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Ice formation in living cells is a lethal event during freezing and its characterization is important to the development of optimal protocols for not only cryopreservation but also cryotherapy applications. Although the model for probability of ice formation (PIF) in cells developed by Toner et al. has been widely used to predict nucleation-limited intracellular ice formation (IIF), our data of freezing Hela cells suggest that this model could give misleading prediction of PIF when the maximum PIF in cells during freezing is less than 1 (PIF ranges from 0 to 1). We introduce a new model to overcome this problem by incorporating a critical cell volume to modify the Toner''s original model. We further reveal that this critical cell volume is dependent on the mechanisms of ice nucleation in cells during freezing, i.e., surface-catalyzed nucleation (SCN) and volume-catalyzed nucleation (VCN). Taken together, the improved PIF model may be valuable for better understanding of the mechanisms of ice nucleation in cells during freezing and more accurate prediction of PIF for cryopreservation and cryotherapy applications.  相似文献   

High pressure frozen (HPF), cryo-substituted microtome sections of 2 μm thickness containing human neutrophils (white blood cells) were analyzed using synchrotron radiation based X-ray fluorescence (SR nano-XRF) at a spatial resolution of 50 nm. Besides neutrophils from a control culture, we also analyzed neutrophils stimulated for 1–2 h with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), a substance inducing the formation of so-called Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (or NETs), a defense system again pathogens possibly involving proteins with metal chelating properties. In order to gain insight in metal transport during this process, precise local evaluation of elemental content was performed reaching limits of detection (LODs) of 1 ppb. Mean weight fractions within entire neutrophils, their nuclei and cytoplasms were determined for the three main elements P, S and Cl, but also for the 12 following trace elements: K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Br, Sr and Pb. Statistical analysis, including linear regression provided objective analysis and a measure for concentration changes. The nearly linear Ca and Cl concentration changes in neutrophils could be explained by already known phenomena such as the induction of Ca channels and the uptake of Cl under activation of NET forming neutrophils. Linear concentration changes were also found for P, S, K, Mn, Fe, Co and Se. The observed linear concentration increase for Mn could be related to scavenging of this metal from the pathogen by means of the neutrophil protein calprotectin, whereas the concentration increase of Se may be related to its antioxidant function protecting neutrophils from the reactive oxygen species they produce against pathogens. We emphasize synchrotron radiation based nanoscopic X-ray fluorescence as an enabling analytical technique to study changing (trace) element concentrations throughout cellular processes, provided accurate sample preparation and data-analysis.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, signalling molecules known as morphogens act in a concentration-dependent manner to provide positional information to responding tissues. In the early zebrafish embryo, graded signalling by members of the nodal family induces the formation of mesoderm and endoderm, thereby patterning the embryo into three germ layers. Nodal signalling has also been implicated in the establishment of the dorso-ventral axis of the embryo. Although one can infer the existence of nodal gradients by comparing gene expression patterns in wild-type embryos and embryos in which nodal signalling is diminished or augmented, real understanding can only come from directly observing the gradients. One approach is to determine local ligand concentrations in the embryo, but this is technically challenging, and the presence of inhibitors might cause the effective concentration of a ligand to differ from its actual concentration. We have therefore taken two approaches to visualise a direct response to nodal signalling. In the first, we have used transgenic embryos to study the nuclear accumulation of a Smad2-Venus fusion protein, and in the second we have used bimolecular fluorescence complementation to visualise the formation of a complex between Smad2 and Smad4. This has allowed us to visualise, in living embryos, the formation of a graded distribution of nodal signalling activity. We have quantified the formation of the gradient in time and space, and our results not only confirm that nodal signalling patterns the embryo into three germ layers, but also shed light on its role in patterning the dorso-ventral axis and highlight unexpected complexities of mesodermal patterning.  相似文献   

