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Mammalian reproduction: an ecological perspective   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The objectives of this paper are to organize our concepts about the environmental regulation of reproduction in mammals and to delineate important gaps in our knowledge of this subject. The environmental factors of major importance for mammalian reproduction are food availability, ambient temperature, rainfall, the day/night cycle and a variety of social cues. The synthesis offered here uses as its core the bioenergetic control of reproduction. Thus, for example, annual patterns of breeding are viewed as reflecting primarily the caloric costs of the female's reproductive effort as they relate to the energetic costs and gains associated with her foraging effort. Body size of the female is an important consideration since it is correlated with both potential fat reserves and life span. Variation in nutrient availability may or may not be an important consideration. The evolutionary forces that have shaped the breeding success of males usually are fundamentally different from those acting on females and, by implication, the environmental controls governing reproduction probably also often differ either qualitatively or quantitatively in the two sexes. Mammals often live in habitats where energetic and nutrient challenges vary seasonally, even in the tropics. When seasonal breeding is required, a mammal may use a predictor such as photoperiod or a secondary plant compound to prepare metabolically for reproduction. A reasonable argument can be made, however, that opportunistic breeding, unenforced by a predictor, may be the most prevalent strategy extant among today's mammals. Social cues can have potent modulating actions. They can act either via discrete neural and endocrine pathways to alter specific processes such as ovulation, or they can induce nonspecific emotional states that secondarily affect reproduction. Many major gaps remain in our knowledge about the environmental regulation of mammalian reproduction. For one, we have a paucity of information about the annual patterns of breeding and about the mechanisms controlling these patterns in the most common mammals on the planet-the small to average-sized mammals living in the tropics. We probably have only a shallow conceptualization of the way available energy and nutrients control reproduction and, likewise, we may have only a narrow view of the potential kinds and uses of seasonal predictors. Finally, we have little appreciation of the way environmental cues interact with each other to control reproduction.  相似文献   

Seasonal adaptation is widespread among mammals of temperate and polar latitudes. The changes in physiology, morphology and behaviour are controlled by the photoneuroendocrine system that, as a first step, translates day lengths into a hormonal signal (melatonin). Decoding of the humoral melatonin signal, i.e. responses on the cellular level to slight alterations in signal duration, represents the prerequisite for appropriate timing of winter acclimatization in photoperiodic animals. Corresponding to the diversity of affected traits, several hormone systems are involved in the regulation downstream of the neural integration of photoperiodic time measurement. Results from recent studies provide new insights into seasonal control of reproduction and energy balance. Most intriguingly, the availability of thyroid hormone within hypothalamic key regions, which is a crucial determinant of seasonal transitions, appears to be regulated by hormone secretion from the pars tuberalis of the pituitary gland. This proposed neuroendocrine pathway contradicts the common view of the pituitary as a gland that acts downstream of the hypothalamus. In the present overview of (neuro)endocrine mechanisms underlying seasonal acclimatization, we are focusing on the dwarf hamster Phodopus sungorus (long-day breeder) that is known for large amplitudes in seasonal changes. However, important findings in other mammalian species such as Syrian hamsters and sheep (short-day breeder) are considered as well.  相似文献   

Many arctic mammals are adapted to live year-round in extreme environments with low winter temperatures and great seasonal variations in key variables (e.g. sunlight, food, temperature, moisture). The interaction between hosts and pathogens in high northern latitudes is not very well understood with respect to intra-annual cycles (seasons). The annual cycles of interacting pathogen and host biology is regulated in part by highly synchronized temperature and photoperiod changes during seasonal transitions (e.g., freezeup and breakup). With a warming climate, only one of these key biological cues will undergo drastic changes, while the other will remain fixed. This uncoupling can theoretically have drastic consequences on host-pathogen interactions. These poorly understood cues together with a changing climate by itself will challenge host populations that are adapted to pathogens under the historic and current climate regime. We will review adaptations of both host and pathogens to the extreme conditions at high latitudes and explore some potential consequences of rapid changes in the Arctic.  相似文献   


