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The enormous variation in architecture of flowering plants is based to a large extent on their ability to form new axes of growth throughout their life span. Secondary growth is initiated from groups of pluripotent cells, called meristems, which are established in the axils of leaves. Such meristems form lateral organs and develop into a side shoot or a flower, depending on the developmental status of the plant and environmental conditions. The phytohormone auxin is well known to play an important role in inhibiting the outgrowth of axillary buds, a phenomenon known as apical dominance. However, the role of auxin in the process of axillary meristem formation is largely unknown. In this study, we show in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) that auxin is depleted from leaf axils during vegetative development. Disruption of polar auxin transport compromises auxin depletion from the leaf axil and axillary meristem initiation. Ectopic auxin biosynthesis in leaf axils interferes with axillary meristem formation, whereas repression of auxin signaling in polar auxin transport mutants can largely rescue their branching defects. These results strongly suggest that depletion of auxin from leaf axils is a prerequisite for axillary meristem formation during vegetative development.  相似文献   

LEUNIG has multiple functions in gynoecium development in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Arabidopsis gene LEUNIG was previously found to regulate floral organ identity. In this work we describe gynoecial phenotypes of newly isolated strong leunig alleles, leunig-101, leunig-102, and leunig-103. Gynoecia of these strong leunig mutants are united only at the basal part, leaving four unfused parts at the apex. Among them two medial ones are styles capped with stigmas, and two lateral ones are protrusions from valves. The gynoecium with unfused apex in leunig arises as a unit from a basal meristematic zone, suggesting that LEUNIG is required for normal congenital gynoecium fusion. The epidermal cells on growing inner surfaces of leunig gynoecium failed to fuse after they contact each other, indicating that LEUNIG is essential for the proper postgenital fusion. The epidermal cells at the very distal portion of protruded valves mimic those on wild-type styles, and those valves occasionally also have stigma-like tissues, indicating that LEUNIG function is required for the valve identity determination. We have also analyzed clavata1-4 leunig-101, clavata2-1 lug-101, fruitfull-1 leunig-101, and pinoid-1 leunig-101 double mutants. clavata1-4 leunig-101 and clavata2-1 leunig-101 exhibited additive phenotypes of single mutants, suggesting that LEUNIG and CLAVATA genes function in different pathways. In contrast, FRUITFULL and PINOID genes interact with LEUNIG to regulate gynoecium development. genesis 26:42-54, 2000.  相似文献   

The initial event in plant floral organogenesis is bract specification, followed by floral meristem (FM) initiation in bract axils, but initiation signals and the interplay between both lateral organs remain unelucidated. Floral organs are initiated on the flanks of the outgrowing FM and the enormous diversity in floral morphology throughout the plant kingdom reflects variations in organ position, meristy and ontogeny. Classical models of floral development have focused on Arabidopsis, which has mostly actinomorphic flowers, and Antirrhinum, which exhibits zygomorphy, although neither species is typical or representative of angiosperm flower diversity. Although the ABCE model defines a centripetal model of organ identity establishment in different whorls, the characterization of floral organ initiation in many species has relied on their morphological appearance, due to a lack of founder cell-specific markers. Recent progress in early Arabidopsis floral development using histology, molecular markers and mutants has led to refinements of existing floral organ initiation paradigms. In Arabidopsis, sepals initiate unidirectionally, in a temporal window characterized by the absence of CLAVATA3 and WUSCHEL stem cell markers and are partly dependent on PRESSED FLOWER function, whereas initiation of inner-whorl organs occurs centripetally. Arabidopsis mutants reveal that the FM is highly polarized along an ab-/adaxial axis and a comparison of floral development in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum suggests that heterochrony of conserved gene functions has been evolutionarily adaptive.

