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The Hippo pathway is an evolutionary conserved pathway that involves cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and organ size regulation. Mst1 and Mst2 are central components of this pathway that are essential for embryonic development, though their role in controlling embryonic stem cells (ES cells) has yet to be exploited. To further understand the Mst1/Mst2 function in ES cell pluripotency and differentiation, we derived Mst1/Mst2 double knockout (Mst-/-) ES cells to completely perturb Hippo signaling. We found that Mst-/- ES cells express higher level of Nanog than wild type ES cells and show differentiation resistance after LIF withdrawal. They also proliferate faster than wild type ES cells. Although Mst-/- ES cells can form embryoid bodies (EBs), their differentiation into tissues of three germ layers is distorted. Intriguingly, Mst-/- ES cells are unable to form teratoma. Mst-/- ES cells can differentiate into mesoderm lineage, but further differentiation to cardiac lineage cells is significantly affected. Microarray analysis revealed that ligands of non-canonical Wnt signaling, which is critical for cardiac progenitor specification, are significantly repressed in Mst-/- EBs. Taken together our results showed that Mst1/Mst2 are required for proper cardiac lineage cell development and teratoma formation.  相似文献   

Studies of mammalian tissue culture cells indicate that the conserved and distinct NDR isoforms, NDR1 and NDR2, play essential cell biological roles. However, mice lacking either Ndr1 or Ndr2 alone develop normally. Here, we studied the physiological consequences of inactivating both NDR1 and NDR2 in mice, showing that the lack of both Ndr1/Ndr2 (called Ndr1/2-double null mutants) causes embryonic lethality. In support of compensatory roles for NDR1 and NDR2, total protein and activating phosphorylation levels of the remaining NDR isoform were elevated in mice lacking either Ndr1 or Ndr2. Mice retaining one single wild-type Ndr allele were viable and fertile. Ndr1/2-double null embryos displayed multiple phenotypes causing a developmental delay from embryonic day E8.5 onwards. While NDR kinases are not required for notochord formation, the somites of Ndr1/2-double null embryos were smaller, irregularly shaped and unevenly spaced along the anterior-posterior axis. Genes implicated in somitogenesis were down-regulated and the normally symmetric expression of Lunatic fringe, a component of the Notch pathway, showed a left-right bias in the last forming somite in 50% of all Ndr1/2-double null embryos. In addition, Ndr1/2-double null embryos developed a heart defect that manifests itself as pericardial edemas, obstructed heart tubes and arrest of cardiac looping. The resulting cardiac insufficiency is the likely cause of the lethality of Ndr1/2-double null embryos around E10. Taken together, we show that NDR kinases compensate for each other in vivo in mouse embryos, explaining why mice deficient for either Ndr1 or Ndr2 are viable. Ndr1/2-double null embryos show defects in somitogenesis and cardiac looping, which reveals their essential functions and shows that the NDR kinases are critically required during the early phase of organogenesis.  相似文献   

TFIID在配子发生和早期胚胎发育过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
配子发生以及胚胎早期发育过程受严格且有序的基因表达调控。多种转录因子与靶基因结合,激活基因的时空特异性表达,实现受精卵全能性的获得,完成母型基因组转录调控向合子基因组转录调控的转变以及随后胚胎细胞的分化调节。研究表明,TFIID转录因子家族在这些关键阶段起重要作用,在基因转录调节的起始阶段,TFIID转录因子家族成员作为通用转录因子被招募到靶基因的启动子上,与其他转录因子共同形成转录前起始复合物,起始转录。该文总结了TFIID转录因子的结构、作用方式,以及在配子发生和早期胚胎发育中的调控作用。  相似文献   

小鼠早期胚胎发育过程中细胞凋亡及凋亡基因表达的检测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
小鼠早期胚胎发育过程中凋亡现象大量存在,细胞凋亡与凋亡基因表达有关。应用彗星电泳法检测小鼠早期胚胎凋亡情况;应用巢式RT-PCR、免疫组化的方法检测了Bcl-2家族成员(Bax、Bcl-2、Bak、Bcl-xl)的表达变化情况。结果显示:随着胚胎细胞数目的增加,凋亡比率逐渐增大;Bax表达量在整个过程中基本不变,Bcl-2表达量逐渐上调,Bak、Bcl-xl的表达量逐渐降低。对小鼠早期胚胎发育过程中的基因表达研究对于揭示早期胚胎发育的机制有重大的意义。  相似文献   

