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The hypophyseal pars tuberalis surrounds the median eminence and infundibular stalk of the hypothalamus as thin layers of cells. The pars tuberalis expresses MT1 melatonin receptor and participates in mediating the photoperiodic secretion of pituitary hormones. Both the rostral tip of Rathke’s pouch (pars tuberalis primordium) and the pars tuberalis expressed αGSU mRNA, and were immunoreactive for LH, chromogranin A, and TSHβ in mice. Hes genes control progenitor cell differentiation in many embryonic tissues and play a crucial role for neurulation in the central nervous system. We investigated the Hes1 function in outgrowth and differentiation of the pars tuberalis by using the markers for the pars tuberalis. In homozygous Hes1 null mutant embryos, the rostral tip was formed in the basal-ventral part of Rathke’s pouch at embryonic day (E)11.5 as well as in wild-type embryos. In contrast to the wild-type, the rostral tip of null mutants could not extend rostrally with age; it remained in the low extremity of Rathke’s pouch during E12.5–E13.5 and disappeared at E14.5, resulting in lack of the pars tuberalis. Development of the ventral diencephalon was impaired in the null mutants at early stages. Rathke’s pouch, therefore, could not link with the nervous tissue and failed to receive inductive signals from the diencephalon. In a very few mutant mice in which the ventral diencephalon was partially sustained, some pars tuberalis cells were distributed around the hypoplastic infundibulum. Thus, Hes1 is required for development of the pars tuberalis and its growth is dependent on the ventral diencephalon.  相似文献   

The hypophysial pars tuberalis (PT) acts as an important interface between neuroendocrine brain centers (hypothalamus, pineal organ) and the pars distalis (PD) of the hypophysis. Recently, we have identified an endocannabinoid system in the PT of hamsters and provided evidence that 2-arachidonoylglycerol is a messenger molecule that appears to play an essential role in seasonal reproduction and prolactin release by acting on the cannabinoid receptors in the PD. We now demonstrate the enzymes involved in endocannabinoid synthesis and degradation, namely sn-1-selective diacylglycerol lipase α, N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D, and monoacylglycerol lipase, in the PT of man by means of immunohistochemistry. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry revealed 2-arachidonoylglycerol and other endocannabinoids in the human PT. Furthermore, we detected the expression of the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1), a primary receptor for endocannabinoids, in the PD. Double-immunofluorescence staining for CB1 and various hypophysial hormones or S-100, a marker for folliculostellate (FS) cells, revealed that CB1 immunoreactivity was mainly localized to corticotrophs and FS-cells. A limited number of lactotrophs and somatotrophs also showed CB1 immunoreactivity, which was however absent from gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs. Our data thus indicate that the human PT comprises an endocannabinoid system, and that corticotrophs and FS-cells are the main target cells for endocannabinoids. The functional significance of this newly discovered pathway remains to be elucidated in man; it might be related to the control of stress responses and/or reflect a remnant seasonal control of hypophysial hormonal secretion.  相似文献   

The comparison of the hypophyseal pars tuberalis in active and in hibernating hedgehogs reveals different cytological characteristics in the specific secretory cells. In active animals, these cells show oval nuclei and the cytoplasm contains numerous secretory granules near or attached to the cell membrane, suggesting exocytotic release. In hibernating animals, the specific secretory cells are characterized by irregularly shaped and often invaginated nuclei. Clusters of secretory granules lying within the cytoplasm are often joined by lysosomes. These areas are observed to be encircled by cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum. Degenerative processes in the structures sequestered in this way are interpreted as signs of crinophagy which has no equivalent in the cell types of the pars distalis.  相似文献   

Summary Functional receptors for melatonin have been localized and characterized on the pars tuberalis (PT) of a number of mammalian species, but the cell-type responsive to melatonin is unknown. The ultrastructure of the ovine pars tuberalis has been examined and these findings correlated with the functional response of the gland to melatonin. This study revealed that two secretory cell types predominate in the ovine PT, which differ in the abundance of dense-core granules. The most abundant of the cells are either agranular or very sparsely granulated and represent 90% of the total population, with the remaining 10% being composed of cells with abundant dense-core vesicles. Few follicular cells were observed. This ratio of secretory cell-types persisted in primary culture, with the two types non-separable by Percoll gradient centrifugation. Using forskolin, as a non-specific stimulant of adenylate cyclase, melatonin was shown to inhibit the formation of cyclic AMP by 80–90% in cells both before and after Percoll centrifugation. The results demonstrate that the agranular secretory cells of the ovine pars tuberalis are the melatonin responsive cell-type of this gland.  相似文献   

