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月季育种目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨威  赵华 《生命世界》1999,(1):24-25
如果说,古代月季育种是为了追求新奇,只对某一具体性状而言,改变传统的习惯面貌,那么现代月季育种不论对某一具体性状还是对综合性状来说,都在追求完美,并已经达到了相当高的水平。虽然,月季育种目标越来越追求综合性状的优良,但在具体育种目标上还是可以根据其性状进行划分的。1.花色月季是色彩最为丰富的花卉之一,但是,月季花色中,真正的蓝色和黑色是不存在的,尤其是蓝色,这是因为月季不存在开蓝色花的基因。现在,月季育种家们已经开始了蓝色月季的育种工作。月季的花色育种目标中最主要的就是培育出纯蓝色的月季花,此外…  相似文献   

月季离体培养快速繁殖研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国际上已利用植物组织培养方法大量繁殖各种花卉、果树等经济价值较高的作物,並逐渐形成工厂化生产苗木的新兴产业。为满足我国月季商品化生产和加速美化环境的需要,我们从1982年开始,进行了月季离体培养快速繁殖的研究。至此,有近百个月季品种,离体培养获得成功,並开始大批量生产各种月季苗木。  相似文献   

部分月季花品种的数量分类研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用数量分析的方法,对80个月季、蔷薇及其远缘杂种的样本进行了系统分析与整理。Q型聚类分析结果表明,可将80个样本分为9类,并初步揭示了各类型间的亲缘关系。首次提出了将中国古老月季分为高大和低矮两个型,将新培育出的具有较高抗性的远缘杂种月季另立为灌丛月季型的分类方案。同时,分析并预测了采用中国原产的蔷薇野生种与古老月季品种或现代月季品种杂交,后代可能形成的月季品种类型。并对花卉品种数量分类中的一些方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

月季是一种受人喜爱的大众花卉。月季的繁殖、嫁接也有多种方法,如劈接、靠接、芽接芽。通过实践,我认为舌芽(贴插)嫁接法最为方便有效,成活率达90%以上。教师和学生人人可做,可以作为课外兴趣活动的一个项目。由于月季比较耐寒,在  相似文献   

月季是世界古老的产品,而且将继续是最有价值的观赏植物之一,其花容秀美,千姿百色,四时常开,是我国的十大名花之一,有"花中皇后"之称。月季品种之多,色彩之繁,花期之长,应用范围之广,是其他众多花卉都无法比拟的。如何快速高效的进行繁殖呢?  相似文献   

月季是世界上栽种和应用最广泛的花卉。近年来,我国北方为了冬春季供应市场,在棚室中大量栽种月季,白粉病发生较严重,影响了花卉的观赏价值,造成很大经济损失。白粉病危害月季的叶片、嫩梢、花蕾及花梗等部位。初期叶上出现祖绿黄斑,逐渐扩大,后着生一层白色粉末状物,严重时可全部披上白粉层。嫩叶感病后,叶片皱缩,卷曲呈畸形,有时变成紫红色。老叶感病叶,叶面出现近圆形,水渍状褪绿的黄斑,与健康组织无明显界限,严重受害时,叶片枯萎脱落。嫩梢及花梗受害部位略膨大、其顶部向地面弯曲。花蕾受侵染后不能开放,或花姿畸形,…  相似文献   

月季属蔷薇科蔷薇属,俗称月月红、四季花。月季的特性,是风土适应性强,既耐寒又耐旱,喜阳光,喜肥。繁殖容易,特别适于扦插繁殖,成活率高,速度快。生长发育迅速,春季繁殖当年即可见花。花色艳丽,花形优美,花期长,健花品种,四季都能正常放花。寿命长,定植10年后尚具观赏价值。因此,月季是绿化公园、校园、庭园的最好花卉之一。就是利用天井、晒台等有充足日照的地点进行盆栽,亦很适宜。现将栽培月季的一些常识介绍如下。  相似文献   

自然界的蓝色花主要分布在高海拔地区.这主要是因为蓝色色素有利于保护高海拔地区的花卉免受紫外线的伤害。人工花园中的蓝色花品种相对较少。因此,蓝色花品系的培育就成了育种者追求的一个目标。尤其是蓝色月季和蓝色菊花已成了园艺爱好者的梦想。  相似文献   

