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小麦面粉Puroindoline蛋白的提取与纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Puroindoline蛋白是小麦面粉中一种非常重要的蛋白质,不仅影响和决定了籽粒的硬度,而且有抗G^+、G^-菌以及抗真菌的作用。用含4%TritonX-114、100mmol/L pH7.8Tris-HCl缓冲液处理小麦面粉来分离Puroindoline蛋白。经处理后得到的蛋白质混合溶液首先用分子筛葡聚糖G-75纯化,每个收集管内的组分经SDS-PAGE分析,分子量小于31kD的蛋白质组分被回收和集中,回收的蛋白质组分经PEG20000浓缩后,再用离子交换柱羧甲基纤维素(CM-23)进行纯化。其洗脱液分别是双蒸水和NaCl,梯度为0.05~0.7mol/L、8mmol/L pH5.5的MES缓冲液,回收只含15kD的蛋白质的组分,接着用PEG20000浓缩。最后冷冻干燥得到Puroindoline蛋白。  相似文献   

In this study, in planta transformation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), using fruit injection and floral dip, is reported. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA 105 containing one of three constructs, i.e., pROKIIAP1GUSint (carrying the Apetala 1 [AP1] gene), pROKIILFYGUSint (carrying the LEAFY [LFY] gene), or p35SGUSint (carrying the β-glucuronidase [GUS] gene), was used for plant transformation. For fruit injection transformation, no significant effects (p > 0.05) of the construct used were observed. The highest frequency of transformation was obtained following 48-h incubation of tomato fruit with bacterial cells harboring either one of the three constructs; transformation frequencies of 17%, 19%, and 21% for AP1, LFY, and GUS gene constructs, respectively, were obtained. When fruit maturity was evaluated in fruit injection experiments, mature red fruit resulted in higher frequency of transformants than immature green fruit with 40%, 35%, and 42% for AP1, LFY, and GUS gene constructs, respectively. For floral dip transformation, a higher number of transformants was obtained when the GUS gene construct was used instead of either the AP1 or LFY gene construct, thus suggesting a possible inhibitory effect of the flowering genes used. When flowers were transformed prior to rather than following pollination, they yielded a higher transformation frequency, 12% for the LFY construct and 23% for the GUS construct (p < 0.05), although no transformant was obtained with the AP1 gene construct. All putative GUS-positive transformants were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction and confirmed for the presence of the transgene. Compared to control plants, transgenic plants carrying either the AP1 or LFY transgene flowered earlier and showed several different morphological characters.  相似文献   

The ascomycete Fusarium graminearum is a destructive fungal pathogen of wheat (Triticum aestivum). To better understand how this pathogen proliferates within the host plant, we tracked pathogen growth inside wheat coleoptiles and then examined pathogen gene expression inside wheat coleoptiles at 16, 40, and 64 h after inoculation (HAI) using laser capture microdissection and microarray analysis. We identified 344 genes that were preferentially expressed during invasive growth in planta. Gene expression profiles for 134 putative plant cell wall–degrading enzyme genes suggest that there was limited cell wall degradation at 16 HAI and extensive degradation at 64 HAI. Expression profiles for genes encoding reactive oxygen species (ROS)–related enzymes suggest that F. graminearum primarily scavenges extracellular ROS before a later burst of extracellular ROS is produced by F. graminearum enzymes. Expression patterns of genes involved in primary metabolic pathways suggest that F. graminearum relies on the glyoxylate cycle at an early stage of plant infection. A secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene cluster was specifically induced at 64 HAI and was required for virulence. Our results indicate that F. graminearum initiates infection of coleoptiles using covert penetration strategies and switches to overt cellular destruction of tissues at an advanced stage of infection.  相似文献   

We analysed the structure of deeply knotted proteins representing three unrelated families of knotted proteins. We looked at the correlation between positions of knotted cores in these proteins and such local structural characteristics as the number of intra-chain contacts, structural stability and solvent accessibility. We observed that the knotted cores and especially their borders showed strong enrichment in the number of contacts. These regions showed also increased thermal stability, whereas their solvent accessibility was decreased. Interestingly, the active sites within these knotted proteins preferentially located in the regions with increased number of contacts that also have increased thermal stability and decreased solvent accessibility. Our results suggest that knotting of polypeptide chains provides a favourable environment for the active sites observed in knotted proteins. Some knotted proteins have homologues without a knot. Interestingly, these unknotted homologues form local entanglements that retain structural characteristics of the knotted cores.  相似文献   

