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The dietary compositions of the co-occurring gerreid Parequula melbournensis and the carangid Pseudocaranx wrighti have been determined, using samples collected seasonally from a 200 km stretch of coastal water in temperate Australia, in which these species are very abundant. Although the small representatives of P. melbournensis and P. wrighti both fed to a large extent on copepods, the latter ingested a wider variety of prey and thus had a greater dietary breadth. The diets of both species changed markedly as body size increased. The larger representatives of P. melbournensis fed mainly on onuphid and other polychaetes, whereas those of P. wrighti consumed a considerable volume of crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes other than onuphids, and echinoderms. The above differences account for the dietary breadth being far greater in large P. wrighti than large P. melbournensis. Schoener's index and classification showed that dietary overlap between P. melbournensis and P. wrighti was low, suggesting that food resources were partitioned between these two demersal species. Intraspecific overlap was less amongst the length classes of small fish than among those of larger fish, indicating that any competition for food would be less among small fish, when growth would have been most rapid. The larger P. melbournensis fed mainly on prey types which were relatively sessile and can protrude from the substrate, such as tube-dwelling onuphid polychaetes, whereas the larger P. wrighti fed on a variety of epibenthic and/or more mobile species, such as mysids, amphipods, bivalves, gastropods, nereid polychaetes and echinoderms. Although P. melbournensis foraged to a far greater extent on a sessile fauna that occurs on or in the substrate, it ingested a far smaller amount of sand than P. wrighti, even though this latter species fed on a more epibenthic fauna. The presence of smaller amounts of sand in the stomach contents of P. melbournensis than of P. wrighti, presumably reflects the possession of a smaller and far more protrusible mouth, which enabled its sessile prey to be targetted more precisely. The dietary composition of P. melbournensis and P. wrighti underwent some seasonal changes, presumably reflecting seasonal fluctuations in the densities of prey species, and that of P. melbournensis differed slightly between some sites.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variations in the structure, density, biomass and production rates of fish were assessed in the neotropical River Ubatiba (Serra do Mar, southeast Brazil). Electrofishing techniques and the length-frequency method were shown to be reliable for the assessment of (ish numbers and production rates in these running waters of medium conductivity. Eighteen fish species of small size and prolonged spawning period were broadly distributed throughout the river catchment. Over the year, the assemblage structure was persistent along the river. Water column omnivore and algae/detritivore species dominated in density (15086-70330 ind. ha−1), whereas three omnivores and a piscivorous species accounted for 70% of the production (51.5-250.4 kg ha−1 yr−1). Comparison of production rates among, tropical, temperate and Mediterranean stream fish assemblages indicate lower rates in tropical streams and an inverse relationship between production and species diversity, lower production rates in high-diversity tropical streams vs higher rates in low-diversity Mediterranean streams, with intermediate rates in temperate streams of intermediate diversity.  相似文献   

The ocean leatherjacket (Nelusetta ayraudi) is one of the largest members of the family Monacanthidae. Distributed throughout inshore waters around the southern half of Australia, this schooling species supports substantial commercial and recreational fisheries. N. ayraudi do not conform to either of the general reproductive modes reported within the family, but exhibit characteristics of both strong social reproductive behaviour and of being promiscuous and polygynous. Sexual dimorphism, with males and females exhibiting differing colouration and body shapes, and ripe ovaries being an order of magnitude larger than ripe testes, are characteristic of social reproductive behaviour and pair spawning. In contrast, high batch fecundity (mean of 320 oocytes per gram of body weight), similar sizes and ages at sexual maturity (350 mm and 2.5 years respectively) and the formation of large spawning aggregations in offshore waters are characteristic of being promiscuous and polygynous. Similar to many other coastal marine species off the east and west coasts of Australia, N. ayraudi are partial spawners during the austral winter months with spawning restricted to the part of their distribution that is towards the upper area of the prevailing currents. It is hypothesized that N. ayraudi off eastern Australia have evolved a life-history strategy whereby fish move northwards through time, spawning occurs in these more northern waters and the southerly flowing Eastern Australian Current facilitates dispersal of eggs and larvae southwards. The reproductive characteristics described provide various options to fishery managers who wish to enhance the sustainability of the fishery through increased egg production. These include spatial and temporal fishing closures to protect breeding fish during the spawning period, the protection of juveniles through either inshore area closures, improving the selectivity of fishing gears and/or regulated minimum legal lengths.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the reproductive biology of Liza subviridis , a little studied mullet species. The fish is heterosexual, exhibiting external fertilization. Six maturity stages can be macroscopically identified in the testes and seven in the ovaries. The macroscopic changes in the gonads are manifestations of histological changes occurring in the development of sperm cells and oocytes. First sexual maturity is attained in the length ranges of 9.5–11.5 cm and 10.5–11.5 cm in male and female fish respectively. The fecundity for fish measuring 10.3–13.9 cm in standard length ranged from 40 000–145 000 eggs. The relationship between fecundity ( F ) and length ( L ) can be represented as: F = 1.9044 L 4.2998. The spawning duration in L. subviridis is restricted to a short and definite period, with all ripe ova being released within a single spawning act. A pronounced spawning season can be detected to extend from June to November. However, during off-seasons, some spawning also occurs. The correlations between spawning, rainfall and air temperature is discussed.  相似文献   

