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Reproductive behaviour of sneaker males of the peacock blenny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the peacock blenny Salaria pavo small sneaker males tried to steal 'fertilizations' at most in two different nests of large nesting males throughout the breeding season and spent most of their time associated with a particular nest. Sneakers did not associate with ripe females. As nesting males were the limiting reproductive resource in this population due to the scarcity of appropriate nest sites, sneakers were likely to maximize their chances of achieving parasitic fertilization of eggs by associating with successful nests.  相似文献   

Chemical cues during courtship in peacock blenny Salaria pavo did not add significantly to the response of visual stimuli and females did not court when a male was not visible. The results showed that female S. pavo courtship behaviour was elicited exclusively by male visual features and not by a multicomponent signal in different sensory modalities. The time spent by females courting the male and exhibiting the nuptial colouration during visual trials correlated with the size of the male's crest, suggesting a signalling function for this trait. Alternative hypothesis for the function of the putative pheromones released by the male's anal gland are discussed. Evidence that female sexual motivation decreases towards the end of the breeding season is also provided, which should be considered in future mate choice experiments.  相似文献   

Sex differences in resource utilization by the peacock blenny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents data on the seasonal variation of gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic and feeding indices in nesting males, females and female-like males of the blenniid fish Salaria pavo . Eviscerated condition factors, female fecundity and feeding rates are also presented. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that females maximize their feeding rates during reproduction, converting food into eggs through repeated spawning. Nesting males feed at a very low rate during the breeding season. It is argued that one major component of the reproductive costs in these males is the reduction of feeding opportunities. Female-like males present lower reproductive costs, which probably reflects the compromise between fertilizing some eggs and growing.  相似文献   

Aromatase, the key enzyme in the conversion of androgens to estrogens, regulates the availability of these hormones in tissues and controls many physiological and behavioral processes. In fish and other vertebrates, the regulation of aromatase expression in the brain has been implicated in the modulation of male sexual and aggressive behaviors. Here, the pattern of mRNA expression of the brain aromatase isoform (encoded by the CYP19A2 gene also referred as CYP19b) was quantified at the peak of spawning season in brain macroareas from males and females of the blenny Salaria pavo originated from two populations displaying male alternative reproductive tactics but differing in their mating systems. In Trieste (Adriatic) nesting males aggressively defend nests and take the initiative in courtship and perform sexual displays more often than females while in Ria Formosa (Southern Portugal) the pattern is reversed as a result of shortage of appropriate nesting sites. Nesting males from Ria Formosa had overall higher levels of brain aromatase mRNA expression than nesting males from Trieste, suggesting a higher brain estrogen synthesis in these males. Since in some fish species exogenous estradiol administration has been shown to decrease sexual and agonistic behaviors, the higher levels of brain aromatase in Ria Formosa nesting males may explain their reduced expression of sexual and aggressive displays when compared with nesting males from Trieste. Alternatively, the higher brain aromatase levels in nesting males from Ria Formosa could be a mechanism to decrease the putative androgen-induced activation of aggressive and sexual displays by reducing the local availability of androgens through their metabolization into estrogens. Although females and parasitic female-like males also differ in their displays between populations, the interpopulational pattern of brain aromatase mRNA expression was similar, suggesting that other neuroendocrine agents mediate the expression of female and female-like behaviors. In conclusion, brain aromatase availability seems like a probable mechanism to regulate the effects of steroids on the brain circuits underlying the expression of sexual and agonistic displays in S. pavo.  相似文献   

