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Protein folding and misfolding: mechanism and principles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two fundamentally different views of how proteins fold are now being debated. Do proteins fold through multiple unpredictable routes directed only by the energetically downhill nature of the folding landscape or do they fold through specific intermediates in a defined pathway that systematically puts predetermined pieces of the target native protein into place? It has now become possible to determine the structure of protein folding intermediates, evaluate their equilibrium and kinetic parameters, and establish their pathway relationships. Results obtained for many proteins have serendipitously revealed a new dimension of protein structure. Cooperative structural units of the native protein, called foldons, unfold and refold repeatedly even under native conditions. Much evidence obtained by hydrogen exchange and other methods now indicates that cooperative foldon units and not individual amino acids account for the unit steps in protein folding pathways. The formation of foldons and their ordered pathway assembly systematically puts native-like foldon building blocks into place, guided by a sequential stabilization mechanism in which prior native-like structure templates the formation of incoming foldons with complementary structure. Thus the same propensities and interactions that specify the final native state, encoded in the amino-acid sequence of every protein, determine the pathway for getting there. Experimental observations that have been interpreted differently, in terms of multiple independent pathways, appear to be due to chance misfolding errors that cause different population fractions to block at different pathway points, populate different pathway intermediates, and fold at different rates. This paper summarizes the experimental basis for these three determining principles and their consequences. Cooperative native-like foldon units and the sequential stabilization process together generate predetermined stepwise pathways. Optional misfolding errors are responsible for 3-state and heterogeneous kinetic folding.  相似文献   

Deciphering the code that determines the three-dimensional structure of proteins and the ability to predict the final folded form of a protein is still elusive to molecular biophysists. In the case of several proteins a similar tertiary structure is not accompanied by any significant sequence similarity. The question now remains whether a code beyond the genetic code that describes the arrangement of the amino acid within a three dimensional protein structure. The available data undoubtedly demonstrates that the redundancy of this code must be tremendous. Several techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and laser detection techniques, coupled with fast initiation of the folding reaction, can now probe the folding events in milliseconds or even faster and provide highly relevant information. The thermodynamic analysis of the folding process and of kinetic intermediates opens whole new avenue of understanding. Breaking the protein folding code would enable scientists to look at a gene whose function is unknown and predict the three-dimensional structure of the protein it encodes. This would give them a very good idea of what the gene does. In this review we hope to bring together the information available about protein folding with particular emphasis on folding intermediate(s). Additionally, the practical consequences of the solution of the protein folding problem in medicine and biotechnology are also discussed.  相似文献   

The hammerhead ribozyme undergoes a well-defined two-stage folding process induced by the sequential binding of two magnesium ions. These probably correspond to the formation of domain 2 (0-500 microM magnesium ions) and domain 1 (1-20 mM magnesium ions), respectively. In this study we have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to analyze the ion-induced folding of a number of variants of the hammerhead ribozyme. We find that both A14G and G8U mutations are highly destabilizing, such that these species are essentially unfolded under all conditions. Thus they appear to be blocked in the first stage of the folding process, and using uranyl-induced photocleavage we show that the core is completely accessible to this probe under these conditions. Changes at G5 do not affect the first transition but appear to provide a blockage at the second stage of folding; this is true of changes in the sugar (removal of the 2'-hydroxyl group) and base (G5C mutation, previously studied by comparative gel electrophoresis). Arrest of folding at this intermediate stage leads to a pattern of uranyl-induced photocleavage that is changed from the wild-type, but suggests a structure less open than the A14G mutant. Specific photocleavage at G5 is found only in the wild-type sequence, suggesting that this ion-binding site is formed late in the folding process. In addition to folding that is blocked at selected stages, we have also observed misfolding. Thus the A13G mutation appears to result in the ion-induced formation of a novel tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Ecroyd H  Carver JA 《IUBMB life》2008,60(12):769-774
This mini-review focuses on the processes and consequences of protein folding and misfolding. The latter process often leads to protein aggregation and precipitation with the aggregates adopting either highly ordered (amyloid fibril) or disordered (amorphous) forms. In particular, the amyloid fibril is discussed because this form has gained considerable notoriety due to its close links to a variety of debilitating diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases, and type-II diabetes. In each of these diseases a different protein forms fibrils, yet the fibrils formed have a very similar structure. The mechanism by which fibrils form, fibril structure, and the cytotoxicity associated with fibril formation are discussed. The generic nature of amyloid fibril structure suggests that a common target may be accessible to treat amyloid fibril-associated diseases. As such, the ability of some molecules, for example, the small heat-shock family of molecular chaperone proteins, to inhibit fibril formation is of interest due to their therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Principles of protein folding, misfolding and aggregation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This review summarises our current understanding of the underlying and universal mechanism by which newly synthesised proteins achieve their biologically functional states. Protein molecules, however, all have a finite tendency either to misfold, or to fail to maintain their correctly folded states, under some circumstances. This article describes some of the consequences of such behaviour, particularly in the context of the aggregation events that are frequently associated with aberrant folding. It focuses in particular on the emerging links between protein aggregation and the increasingly prevalent forms of debilitating disease with which it is now known to be associated.  相似文献   