Study of latitudinal variation in seasonality of reproduction and recruitment of benthic marine invertebrates is useful in generating and testing hypotheses about causal factors acting on reproduction such as temperature and larval food supply that might be altered by changes in world climate. Analysis of latitudinal variation in reproductive patterns might be made with comparisons (a) among species with a common phylogenetic history from different latitudes and habitats and (b) among phylogenetically different taxa from the same location. Hypotheses on variation of reproductive seasonality with latitude are tested here with results of a study on nine species of caridean and two species of sicyoniid shrimp sampled from a tropical seagrass meadow in Puerto Rico. Breeding condition was determined by the presence or absence of incubated embryos (carideans) and the state of ovarian development in both carideans and sicyoniids. Recruitment was estimated from the percentage of individuals of monthly population samples in the juvenile size classes. Comparison of reproductive patterns among tropical, subtropical, and cool temperate Sicyonia spp. supports the paradigm of continuous reproduction in the tropics with increased restriction of breeding season with an increase in latitude. A greater intensity of breeding effort appears to accompany the shorter breeding period associated with an increase in latitude. At the tropical site most females of all caridean species carried embryos during all months of the year. With the onset of sexual maturity, caridean females produced consecutive broods for the rest of their relatively short (< 6 month) life span. In both sicyoniid and caridean species, recruitment occurred throughout the year but was highly variable, i.e., episodic rather than truly continuous or seasonal. Patterns of recruitment were highly concordant among but not between sicyoniid and caridean species, indicating that different sets of environmental factors controlled recruitment in the two groups. It is suggested that simultaneous study of adult reproduction and larval ecology is necessary to understand patterns of reproduction and recruitment. Coordinated effort on a global scale in studying latitudinal variation in reproduction and recruitment is suggested in order to predict the consequences of climate change on commercially and ecologically important marine invertebrate species.  相似文献   

Photoperiodism in humans and other primates: evidence and implications   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Most of the anatomical and molecular substrates of the system that encodes changes in photoperiod in the duration of melatonin secretion, and the receptor molecules that read this signal, have been shown to be conserved in monkeys and humans, and the functions of this system appear to be intact from the level of the retina to the level of the melatonin-duration signal of change of season. While photoperiodic seasonal breeding has been shown to occur in monkeys, it remains unclear whether photoperiod and mediation of photoperiod's effects by melatonin influence human reproduction. Epidemiological evidence suggests that inhibition of fertility by heat in men in summer contributes to seasonal variation in human reproduction at lower latitudes and that stimulation of fertility by lengthening of the photoperiod in spring contributes to the variation at higher latitudes. Parallels between the seasonality of human reproduction and seasonal affective disorder suggest that they may be governed by common biological processes. Historical and experimental evidence indicates that human responses to seasonal changes in the natural photoperiod may have been more robust prior to the Industrial Revolution and that subsequently they have been increasingly suppressed by alterations of the physical environment.  相似文献   

Evidence has recently begun to accumulate that photoperiodic responses of mammals and birds may affect the control of energy balance and thermoregulation. Exposure to short photoperiod can lower the set point for body temperature regulation in birds and mammals, as well as the voluntarily selected body temperature in ectothermic lizards. This decrease is accompanied by a reorganization of circadian or ultradian rhythms of body temperature, particularly an increase in periods spent at rest with minimum body temperatures. Short photoperiod is also used as an environmental cue for induction of seasonal torpor or facilitation of hibernation. During winter, cold tolerance of small mammals is improved by an increase of nonshivering thermogenesis in brown fat. Thermogenic capacity of brown fat (respiratory enzymes, mitochondria, uncoupling protein) is enhanced in response to short photoperiod. This response is mediated via an increase in the activity of sympathetic innervation in brown fat. Moreover, an exposure to short photoperiod prior to low temperatures may act in preparing brown fat for facilitated thermogenesis during acclimation to cold. This shows that photoperiodic control not only affects energy balance indirectly via the control of reproduction or body mass, but may directly interact with central control of thermoregulation and may influence the process of acclimatization.  相似文献   

