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Conditions are described to characterize and estimate the precursors of porcine LH alpha and beta subunits and indirectly their specific mRNAs. Poly(A) RNAs extracted from castrated male pig anterior pituitaries were translated in a wheat-germ system in the presence of [35S] cysteine and [35S] methionine. The translation products were precipitated by antisera directed against reduced and carboxymethylated LH alpha and beta subunits and analyzed by high resolution electrophoresis. It is shown that the precursors of pLH alpha and beta subunits are located in two distinct congruent to 15 K proteins and represent--on the basis of the incorporation of the [35S] labeled aminoacids into proteins--congruent to 0.12% and 0.05% respectively of the total translation products. It is suggested that in the pig, as in other species, the LH alpha and beta subunits are encoded by two distinct mRNAs, and at variance with other species the leader sequence of LH alpha mRNA is longer than that of LH beta mRNA.  相似文献   

Antibodies, which were raised to the isolated subunits of the methylamine dehydrogenases of Paracoccus denitrificans and bacterium W3A1, were used to demonstrate immunological cross-reactivity between the small pyrrolo-quinoline quinone bearing subunits of these two enzymes. The small subunits of these enzymes also exhibited nearly identical pI values. Conversely, the large subunits of the P. denitrificans and bacterium W3A1 enzymes did not cross-react immunologically and exhibited, respectively, very acidic and very basic pI values which reflected the electrostatic properties of their respective holoenzymes. Antibodies specific for the large subunit of the P. denitrificans enzyme, but not the bacterium W3A1 enzyme, cross-reacted with the analogous proteins in cell extracts of Thiobacillus versutus and Methylobacterium sp strain AM1.  相似文献   

Regulation of ferritin and transferrin receptor mRNAs   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Iron regulates the synthesis of two proteins critical for iron metabolism, ferritin and the transferrin receptor, through novel mRNA/protein interactions. The mRNA regulatory sequence (iron-responsive element (IRE)) occurs in the 5'-untranslated region of all ferritin mRNAs and is repeated as five variations in the 3'-untranslated region of transferrin receptor mRNA. When iron is in excess, ferritin synthesis and iron storage increase. At the same time, transferrin receptor synthesis and iron uptake decrease. Location of the common IRE regulatory sequence in different noncoding regions of the two mRNAs may explain how iron can have opposite metabolic effects; when the IRE is in the 5'-untranslated region of ferritin mRNA, translation is enhanced by excess iron whereas the presence of the IREs in the 3'-untranslated region of the transferrin receptor mRNA leads to iron-dependent degradation. How and where iron actually acts is not yet known. A soluble 90-kDa regulatory protein which has been recently purified to homogeneity from liver and red cells specifically blocks translation of ferritin mRNA and binds IRE sequences but does not appear to be an iron-binding protein. The protein is the first specific eukaryotic mRNA regulator identified and confirms predictions 20 years old. Concerted regulation by iron of ferritin and transferrin receptor mRNAs may also define a more general strategy for using common mRNA sequences to coordinate the synthesis of metabolically related proteins.  相似文献   

Two immunologically distinct types of 22000-Mr subunits are present in rat lung glutathione S-transferases. One of these subunits is probably similar to Ya subunits of rat liver glutathione S-transferases, whereas the other subunit Ya' is immunologically distinct. Glutathione S-transferase II (pI7.2) of rat lung is a heterodimer (YaYa') of these subunits, and glutathione S-transferase VI (pI4.8) of rat lung is a homodimer of Ya' subunits. On hybridization in vitro of the subunits of glutathione S-transferase II of rat lung three active dimers having pI values 9.4, 7.2 and 4.8 are obtained. Immunological properties and substrate specificities indicate that the hybridized enzymes having pI7.2 and 4.8 correspond to glutathione S-transferases II and VI of rat lung respectively.  相似文献   