In the peacock blenny Salaria pavo large males with well-developed secondary sexual characters establish nests and attract females while small “sneaker” males mimic female sexual displays in order to approach the nests of larger males and parasitically fertilize eggs. These alternative reproductive tactics are sequential, as sneakers irreversibly switch into nesting males. This transition involves major morphologic and behavioral changes and is likely to be mediated by hormones. This study focuses on the role of aromatase, an enzyme that catalyses the conversion of androgens into estrogens, in the regulation of male sexual polymorphism in S. pavo. For this, sex steroid plasma levels and aromatase activity (AA) in gonads, whole brain and brain macroareas were determined in sneakers, transitional males (i.e. sneakers undergoing the transition into nesting males), nesting males and females collected in the field. AA was much higher in ovarian tissue than in testicular tissue and accordingly circulating estradiol levels were highest in females. This supports the view that elevated AA and estradiol levels are associated with the development of a functional ovary. Transitional males are in a non-reproductive phase and had underdeveloped testes when compared with sneakers and nesting males. Testicular AA was approximately 10 times higher in transitional males when compared with sneakers and nesting males, suggesting high AA has a suppressive effect on testicular development. Nesting males had significantly higher plasma levels of both testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone when compared with the other male morphs and previous studies demonstrated that these androgens suppress female-like displays in sneakers. In the brain, AA was highest in macroareas presumably containing hypothalamic nuclei traditionally associated with the regulation of reproductive behaviors. Overall, females presented the highest levels of brain AA. In male morphs AA increased from sneakers, to transitional males, to nesting males in all brain macroareas. These results suggest that the transition into the nesting male tactic is accompanied both by an increase in testicular androgen production and by a higher conversion of androgens into estrogens in the brain. The increase in androgen production is likely to mediate the development of male secondary sexual characters while the increase in brain AA may be related to the behavioral changes associated with tactic transition.  相似文献   

Male common shrews (Sorex araneus) adopt two discrete matingtactics. The most successful males, in terms of number of offspringfathered, are those that establish large overlapping home rangesin areas of high female density early in the breeding season.An alternative, less successful mating tactic is to travel longdistances in search of mating opportunities. This study is aninvestigation of correlates of reproductive success for malesadopting these different mating tactics. Reproductive successunder natural conditions was assessed using DNA fingerprinting,and survival of offspring was monitored in the field. The numberof offspring fathered by males with overlapping home rangeswas positively correlated with the number of female ranges overlappedduring the breeding season and with testes mass. The numberof offspring fathered by males that made long-distance movementswas positively correlated with their epididymal sperm counts.It is argued that competitively superior (overlapping) malesachieve high reproductive success by competing to maximize thenumber of females inseminated, whereas those adopting an alternativemating tactic instead compete largely via sperm competition,aiming to maximize insemination success with any particularfemale. There was no significant difference in the fluctuatingasymmetry (FA) of males adopting different mating tactics (FAwas measured as the difference in length of the paired lateralscent glands). Fluctuating asymmetry was not related to thenumber of offspring fathered by males adopting either matingtactic, but was significantly correlated with the proportionof male offspring fathered that survived to sexual maturity.Although apparently not correlated with mating success in thisspecies, FA may reflect some aspect of genetic quality thataffects offspring survival. [Behav Ecol 7: 334–340 (1996)]  相似文献   

At the beginning of the breeding season male Salaria pavo that have eggs in their nests are larger, have more developed anal glands and less intense eye-spots and are located in breeding aggregations. These differences cease to occur from the peak of the breeding season (June—July) onwards. Two scenarios are presented that may explain these results: (1) smaller and younger males may begin to breed later devoting part of the warm season to growth; (2) females may cease to be selective as the nesting space begins to be saturated with eggs. These results raise one methodological and one conceptual question. The search for correlates of male reproductive success must cover different phases of the breeding season to capture the overall dynamics of the processes involved. The operational sex ratio for cavity-spawning fishes should take into account the availability of spawning sites rather than just counting the sexually mature members of each sex.  相似文献   

Developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in bilateral traits, has been used widely as an indicator of genetic or environmental stress in a variety of plant and animal taxa. FA arises as small deviations from perfect bilateral symmetry which reflect 'mistakes' in developmental processes resulting from the inability of the genotype to buffer itself effectively against environmental perturbations. Recently, it has been proposed that FA in the otoliths can be used as an indicator of condition in larval fish. This paper reviews the conceptual and methodological aspects of FA relevant to its potential use as a measure of well-being. Its simplicity makes FA an attractive tool to measure developmental precision and condition. However, there are several pitfalls, such as measuring error or potentially size dependence. Subtle asymmetries, i.e. between sides variation of a trait at the individual level, may not always be indicative of condition and should be interpreted with caution. The past-growth record of otoliths may provide a powerful means of studying the development of asymmetries at the level of the individual.  相似文献   

