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Intracellular vesicular trafficking is regulated by Rab proteins, small GTPases that require posttranslational geranylgeranylation for biological activity. This covalent modification is catalyzed by Rab geranylgeranyl transferase (RabGGTase) and proceeds only in the presence of accessory Rab Escort Protein (REP). In this communication, we report the cloning and characterization of REP gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. Highest expression of REP mRNA was detected in leaves and flowers in contrast to stems and roots. AtREP is recognized by anti-rat REP1 serum. Interaction of AtREP with the protein substrate is presented, as well as a structural model obtained through homology modeling, based on the known structure of rat REP1.  相似文献   

Rab proteins are a large family of monomeric GTPases with 60 members identified in the human genome. Rab GTPases require an isoprenyl modification to their C-terminus for membrane association and function in the regulation of vesicular trafficking pathways. This reaction is catalysed by Rab geranylgeranyl transferase, which recognises as protein substrate any given Rab in a 1:1 complex with Rab Escort Protein (REP). REP is therefore able to bind many distinct Rab proteins but the molecular basis for this activity is still unclear. We recently identified conserved motifs in Rabs termed RabF motifs, which we proposed to mediate a conserved mode of interaction between Rabs and REPs. Here, we tested this hypothesis. We first used REP1 as a bait in the yeast two-hybrid system and isolated strictly full-length Rabs, suggesting that REP recognises multiple regions within and properly folded Rabs. We introduced point mutations in Rab3a as a model Rab and assessed the ability of the mutants to interact with REP using the yeast two-hybrid system and an in vitro prenylation assay. We identified several residues that affect REP:Rab binding in the RabF1, RabF3, and RabF4 regions (which include parts of the switch I and II regions), but not other RabF regions. These results support the hypothesis that Rabs bind REP via conserved RabF motifs and provide a molecular explanation for the preferential recognition of the GDP-bound conformation of Rab by REP.  相似文献   


Rab geranylgeranyl transferase is an enzyme responsible for double geranylgeranylation of Rab proteins in all eukaryotic cells. In the present article we would like to focus on new findings concerning the holoenzyme structure and mechanism of catalytic activity, its mode of regulation and consequences of RGGT deficiency in different eucaryotic model organisms and patients.  相似文献   

Transport Protein Particle II (TRAPPII) is essential for exocytosis, endocytosis, protein sorting and cytokinesis. In spite of a considerable understanding of its biological role, little information is known about Arabidopsis TRAPPII complex topology and molecular function. In this study, independent proteomic approaches initiated with TRAPP components or Rab‐A GTPase variants converge on the TRAPPII complex. We show that the Arabidopsis genome encodes the full complement of 13 TRAPPC subunits, including four previously unidentified components. A dimerization model is proposed to account for binary interactions between TRAPPII subunits. Preferential binding to dominant negative (GDP‐bound) versus wild‐type or constitutively active (GTP‐bound) RAB‐A2a variants discriminates between TRAPPII and TRAPPIII subunits and shows that Arabidopsis complexes differ from yeast but resemble metazoan TRAPP complexes. Analyzes of Rab‐A mutant variants in trappii backgrounds provide genetic evidence that TRAPPII functions upstream of RAB‐A2a, allowing us to propose that TRAPPII is likely to behave as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the RAB‐A2a GTPase. GEFs catalyze exchange of GDP for GTP; the GTP‐bound, activated, Rab then recruits a diverse local network of Rab effectors to specify membrane identity in subsequent vesicle fusion events. Understanding GEF?Rab interactions will be crucial to unravel the co‐ordination of plant membrane traffic.  相似文献   

Geranylgeranylation is a post-translational modification of Rab GTPases that enables them to associate reversibly with intracellular membranes. Geranylgeranylation of Rab proteins is critical for their activity in controlling intracellular membrane transport. According to the currently accepted model for their action, newly synthesized Rab proteins are recruited by Rab escort protein (REP) and are presented to the Rab geranylgeranyl transferase (RabGGTase) which covalentely modifies the Rab protein with two geranylgeranyl moieties. After prenylation, the Rab protein remains in complex with REP and is delivered to the target membrane by the latter. In this work, we show that RabGGTase can form a stable complex with Rab7-REP in the absence of its lipid substrate geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. In order to characterize this interaction, we developed three fluorescence assays reporting on the interaction of RabGGTase with the Rab7-REP complex. For this interaction we determined a Kd value of about 120 nM. Association of RabGGTase with the Rab7-REP complex occurs with a rate constant of approximately 108 M-1 x s-1. We demonstrate that the state of the nucleotide bound to Rab7 does not influence the affinity of RabGGTase for the Rab7-REP-1 complex. Finally, we address the issue of substrate specificity of RabGGTase. Titration experiments demonstrate that, in contrast with farnesyl transferase, RabGGTase does not recognize a defined C-terminal sequence motif. Experiments using Rab7 mutants in which the last 16 amino acids were either mutated or truncated revealed that the distal part of the C-terminus makes only a limited contribution to the binding affinity between RabGGTase and the Rab7-REP-1 complex. This demonstrates the functional dissimilarity between RabGGTase and geranylgeranyl transferase I and farnesyl transferase, which interact specifically with the C-terminus of their substrates. Based on these experiments, we propose that RabGGTase recognizes the overall structure arising from the association of Rab and REP and then 'scans' the flexible C-terminus to position the proximal cysteines into the active site.  相似文献   

