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In electron microscopic studies of the supraoptic nuclei of the rat hypothalamus, structures identified as "coiled bodies" were found in magnocellular neurons. Although they could be seen elsewhere in mature neurosecretory cells, coiled bodies were commonly encountered in developing neurons during the postnatal period in both sexes. They appeared as distinctive nuclear inclusions consisting of round-to-oval networks of short electron-dense strands embedded in a less dense, fibrillar matrix, and lacking a limiting membrane. In fine structure and stain-affinity, they bore a resemblance to the fibrillar component of the nucleolus. Coiled bodies were located either in close association with the nucleolus or free within the nucleoplasm, showing no specific relationships with the perinucleolar chromatin or with the nuclear envelope. Their origin and functional meaning is discussed in the light of recent ultrastructural and biochemical data on cellular differentiation and nucleolar behavior.  相似文献   

The isolation of nuclei from tissue-cultured plant cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A method for the isolation of nuclei from tissue-cultured plant cells is presented. The method employs polyamines as stabilizing agent and uses Percoll for the purification of the nuclei in density gradients. It is applicable to large amounts of tissue and is reasonably quick (500 g of tissue can be processed within 2–3 h). The purified nuclei have retained their morphological characteristics as demonstrated by phase contrast, as well as electron micrographs. High molecular weight DNA can be isolated from these nuclei and histones extracted from the purified nuclei display the expected gel electrophoretic pattern. The retainment of the nucleosomal arrangement is demonstrated by digestion with micrococcal nuclease and subsequent analysis of the DNA fragments on agarose gels. The purified nuclei contain high activities of several nucleus-specific enzymes such as α-amanitin-sensitive and insensitive RNA polymerases, protein kinases, poly-ADP-ribosylating enzymes and DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Chromatin structures and individual interphase chromosomes escaping nuclei of reversibly permeabilized cells were analyzed in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Cells were synchronized by counterflow centrifugal elutriation. Individual interphase chromosomes became visible as distinct fibrous chromatin bodies from mid-S-phase, turning to elongated chromosomes by the end of S phase. Major interphase chromosomal forms include (1) mid-S-phase chromatin bodies at 3.0 C-value, (2) elongated chromatin bodies later in mid-S-phase (3.25 C-value), (3) chromatin bodies with head and leg portions later in S phase (3.5 C-value), (4) supercoiled ribbons later in S phase seen as twisted prechromosomes (3.7 C-value), and (5) end-S-phase elongated, bent prechromosomal structures (3.9 C-value). The first karyotype analysis of the earliest forms of chromosomes referred to as chromatin bodies was performed.  相似文献   

Abstract The transition from primary dormancy to secondary dormancy was examined using upper cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds. The non-after-ripened seeds with primary dormancy responded to chilling, anoxia, KCN, and NaN3 with an increase in germination. However, their maximal responses to these treatments only occurred after a period of water imbibition, probably a reflection of the increasing growth potential of the axial tissue which was accompanied by the increase in the capacities of respiration and ethylene production. On the other hand, the establishment of secondary dormancy was accompanied by a decrease in respiration and ethylene production of seeds, and in the growth potential of both axial and cotyledonary tissues. The decrease in growth potential of these tissues occurred regardless of whether they were excised from after-ripened seeds or non-after-ripened seeds. It is inferred that the primary dormancy of cocklebur seeds is a state maintained in un-germinated seeds for a long time through a spontaneous transition to secondary dormancy.  相似文献   

