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We have developed an autoradiographic/electrophoretic assay capable of distinguishing mouse and human beta2-microglobulin (beta2m) in spent culture media. The method is applicable to mouse and human lines and to hybrid cell lines made from them. With this technique, mouse/human hybrid cell lines were tested for the presence of human beta2m. Isozyme and karyotype analyses were also carried out with the hybrids. The combined results of these studies show that the structural gene for human beta2m is on the long arm of chromosome 15.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is a reversible phenomenon that affects the expression of genes depending on their parental origin. The best characterized human disorders resulting from an alteration of the imprinting process are Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes. They are due to the lack of active maternal or paternal genes, respectively, from chromosome region 15q11q13. Most cases arise via interstitial deletions. We review evidence that other common cytogenetic alterations of this region, interstitial and supernumerary duplications, could be the reciprocal products of the deletions and are also affected by the imprinting phenomenon, given the predominance of maternally-derived duplications in patients ascertained due to developmental delays or autistic features.  相似文献   

We present a detailed molecular evolutionary analysis of 1.2 Mb from the pericentromeric region of human 15q11. Sequence analysis indicates the region has been subject to extensive interchromosomal and intrachromosomal duplications during primate evolution. Comparative FISH analyses among non-human primates show remarkable quantitative and qualitative differences in the organization and duplication history of this region - including lineage-specific deletions and duplication expansions. Phylogenetic and comparative analyses reveal that the region is composed of at least 24 distinct segmental duplications or duplicons that have populated the pericentromeric regions of the human genome over the last 40 million years of human evolution. The value of combining both cytogenetic and experimental data in understanding the complex forces which have shaped these regions is discussed.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel, maternally expressed imprinted gene encoding a C/D-box small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) called MBII-343, which may regulate RNA editing or alternative splicing of an as yet unknown target gene. This gene is closely linked to an imprinted gene, Meg3, on mouse distal chromosome 12, which is syntenic to human chromosome 14. The paternal duplication of mouse distal chromosome 12 leads to late embryonal/neonatal lethality, growth promotion, and cardiomyopathy, whereas maternal duplication leads to late embryonal lethality and growth retardation. Human paternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 14 leads to musculoskeletal problems and mental retardation, whereas maternal uniparental disomy leads to intrauterine growth retardation, motor developmental delay, premature puberty, hypotonia, joint laxity, macrocephaly, short statue, neonatal poor sucking, skill with jigsaw puzzles, skin picking, obesity, and maturity onset diabetes of the young.  相似文献   

Imprinting evolution and human health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic imprinting results in parent-of-origin-dependent, monoallelic expression of genes. The functional haploid state of these genes has far-reaching consequences. Not only has imprinting been implicated in accelerating mammalian speciation, there is growing evidence that it is also involved in the pathogenesis of several human conditions, particularly cancer and neurological disorders. Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms govern the parental allele-specific silencing of imprinted genes, and many theories have attempted to explain the driving force for the evolution of this unique form of gene control. This review discusses the evolution of imprinting in Therian mammals, and the importance of imprinted genes in human health and disease.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping between the human and chicken genomes has revealed a striking conservation of synteny between the genomes of these two species, but the results have been based on low-resolution comparative maps. To address this conserved synteny in much more detail, a high-resolution human-chicken comparative map was constructed from human chromosome 15. Mapping, sequencing, and ordering of specific chicken bacterial artificial chromosomes has improved the comparative map of chromosome 15 (Hsa15) and the homologous regions in chicken with almost 100 new genes and/or expressed sequence tags. A comparison of Hsa15 with chicken identified seven conserved chromosomal segments between the two species. In chicken, these were on chromosome 1 (Gga1; two segments), Gga5 (two segments), and Gga10 (three segments). Although four conserved segments were also observed between Hsa15 and mouse, only one of the underlying rearrangement breakpoints was located at the same position as in chicken, indicating that the rearrangements generating the other three breakpoints occurred after the divergence of the rodent and the primate lineages. A high-resolution comparison of Gga10 with Hsa15 identified 19 conserved blocks, indicating the presence of at least 16 intrachromosomal rearrangement breakpoints in the bird lineage after the separation of birds and mammals. These results improve our knowledge of the evolution and dynamics of the vertebrate genomes and will aid in the clarification of the mechanisms that underlie the differentiation between the vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Mouse chromosome 15   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Committee Members: R. Duncan and J. Todd.  相似文献   

