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Accessory cells present Ag together with costimulatory signals as immunogens and without costimulatory signals as tolerogens. Responsiveness and unresponsiveness are thus alternatives of T cell immune reactions to Ag. Superantigens appear to make an exception; being presented by accessory cells capable of providing costimulatory signals, these Ag induce a strong T cell response but leave T cells unresponsive to a secondary challenge (anergy). We show here that T cell anergy is not a mandatory consequence of superantigen-induced activation. Mls-1- BALB/c recipients of DBA/2 spleen cells mount vigorous Mls-1 responses in vivo but their T cells retain the ability to respond to a subsequent Mls-1 challenge in vitro. We tested the possibility that the inability of DBA/2 spleen cells to inactivate Mls-1-reactive BALB/c T cells was the result of excessive costimulatory activity provided by Mls-1+ DBA/2 B cells. Costimulatory accessory cell activity has been reported to be destroyed by UV light. We exposed superantigen-presenting cells to UV radiation and found that they had lost the ability to stimulate an Mls-1 response without, however, gaining the capacity to render Mls-1-specific T cells anergic. Despite their inability to noticeably stimulate Mls-1-reactive T cells, UV-treated Mls-1+ lymphocytes induced an absolute unresponsiveness in Mls-1- recipients to a second challenge with the superantigen. Our data are in agreement with previous evidence, confirmed here, that BALB/c mice establish immunity against Mls-1+ cells, which causes the accelerated rejection of superantigen-bearing lymphocytes. Thus, our data imply that, whereas it takes stimulatory superantigenic Mtv-7 gene products to induce the activation of superantigen-reactive T cells, nonsuperantigenic Mtv-7 gene products may induce an immune response leading to the elimination of Mtv-7+ lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

A significant percentage of the population latently harbors Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in B cells. One EBV-encoded protein, latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A), is expressed in tissue culture models of EBV latent infection, in human infections, and in many of the EBV-associated proliferative disorders. LMP2A constitutively activates proteins involved in the B-cell receptor (BCR) signal transduction cascade and inhibits the antigen-induced activation of these proteins. In the present study, we investigated whether LMP2A alters B-cell receptor signaling in primary B cells in vivo and in vitro. LMP2A does not inhibit antigen-induced tolerance in response to strong stimuli in an in vivo tolerance model in which B cells are reactive to self-antigen. In contrast, LMP2A bypasses anergy induction in response to low levels of soluble hen egg lysozyme (HEL) both in vivo and in vitro as determined by the ability of LMP2A-expressing HEL-specific B cells to proliferate and induce NF-kappaB nuclear translocation after exposure to low levels of antigen. Furthermore, LMP2A induces NF-kappaB nuclear translocation independent of BCR cross-linking. Since NF-kappaB is required to bypass tolerance induction, this LMP2A-dependent NF-kappaB activation may complete the tolerogenic signal induced by low levels of soluble HEL. Overall, the findings suggest that LMP2A may not inhibit BCR-induced signals under all conditions as previously suggested by studies with EBV immortalized B cells.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The integrity of actin filaments (F-actin) is essential for pollen-tube growth. In S-RNase-based self-incompatibility (SI), incompatible pollen tubes are inhibited in the style. Consequently, research efforts have focused on the alterations of pollen F-actin cytoskeleton during the SI response. However, so far, these studies were carried out in in vitro-grown pollen tubes. This study aimed to assess the timing of in vivo changes of pollen F-actin cytoskeleton taking place after compatible and incompatible pollinations in Nicotiana alata. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the in vivo F-actin alterations occurring during pollen rejection in the S-RNase-based SI system. Methods The F-actin cytoskeleton and the vacuolar endomembrane system were fluorescently labelled in compatibly and incompatibly pollinated pistils at different times after pollination. The alterations induced by the SI reaction in pollen tubes were visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Key Results Early after pollination, about 70 % of both compatible and incompatible pollen tubes showed an organized pattern of F-actin cables along the main axis of the cell. While in compatible pollinations this percentage was unchanged until pollen tubes reached the ovary, pollen tubes of incompatible pollinations underwent gradual and progressive F-actin disorganization. Colocalization of the F-actin cytoskeleton and the vacuolar endomembrane system, where S-RNases are compartmentalized, revealed that by day 6 after incompatible pollination, when the pollen-tube growth was already arrested, about 80 % of pollen tubes showed disrupted F-actin but a similar percentage had intact vacuolar compartments. Conclusions The results indicate that during the SI response in Nicotiana, disruption of the F-actin cytoskeleton precedes vacuolar membrane breakdown. Thus, incompatible pollen tubes undergo a sequential disorganization process of major subcellular structures. Results also suggest that the large pool of S-RNases released from vacuoles acts late in pollen rejection, after significant subcellular changes in incompatible pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Mice of strain B6, but not AKR/J, respond to immunization with Torpedo acetylcholine receptor (AChR) by manifesting in vitro an Ag-specific T lymphocyte proliferative response. Our analysis of (AKR x B6)F1 mice reveals that the T cell unresponsiveness of AKR/J is inherited as a dominant trait, possibly associated with expression of the Mls-1a allele. Mice derived from backcrossing (AKR x B6)F1 x B6 were selected for H-2b homozygosity and were classified as Mls-1a or Mls-1b according to the relative numbers of peripheral blood T cells that expressed the TCR V beta 6 gene product. After challenge by injection with AChR in CFA, lymph node cells from mice classified as having less than 2% of V beta 6+ peripheral T cells had low responsiveness to AChR, whereas mice with greater than 7% V beta 6+ peripheral T cells had high T cell responsiveness to AChR. These results are consistent with the notion that regulation of the T cell repertoire by Mls loci may be a determinant of susceptibility to autoimmunity.  相似文献   

