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A rapid method for estimating the extent of microbial contamination on food and on food processing equipment is described. Microbial cells are rinsed from food or swab samples with sterile diluent and concentrated on the surface of membrane filters. The filters are incubated on a suitable bacteriological medium for 4 hr at 30 C, heated at 105 C for 5 min, and stained. The membranes are then dried at 60 C for 15 min, rendered transparent with immersion oil, and examined microscopically. Data obtained by the rapid method were compared with counts of the same samples determined by the standard plate count method. Over 60 comparisons resulted in a correlation coefficient of 0.906. Because the rapid technique can provide reliable microbiological count information in extremely short times, it can be a most useful tool in the routine evaluation of microbial contamination of food processing facilities and for some foods.  相似文献   

Enumeration of Viable Bacteria in the Marine Pelagic Environment   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The low percentage of living bacteria commonly obtained when comparing viable counts with total direct counts in seawater could be due more to inappropriate techniques for appreciating the growth ability of living cells than to unadapted culture conditions. The most-probable-number counts in filtered seawater cultures and the microscopic counts of 4(prm1),6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained aggregate-forming units grown on black polycarbonate filters appeared significantly correlated to the direct counts. Both these techniques show that in the superficial and intermediate water masses, the living cells may constitute an important (frequently higher than 20%) but highly variable part of the total populations. These viable counts appear more realistic than the conventional CFU counts, which provide only 0.001 to 0.2% of the total counts.  相似文献   

Lysis of Viable Rumen Bacteria in Bovine Rumen Fluid   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Streptococcus bovis and Butyrivibrio sp. were labeled with thymidine-methyl-(3)H, washed, and resuspended in rumen fluid or rumen fluid fractions obtained from Holstein and Jersey cows fed alfalfa hay once daily. Factors affecting the lytic activity found in untreated rumen fluid were examined. Day to day variation and differences before and after feeding were observed for the same cow. There were also differences between cows on the same day. For a given rumen fluid, the rate of release of label was roughly proportional to the number of labeled cells present over a 100-fold range in concentration. Removal of protozoa largely abolished the lytic action of fresh rumen fluid for S. bovis, but some soluble lytic activity remained. Mixed rumen protozoa added to media containing labeled S. bovis caused label to appear in solution. In a sample of rumen fluid containing 4.3 x 10(4) protozoa/ml 5.2% of the S. bovis population were destroyed by protozoa per hr. The mean rate of destruction for 12 runs on whole rumen fluid was 8.7% per hr with a standard deviation of 6.05. Parallel experiments with Butyrivibrio indicated that soluble lytic factors were more important for this organism. They could be destroyed by autoclaving and were generated when viable rumen bacteria were resuspended in autoclaved rumen fluid. The lysis of S. bovis and Butyrivibrio, at equal cell densities, by mixed rumen protozoa was compared in 30% rumen fluid media, and Butyrivibrio appeared to be more readily lysed than S. bovis.  相似文献   

细菌在一些不良压力条件下会进入"活的非可培养状态"(viable but non-culturable,VBNC),其仍具有活力但不能采用常规的平板培养基进行培养,VBNC态细菌一旦培养条件适宜仍能继续生长繁殖,有些致病菌依旧具有毒力。如果检测方法不当,会造成假阳性或假阴性的结果,需要采取适合的检测方法进行检测。文章概述了几种检测VBNC态细菌的方法,如活菌直接计数法、核酸染料检测法、呼吸检测法、分子生物学法、免疫学法、流式细胞仪检测法等,并对检测方法的应用现状进行了评述。  相似文献   

Viable cells detectable in lyophilized preparations of Bacillus popilliae were increased by 72% when dry cells were heated at 60 to 65 C for 2.5 h.  相似文献   

参照国家卫生标准规定方法检测了我国某地区宠物饲料的大肠菌群、沙门氏菌。结果是宠物饲料半成品的大肠菌群不合格率为49.06%,沙门氏菌阳性率为7.55%,成品中大肠菌群不合格率为29.27%,水 氏菌阳性率为0.81%。其中碎皮成形类饲料大肠菌群不合格率为54.76%,并检得沙门氏菌1株;皮压骨类饲料大肠菌群不合格率为26.67%;皮节骨类饲料大肠菌群不合格率为9.80%。  相似文献   

细菌“活的不可培养状态”的生态意义及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀娟  朱琳  陈中智  李宇 《微生物学通报》2008,35(12):1938-1942
"活的不可培养(VBNC)"状态是细菌在不良条件下的一种生存方式.VBNC状态作为细菌的一种生理状态,对传统微生物学产生了深远的影响.进入VBNC状态的细胞发生了一系列变化,无法继续用常规培养方法检测,在医学健康,环境科学等领域产生了巨大的影响,改进检测方法具有重要的意义.本文介绍了进入VBNC状态细菌在DNA、蛋白质组成等方面发生的变化,复苏过程.同时还介绍了VBNC状态的最新检测方法,最后对VBNC状态未来的研究方法进行了讨论.  相似文献   