The effects of castration and sex steroid manipulations on the expression of sexual behavior were investigated in a small fish, the peacock blenny, Salaria pavo. In this species, large males defend nests and attract females while small "sneaker" males reproduce by imitating the female morphology and courtship behavior in order to approach nests during spawning events and parasitically fertilize eggs. Sneakers switch into nest holders in their second breeding season, thus displaying both male and female-like sexual behavior during their lifetime. We tested the effects of castration and of an aromatase inhibitor (Fadrozole, F), testosterone (T) or 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) implants on the expression of male and female-like behavior in sneakers. Sneakers were either sham-operated, castrated or castrated and implanted with vehicle, F, T+F or E(2)+F. Seven days after the treatment, sneakers were placed in a tank with a nesting male, two ripe females and an available nest. Castrated fish had lower levels of circulating T and increased the time spent displaying female typical nuptial coloration. T implants had the opposite effect, inhibiting the expression of female-like behavior and coloration. E(2) implants had no significant effect on the display of sexual behavior but the frequency of aggressive displays decreased. The results agree with previous findings in sneakers of S. pavo that demonstrated an inhibition of female-like behavior by 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT). The reported increase in T and 11-KT production when sneakers change into nest holders may thus contribute to behaviorally defeminize sneakers. Contrarily, both T and E(2) failed to promote male-like behavior, suggesting that behavioral masculization during tactic switching depends on other neuroendocrine mechanisms or that the time length of the experiment was insufficient to induce male-like behavioral changes in sneakers.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that exposure to stress during development can have sustained effects on animal phenotype and performance across life-history stages. For example, developmental stress has been shown to decrease the quality of sexually selected traits (e.g. bird song), and therefore is thought to decrease reproductive success. However, animals exposed to developmental stress may compensate for poor quality sexually selected traits by pursuing alternative reproductive tactics. Here, we examine the effects of developmental stress on adult male reproductive investment and success in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). We tested the hypothesis that males exposed to developmental stress sire fewer offspring through extra-pair copulations (EPCs), but invest more in parental care. To test this hypothesis, we fed nestlings corticosterone (CORT; the dominant avian stress hormone) during the nestling period and measured their adult reproductive success using common garden breeding experiments. We found that nestlings reared by CORT-fed fathers received more parental care compared with nestlings reared by control fathers. Consequently, males fed CORT during development reared nestlings in better condition compared with control males. Contrary to the prediction that developmental stress decreases male reproductive success, we found that CORT-fed males also sired more offspring and were less likely to rear non-genetic offspring compared with control males, and thus had greater overall reproductive success. These data are the first to demonstrate that developmental stress can have a positive effect on fitness via changes in reproductive success and provide support for an adaptive role of developmental stress in shaping animal phenotype.  相似文献   