T regulatory cells 1 inhibit a Th2-specific response in vivo   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
We recently described a new population of CD4(+) regulatory T cells (Tr1) that inhibits proliferative responses of bystander T cells and prevents colitis induction in vivo through the secretion of IL-10. IL-10, which had been primarily described as a Th2-specific cytokine inhibiting Th1 responses, has displayed in several models a more general immune suppression on both types of effector T cell responses. Using an immediate hypersensitivity model in which BALB/c mice immunized with OVA (alum) normally generate Th2-dominated responses, we examined the ability of OVA-specific Tr1 T cell clones to inhibit OVA-specific cytokines and Ab responses. In contrast to Th2 or Th1 T cell clones, transfer of Tr1 T cell clones coincident with OVA immunization inhibited Ag-specific serum IgE responses, whereas IgG1 and IgG2a synthesis were not affected. This specific inhibition was mediated in part through IL-10 secretion as anti-IL-10 receptor Abs treatment reverted the inhibitory effect of Tr1 T cell clones. Although specifically targeted to IgE responses, Tr1 clones' inhibitory effects were more profound as they affected Ag-specific Th2 cell priming both in term of proliferative responses and cytokine secretion. These results suggest that regulatory T cells may play a fundamental role in maintaining the balance of the immune system to prevent allergic disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Artesunate (ART), an artemisinin antimalarial, is embryolethal and teratogenic in rats, with the most sensitive days being 10 and 11 postcoitum (pc), respectively (Clark et al.: Birth Defects Res B 71:380-394, 2004; White et al.: Birth Defects Res A 70:265, 2004). METHODS: In this study, pregnant rats were administered a single oral dose of 17 mg/kg ART on Days 10-11 pc and conceptuses were evaluated through Day 14 pc. RESULTS: Paling of visceral yolk sacs was observed within 3-6 hr after treatment. Within 24 hr, marked paling and embryonic erythroblast depletion were observed macroscopically, which preceded malformations and embryo death, and persisted through Day 14 pc. Histologically, embryonic erythroblasts were reduced and cells showed signs of necrosis within 24 hr, were maximally depleted by 48 hr, and had partially rebounded within 3-4 days after treatment (Days 13 and 14 pc). Iron accumulation was evident in treated erythroblasts as early as 6 hr after treatment, suggesting impairment of heme synthesis. Heart abnormalities (swollen or collapsed chambers) were observed within 24 hr in approximately 25-60% of embryos and within 48 hr in 100% of embryos, correlating with histologic signs of cardiac myopathy (thinned and underdeveloped heart walls and enlarged chambers). Delays in limb and tail development occurred by Day 13 pc. Embryos were viable through Day 13 pc, but approximately 77% of embryos had died by Day 14 pc, presumably due to hypoxia and/or cardiac abnormalities. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, embryonic erythroblasts are the primary target of ART toxicity in the rat embryo after in vivo treatment, preceding embryolethality and malformations.  相似文献   