目的:建立一套稳定、简便、快捷,可靠的细菌活的非可培养状态(VBNC)荧光显微镜观察方法。利用市售的黑色钢笔墨水着染微孔滤膜,然后采用手动压片方式,将经LIVE/DEAD BacLightTM Bacterial Viability Kit(13152)染色的细菌样本固定在滤膜上,用落射荧光显微镜直接观察。结果:该法所得的荧光图像背景无光亮且黑暗,菌体荧光、形态、排列等均清晰可见,而且呈现绿色荧光的活菌与呈现红色荧光的死菌较易分辨。与现行技术相比,还能缩短染色时间近12~16h。结论:建立的VBNC细菌荧光观察方法能有效地克服现有技术存在的适用范围狭窄、取材困难、观察结果不准确、操作时间长等缺点,可为细菌VBNC研究提供值得借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

Wright S 《Genetics》1934,19(6):506-536

Changes which occur on the surface of mild steel coupons submerged in cultures of an Fe(III)-reducing bacterium, isolated from corroded pipe systems carrying crude oil, were studied microscopically to investigate the interaction between the corrosion-causing bacterium and the corroding mild steel coupon. Under micro-aerobic conditions and in the absence of the bacteria, a dense, crystalline, amorphous coat formed on the surface of the steel coupons. In the presence of bacteria the surface coat was extensively removed, exposing the bare metal to the environment. After about 2 weeks of exposure, the removal of the surface coating was followed by colonization of the metal surface by the bacteria. Colonization was mediated by fibrous, exopolysaccharidic material formed by the bacteria. Extension of studies to other bacteria isolated from crude oil and corroded pipes reveals that the formation of exopolysaccharide fibers and possession of adherent properties are common characteristics of bacteria from crude oil systems.  相似文献   

Probiotic therapy has predominantly been directed toward promoting and maintaining intestinal health. In recent years, however, probiotic regimens that target oral health have appeared on the market. These regimens are often delivered in the form of lozenges. Despite the oral health claims made by the manufacturers of these products, there is little independent evidence in the literature to support such claims. In theory, probiotic organisms can be beneficial by several different means including direct inhibition of pathogens and boosting of the host immune response, with the underlying assumption that these mechanisms require a critical number of viable organisms. In this study, five brands of probiotics marketed for oral health were tested for the recovery of viable bacteria. For only one brand could viable bacteria be recovered within one log of the manufacturer’s stated starting amount of bacteria. Nearly, a billion viable bacteria could be recovered from a lozenge of this brand. The other brands claimed similar starting amounts of bacteria at the time of manufacture but at least a three-log drop-off was observed in the amount of viable bacteria recovered from those products. Refrigeration of the probiotics significantly improved the recovery for one brand, but recoveries for all but one brand remained below the recommended daily dosage for probiotic regimens. It is concluded that probiotic brands differ significantly in the quantities of bacteria that remain viable with most failing to meet recommended dosage targets.  相似文献   

All genes critical for plasmid replication regulation are located on the plasmid rather than on the host chromosome. It is possible therefore that there can be copy-up “cheater” mutants. In spite of this possibility, low copy number plasmids appear to exist stably in host populations. We examined this paradox using a multilevel selection model. Simulations showed that, a slightly higher copy number mutant could out-compete the wild type. Consequently, another mutant with still higher copy number could invade the first invader. However, the realized benefit of increasing intra-host fitness was saturating whereas that of inter-host fitness was exponential. As a result, above a threshold, intra-host selection was overcompensated by inter-host selection and the low copy number wild type plasmid could back invade a very high copy number plasmid. This led to a rock-paper-scissor (RPS) like situation that allowed the coexistence of plasmids with varied copy numbers. Furthermore, another type of cheater that had lost the genes required for conjugation but could hitchhike on a conjugal plasmid, could further reduce the advantage of copy-up mutants. These sociobiological interactions may compliment molecular mechanisms of replication regulation in stabilizing the copy numbers.  相似文献   