重要花卉植物高密度遗传连锁图谱构建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传连锁图谱是以遗传标记间重组频率为基础的染色体或基因组内位点相对位置的线性排列图,高密度遗传图谱构建可实现物理图谱和遗传图谱的整合,对促进基因图位克隆具有重要作用。利用遗传图谱可有效地提高育种效率和改良品种。重要花卉植物高遗传图谱精密度尚无法满足精细定位研究的要求,百合、紫薇、郁金香、向日葵等重要花卉高密度遗传图谱构建研究较少,制约了花卉植物分子育种研究进程。概述了高密度遗传图谱构建流程及作图方法,综述了牡丹、梅花、月季、菊花、兰花、荷花、桂花等重要花卉植物遗传图谱构建研究进展,讨论了重要花卉植物高密度遗传图谱构建存在的主要问题,对今后重要花卉植物遗传图谱构建研究的发展方向及其在育种中的应用前景进行了展望,以期为花卉植物基因定位、辅助基因组组装、比较基因组学、基因克隆、分子标记辅助育种等提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,植物组织培养研究取得了很大的进展,技术手段日趋完善,快速繁殖名贵花卉园艺植物,已取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。目前,用组培方法快速繁殖的植物有130多科、近1000种。其中,花卉园艺植物近80个科、450多种,在育种与生产上已经培育出兰花、非洲菊、唐菖蒲、鸢尾、百合、康乃馨、秋海棠、菊花、水仙、月季、郁金香等。目前国外各国正投以巨资开发新的花卉品种,并设法利用离体快  相似文献   

The fluorescein dye, rose bengal, inhibits Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I reversibly in the dark and irreversibly in the light. The reversible inhibition, which occurs in the micromolar concentration range, is competitive with respect to the poly(dA-T) template/ primer and noncompetitive with respect to the complementary deoxynucleoside triphosphates. The Hill coefficient for the inhibition by rose bengal is 3.0. Equilibrium dialysis experiments using 131I-labeled rose bengal have demonstrated direct binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme. No dye binds to poly(dA-T) at concentrations where the inhibition is observed. There are 22 ± 3 rose bengal binding sites per polymerase which can be subdivided into a class of high affinity sites and one of low affinity sites. The high affinity sites (3 μm) bind rose bengal with a Hill coefficient of 1.7 and are responsible for the observed inhibition. The low affinity sites (7μm) are more numerous (about 16) and bind rose bengal in a noncooperative manner. The displacement of rose bengal from the enzyme by poly(dA-T) at equilibrium confirms the competition between poly(dA-T) and rose bengal inferred from the kinetic data for the polymerization reaction. The inhibition of the 3′,5′ exonuclease activity and the template-directed dATP ? P-P exchange reaction by rose bengal is fully consistent with the interaction of rose bengal at the polynucleotide binding site. The enzyme induces an extrinsic Cotton effect in the visible absorption of rose bengal. The abolition of this Cotton effect by poly(dA-T) further supports the proposed site of binding of the dye.  相似文献   

油用玫瑰主栽品种‘苦水’玫瑰的栽培园区总见千花无果现象,为此,本研究对‘苦水’玫瑰的杂交育性进行了遗传学研究。授粉试验发现,自然授粉和人工辅助授粉时‘苦水’玫瑰自交不结实;异交时,‘苦水’玫瑰作为母本与‘丰花’玫瑰、‘四季’玫瑰、‘艳霞’玫瑰、重瓣黄刺玫之间具有亲和性,而作为父本与杂交母本都无法成功授粉结实。在雄蕊花瓣化、P/O值、花粉异型性和花粉萌发率等生殖特征中发现‘苦水’玫瑰的花粉畸形现象严重,萌发率近似为零。进而,显微观察小孢子母细胞减数分裂各时相发现‘苦水’玫瑰中存在染色体分配行为不协调,胞质分裂不均一,四分体中有三分体等异常现象。由此可见‘苦水’玫瑰的异常减数分裂行为致花粉败育妨碍其做父本时的受精结实,故雄性不育而非蔷薇科常见的自交不亲和性,是‘苦水’玫瑰自交不结实的主要原因,也表明作为母本通过杂交育种方法改良‘苦水’玫瑰的种质是可行的。  相似文献   

Blackspot, caused by the Ascomycete fungus Diplocarpon rosae, is the most widespread and pernicious disease of cultivated roses. While some species of rose possess resistance to D. rosae, none of the modern-day rose cultivars are fully resistant to the pathogen. In the current study, Biolistic gene delivery was used to introduce a rice gene, encoding a basic (Class I), chitinase into embryogenic callus of the blackspot-susceptible rose (Rosa hybrida L.) cv. Glad Tidings. The plasmid used for transformation carried the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene facilitating the selection and regeneration of transgenic plants on medium containing 250 mg/l kanamycin. Southern analysis confirmed integration of 2–6 copies of the chitinase gene into the rose genome; gene expression was confirmed by enzyme assay. Bioassays demonstrated that expression of the chitinase transgene reduced the severity of blackspot development by 13–43%. This degree of resistance to the pathogen correlated with the level of chitinase expression in the transgenic rose plants. The introduction of disease defence genes into rose provides a method of producing blackspot-resistant rose cultivars sought by breeders and growers.  相似文献   