Eight-week-old rats had twofold higher hepatic ligandin concentration than 10-day-old animals as determined immunologically and by steroid isomerase and glutathione S-transferase assays. Increased ligandin content was accompanied by parallel increase in subunit synthesis as determined by [3H]leucine incorporation into each subunit relative to incorporation into total cytosolic proteins. The mRNA content for each ligandin subunit was twofold higher in older animals as determined by cell-free in vitro translation followed by immunoprecipitation and dot hybridization using a ligandin cDNA probe. When poly A mRNA from the postmitochondrial fraction of liver from young or old rats was subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions and hybridized to ligandin cDNA probe, a single 11 S band was obtained. With RNA from total liver, an additional 13 S band was obtained, suggesting the existence of a precursor form of ligandin mRNA. Since precursor polypeptides were not observed with RNA from total liver in cell-free in vitro translation systems, the precursor form requires processing to the 11 S form before the mRNA becomes functional.  相似文献   

Previous biophysical and biochemical studies have not detected any free monomeric subunits when multimeric molecules of the metalloprotein, ferritin, were highly diluted with water. Electron microscope examination of diluted ferritin reveals many single objects much smaller than the whole molecules. These small objects are interpreted as being free apoferritin subunits. Since these small objects can be found in samples that originally contain only whole molecules, this result indicates that subunits indeed can dissociate from ferritin upon dilution. The available evidence suggests that the dissociation of subunits normally is balanced by a rapid reassociation into the polymeric state.  相似文献   

Ferritin is a multisubunit protein, controlling iron storage, with a protein coat composed of 24 subunits (up to three distinct types) in different proportions depending on cell type. Little is known about the subunit interactions in ferritin protein coats composed of heterologous subunits, despite the relevance to ferritin structure and ferritin function (iron uptake and release). Synthetic crosslinking is a convenient way to probe subunit contacts. Crosslinks between subunit pairs in ferritin protein coats are also a natural post-translational modification which coincides with different iron content in ferritin from sheep spleen; ferritin from sheep spleen also contains H and L subunits. Crosslinks synthesized by the reaction of ferritin low in natural crosslinks with difluorodinitrobenzene (F2DNB) reproduced the effects of the natural crosslinks on iron uptake and release. We now extend our observations on the structural effects of natural and synthetic crosslinks to include immunoreactivity of the assembled protein, with monoclonal antibodies as a probe. We also demonstrate, for the first time, ferritin peptides involved in an apparent H- and L-subunit contact: two peptides decreased 4X in cyanogen bromide peptide maps after F2DNB crosslinking were residues L-96-138 and H-66-96; the major DNP-dipeptide was Lys-DNP-Lys. Using the structure of an all L-subunit ferritin as a model, the most likely site for the H-L DNP crosslink is L-Lys 104 (C helix) and H-Lys 67 (B helix). The B helix forms the internal subunit dimer interface, a putative site of iron core nucleation. Alteration by crosslinks of the B helix could, therefore, explain the effect of crosslinks on ferritin iron uptake, release, and iron content.  相似文献   

In eubacteria, the dissociation of the 70 S ribosome into the 30 S and 50 S subunits is the essential first step for the translation initiation of canonical mRNAs that possess 5'-leader sequences. However, a number of leaderless mRNAs that start with the initiation codon have been identified in some eubacteria. These have been shown to be translated efficiently in vivo. Here we investigated the process by which leaderless mRNA translation is initiated by using a highly reconstituted cell-free translation system from Escherichia coli. We found that leaderless mRNAs bind preferentially to 70 S ribosomes and that the leaderless mRNA.70 S.fMet-tRNA complex can transit from the initiation to the elongation phase even in the absence of initiation factors (IFs). Moreover, leaderless mRNA translation proceeds more efficiently if the intact 70 S ribosome is involved compared with the 30 S subunit. Furthermore, excess amounts of IF3 inhibit leaderless mRNA translation, probably because it promotes the disassembly of the 70 S ribosome into subunits. Finally, excess amounts of fMet-tRNA facilitate the IF-independent translation of leaderless mRNA. These observations strongly suggest that leaderless mRNA translation is initiated by the assembled 70 S ribosome and thereby bypasses the dissociation process.  相似文献   