A 4-year study (1989–1992) of a population of Lipophrys pavo living in a brackish lagoon (Maugio, France) revealed three types of male during the spawning season (April to September): (i) nest-breeder males which are territorial, and have well-developed secondary sexual characteristics; (ii) non-functional males which were abundant only in 1991 when population density was very high and (iii) 1-year-old kleptogamic males with small body size which possess neither secondary sexual organs nor a testicular gland, although their testes are functional and hyperdeveloped (up to 10.5% of carcass weight). The percentage of kleptogamic males was fairly stable in the population (from 7.9 to 10.0%) and highly variable in their age class (from 8.5 to 51.3%). It is suggested that kleptogamy is a conditional strategy adopted by smaller males.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (the directionally random asymmetry of bilateral structures, FA) is commonly used as a measure of developmental instability, and may increase with stress. As several studies reported a relation between FA and developmental abnormalities, we investigate whether FA could be an additional perhaps more sensitive marker of developmental toxicity. The aim of this work is analyzing patterns of FA in multiple traits in a large dataset of rabbit fetuses, which were prenatally exposed to a toxic compound and sacrificed just before natural delivery. Gravid females were exposed to three doses of this compound, inducing abnormalities in the fetuses at the high dose only. The average FA, however, was already higher than control in rabbit fetuses of the low‐dose group but did not further increase with higher concentrations. Moreover, the increase in FA differed between traits, with the hindlimbs showing the strongest response. In addition, we did not find any association between FA and the presence of fetal abnormalities at the individual level. Although these results suggest that FA may act as “an early warning system,” we did not find a dose–response relationship with increasing stress and effects were trait‐specific. Further testing is needed before FA may be considered as a sensitive marker in developmental toxicity studies.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry, or random deviations from bilateral symmetry, has been widely used as a measure of developmental stability. The relationship between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and allozymic heterozygosity was evaluated using 18 natural populations of pocket gophers ( Thomomys bottae ). Heterozygosity in local populations of pocket gophers ranges over more than an order of magnitude (1.5—18.4%), making this burrowing rodent particularly apt for such studies. Two measures of FA in mensural skull characters were examined: absolute deviations between left and right sides and the variance of signed differences. After log transformations, levels of FA among individuals and populations were not related to size. Repeated-measures analyses of variance showed that FA was significant relative to measurement error, both across populations and within them. Asymmetries of different characters were uncorrelated, despite positive significant correlations among the characters themselves. FA levels varied only slightly among populations of gophers, and this variation was not significant for most characters. FA levels of populations were not correlated with allozymic heterozygosity, and analyses of variance in FA employing heterozygosity were not significant. Heterozygosity levels in these rodents appear more strongly related to aspects of population history (especially effective size and gene flow) than to developmental stability. Because so many genomic and environmental factors can affect morphological variation, caution is needed in interpreting correlations between genetic and phenetic variation.  相似文献   

The relationship between developmental stability and morphological asymmetry is derived under the standard view that structures on each side of an individual develop independently and are normally distributed. I use developmental variance of sizes of parts, VD, as the converse of developmental stability, and assume that VD follows a gamma distribution. Repeatability of asymmetry, a measure of how informative asymmetry is about VD, is quite insensitive to the variance in VD, for example only reaching 20% when the coefficient of variation of VD is 100%. The coefficient of variation of asymmetry, CVFA, also increases very slowly with increasing population variation in VD. CVFA values from empirical data are sometimes over 100%, implying that developmental stability is sometimes more variable than any previously studied type of trait. This result suggests that alternatives to this model may be needed.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry and reproductive isolation between two sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes patterns of developmental asymmetry in a limnetic-benthic stickleback species pair from Paxton Lake, British Columbia. Three gill raker characters and one armor character were compared among full-sib parental crosses and their hybrids (F1, F2 and backcrosses). All crosses displayed asymmetry, but no differences in mean or fluctuating asymmetry were detected among laboratory-reared crosses. When wild-caught limnetics and benthics were included in the analyses significant differences in FA among groups were detected in gill raker length and plate number. The effect appears to be solely due to wild-caught benthics, though the reasons for their greater asymmetry are unknown. The patterns in laboratory-reared crosses suggest that asymmetry is unlikely to promote reproductive isolation between the parental species.  相似文献   

I investigated the relationships among developmental stability(as measured by individual bilateral asymmetry values), twomeasures of locomotory performance and predation success inan insect predator-prey system. In this system yellow dungfliesScathophaga stercoraria preyed upon houseflies Musca domesticainlaboratory-controlled conditions. There was no relationshipbetween locomotion and absolute asymmetry or mean size of twomorphological traits (fourth longitudinal wing vein, forelegtibia) in either species. Analysis of single predation trialsindicated that locomotion performance and trait size are notassociated with the probability of predation. However, Muscathat were captured had tibia that were more asymmetric thanMusca that survived. Similarly, Scathophaga that were successfulpredators had more symmetric forelegs than unsuccessful predators.There was no relationship between predation and wing vein asymmetry,which may indicate the importance of terrestrial-based predatoryavoidance tactics in this system. There were no relationshipsbetween morphology or locomotion with predation latency, preyhandling times, or the number of times a prey "escaped" froma predator. The mechanisms behind the relationship between tibiaasymmetry and predation success are discussed. This is the firstexperiment to reveal direct evidence for selection for symmetric,developmentally stable individuals through differential predation  相似文献   