The pars tuberalis of the hypophysis of the Djungarian hamster, Phodopus sungorus, was investigated with regard to secretory activity by applying the tannic acid-Ringer perfusion technique. Two groups were maintained under long photoperiods (16 h light: 8 h dark) or short photoperiods (8 h light: 16 h dark), respectively. Perfusion with tannic acid showed that specific pars tuberalis cells release some of their secretory granules as indicated by typical exocytotic figures. The percentage of cells displaying exocytotic activity was significantly higher in the pars tuberalis of hamsters kept under long photoperiods. The number of exocytotic figures per single cell was not increased. These results provide further evidence for a secretory activity of the pars tuberalis and support the hypothesis of its involvement as a mediator between photoperiodic stimuli and the endocrine system.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study was to test whether the luteinizing-hormone (LH) cells in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the rat and mouse respond to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) as do those of the pars distalis. A part of the basal hypothalamus containing the pituitary stalk, median eminence and the pars tuberalis (H-PT), was dissected out and incubated in vitro.The LH-secreting capacity of the PT was investigated after removal of the pituitary body (i.e., partes distalis, intermedia and nervosa). First, some rat and mouse H-PT tissues were treated with synthetic LHRH (100ng/ml), while others were incubated without LHRH. After 24 h of incubation, variable amounts of LH release were detected in the medium. This LH discharge, however, was not LHRH-dependent but proportional to the number of PT LH cells that were immunohistochemically detected in each incubated tissue. Since there was marked individual variation in the number of LH cells in the PT, the LH levels in the incubation medium were next compared before and after LHRH treatment using the same H-PT of the rat. An effect of LHRH could not clearly be shown in this experiment.Finally, the cytological response of the PT to LHRH was investigated by incubating both the H-PT and pituitary body connected to the intact pituitary stalk. Immunohistochemical examination of LHRH-treated tissues after 24 h revealed that, in females of both rats and mice, hormone depletion occurred in LH cells of the pars distalis but not in those of the PT. These results indicate that although LH cells in the PT can release LH in vitro, their mode of hormone synthesis and/or discharge differs from that of LH cells in the pars distalis. Since there was a marked individual variation and small LH-secreting capacity by the PT tissue, it seems unlikely, at least in rats and mice, that LH of PT origin plays an important role in the normal physiological state.  相似文献   

We have reported that the unique thyroid-stimulating hormone-immunoreactive cells (TSH cells) in the intact adult and fetal rat pars tuberalis (PT) show an intense spot-like TSH immunoreaction in the perinuclear region. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between melatonin and these unique TSH cells. We classified TSH cells in the PT (PT-TSH cells), on the basis of immunoreactivity, into spot-like stained cells (SC) and whole cytoplasm stained cells (WC), and estimated the proportion of each TSH cell type to total cells in the experimental rats by morphometry. Chronic administration of melatonin to control rats leads to an increase of WC in number but a decrease of SC. On the other hand, the intensity of TSH immunoreactivity and the number of rat PT-TSH cells significantly decreased after pinealectomy and recovered by melatonin administration. Radioimmunoassay showed that melatonin treatment increased the TSH content in the PT. Moreover, electron microscopy showed that the number of TSH secretory granules in the PT-TSH cells increased in the melatonin-replaced rats. These results demonstrated that melatonin stimulates the accumulation of TSH in the rat PT-TSH cells via secretory granule formation and suggest that melatonin regulates TSH release from PT-TSH cells.  相似文献   

The pars tuberalis (PT) is the only pituitary region in close contact with the medial-basal hypothalamus and bathed by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Although PT has long been recognized as an endocrine gland, certain aspects of its structure remain obscure. The present investigation has been designed to gain information concerning (1) the cellular organization of PT, (2) the PT/median eminence spatial relationship and (3) the exposure of various cell compartments of PT to CSF. Non-endocrine cells (S100-reactive) appear as the organizer of the PT architecture. The apical poles of these cells line large cistern-like cavities and the processes of these cells establish a close spatial relationship with PT-specific secretory cells, portal capillaries and tanycytes. The cisterns are also endowed with clusters of ciliated cells and with a highly electron-dense and PAS-reactive content. The unique spatial organization of endocrine and non-endocrine cells of the PT supports a functional relationship between both cell populations. PT endocrine cells display a hallmark of PT-specific cells, namely, the paranuclear spot, which is a complex structure involving the Golgi apparatus, a large pool of immature secretory granules and a centriole from which originates a single 9+0 cilium projecting to the intercellular channels. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injected into the CSF readily reaches the intercellular channels of PT and the inner channel of the single cilium and is incorporated by the endocytic machinery of the secretory cells. The PT endocrine cells, through their single 9+0 cilium, may act as sensors of the CSF. HRP also reaches the lumen of the cisterns, indicating that this PT compartment is also exposed to CSF. PT endocrine cells establish direct cell-to-cell contacts with hypothalamic β1 tanycytes, suggesting a second means of brain-PT communication.  相似文献   