Otoliths of southern bluefin, Thunnus maccoyii , of between 42 cm and 167 cm f.l. , taken from waters off New South Wales, South Australia, and Western Australia were prepared to reveal annual banding. Methods of preparation and examination are detailed.
Otolith growth was demonstrated to be directly proportional to fish growth over the size range studied. Sampling over 13 months provided validation of the annual nature of bands for fish in their 3rd, 4th and 5th year of growth. Band formation of fish in their 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th years of growth also appeared to be annular, though samples were available from an insufficient number of months for confident validation.
Von Bertalanffy growth parameters derived from determined age-at-length are LL, 261.3cm; k , 0.108, t 0, –0.157.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the history of commercial exploitation of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris in the North Atlantic. Length frequencies of C. rupestris in 1993, from 400 to 1200 m on the slopes of the Rockall trough indicate a reduction since the 1970s in the modal length of fish found at 700–1000 m. Ages ranged from 2 to 50 years for males and 2 to 60 years for females, with most between 10–38 years. Females attained a greater asymptotic pre-anus length ( L =19.5 cm) than males ( L =15.5 cm) and had a greater weight for a given age (male W =761g, female W =1132g). This species may have a protracted spawning period. Using pre-anus lengths, 50% of male fish were mature at 10 cm (ages 8–10) while 50% of female fish were mature at 12 cm (ages 9–11). At the greatest depths sampled the length frequency of fish was bimodal with a hiatus between 9 and 11 cm (ages 8–12). Highest catch rates occurred on the Donegal slope in September at a depth of 800–1000 m.  相似文献   

The prevalence of infection of the West Australian dhufish Glaucosoma hebraicum off the lower west coast of Australia by Philometra lateolabracis was greater among females than males, which contrasts with the situation with Pagrus auratus in waters off New Zealand. Live P. lateolabracis were represented solely by females and were found only in the gonads of fish of mature size ( L 50 at first maturity = c . 300 mm) caught between December and April and thus during the spawning period of dhufish. Since the gonads were largest during that period, they, and particularly ovaries, would provide an abundant food source in the form of blood. The prevalence of the parasite (live + dead individuals) increased with host body size to reach a maximum of c . 80% in the 700–799 mm length class of females and c . 50% in the largest length class of males. During the spawning period of G hebraicum, P. lateolabracis developed from small, non-gravid females to large gravid females, representing an increase in mass of more than 200 times. The maximum length of P. lateolabracis (470 mm) in G hebraicum is the greatest yet recorded for this species. Gonadosomatic indices provided no evidence that infection by P. lateolabracis leads to a conspicuous atrophy of the ovaries, which contrasts with the situation with the gonads of some of the teleosts infected by Philometra species, and presumably reflects, in part, the small volume of the ovary occupied by P. lateolabracis (c . 3%) and the low intensity of infection (mean = 2.0, maximum = 7). Although the presence of live P. lateolabracis did not stimulate an obvious tissue response by the ovaries during the spawning period of G. hebraicum , both the dead and any live parasites that remain after spawning become encapsulated in fibrous tissue.  相似文献   

Intra-annual variation in the batch fecundity of sardine off Portugal   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atresia in the ovaries of sardine Sardina pilchardus did not show clear seasonal patterns. There was high prevalance ( c. 60%) and low intensity ( c. 1% of gonadal area occupied by oocytes) in all months of the spawning season studied. The batch size to ovary-free mass relationship was significantly different in the mid-spawning season, with higher relative fecundity and gonadosomatic index (IG) in January than in November and March. There was no additional effect on batch fecundity due to age or condition factor. Data from monthly market samples during 1998–1999 revealed a continuous decline of the condition factor throughout the spawning season. The market samples also revealed that the duration of the spawning season is not equal for all fish. In any month, pre-spawning fish tended to have significantly higher IG than spawners, indicating that delayed initiation of spawning can lead to larger relative fecundity. The increase in sardine relative fecundity during the first half of the spawning season is probably due to the continuous influx of new spawners and possibly to body mass loss that is initially not translated into gonad mass loss. After January when all visible fat reserves within the body cavity have disappeared, the influx of new spawners practically ceases.  相似文献   