Summary The marked binding of antibodies specific for 5-methylcytidine to the short arm of chromosome 15 distinguishes this chromosome from the other human acrocentrics. This method has been used to study over 60 individuals including 12 who did not have Down's syndrome, but who did have an extra G-group sized acrocentric chromosome. In six cases the extra chromosome did not show intensive binding of anti-5-methylcytidine. In the other six cases, the extra chromosome contained a 5-methylcytidine rich band at each end indicating that both ends were derived from chromosome 15 and contained centromeric heterochromatin normally present on the short arm of chromosome 15. The duplication of short arm material in the abnormal chromosomes was confirmed in all cases by quinacrine staining, nucleolar organizer (Ag-AS) staining or C-banding. In three cases, the abnormal chromosome appeared to arise from two different chromosomes 15. Several possible mechanisms for the production of the abnormal chromosome are discussed. The individuals with this abnormal chromosome all showed some degree of mental retardation, but few common physical findings.  相似文献   

Protein 4.2 (P4.2), one of the major components of the red-blood-cell membrane, is located on the interior surface, where it binds with high affinity to the cytoplasmic domain of band 3. Individuals whose red blood cells are deficient in P4.2 have osmotically fragile, abnormally shaped cells and moderate hemolytic anemia. cDNA clones from both the 5' and the 3' coding regions of the P4.2 gene were used to map its chromosomal location by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The probes, individually or in combination, gave specific hybridization signals on chromosome 15. The hybridization locus was identified by combining fluorescence images of the probe signals with fluorescence banding patterns generated by Alu-PCR (R-like) probe and by DAPI staining (G-like). Our results demonstrate that the locus of the P4.2 gene is located within 15q15.  相似文献   

A mapped set of DNA markers for human chromosome 15   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A primary genetic linkage map for human chromosome 15 has been constructed from 16 arbitrary DNA markers genotyped in 59 large reference families. The map spans a genetic distance of 146 cM in males and 187 cM in females. The ratio of female/male genetic distance was approximately 2.1 overall within the region of the chromosome covered by our map, but three segments showed a significant male excess in recombination frequency. A subset of seven of the linked markers would be enough to detect linkage of a genetic defect within the mapped region of chromosome 15, if at least 48 phase-known meioses in affected families were available for analysis.  相似文献   

The CEPH consortium map of chromosome 15q is presented. The map contains 41 loci defined by genotypes generated from CEPH family DNAs with 45 different probe and restriction enzyme combinations contributed by 10 laboratories. A total of 29 loci have been placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1. The map extends from 15q13 to 15q25-qter. Multipoint linkage analyses provided estimates that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 127, 190, and 158 cM, respectively. The largest interval is 21 cM and is between D15S37 and D15S74. The on-average locus spacing is 5.6 cM and the mean genetic distance between the 21 uniquely placed loci is 8 cM.  相似文献   

Human coronavirus 229E, n enveloped, RNA-containing virus, causes respiratory illness in man and is serologically related to murine coronavirus JHM, which causes acute and chronic demyelination in rodents. 229E displays a species-specific host range restriction whose genetic basis was studied in human-mouse hybrids. 229E replicated in human WI-38 cells but not in three mouse cell lines tested (RAG, LM/TK-, and A9). Human coronavirus sensitivity (HCVS) was expressed as a dominant phenotype in hybrids, indicating that mouse cells do not actively suppress 229E replication. HCVS segregated concordantly with the human chromosome 15 enzyme markers mannose phosphate isomerase (MPI) and the muscle form of pyruvate kinase (PKM2), and analysis of hybrids containing an X/15 translocation [t(X;15)(p11;q11)] localized HCVS to the q11 leads to qter region of chromosome 15. HCVS might code for a specific surface receptor, allowing 229E to be absorbed to and received within the host cell.  相似文献   

Summary Two new cases of ring chromosome 15 are reported. A review of the nine cases described in the literature shows that ring chromosomes 15 are associated with a rather uniform phenotype characterized by slight to moderate mental retardation, marked pre- and postnatal growth failure, triangular face, and short hands and feet.  相似文献   

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