In the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea large and more symmetric males have been shown to enjoy a mating advantage, but we still do not know which mechanism of sexual selection is responsible. Here we test several assumptions and predictions relating to the hypothesis that either trait is indicative of ‘good genes’. We tested for good genes by regressing fitness in good and bad environments (no and high larval competition, respectively) on the family mean for size or asymmetry as expressed in the good environment, separately for both sexes. Body size (hind tibia length or head width) was positively correlated with female fecundity, growth rate of both sexes and larval survivorship for males, but only in the good environment. The corresponding evidence for asymmetry is more equivocal. Mean standardised asymmetry was weakly associated with lower survivorship in the good environment, while growth rates and female fecundity were not. As predicted by sexual selection theory, fore tibia length showed greater asymmetry than other, presumably not sexually selected traits, and asymmetry in fore tibia length was greater for males than females. However, a negative correlation between trait size and asymmetry was only evident for male seta length but not for fore tibia length, fore femur length, or any composite measure of asymmetry. Most crucially, asymmetry was heritable for some female morphological traits (hind tibia length: h2 = 0.15; fore femur length: h2 = 0.16; mean of all measured traits: h2 = 0.27), but not for any male trait. Also, asymmetry of the various traits measured was not correlated within males and only weakly so within females. The crucial assumption that asymmetry of sexually selected traits reflects overall, heritable developmental stability of an individual is thus only partly substantiated by our data. In contrast, large body size is heritable, associated with high fitness and consequently could be indicative of good genes. Fore leg asymmetry may influence male mating success by simply mechanically constraining his ability to hold on to the female.  相似文献   

Voice pitch predicts reproductive success in male hunter-gatherers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validity of evolutionary explanations of vocal sexual dimorphism hinges upon whether or not individuals with more sexually dimorphic voices have higher reproductive success than individuals with less dimorphic voices. However, due to modern birth control methods, these data are rarely described, and mating success is often used as a second-rate proxy. Here, we test whether voice pitch predicts reproductive success, number of children born and child mortality in an evolutionarily relevant population of hunter-gatherers. While we find that voice pitch is not related to reproductive outcomes in women, we find that men with low voice pitch have higher reproductive success and more children born to them. However, voice pitch in men does not predict child mortality. These findings suggest that the association between voice pitch and reproductive success in men is mediated by differential access to fecund women. Furthermore, they show that there is currently selection pressure for low-pitch voices in men.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in secondary sexual traits may be a useful indicator of either individual quality or environmental stress. We tested this concept using a series of analyses of FA in male antler size in a wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) population, using four measures of size repeated across successive years on the same individuals. We found no consistent evidence of correlations between traits in levels of FA, nor of any associations between known environmental or developmental conditions. None of the four measures of FA showed a significant heritability (average h2 = 0.041), nor was there any evidence of inbreeding depression. For three of the four traits, fluctuating asymmetry did not predict either annual or lifetime breeding success. However there were significant associations between breeding success and FA in antler length. Given the series of null results in our other tests, it seems likely that this was a direct mechanistic effect rather than because measures of FA were indicative of individual quality or condition.  相似文献   

The role of developmental instability (DI), as measured by fluctuating asymmetry (FA), in evolutionary biology has been the focus of a wealth of research for more than half a century. In spite of this long period and many published papers, our current state of knowledge reviewed here only allows us to conclude that patterns are heterogeneous and that very little is known about the underlying causes of this heterogeneity. In addition, the statistical properties of FA as a measure of DI are only poorly grasped because of a general lack of understanding of the underlying mechanisms that drive DI. If we want to avoid that this area of research becomes abandoned, more efforts should be made to understand the observed heterogeneity, and attempts should be made to develop a unifying statistical protocol. More specifically, and perhaps most importantly, it is argued here that more attention should be paid to the usefulness of FA as a measure of DI since many factors might blur this relationship. Furthermore, the genetic architecture, associations with fitness and the importance of compensatory growth should be investigated under a variety of stress situations. In addition, more focus should be directed to the underlying mechanisms of DI as well as how these processes map to the observable phenotype. These insights could yield more efficient statistical models and a unified approach to the analysis of patterns in FA and DI. The study of both DI and canalization is indispensable to obtain better insights in their possible common origin, especially because both have been suggested to play a role in both micro- and macro-evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

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