Viable-bacteria counts, heterotrophic activity, and substrate responsiveness of viable bacteria have been used to measure microbial activity. However, the relationship between these parameters is not clear. Thus, the direct viable count (DVC) method was used to analyze seawater samples collected from several different geographical locations. Samples collected from offshore waters of the South China Sea and western Pacific Ocean yielded DVC that indicated the presence of surface and subsurface peaks of viable, substrate-responsive bacteria which could be correlated with turnover rates of amino acids obtained by using uniformly 14C-labeled amino acids. DVC were always less than total viable counts (acridine orange direct counts), and the DVC subsurface peak occurred close to and within the chlorophyll a zone, suggesting algal-bacterial interactions within the layer. For comparison with the open-ocean samples, selected substrates were used to determine the response of viable bacteria present in seawater samples collected near an ocean outfall of the Barceloneta Regional Waste Treatment Plant, Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. The number of specific substrate-responsive bacteria at the outfall stations varied depending on the substrate used and the sampling location. Changes in the population size or physiological condition of the bacteria were detected and found to be associated with the presence of pharmaceutical waste.  相似文献   

Carbapenem antimicrobials are critically important to human health and they are often the only remaining effective antibiotics for treating serious infections. Resistance to these drugs mediated by acquired carbapenemase enzymes is increasingly encountered in gram-negative bacteria and is considered a public health emergency. Animal origin food products are recognized as a potential source of resistant organisms, although carbapenem resistance has only recently been reported. In western countries there are active resistance surveillance programs targeting food animals and retail meat products. These programs primarily target beef, pork and poultry and focus exclusively on E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter spp. and Enterococcus spp. This global surveillance strategy does not capture the diversity of foods available nor does it address the presence of resistance gene-bearing mobile genetic elements in non-pathogenic bacterial taxa. To address this gap, a total of 121 seafood products originating in Asia purchased from retail groceries in Canada were tested. Samples were processed using a taxa-independent method for the selective isolation of carbapenem resistant organisms. Isolates were characterized by phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing, PCR and DNA sequencing. Carbapenemase producing bacteria, all blaOXA-48, were isolated from 4 (3.3%) of the samples tested. Positive samples originated from China (n=2) and Korea (n=2) and included squid, sea squirt, clams and seafood medley. Carbapenemase producing organisms found include Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Myroides species. These findings suggest that non-pathogenic bacteria, excluded from resistance surveillance programs, in niche market meats may serve as a reservoir of carbapenemase genes in the food supply.  相似文献   

The origin of mutations under selection has been intensively studied using the Cairns-Foster system, in which cells of an Escherichia coli lac mutant are plated on lactose and give rise to 100 Lac+ revertants over several days. These revertants have been attributed variously to stress-induced mutagenesis of nongrowing cells or to selective improvement of preexisting weakly Lac+ cells with no mutagenesis. Most revertant colonies (90%) contain stably Lac+ cells, while others (10%) contain cells with an unstable amplification of the leaky mutant lac allele. Evidence is presented that both stable and unstable Lac+ revertant colonies are initiated by preexisting cells with multiple copies of the F′lac plasmid, which carries the mutant lac allele. The tetracycline analog anhydrotetracycline (AnTc) inhibits growth of cells with multiple copies of the tetA gene. Populations with tetA on their F′lac plasmid include rare cells with an elevated plasmid copy number and multiple copies of both the tetA and lac genes. Pregrowth of such populations with AnTc reduces the number of cells with multiple F′lac copies and consequently the number of Lac+ colonies appearing under selection. Revertant yield is restored rapidly by a few generations of growth without AnTc. We suggest that preexisting cells with multiple F′lac copies divide very little under selection but have enough energy to replicate their F′lac plasmids repeatedly until reversion initiates a stable Lac+ colony. Preexisting cells whose high-copy plasmid includes an internal lac duplication grow under selection and produce an unstable Lac+ colony. In this model, all revertant colonies are initiated by preexisting cells and cannot be stress induced.  相似文献   

Abstract Viable bacteria were found in permafrost core samples from the Kolyma-Indigirka lowland of northeast Siberia. The samples were obtained at different depths; the deepest was about 3 million years old. The average temperature of the permafrost is −10°C. Twenty-nine bacterial isolates were characterized by 16S rDNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, cell morphology, Gram staining, endospore formation, and growth at 30°C. The majority of the bacterial isolates were rod shaped and grew well at 30°C; but two of them did not grow at or above 28°C, and had optimum growth temperatures around 20°C. Thirty percent of the isolates could form endospores. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolates fell into four categories: high-GC Gram-positive bacteria, β-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, and low-GC Gram-positive bacteria. Most high-GC Gram-positive bacteria and β-proteobacteria, and all γ-proteobacteria, came from samples with an estimated age of 1.8–3.0 million years (Olyor suite). Most low-GC Gram-positive bacteria came from samples with an estimated age of 5,000–8,000 years (Alas suite). Received: 11 April 1996 Accepted: 8 May 1996  相似文献   

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