The self-incompatibility (SI) response of the Brassicaceae is mediated by allele-specific interaction between the stigma-localized S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) and its ligand, the pollen coat-localized S-locus cysteine-rich protein (SCR). Based on work in Brassica spp., the thioredoxin h-like proteins THL1 and THL2, which interact with SRK, have been proposed to function as oxidoreductases that negatively regulate SRK catalytic activity. By preventing the spontaneous activation of SRK in the absence of SCR ligand, these thioredoxins are thought to be essential for the success of cross pollinations in self-incompatible plants. However, the in planta role of thioredoxins in the regulation of SI signaling has not been conclusively demonstrated. Here, we addressed this issue using Arabidopsis thaliana plants transformed with the SRKb-SCRb gene pair isolated from self-incompatible Arabidopsis lyrata. These plants express an intense SI response, allowing us to exploit the extensive tools and resources available in A. thaliana for analysis of SI signaling. To test the hypothesis that SRK is redox regulated by thioredoxin h, we expressed a mutant form of SRKb lacking a transmembrane-localized cysteine residue thought to be essential for the SRK-thioredoxin h interaction. We also analyzed transfer DNA insertion mutants in the A. thaliana orthologs of THL1 and THL2. In neither case did we observe an effect on the pollination responses of SRKb-expressing stigmas toward incompatible or compatible pollen. Our results are consistent with the conclusion that, contrary to their proposed role, thioredoxin h proteins are not required to prevent the spontaneous activation of SRK in the A. thaliana stigma.Many flowering plants possess self-incompatibility (SI), a genetic system that promotes outcrossing by preventing self-fertilization. In the Brassicaceae family, the SI response is controlled by haplotypes of the S locus, each of which contains two genes that encode highly polymorphic proteins, the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK), which is a plasma membrane resident single-pass transmembrane Ser/Thr receptor kinase displayed at the surface of stigma epidermal cells (Stein et al., 1991; Takasaki et al., 2000), and the S-locus Cys-rich protein (SCR), which is the pollen coat-localized ligand for SRK (Schopfer et al., 1999; Kachroo et al., 2001; Takayama et al., 2001). SRK and SCR exhibit allele-specific interactions, whereby only SRK and SCR encoded by the same S-locus haplotype interact. In a self-pollination, the binding of this “self” pollen-borne SCR to the extracellular domain of SRK activates the SRK kinase, thereby triggering a cellular response in stigma epidermal cells that causes inhibition of pollen germination and tube penetration into the stigma epidermal cell wall (for review, see Tantikanjana et al., 2010).Tight regulation of SRK kinase activity and its signaling cascade is critical for productive pollen-stigma interactions because constitutive (i.e. SCR-independent) activity of the receptor is expected to result in sterile stigmas that reject both compatible and incompatible pollen. In the classical view of ligand-activated receptor kinases, the receptor occurs as catalytically inactive monomers in the absence of ligand and only becomes activated upon ligand-induced dimerization (for review, see Lemmon and Schlessinger, 2010). However, some receptor kinases in both animals (Chan et al., 2000; Ehrlich et al., 2011) and plants (Giranton et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2005, 2008; Shimizu et al., 2010; Bücherl et al., 2013) form catalytically inactive dimers or oligomers in the absence of ligand, with receptor activation presumably resulting from ligand-induced higher order oligomerization or conformational changes (Lemmon and Schlessinger, 2010). Similar to the latter receptors, SRK forms oligomers in unpollinated stigmas, i.e. in the absence of SCR (Giranton et al., 2000), at least partly via ligand-independent dimerization domains located within the SRK extracellular domain (Naithani et al., 2007). It has been proposed that these ligand-independent SRK oligomers are maintained in an inactive state by thioredoxins, the ubiquitous small oxidoreductases that reduce disulfide bridges in proteins (Buchanan and Balmer, 2005). This hypothesis is supported by the following observations: (1) two Brassica napus thioredoxins, the Thioredoxin H-Like proteins THL1 and THL2, were identified as SRK interactors in