Annual changes in daylength figure prominently in the generation of seasonal rhythms in reproduction, and a wide variety of mammals use ambient photoperiod as a proximate cue to time critical reproductive events. Nevertheless, within many reproductively photoperiodic mammalian species, there exist individuals--termed "photoperiod nonresponders"--that fail to adopt a seasonal breeding strategy and instead exhibit reproductive competence at a time of year when their conspecifics are reproductively quiescent. Photoperiod nonresponsiveness has been principally characterized by laboratory observations--over half of the species known to be reproductively photoperiodic contain a proportion of nonresponsive individuals. The study of nonresponders has generated basic insights regarding photic regulation of reproduction in mammals. The neuroendocrine mechanisms by which the short-day photoperiodic signal is degraded or lost in nonresponders varies between species: differences in features of the circadian pacemaker, which provides photoperiodic input to the reproductive neuroendocrine system, have been identified in hamsters; changes in the responsiveness of hypothalamic gonadotrophs to melatonin and as-yet-unspecified inhibitory signals have been implicated in voles and mice. Individuals that continue to breed when their conspecifics refrain might enjoy higher fitness under certain circumstances. Statements regarding the adaptive function of reproductive nonresponsiveness to photoperiod require additional information on the costs (metabolic and fitness) of sustaining reproductive function during the winter months and how these costs vary as a function of environmental conditions. Reproductive nonresponders thus continue to represent a challenge to theories that extol the adaptive function of seasonality. Several nonexclusive hypotheses are proposed to account for the maintenance of nonresponsive individuals in wild rodent populations.  相似文献   

Breeding at the right time is essential for animals in seasonal climates in order to ensure that the energy demands of reproduction, particularly the nutritional requirements of growing young, coincide with peak food availability. Global climate change is likely to cause shifts in the timing of peak food availability, and in order to adapt successfully to current and future climate change, animals need to be able to adjust the time at which they initiate breeding. Many animals use environmental cues available before the breeding season to predict the seasonal peak in food availability and adjust their phenology accordingly. We tested the hypothesis that regulation of breeding onset should reflect the scale at which organisms perceive their environment by comparing phenology of three seabird species at a North Sea colony. As predicted, the phenology of two dispersive species, black-legged kittiwake ( Rissa tridactyla ) and common guillemot ( Uria aalge ), correlated with a large-scale environmental cue (the North Atlantic Oscillation), whereas a resident species, European shag ( Phalacrocorax aristotelis ), was more affected by local conditions (sea surface temperature) around the colony. Annual mean breeding success was lower in late years for European shags, but not for the other two species. Since correlations among climate patterns at different scales are likely to change in the future, these findings have important implications for how migratory animals can respond to future climate change.  相似文献   