An anergic phenotype has been observed in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and some autoreactive T cells from patients with type I diabetes. To better understand this phenomenon, we measured T cell proliferative responses to 10 diabetes-associated and up to 9 control Ags/peptides in 148 new diabetic children, 51 age- and MHC (DQ)-matched siblings (sibs), 31 patients with longstanding diabetes, and 40 healthy controls. Most (78-91%) patient and sib responses to glutamate decarboxylase of 65 kDa (GAD65), islet cell cytoplasmic autoantibody (ICA) 69, diabetes-associated T cell epitopes in ICA69 (Tep69), and heat shock protein (Hsp) 60 involved anergic T cells that required exogenous IL-2 to proliferate. Responses to proinsulin, IA-2 (and tetanus toxoid) required no IL-2 and generated sufficient cytokine to rescue anergic T cell responses. Most new patients (85%) had autoreactive T cells, three quarters targeting more than half of the diabetes Ags. Only 7.8% of the sibs and none of the controls had such multiple T cell autoreactivities, which thus characterize overt disease. Multiple anergic and nonanergic T cell autoreactivities were sustained during 2 yr follow-up after onset and in patients with longstanding (3-26 yr) diabetes. Activated patient T cells survived severe IL-2 deprivation, requiring 20-100 times less IL-2 than normal T cells to escape apoptosis. Diabetic T cell anergy thus persists for decades and is Ag and host specific but not related to disease course. Rescue by IL-2 from bystander T cells and high resistance to apoptosis may contribute to this persistence. These data explain some of the difficulties in the routine detection of disease-associated T cells, and they emphasize challenges for immunotherapy and islet transplantation.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor V beta 6 domain imparts reactivity to the Mls-1a antigen   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A monoclonal antibody secreting hybridoma was established by fusing spleen cells from a rat immunized with a murine T cell clone, OI11, which has I-Ab restricted specificity for the male H-Y antigen and unrestricted specificity for the minor lymphocyte stimulating antigen, Mls-1a, to the mouse myeloma P3X63AG8.653 and screening for the capacity of the hybridoma supernatants to stimulate the OI11 T cell clone. An antibody (RR4-7) was found to be specific not only for the immunizing T cell clone but virtually for all T cells using the V beta 6 TCR gene product as part of their surface antigen receptor. When the expression of the V beta 6 gene in various strains of mice was analyzed, it was found that strains expressing the Mls-1a antigen contained few T cells expressing V beta 6-encoded TCRs. The majority of T cell hybridomas which expressed V beta 6-encoded TCRs were found to be reactive to the Mls-1a antigen. These data confirm the finding of H. R. MacDonald et al. (Nature (London) 332, 40, 1988) that most TCRs encoded by the V beta 6 gene have a biased specificity for the Mls-1a antigen.  相似文献   