Summary The pars tuberalis (PT) of the mouse, like that of other mammals, consists mainly of glandular cells rich in glycogen and peculiar to this lobe. In the mouse, the glandular cells are characterized by large, dense secretory vesicles (up to 300 nm in diameter), the abundance of which indicates a marked secretory activity. The PT develops from a distinct antero-ventral area of Rathke's pouch. The border between the anlagen of the PT and the pars distalis is formed by Atwell's recessus which represents the access for the vessels afferent to the pars distalis. The pedicle of Rathke's pouch is incorporated into the PT anlage, thus contributing to its formation. The entire PT anlage is characterized by glycogen accumulation from the commencement of its formation and persisting in the adult tuberal lobe. Secretory differentiation of the glandular cells of the PT occurs at day 12 of gestation, preceding that of all other adenohypophysial cell types. The secretory features of these cells (development of ergastoplasm and Golgi apparatus, abundance of dense secretory vesicles) appear at an early stage of the embryonic life (14 days) comparable to those of mature cells. These results confirm earlier observations in the foetal rat where hypophysial secretion also begins in the PT. The existence of peculiar glandular cells speaks in favour of a specific but still unknown function of the PT during foetal and adult life.This work is dedicated to Professor F. Stutinsky  相似文献   

The pars tuberalis of the rat adenohypophysis was investigated by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy at different stages of the peri- and postnatal development. A characteristic pattern of changes in thyroid-stimulating hormone immunoreactivity of pars tuberalis-specific secretory cells was observed with an increase in staining intensity after birth, a marked reduction in adulthood and a subsequent increase in senium. Electron microscopy showed age-dependent changes in the number of dictyosomes per cell, in the number of large lysosomes per area of cytoplasm and in the extension of the granular endoplasmic reticulum. The number of secretory granules per area of cytoplasm was maximal perinatally; there was no correlation between granule content and immunoreactivity. Thyrotropes of the pars distalis did not show comparable immunohistochemical or ultrastructural changes.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell activity, growth and metabolism by a number of growth factor receptors and proto-oncogene products involves tyrosine kinase activity resulting in autophosphorylation of the receptors and production of phosphorylated tyrosine-containing protein substrates. The identification and precise localization of phosphotyrosine (PY)-containing proteins are first steps in elucidating the functional role of tyrosine kinases in the modulation of the central nervous system and related areas. In the present report, we describe PY-containing proteins in the median eminence and adjacent pars tuberalis of the rat adenohypophysis by immunocytochemistry using light and electron microscopy, and by Western blotting analysis. PY-immunoreactivity was found to be most intense throughout the cytoplasm of a population of epithelial pars tuberalis cells. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of tissue extracts from various brain and pituitary regions demonstrated a general pattern of 4 major bands of PY-proteins, with an additional dense band representing a 44 kDa protein that was highly phosphorylated on tyrosines and that was exclusively found in the pars tuberalis. Additional investigation for the presence of insulin receptors, a tyrosine kinase previously correlated with the distribution of PY-proteins, demonstrated a receptor localization in axons and nerve terminals in the external and internal zone of the median eminence. However, the large amount of different PY-proteins present in the secretory cell population of the pars tuberalis could not be attributed to the insulin receptor. Our findings demonstrate that there is a large amount of cell-specific tyrosine kinase activity in the median eminence and contacting the pars tuberalis; these may play a significant role for transduction of biological signals or metabolic regulation in the neuroendocrine region.This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 75th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Specific secretory cells in the hypophyseal pars tuberalis of Djungarian hamsters maintained under different photoperiods were investigated immunocytochemically by means of the colloidal gold technique using antibodies against rat thyrotropin (TSH). Secretory cells of animals kept under long photoperiods (LD16:8) showed positive staining of secretory granules (diameters 90–130 nm), whereas other intracellular structures were free of immunoreactivity. In animals kept under short photoperiods (LD8:16) secretory cells displayed increased numbers of secretory granules, but these organelles were devoid of immunoreactivity. In contrast, immunoreactivity of thyrotropes in the pars distalis did not differ between the two groups of animals investigated. The present results confirm earlier light-microscopical studies that in the pars tuberalis specific secretory cells show TSH-like immunoreactivity; however, they differ in their reactivity pattern from classical thyrotropes in the pars distalis.  相似文献   