The photooxidizing xanthene dye rose bengal is shown to induce rapid Ca2+ release from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles. In the presence of light, nanomolar concentrations of rose bengal increase the Ca2+ permeability of the SR and stimulate the production of singlet oxygen (1O2). In the absence of light, no 1O2 production is measured. Under these conditions, higher concentrations of rose bengal (micromolar) are required to stimulate Ca2+ release. Furthermore, removal of oxygen from the release medium results in marked inhibition of the light-dependent reaction rate. Rose bengal-induced Ca2+ release is relatively insensitive to Mg2+. At nanomolar concentrations, rose bengal inhibits [3H]ryanodine binding to its receptor. beta,gamma-Methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate, a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, inhibits rose bengal-induced Ca2+ release and prevents rose bengal inhibition of [3H]ryanodine binding. Ethoxyformic anhydride, a histidine modifying reagent, at millimolar concentrations induces Ca2+ release from SR vesicles in a manner similar to that of rose bengal. The molecular mechanism underlying rose bengal modification of the Ca2+ release system of the SR appears to involve a modification of a histidyl residue associated with the Ca2+ release protein from SR. The light-dependent reaction appears to be mediated by singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

和田沙漠玫瑰品种系统发育关系初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究基于DNA分子数据分析和田沙漠玫瑰品种与丰花玫瑰、紫枝玫瑰、大马士革玫瑰品种的关系,构建和田沙漠玫瑰的系统发育关系,以探讨其杂交起源.结果表明:(1)和田沙漠玫瑰具有独特的遗传组成,品种内遗传距离(0.017±0.003)小于品种间的遗传距离(分别为0.029±0.005、0.024±0.004、0.022±0....  相似文献   

为了筛选易生根的优良微型月季品种,采用主成分分析、隶属函数和聚类分析方法,对7个微型月季品种扦插的7个根系形态指标进行综合评价。结果表明,微型月季品种之间的生根能力存在差异,7个根系形态指标用3个相互独立的综合指标代替,即第1主成分、第2主成分和第3主成分,7个微型月季品种扦插生根效果依次为:‘淑女’、 ‘红色恋人’、‘绝恋’、‘女儿红’、‘维纳斯’、‘春色’、‘灵感’,其中‘淑女’在种苗生产上采用常规扦插方法即可保证较高的插穗成活率。  相似文献   

青霉素和比久对月季切花保鲜效应的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张秋菊  裴明玉  刘曼玲  周繇   《广西植物》2005,25(6):584-586,583
切花保鲜的关键技术是降低水分的散失和防止营养亏缺。以月季为材料,采用室内瓶插的方法研究 了青霉素和比久对切花保鲜的效应。结果表明:含不同浓度青霉素和比久B9的保鲜剂均能延长月季切花的 瓶插寿命,增加切花鲜重,增大花径,提高花瓣过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,改善切花体内水分状况,维持花瓣膜 结构的相对稳定。青霉素处理对提高月季切花保鲜品质的效果好于B9。  相似文献   

We have previously described a triple stain for evaluating normal acrosome reactions of human sperm. This procedure uses trypan blue to distinguish live and dead sperm, Bismarck brown to stain the sperm's postacrosomal region, and rose Bengal to stain the sperm's acrosome. We have recently found that batches of rose Bengal vary significantly in their ability to produce good staining of the acrosome in this procedure. This appears to be due to variations in the intrinsic pH of rose Bengal solutions and the presence of nondye contaminants in the stain. In this study, we have evaluated acrosomal staining using 6 batches of rose Bengal and report a method for achieving uniform staining quality with each batch. Solutions of rose Bengal (0.8%) are made up in 0.1 M Tris HCl (pH 2.3) buffer and adjusted to pH 5.3 if necessary. For most batches of rose Bengal this promotes precipitation of some of the dye and an unidentified contaminating crystal. The precipitate is removed by centrifugation, and the supernatants have been found to give good to excellent staining of the acrosomes for all batches tested. Solutions of both rose Bengal and Bismarck brown are stable for at least 5 days but their pH values should be monitored daily and adjusted to 5.3 and 1.8 respectively if drifting occurs. We have also observed some variation in the intensity of rose Bengal staining of the acrosome from donor to donor and recommend that staining times in rose Bengal be adjusted for each donor.  相似文献   

为了筛选易生根的优良微型月季品种,采用主成分分析、隶属函数和聚类分析方法,对7个微型月季品种扦插的7个根系形态指标进行综合评价。结果表明,微型月季品种之间的生根能力存在差异,7个根系形态指标用3个相互独立的综合指标代替,即第1主成分、第2主成分和第3主成分,7个微型月季品种扦插生根效果依次为:‘淑女’、 ‘红色恋人’、‘绝恋’、‘女儿红’、‘维纳斯’、‘春色’、‘灵感’,其中‘淑女’在种苗生产上采用常规扦插方法即可保证较高的插穗成活率。  相似文献   

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