The Hippo signaling pathway has emerged as a critical regulator for organ size control. The serine/threonine protein kinases Mst1 and Mst2, mammalian homologs of the Hippo kinase from Drosophila, play the central roles in the Hippo pathway controlling the cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis during development. Mst1/2 can be activated by cellular stressors and the activation of Mst1/2 might enforce a feedback stimulation system to regulate oxidant levels through several mechanisms, in which regulation of cellular redox state might represent a tumor suppressor function of Mst1/2. As in Drosophila, murine Mst1/Mst2, in a redundant manner, negatively regulate the Yorkie ortholog YAP in multiple organs, although considerable diversification in the pathway composition and regulation is observed in some of them. Generally, loss of both Mst1 and Mst2 results in hyperproliferation and tumorigenesis that can be largely negated by the reduction or elimination of YAP. The Hippo pathway integrates with other signaling pathways e.g. Wnt and Notch pathways and coordinates with them to impact on the tumor pathogenesis and development. Furthermore, Mst1/2 kinases also act as an important regulator in immune cell activation, adhesion, migration, growth, and apoptosis. This review will focus on the recent updates on those aspects for the roles of Mst1/2 kinases.  相似文献   

克隆参与胚胎发育的新基因并研究其表达规律和功能是揭示胚胎发育的基因调控机理的重要途径。囊胚形成和原肠形成是哺乳动物胚胎发育过程中的两个关键阶段。囊胚阶段发生了胚胎的第一次分化,是细胞多能性和分化的一个转折点。此时涉及的基因活动,既有维持胚胎干细胞全能性或多能性的基因活动,又有按照预定发育模式参与胚胎定向分化的基因活动。原肠期是胚胎发育过程中的第二个关键转折点,涉及到3个胚层的形成和细胞命运决定等多种变化。在这个时期胚胎获得了胎儿原基的所有信息,新组织的产生和细胞迁移的再生组织与形态发生、细胞增殖、细胞分化、模式形成等存在着非常复杂而相互协调的关联。大多数细胞正由原来的多潜能逐渐向寡潜能发展,控制组织器官形态建成的基因正逐渐开启。这两个时期的基因表达图式、特征和种类会有很大的差异和变化,因此研究这两个时期的新基因的表达规律和功能,将是了解胚胎发育的基因调控机理的重要途径。文章以这两个时期胚胎为原始材料,利用减法杂交方法克隆到一新的小鼠胚胎基因mED2,对其进行了表达规律和生物学功能的初步分析。RT-PCR-Southern和原位杂交实验表明,mED2基因转录水平具有发育阶段的依赖性;随着发育过程的进行,其表达主要在胚神经系统和中胚层衍生的组织表达。mED2基因活性的knockdown对于合子的卵裂和植入前早期胚胎发育均有抑制作用。亚细胞定位实验表明,mED2基因编码的蛋白基本定位于细胞核膜及其临近的内膜细胞器(粗糙内质网和高尔基体)。根据生物信息学分析,mED2蛋白可能为一跨膜蛋白且与含有硫氧还蛋白结构域的蛋白有部分匹配。由此推测mED2基因参与了小鼠植入前早期胚胎发育,其基因产物可能通过蛋白之间的相互作用,即对蛋白进行后期修饰、折叠及行使分子伴侣等作用来活化或抑制其靶蛋白的活性,进而参与小鼠的早期胚胎发育。  相似文献   



Alpha-dystroglycan (α-DG) is a cell surface receptor providing a molecular link between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the actin-based cytoskeleton. During its biosynthesis, α-DG undergoes specific and unusual O-glycosylation crucial for its function as a high-affinity cellular receptor for ECM proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report that expression of functionally glycosylated α-DG during thymic development is tightly regulated in developing T cells and largely confined to CD4CD8 double negative (DN) thymocytes. Ablation of DG in T cells had no effect on proliferation, migration or effector function but did reduce the size of the thymus due to a significant loss in absolute numbers of thymocytes. While numbers of DN thymocytes appeared normal, a marked reduction in CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes occurred. In the periphery mature naïve T cells deficient in DG showed both normal proliferation in response to allogeneic cells and normal migration, effector and memory T cell function when tested in acute infection of mice with either lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or influenza virus.


Our study demonstrates that DG function is modulated by glycosylation during T cell development in vivo and that DG is essential for normal development and differentiation of T cells.  相似文献   

The nuclear lamina, along with associated nuclear membrane proteins, is a nexus for regulating signaling in the nucleus. Numerous human diseases arise from mutations in lamina proteins, and experimental models for these disorders have revealed aberrant regulation of various signaling pathways. Previously, we reported that the inner nuclear membrane protein Lem2, which is expressed at high levels in muscle, promotes the differentiation of cultured myoblasts by attenuating ERK signaling. Here, we have analyzed mice harboring a disrupted allele for the Lem2 gene (Lemd2). No gross phenotypic defects were seen in heterozygotes, although muscle regeneration induced by cardiotoxin was delayed. By contrast, homozygous Lemd2 knockout mice died by E11.5. Although many normal morphogenetic hallmarks were observed in E10.5 knockout embryos, most tissues were substantially reduced in size. This was accompanied by activation of multiple MAP kinases (ERK1/2, JNK, p38) and AKT. Knockdown of Lem2 expression in C2C12 myoblasts also led to activation of MAP kinases and AKT. These findings indicate that Lemd2 plays an essential role in mouse embryonic development and that it is involved in regulating several signaling pathways. Since increased MAP kinase and AKT/mTORC signaling is found in other animal models for diseases linked to nuclear lamina proteins, LEMD2 should be considered to be another candidate gene for human disease.  相似文献   

