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Phospholamban (PLB) is a pentameric transmembrane protein that regulates the Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase SERCA2a in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. We previously described the computational design of a water-soluble variant of phospholamban, WSPLB, which reproduced many of the structural and functional properties of the native membrane-soluble protein. While the full-length WSPLB forms a pentamer in solution, a truncated variant forms very stable tetramers. To obtain insight into the tetramer-pentamer cytoplasmic switch, we solved the crystal structure of the truncated construct, WSPLB 21-52. This peptide has a heptad sequence repeat with Leu residues at a- and Ile at d-positions from residues 31-52. The crystal structure revealed that WSPLB 21-52 adopted an antiparallel tetrameric coiled coil. This topology contrasts with the parallel topology of an analogue of the coiled-coil of GCN4 with the same Leu(a) Ile(d) repeat. Analysis of these structures revealed how the nature of the partially exposed residues at e- and g-positions influence the topology formed by the bundle. We also constructed a model for the pentameric form of PLB using the coiled-coil parameters derived from a single monomer in the tetrameric structure. This model suggests that both buried and interfacial hydrogen bonds are important for stabilizing the parallel pentamer.  相似文献   

Seleno-lactoses have been successfully synthesized as candidates for mimicking carbohydrate ligands for human galectin-9 N-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain (NCRD). Selenium was introduced into the mono- or di-saccharides using p-methylselenobenzoic anhydride (Tol2Se) as a novel selenating reagent. The TolSe-substituted monosaccharides were converted into selenoglycosyl donors or acceptors, which were reacted with coupling partners to afford seleno-lactoses. The seleno-lactoses were converted to the target compounds. The structure of human galectin-9 NCRD co-crystallized with 6-MeSe-lactose was determined with single/multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD/MAD) phasing and was similar to that of the co-crystal with natural lactose.  相似文献   

An amino-terminal fragment of human apolipoprotein E3 (residues 1-165) has been expressed and crystallized in three different crystal forms under similar crystallization conditions. One crystal form has nearly identical cell dimensions to the previously reported orthorhombic (P2(1)2(1)2(1)) crystal form of the amino-terminal 22 kDa fragment of apolipoprotein E (residues 1-191). A second orthorhombic crystal form (P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions differing from the first form) and a trigonal (P3(1)21) crystal form were also characterized. The structures of the first orthorhombic and the trigonal form were determined by seleno-methionine multiwavelength anomalous dispersion, and the structure of the second orthorhombic form was determined by molecular replacement using the structure from the trigonal form as a search model. A combination of modern experimental and computational techniques provided high-quality electron-density maps, which revealed new features of the apolipoprotein E structure, including an unambiguously traced loop connecting helices 2 and 3 in the four-helix bundle and a number of multiconformation side chains. The three crystal forms contain a common intermolecular, antiparallel packing arrangement. The electrostatic complimentarity observed in this antiparallel packing resembles the interaction of apolipoprotein E with the monoclonal antibody 2E8 and the low density lipoprotein receptor. Superposition of the model structures from all three crystal forms reveals flexibility and pronounced kinks in helices near one end of the four-helix bundle. This mobility at one end of the molecule provides new insights into the structural changes in apolipoprotein E that occur with lipid association.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP), a Gram-negative bacterium, is a common cause of hospital-acquired bacterial infections worldwide. Tellurium (Te) compounds, although relatively rare in the environment, have a long history as antimicrobial and therapeutic agents. In bacteria, tellurite (TeO(3) (-2)) resistance is conferred by the ter (Te(r)) operon (terZABCDEF). Here, on the basis of 2593 restraints derived from NMR analysis, we report the NMR structure of TerB protein (151 amino acids) of KP (KP-TerB), which is mainly composed of seven alpha-helices and a 3(10) helix, with helices II to V apparently forming a four-helix bundle. The ensemble of 20 NMR structures was well-defined, with a RMSD of 0.32 +/- 0.06 A for backbone atoms and 1.11 +/- 0.07 A for heavy atoms, respectively. A unique property of the KP-TerB structure is that the positively and negatively charged clusters are formed by the N-terminal positively and C-terminal negatively charged residues, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, the protein sequence and structures of KP-TerB are unique.  相似文献   

