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By deprotonation reaction of the rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complex, ClRe(CO)3(H2bpydt) (2, H2dpydt = 2-(di(2-pyridyl)methylene)-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid, our previous work in J. Organomet. Chem. 694 (2009) 763), complex 3, [Bu4N][ClRe(CO)3(Hbpydt)], is synthesized and characterized. Using 3 as the starting material, two trinuclear heterometallic complexes M(MeOH)4[ClRe(CO)3(Hbpydt)]2·2MeOH (M = Cu, 4; M = Mn, 5) are obtained. The crystal structures of 2-5 have been determined by X-ray crystallography. Complexes 4 and 5 are isostructural. Their absorption and emission properties are studied. The magnetic properties of complexes 4 and 5 have also been investigated.  相似文献   

Reaction of 4,6-dimethylpyrimidine-2(1H)-thione (Me2pymSH) with mer-[ReOCl3(Me2S)(OPPh3)] synthon in 1:1 molar ratio in refluxing acetone, results in the replacement of the Me2S ligand to form the mer-[ReOCl3(Me2pymSH)(OPPh3)] species. X-ray diffraction shows that the structure of the title compound consists of monomeric units with a distorted octahedral coordination around the rhenium(V) centre which includes the axial ReO and Re---OPPh3 bonds, and in which three Cl ions and a S-monodentate neutral Me2pymSH ligand act as equatorial ligands. The compound was also characterised using electrochemical measurements and UV–Vis–NIR and IR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Normally, ReOCl3 (Me2S) (OPPh3) (1) serves as a useful source of ReO3+ or ReOClx(3−x)+ for the synthesis of Re complexes by ligand exchange. Complexes of the type ReOCl3(OPPh3)(L) (L = 1,5,6-trimethylbenzimidazole (Me3Bzm) (2); 3,5-lutidine (3,5-lut) (3); pyridine (py) (4)) were prepared from 1 and one equivalent of L. Formation of these mixed-ligand complexes is unsual because the normally labile OPPh3 in 1 was retained. Addition of non-coordinating triethylamine (NEt3) gave [HNEt3][ReOCl4(OPPh3] (5). The anion in 5 has been populated to be an intermediate in some synthetic schemes. ReOCl3(OPPh3)(Me3Bzm) (2) was characterized by X-ray crystallography. Crystallographic data are: C28H27Cl3N2O2PRe, P21/c, A = 18.503(3), B = 9.780(2), C = 15.735(4) Å, β = 97.56(2)°, Dcalc = 1.76 g cm−3, Z = 4, R = 0.041, Rw = 0.066 for 3193 independent reflections. In 2, the pseudo-octahedral Re has the OPPh3 ligand trans to the oxo ligand, and one of the OPPh3 phenyl rings lies nearly over the five-membered ring of Me3Bzm. Reaction of ReOCl3(OPPh3)(Me3Bzm) (2) with one equivalent of 3,5-lut or py resulted in the precipitation of mixed-ligand species best formulated as Re2O3Cl4(Me3Bzm)2(3,5-lut)2 (6) and Re2O3Cl4(Me3Bzm)2(py)2 (7), respectively.  相似文献   

A novel five-coordinate rhenium(III)-thiolato complex, Re(SCH2C6H4OCH3-p)3(PPh3)2 has been isolated during the reaction of trans-ReOCl3(PPh3)2 with p-methoxybenzyl mercaptan. In the unexpected structure that was acquired, the central metal has undergone a reduction from Re(V) to Re(III). The five-coordinate Re(III) complex has been characterized by spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and X-ray crystallography. X-ray crystallographic studies showed the coordination geometry around rhenium to be that of a trigonal bipyramid. The basal plane is defined by three sulfur atoms of the monodentate ligand, while the two apical positions are occupied by two phosphines of the precursor.  相似文献   

The salt Ag+ReO4 − shows an orange luminescence (λmax=580 nm), which originates from a AgI → ReVII MMCT triplet.  相似文献   