We purified and characterized the mRNAs coding for each of the three subunits of Xenopus fibrinogen. Purification was accomplished by electrophoretic separation of liver polyadenylated RNA in a fully denaturing gel, followed by recovery of the RNA from the gel via transfer to an ion-exchange membrane. This procedure yielded fractions which were highly enriched for the mRNAs for each of the fibrinogen chains. The fibrinogen mRNAs were identified by two methods: (i) in vitro translation followed by subunit-specific cleavage with the proteases thrombin and batroxobin; and (ii) cross-hybridization with cDNA clones for individual subunits of rat fibrinogen. The results demonstrate that the A alpha and gamma chains of frog fibrinogen are each coded by a single mRNA species. The A alpha mRNA is ca. 3,100 nucleotides in length, which is nearly twice the minimum size required to code for the A alpha precursor polypeptide. The gamma chain mRNA comprises about 1,600 bases and includes only a small untranslated region. In contrast, the B beta subunit is synthesized from two mRNAs, one of which is 2,500 and the other 1,800 nucleotides long. The 2,500-base mRNA includes a large noncoding region, whereas the smaller one is near the minimum required size. The larger B beta mRNA is ca, fivefold more abundant that the smaller species.  相似文献   

In insects, holoferritin is easily visible in the vacuolar system of tissues that filter the hemolymph and, at least in Lepidoptera, is abundant in the hemolymph. Sequences reported for insect secreted ferritins from Lepidoptera and Diptera have high sequence diversity. We examined the nature of this diversity for the first time by analyzing sequences of cDNAs encoding two ferritin subunits from one species, Calpodes ethlius (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). We found that insect secreted ferritin subunits are of two types with little resemblance to each other. Ferritin was isolated from iron loaded hemolymph of C. ethlius fifth instar larvae by differential centrifugation. The N-terminal amino acid sequences for the nonglycosylated subunit with Mr 24,000 (S) and the largest glycosylated subunit with Mr 31,000 (G) were determined. The N-termini of the two subunits were different and were used to construct degenerate PCR primers. The same cDNA products were amplified from cDNA libraries from the midgut which secretes holoferritin and from the fat body which secretes iron-poor apoferritin. The G subunit most closely resembles the glycosylated ferritin subunit from Manduca sexta and the S subunit resembles the Drosophila small subunit. The S and G subunits from Calpodes were dissimilar and distinct from the cytosolic ferritins of vertebrates and invertebrates. Additional sequences were obtained by 5' and 3' RACE from separate fat body and midgut RACE libraries. cDNAs encoding both subunits had a consensus iron responsive element (IRE) in a conserved cap-distal location of their 5' UTR. An integrin-binding RGD motif found in the G subunit and conserved in Manduca may facilitate iron uptake through a calreticulin (mobilferrin)/integrin pathway. Calpodes and other insect ferritins have conserved cysteine residues to which fatty acids can be linked. Dynamic acylation of ferritin may slow but not prevent its passage out of the ER.  相似文献   

Ferritin is an iron storage protein found in most living organisms as a natural assembled macromolecule. For studying the functional ability of the ferritin assembly, human H- and L-ferritins were expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris strain GS115. The recombinant H- and L-ferritins showed a globular form with transmission electron microscopy. The rate of iron uptake for H-ferritin was significantly faster than that for the L-ferritin in vitro. By gel permeation chromatography analysis, recombinant ferritins were confirmed as multimeric subunits with high molecular weight and it was indicated that assembled subunits were able to store iron in vivo.  相似文献   