Microtubule-nucleation sites on nuclei of higher plant cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
K. Mizuno 《Protoplasma》1993,173(1-2):77-85
Summary The nucleation and the elongation of microtubules from isolated nuclei of higher plant cells were investigated. Isolated intact nuclei failed to nucleate microtubules at their surface when they were incubated with purified tubulin from plant or animal sources. However, frozen and thawed nuclei or nuclear particles obtained by gentle nuclei homogenization nucleated microtubules and nucleated microtubules elongated radially from the surface of nuclei or from the nuclear particles. Microtubules radiating from the nuclear particles were very much shorter than those radiating from frozen and thawed nuclei. The washing of the nuclear particles diminished the ability of the particles to nucleate microtubules. The ability of the washed nuclear particles to nucleate microtubules was restored by the addition of the soluble fraction of a nuclear homogenate. The complexes of radiating microtubules could easily be observed under a phasecontrast microscope. Electron microscopy demonstrated that microtubules in the complexes formed bundles. The staining with a monoclonal antibody specific for plant tubulin of the complexes of radiating microtubules, prepared by successive polymerization of animal tubulin and plant tubulin, revealed that microtubules in the complex incorporated tubulin at their proximal ends. This result indicates that the mode of incorporation of tubulin onto frozen and thawed nuclei or onto the nuclear particles is different from that in pericentriolar bodies in animal cells. Mg2+ seems to participate in the regulatory mechanism that determines the length of microtubules on the complexes.Abbreviations MTOC microtubule-organizing center - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethane-sulfonic acid - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol bis (-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - GTP guanosine triphosphate - NP-40 Nonidet P-40 - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - EPC ethyl N-phenylcarbamate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - DAPI 4,6-diamidiho-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

Summary A simple method, involving selective Triton X-100 membrane solubilization, has been developed for the isolation of nuclei from barley and tobacco protoplasts which gives a high yield of essentially pure nuclei. The isolated nuclei resembled those in leaf cells and protoplasts when the isolated nuclei were fixed for short times (2 hours, Medium II), except that their chromatin appeared to be more highly condensed and barley nuclei also lacked the outer nuclear membrane. When longer times of fixation (12 hours, Medium I) were used, the isolated nuclei lacked the characteristic condensed chromatin appearance.  相似文献   

Preparation of megabase-size DNA from plant nuclei   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A novel technique has been developed for the preparation of high molecular weight (HMW) DNA from plant nuclei. This technique involves physical homogenization of plant tissues, nuclei isolation, embedding of the nuclei in low-melting-point agarose microbeads or plugs, and DNA purification in situ . This technique is simple, rapid, and economical, and the majority of the DNA prepared is over 5.7 Mb in size. The genomic DNA content of the HMW DNA prepared by this technique is enriched by at least threefold and the chloroplast DNA content is reduced by over twofold relative to that prepared from plant protoplasts by existing methods. The DNA is readily digestible with different restriction enzymes and partial digestions of the DNA could be reproducibly performed. This method has been successfully used for the preparation of HMW DNA from a wide range of plant taxa, including grasses, legumes, vegetables, and trees. These results demonstrate that the DNA prepared by this technique is suitable for plant genome analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and for the construction of yeast and bacterial artificial chromosomes.  相似文献   

In larch (Larix decidua Mill.) microspores a new type of nuclear bodies has been found which are an element of the spatial organization of the splicing system in plant cell. These are bizonal bodies, ultrastructurally differentiated into a coiled part and a dense part. Using immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization at the EM level, the coiled part of the bizonal body was found to contain snRNA including U2 snRNA, Sm proteins and nucleolar proteins of the agyrophilic type and fibrillarin. The dense part contains Sm proteins but lacks snRNA. Such a separation of macromolecules related to splicing occurring within the bizonal bodies microspore is striking by the similarity of these bodies to amphibian oocyte snurposomes. The occurrence in plant cells, beside widely known coiled bodies (CBs), also of other nuclear bodies related to splicing proves that in plants similarly as for animals the differentiation among domains containing elements of the splicing system occurs.  相似文献   