To test whether it is practical to use phage display coupled with proteolysis for protein design, we used this approach to convert a partially unfolded four-helix bundle protein, apocytochrome b(562), to a stably folded four-helix bundle protein. Four residues expected to form a hydrophobic core were mutated. One residue was changed to Trp to provide a fluorescence probe for studying the protein's physical properties and to partially fill the void left by the heme. The other three positions were randomly mutated. In addition, another residue in the region to be redesigned was substituted with Arg to provide a specific cutting site for protease Arg-c. This library of mutants was displayed on the surface of phage and challenged with protease Arg-c to select stably folded proteins. The consensus sequence that emerged from the selection included hydrophobic residues at only one of the three positions and non-hydrophobic residues at the other two. Nevertheless, the selected proteins were thermodynamically very stable. The structure of a selected protein was characterized using multi-dimensional NMR. All four helices were formed in the structure. Further, site-directed mutagenesis was used to change one of the two non-hydrophobic residues to a hydrophobic residue, which increased the stability of the protein, indicating that the selection result was not based solely on the protein's global stability and that local structural characteristics may also govern the selection. This conclusion is supported by the crystal structure of another mutant that has two hydrophobic residues substituted for the two non-hydrophobic residues. These results suggest that the hydrophobic interactions in the core are not sufficient to dictate the selection and that the location of the cutting site of the protease also influences the selection of structures.  相似文献   

Genome sequencing showed that two proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv contain the metal binding motif (D/E)X(2)HX(approximately 100)(D/E)X(2)H characteristic of the soluble diiron enzyme superfamily. These putative acyl-ACP desaturase genes desA1 and desA2 were cloned from genomic DNA and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). DesA1 was found to be insoluble, but in contrast, DesA2 was a soluble protein amenable to biophysical characterization. Here, we report the 2.0 A resolution X-ray structure of DesA2 determined by multiple anomalous dispersion (MAD) phasing from a Se-met derivative and refinement against diffraction data obtained on the native protein. The X-ray structure shows that DesA2 is a homodimeric protein with a four-helix bundle core flanked by five additional helices that overlay with 192 structurally equivalent amino acids in the structure of stearoyl-ACP Delta9 desaturase from castor plant with an rms difference 1.42 A. In the DesA2 crystals, one metal (likely Mn from the crystallization buffer) was bound in high occupancy at the B-site of the conserved metal binding motif, while the A-site was not occupied by a metal ion. Instead, the amino group of Lys-76 occupied this position. The relationships between DesA2 and known diiron enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the classical DNA-binding proteins, bacteriophage lambda Cro, forms a homodimer with a unique fold of alpha-helices and beta-sheets. We have computationally designed an artificial sequence of 60 amino acid residues to stabilize the backbone tertiary structure of the lambda Cro dimer by simulated annealing using knowledge-based structure-sequence compatibility functions. The designed amino acid sequence has 25% identity with that of natural lambda Cro and preserves Phe58, which is important for formation of the stably folded structure of lambda Cro. The designed dimer protein and its monomeric variant, which was redesigned by the insertion of a beta-hairpin sequence at the C-terminal region to prevent dimerization, were synthesized and biochemically characterized to be well folded. The designed protein was monomeric under a wide range of protein concentrations and its solution structure was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The solved structure is similar to that of a monomeric variant of natural lambda Cro with a root-mean-square deviation of the polypeptide backbones at 2.1A and has a well-packed protein core. Thus, our knowledge-based functions provide approximate but essential relationships between amino acid sequences and protein structures, and are useful for finding novel sequences that are foldable into a given target structure.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the hypothetical protein TA1238 from Thermoplasma acidophilum was solved with multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction and refined at 2.0 resolution. The molecule consists of a typical four-helix antiparallel bundle with overhand connection. However, its oligomerization into a trimer leads to a coiled super-helix which is novel for such bundles. Its central feature, a six-stranded coiled coil, is also novel for proteins. TA1238 does not have strong sequence homologues in databases, but shows strong structural similarity with some proteins in the Protein Data Bank. The function could not be inferred from the sequence but the structure, with some rearrangement, bears some resemblance to the active site region of cobalamin adenosyltransferase (TA1434). Specifically, TA1238 retains Arg104, which is structurally equivalent to functionally critical Arg119 of TA1434. For such conformational change, the overhand connection of TA1238 might need to be involved in a gating mechanism that might be modulated by ligands and/or by interactions with the physiological partners. This allowed us to hypothesize that TA1238 could be involved in cobalamin biosyntheses  相似文献   