a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid screen that used the B. napus SRK910 kinase domain as bait (Bower et al., 1996); (2) when purified from pistils or insect cells, the Brassica oleracea SRK3 variant was found to exhibit constitutive autophosphorylation activity in vitro, and this activity was inhibited by Escherichia coli-expressed THL1 proteins and was restored by addition of pollen coat proteins containing self but not of pollen coat proteins containing nonself SCR (Cabrillac et al., 2001); (3) the catalytic activity of THL1 was required for its inhibition of SRK3 autophosphorylation activity in vitro (Cabrillac et al., 2001); and (4) antisense suppression of THL1/THL2 gene expression in the stigmas of a self-compatible B. napus strain reportedly produced a low-level constitutive incompatibility (Haffani et al., 2004), as might be expected if the THL1/THL2 proteins prevent the spontaneous activation of SRK-mediated signaling in stigmas.These observations notwithstanding, the in planta role of thioredoxin h proteins as negative regulators of SRK activity has not been conclusively demonstrated. To date, this proposed function has only been evaluated in a self-compatible strain of B. napus (Haffani et al., 2004). Consequently, it is not known if the proposed inhibitory effect of these thioredoxins on SRK catalytic activity is manifested in self-incompatible stigmas and if it applies to all SRK variants, be they derived from Brassica spp. or other self-incompatible species of the Brassicaceae such as Arabidopsis lyrata.In this study, we tested the in planta role of thioredoxin h proteins in the regulation of SI signaling using a transgenic self-incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana model that we generated by transforming A. thaliana with the SRKb-SCRb gene pair isolated from the Sb haplotype of self-incompatible A. lyrata (Kusaba et al., 2001; Nasrallah et al., 2002, 2004). We had previously shown that the stigmas of A. thaliana SRKb-SCRb transformants can exhibit an SI response that is as robust as the SI response observed in naturally self-incompatible A. lyrata, demonstrating that A. thaliana, which harbors nonfunctional S-locus haplotypes (Kusaba et al., 2001; Sherman-Broyles et al., 2007; Shimizu et al., 2008; Boggs et al., 2009c), has nevertheless retained all other factors required for SI. In view of the availability in A. thaliana of a highly efficient transformation method and numerous genetic resources, the A. thaliana SRK-SCR transgenic model has enabled the use of experimental approaches that are difficult or impossible to implement in Brassica species and has thus proven to be an invaluable platform for in planta analysis of SRK and SI signaling (Liu et al., 2007; Boggs et al., 2009a, 2009b; Tantikanjana et al., 2009; Tantikanjana and Nasrallah, 2012).We therefore used this transgenic A. thaliana self-incompatible model to determine if abolishing the proposed SRK-thioredoxin h interaction or eliminating expression of the major thioredoxin h proteins expressed in stigmas would affect the outcome of self- or cross pollination. To this end, we expressed a mutant form of SRKb that lacked the Cys residue previously shown to be required for the interaction of SRK with THLs (Mazzurco et al., 2001), and we analyzed plants carrying knockout insertional mutations in thioredoxin h genes. Our results are inconsistent with the proposed role of thioredoxin h proteins as negative regulators of SRK catalytic activity and SI signaling.  相似文献   

Shoot organogenesis, one of the in vitro plant regeneration processes that occur during in vitro micropropagation, is used in the study of plant development. Morphological, physiological, and molecular aspects of in vitro shoot organogenesis have been extensively studied for over 50 years. Because of the research progress in plant genetics and molecular biology, our understanding of in planta and in vitro shoot meristem development, the cell cycle and cytokinin signal transduction has advanced significantly. These research advances provide useful information as well as molecular tools to study further the genetic and molecular aspects of shoot organogenesis. A number of key molecular markers, genes, and pathways have been shown to play a critical role in the process of in vitro shoot organogenesis. Furthermore, these studies reveal that in vitro shoot organogenesis, as with in planta shoot development, is a complex, well-coordinated developmental process, given that the induction of a single molecular event is likely to be insufficient to induce the entire process. Continued study is required to identify additional molecular events that trigger dedifferentiation and act as developmental switches for de novo shoot development.