G. Wanner  H. Formanek  R. R. Theimer 《Planta》1981,151(2):109-123
Maturing embryos of 16 oil plants, anise suspension culture cells, and Neurospora crassa cells were prepared for electron microscopy at different stages during massive lipid accumulation. Lipid-rich structures of certain species were best preserved by dehydration of fixed tissues in ethanol without propylene oxide, embedding in Spurr's Medium, and polymerization at room temperature. In all cells examined, spherical lipid bodies (spherosomes) showed a moderately osmiophilic, amorphous matrix and displayed a delimiting half-unit membrane when sectioned medially. Associations with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) were viewed at any stage during lipid body development but with different frequency in the different plant species. Plastids of fat-storing cells exhibited conspicuously undulate outer and inner envelope membranes that formed multiple contact sites with each other and protuberances into both cytoplasm and stroma. Some species, e.g., Linum, have plastids with tubular structures that connect the inner membrane to the thylakoid system; in addition, in the stroma vesicles fusing with or apparently passing through the envelope were observed. The outer envelope membrane may be associated with ER-like cytoplasmic membrane structures. In addition, lipid bodies of various sizes were found in contact with the plastid envelope. The ultrastructural observations are interpreted to match the published biochemical evidence, indicating that both plastids and ER may be involved in the synthesis of storage lipids and lipid body production.  相似文献   

RNase P consists of both protein and RNA subunits in all organisms and organelles investigated so far, with the exception of chloroplasts and plant nuclei where no enzyme-associated RNA has been detected to date. Studies on substrate specificity revealed that cleavage by plant nuclear RNase P is critically dependent on a complete and intact structure of the substrate. No clearcut answer is yet possible regarding the order of processing events at the 5 or 3 end of tRNAs in the case of nuclear or chloroplast processing enzymes. RNase P from a phylogenetically ancient photosynthetic organelle will be discussed in greater detail: The enzyme from theCyanophora paradoxa cyanelle is the first RNase P from a photosynthetic organelle which has been shown to contain an essential RNA subunit. This RNA is strikingly similar to its counterpart from cyanobacteria, yet it lacks catalytic activity. Properties of the holoenzyme suggest an intermediate position in RNA enzyme evolution, with an eukaryotic-type, inactive RNA and a prokaryotic-type small protein subunit. The possible presence of an RNA component in RNase P from plant nuclei and modern chloroplasts will be discussed, including a critical evaluation of some criteria that have been frequently applied to elucidate the subunit composition of RNase P from different organisms.Abbreviations RNase P Ribonuclease P - (pre-)tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid (precursor) - tRNA Ser (- Tyr , - Phe ) transfer ribonucleic acid specific for serine (tyrosine, phenylalanine) - CyRP RNA RNA component of cyanelle RNase P  相似文献   

The interchromatin granules (IG) are well characterized subnuclear structures in animal cell nuclei which form a part of the internal nuclear matrix and are supposed to correspond to accummulation sites of snRNPs and/or maturation and transport of rRNPs; but similar structures have not yet been characterized in plant nuclei. Using the bismuth impregnation technique of Locke and Huie, preferential for the staining of IG, we describe here a kind of positive granules 20–25 nm in diameter in plants. The putative plant IG have a series of common characteristics with animal IG, which are not found as a whole in any other subnuclear structures. These are: size, morphology and ultrastructural organization, presence in groups, EDTA and bismuth oxynitrate positive reactions, resistance to double digestion with proteases and RNase I and their high content in phosphorylated proteins. For all the above and also because they are ubiquitous structures in the plant nuclei, we identified these granules with the IG described in animal cells.  相似文献   

We analysed the presence and localization of spectrin-like proteins in nuclei of various plant tissues, using several anti-erythrocyte spectrin antibodies on isolated pea nuclei and nuclei in cells. Western blots of extracted purified pea nuclei show a cross-reactive pair of bands at 220-240 kDa, typical for human erythrocyte spectrin, and a prominent 60 kDa band. Immunolocalization by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy reveals spectrin-like proteins in distinct spots equally distributed in the nucleoplasm and over the nuclear periphery, independent of the origin of the anti-spectrin antibodies used. In some nuclei tracks of spectrin-like proteins are also observed. No signal is present in nucleoli. The amount and intensity of signal increases when nuclei were extracted, successively, with detergents, DNase I and RNase A, and high salt, indicating that the spectrin-like protein is associated with the nuclear matrix. The labelling is similar in nuclei of various plant tissues. These data are the first that show the presence and localization of spectrin-like epitopes in plant nuclei, where they may stabilize specific interchromatin domains.  相似文献   

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