Ferritin purified from horse heart and applied to nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis migrated as a single band that stained for both iron and protein. This ferritin contained almost equal amounts of fast- and slow-sedimenting components of 58 S and 3-7 S, which could be separated on sucrose density gradients. Iron removal reduced the sedimentation coefficient of the fast-sedimenting ferritin to 18 S, and sedimentation equilibrium gave a molecular weight 650,000, with some preparations containing ferritin of 500,000 molecular weight as well. Sedimentation rates of the 3 S and 7 S ferritins were not affected by iron removal, and sedimentation equilibrium data were consistent with Mr's 40,000 and 180,000, respectively. Preparations of ferritin extracted from horse spleen contained only 67 S (holo) or 16 S (apo) ferritin and no slow-sedimenting species. When examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, all of the ferritins contained the usual H and L subunits (23 and 20 kDa, respectively), but the slow-sedimenting (3 S and 7 S) heart apoferritins also contained appreciable quantities (ca 25%) of three larger subunits of 42, 55, and 65 kDa. All the subunits reacted positively in Western blots to polyclonal antibodies made against specially purified large heart or spleen ferritins containing only 20- and 23-kDa subunits. Similar results were obtained for ferritins from rat heart. The results indicate that mammalian heart tissue is peculiar not just in having an abnormally large iron-rich ferritin but also in having iron-poor ferritins of much lower molecular weight, partly composed of larger subunits.  相似文献   

Protein sorting in eukaryotic cells is mainly done by specific targeting of polypeptides. The present evidence from oocytes, neurons, and some other polarized cells suggests that protein sorting can be further facilitated by concentrating mRNAs to their corresponding subcellular areas. However, very little is known about the mechanism(s) involved in mRNA targeting, or how widespread and dynamic such mRNA sorting might be. In this study, we have used an in vitro cell culture system, where large multinucleated osteoclasts undergo continuous structural and functional changes from polarized (resorbing) to a nonpolarized (resting) stage. We demonstrate here, using a nonradioactive in situ hybridization technique and confocal microscopy, that mRNAs for several vacuolar H(+)-ATPase subunits change their localization and polarity in osteoclasts according to the resorption cycle, whereas mRNA for cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase II is found diffusely located throughout the osteoclast during the whole resorption cycle. Antisense RNA against the 16-kDa or 60-kDa V-ATPase subunit inhibits polarization of the osteoclasts, as determined by cytoskeleton staining. Antisense RNA against carbonic anhydrase II, however, has no such effect.  相似文献   

Z Lobo  P K Maitra 《FEBS letters》1982,139(1):93-96
Rat liver mitochondria contain an ATP-dependent proteolytic system which is localized on the outside of the inner membrane. It is capable of utilizating both the ATP produced within the mitochondria as well as that supplied externally. The system is dependent on Ca2+. Its physiological function is seen in the normal breakdown of mitochondria during their turnover. The system may be selective for the breakdown of the inner membranes.  相似文献   

In this work, evidence for the presence of ferritins in plant mitochondria is supplied. Mitochondria were isolated from etiolated pea stems and Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures. The proteins were separated by SDS/PAGE. A protein, with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 25-26 kDa (corresponding to that of ferritin), was cross-reacted with an antibody raised against pea seed ferritin. The mitochondrial ferritin from pea stems was also purified by immunoprecipitation. The purified protein was analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and the results of both mass finger print and peptide fragmentation by post source decay assign the polypeptide sequence to the pea ferritin (P < 0.05). The mitochondrial localization of ferritin was also confirmed by immunocytochemistry experiments on isolated mitochondria and cross-sections of pea stem cells. The possible role of ferritin in oxidative stress of plant mitochondria is discussed.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of monomers of ferritin subunits has been developed. The procedure comprises dissociation of ferritin by treatment with thioglycolic acid in the presence of phosphate ions and subsequent gel-permeation chromatography. Ferritin and a number of its structural analogues (apoferritin, carboxymethylated ferritin, H- and L-subunits of ferritin) have been immunochemically characterized. The immunoreactivity of ferritin is shown to vary along with the degree of denaturation. Isolation of monomers of H- and L-subunits results in appearance of new antigenic sites. These "hidden" antigenic determinants are presumed to be localized in the regions of intersubunit contacts and intracapsular surface of the ferritin molecule and are responsible for the differences in immunochemical properties of its H- and L-subunits.  相似文献   

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