The reproductive behaviour of the kelp bass Paralabrax clathratus was studied on Santa Catalina Island, California, U.S.A. from April 2000 to September 2002. Adults formed aggregations of three to > 200 individuals, and spawning occurred within subgroups of three to 23 individuals that contained a single female. The gonado‐somatic index ( I G) of collected ripe males (mean = 5·8%, range = 0·5–13·1%) indicated a large investment in sperm production that is common in group‐spawning fishes characterized by intense sperm competition. Spawning occurred 32 min before sunset to 120 min after sunset, and both males and females were capable of spawning multiple times during a single evening. Behavioural observations of adults and estimates of spawning periodicity from the collection of females with hydrated oocytes suggested that spawning occurred continuously throughout the summer months and showed no significant relationship with the lunar cycle. In general, the spawning behaviour of kelp bass was similar to other functionally gonochoric, group‐spawning serranids. The dynamics of P. clathratus spawning aggregations, however, were inconsistent with that of tropical reef fish spawning aggregations, including the transient spawning aggregations of some tropical serranids. Aggregation spawning appeared to be an important component of the annual reproduction of this species.  相似文献   

Opercular bones of 261 pike from the River Stour and 117 from the River Frome were used for age and back-calculated growth determinations. The annuli were laid down during late April and early May and most growth occurred between May and September. Pike growth in the two rivers was comparable with the fastest growth in other waters, though Frome pike grew slightly faster than Stour pike. Spawning occurred from the end of March into May. Elaboration of the ovaries commenced in September and was virtually completed by February, whereas the testes reached their maximum weight in October and maintained it until spawning. Immature pike had an annual cycle of condition reaching a maximum in May and a minimum during the winter. The gonad cycle affected the condition of mature females which had their minimum condition in mid-summer. The fecundity of Stour pike is expressed by the formula: log10 egg number =3.56 log10 fish length (mm) – 5.40. Approximately 75% of all Stour pike were sexually mature by age II and these fish were, on average, larger than immature pike of the same age. The most numerous items in the diet of pike were small cyprinids, 30–80 mm fork length, although pike over 700 mm long ate larger fish. Few salmonids appeared in the diet of either Frome or Stour pike. The percentage of empty stomachs was highest in Stour samples taken during the summer, shorter digestion times and longer feeding periods in this period are suggested as reasons for the apparent anomaly.  相似文献   

Details of the reproductive biology, size and age compositions and growth of the breaksea cod Epinephelides armatus , the sole representative of Epinephelides , were obtained by collecting monthly samples of a wide total length ( L T) range of individuals from coastal marine waters at 31–32° S on the lower west coast of Australia. Although the modal L T class of females (250–299 mm) was markedly less than that of males (400–449 mm), the modal ages of the two sexes were similar, i.e. 4 v. 5 years, respectively. The similarity in the age compositions and the histological demonstration that the gonads of all E. armatus consist solely of either ovarian or testicular tissues demonstrate that this species is gonochoristic, which is highly unusual for an anthiinine serranid. The absence of a central, membrane-lined 'ovarian' lumen in the testes of juveniles would account for adult testes containing neither this ovarian remnant nor the peripherally located sperm sinuses that are found in the mature testes of almost all other serranids. The results demonstrate that E. armatus exhibits a very unusual pattern of sexual development for a serranid. The spawning period of E. armatus lasts for c. 9 months, which is long for a species in temperate Western Australian waters, but comparable with that of many other relatively small serranids elsewhere. Females grow slower than males, attaining L T at 3, 5 and 10 years of c. 200, 285 and 420 mm, respectively, compared with c. 215, 315 and 450 mm, respectively. Females, however, attain maturity at a greater L T and older age than males.  相似文献   