Using seasonal cues to time reproduction appropriately is crucial for many organisms. Plants in particular often use photoperiod to signal the time to transition to flowering. Because seasonality varies latitudinally, adaptation to local climate is expected to result in corresponding clines in photoperiod-related traits. By experimentally manipulating photoperiod cues and measuring the flowering responses and photoperiod plasticity of 138 Eurasian accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, we detected strong longitudinal but not latitudinal clines in flowering responses. The presence of longitudinal clines suggests that critical photoperiod cues vary among populations occurring at similar latitudes. Haplotypes at PHYC, a locus hypothesized to play a role in adaptation to light cues, were also longitudinally differentiated. Controlling for neutral population structure revealed that PHYC haplotype influenced flowering time; however, the distribution of PHYC haplotypes occurred in the opposite direction to the phenotypic cline, suggesting that loci other than PHYC are responsible for the longitudinal pattern in photoperiod response. Our results provide previously missing empirical support for the importance of PHYC in mediating photoperiod sensitivity in natural populations of A. thaliana. However, they also suggest that other loci and epistatic interactions likely play a role in the determination of flowering time and that the environmental factors influencing photoperiod in plants vary longitudinally as well as latitudinally.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in behavior and physiology, including changes in immune function, are common. This variability is elicited by changes in photoperiod and often covaries with fluctuations in both energy reserves and reproductive state. It is unclear, however, whether changes in either variable alone drive seasonal changes in immunity. We investigated the relative contributions of reproduction and energy balance to changes in immune function. To accomplish this, we uncoupled seasonal changes in reproduction from those related to energy balance via daily injections of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). NMDA is a glutamatergic agonist that blocks short day-induced gonadal regression, while leaving short-day declines in body mass unaffected. In Experiment 1, we examined the effect of differing doses of NMDA on testosterone production as a proxy for NMDA effects on reproduction; a dose-dependent rise in testosterone was observed. In Experiment 2, animals were maintained on long or short days and received daily injections of NMDA. After 8 weeks, all animals underwent a humoral immune challenge. Short-day animals receiving daily injections of NMDA maintained long day-like gonads; however, contrary to our predictions, no trade-off between reproduction or energy balance and immune function was observed. Unexpectedly, NMDA treatment increased immunoglobulin levels in all groups, suggesting that NMDA may provide an immunomodulatory signal, presumably through actions on peripheral glutamate receptors. These results support a previous finding that NMDA blocks reproductive regression. In addition, these findings demonstrate a general immunoenhancing effect of NMDA that appears independent of changes in reproductive or energetic state of the animal.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on the reproduction of coastal invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental cues control or synchronize the reproductive cycle of many marine invertebrates. Of these environmental cues, photoperiod and temperature have been shown to moderate reproduction either individually or in combination. In addition, they may act directly or, in the case of photoperiod, set circannual clock mechanisms. These environmental cues may affect a number of reproductive parameters, including sex determination, gametogenesis and spawning. Gonadotrophic and spawning hormones appear to act as the transducers between the environment and the gamete, and limited evidence indicates that temperature and photoperiod can alter levels of these. Such processes occur in a range of estuarine invertebrates that constitute important components of the diets of overwintering birds. Global warming is likely to uncouple and alter the phase relationship between temperature and photoperiod and this is likely to have significant consequences for animals that develop gametes during the winter and spawn in the spring in temperate northern latitudes. Species that cue reproduction to photoperiod are likely to be particularly vulnerable. Although this is unlikely to lead to extinctions, it may cause local extirpations. However, this will depend on speed of adaptation to changing climate in relation to speed of climate change and the degree of mixing between populations across the range of the species. More likely will be significant impacts on fecundity, spawning success and recruitment, and this may have significant implications for overwintering birds of national and international importance, and, ultimately, on the conservation status of estuaries such as the Humber in the UK.  相似文献   

Understanding species responses to global change will help predict shifts in species distributions as well as aid in conservation. Changes in the timing of seasonal activities of organisms over time may be the most responsive and easily observable indicator of environmental changes associated with global climate change. It is unknown how global climate change will affect species distributions and developmental events in subtropical ecosystems or if climate change will differentially favor nonnative species. Contrary to previously observed trends for earlier flowering onset of plant species with increasing spring temperatures from mid and higher latitudes, we document a trend for delayed seasonal flowering among plants in Florida. Additionally, there were few differences in reproductive responses by native and nonnative species to climatic changes. We argue that plants in Florida have different reproductive cues than those from more northern climates. With global change, minimum temperatures have become more variable within the temperate-subtropical zone that occurs across the peninsula and this variation is strongly associated with delayed flowering among Florida plants. Our data suggest that climate change varies by region and season and is not a simple case of species responding to consistently increasing temperatures across the region. Research on climate change impacts need to be extended outside of the heavily studied higher latitudes to include subtropical and tropical systems in order to properly understand the complexity of regional and seasonal differences of climate change on species responses.  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding mammals, the hormone melatonin, produced at night by the pineal gland, is known to be important in transducing the effect of photoperiod in timing reproduction. In the Bennett's wallaby, an unimplanted unilaminar blastocyst is held in a state of seasonal diapause from mid-winter to mid-summer. Here we show that an implant of the hormone melatonin rapidly terminates seasonal diapause in this species. Blastocyst reactivation is not accompanied by a significant reduction in levels of the hormone prolactin, thereby refuting earlier suggestions that this hormone is responsible for maintaining seasonal embryonic diapause.  相似文献   