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is responsible for several economically important plant diseases. It is currently assumed that the symptoms are caused by vascular occlusion due to biofilm formation. Microarray technology was previously used to examine the global gene expression profile of X. fastidiosa freshly isolated from symptomatic plants or after several passages by axenic culture medium, and different pathogenicity profiles have been obtained. In the present study the expression of some pathogenicity-related genes was evaluated in vitro and in planta by RT-PCR. The results suggest that adhesion is important at the beginning of biofilm formation, while the genes related to adaptation are essential for the organisms maintenance in planta. Similar results were observed in vitro mainly for the adhesion genes. The pattern of expression observed suggests that adhesion modulates biofilm formation whereas the expression of some adaptation genes may be related to the environment in which the organism is living.  相似文献   

Phenolic stilbene glucosides (astringin, isorhapontin, and piceid) and their aglycons commonly accumulate in the phloem of Norway spruce (Picea abies). However, current knowledge about the localization and accumulation of stilbenes within plant tissues and cells remains limited. Here, we used an innovative combination of novel microanalytical techniques to evaluate stilbenes in a frozen-hydrated condition (i.e. in planta) and a freeze-dried condition across phloem tissues. Semiquantitative time-of-flight secondary ion-mass spectrometry imaging in planta revealed that stilbenes were localized in axial parenchyma cells. Quantitative gas chromatography analysis showed the highest stilbene content in the middle of collapsed phloem with decreases toward the outer phloem. The same trend was detected for soluble sugar and water contents. The specimen water content may affect stilbene composition; the glucoside-to-aglycon ratio decreased slightly with decreases in water content. Phloem chemistry was correlated with three-dimensional structures of phloem as analyzed by microtomography. The outer phloem was characterized by a high volume of empty parenchyma, reduced ray volume, and a large number of axial parenchyma with porous vacuolar contents. Increasing porosity from the inner to the outer phloem was related to decreasing compactness of stilbenes and possible secondary oxidation or polymerization. Our results indicate that aging-dependent changes in phloem may reduce cell functioning, which affects the capacity of the phloem to store water and sugar, and may reduce the defense potential of stilbenes in the axial parenchyma. Our results highlight the power of using a combination of techniques to evaluate tissue- and cell-level mechanisms involved in plant secondary metabolite formation and metabolism.The bark of conifers has anatomically and chemically integrated defense strategies that are either constitutive (i.e. continuously produced) or inducible (i.e. activated as a response to insect or pathogen attack; Krokene, 2015). Many defense traits exist in both forms (Franceschi et al., 2005). For example, axial phloem parenchyma cells (or polyphenolic parenchyma) are critical in conifer bark defense. These cells regularly form in Pinaceae during annual phloem formation (Franceschi et al., 1998, 2000; Krekling et al., 2000; Jyske et al., 2015) but also are produced on invasion (Franceschi et al., 2005; Krokene, 2015). In Norway spruce (Picea abies) phloem, axial parenchyma forms distinctive, continuous tangential sheets across conducting (i.e. noncollapsed) and nonconducting (i.e. collapsed) tissue.Pioneering studies using microscopy with different dye agents and autofluorescence showed that the large vacuole is a special feature of the axial phloem parenchyma that contains phenolic substances (i.e. phenolic bodies; Franceschi et al., 1998). Microscopic imaging techniques also showed that polyphenolic content is highly dynamic (Franceschi et al., 1998, 2000, 2005) and changes seasonally (Krekling et al., 2000). Within the last 5 years, progress in laser microdissection (LMD) has facilitated the sampling of individual tissues and cells, providing information about the exact chemical composition of phenolic content. Li et al. (2012) used LMD to show that the axial parenchyma is the main site of phenolic accumulation in spruce bark, including that of stilbene compounds.Stilbenes are secondary metabolites that are composed of two phenol moieties linked by a C2 bridge. These compounds are derived from the phenylpropanoid pathway, in which the last steps of biosynthesis are catalyzed