Treatment of a THF solution of trans-[ReCl(N2)L4] (L = PMePh2) with a cyanamide, NCNR2 (R = Me, Et or H) or with cyanoguanidine, NCNC(NH2)2 , yields mer-[ReCl(N2)(NCNR2)L3] (1) or mer-[Re(N2)[Re(N2){NCNC(NH2)2}2L3]Cl (2), respectively, which, to our knowledge, are the first mixed dinitrogen-cyanamide-type complexes to be reported. The former products (1, R=Me or Et) can also be obtained from reaction of the benzoyldiazenido complex [ReCl2(NNCOPh)L3] with NCNR2 in refluxing methanol; the Re(II) complex mer-[ReCl2(NCNEt2)L3] (3) is also formed (conceivably via an unusual homolysis of the C---N bond of the benzoyldiazenido ligand) and its crystal structure is reported. It shows an unusual pyramidal conformation at the amine N atom of the diethylcyanamide ligand which also exhibits a significant structural trans influence on the phosphine, behaving as a stronger net electron donor than the latter ligand.  相似文献   

Three new copper(I) complexes with tricyclohexylphosphine (PCy3) and different diimine ligands, [Cu(phen)(PCy3)]BF4 (1) (phen = 1,10′-phennanthroline), [Cu(bpy)(PCy3)2]BF4 (2) (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine) and [Cu(MeO-CNN)(PCy3)]BF4 (3) (MeO-CNN = 6-(4-methoxyl)phenyl-2,2′-bipyridine), have been synthesized and characterized. X-ray structure reveals that complexes 1 and 3 are three-coordinated with trigonal geometry, while complex 2 adopts distorted tetrahedron geometry. Complexes 1 and 3 exhibit ligand redistribution reactions in chloromethane solution by addition of excess amount of PCy3, in which three-coordinated 1 changes into four-coordinated [Cu(phen)(PCy3)2]+, and 3 leads to form [Cu(PCy3)2]BF4 and CNN-OMe. All the three complexes display yellow 3MLCT emissions in solid state at room temperature with λmax at 558, 564 and 582 nm for 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and red-shift to 605, 628 and 643 nm at 77 K in dichloromethane solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, a series of 4,5-diazafluoren-9-one-derived (Dafo-derived) diimine ligands and their corresponding Cu(I) complexes with bis(2-(diphenylphosphanyl)phenyl) ether as the auxiliary ligand are synthesized. Relationships between diimine ligands and photophysical properties of their corresponding Cu(I) complexes are discussed in detail. It is found that the introduction of an electron-donor moiety into one diimine ligand leads to a dramatic red shift of the absorption of corresponding Cu(I) complex, while, an electron-acceptor moiety demonstrates no obvious effect on Cu(I) complex absorption when introduced into diimine ligand. In addition, it is found that the intraligand charge transfer of Dafo-derived ligands acts as an efficient luminescence quencher within their corresponding Cu(I) complexes, leading to luminescence absence from metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer (MLCT) excited state.  相似文献   

The reaction of cis-[ReO2I(PPh3)2] with 3-methyl-2-aminophenol (H2map) in ethanol led to the formation of trans-[Re(map)(Hmap)I(PPh3)2]I. The X-ray crystal structure shows that the ligand map is coordinated monodentately through the doubly deprotonated amino nitrogen and is therefore present as an imide. The chelate Hmap is coordinated via the neutral amino nitrogen and the singly deprotonated phenolate oxygen, which is coordinated trans to the imido nitrogen. In benzene equimolar quantities of cis-[ReO2I(PPh3)2] and 4-methyl-2-aminophenol (H2amp) produced the five-coordinate cis-[ReO2(Hamp)(PPh3)]. A twofold molar excess of 2-aminophenol (H2ap) yielded the six-coordinate [ReO(Hap)(ap)(PPh3)]. The chelate ap is coordinated through the deprotonated phenolate oxygen and the singly deprotonated amino nitrogen (amide).  相似文献   

The reactions of [(H5C6)3P]2ReH6 with (CH3CN)3Cr(CO)3, (diglyme)Mo(CO)3 or (C3H7CN)3W(CO)3 led to the formation of [(H5C6)3P]2ReH6M(CO)3 (M = Cr, Mo, W) complexes. These have been characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopies, as well as elemental analyses. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study has also been carried out for the M = Cr complex as a K(18-crown-6)+ salt. The complex crystallizes as a THF monosolvate in the monoclinic space group P21/n with a = 22.323(6), B = 9.523(2), C = 27.502(5) Å, β = 104.98(2)0 and V = 5648 Å3 for Z = 4. The Re---Cr separation is 2.5745(12) Å, and the two phosphine ligands are oriented unsymmetrically. Although the hydride ligands were not found, the presence of three bridging hydrides and a dodecahedral coordination geometry about rhenium could be inferred. Low temperature 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopic studies did not reveal the low symmetry of the solid state structure.  相似文献   