Summary In electron micrographs fibers containing vasopressin-immunoreactive elementary granules 100–120 nm in diameter are observed within the basal lamina of the adenohypophyseal pars tuberalis adjacent to the rostral portion of the median eminence. The concept of a neuroglandular transmitter function of vasopressin is discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and the Stiftung VolkswagenwerkThe excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledged  相似文献   

As is the case in other tetrapod species, the chicken gonadotropins LH and FSH consist of a common alpha subunit and a hormone-specific beta subunit. Gonadotrophs containing LH were shown earlier to be distributed throughout both the caudal and cephalic lobes of the chicken anterior pituitary, but the cellular distribution of FSH in avian species is still uncertain. The purpose of this study was to determine the cellular distribution of FSH-containing chicken gonadotrophs by use of FSH-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Three new mAbs toward chicken FSH were proven hormone specific by immunodetection of purified hormones on dot blots and by dual-label immunohistochemistry (IHC) on sagittal sections of chicken pituitaries. A rabbit antibody was used to detect chicken LH. Results showed that LH-containing gonadotrophs were densely distributed throughout the anterior pituitary, whereas gonadotrophs containing FSH were much less numerous; in addition, while also present in both lobes, FSH-positive cells were largely absent from the outer margin of the gland. Dual-label IHC revealed that LH and FSH reside almost exclusively in separate gonadotrophs. The identity of FSH-containing cells was further confirmed through use of an antibody to the chicken alpha subunit, which showed that FSH immunoreactivity was always colocalized with the alpha subunit. Our results suggest the possibility that production and secretion of LH and FSH may be regulated differently in chickens than in most other species studied to date.  相似文献   

Summary Following injection of high doses of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), mesenchymal cells distributed in the perisinusoidal space of the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis in cats, rabbits and Japanese quails, sequester the exogenously administrated peroxidase intensively. These cells are designated by the authors as horseradish peroxidase-uptake cells (HRP-uptake cells or HUC). HRP-uptake cells constitute a system of macrophages in the pars tuberalis of mammals and birds, and are located around the hypophysial portal veins. HRP-uptake cells differ in morphological and functional characteristics from similar cells in other parts of hypophysis. They are thought to play a role in the hypothalamic control of adenohypophysial secretion.Supported by grants (No. 144022, 237002) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Studies on partially purified chicken hypothalamic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) utilizing chromatography, radioimmunoassay with region-specific antisera, enzymic inactivation, and chemical modification established that the peptide is structurally different from mammalian hypothalamic LHRH. These studies demonstrated that arginine in position 8 is substituted by a neutral amino acid. On the basis of conformational criteria and evolutionary probability of amino acid interchange for arginine, the most likely substitution was glutamine. We therefore synthesized [Gln8]-LHRH and established that it had identical chromatographic, immunologic, and biological properties to the natural chicken peptide. In concurrent studies, purification of 17 micrograms of an LHRH from 249,000 chicken hypothalami was achieved using acetic acid extraction, immuno-affinity chromatography, and cation exchange and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Amino acid composition and sequence analyses confirmed the structure of this form of chicken LHRH as pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Gln-Pro-Gly-NH2.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the nongranulated cells in the sea lamprey adenohypophysis and similar cells of the rostral pars distalis in a number of actinopterygian fishes was examined with the aim of determining the role(s) of these cells in pituitary function.A number of possible roles are proposed for the nongranulated cells. In salmonids and Amia calva the cells may be involved in the active movement of material into or from the follicle lumina. The structure of the nongranulated cells in in vitro cultured and in in vivo transplanted trout rostral pars distalis also suggests a phagocytotic role for these cells. In teleosts with a non-follicular rostral pars distalis the nongranulated cells appear to play roles in the release of granules from the prolactin cells and in the subsequent dispersal of the hormone (and/or carrier substance) into the peripheral circulation.We wish to thank Dr. B.I. Baker who performed the trout pituitary in vitro cultures and Professor M. Hyder who was closely involved with the collection of the Tilapia specimens. We also wish to thank Mr. R. Lindsay and Mrs. L. Lin for their technical assistance and Drs. F.W.H. Beamish and R. Sonstegard for their help in supplying some of the animals used in this study. —The work was supported in part by a grant-in-aid of research from the National Research Council of Canada to J.F.L. and in part by a negotiated NRC grant. The paper is number 138 in the physiology of migration series.  相似文献   

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