by stilbene synthase (Chong et al., 2009). There is increasing interest in these antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiinflammatory compounds for use in healthy human diets, therapeutic approaches, and as protective agents in materials sciences (Shibutani et al., 2004; Metsämuuronen and Siren, 2014; Reinisalo et al., 2015; Hedenström et al., 2016; Sirerol et al., 2016). The tetrahydroxystilbene glucosides trans-astringin (3,3ʹ,4ʹ,5-tetrahydroxystilbene 3-O-β-d-glucoside) and trans-isorhapontin (3,4ʹ,5-trihydroxy-3ʹ-methoxystilbene 3-O-β-d-glucoside) are the most abundant constitutive stilbene compounds of Norway spruce, while the trihydroxystilbene glucoside trans-piceid (resveratrol 3-O-β-glucoside) and stilbene aglycons (i.e. without the sugar moiety) are less abundant. Stilbene synthesis in spruce probably proceeds through the formation of resveratrol (i.e. aglycon of piceid) followed by further modifications (i.e. hydroxylation, O-methylation, and O-glycosylation) to yield tetrahydroxystilbene glucosides (Hammerbacher et al., 2011). Stilbenes are assumed to provide protection against a wide variety of environmental stressors (Franceschi et al., 2005; Witzell and Martin, 2008; Chong et al., 2009). Stilbenes appear to contribute to antifungal defense in spruce (Hammerbacher et al., 2011, 2013). The fungal inoculation of spruce bark with the blue-stain fungus Endoconidiophora polonica (previously named Ceratocystis polonica; de Beer et al., 2014) causes astringin levels to decrease, in parallel with increasing dimeric stilbene glucoside levels in the LMD-isolated axial phloem parenchyma (Li et al., 2012) or increasing levels of corresponding aglycons in bulk tissue (Viiri et al., 2001). During the annual formation of phloem in Norway spruce, the accumulation of stilbene glucosides inside the newest, LMD-isolated phloem ring is preceded by the formation and cellular development of a new band of axial parenchyma (Jyske et al., 2015). These observations strongly indicate that the inducible and constitutive stilbene compounds of spruce phloem are both stored and synthesized in the axial parenchyma.New mass spectrometry imaging techniques provide significant improvements in the mapping of plant metabolites (Briggs and Seah, 1993; Vickerman and Briggs, 2001; Burrell et al., 2007; Cha et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2012; Bjarnholt et al., 2014; Aoki et al., 2016). To elucidate the synthesis, distribution, and metabolism of secondary plant metabolites, it is essential to gather positional information about them in a living state, as pretreatment of specimens, such as drying, may change the distribution and concentration features of soluble chemicals (Metzner et al., 2008; Li et al., 2012; Kuroda et al., 2013). In this study, we used a unique system of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy connected with a cryo-shuttle (cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM) to study the localization and accumulation patterns of stilbenes within cells and tissues of phloem. This system has been developed to study chemical distributions at high-spatial resolution (1 µm) directly from the surfaces of plant specimens in a frozen-hydrated state (i.e. in planta) representing living tissues (Kuroda et al., 2013; Aoki et al., 2016). Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) directly detects organic and inorganic compounds on the specimen surface over a broad mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) range by mass spectrometry with high chemical sensitivity. Specimen surface morphology is visualized by the detection of total secondary ion content. The quality of cellular integrity may be further observed by scanning electron microscopy connected with a cryo-shuttle (cryo-SEM) imaging of the frozen surface of the same specimen. The cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM system has still rarely been applied to the analysis of plant physiology (Metzner et al., 2008, 2010; Iijima et al., 2011; Kuroda et al., 2013; Aoki et al., 2016).Mass spectrometer imaging techniques consist of an ionizer and a mass analyzer. In the TOF-SIMS system, secondary ion mass spectrometry is used as an ionizer and time-of-flight as a mass analyzer. In another mainstream imaging mass spectrometry technique, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization is used as ionizer. Compared with TOF-SIMS, MALDI-MS is more quantitative and has high-Mr acceptance, but the resolution of MALDI-MS is not high enough for cell-level detection (Aoki et al., 2016). Instead, the spatial resolution of TOF-SIMS is superior to focus on cell functions. The disadvantage of TOF-SIMS is that