Animals living in tropical regions may be at increased risk from climate change because current temperatures at these locations already approach critical physiological thresholds. Relatively small temperature increases could cause animals to exceed these thresholds more often, resulting in substantial fitness costs or even death. Oviparous species could be especially vulnerable because the maximum thermal tolerances of incubating embryos is often lower than adult counterparts, and in many species mothers abandon the eggs after oviposition, rendering them immobile and thus unable to avoid extreme temperatures. As a consequence, the effects of climate change might become evident earlier and be more devastating for hatchling production in the tropics. Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) have the widest nesting range of any living reptile, spanning temperate to tropical latitudes in both hemispheres. Currently, loggerhead sea turtle populations in the tropics produce nearly 30% fewer hatchlings per nest than temperate populations. Strong correlations between empirical hatching success and habitat quality allowed global predictions of the spatiotemporal impacts of climate change on this fitness trait. Under climate change, many sea turtle populations nesting in tropical environments are predicted to experience severe reductions in hatchling production, whereas hatching success in many temperate populations could remain unchanged or even increase with rising temperatures. Some populations could show very complex responses to climate change, with higher relative hatchling production as temperatures begin to increase, followed by declines as critical physiological thresholds are exceeded more frequently. Predicting when, where, and how climate change could impact the reproductive output of local populations is crucial for anticipating how a warming world will influence population size, growth, and stability.  相似文献   

The Earth's surface temperature is rising, and precipitation patterns throughout the Earth are changing; the source of these shifts is likely anthropogenic in nature. Alterations in temperature and precipitation have obvious direct and indirect effects on both plants and animals. Notably, changes in temperature and precipitation alone can have both advantageous and detrimental consequences depending on the species. Typically, production of offspring is timed to coincide with optimal food availability; thus, individuals of many species display annual rhythms of reproductive function. Because it requires substantial time to establish or re‐establish reproductive function, individuals cannot depend on the arrival of seasonal food availability to begin breeding; thus, mechanisms have evolved in many plants and animals to monitor and respond to day length in order to anticipate seasonal changes in the environment. Over evolutionary time, there has been precise fine‐tuning of critical photoperiod and onset/offset of seasonal adaptations. Climate change has provoked changes in the availability of insects and plants which shifts the timing of optimal reproduction. However, adaptations to the stable photoperiod may be insufficiently plastic to allow a shift in the seasonal timing of bird and mammal breeding. Coupled with the effects of light pollution which prevents these species from determining day length, climate change presents extreme evolutionary pressure that can result in severe deleterious consequences for individual species reproduction and survival. This review describes the effects of climate change on plants and animals, defines photoperiod and the physiological events it regulates, and addresses the consequences of global climate change and a stable photoperiod.  相似文献   

Locomotion accounts for a significant proportion of the energy budget in birds, and selection is likely to act on its economy, particularly where energy conservation is essential for survival. Birds are capable of different forms of locomotion, such as walking/running, swimming, diving and flying, and adaptations for these affect the energetic cost [cost of locomotion (CoL)] and kinematics of terrestrial locomotion. Furthermore, seasonal changes in climate and photoperiod elicit physiological and behavioural adaptations for survival and reproduction, which also influence energy budget. However, little is understood about how this might affect the CoL. Birds are also known to exhibit sex differences in size, behaviour and physiology; however, sex differences in terrestrial locomotion have only been studied in two cursorially adapted galliform species in which males achieved higher maximum speeds, and in one case had a lower mass-specific CoL than females. Here, using respirometry and high-speed video recordings, we sought to determine whether season and sex would affect the CoL and kinematics of a principally aquatic diving bird: the circumpolar common eider (Somateria mollissima). We demonstrate that eiders are only capable of a walking gait and exhibit no seasonal or sex differences in mass-specific CoL or maximum speed. Despite sharing identical limb morphometrics, the birds exhibited subtle sex differences in kinematic parameters linked to the greater body mass of the males. We suggest that their principally aquatic lifestyle accounts for the observed patterns in their locomotor performance. Furthermore, sex differences in the CoL may only be found in birds in which terrestrial locomotion directly influences male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Environmental factors play an important role in the seasonal adaptation of body mass and thermogenesis in small, wild mammals. To determine the contributions of photoperiod and cold on seasonal changes in energy metabolism and body mass, the resting metabolic rates (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), energy intake and gut morphology of the tree shrews were determined in winter and summer and in laboratory acclimated animals. Body mass, RMR and NST increased in winter, and these changes were mimicked by exposing animals to short-day photoperiod or cold in the animal house. Energy intake and digested energy also increased significantly in winter, and also during exposure of housed animals to both short-day photoperiod and cold. The lengths and weights of small intestine increased in winter. These results indicated that Tupaia belangeri overcomes winter thermoregulatory challenges by increasing energy intake and thermogenesis, and adjusted gut morphology to balance the total energy requirements. Short-day photoperiod and cold can serve as environmental cues during seasonal acclimatization.  相似文献   