In higher plants, histidine-aspartate phosphorelays (two-component system) are involved in hormone signaling and stress responses. In these systems, histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) proteins mediate the signal transmission from sensory histidine kinases to response regulators, including integration of several signaling pathways or branching into different pathways. We have determined the crystal structure of a maize HPt protein, ZmHP2, at 2.2 A resolution. ZmHP2 has six alpha-helices with a four-helix bundle at the C-terminus, a feature commonly found in HPt domains. In ZmHP2, almost all of the conserved residues among plant HPt proteins surround this histidine, probably forming the docking interface for the receiver domain of histidine kinase or the response regulator. Arg102 of ZmHP2 is conserved as a basic residue in plant HPt proteins. In bacteria, it is replaced by glutamine or glutamate that form a hydrogen bond to Ndelta atoms of the phospho-accepting histidine. It may play a key role in the complex formation of ZmHP2 with receiver domains.  相似文献   

The de novo design of proteins is a rigorous test of our understanding of the key determinants of protein structure. The helix bundle is an interesting de novo design model system due to the diverse topologies that can be generated from a few simple α-helices. Previously, noncomputational studies demonstrated that connecting amphipathic helices together with short loops can sometimes generate helix bundle proteins, regardless of the bundle''s exact sequence. However, using such methods, the precise positions of helices and side chains cannot be predetermined. Since protein function depends on exact positioning of residues, we examined if sequence design tools in the program Rosetta could be used to design a four-helix bundle with a predetermined structure. Helix position was specified using a folding procedure that constrained the design model to a defined topology, and iterative rounds of rotamer-based sequence design and backbone refinement were used to identify a low energy sequence for characterization. The designed protein, DND_4HB, unfolds cooperatively (Tm >90°C) and a NMR solution structure shows that it adopts the target helical bundle topology. Helices 2, 3, and 4 agree very closely with the design model (backbone RMSD = 1.11 Å) and >90% of the core side chain χ1 and χ2 angles are correctly predicted. Helix 1 lies in the target groove against the other helices, but is displaced 3 Å along the bundle axis. This result highlights the potential of computational design to create bundles with atomic-level precision, but also points at remaining challenges for achieving specific positioning between amphipathic helices.  相似文献   

The introduction of disulfide crosslinks is a generally useful method by which to identify regions of a protein that are close together in space. Here we describe the use of disulfide crosslinks to investigate the structure and flexibility of a family of designed 4-helix bundle proteins. The results of these analyses lend support to our working model of the proteins' structure and suggest that the proteins have limited main-chain flexibility.  相似文献   

DF1 is a small, idealized model for carboxylate-bridged diiron proteins. This protein was designed to form a dimeric four-helix bundle with a dimetal ion-binding site near the center of the structure, and its crystal structure has confirmed that it adopts the intended conformation. However, the protein showed limited solubility in aqueous buffer, and access to its active site was blocked by two hydrophobic side chains. The sequence of DF1 has now been modified to provide a very soluble protein (DF2) that binds metal ions in a rapid and reversible manner. Furthermore, the DF2 protein shows significant ferroxidase activity, suggesting that its dimetal center is accessible to oxygen. The affinity of DF2 for various first-row divalent cations deviates from the Irving-Willliams series, suggesting that its structure imparts significant geometric preferences on the metal ion-binding site. Furthermore, in the absence of metal ions, the protein folds into a dimer with concomitant binding of two protons. The uptake of two protons is expected if the structure of the apo-protein is similar to that of the crystal structure of dizinc DF1. Thus, this result suggests that the active site of DF2 is retained in the absence of metal ions.  相似文献   

2-Hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2(')-aminophenyl)-hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolases (CarC enzymes) from two carbazole-degrading bacteria were purified using recombinant Escherichia coli strains with the histidine (His)-tagged purification system. The His-tagged CarC (ht-CarC) enzymes from Pseudomonas resinovorans strain CA10 (ht-CarC(CA10)) and Janthinobacterium sp. strain J3 (ht-CarC(J3)) exhibited hydrolase activity toward 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate as the purified native CarC(CA10) did. ht-CarC(J3) was crystallized in the space group I422 with cell dimensions of a=b=130.3A, c=84.5A in the hexagonal setting, and the crystal structure of ht-CarC(J3) was determined at 1.86A resolution. The final refined model of ht-CarC(J3) yields an R-factor of 21.6%, although the electron-density corresponding to Ile146 to Asn155 was ambiguous in the final model. We compared the known structures of BphD from Rhodococcus sp. strain RHA1 and CumD from Pseudomonas fluorescens strain IP01. The backbone conformation of ht-CarC(J3) was better superimposed with CumD than with BphD(RHA1). The side-chain directions of Arg185 and Trp262 residues in the substrate binding pockets of these enzymes were different among these proteins, suggesting that these residues may take a conformational change during the catalytic cycles.  相似文献   