the ionization and fragmentation phenomenon may be affected by the matrix effect, causing some degree of uncertainty. However, when time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry connected with a cryo-shuttle (cryo-TOF-SIMS) is used in combination with quantitative gas chromatography, it is very powerful to study the positional and temporal distributions of metabolites within living plants.To complement TOF-SIMS analysis, we applied quantitative chemical microanalysis methods to study the amounts of stilbene glucosides and to correlate those with the amounts of total extractives, monosaccharides and disaccharides, and water across phloem and bark. The methods include tangential cryo-sectioning of tissues and their chemical microanalysis by gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).To combine the chemical information with phloem morphology, the cellular and subcellular features of the axial phloem parenchyma were analyzed by three-dimensional (3D) synchrotron radiation microtomography (µCT). µCT is a prominent tool that has gained popularity for 3D analysis of xylem structure and physiology (Brodersen, 2013; Cochard et al., 2015), but only recently has it been applied to the 3D analysis of phloem (Jyske et al., 2015). This method offers advantages over traditional light microscopic approaches, as high-throughput data at the submicrometer level can be produced from significantly larger tissue volumes. The data allow for representative volumetric analysis of cellular distributions along with 3D visualization of subcellular features.In this study, we used a novel combination of cutting-edge techniques to analyze in parallel (1) in planta cellular localization and accumulation of stilbene glucosides across phloem and bark by semiquantitative cryo-TOF-SIMS/SEM; (2) tissue-level quantitative amounts of stilbene glucosides, total extractives, and monosaccharides and disaccharides across phloem and bark by tangential cryo-sectioning and GC-FID and GC-MS; (3) 3D cell abundance distributions across phloem and bark by µCT; and (4) variation in water content across phloem and bark (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Schematic presentation of the specimen structure and preparation for different analyses. Sample blocks were taken from living tree stem (A) or stem discs (B) at 1.3 m on the stem. The blocks (C) containing outer bark (periderm), phloem, cambium, and part of the outermost xylem ring (D; transverse view of phloem and bark) were further divided into subblocks (1–3; C and E). Subblocks 1 and 2 were quick frozen, and subblock 3 was fixed chemically. Subblock 1 was used for the direct chemical mapping of stilbenes across the phloem from the cambium to the outer bark (i.e. semiquantitative analysis of stilbene localization and accumulation across transverse and radial surfaces [purple] of the tissue block by TOF-SIMS; E-1). To obtain quantitative data on the amounts of stilbenes, other extractives, and carbohydrates across phloem and bark, tangential cryo-sections (250 or 450 µm each; cut slices illustrated with purple in E-2) were cut across subblock 2 and directed for chemical microanalysis by GC-FID (E-2). Subblock 3 was divided into four to six zones, and from each zone, small cuboids (illustrated with purple in E-3) were cut and directed for morphological analysis of phloem by phase-contrast µCT (E-3). Water content across the phloem and bark was analyzed from separate fresh blocks, which were further cut tangentially into thin sections. Black arrows indicate the radial direction from the cambium toward the outer bark. Purple areas show the analyzed locations of each subblock (E). Note that schematic drawings are not to scale.  相似文献   

In Vitro Synthesis of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Storage Proteins   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Greene FC 《Plant physiology》1981,68(3):778-783
Free and membrane-associated polysomes were isolated in approximately equal amounts from endosperm of wheat kernels harvested 20 days after anthesis. The presence of heparin in the homogenizing buffer minimized polysome degradation. Ribonucleic acid from the isolated polysomes, when translated in vitro in a wheat germ system, yielded products ranging in size from about 12,000 to about 80,000 daltons, including at least two polypeptides that co-migrated with seed extract proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The nature of the translation products of free and membrane-associated RNA are distinctly different, with membrane-associated RNA yielding a higher proportion of polypeptides in the size range of 30,000 to 37,000 daltons. Analysis of membrane-associated 3′-terminal polyadenylyl-containing RNA in vitro translation products, by solubility in 70% ethanol and by immunoprecipitation, indicates that the 33,000- to 37,000-dalton polypeptides contain gliadins, and the analysis provides evidence that these proteins are synthesized in association with membranous cell organelles. Gliadin polypeptides synthesized in vitro are larger than authentic gliadins and probably are precursors which, in vivo, undergo modification to yield the smaller final products.