A model for the kinetics of aggregation in social insects which accounts for stochastic effects arising from individual variability and covers both the early and the mature stages of the process is developed. Different aggregation scenarios are studied, depending on the degree of cooperativity and the mean population density. It is shown that under certain conditions, the system evolves slowly to a single cluster incorporating all individuals, or to two coexisting clusters of similar sizes. Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, OX1 3PS Oxford, UK.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes were isolated from both unfrozen and frozen tissues of Jerusalem artichoke tubers (Helianthus tuberosus L.) in high purity utilizing an aqueous two-polymer phase partition system. Although the recovery of the plasma membranes was decreased significantly by freezing of tissues even at the nonlethal temperature (−5°C), the isolated plasma membrane samples were considered to be representative of the plasma membranes in situ. Freezing of the tissues at sublethal temperatures resulted in marked changes in the chemical composition of the plasma membrane. Those are losses of sterols and phosphatidylethanolamine from the plasma membranes, and a change of specific proteins with relatively high molecular weights into low molecular weight peptides. These specific proteins were designated as frost susceptible proteins. The properties of the plasma membrane ATPase seem to be not affected so much by the in vivo freezing of cells. However, inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) was relatively low before and after freezing in vivo at the nonlethal temperature at −5°C, but was markedly enhanced by freezing in vivo at sublethal temperatures below −10°C. From the results, it is assumed either that the enzyme molecule was partially modified, especially at the presumed DCCD binding sites or that the DCCD had become more accessible to the enzyme as a result of increased permeability of the plasma membranes. These observed changes are discussed in connection with the mechanism of cell injury.  相似文献   

Pea roots and maize mesocotyl segments retain polyribosomeswhen subjected to mild and moderate water stress. Even underwater-stress conditions that are lethal, i.e. where there isno recovery of protein synthesis upon return to full hydration,some polyribosomes are retained. Therefore cessation of proteinsynthesis under water stress conditions is not due to the inabilityof cells to retain their polyribosomes. This observation contradictsseveral previous reports. The polynbosome content of PEG-stressedroots is lower, at equivalent water potentials, than that ofair-dried roots. We suggest that the capacity of a higher planttissue to withstand water stress cannot easily be correlatedwith its capacity to retain polyribosomes.  相似文献   

Exposure of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to various combinations of flooding and freezing stresses induces much greater damage than the individual stresses. Cold-hardened plants flooded for 1 week or exposed to −6°C for 1 week show 100% survival, while survival of plants exposed to both stresses simultaneously is reduced by 20 to 30%, and cold hardiness decreases by several degrees. The level of nonstructural carbohydrates increases in crown tissue during cold acclimation, but decreases when the plants are exposed to flooding or to −6°C for 1 week. The respiratory capacity of crown tissue segments declines when the plants are stressed. Uptake of 86Rb by the roots of intact seedlings declines after exposure to either freezing or flooding, whereas passive efflux of amino acids is observed after freezing but not following flooding. This study has shown that detectable stress-induced metabolic changes occur in winter wheat before the applied stress is severe enough to reduce survival.  相似文献   

The functional and physical properties of cellular membranes isolated from Triticum aestivum, cvs Norstar and Fredrick, were altered coincident with changes in composition after a lethal ice-encasement stress and further during a 6 hour post-thaw period. Crowns encased in ice for a duration which inhibited regrowth, exhibited enhanced rates of electrolyte leakage. Furthermore, the recovery of total microsomal protein and phospholipid declined, suggesting that some membrane degradation had been induced during the anoxic stress. The microviscosity of microsomes and liposomes prepared from such membranes increased during stress, and this was correlated with a 2- to 4-fold increase in the free fatty acid levels in the microsomal fraction. There was, however, only a relatively minor change in fatty acid unsaturation during the ice-encasement stress. The process continued during a 6 hour aerobic post-thaw treatment, but the pattern was somewhat different. During this phase, the leakage of electrolytes was further increased and the recovery of microsomal protein and phospholipid continued to decline, indicating general degradation; but, in contrast to the anoxic phase, the degree of fatty acid unsaturation declined markedly, indicating lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Microdamage occurs in bone through repeated and excessive loading. Accumulation of microdamage weakens bone, leading to a loss of strength, stiffness and energy dissipation in the tissue. Imaging techniques used to examine microdamage have typically been limited to the microscale. In the current study microdamage was examined at the nanoscale using transmission x-ray microscopy with an x-ray negative stain, lead-uranyl acetate. Microdamage was generated in notched and unnotched beams of sheep cortical bone (2×2×20 mm), with monotonic and fatigue loading. Bulk sections were removed from beams and stained with lead-uranyl acetate to identify microdamage. Samples were sectioned to 50 microns and imaged using transmission x-ray microscopy producing projection images of microdamage with nanoscale resolution. Staining indicated microdamage occurred in both the tensile and compressive regions. A comparison between monotonic and fatigue loading indicated a statistically significant greater amount of stain present in fatigue loaded sections. Microdamage occurred in three forms: staining to existing bone structures, cross hatch damage and a single crack extending from the notch tip. Comparison to microcomputed tomography demonstrated differences in damage morphology and total damage between the microscale and nanoscale. This method has future applications for understanding the underlying mechanisms for microdamage formation as well as three-dimensional nanoscale examination of microdamage.  相似文献   