Early Development of Mouse Anterior Pituitary: Role of Mesenchyme   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Epithelial-mesenchymal interaction in the early development of the anterior pituitary gland was examined by chronological observations on fetal pituitary epithelium grafted in vivo with and without its own mesenchyme. At 8.5 days of gestation, the RATHKE'S pouch began to evaginate toward the diencephalon. The mesenchymal tissue around the pouch was at first very sparsely scattered, but then condensed, on day 10 becoming visible under a dissecting microscope. When RATHKE'S pouch epithelia from 10- and 12-day fetuses were transplanted alone under the kidney capsule, they proliferated slightly to form cysts, the cells of which differentiated into ACTH-producing cells, but not into prolactin-producing cells. Pituitary morphogenesis did not occur. When these epithelia were recombined with homotypic mesenchyme and transplanted, the epithelia proliferated remarkably on one side of the wall of the pouch, resulting in formation of a pars distalis that contained both ACTH-producing cells and prolactin-producing cells. Heterotypic mesenchyme, such as lung, dermis and mammary gland mesenchyme, could induce 12-day epithelium, but not 10-day epithelium to develop into pars distalis. Thus, fetal pituitary epithelium has the capacity of autodifferentiation into ACTH-producing cells, not into prolactin-producing cells, and requires mesenchymal support for development of the pars distalis.  相似文献   

During embryonic development of Artemia sinica, environmental stresses induce the embryo diapause phenomenon, required to resist apoptosis and regulate cell cycle activity. The small ubiquitin-related modifier-1 (SUMO), a reversible post-translational protein modifier, plays an important role in embryo development. SUMO regulates multiple cellular processes, including development and other biological processes. The molecular mechanism of diapause, diapause termination and the role of As-sumo-1 in this processes and in early embryo development of Artemia sinica still remains unknown. In this study, the complete cDNA sequences of the sumo-1 homolog, sumo ligase homolog, caspase-1 homolog and cyclin B homolog from Artemia sinica were cloned. The mRNA expression patterns of As-sumo-1, sumo ligase, caspase-1, cyclin B and the location of As-sumo-1 were investigated. SUMO-1, p53, Mdm2, Caspase-1, Cyclin B and Cyclin E proteins were analyzed during different developmental stages of the embryo of A. sinica. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) was used to verify the function of sumo-1 in A. sinica. The full-length cDNA of As-sumo-1 was 476 bp, encoding a 92 amino acid protein. The As-caspases-1 cDNA was 966 bp, encoding a 245 amino-acid protein. The As-sumo ligase cDNA was 1556 bp encoding, a 343 amino acid protein, and the cyclin B cDNA was 739 bp, encoding a 133 amino acid protein. The expressions of As-sumo-1, As-caspase-1 and As-cyclin B were highest at the 10 h stage of embryonic development, and As-sumo ligase showed its highest expression at 0 h. The expression of As-SUMO-1 showed no tissue or organ specificity. Western blotting showed high expression of As-SUMO-1, p53, Mdm2, Caspase-1, Cyclin B and Cyclin E at the 10 h stage. The siRNA caused abnormal development of the embryo, with increased malformation and mortality. As-SUMO-1 is a crucial regulation and modification protein resumption of embryonic diapause and early embryo development of A. sinica.  相似文献   

To examine the roles of TGFβ isoforms on corneal morphogenesis, the eyes of mice that lack TGFβs were analyzed at different developmental stages for cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis, and for expression patterns of keratin 12, lumican, keratocan and collagen I. Among the three Tgfb−/− mice, only Tgfb2−/− mice have abnormal ocular morphogenesis characterized by thin corneal stroma, absence of corneal endothelium, fusion of cornea to lens (a Peters'-like anomaly phenotype), and accumulation of hyaline cells in vitreous. In Tgfb2−/− mice, fewer keratocytes were found in stroma that has a decreased accumulation of ECM; for example, lumican, keratocan and collagen I were greatly diminished. The absence of TGFβ2 did not compromise cell proliferation, nor enhance apoptosis. The thinner stroma resulting from decreased ECM synthesis may account for the decreased cell number in the stroma of Tgfb2 null mice. Keratin 12 expression was not altered in Tgfb2−/− mice, implicating normal corneal type epithelial differentiation. Delayed appearance of macrophages in ocular tissues was observed in Tgfb2−/− mice. Malfunctioning macrophages may account for accumulation of cell mass in vitreous of Tgfb2 null mice.  相似文献   