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas citri pv. citri is a clonal group of strains that causes citrus canker disease and appears to have originated in Asia. A phylogenetically distinct clonal group that causes identical disease symptoms on susceptible citrus, X. citri pv. aurantifolii, arose more recently in South America. Genomes of X. citri pv. aurantifolii strains carry two DNA fragments that hybridize to pthA, an X. citri pv. citri gene which encodes a major type III pathogenicity effector protein that is absolutely required to cause citrus canker. Marker interruption mutagenesis and complementation revealed that X. citri pv. aurantifolii strain B69 carried one functional pthA homolog, designated pthB, that was required to cause cankers on citrus. Gene pthB was found among 38 open reading frames on a 37,106-bp plasmid, designated pXcB, which was sequenced and annotated. No additional pathogenicity effectors were found on pXcB, but 11 out of 38 open reading frames appeared to encode a type IV transfer system. pXcB transferred horizontally in planta, without added selection, from B69 to a nonpathogenic X. citri pv. citri (pthA::Tn5) mutant strain, fully restoring canker. In planta transfer efficiencies were very high (>0.1%/recipient) and equivalent to those observed for agar medium with antibiotic selection, indicating that pthB conferred a strong selective advantage to the recipient strain. A single pathogenicity effector that can confer a distinct selective advantage in planta may both facilitate plasmid survival following horizontal gene transfer and account for the origination of phylogenetically distinct groups of strains causing identical disease symptoms.  相似文献   

Bcl2-modifying factor (Bmf) is a member of the BH3-only group of proapoptotic proteins. To test the role of Bmf in vivo, we constructed mice with a series of mutated Bmf alleles that disrupt Bmf expression, prevent Bmf phosphorylation by the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) on Ser74, or mimic Bmf phosphorylation on Ser74. We report that the loss of Bmf causes defects in uterovaginal development, including an imperforate vagina and hydrometrocolpos. We also show that the phosphorylation of Bmf on Ser74 can contribute to a moderate increase in levels of Bmf activity. Studies of compound mutants with the related gene Bim demonstrated that Bim and Bmf exhibit partially redundant functions in vivo. Thus, developmental ablation of interdigital webbing on mouse paws and normal lymphocyte homeostasis require the cooperative activity of Bim and Bmf.Bmf is a proapoptotic BH3-only member of the Bcl2-related protein family that is implicated in cell death caused by anoikis (23, 26, 27), arsenic trioxide (19), histone deacetylase inhibitors (33, 34), transforming growth factor β (24), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (8). Mice with a loss of Bmf expression exhibit B-cell hyperplasia and increased sensitivity to γ-radiation-induced B-cell lymphoma (14). These observations indicate that Bmf represents an important mediator of cell death signaling pathways.The structure of Bmf includes a BH3 domain that is essential for apoptosis induction. In addition, Bmf contains a sequence motif that is required for interactions with dynein light chain 2 (DLC2), a component of the myosin V motor complex (23). The interaction of Bmf with DLC2 is required for the recruitment of Bmf to the cytoskeleton. The release of Bmf from complexes sequestered on the cytoskeleton may contribute to anoikis (23). Interestingly, this regulatory mechanism is shared by the related proapoptotic BH3-only protein Bim, which interacts via a similar sequence motif with dynein light chain 1 (DLC1), a component of the dynein motor complex (22).The similarities between Bmf and Bim include the presence of a conserved phosphorylation site (Bmf Ser74 and Bim Thr112) that is a substrate for the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) (15). Data from biochemical studies indicate that the JNK-mediated phosphorylation of Bmf and Bim may increase apoptotic activity (15). Indeed, mice with a germ line point mutation in the Bim gene (Thr112 replaced with Ala) exhibit decreased