Improving coiled-coil stability by optimizing ionic interactions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Alpha-helical coiled coils are a common protein oligomerization motif stabilized mainly by hydrophobic interactions occurring along the coiled-coil interface. We have recently designed and solved the structure of a two-heptad repeat coiled-coil peptide that is stabilized further by a complex network of inter- and intrahelical salt-bridges in addition to the hydrophobic interactions. Here, we extend and improve the de novo design of this two heptad-repeat peptide by four newly designed peptides characterized by different types of ionic interactions. The contribution of these different types of ionic interactions to coiled-coil stability are analyzed by CD spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation. We show that all peptides are highly alpha-helical and two of them are 100% dimeric under physiological conditions. Furthermore, we have solved the X-ray structure of the most stable of these peptides and the rational design principles are verified by comparing this structure to the structure of the parent peptide. We show that by combining the most favorable inter- and intrahelical salt-bridge arrangements it is possible to design coiled-coil oligomerization domains with improved stability properties.  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolases catalyze the conversion of epoxides to diols. The known functions of such enzymes include detoxification of xenobiotics, drug metabolism, synthesis of signaling compounds, and intermediary metabolism. In plants, epoxide hydrolases are thought to participate in general defense systems. In the present study, we report the first structure of a plant epoxide hydrolase, one of the four homologous enzymes found in potato. The structure was solved by molecular replacement and refined to a resolution of 1.95 A. Analysis of the structure allows a better understanding of the observed substrate specificities and activity. Further, comparisons with mammalian and fungal epoxide hydrolase structures reported earlier show the basis of differing substrate specificities in the various epoxide hydrolase subfamilies. Most plant enzymes, like the potato epoxide hydrolase, are expected to be monomers with a preference for substrates with long lipid-like substituents of the epoxide ring. The significance of these results in the context of biological roles and industrial applications is discussed.  相似文献   

To identify sequence-specific motifs associated with the formation of an ionic pore, we systematically evaluated the channel-forming activity of synthetic peptides with sequence of predicted transmembrane segments of the voltage-gated calcium channel. The amino acid sequence of voltage-gated, dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive calcium channels suggests the presence in each of four homologous repeats (I-IV) of six segments (S1-S6) predicted to form membrane-spanning, alpha-helical structures. Only peptides representing amphipathic segments S2 or S3 form channels in lipid bilayers. To generate a functional calcium channel based on a four-helix bundle motif, four-helix bundle proteins representing IVS2 (T4CaIVS2) or IVS3 (T4CaIVS3) were synthesized. Both proteins form cation-selective channels, but with distinct characteristics: the single-channel conductance in 50 mM BaCl2 is 3 pS and 10 pS. For T4CaIVS3, the conductance saturates with increasing concentration of divalent cation. The dissociation constants for Ba2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+ are 13.6 mM, 17.7 mM, and 15.0 mM, respectively. The conductance of T4CaIVS2 does not saturate up to 150 mM salt. Whereas T4CaIVS3 is blocked by microM Ca2+ and Cd2+, T4CaIVS2 is not blocked by divalent cations. Only T4CaIVS3 is modulated by enantiomers of the DHP derivative BayK 8644, demonstrating sequence requirement for specific drug action. Thus, only T4CaIVS3 exhibits pore properties characteristic also of authentic calcium channels. The designed functional calcium channel may provide insights into fundamental mechanisms of ionic permeation and drug action, information that may in turn further our understanding of molecular determinants underlying authentic pore structures.  相似文献   

We describe the insertion of an iron-sulfur center into a designed four alpha-helix model protein. The model protein was re-engineered by introducing four cysteine ligands required for the coordination of the mulinucleate cluster into positions in the main-chain directly analogous to the domain predicted to ligand the interpeptide [4Fe-4S (S-cys)4] cluster, Fx, from PsaA and PsaB of the Photosystem I reaction center. This was achieved by inserting the sequence, CDGPGRGGTC, which is conserved in PsaA and PsaB, into interhelical loops 1 and 3 of the four alpha-helix model. The holoprotein was characterized spectroscopically after insertion of the iron-sulfur center in vitro. EPR spectra confirmed the cluster is a [4Fe-4S] type, indicating that the cysteine thiolate ligands were positioned as designed. The midpoint potential of the iron-sulfur center in the model holoprotein was determined via redox titration and shown to be -422 mV (pH 8.3, n = 1). The results support proposals advanced for the structure of the domain of the [4Fe-4S] Fx cluster in Photosystem I based upon sequence predictions and molecular modeling. We suggest that the lower potential of the Fx cluster is most likely due to factors in the protein environment of Fx rather than the identity of the residues proximal to the coordinating ligands.  相似文献   

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