The past 20 years have seen enormous progress in the understanding of the mechanisms used by the enteric bacterium Escherichia coli to promote protein folding, support protein translocation and handle protein misfolding. Insights from these studies have been exploited to tackle the problems of inclusion body formation, proteolytic degradation and disulfide bond generation that have long impeded the production of complex heterologous proteins in a properly folded and biologically active form. The application of this information to industrial processes, together with emerging strategies for creating designer folding modulators and performing glycosylation all but guarantee that E. coli will remain an important host for the production of both commodity and high value added proteins.  相似文献   

The native state of serpins represents a long-lived intermediate or metastable structure on the serpin folding pathway. Upon interaction with a protease, the serpin trap is sprung and the molecule continues to fold into a more stable conformation. However, thermodynamic stability can also be achieved through alternative, unproductive folding pathways that result in the formation of inactive conformations. Our increasing understanding of the mechanism of protease inhibition and the dynamics of native serpin structures has begun to reveal how evolution has harnessed the actual process of protein folding (rather than the final folded outcome) to elegantly achieve function. The cost of using metastability for function, however, is an increased propensity for misfolding.  相似文献   

Partitioning of polypeptides between protein folding and amyloid formation is of outstanding pathophysiological importance. Using yeast phosphoglycerate kinase as model, here we identify the features of the energy landscape that decide the fate of the protein: folding or amyloidogenesis. Structure formation was initiated from the acid-unfolded state, and monitored by fluorescence from 10 ms to 20 days. Solvent conditions were gradually shifted between folding and amyloidogenesis, and the properties of the energy landscape governing structure formation were reconstructed. A gradual transition of the energy landscape between folding and amyloid formation was observed. In the early steps of both folding and misfolding, the protein searches through a hierarchically structured energy landscape to form a molten globule in a few seconds. Depending on the conditions, this intermediate either folds to the native state in a few minutes, or forms amyloid fibers in several days. As conditions are changed from folding to misfolding, the barrier separating the molten globule and native states increases, although the barrier to the amyloid does not change. In the meantime, the native state also becomes more unstable and the amyloid more stable. We conclude that the lower region of the energy landscape determines the final protein structure.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made towards understanding the folding mechanisms of proteins in vitro and in vivo even though the general rules governing such folding events remain unknown. This paper reviews current folding models along with experimental approaches used to elucidate the folding pathways. Protein misfolding is discussed in relation to disease states, such as amyloidosis, and the recent findings on the mechanism of converting normally soluble proteins into amyloid fibrils through the formation of intermediates provide an insight into understanding the pathogenesis of amyloid formation and possible clues for the development of therapeutic treatments. Finally, some commonly adopted refolding strategies developed over the past decade are summarized.  相似文献   

Protein folding and misfolding inside and outside the cell.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
C M Dobson  R J Ellis 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(18):5251-5254
The workshop was held at St Catherine's College, Oxford, from March 25-28, 1998, and attracted participants from 32 nations. Protein folding is one of the most important processes in biology since it adds functional flesh to the bare bones of genes, but it has traditionally been studied by people separated both intellectually and physically because they are training in different disciplines. The aim of the meeting was to bring together chemists and structural biologists studying how pure, denatured proteins refold spontaneously in the test tube, with biochemists and cell biologists who are concerned with how proteins fold inside living cells and medical scientists interested in the diseases that result when this process goes wrong. In this report we concentrate on general concepts and themes rather than on detailing every contribution.  相似文献   

Ferreon AC  Deniz AA 《Biochemistry》2007,46(15):4499-4509
Alpha-synuclein aggregation has been tightly linked with the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Despite the protein's putative function in presynaptic vesicle regulation, the roles of lipid binding in modulating alpha-synuclein conformations and the aggregation process remain to be fully understood. This study focuses on a detailed thermodynamic characterization of monomeric alpha-synuclein folding in the presence of SDS, a well-studied lipid mimetic. Far-UV CD spectroscopy was employed for detection of conformational transitions induced by SDS, temperature, and pH. The data we present here clearly demonstrate the multistate nature of alpha-synuclein folding, which involves two predominantly alpha-helical partially folded thermodynamic intermediates that we designate as F (most folded) and I (intermediately folded) states. Likely structures of these alpha-synuclein conformational states are also discussed. These partially folded forms can exist in the presence of either monomeric or micellar forms of SDS, which suggests that alpha-synuclein has an intrinsic propensity for adopting multiple alpha-helical structures even in the absence of micelle or membrane binding, a feature that may have implications for its biological activity and toxicity. Additionally, we discuss the relation between alpha-synuclein three-state folding and its aggregation, within the context of isothermal titration calorimetry and transmission electron microscopy measurements of SDS-initiated oligomer formation.  相似文献   