apoptosis (10). These studies indicate that Bmf and Bim may mediate, in part, proapoptotic signaling by JNK (3, 30).The purpose of this study was to examine the role of Bmf using mouse models with germ line defects in the Bmf gene, including mice with Bmf alleles that disrupt Bmf expression, prevent Bmf phosphorylation, or mimic Bmf phosphorylation. We examined the effects of these mutations in mice with both wild-type and mutant alleles of the related gene Bim. The results of our analysis demonstrate that Bmf and Bim exhibit partially redundant functions, that phosphorylation on Ser74 is not essential for Bmf activity, and that phosphorylation on Ser74 can contribute to increased levels of Bmf activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The functional evolution of proteins advances through gene duplication followed by functional drift, whereas molecular evolution occurs through random mutational events. Over time, protein active-site structures or functional epitopes remain highly conserved, which enables relationships to be inferred between distant orthologs or paralogs. In this study, we present the first functional clustering and evolutionary analysis of the RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) based on similarities between active-site structures. All of the ligand-bound proteins within the RCSB PDB were scored using our Comparison of Protein Active-site Structures (CPASS) software and database ( http://cpass.unl.edu/ ). Principal component analysis was then used to identify 4431 representative structures to construct a phylogenetic tree based on the CPASS comparative scores ( http://itol.embl.de/shared/jcatazaro ). The resulting phylogenetic tree identified a sequential, step-wise evolution of protein active-sites and provides novel insights into the emergence of protein function or changes in substrate specificity based on subtle changes in geometry and amino acid composition.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that gibberellic acid (GA) sensitivityaffects the length of the extension zone (LEZ) of leaf No. 1of wheat seedlings, we performed a gene dosage experiment usingRht dwarfing genes that condition GA insensitivity. We utilizednearly isogenic lines, at Rht-dosage levels of 0, 2 and 4 alleles.Anatomical markers (distances between successive stomates) wereused to infer the distribution of growth along the axis of theleaf. Interstomatal distance (ISD) and LEZ were inverse linearfunctions of Rht-dosage. The number of stomates matured perhour was independent of Rht-dosage. The relationship betweenISD and distance along the axis within the extension zone (EZ)was indistinguishable from linear. Rht-dosage did not affectthe slope of the regression of ISD against distance along theEZ. A-REST (AR; ancymidol, a potent GA synthesis inhibitor)reduced LEZ. Wild type was more sensitive to AR than doubledwarf. AR affected growth of leaf No. 1 more than length ofthe coleoptile, regardless of Rht-dosage. AR-dosage affectedcell division, whereas Rht-dosage did not. Extension zone, elongation, gibberellic acid, Rht, wheat, Triticum aesiivum L.  相似文献   

Recombination occurred between viral genomes when squash plants were cobombarded with mixtures of engineered disabled constructs of a zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus. Single and double recombinants were detected in the progeny. Genes involved in the recombination process and the mechanisms of recombination were studied in potyviruses for the first time.  相似文献   

目前,已知超过150种糖基磷脂酰肌醇锚定蛋白(glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored protein, GPI-anchored protein)在哺乳动物细胞中表达,并参与免疫识别、细胞通讯与信号转导等多种生理过程。当蛋白质无法被GPI修饰时,前体蛋白质通过内质网相关蛋白质降解(endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation, ERAD)途径降解。然而,GPI锚定蛋白ERAD的降解机制尚不清楚。为了探究GPI锚定蛋白前体的ERAD途径的具体机制,本研究敲除人胚胎肾细胞293细胞株(HEK293)的GPI转酰胺酶复合物亚基PIGS基因,进而敲除E3泛素连接酶HRD1和GP78基因,之后随机在PIGS-KO,PIGS-HRD1-KO和PIGS-GP78-KO过表达16种GPI锚定蛋白质(以亲本PIGS-KO细胞株作为对照组),Western印迹结果证明,GPI锚定蛋白前体在细胞株PIGS-HRD1-KO中的蛋白质积累量(IPHK)和PIGS-GP78-KO中的蛋白质积累量(IPG...  相似文献   

Chloroplast, an organelle facilitating photosynthesis, exhibits strong autofluorescence, which is an undesired background signal that restricts imaging experiments with exogenous fluorophore in plants. In this study, the autofluorescence was characterized in planta under confocal laser microscopy, and it was found that the time-gated imaging technique completely eliminates the autofluorescence. As a demonstration of the technique, a clearer signal of fluorescent protein-tagged phototropin, a blue-light photoreceptor localized at the chloroplast periphery, was visualized in planta.  相似文献   

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