The white croaker Micropogonias furnieri , in the coastal Rocha Lagoon, spawned during 5 months, in late spring and summer. It was eurythermic (gonad growth at 12·5 to 25·5° C, spawning at 20 to 27° C) and mesoxic (living at 5·2 to 9·1 mg l-1). The spawning occurred in brackish (8–18 salinity), basic ( c . 8 pH) and oxygenated ( c . 8·0 mg l-1) waters. The temperature appeared to be an important environmental factor affecting the timing of reproduction. The size at first maturity (19–20 cm) was 11–12 cm lower than the reported for the Río de la Plata spawning area (Uruguay). Juveniles were observed throughout most of the year suggesting that the lagoon is also a nursery area. In Brazil, M. furnieri spawns in marine areas while in Uruguay it spawns in estuaries. This is the first time that a coastal lagoon of the subtropical and temperate western coast of the South Atlantic Ocean has been shown to be a spawning area of a marine species.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology of gag in the southern Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspects of the reproductive biology of gag Mycteroperca microlepis in the southern Gulf of Mexico were studied by following seasonal variations in the gonado‐somatic index and through histological examination of gonads. Gag were collected from inshore and offshore waters of the Campeche Bank, Yucatan, Mexico, between April 1996 and December 2001. This species is a protogynous hermaphrodite, and appeared to be depth‐size distributed. The smallest gag (9–49 cm L F) collected were all juvenile females, and were caught in inshore waters (1–10 m depth), while the largest (49–116 cm L F), mainly adult females, males and transitionals, were captured in offshore waters (33–167 m depth). Overall the offshore male to female ratio was female‐biased (1 : 3·3) and differed significantly from unity. The species spawns at depths of c . 50–53 m, from early winter to mid‐spring, with peak spawning activity occurring between January and March. Fifty per cent of females reached first maturity at 72·1 cm L F. At 103 cm L F, 50% of sampled females had changed into males. Gag can be considered a monandric species, and sexual transition for this grouper seemed to occur in fish distributed within a narrow size range (85–111 cm L F). The results are compared with those of other authors for gag stocks from the south‐east Atlantic coast of the U.S.A. and the north‐east Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Golden galaxias Galaxias auratus (31–235 mm fork length, L F) were collected monthly from littoral habitats in Lakes Crescent and Sorell, Tasmania, Australia, between July 2000 and December 2002. Spawning habitats were identified and monitored in both lakes, and surveyed in Lake Crescent. Trends in gonado-somatic indices and reproductive stages of development indicated that gonad development in both sexes begins in midsummer and peaks in late autumn to early winter. Males mature at smaller sizes (50% at 52 mm L F) than females (50% at 76 mm L F), larger individuals are predominately females (95% of fish ≥138 mm L F), and overall male to female ratios are female biased ( c . 1:2). Spawning occurs late autumn to early spring (water temperatures = 1·4–9·7° C) with peaks in spawning activity in winter (mean water temperatures <5° C). Demersal adhesive eggs ( c. 1·5 mm diameter) were found on cobble substrata ( c. 20–250 mm diameter) in littoral areas ( c. 0·2–0·6 m deep) and fecundity of fish 71–181 mm L F ranged from 619 to 14 478 eggs. The rate of change in water level over the 20 days prior to monthly sampling was important in explaining the occurrence of spent fish and this accounted for temporal differences in spawning between the populations. Lake hydrology influences the reproductive cycle of G. auratus by possibly providing a stimulus for spawning and it controls the availability of spawning habitat in Lake Crescent. Seasonal hydrological cycles ( i.e. rises during late autumn to winter) and a minimum water level of 802·20 m Australian Height Datum in Lake Crescent during autumn (above which littoral areas of cobble substratum are inundated) are critical to G. auratus populations.  相似文献   

Basic biological information was collected to assist in understanding the biology of selected small-bodied fishes for use in environmental monitoring programmes. Gonado-somatic index ( I G) and hepato-somatic index ( I H) profiles of female blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus , mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus and golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas were similar, decreasing gradually during the spawning season. I G and I H profiles of female northern redbelly dace Phoxinus eos peaked twice suggesting oocyte recruitment was continuous throughout the spawning season. Regressions of ovary mass to adjusted body mass ( M A) were more variable in dace relative to the other fish species. For female blacknose dace, variability in the relationship between ovary mass and M A was minimized by selecting either 2 year-old fish and fish that weighed 2–4 g.  相似文献   

The eel genus Histiobranchus Gill occurs benthopelagically over the continental rise and abyss of the World Ocean, primarily beneath temperate and subpolar surface waters. Its generic status within the subfamily Synaphobranchinae is confirmed by comparison of the structure and topography of its cephalic sensory system and skeletal features with Synaphobranchus. At least three species of Histiobranchus are recognized: H. bathybius (panoceanic), H. bruuni (Tasman Sea and waters south-east of New Zealand) and H. australis (two geographical forms; South Atlantic and south-western Indian Ocean, and South Indo-West Pacific Oceans). Collections totalling 319 specimens of H. bathybius from the eastern North Atlantic (1790–5440 m depth) yielded a size range of 99–1370 mm total length ( L T), with no apparent sexual dimorphism. Length–frequency distributions indicate a mode of juvenile fish at around 100–200 mm L T and a further two around 600–700 and 1300–1400 mm L T among adults. Generally smaller fish occur in shallower regions, although the size range is broad over the whole depth range. No apparent trend occurs in the size distribution with latitude over the range 17–54) N. Females outnumber males (1 male : 1·7 females) and both sexes are largely distinguishable from 300 mm L T. Ripening eggs occur in females from both adult length modes, with running ripe and spent females of very different size indicating iteroparity.  相似文献   