On a response characteristic of a mathematical neuron model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mathematical neuron model in the form of a nonlinear difference equation is proposed and its response characteristic is investigated.If a sequence of pulses with a fixed frequency is applied to the neuron model as an input, and the amplitude of the input pulses is progressively decreased, the firing frequency of the neuron model, regarded as the output, also decreases. The relationship between them is quite complicated, but a mathematical investigation reveals that it takes the form of an extended Cantor's function. This result explains the unusual and unsuspected phenomenon which was found by L. D. Harmon in experimental studies with his transistor neuron models.Besides this, as an analogue of our mathematical neuron model, a very simple circuit composed of a delay line and a negative resistance element is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Viruses can interact with host cell molecules responsible for the recognition and repair of DNA lesions, resulting in dysfunctional DNA damage response (DDR). Cells with inefficient DDR are more vulnerable to therapeutic approaches that target DDR, thereby raising DNA damage to a threshold that triggers apoptosis. Here, we demonstrate that 2 Jurkat-derived cell lines with incorporated silent HIV-1 provirus show increases in DDR signaling that responds to formation of double strand DNA breaks (DSBs). We found that phosphorylation of histone H2AX on Ser139 (gamma-H2AX), a biomarker of DSBs, and phosphorylation of ATM at Ser1981, Chk2 at Thr68, and p53 at Ser15, part of signaling pathways associated with DSBs, are elevated in these cells. These results indicate a DDR defect even though the virus is latent. DDR-inducing agents, specifically high doses of nucleoside RT inhibitors (NRTIs), caused greater increases in gamma-H2AX levels in latently infected cells. Additionally, latently infected cells are more susceptible to long-term exposure to G-quadruplex stabilizing agents, and this effect is enhanced when the agent is combined with an inhibitor targeting DNA-PK, which is crucial for DSB repair and telomere maintenance. Moreover, exposing these cells to the cancer drug etoposide resulted in formation of DSBs at a higher rate than in un-infected cells. Similar effects of etoposide were also observed in population of primary memory T cells infected with latent HIV-1. Sensitivity to these agents highlights a unique vulnerability of latently infected cells, a new feature that could potentially be used in developing therapies to eliminate HIV-1 reservoirs.  相似文献   

A calcium influx precedes organogenesis in Graptopetalum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract. An account is given of an investigation of net ionic currents and specific ion fluxes occuring during the initiation of organogenesis in detached leaves of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther, in which a dramatic change in growth polarity is cytomorphologically evident 3–5 d after leaf detachment from the plant. Using the vibrating probe, it was possible to identify a peak of ionic current which is focused over the area of the leaf base where organogenesis is initiated. This net current is largest during the initial 12h after leaf detachment. With ion-selective microelectrodes capable of measuring H+, K+ and Ca2+ ion fluxes simultaneously in the same region of the leaf base, H+ and K+ fluxes remain relatively steady during the initial 24 h after detachment, while a large lanthanum-sensitive Ca2+ influx decreases by 50% from 2 to 12h. By 24h, Ca2+ transport is dominated by an efflux. We present evidence from a quantitative comparison of the ion current data collected using these two techniques, that Ca2+, H+ and K+ transport accounts for the major electrogenic ion fluxes during 2 and 12 but not 24 h after leaf detachment. The possibility is addressed that these ion currents, which precede organogenesis, and in particular the predominant Ca2+ flux, play a role in the establishment of growth polarity in higher plant tissues.  相似文献   

We examined the accessibility of the thymus to a self-super-Ag encoded by the Mls-1a region of chromosome 1 and the process by which this Ag establishes immunologic tolerance. Intravenously administered Mls-1a Ag accumulates quickly in peripheral organs of adult or newborn Mls-1a- recipients, where it mounts an immune response. The Ag does not enter the thymus in detectable amounts and does not induce an immune response of Mls-1a-responsive T cells present in this organ. Instead, the thymus of newborn Mls-1a- recipients of Mls-1a+ lymphoid cells continues for several days to export Mls-1a-reactive T cells, which respond to Mls-1a Ag when they encounter it in peripheral organs. This response peaks around day 3 or day 4 and declines very rapidly thereafter. The deletion of intrathymic Mls-1a-reactive T cells ensues simultaneously with this decline. It has previously been shown that Mls-1a Ag causes deletion or anergy of Mls-1a-reactive peripheral T cells, subsequent to their activation. We see the same time kinetics in producing deletion or anergy of Mls-1a-reactive T cells in the thymus of newborn animals, with the exception that the activation phase that precedes the deletion of Mls-1a-reactive T cells occurs in the periphery and not in the thymus. This observation indicates that thymic Mls-1a-specific T cells are not deleted through activation. Whether their deletion depends on a feed-back from the peripheral activation of Mls-1a-reactive cells, as the time relationship could suggest, is not clear. The finding establishes, however, that the deletion of functionally mature Mls-1a-reactive T cells and the activation of such cells are not necessarily related events, which may or may not utilize a common trigger mechanism, such as the engagement of the TCR. Concerning the trigger mechanism, we report that Mls-1a-specific deletion of T cells is an MHC-restricted process, whereas Mls-1a-specific activation of T cells is not MHC restricted.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated the contractile characteristics of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA)1a-expressing hearts ex vivo and in vivo and in particular their response to beta-adrenergic stimulation. Analysis of isolated, work-performing hearts revealed that transgenic (TG) hearts develop much higher maximal rates of contraction and relaxation than wild-type (WT) hearts. Addition of isoproterenol only moderately increased the maximal rate of relaxation (+20%) but did not increase contractility or decrease relaxation time in TG hearts. Perfusion with varied buffer Ca(2+) concentrations indicated an altered dose response to Ca(2+). In vivo TG hearts displayed fairly higher maximal rates of contraction (+ 25%) but unchanged relaxation parameters and a blunted but significant response to dobutamine. Our study also shows that the phospholamban (PLB) level was decreased (-40%) and its phosphorylation status modified in TG hearts. This study clearly demonstrates that increases in SERCA protein level alter the beta-adrenergic response and affect the phosphorylation of PLB. Interestingly, the overall cardiac function in the live animal is only slightly enhanced, suggesting that (neuro)hormonal regulations may play an important role in controlling in vivo heart function.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor viruses encode superantigens that bind to class II major histocompatibility complex proteins and engage T cells that bear particular V beta s. Among these superantigens is the long known, but previously uncharacterized, Mls-1a product, encoded by Mtv-7. Using a monoclonal antibody, we detect the Mtv-7 superantigen on the surface of activated B cells, but not on T cells or resting B cells. The superantigen is synthesized as a 45 kd transmembrane glycoprotein precursor, but is proteolytically processed to yield an 18.5 kd surface protein that we suggest is the functional form of the superantigen.  相似文献   