This review discusses current views on FM and organ specification signals, the gene regulatory networks that underlie floral meristem polarity, and analogies between the development of floral and leaf primordia as lateral organs. Alternative stem-cell proliferation mechanisms and the bifurcation of founder cell populations can help to explain the diversity in floral diversity throughout the plant kingdom and underpin comparative evolutionary biology and macroevolution. An analysis of plants with divergent body plans at the level of organ specification is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Hexokinase was measured by quantitative histochemical techniques in the apical meristem, primordia, and leaves of Dianthus chinensis L. The structural stages of development in the leaves sampled were determined by light and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that activity decreased from the youngest primordia (1500 millimoles per kilogram dry weight per hour) to the mature leaves (200 millimoles per kilogram dry weight per hour) and that an intermediate leaf, the fourth youngest, showed the same declining pattern from its base to its tip. Surface views and measurements of these leaves revealed their basipetal maturation as seen by cell size, stomatal development, trichome differentiation, cuticular appearance, and leaf thickness. The intermediate leaf showed features representative of several stages in structural differentiation. It was concluded that the changes in hexokinase activity among the leaves of a shoot and within an individual leaf are similar and correlate with the degree of structural differentiation of the leaves.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis gene FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) has been demonstrated to control the formation and development of inflorescence and floral meristems. This includes an early step in the establishment of a flower-forming domain within the floral primordium and the establishment of floral meristem identity. Another Arabidopsis gene LEUNIG (LUG) was previously found to specify the identity of the floral organ and control gynoecium fusion. In this paper, we describe floral phenotypes of a newly isolated fil allele, fil-21, and the phenotypic comparison of gynoecia between the fil-21 single mutant and fil-21 lug-101 double mutant. The gynoecium of fil-21 displays a well-fused structure, while that of the strong lug allele, lug-101, is unfused except at the gynoecium apex. However, gynoecia are markedly affected in the fil-21 lug-101 double mutant, being unfused. In late-appearing flowers of the double mutant, the gynoecia can even separate completely into several parts. These results suggest that LUG and FIL have a functional domain that is partially redundant in flower development, and synergistically regulate the gynoecium fusion. Received 18 June 2001/ Accepted in revised form 1 October 2001  相似文献   

徐轶  孙越 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2002,44(10):1194-1202
在拟南芥 (Arabidopsisthaliana (L .)Heynh .)叶发育研究中 ,as2是一个经典突变体。as2典型的表型是叶片开裂或形成一种小叶状结构。遗传学和分子生物学实验证明 ,AS2基因具有抑制KNOX基因在叶中表达的功能。在本文中 ,我们着重研究了新得到的在Landsbergerecta (Ler)遗传背景下的as2突变体。除了前人报道过的as2表型外 ,新as2突变体的部分叶柄长在叶片的下方 ,形成一种荷叶状结构 ,更严重的甚至长成花丝状叶结构。这两种结构都反映了不正常的叶腹背轴极性分化。在我们所收集到的as2等位突变体中 ,只有在Ler背景下这两种结构才以高频率出现。我们通过图位克隆方法分离了AS2基因。该基因编码一个含有亮氨酸拉链结构的蛋白。在拟南芥中 ,AS2同源基因共 4 3个 ,除AS2外 ,其他基因的功能都不清楚。AS2在叶和花中表达 ,在茎中无表达 ,这种表达模式和as2突变体的表型是吻合的。  相似文献   

Myrosin cells, which accumulate myrosinase to produce toxic compounds when they are ruptured by herbivores, form specifically along leaf veins in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the mechanism underlying this pattern formation is unknown. Here, we show that myrosin cell development requires the endocytosis-mediated polar localization of the auxin-efflux carrier PIN1 in leaf primordia. Defects in the endocytic/vacuolar SNAREs (syp22 and syp22 vti11) enhanced myrosin cell development. The syp22 phenotype was rescued by expressing SYP22 under the control of the PIN1 promoter. Additionally, myrosin cell development was enhanced either by lacking the activator of endocytic/vacuolar RAB5 GTPase (VPS9A) or by PIN1 promoter-driven expression of a dominant-negative form of RAB5 GTPase (ARA7). By contrast, myrosin cell development was not affected by deficiencies of vacuolar trafficking factors, including the vacuolar sorting receptor VSR1 and the retromer components VPS29 and VPS35, suggesting that endocytic pathway rather than vacuolar trafficking pathway is important for myrosin cell development. The phosphomimic PIN1 variant (PIN1-Asp), which is unable to be polarized, caused myrosin cells to form not only along leaf vein but also in the intervein leaf area. We propose that Brassicales plants might arrange myrosin cells near vascular cells in order to protect the flux of nutrients and water via polar PIN1 localization.  相似文献   

在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.)叶发育研究中,as2是一个经典突变体.as2典型的表型是叶片开裂或形成一种小叶状结构.遗传学和分子生物学实验证明,AS2基因具有抑制KNOX基因在叶中表达的功能.在本文中,我们着重研究了新得到的在Landsberg erecta (Ler)遗传背景下的as2突变体.除了前人报道过的as2表型外,新as2突变体的部分叶柄长在叶片的下方,形成一种荷叶状结构,更严重的甚至长成花丝状叶结构.这两种结构都反映了不正常的叶腹背轴极性分化.在我们所收集到的as2等位突变体中,只有在Ler背景下这两种结构才以高频率出现.我们通过图位克隆方法分离了AS2基因.该基因编码一个含有亮氨酸拉链结构的蛋白.在拟南芥中,AS2同源基因共43个,除AS2外,其他基因的功能都不清楚.AS2在叶和花中表达,在茎中无表达,这种表达模式和as2突变体的表型是吻合的.  相似文献   

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