Members of the RabGDI/REP family serve as multifunctional regulators of the Rab family of GTP binding proteins. Mutations in members of this family, such as REP-1, lead to abnormalities, including progressive retinal degradation (choroideremia) in humans. The crystal structures of the REP-1 protein in complex with monoprenylated or C-terminally truncated Rab7 proteins revealed that Rab7 interacts with the Rab binding platform of REP-1 via an extended interface involving the Switch 1 and 2 regions. The C terminus of the REP-1 molecule functions as a mobile lid covering a conserved hydrophobic patch on the surface of REP-1 that in the complex coordinates the C terminus of Rab proteins. Using semisynthetic fluorescent Rab27A, we demonstrate that although Rab27A can be prenylated by REP-2, this reaction can be effectively inhibited by other Rab proteins, providing a possible explanation for the accumulation of unprenylated Rab27A in choroideremia.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparation of alpha-sarcin and an antifungal protein (AFP) from mold (Aspergillus giganteus MDH 18894) has been developed. alpha-Sarcin and AFP were purified simultaneously by chitin affinity column chromatography and gel filtration. By this method, 4.5 mg of pure alpha-sarcin and 6.9 mg of pure AFP were obtained from 2 liters of culture medium. Compared with other purification methods such as ion-exchange column chromatography, this procedure was very simple and specific. The purified alpha-sarcin and AFP were homogeneous as characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both alpha-sarcin and AFP exhibited the binding activity to generated chitin. Soluble glycochitin decreased the intensity of fluorescence of alpha-sarcin and made the lambda(em)m shift from 340 to 347 nm. Titration of alpha-sarcin with N-bromosuccinimide under native conditions revealed that two tryptophans (Trps) were all located in the core part of alpha-sarcin molecule. This indicated that Trps were not involved in the binding of alpha-sarcin to chitin. Glycochitin in the culture medium increased the expression of alpha-sarcin, while it had no effect on the expression of AFP. Unlike other ligands such as Cibacron blue for the affinity purification of alpha-sarcin and AFP, glycochitin increased the nuclease activity of alpha-sarcin.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the nucleosome-binding protein HMGN1 (high mobility group N1) affects the structure and function of chromatin and plays a role in repair of damaged DNA. HMGN1 affects the interaction of DNA repair factors with chromatin and their access to damaged DNA; however, not all of the repair factors affected have been identified. Here, we report that HMGN1 affects the self-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (i.e., PARylation) of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), a multifunctional and abundant nuclear enzyme known to recognize DNA lesions and promote chromatin remodeling, DNA repair, and other nucleic acid transactions. The catalytic activity of PARP-1 is activated by DNA with a strand break, and this results in self-PARylation and PARylation of other chromatin proteins. Using cells obtained from Hmgn1(-/-) and Hmgn1(+/+) littermate mice, we find that in untreated cells, loss of HMGN1 protein reduces PARP-1 self-PARylation. A similar result was obtained after MMS treatment of these cells. In imaging experiments after low energy laser-induced DNA damage, less PARylation at lesion sites was observed in Hmgn1(-/-) than in Hmgn1(+/+) cells. The HMGN1 regulation of PARP-1 activity could be mediated by direct protein-protein interaction as HMGN1 and PARP-1 were found to interact in binding assays. Purified HMGN1 was able to stimulate self-PARylation of purified PARP-1, and in experiments with cell extracts, self-PARylation was greater in Hmgn1(+/+) than in Hmgn1(-/-) extract. The results suggest a regulatory role for HMGN1 in PARP-1 activation.  相似文献   