Analogy with the isolable oxo cluster [Fe3(CO)93-O)]2−, which is structurally interesting and synthetically useful, prompted the present attempt to synthesize its ruthenium analog. Although the high reactivity of [Ru3(CO)93-O)]2− (I) prevented its isolation, the reaction of this species with [M(CO)3(NCCH3)]+, where M = Mn or Re, yields [PPN][MRu3(CO)1223-NC(μ-O)CH3]. The high nucleophilicity of the oxo ligand in [Ru3(CO)93-O)]2− (I) appears to be responsible for the conversion of acetonitrile to an acetamidediato ligand and for the instability of I. The crystal structure of [PPN][MnRu3(CO)1223-NC(μ-O)CH3)]] reveals a hinged butterfly array of metal atoms in which the acetamidediato ligand bridges the two wings with μ3-N bonding to an Mn and two Ru atoms, and μ-O bonding to an Ru atom.  相似文献   

Crystallisation of simple cyanoruthenate complex anions [Ru(NN)(CN)4]2− (NN = 2,2′-bipyridine or 1,10-phenanthroline) in the presence of Lewis-acidic cations such as Ln(III) or guanidinium cations results, in addition to the expected [Ru(NN)(CN)4]2− salts, in the formation of small amounts of salts of the dinuclear species [Ru2(NN)2(CN)7]3−. These cyanide-bridged anions have arisen from the combination of two monomer units [Ru(NN)(CN)4]2− following the loss of one cyanide, presumably as HCN. The crystal structures of [Nd(H2O)5.5][Ru2(bipy)2(CN)7] · 11H2O and [Pr(H2O)6][Ru2(phen)2(CN)7] · 9H2O show that the cyanoruthenate anions form Ru-CN-Ln bridges to the Ln(III) cations, resulting in infinite coordination polymers consisting of fused Ru2Ln2(μ-CN)4 squares and Ru4Ln2(μ-CN)6 hexagons, which alternate to form a one-dimensional chain. In [CH6N3]3[Ru2(bipy)2(CN)7] · 2H2O in contrast the discrete complex anions are involved in an extensive network of hydrogen-bonding involving terminal cyanide ligands, water molecules, and guanidinium cations. In the [Ru2(NN)2(CN)7]3− anions themselves the two NN ligands are approximately eclipsed, lying on the same side of the central Ru-CN-Ru axis, such that their peripheries are in close contact. Consequently, when NN = 4,4′-tBu2-2,2′-bipyridine the steric bulk of the t-butyl groups prevents the formation of the dinuclear anions, and the only product is the simple salt of the monomer, [CH6N3]2[Ru(tBu2bipy)(CN)4] · 2H2O. We demonstrated by electrospray mass spectrometry that the dinuclear by-product [Ru2(phen)2(CN)7]3− could be formed in significant amounts during the synthesis of monomeric [Ru(phen)(CN)4]2− if the reaction time was too long or the medium too acidic. In the solid state the luminescence properties of [Ru2(bipy)2(CN)7]3− (as its guanidinium salt) are comparable to those of monomeric [Ru(bipy)(CN)4]2−, with a 3MLCT emission at 581 nm.  相似文献   

The preparation, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of two rhenium(IV) mononuclear compounds of formula NBu4[ReX5(DMF)] with X = Cl (1) and Br (2) are reported. 1 and 2 are isostructural complexes which crystallize in the monoclinic system with the space group P21/n. The rhenium atom is six-coordinated with five X atoms and a DMF molecule forming a somewhat distorted octahedral surrounding [values of Re-X varying in the ranges 2.317(1)-2.358(1) (1) and 2.495(1)-2.518(1) Å (2)]. Magnetic susceptibility measurements on samples of 1 and 2 in the temperature range 1.9-300 K are interpreted in terms of magnetically isolated spin quartets with large values of the zero-field-splitting (|2D| is ca. 20.2 and 39.2 cm−1 for 1 and 2, respectively).  相似文献   