Nagy JK  Lonzer WL  Sanders CR 《Biochemistry》2001,40(30):8971-8980
Despite the relevance of membrane protein misfolding to a number of common diseases, our understanding of the folding and misfolding of membrane proteins lags well behind soluble proteins. Here, the overall kinetics of membrane insertion and folding of the homotrimeric integral membrane protein diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) is addressed. DAGK was purified into lipid/detergent-free urea and guanidinium solutions and subjected to general structural characterization. In urea, the enzyme was observed to be monomeric but maintained considerable tertiary structure. In guanidinium, it was also monomeric but exhibited much less tertiary structure. Aliquots of these DAGK stock solutions were diluted 200-fold into lipid vesicles or into detergent/lipid mixed micelles, and the rates and efficiencies of folding/insertion were monitored. Reactions were also carried out in which micellar DAGK solutions were diluted into vesicular solutions. Productive insertion of DAGK from denaturant solutions into mixed micelles occurred much more rapidly than into lipid vesicles, suggesting that bilayer transversal represents the rate-limiting step for DAGK assembly in vesicles. The efficiency of productive folding/insertion into vesicles was highest in reactions initiated with micellar DAGK stock solutions (where DAGK maintains a nativelike fold and oligomeric state) and lowest in reactions starting with guanidinium stocks (where DAGK is an unfolded monomer). Moreover, the final ratio of irreversibly misfolded DAGK to reversibly misfolded enzyme was highest following reactions initiated with guanidinium stock solutions and lowest when micellar stocks were used. Finally, it was also observed that very low concentrations of detergents were able to both enhance the bilayer insertion rate and suppress misfolding.  相似文献   

Proteins carry out many vital cellular functions determined by their precise 3-dimensional structures (the native conformations). Understanding how proteins fold has long been a major goal and can be of great therapeutic value. Failure to reach or maintain the correct folded structure can have serious consequences, as in the conformational diseases. The ultimate goal of folding studies is to predict structure from sequence, allowing the design of new functional proteins and prevention of aberrant disease-associated conformations.  相似文献   

The predominant equilibrium in proteins is not between native and unfolded states, it is between the native and multiple partially unfolded forms. Some of these partially unfolded forms can be energetically close to the native state and, therefore, have the potential to become appreciably populated. This could have an important role in protein function or misfolding diseases. The recent identification and characterization of the partially unfolded forms of apoflavodoxin furthers our understanding of their formation.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can now predict ms-timescale folding processes of small proteins; however, this presently requires hundreds of thousands of CPU hours and is primarily applicable to short peptides with few long-range interactions. Larger and slower-folding proteins, such as many with extended β-sheet structure, would require orders of magnitude more time and computing resources. Furthermore, when the objective is to determine only which folding events are necessary and limiting, atomistic detail MD simulations can prove unnecessary. Here, we introduce the program tFolder as an efficient method for modelling the folding process of large β-sheet proteins using sequence data alone. To do so, we extend existing ensemble β-sheet prediction techniques, which permitted only a fixed anti-parallel β-barrel shape, with a method that predicts arbitrary β-strand/β-strand orientations and strand-order permutations. By accounting for all partial and final structural states, we can then model the transition from random coil to native state as a Markov process, using a master equation to simulate population dynamics of folding over time. Thus, all putative folding pathways can be energetically scored, including which transitions present the greatest barriers. Since correct folding pathway prediction is likely determined by the accuracy of contact prediction, we demonstrate the accuracy of tFolder to be comparable with state-of-the-art methods designed specifically for the contact prediction problem alone. We validate our method for dynamics prediction by applying it to the folding pathway of the well-studied Protein G. With relatively very little computation time, tFolder is able to reveal critical features of the folding pathways which were only previously observed through time-consuming MD simulations and experimental studies. Such a result greatly expands the number of proteins whose folding pathways can be studied, while the algorithmic integration of ensemble prediction with Markovian dynamics can be applied to many other problems.  相似文献   

The native serpin fold is metastable and possesses the inherent ability to convert into more stable, but inactive, conformations. In order to understand why serpins attain the native fold instead of other more thermodynamically favourable folds we have investigated the presence of residual structure within denatured antichymotrypsin (ACT). Through mutagenesis we created a single tryptophan variant of ACT in which a Trp residue (276) is situated on the H-helix, located within a region known as the B/C barrel. The presence of residual structure around Trp 276 in 5 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) was shown by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime experiments. The residual structure was disrupted in the presence of 5 M guanidine thiocyanate (GdnSCN). Protein refolding studies showed that significant refolding could be achieved from the GdnHCl denatured state but not the GdnSCN denatured form. The implications of these data on the folding and misfolding of the serpin superfamily are discussed.  相似文献   

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