the South Aegean and the Levantine Sea, which agrees with the differences in the geographical, physicochemical and biological characteristics of the three areas. The majority of demosponge species has been recorded in the North Aegean, while the South Aegean is closer, in terms of demosponge diversity, to the oligotrophic Levantine Sea. The number of studies in the Aegean and Levantine subareas was positively correlated with the number of species recorded within each Aegean subarea. Demosponge species with an Altanto-Mediterranean distribution prevailed in the Aegean and the Levantine. The reduced contribution of the endemic component, as compared to the western Mediterranean, is consistent with the general NW–SE decrease in the number of endemic species in the Mediterranean. Demosponge distribution at the order level showed also a NW–SE gradient, similar to that observed in the entire Atlantic–Mediterranean region, suggesting a warm water affinity. Sublittoral, circalittoral and bathyal zones were clearly distinguishable in the Aegean Sea on the basis of their sponge fauna. The total number of species was an exponential negative function of depth.  相似文献   

Traditionally, heterogeneity levels have been associated with refuge availability and, consequently, with security areas for prey. Hence, there is assumed to be a positive correlation between the spatial distribution of potential victims and habitat heterogeneity levels. Among fish, the magnitude of predator-prey interaction has been associated with their size ratio, which includes body size as a central variable for individual predation risk. To date, the importance of body size and its interaction with spatial heterogeneity in relation to fish spatial distribution has been scarcely considered, being this the main objective of the present study. Based on a semi-experimental design, defined by the level of spatial heterogeneity, censuses in 24 artificial pools were conducted for 2 years at the rocky intertidal zone. This study focused on carnivorous fish assemblages residing off the rocky shore of central Chile. The results indicated a counterintuitive response of fish to spatial heterogeneity, with a higher abundance of small fish in open areas. Apparently, this differential distribution could be related to the size ratio between prey and predator (size-dependent susceptibility to predation), which is a hypothesis supported by decreases in the co-occurrence of fish with increasing size similarity.  相似文献   

Oomycete plant pathogens, such as Phytophthora, downy mildews and Pythium, have devastating disease effects on numerous crop and ornamental plants. Various types of genetic resistance to oomycetes occur in plants, and can be determined at the subspecific or varietal level (race or cultivar-specific resistance), or at the species or genus level (nonhost resistance). In addition, resistance might be a quantitative phenotype (partial resistance). Resistance reactions are often associated with the hypersensitive response – a programed cell death pathway. Recent advances in the genetic, biochemical and cytological characterization of disease resistance suggests that the hypersensitive response is associated with all forms of resistance to Phytophthora and downy mildews. Identification of the resistance genes involved in nonhost and partial resistance to oomycetes remains an important challenge.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies involving the family Prochilodontidae have shown that these fish can be characterized by a constant diploid number and a conserved karyotypic macrostructure. This study focused on comparative physical chromosomal mapping using 18S and 5S rDNA to compare the species Semaprochilodus insignis and S. taeniurus. Our results indicated the conservation of large number of conventional chromosomal markers. The molecular cytogenetic analyses of the location of the 18S rDNA indicated the maintenance of a chromosome pair bearing these sites in both species analyzed, and it appears to be a conserved character among the majority of the species of this family. The stability of the number of 5S ribosomal DNA sites and their chromosomal localization as has been reported for the Prochilodontidae was not, however, confirmed for S. insignis and S. taeniurus, as these species showed multiple specific rDNA 5S sites. As such, and in spite of the fact that a number of studies indicate that the family Prochilodontidae has a conserved karyotypic structure, the utilization of molecular tools that use chromosomal segments as markers revealed that this presumed stability cannot be extended to the genome level for the species S. insignis and S. taeniurus.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - The stationary distribution of a sample taken from a Wright–Fisher diffusion with general small mutation rates is found using a coalescent approach. The...  相似文献   

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