1:1 adducts of N,N′-bis(benzophenone)-1,2-diiminoethane (bz2en) with copper(I) chloride, bromide and iodide, [Cu(bz2en)2][CuX2] (X = Cl, Br, and I), have been synthesized and the structures of the solid bromide and iodide adducts were determined by X-ray crystallography from single-crystal data. The solid-state structure reveals ionic complexes containing a cation of copper(I) ion coordinated to four nitrogen atoms of two bz2en molecules (distorted tetrahedron) and a linear dibromocuprate(I) and a di-μ-iodo-diiododicuprate(I) anion for the bromo and iodo adducts, respectively. The bromo adduct structure contains CH?Br intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The complexes are very stable towards atmospheric oxygen in the solid state. The spectral properties of the above complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

A series of luminescent tetranuclear cuboidal copper(I) diynyl complexes, [Cu4(PAr3)431-CCCCR′)4] (Ar=Ph, R′=Ph, C6H4CH3-p, C6H4OCH3-p; Ar=C6H4CH3-p, C6H4F-p, R′=Ph) has been synthesized and characterized. The X-ray crystal structure of [Cu4(PPh3)431-CCCCPh)4] has been determined. The origin of the low-energy emission in the complexes is assigned as derived from a metal-centered 3d94s1 state, mixed with LMCT [diynyl→Cu4] and IL [π-π*(diynyl)] states.  相似文献   

The N,N-diethylcarbamato derivative of zirconium(IV), Zr(O2CNEt2)4 has been studied by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data: C20H40Na4O8Zr, monoclinic, space group C2/c, a = 14.057(1), b = 12.168(1), c = 16.746(2) Å, β = 108.071(4)°, Z = 4, Dc = 1.356, F(000) = 1168, T = 213 K. The compound is isotypic with the corresponding niobium(IV) derivative with a dodecahedral coordination at the zirconium atom. By reaction of NbCl4(THF)2 with Tl(hfacac), the hexafluoroacetylacetonato derivative of niobium (IV), Nb(hfacac)4, has been prepared and structurally characterized. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pna21 with the following cell constants: a = 10.399(4), b = 15.852(9), c = 119.073(1) Å. It is not isotypic with the corresponding zirconium(IV) derivative, Zr(hfacac)4. Crystal data: C20H4F24O8Zr, monoclinic, space group P21/n, a = 11.974(4), b = 20.451(6), c = 13.140(3) Å, β = 104.487(11)°, Z = 4, Dc = 1.960, F(000) = 1776, T = 223 K. Although in both compounds the central metal atom shows a square antiprismatic coordination, the coordination mode of the ligands is different and slight deviations from the D4(llll) and C2(llss) ideal geometries have been observed in the case of niobium and zirconium, respectively. An EPR study has been performed on the Nb(IV) derivatives as diluted solid solutions in frozen organic solvents or in the diamagnetic matrix of the corresponding zirconium(IV) compound. The EPR spectra have confirmed the presence of non-interacting paramagnets in the solid solutions and, in the case of Nb(O2CNEt2)4, the point symmetry of the paramagnetic centre has been found to be in agreement with the results of the X-ray investigation. An EPR spectrum of rhombic symmetry has been observed for the hexafluoroacetylacetonato derivative of Nb(IV) when diluted in frozen THF solution or in Zr(hfacac)4.  相似文献   

The reaction of AgX (X=ClO4, NO3 or SO3CH3) acceptors with excesses of tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane ligands L (L=CH(pz)3, CH(4-Mepz)3, CH(3,5-Me2pz)3, CH(3,4,5-Me3pz)3 or CH(3-Mepz)2(5-Mepz)) yields 1:1 [AgX(L)], 2:1 [Ag(L)2]X or 3:2 [(AgX)2(L)3] complexes. The ligand to metal ratio in all complexes is dependent on the number and disposition of the Me substituents on the azole ring of the neutral ligand and on the nature of the Ag(I) acceptor. All complexes have been characterized in the solid state as well as in solution (medium- and far-IR, 1H and 13C NMR and conductivity determinations) and the solid-state structures of [Ag(NO3){(pz)3CH}](∞/∞) and [Ag{(3,5-Me2pz)3CH}2]NO3 determined by single crystal X-ray studies.  相似文献   