Although cellular injury in some woody plants has been correlated with freezing of supercooled water, there is no direct evidence that intracellular ice formation is responsible for the injury. In this study we tested the hypothesis that injury to xylem ray parenchyma cells in supercooling tissues is caused by intracellular ice formation. The ultrastructure of freezing-stress response in xylem ray parenchyma cells of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) was determined in tissue prepared by freeze substitution. Wood tissue was collected in the winter, spring, and summer of 1992. Specimens were cooled from 0 to -60[deg]C at a rate of 5[deg]C h-1. Freezing stress did not affect the structural organization of wood tissue, but xylem ray parenchyma cells suffered severe injury in the form of intracellular ice crystals. The temperatures at which the ice crystals were first observed depended on the season in which the tissue was collected. Intracellular ice formation was observed at -20, -10, and -5[deg]C in winter, spring, and summer, respectively. Another type of freezing injury was manifested by fragmented protoplasm with indistinguishable plasma membranes and damaged cell ultrastructure but no evidence of intracellular ice. Intracellular cavitation may be a source of freezing injury in xylem ray parenchyma cells of flowering dogwood.  相似文献   

IDLE  D. B. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(2):199-206
A procedure is described which enables ice to be photographedas it forms at an exposed cut surface of plant tissue. Epi-illuminationwith u.v. light is used to excite the fluorescence of substancesapplied to the cut surface in aqueous solution. The fluoresceris chosen to have a high quantum yield when absorbed on plantcell walls and when trapped in ice crystals. Time lapse photographyusing this method shows that the first tissue to freeze in ahardy plant is the vascular system.  相似文献   