Physiological strategies that maximize reproductive success may be phylogenetically constrained or might have a plastic response to different environmental conditions. Among mammals, Canidae lend themselves to the study of these two influences on reproductive physiology because all the species studied to date have been characterized as monestrous (i.e., a single ovulatory event per breeding season), suggesting a phylogenetic effect. Greater flexibility could be associated with environments that are less seasonal, such as the tropics; however, little is known for many of the species from this region. To compensate for this lack of data, two regressions were done on the length of the reproductive season relative to the latitudinal distribution of a species: one with raw data and another with phylogenetically independent contrasts. There was a significant negative relationship, independent of phylogeny, with canids that have longer breeding seasons occurring at lower latitudes. In contrast, the pervasiveness of monestrus within Canidae appears to be phylogenetically constrained by their pairing/packing life and is most likely associated with monogamy. The persistence of the monestrous condition is supported by a captive study where a tropical canid, the fennec fox, Vulpes zerda, never exhibited polyestrous cycles despite a constant photoperiod (12L : 12D).  相似文献   

In high temperate latitudes, ungulates generally give birth within a narrow time window when conditions are optimal for offspring survival in spring or early summer, and use changing photoperiod to time conceptions so as to anticipate these conditions. However, in low tropical latitudes day length variation is minimal, and rainfall variation makes the seasonal cycle less predictable. Nevertheless, several ungulate species retain narrow birth peaks under such conditions, while others show births spread quite widely through the year. We investigated how within-year and between-year variation in rainfall influenced the reproductive timing of four ungulate species showing these contrasting patterns in the Masai Mara region of Kenya. All four species exhibited birth peaks during the putative optimal period in the early wet season. For hartebeest and impala, the birth peak was diffuse and offspring were born throughout the year. In contrast, topi and warthog showed a narrow seasonal concentration of births, with conceptions suppressed once monthly rainfall fell below a threshold level. High rainfall in the previous season and high early rains in the current year enhanced survival into the juvenile stage for all the species except impala. Our findings reveal how rainfall variation affecting grass growth and hence herbivore nutrition can govern the reproductive phenology of ungulates in tropical latitudes where day length variation is minimal. The underlying mechanism seems to be the suppression of conceptions once nutritional gains become insufficient. Through responding proximally to within-year variation in rainfall, tropical savanna ungulates are less likely to be affected adversely by the consequences of global warming for vegetation phenology than northern ungulates showing more rigid photoperiodic control over reproductive timing.  相似文献   

In seasonal species, photoperiod exerts tight regulation of reproduction to ensure that birth occurs at the most favorable time of yr. A distinct photoneuroendocrine circuit composed of the retina, suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, and pineal gland transduces daylength into a rhythmic secretion of melatonin. The duration of the night-time rise of this hormone conveys daylength information to the organism. Melatonin is known to mediate the control of seasonal reproduction, but how it modulates sexual activity is far from understood. Recent data indicate that the product of the KiSS-1 gene is a potent stimulator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and may play, together with its receptor GPR54, a central role in the neuroendocrine regulation of gonadotropin secretion. This article briefly reviews these findings and presents arguments that KiSS-1 could take part in the seasonal control of reproduction.  相似文献   

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