Two new rhenium(IV) mononuclear compounds of formula NBu4[ReBr4(OCN)(DMF)] (1) and (NBu4)2[ReBr(OCN)2(NCO)3] (2) (NBu4 = tetrabutylammonium cation, OCN = O-bonded cyanate anion, NCO = N-bonded cyanate anion and DMF = N,N-dimethylformamide) have been synthesized and their crystal structures determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic system with the space group P21/n, whereas 2 crystallizes in the triclinic one with as space group. In both complexes the rhenium atom is six-coordinated, in 1 by four Br atoms in the equatorial plane, and two trans-oxygen atoms, one of a DMF molecule and another one from a cyanato group, while in 2 by one bromide anion and five cyanate ligands, two of which are O-bonded and three N-bonded, forming a somewhat distorted octahedral surrounding. Magnetic susceptibility measurements on polycrystalline samples of 1 and 2 in the temperature range 1.9-300 K are interpreted in terms of magnetically isolated spin quartets with large values of the zero-field splitting (|2D| is ca. 41.6 and 39.2 cm−1 for 1 and 2, respectively).  相似文献   

The reaction of pyridine-2-thiol with AgBF4 and AgClO4 in MeCN gave rise to polymeric compounds [{Ag(HPyS)2}2(BF4)2]n (1) and [{Ag(HPyS)2}2(ClO4)2]n (2) (HPyS=pyridine-2-thione), respectively, while the similar reaction of pyridine-2-thiol with AgNO3 resulted in a polymeric compound [{Ag4(HPyS)6}(NO3)4]n (3). X-ray single-crystal diffraction analyses showed that the cations of both 1 and 2 possess a single-metal-atom chain structure but that of 3 is a double-metal-atom chain structure. The difference between 1 (or 2) and 3 showed counterion effect in polymerization of silver-thione compounds. In the presence of water, the treatment of pyridine-2-thiol with AgBF4 in DMF at 0 °C generated a polymeric compound [Ag(SPy)]n (4) (Spy=pyridine-2-thiolate) with graphite-like layered array of silver ions. Compound 4 can convert into its isomer [Ag6(SPy)6]n (5) through soaking in DMF for 1 month. However, the similar reaction of pyridine-2-thiol with AgBF4 in MeCN-H2O (v:v=40:1) at room temperature gave another layered polymeric compound [{Ag5(Spy)4(HPyS)}BF4]n (6). The preparation of 4, 5, and 6 showed that temperature and solvent exert influence on formation of silver-thiolate polymers. The reaction of AgNO3 with K2i-mnt (i-mnt=2,2-dicyanoethene-1,1,-dithiolate) and pyridine-2-thiol gave a polymer [Ag44-i-mnt)2(μ-HPyS)2(μ-HPyS)4/2]n (7) with one-dimensional (1-D) chain structure consisting of Ag4 square planar cluster units linked by 1H-pyridine-2-thione ligand. The treatment of AgNO3 with NaS2CNEt2 and pyridine-2-thiol in DMF resulted in another polymeric compound [Ag43-S2CNEt2)22-SPy)4/2]n (8). The preparation and characterization of these polymeric compounds demonstrated that polymerization of silver(I)-thione and silver(I)-thiolate complexes is tunable through controlling reaction conditions. Semiconducting property studies of 1-8 demonstrated that the electrical conductivity of 4 is 2.04×10−5 S cm−1 at 25 °C and increases as temperature rises, and those of 1-3 and 5-8 are in the range of 1×10−12-1×10−15 S cm−1 at room temperature and independent on the temperature, indicating that 1 is a semiconductor and the others are insulators.  相似文献   

The mixed-valence compound [CuI(dmp)2][CuII(hfac)3] with dmp=2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline and hfac=hexafluoroacetylacetonate has been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The MV interaction has been examined by emission spectroscopy. The phosphorescence of [CuI(dmp)2]+ is completely quenched. It is suggested that this quenching takes place by excited state electron transfer from Cu(I) to Cu(II).  相似文献   

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