目的:研究Lefty1在小鼠胚胎干细胞分化过程中的作用。方法:根据染色质免疫沉淀测序结果,在临近Lefty1转录起始位点以及与之相距10 kb的上游区域有TGF-β信号通路Smad2/3蛋白的四个结合区域,通过CRISPR/Cas9方法获得四个区域敲除的单克隆细胞,利用荧光实时定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测各细胞中Lefty1的转录水平,并用TGF-β信号通路的激活剂AC和抑制剂SB分别处理敲除的细胞,检测其对TGF-β信号的响应,最后通过胚状体形成实验,检测敲除细胞系在中内胚层分化过程中的标志分子Gsc和Mixl1的表达。结果:利用CRISPR/Cas9方法成功获得不同区域敲除的单克隆细胞,与野生型E14细胞相比,四种区域敲除的细胞中Lefty1 RNA含量明显降低,并且在干细胞状态和分化状态下,敲除细胞系对TGF-β信号的响应减弱。在胚状体形成的实验中,与野生型E14细胞相比,敲除细胞系在分化过程中Lefty1表达的基础水平明显降低,中内胚层分化的标志分子Gsc和Mixl1转录水平也明显下降。结论:在胚胎干细胞中,Lefty1转录起始位点附近以及上游10 kb的这四段区域通过TGF-β信号通路对Lefty1的转录发挥调控作用,从而影响中内胚层分化过程中的标志分子Gsc和Mixl1的表达。  相似文献   

Memo is a conserved protein that was identified as an essential mediator of tumor cell motility induced by receptor tyrosine kinase activation. Here we show that Memo null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) are impaired in PDGF-induced migration and this is due to a defect in sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) signaling. S1P is a bioactive phospholipid produced in response to multiple stimuli, which regulates many cellular processes. S1P is secreted to the extracellular milieu where it exerts its function by binding a family of G-protein coupled receptors (S1PRs), causing their activation in an autocrine or paracrine manner. The process, termed cell-autonomous S1PR signaling, plays a role in survival and migration. Indeed, PDGF uses cell-autonomous S1PR signaling to promote cell migration; we show here that this S1P pathway requires Memo. Using vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) with Memo knock-down we show that their survival in conditions of serum-starvation is impaired. Furthermore, Memo loss in HUVECs causes a reduction of junctional VE-cadherin and an increase in sprout formation. Each of these phenotypes is rescued by S1P or S1P agonist addition, showing that Memo also plays an important role in cell-autonomous S1PR signaling in endothelial cells. We also produced conventional and endothelial cell-specific conditional Memo knock-out mouse strains and show that Memo is essential for embryonic development. Starting at E13.5 embryos of both strains display bleeding and other vascular problems, some of the phenotypes that have been described in mouse strains lacking S1PRs. The essential role of Memo in embryonic vascular development may be due in part to alterations in S1P signaling. Taken together our results show that Memo has a novel role in the S1P pathway and that Memo is needed to promote cell-autonomous S1PR activation.  相似文献   

Growth Arrest Specific Gene 1 (Gas1) has long been regarded as a cell cycle inhibitor of the G0 to S phase transition. How GAS1, a GPI-anchored plasma membrane protein, directs intracellular changes without an extracellular ligand or a transmembrane protein partner has been puzzling. A recent series of biochemical and molecular genetic studies assigned the mammalian Hedgehog (HH) growth factor to be a ligand for GAS1 in vitro and in vivo. HH has enjoyed considerable attention for its profound role in embryonic patterning as a classic morphogen, i.e. inducing various cell types in a concentration-dependent manner. GAS1 appears to help transform the HH concentration gradient into its morphogenic activity gradient by acting cooperatively with the HH receptor, the 12-transmembrane protein Patched 1 (PTC1). These findings provoke intriguing thoughts on how HH and GAS1 may coordinate cell proliferation and differentiation to create biological patterns. The role of HH extends to human genetic diseases, stem cell renewal, and cancer growth, and we consider the possibility of GAS1’s involvement in these processes as well.  相似文献   

金线蛙早期胚胎发育的初步观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报道了金线蛙的早期胚胎发育。自受精卵期至鳃盖完成期共分为 2 6个时期 ,其发育历程及各时期胚胎外形特征与黑斑蛙基本相似 ,但孵化期比黑斑蛙推迟三个胚期而早于泽蛙 ,在水温 ( 2 0± 0 5)℃及常温 ( 2 1 5~ 2 4℃ )条件下 ,其胚胎发育的全时程分别为 2 1 2 94小时和 1 70 95小时。  相似文献   

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