The survival after freezing of ice nucleation-active (INA) and genetically engineered non-INA strains of Pseudomonas syringae was compared. Each strain was applied to oat seedlings and allowed to colonize for 3 days, and the plants were subjected to various freezing temperatures. Plant leaves were harvested before and after freezing on two consecutive days, and bacterial populations were determined. Populations of the INA wild-type strain increased 15-fold in the 18 h after the oat plants incurred frost damage at −5 and −12°C. Plants colonized by the non-INA strain were undamaged at −5°C and exhibited no changes in population size after two freeze trials. As freezing temperatures were lowered (−7, −9, and −12°C), oat plants colonized by the non-INA strain suffered increased frost damage concomitant with bacterial population increases following 18 h. At −12°C, both strains behaved identically. The data show a relationship between frost damage to plants and increased bacterial population size during the following 18 h, indicating a potential competitive advantage of INA strains of P. syringae over non-INA strains in mild freezing environments.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs), a major component of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton, are 25 nm protein nanotubes with walls comprised of assembled protofilaments built from αβ heterodimeric tubulin. In neural cells, different isoforms of the microtubule-associated-protein (MAP) tau regulate tubulin assembly and MT stability. Using synchrotron small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), we have examined the effects of all six naturally occurring central nervous system tau isoforms on the assembly structure of taxol-stabilized MTs. Most notably, we found that tau regulates the distribution of protofilament numbers in MTs as reflected in the observed increase in the average radius 〈RMT〉 of MTs with increasing Φ, the tau/tubulin-dimer molar ratio. Within experimental scatter, the change in 〈RMT〉 seems to be isoform independent. Significantly, 〈RMT〉 was observed to rapidly increase for 0 < Φ < 0.2 and saturate for Φ between 0.2-0.5. Thus, a local shape distortion of the tubulin dimer on tau binding, at coverages much less than a monolayer, is spread collectively over many dimers on the scale of protofilaments. This implies that tau regulates the shape of protofilaments and thus the spontaneous curvature CoMT of MTs leading to changes in the curvature CMT (=1/RMT). An important biological implication of these findings is a possible allosteric role for tau where the tau-induced shape changes of the MT surface may effect the MT binding activity of other MAPs present in neurons. Furthermore, the results, which provide insight into the regulation of the elastic properties of MTs by tau, may also impact biomaterials applications requiring radial size-controlled nanotubes.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness in actively growing plants of Saxifraga caespitosaL., an arctic and subarctic cushion plant, was examined. Plantscollected from subarctic and arctic sites were cultivated ina phytotron at temperatures of 3, 9, 12 and 21 °C undera 24-h photoperiod, and examined for freezing tolerance usingcontrolled freezing at a cooling rate of 3–4 °C eitherin air or in moist sand. Post-freezing injury was assessed byvisual inspection and with chlorophyll fluorescence, which appearedto be well suited for the evaluation of injury in Saxifragaleaves. Freezing of excised leaves in moist sand distinguishedwell among the various treatments, but the differences werepartly masked by significant supercooling when the tissue wasfrozen in air. Excised leaves, meristems, stem tissue and flowerssupercooled to –9 to –15 °C, but in rosettesand in intact plants ice nucleation was initiated at –4to –7 °C. The arctic plants tended to be more coldhardy than the subarctic plants, but in plants from both locationscold hardiness increased significantly with decreasing growthtemperature. Plants grown at 12 °C or less developed resistanceto freezing, and excised leaves of arctic Saxifraga grown at3 °C survived temperatures down to about –20 °C.Exposure to –3 °C temperature for up to 5 d did notsignificantly enhance the hardiness obtained at 3 °C. Whenwhole plants of arctic Saxifraga were frozen, with roots protectedfrom freezing, they survived –15 °C and –25°C when cultivated at 12 and 3 °C, respectively, althougha high percentage of the leaves were killed. The basal levelof freezing tolerance maintained in these plants throughoutperiods of active growth may have adaptive significance in subarcticand arctic environments. Saxifraga caespitosa L., arctic, chlorophyll fluorescence, cold acclimation, cushion plant, freezing stress, freezing tolerance, ice nucleation, supercooling  相似文献   

Metal cofactors are required for many enzymes in anaerobic microbial respiration. This study examined iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc in cellular and abiotic phases at the single-cell scale for a sulfate-reducing bacterium (Desulfococcus multivorans) and a methanogenic archaeon (Methanosarcina acetivorans) using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Relative abundances of cellular metals were also measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. For both species, zinc and iron were consistently the most abundant cellular metals. M. acetivorans contained higher nickel and cobalt content than D. multivorans, likely due to elevated metal requirements for methylotrophic methanogenesis. Cocultures contained spheroid zinc sulfides and cobalt/copper sulfides.  相似文献   

昆虫孤雌生殖中中心体的组装和意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中心体是动物细胞主要的微管组织中心(microtubule organizing center, MTOC), 负责组织纺锤体.近年来, 关于昆虫卵母细胞减数分裂后中心体形成的深入研究对阐明昆虫孤雌生殖的过程和机制以及了解孤雌生殖的进化和形成具有重要意义.综述了第一次有丝分裂纺锤体的形成、中心体的装配以及中心体对于昆虫孤雌生殖的意义, 表明昆虫孤雌生殖的普遍模式就是在没有精子提供中心粒的情况下, 卵子通过新形成的中心体进行有丝分裂, 中心体自我组装限制的解除可能是进行孤雌生殖的转折点.  相似文献   

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