The total annual fecundity of mackerel, Scomber scombrus L., during a spawning season is produced by release of discrete batches of eggs. Total fecundity is then the product of the number of batches times the batch fecundity ( F bw). An extensive trawl survey of the Western mackerel stock in the NE Atlantic was undertaken in the 1989 spawning season. Batch fecundity was estimated for 298 fish by counting hydrated eggs in ovaries just prior to ovulation. F bw, expressed as eggs g−1 body weight, varied with latitude: south of 51°N, F bw= 55.49, s.e. = 2.04, n = 227; between 51°N and 55°N, F bw= 45.72, s.e. = 3.41, n = 52 and north of 55° N, F bw= 41.33, s.e. = 5.52, n = 19. It is suggested that as spawning fish migrate northwards the batch size decreases with progress of the spawning season.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the Mediterranean razor fish Xyrichthys novacula was investigated by demographic data and histological analysis of the female, intersexual and male gonads. Specimens were collected by bottom trawl on a monthly basis between June 2000 and July 2001 in a sandy bay in southern Thyrrenian. Gonad histology confirmed that the Mediterranean razor fish is a monandric, protogynous hermaphrodite. Females reached first sexual maturity at 100 mm ( L T) and the estimated mean L T at first maturity ( L 50) was 125 mm. Females exhibited asynchronous ovarian development and multiple ovulations occurred over the spawning period. Vitellogenesis started in early May and spawning occurred from late May until late September. Sexual transition involved a large‐scale atresia of all oocyte stages and a massive degeneration of ovarian tissue followed by primordial germ cells proliferation. Sex change began at spawning time (June) but transitional individuals tended to cluster at the end of the reproductive period (September). They accounted for 17·1% of the population sampled and were found in a broad size range (105–150 mm L T).  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the vertical and horizontal distribution of young (I +–II +) perch in Rostherne Mere, a deep (max. depth 31.0 m) eutrophic lake are described using sonar. During the summer (June–August), perch were present within the thermocline (9–14° C) between 7 and 10 m. There was no significant difference between samples during this period, nor was there any evidence of shoaling. From September onwards perch moved into deeper waters. By late winter fish had become patchy in their distribution. Total numbers, during the summer, were estimated to be 988 ha 1 with 95% confidence limits of ±115 (biomass 98.8 kg ha −1). Densities (no. m−3) fell by over 90% after the autumn overturn. The implications for predators are discussed. Acoustic sampling provides a useful, non-destructive method of sampling eutrophic lakes on a routine basis. Information obtained is of ecological, behavioural and physiological interest.  相似文献   

The wreckfish Polyprion americanus , a large [>1 m total length ( L T)] demersal teleost, is distributed globally in temperate waters, including both sides of the North and South Atlantic Oceans, the Mediterranean, the western South Pacific, and the southern Indian Ocean. Wreckfish spawn off the south-eastern U.S. on an area of the Blake Plateau (the Charleston Bump) characterized by an extensive ridge having approximately 100 m relief, in 450–600 m depths. Juvenile wreckfish (<60 cm L T) are pelagic and, in the North Atlantic, are not reported from the Blake Plateau fishing area, but occur in by-catch and fishery landings in the eastern Atlantic. Analysis of nine restriction fragment length profiles from a PCR-amplified fragment (∼1.5 kb) of the ND1 mitochondrial gene indicated no stock separation between eastern North Atlantic (Azores, Majorca, Madeira), and western North Atlantic (Blake Plateau) wreckfish. Restriction site differences separate western South Atlantic wreckfish from the North Atlantic; however, South Atlantic wreckfish share restriction-site similarities with western Pacific wreckfish that are not shared with North Atlantic wreckfish. North Atlantic circulation provides a mechanism for a long-lived pelagic stage to be dispersed from Blake Plateau spawning grounds to the eastern North Atlantic. Global circulation patterns may explain both the dispersal of mtDNA haplotypes and the disjunct distribution of wreckfish body lengths in a temperate, deep-water vagile species with an extended pelagic juvenile stage such as wreckfish.  相似文献   

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