The development of a hook-like structure at the apical part of the soil-emerging organs has fascinated botanists for centuries, but how it is initiated remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate with highthroughput infrared imaging and 2-D clinostat treatment that, when gravity-induced root bending is absent, apical hook formation still takes place.In such scenarios, hook formation begins with a de novo growth asymmetry at the apical part of a straightly elongating hypocotyl. Remarkably, suchde novo ...  相似文献   

Activation of naive T cells by quiescent APCs results in tolerance through deletion and anergy. The underlying basis for these distinct fates is unclear. Using clone 4 TCR transgenic animals as a source of naive CD8 T cells, we examined the requirements for peripheral deletion in vivo. Our results demonstrate that independent of the amount of Ag used for stimulation, a single dose was insufficient to achieve complete clonal deletion. Instead, further antigenic exposure was required to completely eliminate all of the activated T cells. Additionally, consecutive stimulations with low doses of Ag were highly effective in promoting deletion. In contrast, although stimulation with high doses of Ag initially led to the apoptosis of many of the activated T cells, it induced hyporesponsiveness in a portion of the responding cells, thereby sparing them from further activation and deletion. These data explain why some conditions promote tolerance through clonal deletion whereas others promote anergy. Furthermore, these data provide a framework to devise protocols for effective deletion of potentially autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

Mice treated with Concanavalin A prior to immunization with sheep erthyrocytes exhibit a markedly reduced plaque forming spleen cell response. This immunosuppressive effect could be reversed by using higher doses of antigen or priming the animals with nonimmunizing doses of antigen prior to Concanavalin A injection designed to either by-pass or enhance thymus derived lymphocyte functions. It was also demonstrated that Concanavalin A in vivo activated the thymus derived lymphocyte subpopulation in the spleen, and this activation was dose dependent and correlated with the immunosuppression observed. Animals injected with Concanavalin A at various times prior to whole body lethal irradiation would not support the plaque forming cell response of adoptively transferred normal syngeneic spleen cells. This effect was shown to be time and dose of Concanavalin A dependent. It was also shown that the route of injection of Concanavalin A prior to irradiation determined the results observed, in that the intravenous route resulted in the suppression of transferred cells, while the intraperitoneal route showed no effect. It is suggested that Concanavalin A induced immunosuppression of the humoral, thymus dependent immune response in mice results for the activation of a subpopulation of thymus derived suppressors cells, and that the effect is short lived, radiation resistant, and dose of Concanavalin A and antigen dependent.  相似文献   

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