The multifunctional replication protein of autonomous parvoviruses, NS1, is vital for viral genome replication and for the control of viral protein production. Two DNA-interacting domains of NS1, the N-terminal and helicase domains, are necessary for these functions. In addition, the N and C termini of NS1 are required for activation of viral promoter P38. By comparison with the structural and biochemical data from other parvoviruses, we identified potential DNA-interacting amino acid residues from canine parvovirus NS1. The role of the identified amino acids in NS1 binding dynamics was studied by mutagenesis, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, and computer simulations. Mutations in the predicted DNA-interacting amino acids of the N-terminal and helicase domains increased the intranuclear binding dynamics of NS1 dramatically. A substantial increase in binding dynamics was also observed for NS1 mutants that targeted the metal ion coordination site in the N terminus. Interestingly, contrary to other mutants, deletion of the C terminus resulted in slower binding dynamics of NS1. P38 transactivation was severely reduced in both N-terminal DNA recognition and in C-terminal deletion mutants. These data suggest that the intranuclear dynamics of NS1 are largely characterized by its sequence-specific and -nonspecific binding to double-stranded DNA. Moreover, binding of NS1 is equally dependent on the N-terminal domain and conserved β-loop of the helicase domain.  相似文献   

The specificity of protein targeting processes is the basis of maintaining structural and functional integrity of the cell, enabling the various subcellular compartments to carry out their unique metabolic roles. Studies in plants have progressed markedly in the last 5 years, and many of the specific signals involved in the transport and targeting of proteins to the nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondrion and microbody, and to organelles along the secretory pathway (endoplasmic reticulum [ER], Golgi complex, and vacuole) have been characterized. Exciting prospects include the identification of receptors involved in the recognition of protein targeting signals, mechanisms of vesicle targeting, and the role of mRNA targeting. Although important exceptions exist, a striking feature of the mechanisms and cellular machinery of protein targeting is their universality — among plants, animals, and eukaryotic microorganisms — and even between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. More information is required about the structural features of proteins that allow for their stable accumulation in a particular subcellular compartment, of particular interest to the plant genetic engineer. Our understanding of the rules that govern protein folding and oligomer assembly and how these processes relate to a protein's ultimate stability in the cell is limited.  相似文献   

Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics - Proteins MSL1 and MSL2 form the core of the Drosophila dosage compensation complex, which specifically binds to the X chromosome of males. Phosphorylation of...  相似文献   

During epithelial junctional development, both vesicle transport and reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton must be spatiotemporally regulated. Coordination of these cellular functions is especially important, but the precise mechanism remains elusive. Previously, we identified junctional Rab13-binding protein (JRAB)/molecules interacting with CasL-like 2 (MICAL-L2) as an effector of the Rab13 small G protein, and we found that the Rab13-JRAB system may be involved in the formation of cell-cell adhesions via transport of adhesion molecules. Here, we showed that JRAB interacts with two actin-binding proteins, actinin-1 and -4, and filamentous actin via different domains and regulates actin cross-linking and stabilization through these interactions. During epithelial junctional development, JRAB is prominently enriched in the actin bundle at the free border; subsequently, JRAB undergoes a Rab13-dependent conformational change that is required for maturation of cell-cell adhesion sites. These results suggest that Rab13 and JRAB regulate reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton throughout epithelial junctional development from establishment to maturation of cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Three mutations, denoted lex-1, -2 and -3, which increase the sensitivity of Escherichia coli K-12 to ultraviolet light (UV) and ionizing radiation, have been found by three-factor transduction crosses to be closely linked to uvrA on the E. coli K-12 linkage map. Strains bearing these mutations do not appear to be defective in genetic recombination although in some conjugational crosses they may fail to produce a normal yield of genetic recombinants depending upon the time of mating and the marker selected. The mutagenic activity of UV is decreased in the mutant strains. After irradiation with UV, cultures of the strains degrade their deoxyribonucleic acid at a high rate, similar to recA(-) mutant strains. Stable lex(+)/lec(-) heterozygotes are found to have the mutant radiation-sensitive phenotype of haploid lex(-) strains.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases recruit effector proteins, via their GTP-dependent switch regions, to distinct subcellular compartments. Rab11 and Rab25 are closely related small GTPases that bind to common effectors termed the Rab11 family of interacting proteins (FIPs). The FIPs are organized into two subclasses (class I and class II) based on sequence and domain organization, and both subclasses contain a highly conserved Rab-binding domain at their C termini. Yeast two-hybrid and biochemical studies have revealed that the more distantly related Rab14 also interacts with class I FIPs. Here, we perform detailed structural, thermodynamic, and cellular analyses of the interactions between Rab14 and one of the class I FIPs, the Rab-coupling protein (RCP), to clarify the molecular aspects of the interaction. We find that Rab14 indeed binds to RCP, albeit with reduced affinity relative to conventional Rab11-FIP and Rab25-FIP complexes. However, in vivo, Rab11 recruits RCP onto biological membranes. Furthermore, biophysical analyses reveal a noncanonical 1:2 stoichiometry between Rab14-RCP in dilute solutions, in contrast to Rab11/25 complexes. The structure of Rab14-RCP reveals that Rab14 interacts with the canonical Rab-binding domain and also provides insight into the unusual properties of the complex. Finally, we show that both the Rab coupling protein and Rab14 function in neuritogenesis.  相似文献   

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